All Those Supporting Lockdowns and Compliance Have Blood on their Hands

All Those Supporting Lockdowns and Compliance Have Blood on their Hands

by Gary D. Barnett,
November 25, 2020


“Disobedience is the true foundation of liberty. The obedient must be slaves.”
~ Henry David Thoreau (2006). “Thoreau and the Art of Life: Precepts and Principles”, p.23, Heron Dance Press

There is one thing that is perfectly clear about this predicament we are in today concerning the tyrannical takeover of this country and the world by the controlling few. That is that the people of this country are their own worst enemy, and have no claim to the ‘victim’ argument, because all their problems are self-induced. Every order taken has been voluntary, and that idiotic behavior has led to disaster and death. The powerful have not used guns and bombs to gain the submission of the American people; the people simply did as they were instructed, down to destroying their livelihoods, harming their own families, hiding under their beds, wearing deadly masks, and allowing their lives to lose all meaning. Cowardice at this level is so pathetic as to border on insanity. What happened to this society to make the inhabitants act in such a pitiful and sorry manner? Is it simply fear? I think not, as real fear drives people to protect themselves, not voluntarily allow for their own slavery and death.

But there is much more to this mob reaction than meets the eye. Most of the people in this country not only comply with every single draconian mandate, but also demand that others do so as well. This means that most of the citizenry are not only destroying themselves, but also wish to inflict the same result on everyone else, especially those courageous dissenters with brain cells and the ability to see through this deception. This gives new meaning to the idea of the herd choosing ‘equality’ by wanting everyone to be slaves, so that they can continue to wallow and complain about their chosen lot in life while hoping for their rulers to save them by dominating them. What this exposes is that many of your neighbors are your enemy more so than any government. The people themselves are to blame for this travesty.

It is brutally obvious that this general population cannot see past a television screen locked on to CNN or Fox, and since both sides of the political spectrum believe almost identically, what chance is there of any awakening by large numbers of people? It seems that the ruling members of society have carte blanche in their efforts to complete this communistic and technocratic takeover, because not only is there little if any real resistance to autocratic rule, but the sheep are actually helping those that wish to control them. They have become the state, as they promote tyranny against all, and are willing to monitor and surveil their neighbors on behalf of the government. This country has become a breeding ground for state sponsored stooges. The term that “people are basically good” has been turned on its head!

The lockdowns alone are responsible for massive death and destruction, and are now being ramped up around this country and the world in gleeful anticipation of the coming flu season. The upcoming holidays will be used as fodder to blame all those who wish to be with family and friends for causing new outbreaks of a fake virus, this while the state’s favored donors like Walmart, Costco, Amazon, and many other claimed ‘essential’ businesses, will welcome millions into their stores while commoner’s businesses will be closed due to the bogus risk of spreading a fake virus. New orders, mandates, sanctions, and decrees are coming very soon, and any that wish to enjoy the holidays will be cursed for their selfish desires by the state and their neighbors as well.

The state and every single person supporting the state are fully responsible for all the carnage happening today. Massive poverty is upon us, as purposely-created food shortages are causing great havoc. Loss of income due to shutdowns is literally taking food out of the mouths of children worldwide. Government lockdowns have devastated most of this population, and caused job loss, destruction of livelihoods, and tremendous psychological damage. Suicides are completely out of control, and getting worse every day, all caused by the response to this false flag coup called Covid.

We are living in a time of madness, of murder, of brutality, of indifference, and of the planned destruction of this country and the human spirit. Those involved in this fraud should be held accountable, and this includes not only the self-claimed ‘elite’ controllers, but also the government at every level, and all those that are supporting or calling for lockdowns, mandated vaccines, or any isolation measures whatsoever.  Any defending, justifying, and assisting government in these efforts are promoting the deaths of millions of people around the world. Their blood is on your hands!

I will never forget those that are responsible for this carnage, or any citizen that assists the state in its efforts to destroy humanity. As children starve, as suicide explodes, as poverty consumes the world, as poisons are forcibly injected into the innocent, as economies are purposely decimated, and as millions die, those that are responsible, those that assist and support this travesty, and those that stand silent, are all to blame, and are guilty of allowing murder, genocide, and abomination. The depth of this evil is limitless.

What manner of human is this?


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