Amazon Bans Int’l Seed Sales: Problem, Reaction, Famine: Technocrats Take Control of Seeds

Amazon Bans Int’l Seed Sales: Problem, Reaction, Famine: Technocrats Take Control of Seeds

by Christian Westbrook, Ice Age Farmer
September 8, 2020


Also available at Ice Age Farmer YouTube channel.

Throughout human history, people have brought seed of their favorite foods — but no longer.

The technocrats are now banning international sales of SEEDS on Amazon/Wish, due to the “dangerous Chinese Mystery Seeds” false flag — even as parts of the US experience seed shortages!

This “Problem/Reaction/Famine” dialectic is actively being used in many areas to engineer food shortages ahead, in order to further a technocratic, transhumanist rewrite of our food system and takeover of society.