Appeal to Scientists From La Quinta Columna for Assistance in Analyzing Comirnaty Pfizer Vaccine Drops

Appeal to Scientists From La Quinta Columna for Assistance in Analyzing Comirnaty Pfizer Vaccine Drops

by Ricardo DelgadoLa Quinta Columna
the video below is an English translation provided by La Quinta Columna

March 15, 2024



If you are a scientist in any branch of Biology such as botany, zoology, genetics or exobiology, etc., if you are a biotechnologist, an engineer or a chemist and you can contribute with knowledge or ideas about what is seen in the first part of the video (Drop 1), please contact us at the following e-mail address:


Collaborate with La Quinta Columna:


Transcript and images from video prepared by Truth Comes to Light:


Hello and good evening to you all. Welcome to this special edition of La Quinta Columna, number 575.

And we want to make a call upon people.

We’re going to analyze part of the content of what we’ve called the Incubus Project.

What is it that we’ve done with this [Project Incubus]?

Well, with the help of a reptile incubator, we have maintained a constant temperature similar to the body temperature between 36 and 37 degrees centigrade and ultraviolet light. And in this sense, we’ve used this incubator with the environmental conditions to put in two drops of what they have called the Comirnaty Pfizer vaccine.

And throughout all of this time, we do regular assessments, every 48 hours, of the content that has been put into the incubator by means of optical microscopy. And we use a magnification between 60 to 1,200 times magnification and light field. And we do an assessment every 48 hours. And we’re going to see the exposure of the sample after 144 hours.

So we can see that the evolution is that of growth.

And so based on what we’re going to see in La Quinta Columna, what we’re doing is calling upon all types of scientists, independent scientists or scientists who work for university centers, public private universities, who may be able to contribute any ideas, knowledge or shed some light on what we can see through the microscope after this incubation period. And anybody who has any knowledge about what it might be.

And we have asked the academic scientific circles and nobody has been able to give us a precise answer or any certainty as to what it might be.

So in La Quinta Columna, we’re calling upon all types of scientific disciplines in particular, biological fields — zoologists, for example, botanists, geneticists, specialists in geology, biotechnologists, engineers, particularly in the field of new telecommunication fields, contributing nano and metamaterials, chemists, experts even in exobiology. Any scientific field that may explain what we’re seeing there would be welcome.

We will be seeing the images next. And once we’ve seen the images, we will give our opinions for the followers of La Quinta Columna.

So what is it you think you can see in those formations which show growth in the form of a tree?

What queries might you have with regards to how we’ve created the environmental conditions
of this experiment?

So we’ve called upon people and for anybody who could contribute any ideas or knowledge
about what can be seen via the optical microscopy after 144 hours of incubation, send your comments to this email address that we’re going to show at the bottom of this screen, the email address that you can use to get in touch with La Quinta Columna to contribute your thoughts and ideas is [].

Having said this, we’re going to start showing you the images of what we can see in the Incubus Project.

In the Incubus Project, 13th of March 2024, exposure time of the sample 144 hours.

Drop 1, Comirnaty Pfizer, temperature 37 degrees centigrade.

Drop 2 — Well, I’ll stop there because what I’m particularly interested in is the content of Drop 1. The content is of an unknown nature, at least on our behalf. And so anybody who can shed any light on what we’re seeing, we’d like you to get in touch with us please.

The email address is what we just saw and it’s below on the bottom of the screen. []. Anything related please to the content of what we’ve just seen. This is something unknown to La Quinta Columna.

Let’s continue.

Drop 2. Comirnaty Pfizer, temperature 37 degrees Celsius. Exposure to ultraviolet light. Zoom 60 magnification.


Assembled microtechnology.
Drop 2. 60 times magnification.



Well, that’s all of the video that we have of the injectable, subject to the environmental conditions of the reptile incubator.

Why a reptile incubators?

Because it’s able to incubate at 36, 37 degrees centigrade between 0 and 60 degrees. We chose the body temperature because the destination of the so-called vaccines was to put them into human bodies.

Also ultraviolet light. We understand that this is a catalyst, an accelerator, and they want to recreate the environmental conditions and the technological implementation to create black light.

And the reactions — I’d like to know what reactions you’ve had to what you’ve seen.

What could we add to the vial if the evolution or growth (because we talk about evolution when there’s growth) if that growth stops?

What can we do to act as a catalyst?

Some people have suggested blood to recreate the body conditions a little better, human body conditions. We need blood for that.

Other people have suggested saliva and even insects… because they want to put this into the food chain for all human beings to eat. In fact, the European Union’s legislation has approved its use in the European Union and in the rest of the world.

What about 26 gigahertz of Wi-Fi, too? We have a small frequency emitter and we could try that out.

Aluminium too. Other people have spoken about magnetism, electromagnetism even, acoustic frequencies and I’d add something else. If we talk about emotional terms, how about negative emotions? Let’s see what happens.

And then there’s also negative priming in some films and series about this.

Bluetooth, there are comments suggesting Bluetooth.

So the work we’re doing should be carried out really by universities. But unfortunately it’s precisely the universities that are recommending this as a so-called vaccine when we know that this actually creates a acute radiation syndrome that they have called COVID-19.

And seeing this micro-assembled technology and the famous graphene serving probably to monitor the human incubator, the human being, if that is the purpose, and to measure biomedical parameters, may be causing something in there to germinate. And we suspect that there may be some type of biological material in there, an unknown biology, at least unknown to us.

So in La Quinta Columna we’re calling upon all types of scientific disciplines, independent scientists mainly, or those who are part of private public universities who can maybe shed some light on what that might be, some knowledge about this.

Or whether they think it might be contamination what type of contamination it might be, because we’re going to recreate this in different scenarios and we’re going to do quite a lot of tests so that it is representative.

I think I’ve suggested quite a lot of ideas and the material has grown so much, drop 1 and 2, that it is visible, not necessarily in plain sight, but it is with a five times magnification magnifying glass. We can see the technological or micro-biological evolution.

So we’ll upload this to and the idea is for you to download it and to share it on social media.

And I’d particularly like to add that the conditions we’re creating for the drop are
very similar to that of the human body set for the fluid, the blood and…

They are similar to those they want to recreate on the planet through terraformation or through the terraformation of the individual, what they have called transhumanism.

So I believe that all of those who have participated in this genocide and the implanting of that technology or probably micro-technology of an unknown origin should not only be judged in my opinion. In my opinion they should be executed and put to death.

Wishing you all a very good night.



Cover image credit: JFCfilms