Are We Irradiated Mutants in a Techno-Spiritual Matrix?

Are We Irradiated Mutants in a Techno-Spiritual Matrix?

by Zen Gardner
April 11, 2012


This might just explain,

the Fukushima spraydiation and other pending nuclear threats

airport scanners

HAARP and its affiliates

the massive abuse of medical and security scans

the EMF broadcast proliferation





…and the rest…

They want us mutated. It’s pre-planned. And they want just the right amount of dumbed-down handy fuel cells for an upgraded occult World Brain,

i.e. “The Matrix”.

SciFi? I kid you not.

We’ve suspected this all along and seen a lot of circumstantial evidence, but this is going to blow all that out of the water.

The Very Real Plan for the Matrix

We know the matrix to some extent is definitely real.

We’ve found that out by dot connecting massive amounts of information derived through years of research. Some is hidden in plain site as if they want us to get it and get used to it. Other information is so damning they don’t want it to come to light because it exposes with such clarity their arrogant, Illuminist agenda and the perfidy of their dark, controlling eugenic intentions.

This is just such information.

The endgame of a stifling one world group-think religion as predicted by many and forecast by the would-be Controllers is not going to come about by just declaring it.

These guys worship science and technology of all sorts as the tools for bringing their Satanic agenda to life and have been busily using them for decades. And they know humanity needs to be “prepared and educated” as well as fearfully herded into the next phase of this agenda.

Hand in hand, Orwell and Huxley predicted technological domination and a pharmacologically altered new world over 60 years ago.


But not at all complete by any means.

There is a lot more to their scientific world domination agenda, lots more.

Remember, The Enemy of Mankind Has No Empathy

Planning and scheming for an ultimate global takeover is intrinsic to their heartless, wicked kind.

They’re virtually possessed machines carrying out their masters’ bidding. “Classified” scientific ventures intermingle with Illuminati think tanks, institutes and foundations, overt and covert, worldwide, all bought and paid for and guided by these same monied manipulating elites. The public sits numbly by thinking “science” is finding better ways to serve mankind.

Yeah, like McDonald’s serves cattle better, with new packaging on a different bun. Mooo.

They don’t care a gnat’s ass about humanity. We are fodder. We are less than living cattle which they view as annoying frogs on the highway to be run over. When you understand their inhuman mindset you start to understand the real depths of what’s going on.

But besides our temporary slave power to keep their machines working, those of us who survive their depopulation drive are being viewed as a possible fuel source to power a very weird future occult world they envision.

They call it “illuminated”. The “greater good” to them… is them… and a world that caters to these self same elites and whatever occult designs suit their whims. While even more insidious forces are behind them, that’s the underlying self-serving thrust.

And it doesn’t matter how they try to disguise it, it permeates everything.

Meet the Modern Architects of the Present Day Matrix

H.G. Wells was no simple “futuristic” author, but an infamous social engineer, eugenicist, proponent of repression and control, and insider to the Illuminist network.

His works were based on inside occult, social manipulative information, much like fellow Fabians Orwell and Huxley, George Bernard Shaw and others.

They and the others of these schemes were all well aware that creating the form or idea in the collective conscious literally “blueprints” future moves into that reality for a chemically altered, propagandized and dumbstruck humanity.

In the words of Fritz Springmeier:

Not only did H.G. Wells predict modern warfare, the bombing of London, atom bombs, the League of Nations, stealth fighters over Iraq, space flight and countless other details of the future, far in advance of their eventual happening, as well as mapping out in detail how a New World Order could be created, but he participated in causing events to take place.

Now look at the titles of his books “Anticipation” and “Things to Come” and the way they were written, and it is evident that he is psychologically conditioning the public to accept the stages of the New World Order as if they were self-evident.

H.G. strongly believed in racial eugenics to kill the inferior races and useless eaters. He believed the state should educate people and control their minds to obediently serve the state. He believed in social engineering.

He was opposed to Christians being allowed to teach their children about God, and religious toleration.

The World Brain and “Unified Mind”

H.G. Wells is actually most noted for his work “World Brain” – a beyond Orwellian concept of a new world order that has resonated throughout elitist and secret society teachings for ages.

Wells acknowledged that we have now begun to frame “preliminary ideas for a federal world control of such things as communications, health, money, economic adjustments, and the suppression of crime.”


“all of these ideas of unifying mankind’s affairs depend ultimately for their realization on mankind having a unified mind for the job”
(Wells, 1938 p. 57, 58).

The emergence of that unified mind was to be the result of the creation and the essential function of a World Brain.

“It would be the concrete beginnings of an actual world mind”.
(Wells-Doubleday Memo, [1938] p.8)

In 1939 he returned to what he called,

“my refrain: ‘We need a World Brain,’” and to his “insistence that the creation of a greater mental superstructure to reorient the mind of the world is an entirely practicable proposal”
(Wells, 1942c p.158)

That’s serious stuff. Starting to see the matrix take shape? It gets worse, much worse. But this is the underlying mindset of the elite.

Know that.

How the Modern Matrix Came Into Reality

The following combination of Freemasonic and Theosophist influences within academic think tanks may sound preposterous.

But if you were going to construct a plan to control and domineer modern evolving man you had better integrate every science, including technology, pharmacology and even the occult and metaphysical, to make sure your plan is socially, scientifically and spiritually comprehensive.

After all, we are fundamentally spiritual beings and that’s the most important aspect they need to harness.

It’s also what they fear.

And this is exactly what these insane social engineers have been up to for millennia.

Each generation of these call them “Satanic forces” reinvents and improves their control techniques, which is scheduled to be culminated in this last great scientific age madly accelerating before our eyes.

Never before has the public known that the Freemason-Theosophist elite formed an academic think tank in 1940 with the expressed goal of channeling all academic research toward their goals.

This Theosophist-Freemason think tank was the Institute for Integrative Education.

The board of directors included the family of the directors of the Theosophists as well as ivy league professors from Harvard, Johns Hopkins, etc.

Their 1940 flagship issue of their academic journal “Main Currents in Modern Thought” openly states this Freemason conspiratorial goal and at one point the journal even states that most professors are more dangerous than Nazis!

How’s dem apples?

Integrating Theosophy, Physics and World Governance

Theirs is a deliberate, gradual long term plan, as is the technique of the Illuminist Fabians.

While many still can’t believe there’s a “they” out there engineering most everything in our world, on top of that it’s way more comprehensive and scientifically metaphysical than anyone would dare to realize.

Here’s some history:

The founder of this Freemason-Theosophist Educational-Research Complex that secretly controlled U.S. academic research was Lumber Magnate Julius Stulman.

The postscript of his book “Evolving Mankind’s Future” is a long statement by “liberal” University President Laurence Bolling – a high level statecraft policy maker, documenting the influence of this think tank.

In 1965 Stulman created the World Institute in collaboration and at the behest of the U.S. Government, the Institute for Advanced Study at Princeton, and the United Nations. This information is detailed by President Bolling.

The expressed role of the World Institute was to oversee the direction of technology for the world and it was located at UN Plaza. It’s main policy plan was the actual plan for the Matrix published in 1975 and edited by systems theorist, global planner Ervin Laszlo.

This is background for that Real Matrix Plan that is now coming into reality – as “liberally” promoted by Laszlo’s book “Macroshift.”  (2001) Ibid.

Cosmic Humanism, Radio-Eugenics and Techno-Spirituality

Watch how they apply their scientific theories to controlling social evolution. Dastardly.

The Institute for Integrative Education highly praised Philosophy of Science Professor Oliver L. Reiser’s 1965 manifesto “Cosmic Humanism.”

Reiser’s 1945 book “World Philosophy” was considered by Einstein to be the best plan for a unified field theory. In 1936 Reiser had promoted and initiated “radio-eugenics” in the Journal of Heredity.

In 1945 Reiser discovered World Institute founder Julius Stulman’s essay, “Energy Theory Applied to Human Relations.”

What is Radio Eugenics?

Remember the fuel cells in The Matrix?

In order to become a fully compliant source for fuel for their literal “world brain” we need to be literally mutated. All for the common good of course. Think – scanners, Fukushima and the hundreds of other nuclear time bombs called reactors…

Then throw in HAARP for amplification and manipulation.

It goes on…

In 1936, Dr. Reiser, introduced and promoted the concept of “radio-eugenics” in the scientific Journal of Heredity. This entails applications of radiation for evolution. In 1945 Dr. Reiser was impressed by think tank founder Julius Stulman’s article called “Applied Energy to Human Relations.”

In the 1965 publication of “Cosmic Humanism” that is highly praised by Stulman’s Institute for Integrative Education, the concept of radio-eugenics is promoted in synthesis with the concept of nondual harmonic resonance.

Dr. Reiser states that we learned from Hiroshima and Nagasaki that not only does radiation cause massive destruction but that even those who survive “the baptism by fire” have children with severe birth defects.

He then states that unfortunately that is how evolution works and that hopefully with the proper applied harmonic resonance of radiation then a new human society and a new “World Sensorium” will be achieved. The “World Sensorium” of Dr. Reiser is based on utilizing the radiation of the ionosphere, amplifying it with high technology, and applying it globally to cause mutations.

The effect is to achieve not only a higher dimensional reality but to harness the zero-point energy. [HAARP anyone?]

In 1975 Dr. Reiser publishes “Cosmic Humanism and World Unity” (Gordon and Beech) as part of a series for the World Institute. This book calls the plan for the World Sensorium, “The matrix” several times and states that, in concept, it is closest to H.G. Well’s 1936 proposal for a “World Brain” to the Freemasonic Royal Institute for International Affairs the source for the Council of Foreign Relations.

H.G. Wells was not just a science fiction writer, he was the head of British secret intelligence during World War One and he was the mouthpiece for the global elite policy makers.

The World Brain was inspired by the NeoPlatonic concept of the matrix outlined by Professor John Ruskin, a favorite source of inspiration for the Royal Institute of International Affairs.

“Artificial Intelligence”

So, What’s Going On?

This is genetic engineering and techno-interference, also know as enforced transhumanism, on a global scale without the knowledge or consent of mankind.

If these reasons are true or even near to true, it is nothing less than a massive, if futile, war against natural life and true consciousness.

Another alien invasion in our midst attempting to create another enslaved race.

This has been an ongoing war of supernatural origins for millennia. The morons playing out their roles in this generational play are slaves of their greed and arrogance to participate in such a futile folly, with such terrible consequences on humanity.

While it seems to possibly parallel what was done long ago in our original genetic engineering, we in no way have to subscribe to such insanity. Most will die, so they think, while the “conveniently mutated” would be cultivated into a submissive battery-like new race.

Wow, how insane can you get?!

But they’re doing it!!

But Why?

Try this out for size:

The 1975 book calls the plan, “The Matrix” prominently and repeatedly and states that humans will be in “Techno-Samadhi” as the “neuroblasts” and “Electronic tubes” for the new “World Mother.”

According to this plan, the embryo of this mother is in the middle of the earth and like an egg, the humans and the environment are to be fed off as energy for evolution of the Matrix.

Radio-Eugenics is still openly promoted by the World Institute – except now it is called “orthosynthesis.”

In “Techno-Samadhi” a person does not breathe or think words – they are hooked up to the satellite systems and used as energy so that the Theosophist-Freemasons can create “THE COSMIC LENS” that controls and manipulates higher dimensional space-time.

This is all detailed in “Cosmic Humanism and World Unity” – the ACTUAL PLAN FOR THE MATRIX.

The essence of this plan is to create a new global religion – Cosmic Humanism (now called “transhumanism”) – or in general techno-spirituality. Picknett and Prince have exposed this plan and it is corroborated fully by Reiser who openly states that a new religion must be promoted.

Former M.I.T. History Professor David F. Noble has traced this religion to the ninth century A.D. in his academic analysis of the Freemasons, “The Religion of Technology.”

Prince and Picknett trace it back to ancient Egypt but Reiser openly goes back to Sumeria and Vedic India.

The research of the Freemason-Theosophist Academics is based on RATIO THEORY that promotes the Indo-European SEPARATION OF HEAVEN AND EARTH by HUMAN SACRIFICE and DESTRUCTIVE TECHNOLOGY for the ALL-SEEING EYE.

I know…  Holy Shit!

I haven’t read all these books nor have I seen anyone debunk these assertions and findings nor their references. All I know is it resonates.

It hits hard.

We’re up against a cabal of pseudo-scientific metaphysical occultists. And they know exactly what they’re doing, to whatever degree this is true.

Know your enemy is all I can say. And investigate. But they’re real.

They are playing every scientific and spiritual manipulative angle they can to manipulate and control humanity and planet earth.

This explains once again the mutative effects of nano particles in chemtrails, the deliberately released radiation and the proliferation of radioactive devices, EMF bombardment from cell phones, power lines, Wi-Fi and smart meters to HAARP, GWEN towers and satellite electro-radiation, never mind poisoned water, vaccines, drugs and genetically modified food.

I know. Sick bastards.

Stay awake. Stay aware. And manifest the true reality.

Know this. Theirs is crumbling in the face of Love and Truth. For sure. Don’t fear this insanity, just know its self-serving roots and occult objectives. It’s based in another reality that is not our own.

Shirk it, shunt it, it’s not yours to bear. We are free eternal beings on the course to realization!

But it’s important we know what they’re up to. Every aspect of it, however weird or disturbing. Same old, same old IMO. Just transcend.

Keep on exposing. Harmful, nefarious infections don’t like sunshine. Squirt some lemon juice in there and put a band aid on it.


Shine on, people! They’re freaks and can’t stand the sunshine of Love and Truth!



Zen Gardner is an impactful and controversial author and speaker with a piercing philosophical viewpoint. His writings have been circulated to millions and his personal story has caused no small stir amongst the entrenched alternative pundits. His book You Are the Awakening has met rave reviews and is available on You Are the Awakening examines the dynamics of the awakening to a more conscious awareness of who we are and why we are here – dynamics which are much different from the programmed approach of this world we were born into.