August 7, 2021 Freedom Demonstrations in France: “Thanks C-19 for the Great Awakening”

August 7, 2021 Freedom Demonstrations in France: “Thanks C-19 for the Great Awakening”


Another Blockbuster Saturday in France – August 7 [VIDEOS]

by TLB Staff, Europe Reloaded
August 9, 2021


Here are some protest compilations from around France on Saturday, August 7, 2021. Word via independent media sources is that the government is VERY worried, indeed. August should be shut-down month in France; instead, people are massing at these marches.

Consciousness among these people is that the entire system is a corrupt mess, that if you exchange one hideous politician or party for another, you’ll end up with just the same. It’s way beyond a mandatory vaccination or a health pass. (Although marchers are very aware that the vaccinations are now making people sick, especially through the example of Israel.)

The French truly get it.

Today, the health passes kick in, so this writer will not be able to visit a restaurant or similar. The call among demonstrators is to simple boycott the entire system, to step outside it and avoid those places and businesses affected wherever possible.

A march we participated in at the weekend revealed a whole new set of people out protesting, including friends and neighbours.

Both videos below give us an idea of the scope and scale around the country this past Saturday.

One banner we saw someone carry said, in French of course, ‘thanks Covid-19, for the Great Awakening.’


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