British Defense Minister Pranked Into Revealing State Secrets, Including an Apparent Commitment to a War With Russia

British Defense Minister Pranked Into Revealing State Secrets, Including an Apparent Commitment to a War With Russia


Truth Comes to Light editor’s note: Below you will find a brief article by journalist Vanessa Beeley and a video discussion of the prank by UK Column News hosts Mike Robinson and Patrick Henningsen.


British Defence Minister Pranked Into Revealing State Secrets

by Vanessa Beeley, The Wall Will Fall
March 26, 2022


British Defence Secretary, Ben Wallace, was pranked by Russian duo Vovan and Lexus – what Wallace reveals, believing he is in conversation with Ukraine’s PM, is shocking. NATOTube is trying to limit damage by removing the video, unfortunately too many have now uploaded to alternative platforms.

Please also watch UK Column News, link here.

Ben’s big Intel Dump:

1. Over 4,000 NLAWs delivered to war zone. (anti-tank guided missiles)

2. Smuggling routes, one closed for Ukraine general staff.

3. New improved Stinger delivery with night vision capability – will help decrease Russian air supremacy

4. UK sharing intelligence with Kiev (and Nazi battalions)

5. UK is moving naval assets into the Black Sea

6. UK planning naval provocations in the Black Sea

7. UK planning next stage of NATO involvement to include direct confrontation with Russia.


Connect with Vanessa Beeley


Truth Comes to Light editor’s note:  Conclusion of UK Column News with Mike Robinson and Patrick Henningsen: Ministers have committed the UK and electorate to a war with Russia.

In the video below, discussion of the Vovan and Lexus prank on British Defense Secretary Ben Wallace begins at approximately 33:05 timestamp. The prank segment from this UK Column episode has been mirrored at TCTL Odysee, BitChute and Brighteon channels.


UK Column News – 25th March 2022
