Canada’s Freedom Truckers: Largest Convoy in Human History | A Warning to Stay Alert for Potential Agent Provocateurs

Canada’s Freedom Truckers: Largest Convoy in Human History | A Warning to Stay Alert for Potential Agent Provocateurs


We Got A Great Big Convoy. Aint She A Beautiful Sight?!! CONVOY!!

by Dan Dicks, Press for Truth
January 27, 2022


The largest convoy in human history is currently underway as thousands of truckers head to parliament hill in Ottawa to demand an end to the vaccine mandates!

Prime minister Justin Trudeau recently said this group represents a “small fringe” who hold “unacceptable views” meanwhile he just announced that he’ll now conveniently be isolating himself for the next 5 days after coming into contact with Covid-19(84) even though he is triple vaxxed and “feels fine”.

In this video Dan Dicks of Press For Truth covers the latest Canadian Convoy news while warning to watch out for potential agent provocateurs who may try to delegitimize thousands and thousands of peaceful protesters in Ottawa this weekend.


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