Canadian MPP Randy Hillier at Cornwall March for Freedom, November 21. 2020: Our Future Is Determined by Us, Not by a Virus or Government
“Where are we going? The future is unknown. We don’t know what the future holds. But we do know that we are the authors of our own future. It is not predetermined by others. It is not predetermined by a virus or our government. It is us. ” ~ Randy Hillier
Randy Hillier Cornwall Freedom March November 21 2020
by Randy Hillier
November 17, 2020
After the Toronto Sun published how many COVID patients are taking up UHN hospital beds in Toronto, I asked the Deputy Premier if she could provide or verify the Sun’s numbers. I am not sure if she couldn’t hear me across the aisle, but I didn’t hear a single number, just propaganda.
It appears the Premier, his Caucus, and Public Health are content with spreading alarm and fear about a second wave based upon faulty projection models and trumped up case numbers. Like the Liberals in Ottawa, our government can’t even read simple numbers.
If you agree that the alarm is exaggerated, contact the Premier, your MPP, local representatives, and public health unit. Let them know you are not buying Ford’s propaganda and you want to see an end to all lockdowns.
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or 416-325-1941
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Randy Hillier currently represents the riding of Lanark-Frontenac-Kingston as an Independent member of the legislature.