A History of Psychotronic Weaponry

A History of Psychotronic Weaponry

by Peter A. Kirby, Activist Post
July 21, 2024




The remote, physical manipulation of humans is another scientific area that holds tremendous potential (good or bad) for life on this planet, but is recognized little and understood even less. It should be recognized and understood though because devices that can control our moods, thoughts and bodily functions remotely are within striking distance of every one of us all day every day. These devices are known as ‘psychotronic weapons.’ The most common devices capable of being used as psychotronic weapons today are your cellular phone as well as any wireless, Internet-connected device, but these types of signals can also hit their targets from thousands of miles away. This article seeks to enlighten the public as it documents the undeniable reality of psychotronic weaponry as evidenced by its long, detailed history.

Experiments in this area have always started with animals. As far back as 1791 Luigi Galvani (1737-1798) caused the leg muscle of a frog to contract when stimulated by electricity. In 1870 Gustav Fritsch (1838-1927) and Eduard Hitzig (1838-1907) caused localized body and limb movements in a dog with electrical stimulation of the brain.

The first momentous development pertaining to humans was the invention of the electroencephalogram (EEG) in 1924. With foundational support from many others, it was finally invented by the German scientist Hans Berger (1873-1941).

In 1932 the Swiss psychologist W.R. Hess (1881-1973) evoked well organized motor effects and emotional reactions in cats by stimulation of their diencephalon (a region of the brain). To accomplish this, very fine wires were implanted in the cats’ brains.

Around 1953 Dr. John Lilly (1915-2001) was using something known as electronic brain stimulation (ESB) to map monkeys’ brains. Let’s reference a passage from the classic The Search for the “Manchurian Candidate” by John Marks:

“In 1953 [Dr. John] Lilly worked at the National Institutes of Health, outside Washington, doing experimental studies in an effort to ‘map’ the body functions controlled from various locations in the brain. He devised a method of pounding up to 600 tiny sections of hypodermic tubing into the skulls of monkeys, through which he could insert electrodes ‘into the brain to any desired distance and at any desired location from the cortex down to the bottom of the skull,’ he later wrote. Using electric stimulation, Lilly discovered precise centers of the monkey’s brains that caused pain, fear, anxiety and anger. He also discovered precise, separate parts of the brain that controlled erection, ejaculation and orgasm in male monkeys.”

By 1954 neurophysicist Jose Delgado (1915-2011) was part of a group of scientists causing learning, conditioning, instrumental responses, pain and pleasure to be either evoked or inhibited by electrical stimulation of the brain in rats, cats and monkeys. This was again accomplished by wires physically implanted in the brain and directly connected to the source of the impulses.

By the next year Delgado was evoking, modifying and inhibiting aggression, dominance, mounting and other social interactions among cats and monkeys with radio stimulation of specific areas of the brain. The subjects’ brains were implanted with electrodes, but these electrodes were not directly connected to the source of the electrical impulses. The electrical impulses were sent through the air from the source to a transceiver mounted on the subject’s skull which in turn sent electrical impulses into the subject’s brain.

In the mid-1960s, UCLA’s Brain Research Institute was studying the effects of electromagnetic fields upon human behavior. Referencing this research, the eminent University of California at Los Angeles (UCLA) geophysicist Gordon J.F. MacDonald (1929-2002) wrote that, “…one could develop a system that would seriously impair brain performance in very large populations in selected regions over an extended period.”

In 1968, as part of the Central Intelligence Agency’s MKSEARCH (the successor to MKULTRA), electrodes were implanted in the brains of Vietnamese prisoners of war. The electrical impulses sent to their brains were designed to make them attack each other.

In 1969 the book Physical Control of the Mind: Toward a Psychocivilized Society by José Delgado is published. In this book the author writes of electrically stimulating humans’ brains by implanted electrodes. This induced pleasure, aggression, rage, anxiety, fear, relief, obsessive/compulsive behavior, friendliness, relaxation, euphoria, sadness, depression, emotional outbursts, inhibition, willingness, sleepiness, pleasant dreams, an inability to speak, laughter, complex hallucinations, recollections, illusions, déjà vu, increased conversation – all kinds of stuff. Delgado’s work in this area, as we can see from this timeline, actually started in the early 1950s.

The late 1960s was an important time in the development of wireless psychotronic weaponry. Let us quote from Walter Bowart’s classic Operation Mind Control:

“By the late 1960s, the ‘remote control’ of the human brain – accomplished without the implantation of electrodes – was well on its way to being realized.

“A research and development team at the Space and Biology Laboratory of the University of California at the Los Angeles Brain Research Institute found a way to stimulate the brain by creating an electrical field completely outside the head. Dr. W. Ross Adey stimulated the brain with electric pulse levels which were far below those thought to be effectual in the old implanting technique.”

In 1974 the book ELF and VLF Electromagnetic Field Effects edited by Dr. Michael Persinger (1945-2018) was published. This book references and details many studies conducted with animals and humans pertaining to physiological and biochemical changes associated with electromagnetic (EM) fields in the extremely low frequency (ELF) and very low frequency (VLF) ranges. Dr. Persinger writes that ELF signals are preferable because they, “…have the capacity to penetrate structures which house living organisms.”  He’s writing about hitting people inside of buildings with psychotronic weapons!

In 1974 electronic brain stimulation (ESB) was being used on humans experimentally in order to treat Parkinson’s disease. Let us quote again from Bowart’s Operation Mind Control:

“In 1974, the first victim of Parkinson’s disease treated by ESB walked gracefully out of a San Francisco hospital under his own power, thanks to portable ESB. He had a ‘stimoceiver’ implanted in his brain which he could activate from a battery-powered device in his belt. The ‘stimoceiver,’ which weighed only a few grams and was small enough to implant under his scalp, permitted both remote stimulation of his brain and the instantaneous telemetric recording of his brain waves.”

By the next year, 1975, scientists at the Stanford Research Institute were developing a ‘mind-reading machine.’ We reference Operation Mind Control once again:

“In 1975 a primitive ‘mind-reading machine’ was tested at the Stanford Research Institute. The machine is a computer which can recognize a limited amount of words by monitoring a person’s silent thoughts. This technique relies upon the discovery that brain wave tracings taken with an electroencephalograph (EEG) show distinctive patterns that correlate with individual words – whether the words are spoken aloud or merely subvocalized (thought of).

“The computer initially used audio equipment to listen to the words the subject spoke. (At first the vocabulary was limited to ‘up,’ ‘down,’ ‘left,’ and ‘right.’) At the same time the computer heard the words, it monitored the EEG impulses coming from electrodes pasted to the subject’s head and responded by turning a camera in the direction indicated. After a few repetitions of the procedure, the computer’s hearing was turned off and it responded solely to the EEG ‘thoughts.’ It moved a television camera in the directions ordered by the subject’s thoughts alone!

“This ‘mind-reading machine’ was the creation of psychologist Lawrence Pinneo and computer experts Daniel Wolf and David Hall. Their stated goal was eventually to put a highly skilled computer programmer into direct communication with the computer.”

In 1976 U.S. patent #3,951,134 “Apparatus and Method for Remotely Monitoring and Altering Brain Waves” was granted. This patent speaks to a method and apparatus which remotely entrains human brains. Brain entrainment is a process by which the targeted individual’s brain waves are firstly scanned to determine the frequency of the EM his or her brain is currently producing. Then that same frequency produced by the targeted individual’s brain is produced by the psychotronic weapon and directed at the targeted individual. Once the targeted individual’s brain waves have been synchronized with the EM produced by the psychotronic weapon, the frequency produced by the psychotronic weapon is then gradually altered. Due to the established synchronization, as the EM produced by the psychotronic weapon is gradually altered, the targeted individual’s brain waves will follow. In this process the targeted individual’s brain activity is altered to a desired state.

Brain entrainment is a process fundamental to achieving psychotronic mind control. The other most common method is to simply hammer a targeted individual with overwhelmingly powerful mind control signals.

In 1978 a book titled Microwave Auditory Effects and Applications by James C. Lin was published. This book revealed the method of what is known as ‘voice-to-skull’ technology. ‘Voice-to-skull’ refers to a device which can transmit an electronic signal directly into a subject’s brain that causes the individual to hear things that no one else can hear. Most commonly voice-to-skull signals cause individuals to hear human voices, thus the name.

Extremely relevant to our discussion here is the CIA’s Operation PIQUE. As noted in the book Controlling the Human Mind by Dr. Nick Begich, by 1978 the CIA had developed a psychotronic weapon that was capable of bouncing, “high powered radio signals off the ionosphere to affect the mental functions of people in selected areas, including Eastern European nuclear installations.”

In 1980 the aforementioned Dr. Michael Persinger’s book The Weather Matrix and Human Behavior was published. Describing humans as ‘a large antenna’ and noting that ELF fields have ‘a 99 percent capacity to penetrate most surface dwellings,’ Persinger writes about the ability to effectively apply ELF fields from ‘hundreds of kilometers’ away. He then proceeds to write about the effect of ELF fields upon specific organs and human bodily systems such as: the hypothalamus region of the brain, the blood, the bones, the central nervous system, the cardiovascular system, and cell membranes. Persinger describes the Human body as a ‘biological homeostat’ that has predictable responses to different inputs.

In a 1981 paper titled “ELF Electric Field Coupling to Dielectric Spheroidal Models of Biological Objects” researchers wrote of coupling ELF electrical fields with the human body. They mention that the Navy’s Seafarer antenna at Clam Lake would be suitable for this purpose.

1989’s U.S. patent #4,877,027 “Hearing System” further defined voice-to-skull technology. Many other patents, papers and reports have made voice-to-skull (also known as the ‘Frey effect’) a well known method of psychotronic mind control. Massachusetts Institute of Technology researchers have more recently announced that they can transmit audible messages to individuals with the use of lasers.

A United States patent granted in 1990 titled “Cryogenic Remote Sensing Physiograph” further detailed an apparatus and method for remotely scanning people’s brain waves. This is significant because, as noted earlier, the process of brain entrainment (a fundamental process of psychotronic assault) begins with remotely reading the brain waves of a targeted individual.

A U.S. patent granted in 1998 titled “Thermal Excitation of Sensory Resonances” describes a method and apparatus for using directed microwave radiation or a laser beam to produce certain effects in humans. The patent explains that, “sleepiness, drowsiness, relaxation, a tonic smile, ptosis of the eyelids, the feeling of a ‘knot’ in the stomach, sudden loose stool, and sexual excitement” can all be artificially induced in humans using this technique.

The 2000 U.S. patent “Subliminal Acoustic Manipulation of Nervous Systems” describes how subliminal audio signals (rather than EM signals) can be used in the context of psychotronic weaponry. The inventor describes how subliminal audio signals can cause a person to feel relaxed, drowsy, sexually excited, or disoriented. The inventor writes that these subliminal audio signals can be produced by a portable, battery-powered device. The inventor also writes that a device generating these signals is, “a nonlethal weapon that can be used in law enforcement standoff situations, for causing drowsiness and disorientation in targeted subjects.”

The 2003 U.S. patent “Nervous System Manipulation by Electromagnetic Fields from Monitors” describes how computer monitors and television sets can produce weak fields of electromagnetic energy that subliminally affect a person’s nervous system. The inventor writes that, “The observed effects include ptosis of the eyelids, relaxation, drowsiness, the feeling of pressure at a centered spot on the lower edge of the brow, seeing moving patterns of dark purple and greenish yellow with the eyes closed, a tonic smile, a tense feeling in the stomach, sudden loose stool, and sexual excitement, depending on the precise frequency used, and the skin area to which the field is applied.”

“Nervous System Manipulation by Electromagnetic Fields from Monitors” makes what Dr. Michael Aquino wrote in his 2013 book Mind War all the more interesting. Mind War details how we can be mind controlled by all Internet connected devices. He writes, “BWR [mind control frequencies] can, for instance, be inserted into the Internet to be passively and indetectably (absent such sensors) received and radiated by any accessing device, from television station to desktop computer or cellular telephone.” Dr. Michael Aquino should know. Although he is now retired, he was a Lt. Colonel, Psychological Operations, First Special Forces Regiment in the U.S. Army.

Some mainstream media articles have more recently confirmed the reality of psychotronic weaponry. In October of 2019, The Guardian published an article about how individuals’ minds can be read electronically. Also, in late 2018, in many articles, the use of psychotronic weapons was suspected in a series of attacks upon the United States Embassy in Cuba.

This is just a preliminary investigation. Your author hasn’t dug deeper into the archival documents yet. Rest assured that there is much more searching and compiling to be done. The end product will be a forthcoming book tentatively titled Physical Control: Psychotronic Weapons Used Routinely Against AmericansPhysical Control will be a more comprehensive examination of the subject including expositions of delivery systems, targeted individuals and much more. Physical Control will most probably be available in the first half of next year (2025). Please stay tuned.


References (in order of appearance)

Physical Control of the Mind: Toward a Psychocivilized Society a book by José M. R. Delgado, PhD, published by Harper & Row 1969

A History of the Electrical Activity of the Brain: The First Half-Century a book by Mary A. B. Brazier, published by Pitman Medical Publishing 1961

The Search for the “Manchurian Candidate” a book by John Marks, published by W. W. Norton & Company 1979

“How to Wreck the Environment” a paper by Gordon J. F. MacDonald as it appeared in the book Unless Peace Comes: A Scientific Forecast of New Weapons published by The Viking Press 1968

Poisoner in Chief: Sidney Gottlieb and the CIA Search for Mind Control a book by Stephen Kinzer, published by St. Martin’s Griffin 2019

Operation Mind Control a book by Walter Bowart, published by Dell 1978

ELF and VLF Electromagnetic Field Effects a book edited by Dr. Michael Persinger, published by Plenum Press 1974

U.S. patent #3,951,134 “Apparatus and Method for Remotely Monitoring and Altering Brain Waves” 1976

Microwave Auditory Effects and Applications a book by James C. Lin, published by Thomas 1978

Controlling the Human Mind: The Technologies of Political Control or Tools for Peak Performance a book by Dr. Nick Begich, published by Earthpulse Press 2006

The Weather Matrix and Human Behavior a book by Dr. Michael Persinger, published by Praeger 1980

“ELF Electric Field Coupling to Dielectric Spheroidal Models of Biological Objects” a paper by Yih Shiau and Anthony R. Valentino, published by IEEE Transactions on Biomedical Engineering, vol. BME-28, no. 6, June 1981

U.S. patent #4,877,027 “Hearing System” 1989

U.S. patent #4,940,058 “Cryogenic Remote Sensing Physiograph” 1990

U.S. patent #5,800,481 “Thermal Excitation of Sensory Resonances” 1998

U.S. patent #6,017,302 “Subliminal Acoustic Manipulation of Nervous Systems” 2000

U.S. patent #6,506,148 “Nervous System Manipulation by Electromagnetic Fields from Monitors” 2003

Mind War a book by Michael A. Aquino, PhD, self-published 2013

“Mind-reading Tech? How Private Companies Could Gain Access to Our Brains” an article by Oscar Schwartz, published by The Guardian, October 24, 2019

“Microwave Weapons Are Prime Suspect in Ills of U.S. Embassy Workers” an article by William J. Broad, published by The New York Times, September 1, 2018


Peter A. Kirby is a San Rafael, CA researcher, author, and activist. Find his books Chemtrails Exposed: A New Manhattan Project and The Fall of San Francisco available now exclusively at Amazon. Join his email list at his website PeterAKirby.com


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Cover image credit: GDJ

Earth in the Crosshairs: UN’s Link to the Poisoning of Our Skies in Its Pursuit of Controlling “the World’s Weapons, Wars, Courts, Tax Collectors, and Economy”

Earth in the Crosshairs: UN’s Link to the Poisoning of Our Skies in Its Pursuit of Controlling “the World’s Weapons, Wars, Courts, Tax Collectors, and Economy”


The Abstract episode 38 “Earth in the Crosshairs”

by Peter A. Kirby, Activist Post
July 14, 2024


What better organization is there to serve as a central locus of power for a global weather modification program than the United Nations? They are yet another product of the Rockefeller/CFR combine which we have been covering in recent articles and videos. They have been deeply involved in promulgating and leveraging the given excuse for spraying us with tens of thousands of megatons of toxic materials. They have myriad sub-organizations with functions directly applicable to what is referred to here as the New Manhattan Project. A seemingly endless stream of evidence indicates that the UN is integral in bringing us today’s chemtrail spraying operations. For the whole story here, please refer to my book Chemtrails Exposed: A New Manhattan Project.

On September 25, 1961 President John F. Kennedy (1917-1963) addressed the United Nations, proposing a global system of weather control. He said, “We shall propose further cooperative efforts between all the nations in weather prediction and eventually in weather control.” This was far from a one-off event and, in fact, extremely telling. JFK made his speech at a venue steeped in the New Manhattan Project.

The United Nations was first conceived in a Council on Foreign Relations (CFR) study group funded by the Rockefellers. The plans for the UN were then drawn up in the U.S. State Department. In their masterpiece Killing the Planet, Williams and Howard-Browne write that the UN, “…was conceived to become an international regime that would control the world’s weapons, wars, courts, tax collectors, and economy.”

The Dumbarton Oaks Conference was then held in 1944 which subsequently produced the proposal for the UN. In order to finalize this proposal, diplomats from around the world gathered in San Francisco in April of 1945. The American delegates to the San Francisco conference included Nelson Rockefeller (1908-1979) and John Foster Dulles (1888-1959) and almost all of them were CFR members. Since its founding, the CFR has consistently advocated on behalf of the UN.

After moving their headquarters around quite a bit early on, John D. Rockefeller, Jr. (1874-1960) offered the UN $8.5M to buy a piece of real estate situated alongside the East River in central Manhattan previously known as Turtle Bay. The United Nations headquarters were mainly designed by the same architect who designed Rockefeller Center. The buildings were completed in less than 6 years and the new, world famous UN headquarters complex opened in 1952.

President Kennedy’s 1961 speech at the United Nations pertaining to weather control was followed that December by the American presentation of a draft UN resolution which included a recommendation to, “advance the state of atmospheric science and technology so as to provide greater knowledge of basic physical forces affecting climate and the possibility of large-scale weather modification.” The resolution was passed on Dec. 20, 1961. Out of this resolution grew the UN World Weather Watch.

There is a slew of other UN organizations pertaining to the atmospheric sciences and/or weather modification and therefore relevant to our investigation. Here is a partial list: the World Meteorological Organization, the World Climate Research Program, the World Weather Research Program, the Expert Team on Weather Modification, the EARTHWATCH program, the International Global Observing Strategy and the Global Atmosphere Watch.

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Beginning in the late 1960s, the socio-economic solutions to the purported problem of man-made global warming were being formed at the Club of Rome and the United Nations. This is relevant to our investigation because the theory of man-made global warming is the official justification given for spraying the earth and all of its inhabitants with tens of thousands of megatons of toxic materials.

Shortly after the formation of the Club of Rome, in 1969 the UN General Assembly decided to convene the first major inter-governmental conference on environmental issues called the UN Conference on the Human Environment. It was funded by the Rockefellers. UN Secretary General, U Thant (1909-1974) invited a trustee of the Rockefeller Foundation, Maurice Frederick Strong (1929-2015) to lead it as Secretary General of the Conference and as Undersecretary General of the UN responsible for environmental affairs. The resulting 1972 meeting, known as the Stockholm Conference, adopted a declaration of principles and an action plan to deal with global environmental issues. It was the kick-off of the establishment’s big, phony environmental movement. During this UN Conference on the Human Environment, the global management of natural resources was promoted. This was to be accomplished through a new global bureaucracy called the United Nations Environment Program (UNEP). Subsequently, in December of 1972, the UN General Assembly established the UNEP and elected Strong to head it. The UNEP promptly began issuing a steady stream of news releases about, among other things, the pollution of the air by carbon emissions.

Later, in 1988, the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC) was created. The IPCC was created to promote the theory of man-made global warming and they have produced a long series of reports that deceive and spin in favor of their chosen hypothesis. The aforementioned creator of the UNEP, Maurice Strong set up the IPCC through the United Nations’ World Meteorological Organization (WMO). This allowed the IPCC to receive national funding. IPCC members were chosen from national weather organizations through the WMO with the caveat that they would identify human activities as the cause of global warming. In America, the national weather organization chosen to feed the WMO and the IPCC with both money and personnel was the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration (NOAA). The IPCC was to consider only man-made sources of atmospheric carbon emissions. Natural sources were to be ignored.

The founder of both the UNEP and the IPCC, Maurice Strong, was the mastermind behind the global warming deception, and in June of 1992, Strong rolled out the last pieces of the puzzle as Secretary General of the UN Conference on Environment and Development, known as the Earth Summit, in Rio de Janeiro, Brazil. The last pieces of the puzzle were The United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change and Agenda 21. The United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change defined the problem while Agenda 21 provided the solutions. The United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change provided the definition of man-made global warming which the IPCC used to guide their research. This allowed the IPCC to establish man’s emission of atmospheric carbon dioxide as the demonic gas that was destroying the planet. The Agenda 21 documents then provided directives and guidelines presented as socio-economic solutions to the purported problem of man-made global warming. This way, policymakers, the media, and misguided environmentalists had their marching orders. We see the legacy of Agenda 21 today in all the government policy and law that is geared towards the reduction of carbon emissions. The IPCC provided support for the science while Agenda 21 provided support for the policymakers. If the IPCC science was ever found to be inadequate, policymakers were encouraged to employ the precautionary principle and go ahead with carbon mitigation measures anyway. Something called the Conference of the Parties (COP) was also created as a forum for political leaders to make socio-economic decisions based on IPCC science. The first COP was held in Berlin in 1995 and the first meetings produced the Kyoto Protocol. The Earth Charter, touted by Maurice Strong at the 1992 Earth Summit, was written by Steven Rockefeller.

Now does their excuse for spraying us look like it holds any legitimacy whatsoever?

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Kurt Waldheim (1918-2007) was elected the fourth secretary-general of the United Nations in December of 1971. He served at that post for 10 years. Waldheim was later found out to have been a Nazi and to have been lying about it repeatedly. The Nazi connections to today’s New Manhattan Project are very significant and will be covered in an upcoming article and video.

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Evergreen Aviation did a lot of work for the UN. We briefly touched upon Evergreen’s significant implications for the New Manhattan Project in a previous article and video. One of Evergreen’s ancestors known as Civil Air Transport was formed at least in part to fly United Nations Relief and Rehabilitation Administration supplies into the Chinese mainland, another part was flying the opium out.

Evergreen’s operations bankrolled by the UN often involved the aerial spraying of insecticides in locations all over the world. Just as today’s geoengineers say they will save us from the dreaded global warming, one can rest assured that Evergreen’s global spraying operations were all humanitarian efforts as well. Evergreen has ferried cargo into Africa for the UN’s High Commission for Refugees and the UN’s World Food Program. Evergreen has also supported the UN’s ‘peacekeeping’ efforts in: Angola, Liberia, Mozambique, Somalia and the Western Sahara.

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The United Nations backed Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC) issued a 1999 report with a cover photo of three jet planes flying in formation and emitting trails titled “Aviation and the Global Atmosphere.” This report contained chapters titled, “Aviation-Produced Aerosols and Cloudiness” and “Modeling the Chemical Composition of the Future Atmosphere.” The report bolstered lies about contrails by stating that they can form cirrus clouds.

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A 2004 document titled “The Changing Atmosphere: An Integrated Global Atmospheric Chemistry Observation Theme” depicts on the cover an unmarked, all white jet airplane emitting visible trails and outlines a program for comprehensive and continuous global atmospheric observation. The authors of this report describe a system of atmospheric observation and analysis which would be sufficient for conducting today’s New Manhattan Project. Their proposed system involves ground based radar, aircraft-based measurements, satellite-based applications and a comprehensive data modeling system. This document was produced by the International Global Observing Strategy, which is run by the United Nations’ World Meteorological Organization and the European Space Agency.

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Lastly, the United Nations Educational Scientific and Cultural Organization (UNESCO) issued a report in November of 2011 titled “Engineering the Climate: Research Questions and Policy Implications.” It proposes SRM geoengineering and features a full color illustration of a jumbo jet spraying stratospheric aerosols (chemtrails).


UNESCO chemtrails illustration


Peter A. Kirby is a San Rafael, CA researcher, author, and activist. Find his books Chemtrails Exposed: A New Manhattan Project and The Fall of San Francisco at Amazon. Join his email list at his website PeterAKirby.com


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CIA as Day-to-Day Manager of Poisoning Our Skies

CIA as Day-to-Day Manager of Poisoning Our Skies



“CHEMTRAILS Brought to You by the CIA?”

by Peter A. Kirby, Activist Post
June 30, 2024


The Central Intelligence Agency (CIA) appears to be the overall, day-to-day manager of all aspects of today’s chemtrail spraying operations. To detail every documented connection between the CIA and what is referred to here as the New Manhattan Project (NMP) would be truly tedious. It suffices to say that their presence is pervasive – more so than any other organization. Their history is steeped in associated people and organizations such as the Nazis, the Council on Foreign Relations and William Francis Raborn. The CIA has been involved in many associated technologies and activities such as the operation of fleets of clandestine aircraft, the promotion of the theory of man-made global warming and the promotion of SRM geoengineering (chemtrails) itself. For the whole story of the New Manhattan Project please refer to my book Chemtrails Exposed: A New Manhattan Project.

The CIA officially came into being in 1947 and its formation had everything to do with the Rockefellers and the Council on Foreign Relations (CFR): two groups with intertwined histories and abundant connections to the New Manhattan Project. We covered the Rockefellers last week where we only touched upon the CFR, but we will cover the CFR in-depth next week.

The CIA’s most significant predecessor organization was the wartime Office of Strategic Services (OSS). In June of 1941, six months before America declared war on Germany, the OSS was set up in Rockefeller Center. The wife of the first Director of the OSS was a director of the Rockefeller Foundation. Similar to some of the first CIA agents, the first agents of the OSS were bankers, lawyers, businessmen, and accountants deeply embedded with the CFR and the international money cartel. The OSS was the dominant U.S. intelligence agency during WWII.

Shortly after the conclusion of the war, President Truman abolished the OSS and placed its operations under something called the Strategic Services Unit (SSU). Within months, the SSU officially morphed into another organization, then yet another. General Hoyt Vandenberg (1899-1954) then recruited Allen Dulles (1893-1969) to draft a proposal for the organization that would become the CIA. It was all financed by Rockefeller and Carnegie. In their epic book Killing the Planet Williams and Howard-Browne write:

“In 1946, General Hoyt S. Vandenberg, as director of Central Intelligence (DCI), recruited Allen Dulles, a lawyer for the House of Morgan and the president of the CFR, ‘to draft proposals for the shape and organization of what was to become the Central Intelligence Agency in 1947.’ The meeting took place within offices within Rockefeller Center. By the time the CIA was officially established by President Truman in 1947, David Rockefeller assumed control of the inner core of the CFR and the Rockefeller and Carnegie Foundations allocated $34 million for the new Agency to engage in covert activities.”

Williams and Howard-Browne continue, “As soon as Dulles took charge of the CIA, the Rockefellers became the private bankers for the new intelligence empire, and David became an important source for off-the-books cash to the spy agency.” Once established, the CIA’s ranks were filled with white shoe boys. New CIA recruits included John D. Rockefeller, Jr.

Throughout all of this, this group that had morphed from the wartime OSS into the post-war CIA was secretly bringing hundreds of former Nazi scientists and their families into America. Many of these scientists went to work on projects associated with the New Manhattan Project. There is a chapter in my book titled ‘The Nazis and the CIA’ which covers this in-depth and we will be covering this story in a future episode of The Abstract as well.

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Running a large, clandestine fleet of jumbo jet aircraft, such as that which routinely dumps tens of thousands of megatons of toxic waste over humanity and the earth today annually, would not be a stretch for the CIA. In fact, there is a grand history of just such a thing. The evolution of today’s proprietary chemtrail spraying fleet will be yet another topic for a future article and video, but let’s just dip our toe in the water here, shall we?

As touched upon last week, the beginnings of today’s proprietary fleet of chemtrail spraying aircraft are apparently found in something you may have heard of called the Flying Tigers – which was an American paramilitary, private air force that operated in China in the early 1940s. Also as noted last week, there was an ad hoc political lobby supporting the Flying Tigers which operated out of Rockefeller Center in Manhattan.

In 1942, the Flying Tigers were disbanded and integrated into the U.S. Army Air Force when the United States armed forces officially entered the ongoing China/Japan conflict in support of Chiang Kai-shek’s Nationalist Chinese. Then, after the dropping of the atomic bombs and the subsequent Japanese surrender in 1945, U.S. troops were pulled out of the theatre. The aforementioned ad hoc political lobby that had previously supported the Flying Tigers, along with some new players from both America and China, then formed something called Civil Air Transport (CAT). CAT was a fleet of commercial aircraft initially tasked with flying relief supplies into China’s interior. They were also flying the opium out.

In 1950 the CIA purchased CAT and the CIA proprietary airlines collectively known as ‘Air America’ were born. CIA airlines such as Air America, Intermountain Aviation, Air Asia, Southern Air Transport, CAT and others were all organized under something called the Pacific Corporation and were all often referred to as ‘Air America.’ The Pacific Corporation was run by a longtime CIA employee named George Doole (1909-1985). The Pacific Corporation ran airlines that collectively were larger than any other single airline in the world at the time. In the 1960s and 70s, the operation was worth hundreds of millions of dollars. By 1973, near the end of their reign, Air America had contracts with the defense department worth 41.4 million dollars.

Pilots of these airlines organized under the Pacific Corporation smuggled everything from currency to drugs to precious metals to human beings. Air America’s slogan was ‘Anything, anywhere, anytime.’ Of these different contrabands, opium was the most prevalent. Southern Air Transport was later involved in the Iran-Contra scandal.

In 1973, the secret war in Laos ended and a major portion of Air America’s business operations vanished with it. In 1974, all the airlines of the Pacific Corporation were finally disbanded due to federal legislation passed as a result of congressional hearings conducted by Idaho Senator Frank Church. Shortly before it was broken up, the Agency’s Pacific Corporation and all its proprietary airlines employed about 20,000 people, more people than the CIA itself. The Church Committee Hearings also uncovered that the Pacific Corporation was majority-owned and controlled by Chinese interests.

As previously noted, one of the airlines formerly under the Pacific Corporation was Intermountain Aviation. In 1975, after the Pacific Corporation had been broken up, Evergreen International bought Intermountain Aviation. Evergreen’s specialty was spraying substances from aircraft. They called it ‘application’ work. Evergreen is so heavily implicated in the New Manhattan Project that we’re just going to have to stop right here. Please look forward to the upcoming article and video where we go further into the formation of today’s dedicated chemtrail fleet. But, for now, please know that the CIA has an extensive history in the ownership and operation of large, covertly operating fleets of aircraft.

~ ~ ~

A former head of the CIA named William Francis Raborn, Jr. (1905-1990) is extensively implicated in the New Manhattan Project. There is an entire chapter about William Raborn in my book.

On April 22, 1965 retired Vice Admiral Raborn became the Director of the Central Intelligence Agency (CIA). In November of 1965, during Raborn’s CIA directorship, LBJ’s Environmental Pollution Panel of the President’s Science Advisory Committee issued the landmark document titled “Restoring the Quality of Our Environment.” “Restoring the Quality of Our Environment” was the first top-level U.S. Government document to state the catastrophic theory of man-made climate change. Not only did the authors of “Restoring the Quality of Our Environment” provide us with the problem, they also provided us with the solution. They wrote that small particles in the atmosphere could reflect sunlight back into space, thus cooling the Earth and saving us from the problem of climate change. Way back in 1965, the authors of “Restoring the Quality of Our Environment” advocated for SRM geoengineering, also known as chemtrails. Although the CIA does not take credit for “Restoring the Quality of Our Environment,” they have produced lots of similar material and they (in theory at least) serve at the pleasure of the President. Doesn’t it make sense then that the CIA was involved in the production of “Restoring the Quality of Our Environment?” One of the document’s co-authors, the infamous Gordon J.F. ’How to Wreck the Environment’ MacDonald, was CIA.

Prior to Raborn’s CIA directorship, he had written an article titled “New Horizons of Naval Research and Development” in which he advocated for a second generation, global weather modification project involving the use of electromagnetic energy and manipulations of the ionosphere. Does that sound familiar? He was also directly involved in the production of machines which can do just that.

The United States Navy, of which Mr. Raborn was a vice admiral, was one of the managers of the gigantic HAARP ionospheric heater facility in Alaska and Raborn was directly involved in its production. Ionospheric heaters such as HAARP are used to carry out the electromagnetic aspects of today’s New Manhattan Project. In 1970 Raborn became a member of the board of directors of a company called LTV Electrosystems to which he also served as a consultant. In 1972 LTV Electrosystems’ parent corporation Ling-Temco-Vought sold the company and it became E-Systems. Admiral Raborn stayed on the board of directors throughout. In the 1990s, E-Systems built the first version of HAARP. E-Systems was also the buyer of the aforementioned CIA proprietary Air Asia.

William Raborn has other potential connections to the New Manhattan Project involving: an ELF transmitter at Clam Lake, the Polaris missile system, an administrative technique known as PERT, and a company called Aerojet General. Details are in my book.

~ ~ ~

The CIA has extensively promoted the theory of man made global warming, which is the given excuse for today’s chemtrail spraying operations. Through their Operation Mockingbird, the CIA has been running the American mainstream media news for a long time and we have all seen the MSM’s pervasive and enduring promotion of global warming. It’s exemplified by all the hot air blowing out of their mouths.

The CIA has also produced reports fear mongering about all the catastrophes that might result from a minor fluctuation in the earth’s average global temperature. To top it off, we have at least one documented example of the CIA funding the promotion of SRM geoengineering (chemtrails).

The CIA funded a study resulting in the 2015 National Academy of Sciences report titled “Climate Intervention: Reflecting Sunlight to Cool Earth.” This study was also supported by some of the usual suspects: the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration, the National Aeronautics and Space Administration, and the Department of Energy. In “Climate Intervention” the authors cite the faulty and discredited Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC) data to assert that global warming is occurring. Then they write that, because global warming is a such a problem, the potential solution of SRM geoengineering needs more research.

~ ~ ~

There’s too much to cover here. The connections between the CIA and the New Manhattan Project simply go on and on. But let’s give it a shot. John von Neumann (1903-1957) was one of the most important scientists in the development of the NMP and he was CIA. I have already produced an episode of The Abstract detailing the connections between former head of the CIA John Deutch and the NMP. Rear Admiral Luis de Florez (1889-1962) chaired a special science advisory board of the CIA and he advocated for a second generation global weather modification system many times. From there the connections go into something called the MEDEA Committee, the JASON Group, Enron, black budgets, the global narcotics racket, a second, secret CIA and more. As noted last week, former CIA director John Brennan spoke in favor of chemtrails at the CFR.

A most probable place for the New Manhattan Project to reside inside of the CIA is in their Directorate of Science and Technology (DS&T). This Directorate has historically been at the cutting edge of two areas of technology relevant to the New Manhattan Project: satellite reconnaissance and over-the-horizon radar. Satellites can monitor atmospheric conditions and track atmospheric particles while over-the-horizon radar is the direct predecessor of today’s ionospheric heaters which can modify the weather in the fashion of the New Manhattan Project.

Peter A. Kirby is a San Rafael, CA researcher, author, and activist. Find his books Chemtrails Exposed: A New Manhattan Project and The Fall of San Francisco available at Amazon. Join his email list at his website PeterAKirby.com


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Cover image credit: amber_avalona

Rockefellers Covering the Earth with Chemtrails?: Spraying Megatons of Toxic Waste From Aircraft to Solve the Global Problems

Rockefellers Covering the Earth with Chemtrails?: Spraying Megatons of Toxic Waste From Aircraft to Solve the Global Problems


The Abstract episode 35 “Rockefellers Covering the Earth with CHEMTRAILS?”

by Peter Kirby, Activist Post
June 23, 2024


In large part, the history of the Rockefeller family is the history of today’s chemtrail spraying operations referred to here as the New Manhattan Project. The two are so intertwined and have been so for so long that it is impossible to separate them. Specific evidence of this is found in: secret societies, the Council on Foreign Relations, the Flying Tigers, the Nazis, the United Nations, the CIA, Rockefeller Bros. Inc., Lawrence Livermore National Laboratories and much more. This article gives an overview, but much more detail can be found in my book Chemtrails Exposed: A New Manhattan Project.

As with everything the Rockefeller establishment does, it all starts with secret societies. The mysterious Committee of 300 as well as the infamous Skull & Bones have most probably been involved here too, but there’s a certain group called The Round Table known to control the resources necessary to coordinate and guide the New Manhattan Project (NMP) throughout the decades.

As a way to advance the goals of The Round Table in America, J.P. Morgan (1837-1913) established the American chapter of the Pilgrim Society at the Waldorf Astoria hotel in Manhattan. A London headquarters of the Pilgrim Society had been previously established. Members of Morgan’s new Manhattan chapter of the Pilgrim Society included Percy Rockefeller. Later, members of the Pilgrim Society of more specific note to the New Manhattan Project would come to include: John Foster Dulles, Allen Dulles, Henry Luce, David Rockefeller, Zbigniew Brzezinski, George H.W. Bush, and George W. Bush. In 1912 the Pilgrim Society spawned an American Round Table. The financial cartel consisting mainly of the houses of: Rockefeller, Carnegie, Morgan, Schiff, and Rothschild has been the driving force behind the Pilgrim Societies and The Round Table.

The American Federal Reserve Bank System (a source of unlimited funding) was hatched by members of the Pilgrim Society. A partial 1914 listing of U.S. Federal Reserve Bank shareholders includes: National City Bank, William Rockefeller and Percy Rockefeller. The Rockefeller-controlled National City Bank was the largest shareholder with 30,000 shares.

The Rockefeller Foundation was founded in 1913 (the same year as their private U.S. Federal Reserve Bank) to promote nothing less than the welfare of all mankind. The Rockefellers intended to use science to solve the global problems of: sickness, poverty, underdevelopment, and ignorance. Spraying megatons of toxic waste from aircraft is apparently their idea of how to achieve these goals.

Chicago University was founded with funds from John D. Rockefeller, Sr. This is significant because lots of weather modification (the primary purpose of the NMP) work has been done at Chicago University. Also, it was at the University of Chicago where the the first known self-sustaining nuclear reaction was created – an important development in the history of the original Manhattan Project.

Rockefellers have traditionally dominated a powerful offshoot of The Round Table: the Council on Foreign Relations (CFR) – and the CFR has been geoengineering’s top public relations firm. The Rockefeller Foundation along with the Carnegie Foundation provided the original funding for the CFR’s headquarters. David Rockefeller (1916-2017) was the longest serving director of the CFR from 1949-1985 (36 years) and chairman from 1970 to 1985. During the 1920s, J.D. Rockefeller, Jr. became a fixture at Pratt House (CFR headquarters). Other CFR members have included: J.D. Rockefeller IV, David Rockefeller, Jr., Nicholas Rockefeller, and Steven Rockefeller. The Rockefellers’ JP Morgan Chase is a corporate member of the CFR. The CFR is controlled by the Rockefellers, so it is no surprise that policies prepared at the CFR for implementation by the State Department have been designed to further the Rockefellers’ interests.

Under Rockefeller domination, CFR members and the CFR itself have published many high profile papers and reports written in support of SRM geoengineering (chemtrails). As detailed in my book, many individuals heavily implicated in the New Manhattan Project have been CFR members and many corporations implicated in the production of the NMP are (or have been) corporate members of the CFR. In 2016, the former director of the CIA John ‘Stratospheric Aerosol Injection’ Brennan famously advocated for chemtrails at CFR headquarters in Manhattan.

The Rockefellers really got busy with the NMP during and after WWII. This was when fundamental technologies needed for this global weather modification program started getting massive funding. The Rockefellers funded the Massachusetts Institute of Technology’s wartime Radiation Laboratory which produced early technologies succinctly applicable to the New Manhattan Project such as aircraft control systems and over-the-horizon radar.

Meanwhile, in early 1940s China, in blatant violation of the Neutrality Act, the Rockefellers supported the beginnings of today’s proprietary fleet of chemtrail spraying jumbo jets: the Flying Tigers. The ad hoc political lobby that supported the Flying Tigers operated out of Manhattan’s Rockefeller Center. Nelson Rockefeller, along with the same people that brought us the Flying Tigers, formed the Sydney Ross Company which supplied the Flying Tigers and China with pharmaceutical drugs throughout the war.

As usual, the Rockefellers were playing all sides. They did tremendous business helping build and support the WWII Nazi war machine, often to the exclusion of American interests. This is significant to our discussion because, after the war, many former Nazi scientists were secreted into America and went to work on many areas applicable to the New Manhattan Project. Throughout WWII, the head of the Rockefeller family was John D. Rockefeller, Jr. (1874-1960).

One of John D. Rockefeller, Jr.’s sons, Laurance Rockefeller (1910-2004) became firmly embedded in the American military aerospace industry – an area germane to the New Manhattan Project. In the years leading up to America’s entry into the war, he had helped finance the beginnings of McDonnell Douglas and had saved Eddie Rickenbacker’s Eastern Airlines from bankruptcy. In 1940 Laurance Rockefeller (L.R.) was persuaded by Assistant Secretary of the Navy James Forrestal (1892-1949) to assist the Navy in managing and financing certain aviation companies, and the seeds of Laurance Rockefeller’s post-war venture capital activities were planted. During WWII, L.R. was a naval lieutenant overseeing Bureau of Aeronautics aircraft production.

After the war, in 1946 Laurance Rockefeller founded Rockefeller Brothers, Inc., a venture capital firm invested in companies producing jets, helicopters, rockets, aviation electronics, and nuclear research. Among many other firms, Rockefeller Brothers helped fund the Glenn L. Martin corporation which eventually became today’s Lockheed Martin – developer of the Polaris missile and producer of the C-141 supertanker aircraft: two projects with profound implications for the NMP. Today Rockefeller Brothers, Inc. is known as Venrock.

The United Nations (UN) is another of the Rockefellers’ post war efforts and, again, this is significant because the UN is heavily implicated in the NMP. The UN started in a Rockefeller-funded study group at the CFR. In their epic book Killing the Planet, Williams and Howard-Browne write:

“The United Nations, as conceived by the Council on Foreign Relations and funded by the House of Rockefeller, was never meant to be an academic debating society. It was conceived to become an international regime that would control the world’s weapons, wars, courts, tax collectors, and economy. The orders to create this new international organization came from the Rockefellers. The plans were drawn up in 1943 by a ‘secret steering committee’ under Secretary of State Cordell Hull. The members of this committee – Leo Pasvolsky, Isaiah Bowman, Sumner Welles, Norman Davis, and Myron Taylor – were all prominent CFR members. The draft for the massive international agency, after passing Nelson Rockefeller’s inspection, was presented on June 15, 1944, to President Roosevelt, who promptly gave it his approval.”

For the UN’s headquarters, John D. Rockefeller, Jr. offered $8.5M to buy a piece of real estate situated alongside the East River in central Manhattan previously known as Turtle Bay. The United Nations headquarters were mainly designed by the same architect who designed Rockefeller Center.

For information about the UN’s extensive connections to the NMP, please refer to my book. I’m struggling to keep this article relatively short. My problem has always been one of too much evidence, not too little. Please bear with.

The Rockefellers have funded John von Neumann and Edward Teller – two monolithic figures in the development of the NMP. The Rockefellers have readily available connections to the MITRE Corporation – which has carried forth the nucleus of the NMP over the decades. The Rockefellers have been prodigious supporters of the theory of man made global warming – which provides ideological support for the NMP. The Rockefellers have always been fully invested in the CIA – an organization with only the most profound implications for the NMP. The CIA’s involvement in the NMP will be detailed on The Abstract next week. The Rockefellers have strong connections to the Travelers Insurance Company and their Weather Research Center – financial fraud anyone? Among many other major holdings of companies heavily implicated in the NMP, by 1976 the Rockefellers held a controlling interest in Atlantic Richfield whose subsidiary APTI was the assignee of all of the original HAARP patents.

Lastly, one particular historical episode involving the Rockefellers and the NMP deserves a little more attention here. It appears that the Rockefellers and their Standard Oil Company are the original founders of Lawrence Livermore National Lab. This is particularly significant because, due to an overabundance of connections to the NMP, Lawrence Livermore National Lab is my best educated guess as to where a NMP command base might be. Ernest Lawrence’s biographer Herbert Childs writes:

“As the AEC [Atomic Energy Commission] was interested in developing private industrial cooperation on the West Coast, the California Research and Development Company was organized to undertake development of the project by the California Research Corporation, a subsidiary of Standard Oil Company of California. This was accomplished after Regent Neylan brought Ernest [Lawrence] and Standard Oil Chairman R. Gwin Follis, and his predecessor, Harry Collier, together. It was an ambitious project for a new company, far larger than any ever undertaken by its parent, the California Research Corporation. The pilot plant would be constructed at a onetime naval air station near Livermore, just across the hills from Berkeley, near the edge of the San Joaquin Valley. A full-scale production plant was contemplated for Weldon Spring, Missouri. The project was announced on March 31, 1950, as an AEC classified research program.”

Peter A. Kirby is a San Rafael, CA researcher, author, and activist. His books Chemtrails Exposed: A New Manhattan Project and The Fall of San Francisco are available at Amazon. Join his email list at his website PeterAKirby.com


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Chemtrails = DEATH

Chemtrails = DEATH



The Abstract episode 33 “Chemtrails = DEATH”

by Peter A. Kirby, Activist Post
June 9, 2023


Highly credible evidence shows that what is constantly sprayed from jumbo jet aircraft is devastating us and our environment. From the last two installments of The Abstract we have learned that we are being sprayed with coal fly ash. Now the question becomes: What does that do? The answer to that question is already well established: Chemtrails cause DEATH. For the full story of chemtrails and geoengineering, please buy and read the author’s book Chemtrails Exposed: A New Manhattan Project.

We already know what coal fly ash does to humans and the environment. This has been well established long ago. Before the widespread use of electrostatic precipitators which purify the emissions from hydrocarbon-fired power plants, the smoke that rises from burning coal simply billowed out into the free atmosphere. At the time, extensive environmental studies were conducted in order to gauge the impact of these effluents. The findings were not good. Billowing clouds of coal fly ash were found to cause: lung cancer, neurodegenerative disease, chronic inflammation, respiratory disease and cardiovascular disease.

Bringing these findings to light and putting them into the context of today’s geoengineering operations is, once again, our friend Dr. Marvin Herndon, PhD. In a series of peer-reviewed, published journal articles, Dr. Herndon and his colleague Dr. Mark Whiteside, MD (a sitting director of Monroe County, Florida’s Department of Health) have updated and expanded upon this voluminous body of historical scientific work.

Forget about coal fly ash for a moment though. Simply breathing in any kind of particulate matter is very bad for humans. This is not a matter of debate. Common sense and many studies show this. Inhalation of fine particulate matter is associated with: Alzheimer’s disease, risk for stroke, risk for cardiovascular disease, lung inflammation and diabetes, reduced renal (kidney) function in older males, morbidity and premature mortality, decreased male fertility, low birth weight, onset of asthma, and increased hospital admissions.

Due to its extreme toxicity, coal fly ash is much worse. Herndon and Whiteside write, “CFA [coal fly ash] contains a variety of potentially carcinogenic substances including aluminosilicates, an iron oxide-containing magnetic fraction, several toxic trace elements, nanoparticles, and alpha-particle-emitting radionuclides. Silica, arsenic, cadmium, and hexavalent chromium are found in CFA and all have been associated with increased lung cancer risk.”

Centers for Disease Control (CDC) data has confirmed a recent, concurrent rise in neurological diseases.


CDC rates of Alzheimer’s disease



CDC rates of Parkinson’s disease


Biospheric implications

In June of 2019 Herndon and Whiteside published a paper titled “Role of Aerosolized Coal Fly Ash in the Global Plankton Imbalance: Case of Florida’s Toxic Algae Crisis.” In this paper, the authors provide evidence for the assertion that the coal fly ash sprayed by the megaton into our biosphere is causing, among other things, an overabundance of harmful plankton blooms which, in turn, has more harmful effects.

A little further up the food chain we find insects. Herndon and Whiteside have been working in this area as well. In August of 2018 their paper titled “Previously Unacknowledged Potential Factors in Catastrophic Bee and Insect Die-off Arising from Coal Fly Ash Geoengineering” was published. In this paper, the authors substantiate a multitude of harmful, observed effects upon insects from chemtrail spray. We can stop wondering why bee populations are being decimated and we have seen a concurrent, precipitous drop in overall global insect populations as well. The authors write:

“The primary components of CFA [coal fly ash], silicon, aluminum, and iron, consisting in part of magnetite (Fe3O4), all have important potential toxicities to insects. Many of the trace elements in CFA are injurious to insects; several of them (e.g., arsenic, mercury, and cadmium) are used as insecticides. Toxic particulates and heavy metals in CFA contaminate air, water, and soil and thus impact the entire biosphere. Components of CFA, including aluminum extractable in a chemically-mobile form, have been shown to adversely affect insects in terrestrial, aquatic, and aerial environments. Both the primary and trace elements in CFA have been found on, in, and around insects and the plants they feed on in polluted regions around the world. Magnetite from CFA may potentially disrupt insect magnetoreception. Chlorine and certain other constituents of aerosolized CFA potentially destroy atmospheric ozone thus exposing insects to elevated mutagenicity and lethal levels of UV-B and UV-C solar radiation.”

Further up the food chain we find birds. Drs. Herndon and Whiteside published a paper in November of 2018 titled “Aerosolized Coal Fly Ash: A Previously Unrecognized Primary Factor in the Catastrophic Global Demise of Bird Populations and Species.” In this paper, the authors find that coal fly ash is causing unprecedented bird die-offs. The authors write, “Bird populations and species world-wide are experiencing die-offs on an unprecedented scale.” A little later, the authors continue, “Aerosolized CFA [coal fly ash], a particularly toxic form of air pollution, contains multiple metals and elements well-known to adversely affect all portions of the avian life cycle, in aerial, terrestrial, and marine environments. Studies from around the globe reveal systemic contamination of birds by these elements.” The authors conclude that, “Coal fly ash, including its use in ongoing atmospheric geoengineering operations, is a major factor in global bird die-off. The accelerating decline of birds parallels the catastrophic decline of insects, due in part to the same type of aerial pollution.”

Doctors Herndon and Whiteside have also looked at the biological impacts of chemtrails upon bat populations. In January of 2020 they published a paper titled “Unacknowledged Potential Factors in Catastrophic Bat Die-off Arising from Coal Fly Ash Geoengineering.” In this paper, the authors find that bat populations worldwide are suffering a precipitous decline. The authors write:

“Bats are excellent mammalian bioindicators of environmental contaminants and it is known that their tissue contains high levels of metals and persistent organic pollutants. From a review of the literature, we show that the pollutant element ratios in bat tissue and bat guano are consistent with an origin in CFA-type air pollution. These findings suggest that CFA [coal fly ash], including its use in covert climate engineering operations, is an unacknowledged factor in the morbidity and mortality of bats. Bats, therefore, are an important ‘canary in the coal mine’ pointing to the urgency of halting covert climate engineering and greatly reducing ultrafine particulate air pollution.”

Plants have been decimated under this New Manhattan Project too. Doctors Herndon, Whiteside and other co-authors have been doing work in this area as well. In a series of published, peer-reviewed journal articles, they have found that a combination of factors, all caused by the spraying of coal fly ash, are causing mass die-offs of global vegetation. They found that trees, in particular, are weakened by increased UV radiation, desiccation, and toxicity – all caused by chemtrails. Once a tree is weakened by this trifecta, it becomes susceptible to insect infestations, fungal infections, and other biotic factors such as bacteria and viruses. The result of all this is dry, dead and dying vegetation. An abundance of dry, dead and dying vegetation makes forest fires occur more often and burn more furiously. Herndon et al conclude that this is most probably why we have seen such tremendously large forest fires lately.

For all of what Drs. Herndon and Whiteside have to offer here, please buy and read their book Chemtrails are not Contrails: The Face of Evil.
Silver Iodide

The conventional cloud seeding industry has set the precedent. They’ve been spraying us with a toxic substance since just after the end of WWII. They’ve been routinely spraying us with silver iodide. Although today’s Weather Modification Association claims it is completely safe, they have a conflict of interest and they do not have enough data to sufficiently back up their claims.

A popular silver iodide material safety data sheet describes silver iodide as, “Hazardous in case of skin contact (irritant), of eye contact (irritant), of ingestion, [and] of inhalation.” Unbelievably, the authors of this data sheet write that much of the toxicology information is NOT AVAILABLE. They’ve been spraying us with this stuff since 1947 and the toxicology information is not available?! Equally as unbelievable, to date, no publicly available, long-term studies of silver iodide’s ecological impacts have been done.

It is widely suggested that exposure to silver iodide causes argyria – characterized by a blue-grey discoloration of the eyes, skin, mucous membranes, and internal organs. Does that sound healthy?

Another MSDS produced by Fisher Scientific reads, ”Chronic ingestion of iodides during pregnancy has resulted in fetal death, severe goiter, and cretinoid appearance of the newborn. Prolonged exposure to iodides may produce iodism in sensitive individuals. Symptoms could include skin rash, running nose and headache.”

Despite this information, the historical weather modification literature notes a lack of data. A 1966 National Science Foundation report stated, “The present state of knowledge places uncomfortable limits on the prediction of the biological consequences of modifying the weather.” A 1969 Bureau of Reclamation report noted, “There has so far not been a single biological field study completed and reported in the literature specifically designed to identify any aspect of the ecological effects of weather modification.” While a 1972 study conducted by the Council on Environmental Quality stated, “Projects may have significant adverse environmental effects, ranging from immediate hazards to life and property to long-term alterations in land use patterns and threats to ecological systems.”

Weather modifiers have exhibited a pattern of dismissing the potentially harmful effects of substances used in weather modification activities. In 1967 weather modifier Archie Kahan, writing for the Bureau of Reclamation, dismissed concerns about the use of silver iodide as he conflated the biological impacts of silver iodide with its efficacy as a nucleant and any possible hazardous weather that might arise from its use. This has been a common tactic used to avoid answering the most obvious question.

The vast majority of research done in this area does not even concern itself with Human health impacts or biospheric contamination. Rather, it focuses on the ancillary issue of how plants and animals may be affected by either more or less rainfall. The work that is publicly available is mostly cursory. In the vast majority of cases where the subject is even so much as broached, the literature quickly follows with assurances that there are probably no adverse effects and that further study is not necessary.

Thankfully, some research indicating silver iodide’s negative biological impacts has surfaced. It is not good news, but we need to hear it. Evidence suggests that it is exceptionally bad for organisms further down the food chain. The aforementioned 1969 Bureau of Reclamation report also noted:

“Silver compounds are much more toxic to fish than to terrestrial vertebrates. Some of the higher concentrations of Ag recorded in precipitation from seeded storms are comparable to the lowest concentrations lethal to fish in the short run. In one set of experiments, sticklebacks were able to withstand no more than 0.003 ppm Ag in water at 15-18° C. The fish survived one week at 0.004 ppm, four days at 0.01 ppm, and but one day at 0.1 ppm.”

This 1969 report also found silver to be, “…highly toxic to microorganisms….” The report continues:

“Many investigators have placed Ag at or near the top of the list among heavy metals in toxicity to fungi, slime molds, and bacteria. Water containing 0.015 ppm Ag from contact with specially prepared metal has exhibited bacteriocidal activity. 0.006 ppm Ag has killed E. coli in 2 to 24 hours, depending on numbers of bacteria. Bacteriocidal activity in this context usually implies death of 9.99% or so of the cells present.”

Killing fungi, E. coli, and slime molds may sound like a good thing. But in the context of our complex and interdependent biosphere, it is not. Our overall ecosystem needs slime molds and the like. These things are vital links in the food chain.

The bottom line is that there is compelling evidence showing that silver iodide has seriously negative biological impacts. We cannot know for sure that spraying this stuff is safe if no reputable, public, long-term studies have been done, but they have been going ahead and doing it anyway – just like today’s geoengineers.


Peter A. Kirby is a San Rafael, CA researcher, author, and activist. Find his books Chemtrails Exposed: A New Manhattan Project and The Fall of San Francisco available now exclusively at Amazon. Join his email list at his website PeterAKirby.com.


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Cover image credit: SAXSTL

Our Geoengineered Skies: Why Coal Fly Ash?

Our Geoengineered Skies: Why Coal Fly Ash?


The Abstract episode 32 “Why coal fly ash?” 

by Peter A. Kirby, Activist Post
June 3, 2024


Once we understand that we are being sprayed, the most obvious question becomes: What are they spraying? The answer is: coal fly ash. We know that we are being sprayed with coal fly ash due to the work of Marvin Herndon, PhD and his peer-reviewers. But beyond that, there is a seemingly endless amount of circumstantial evidence supporting Dr. Herndon’s findings as well. Here we go over all of the evidence as to why it is asserted that we are being sprayed with coal fly ash. For the full story of everything chemtrails and geoengineering, please buy and read the author’s book Chemtrails Exposed: A New Manhattan Project.

Coal fly ash is the smoke that rises from burning coal. It is a toxic waste byproduct of coal-fired power plants, which are a staple of global energy production. It is continuously produced by the megaton. In America and the rest of the Western world, coal fly ash is intercepted before it can billow out into our atmosphere by large machines known as ‘electrostatic precipitators.’ Once collected, the question becomes one of what to do with all of this coal fly ash: a toxic slew comprised of, among many other things, mercury, arsenic and radioactive elements. The best evidence indicates that, rather than being disposed of properly, coal fly ash has been utilized as the most common chemtrail spray.

Scientific evidence

Dr. Herndon’s peer-reviewed papers identifying coal fly ash as common chemtrail spray first began to be published in 2017. All four of these 2017 articles were published in the Journal of Geography, Environment and Earth Science International. Herndon also co-authored three 2018 peer-reviewed papers which further substantiated the evidence for common chemtrail spray as being coal fly ash.

Marvin Herndon

Dr. J. Marvin Herndon is an American interdisciplinary scientist. He earned his BA in physics in 1970 from the University of California at San Diego (UCSD) and his PhD in nuclear chemistry in 1974 from Texas A&M University. He has worked extensively with famous scientists such as geochemist Hans Suess (1909-1993) and Manhattan Project physical chemist Harold Urey (1893-1981), who themselves were trained by master scientists, including Nobel Laureate Niels Bohr (1885-1962). Dr. Herndon’s scientific papers have been published in world-class journals such as the Proceedings of the Royal Society of London and the Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences. He has also been profiled in the popular press worldwide including a Discover Magazine cover story. Dr. Herndon is a well-known and respected, civically active citizen.

As detailed in Herndon’s book Chemtrails are not Contrails: The Face of Evil, using mass spectroscopy (a process that determines the elemental composition of substances), Herndon compared coal fly ash to environmental samples of snow, rainwater and ambient air. What he found was a match. He found that the chemical signature of coal fly ash was present in all of the environmental samples tested. This is irrefutable proof that we are being sprayed with coal fly ash (CFA) and Herndon’s peer-reviewers have confirmed his findings.



The fact that CFA was found ubiquitously in all of the environmental samples Herndon analyzed means that this substance is being sprayed from aircraft. That is the only way that this substance could be present in every sample tested.




This is not to say that CFA is the only substance with which we are being sprayed. CFA may be used as a substrate for other dispersed substances and we have seen plenty of strange, as yet unidentified substances sprayed from aircraft such as the black goo credibly mentioned in William Thomas’ book Chemtrails Confirmed. But it makes sense that CFA would be utilized for this purpose for many reasons, not the least of which is the fact that there is an inexpensive, readily available and seemingly inexhaustible supply of the stuff.

Circumstantial evidence

As we understand that the New Manhattan Project (NMP) is mainly about weather modification, it is interesting to note that there is quite a historical precedent for the use of coal fly ash in weather modification and the atmospheric sciences. Many military men have claimed that the smoke from exploded bombs causes precipitation. The early American meteorologist James Pollard ‘The Storm King’ Espy (1785-1860) claimed that the smoke from forest fires causes rain to fall. The Nobel Prize-winning weather modifier Irving Langmuir (1881-1957) and NMP pioneer Bernard Vonnegut (1914-1997) were working with fine particle oil smokes way back during WWII. The nucleant discovered by Vonnegut and used through to the conventional weather modification industry of today is the smoke of burning silver iodide. In all of these instances, as with coal fly ash, smoke from some type of fire is either said to cause or is known to cause weather modification.

Congruently, the geoengineers of today often talk about how stratospheric masses of volcanic ash spewing from a fiery volcano can reflect sunlight back into space and therefore cool the planet, saving us from the dreaded global warming – in other words, the SRM geoengineering thesis. In 1963, weather modifier Narayan R. Gokhale of the Department of Earth and Atmospheric Sciences of the State University of New York was experimenting with volcanic ash as a nucleant. Many of the things geoengineers say they want to spray us with are in coal fly ash like silica, sulphates, and aluminum.

It is entirely possible to produce coal fly ash particles of the proper size for optimum nucleation. Particles optimally sized for nucleation would be the most useful for the New Manhattan Project as those particles attract the most amount of atmospheric water. The proper size is in the neighborhood of one tenth of a micron (.1μ). Therefore it is safe to assume that the coal fly ash particles to be used as part of the New Manhattan Project are in the neighborhood of .1μ in diameter. .1μ is extremely small, but, to attain this particle size, before combustion, the coal simply needs to be finely pulverized, which is a standard industry practice.

The different molecules which comprise the coal fly ash of the New Manhattan Project may serve different purposes. Aluminum oxide has been used extensively as a nucleant. Silicon (which presents abundantly in coal fly ash) has too. The barium, strontium and other radioactive elements found in CFA probably serve as atmospheric tracers. Geoengineers are on record using tiny radioactive particles, monitored by satellites and computers, to track atmospheric movements.

The National Institute of Standards and Technology (NIST) sells CFA as one of their standard reference materials (SRMs) and has done so for decades. It would be advantageous to the technological development and ongoing operations of the New Manhattan Project to standardize the substance being sprayed.

The circumstantial evidence for coal fly ash as common chemtrail spray just goes on and on. The First International Coal Fly Ash Utilization Symposium (yes, there is a entire field of ‘coal fly ash utilization’) and Dr. Marvin Herndon both mention how the iron oxide in the fly ash makes the ash a brownish color. Your author has observed that chemtrail spray has a brownish tint.

The use of coal fly ash in chemtrails has precedent in that it is analogous to water fluoridation. What our local water district calls ‘fluoride’ is not what most people think it is. What is put in the water is an industrial waste by-product called hydrofluosilicic acid which, if the population was not forced to ingest it, would be expensive to get rid of. Instead, corrupt governments pay for it to be consumed by the unsuspecting public and a giant disinformation apparatus constantly tells us that anyone opposed to water fluoridation is a crazy conspiracy theorist. Does that sound familiar?

Another analogue is how the functioning of an electrostatic precipitator is germane to the New Manhattan Project itself. When today’s coal fly ash is sequestered with an electrostatic precipitator, a mini New Manhattan Project occurs. Electrostatic precipitators collect fly ash by first electrically charging the airborne ash particles then attracting them to oppositely charged plates where the ash is then whisked away. This is analogous to how, in the course of today’s New Manhattan Project, atmospheric particles are ionized (charged) and then manipulated. In fact, today’s electrostatic precipitators are the product of decades of study concerning the electrical manipulation of atmospheric particles.

Although it is naturally a powder, the NMP’s coal fly ash would probably need to be reconstituted into some type of liquid. A liquid would work well within the context of the New Manhattan Project as a liquid could be more easily and efficiently transported and stored. When dispersed, a liquid would be preferable to a powder because liquids would tend to clog-up the necessary tubing much less. A final blast of heat from a jet engine might turn a dense liquid into tiny, finely dispersed particles.

Dresser Industries and the Bush family

It is interesting to note that the Bush political crime family, through their family bank Brown Brothers Harriman, owns the world’s largest manufacturer of electrostatic precipitators. It’s called Dresser Industries. Dresser’s company history goes back to the late 1800s and, as detailed in the author’s book, they have historically worked with many organizations heavily associated with the New Manhattan Project such as the Nazis.

As far as the Bush family goes, only their bosses, the Rockefellers are more implicated in the New Manhattan Project. The Bush family is connected to the New Manhattan Project through their close associations with: Nazis, the original Manhattan Project, the CIA, the Council on Foreign Relations, The Carlyle Group, Enron and more. Again, all of this is detailed in my book.

Is Dresser Industries providing the coal fly ash needed for today’s New Manhattan Project? Just askin’

Peter A. Kirby is a San Rafael, CA researcher, author, and activist. Find his books Chemtrails Exposed: A New Manhattan Project and The Fall of San Francisco available exclusively at Amazon. Join his email list at his website PeterAKirby.com.


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Cover image credit: Library of Congress, Public Domain
The Champion No. 1 coal cleaning plant near Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania, USA. November 1942.

Our Geoengineered Skies: Evidence Points to the MITRE Corporation & New Manhattan Project

Our Geoengineered Skies: Evidence Points to the MITRE Corporation & New Manhattan Project


The Abstract episode 30 “Why is nobody else talking about the MITRE Corporation?” 

by Peter A. Kirby, Activist Post
May 19, 2024


Many participants in our noble anti-geoengineering movement appear to be confused as to exactly who is spraying us while answers to this question are extensively detailed in my book Chemtrails Exposed: A New Manhattan Project. Among many other heavily implicated organizations, one stands out as the lowest of the low-hanging fruit: the MITRE Corporation. The evidence for their building and maintaining the many technical aspects of today’s ongoing SRM geoengineering operations is simply legion.

Evidence suggests that the MITRE Corporation has been in charge of the New Manhattan Project’s systems architecture. Systems architecture refers to the organization and harmonization of all the different scientific New Manhattan Project sub-operations such as: operation of the ionospheric heaters, control of the aircraft, collection of atmospheric data, satellite communications, etc. MITRE can make all these things work together and create an elegant end-user experience to boot.

Along with designing and building technical systems architecture, the MITRE Corporation of Bedford, Massachusetts designs and helps build military aerospace command and control centers. In fact, they have designed and helped build every major aerospace command and control center in America. From the National Military Command Center under the Pentagon to Strategic Air Command (SAC) in Nebraska to the North American Aerospace Defense Command (NORAD) facility in Cheyenne Mountain, Colorado, MITRE has built them all. MITRE also worked with NASA to develop the Apollo Mission Control Center in Houston (now the Johnson Space Flight Center).


The MITRE Corporation has extensive involvement in just about every sub-operation of the New Manhattan Project. From satellite communications to atmospheric monitoring to remotely controlling fleets of airplanes to supercomputing to operating ionospheric heaters, MITRE can do it all. The New Manhattan Project is operationally right up their alley – so much so that it makes one wonder if the MITRE Corporation was created specifically to be the New Manhattan Project’s development coordinator and technical manager. As far as the author can tell, the MITRE Corporation is the only American corporation with the right skill set to build the systems architecture of the New Manhattan Project – probably the only one in the world.

Much of the information recounted here is contained within the pages of a 1979 book titled MITRE: The First Twenty Years. It was written and published by the MITRE Corporation. There may not be a single book more important to the history of the New Manhattan Project.

MITRE was founded in 1958 with about 500 employees from the Massachusetts Institute of Technology’s Lincoln Laboratory to resolve a technical mess made by the previous administrators of a system called the SAGE Air Defense System. The RAND Corporation, the Ford Foundation, and the Massachusetts Institute of Technology were disproportionally represented on MITRE’s first board of trustees. Connections to the original Manhattan Project, Edward Teller, Rockefellers, and Rothschilds are readily found. Although they themselves do not specify exactly what their name means, the author speculates that MITRE is an acronym for the Massachusetts Institute of Technology Radiation Experiment.

The SAGE system was another tremendously huge, covert effort involving radar, computers, command and control centers, and fleets of unmanned, remotely controlled missile-like jet aircraft designed by Boeing to hit enemy bomber aircraft before they could reach American cities. Originally named Project Whirlwind, it was a direct spin-off of the nascent automated missile battery systems developed at the MIT Radiation Laboratory during WWII. This was all, of course, to keep us safe from the Russian nuclear threat. This effort involved the first use of centralized computers for air traffic control. MIT and the Air Force Cambridge Research Laboratories then founded the SAGE project which dates back to a 1950 committee called Project Charles headed by an MIT professor named George E. Valley (1913-1999). John von Neumann (1903-1957) was a consultant to Project Charles. The chief architect of the SAGE system was an MIT scientist by the name of Jay Forrester (1918-2016). The project was known originally as Project Lincoln and it was launched in 1951 at MIT’s former Rad Lab in Kendall Square.

Jay Forrester

The earliest official mention of something like the SAGE system is found with Theodore Von Kármán and the other authors of a report titled “Where We Stand” who wrote of, “large numbers of long-range ground-to-ground pilotless aircraft” controlled by a central location. Nikola Tesla and Vannevar Bush theorized about such things as well. For more information about all of this, please see the author’s book.

Information gathered in the field from radar and other sensors was to be fed into a central computer which was designed to streamline and automate the process of launching the missiles. The central computer of the SAGE system was known as Whirlwind and later as the IBM AN/FSQ-7. Work on the SAGE system was originally conducted at MIT’s Lincoln Laboratory, which was created for the purpose. Like the MITRE Corporation, Lincoln Laboratory’s headquarters were and are in Bedford, Massachusetts.


SAGE system schematic

The SAGE system never fully attained its planned capabilities. There were many delays and cost increases during the course of SAGE’s development. On top of this, in the meantime, the enemy’s offensive capabilities changed from bombers to intercontinental ballistic missiles which created a situation of moving goalposts. Due to these factors, in the late 1950s the Department of Defense recognized the realities of the situation and cut their losses by beginning to scuttle the project before it was completed.

Nevertheless, it is this SAGE system from which large portions of today’s New Manhattan Project evolved. In fact, it is this SAGE system that has served as the nucleus of the New Manhattan Project – passed on throughout the decades. Most notably, the air traffic control systems of today’s NMP evolved from SAGE.

Over the years, MITRE has consistently developed many different air traffic control systems capable of remotely controlling large numbers of aircraft. In 1959, MITRE partnered with the Federal Aviation Agency to develop something called SAGE Air Traffic Integration (SATIN). MITRE had been developing this system since their founding. According to a book commemorating their 50th anniversary, SATIN, “…was aimed at developing a single, unified system for managing all aircraft in the nation’s airspace.”

Later, something called Position Location, Reporting, and Control of Tactical Aircraft (PLRACTA) took shape. Let us reference a passage from MITRE: The First Twenty Years:

“In the late 1960s, the activities being pursued separately under CNI [Communications, Navigation, and Identification] and CASOFF [Control and Surveillance of Friendly Forces] were combined into a single advanced development program called PLRACTA, standing for Position Location, Reporting, and Control of Tactical Aircraft, headed by C. Eric Ellingson. PLRACTA’s goal was to provide information exchange among a maximum of one thousand aircraft and other, ground elements of the control system.”

PLRACTA later became known as Seek Bus, then later still as the Joint Tactical Information Distribution System (JTIDS). JTIDS is in use today. There is a JTIDS Wikipedia page. The New Manhattan Project probably utilizes an enhanced and customized version of the JTIDS system.

The NMP’s air traffic control is most probably operated out of North American Aerospace Defense Command (NORAD) in Cheyenne Mountain, Colorado. This location is the most dominant North American air traffic controller and the site of intense MITRE activity over the years. NORAD is a joint U.S. and Canadian operation. Word is that NORAD’s command center has actually been moved recently to underneath Denver International Airport, but at this time, this story cannot be substantiated.



Separately, MITRE did the big study that provided a scientific basis for the Environmental Protection Agency’s 1976 Toxic Controlled Substances Act. Before they produced that study, MITRE worked with the Department of the Interior’s Office of Coal Research to produce a study about possible cleaner uses of coal. For the Interior Department, MITRE investigated methods for doubling or tripling coal production as well. These facts are interesting because chemtrails usually consist of coal fly ash. Maybe MITRE and the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) worked together to make sure that plenty of toxic coal fly ash was removed by government mandated coal fly ash scrubbers and therefore available as New Manhattan Project chemtrail spray.

Since their founding and throughout the production of the New Manhattan Project, MITRE Corporation’s world headquarters has been in Bedford, Massachusetts. This is interesting because Bedford is in the Boston metropolitan area. As noted in the author’s book, the Boston metropolitan area has an abnormally high concentration of organizations involved in the development of the New Manhattan Project such as: the American Meteorological Society, Harvard University, the Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT), and many more. In order to produce history’s largest scientific endeavor, it would be advantageous to have a community of some of the world’s top academic, research, and development institutions located within a 15 mile radius; all answering to MITRE the coordinator. The Boston area was the New Manhattan Project’s developmental epicenter and MITRE was most probably the NMP’s late-stage development coordinator.

Once this Project became operational, it would be advantageous to retain the maintenance and support services of the people that designed and built it. It’s like buying a brand new car from the dealer and getting premium factory service. Doing it this way makes things as easy as possible. As they are an ongoing concern, the MITRE Corporation probably continues to manage the systems of the New Manhattan Project to this day. They’ve been sucking up our taxpayer dollars this whole time. Now, where is our congressional investigation?

Believe it or not, there is actually much more evidence implicating the MITRE Corporation in the pages of my book Chemtrails Exposed: A New Manhattan Project. Let us wander in confusion no longer. The who, what, why, where, when and how of the New Manhattan Project has already been discovered and made available to the public in an easily accessible and concise fashion. If you have not done so already, please educate yourself and read my book. If we are to engage the enemy, it is helpful to know their ways. Thank you.

Peter A. Kirby is a San Rafael, CA researcher, author, and activist. His books Chemtrails Exposed: A New Manhattan Project and The Fall of San Francisco available now exclusively at Amazon. Join his email list at his website PeterAKirby.com.


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Eight States in the U.S. Take Action Against Geo-Engineering & “Chemtrails”

Eight States in the U.S. Take Action Against Geo-Engineering


The Abstract episode 29 “8 States BANNING CHEMTRAILS”

by Peter Kirby, Activist Post
May 13, 2024


It appears that the issue of chemtrails and geoengineering is finally starting to go mainstream. This is largely due to the fact that Tennessee has recently signed a bill into law which effectively bans weather modification activities and there are 7 other states with similar bills in the works. For a thorough understanding of chemtrails and geoengineering, please buy and read the author’s book Chemtrails Exposed: A New Manhattan Project.



On April 11, 2024 Tennessee Governor Bill Lee signed SB 2691 (formerly HB 2063) into law. The new law goes into effect on July 1. SB 2691 was introduced by Representative Monty Fritts (R) and had 14 co-sponsors.

The law is very brief. It amends an already existing law. It simply states that, “The intentional injection, release, or dispersion, by any means, of chemicals, chemical compounds, substances, or apparatus within the borders of this state into the atmosphere with the express purpose of affecting temperature, weather, or the intensity of the sunlight is prohibited.” Violators face charges of a class C misdemeanor with fines of up to $10K per day, per violation.

Representative Fritts notes that SB 2691 has been promoted in response to a 2023 Biden White House report which asserts the need for spraying the Earth with tens of thousands of megatons of toxic chemicals.


The legal movement resulting in Tennessee’s successful bill started in Illinois over a year ago. In January of 2023 Illinois Senator Neil Anderson (R) introduced SB 0134. This bill was definitely a trial run. It’s very bare bones. It simply outlaws ‘cloud seeding,’ but is not specific and provides no investigatory process or penalties for violators. The bill was shuffled around in committees and never received a vote. It is now stalled.

New Hampshire

Late last year, New Hampshire Representative Jason Gerhard (R) introduced HB 1700-FN also known as The Clean Atmosphere Preservation Act. The bill prohibits the intentional release of pollutants associated with weather and climate modification. It also bans excessive electromagnetic energy (EM) pollution and provides penalties for violators.

The bill explicitly asserts states’ rights under the 10th amendment to the Constitution ‘where federal programs and restrictions have become oppressive or destructive.’ The bill specifically outlaws federally approved and/or funded activities that violate the provisions of HB 1700. HB 1700 also stipulates that foreign state-sponsored programs and programs sponsored by international bodies that violate the provisions of this bill can be banned in perpetuity from engaging or applying to engage in activities that violate the law.

Reports of violations are to be made to the New Hampshire Department of Environmental Services. Enforcement is performed by county sheriffs and the N.H. Department of Environmental Services, Air Resources Division of Compliance. Under this proposed law the state of N.H. is required to actively solicit for evidence of violations from the general public.

Violators of HB 1700-FN will have committed a felony and shall pay at least $500K or be imprisoned for at least 2 years or both. Every day that offending conduct is carried out is treated as a separate offense. Perpetrators are also subject to other applicable New Hampshire environmental laws.

HB 1700-FN is to take effect upon passage. Now is this what we have been waiting for or what? As we will see, subsequent proposed legislation in other states has apparently been modeled on HB 1700-FN.

South Dakota

On January 31 of this year, South Dakota Senator Tom Pischke (R) introduced SB 215. SB 215 has 3 co-sponsors and it has already passed the Senate Agriculture and Natural Resources committee 7-0. Like the New Hampshire bill, SB 215 outlaws both polluting emissions and excessive EM in the course of weather/climate modification activities. SB 215 appears to have been modeled on New Hampshire’s bill. Like New Hampshire’s bill, SB 215 says that federally and/or internationally authorized weather/climate modifying activities violating SB 215 are not legal in South Dakota under the 10th amendment.

SB 215 mandates that the state of South Dakota encourages the general public to collect and report information pertaining to potential violations. Such evidence is to be reported to county sheriffs and the Governor. Anti-geoengineering activists been collecting evidence like this for many years: rainwater samples, video evidence, etc.

The parameters for polluting EM violations are very specific. Reports of violations are to be made to the local county sheriff’s office. The bill provides that local sheriffs are to be assisted by scientific experts at state colleges and universities when necessary. If the sheriff corroborates any violations, the violations are to be reported to the Governor’s office. Local sheriffs as well as the Governor can issue cease-and-desist orders with the weight of a court order.

The Governor can call upon the adjutant general of the South Dakota National Guard in order to notify any aircraft of their violations and command them to ground the aircraft at the nearest available airport so that they may be further investigated. The Governor can also call upon State agencies such as the State police and the Department of Agriculture and Natural Resources to assist in the investigation. Owners and operators of offending facilities are required to produce operational records pertinent to the investigation. If warranted, entire facilities can be completely shut down. Further legal penalties for violations of SB 215 are not yet specified, but sheriffs finding violations are required to report those violations to the state’s attorney for prosecution.


On February 9 of this year Kentucky Representative Steve Rawlings (R) introduced HB 506. The bill has 5 co-sponsors so far, but has not had any committee votes yet. In many ways it is similar to the N.H. and S.D. bills.

Kentucky HB 506 bans the intentional release of all polluting emissions used in weather and climate modification. The bill gets a little more esoteric than others though. There are mentions of masers and artificial intelligence.

HB 506 provides for citizen input pertaining to possible violations. This input is to be solicited through notices in media publications as well as on the Kentucky Department for Environmental Protection (DEP) website. The bill requires all local and state officials to report any evidence of violations within 24 hours. Investigations of possible violations are to be made by the commissioner of the Kentucky DEP and HB 506 imbues the DEP with power to stop any offending activities and level penalties against those found to be in violation of the law. HB 506 challenges the federal government’s authority in these matters by saying that the DEP will issue notice to the feds if they authorize spraying activities over Kentucky. The DEP is also authorized to put other countries on notice.

Violators of the anti-geoengineering provisions of HB 506 (there are some things in the bill that do not pertain to geoengineering) face a minimum of a $500K fine as well as the penalties of a class D felony. Each day a violation is committed, it is treated as a separate offense.

Rhode Island

On March 1 of this year Rhode Island Senator Elaine Morgan (R) introduced SB 2540, also known as “The Rhode Island Clean Air Preservation Act.” There are no co-sponsors of the bill yet and it has not yet been put to a committee vote.

SB 2540 bans all types of atmospheric pollutants associated with climate and weather modification activities and provides penalties for violators. Like other proposed legislation, SB 2540 asserts states’ rights under the 10th amendment. It notes that violative activities authorized by the feds are not legal in R.I.

SB 2540 differs from the others in that it notes that the ‘combustable agents’ in weather engineering aerosols combined with EM radiation, “causes the desiccation of all biological life and contributes to draught and the hazard of catastrophic forest fires.” Like the Kentucky bill, SB 2540 mentions that AI might be responsible for running climate and/or weather modification activities.

Under SB 2540 the R.I. government is to encourage the public to monitor for and report violations. What constitutes evidence that the state can use is outlined in detail. This type of evidence collection is stuff that our anti-geoengineering community has been doing for many years. The bill stipulates that local universities and colleges are to assist the state police in investigating EM violations.

Potential violations of SB 2540 are to be reported to the R.I. state police. The R.I. state police may then report violations to the Air National Guard. The state police are concurrently empowered to issue a cease-and-desist order with the weight of a court order to violators. They are also empowered to seize violators’ records.

Violation of SB 2540 would result in a felony charge and at least a $500K fine or imprisonment for at least 5 years, or both a fine and imprisonment. Each day of violation is treated as a separate offense. There may be further penalties from associated laws.


On March 7 of this year Minnesota Representatives Jeff Dotseth (R), Eric Lucero (R) and Justin Eichorn (R) introduced HB 4687. HB 4687 bans the dispersion of all climate and/or weather modifying substances as well as the ‘excessive’ use of EM. There have been no committee votes yet.

County Sheriffs are required to encourage people to report potential violations. County sheriffs are also responsible for investigating reported violations and are required to report violations to the Minnesota attorney general. In the discovery of evidence, the cooperation of state universities and colleges is required. In investigations, the bill also allows for the assistance of the Minnesota National Guard. HB 4687 allows for sheriffs and county commissioners to immediately shut down offending activities, then refer perpetrators to the attorney general for prosecution. Violators are subject to being charged with a felony and a fine of $500K.

Like other proposed laws, the bill challenges the authority of the feds, foreign nations and international bodies that may have authorized or otherwise supported violations of HB 4687.


Lastly, Pennsylvania’s anti-geoengineering bill is in the formative stages. The prominent senator Doug Mastriano, who ran for Pennsylvania governor on the Republican ticket in 2022, has stated his intention to introduce the legislation. Mastriano has made repeated references to the chemtrail phenomenon on social media.

The passage of the law in Tennessee and associated activity has suddenly spurred the mainstream media into life. After years of near total silence, there’s been a flurry of activity lately the likes of which I’ve never seen. There’s suddenly 30-40 new slavestream media articles published online on the subject of ‘chemtrails.’ Of course they’re all hit pieces, but there’s no such thing as bad press. It couldn’t get much worse.

My take is that these bills are game changers. By the way the mainstream media is reacting, this looks like the tipping point in the chemtrail information war. Not only that, but almost all of these bills have teeth. Almost all of these bills set the stage for a real confrontation between the people and the chemtrail sprayers and, given a fair fight, the people will never lose.

These bills are straightforward and elegant in their simplicity. The votes taken thus far indicate overwhelming support and momentum. Everything I’m seeing here indicates a successful effort. It will be interesting to see how all this plays out. I intend to keep covering this story. Please stay tuned. I’m already figuring on my next report.

For more information, please see the ‘legal action’ tab at GeoEngineeringWatch.org.

Peter A. Kirby is a San Rafael, CA researcher, author, and activist. Buy his books Chemtrails Exposed: A New Manhattan Project and The Fall of San Francisco available now exclusively at Amazon. Join his email list at his website PeterAKirby.com.


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Was Iran’s Strike Against Israel a Psy-Op?

Was Iran’s Strike Against Israel a Psy-Op?

by Janet Phelan, Activist Post
April 15, 2024


Image credit: CBS


Saturday saw a rather spectacular night-sky display over Tel Aviv and elsewhere in Israel, as Iran sent hundreds of drones and missiles aimed at the Jewish state. From all reports, the display of force exhibited by Iran was stopped cold by a coordinated response by Israel, the US, the UK and even Jordan and Saudi Arabia, as around 99% of the projectiles were blown up before reaching the target. There was one critical injury reported–that of a Bedouin child who has subsequently been hospitalized. Physical damage was also reported as minor.

The strike by Iran, the first ever that came directly from Tehran and not via its proxies, was in retaliation to an attack by Israel on an Iranian consulate building in Damascus, killing Brigadier General Mohammad Reza Zaheoi, a senior IRGC commander, and seven other IRGC officers. This Israeli assault came as a result of Iranian attacks on Israeli citizens which took place along the Syrian border. Since October 7, Iran and Israel have engaged in escalating exchanges which many fear will erupt into outright war.

As stated by Behnam Ben Taleblu, a senior fellow at the Foundation for Defense of Democracies and an expert in Iran’s missile capabilities, and quoted in Politico,

“Until now, Iran had never directly targeted Israel from Iranian territory in an overt and attributable fashion…. The strike also was the first ballistic missile attack from Iranian territory against a defended target.”

There are a couple of ways to view such a dramatic failure as Iran’s unprecedented attack on Israel. One is to thank the Master of the Universe for intervening and protecting Israel. Another way is to recognize the effectiveness of Israel and its allies in successfully stopping the Iranian attack.

A third way involves some dispassionate analysis of what Iran intended and what it may have set in motion by its actions in launching the failed assault. The remainder of this article looks at the events as a possible psy-op, ostensibly launched by Iran but further promulgated by the general Western response to the attack.

The amount of media attention given the Iranian attack in the days leading up to Saturday’s attack was definitely…weird. Media outlet after outlet broadcast the pending attack, and even nailed down the probable time frame. “Iran to Attack Israel Within 48 hours,” bleated headline after headline. And sure enough, within the predicted time frame Iran stepped up.

With an attack which could not have been less stealthy–the drones taking about six hours to reach Israeli air space–and with all the formal pomp and circumstance accorded such a well publicized attack, Iran sent its projectiles against Israel. As one commentator. Reid Baron, put it,

“This is a strategic move by Iran to see how Israel and it’s allies will reply. Why else would many Iranian drones have their lights on and take ~6 hrs to reach Israeli airspace? That’s like telling someone you’re going to punch them in the nose and taking 10 minutes to set up the punch.”

If all the advance notice and the fact that the attack was so easily tracked and therefore thwarted was not enough, the media gave considerable attention and weight to the failed attack. CNN posted over 50 updates, giving a blow by blow account as the drones entered Israeli airspace and were duly blown out of the sky. CNN also gravely informed us of Biden’s high level meetings during the air strike and actions by other state parties, such as the UK, which rushed to Israel’s defense. CNN also covered Iran’s announcement that the assault had “concluded.”

But has it really? And was Iran’s attack on Israel anything more than a decoy, a psy-op?

In an article published April 14, Politico asks the bold question

“Iran’s Attack Seems Like It Was Designed to Fail. So What Comes Next?”

If indeed the Iranian attack was “designed to fail,” the reasons for this must include the fact that Israel will most likely respond. And this presents the likelihood of a full blown Iranian/Israeli war.

Coming at a time when President Biden exhibits such waffling in his support of Israel, and coming at a time when it appears that Iran has indeed achieved its long-sought goal to obtain a nuclear weapon, this does not bode well for the future of stability in the region. Also of concern is that public sentiment seems to have turned somewhat against Israel, largely due to the success of Hamas’s propaganda in convincing people that the Palestinian death toll is much larger than it really is.

And given Israel’s remarkable lapse on October 7, when the fence breach and invasion by Hamas took place, one wonders who is really watching over Israel’s defenses. Not only was advance notice that Hamas was doing drills around the fence ignored, not only was the technologically state-of-the-art fence somehow breached and the IDF failed to respond for hours following the breach, but no adequate reason has yet been tendered for this massive failure on the part of Israel’s defenses.

Although Biden has stated that his support for Israel is “ironclad,” his recent actions reveal a different mindset. When the US failed to veto a recent UN call for a ceasefire in Gaza, the Israeli response was stunned. When Biden authorized billions in aid for Iran, the Israeli response was equally redolent of shock and betrayal. And the President has made it very clear that should Israel respond to the failed Iranian attack, it is on its own.

What better way to lure Israel into a war with an enemy that has an undisclosed nuclear arsenal than to launch a faux attack? And given that Israel’s “BF” has tipped us off that it won’t support Israel should Israel retaliate, what better way to ensure that the tiny Jewish state suffers a lethal blow than to hang it out to dry at the ultimate challenge?

Citing a Wall Street Journal article, another commentator, Yan Gulko, had this to say

“The Iranian strike was largely performative, not directed against population centers, communicated clearly hours in advance and designed to be intercepted with the resources available. Its intention was to clearly cross the red line, but do it in such a way that the world powers would not rally behind Israel’s retaliatory strike.”

In other words. “Come and get us. And make sure you come alone. We’ll be waiting for you.”


Janet Phelan has been on the trail of the biological weapons agenda since the new millennium. Her book on the pandemic, At the Breaking Point of History: How Decades of US Duplicity Enabled the Pandemic, has been published in 2021 by Trine Day and is available on Amazon and elsewhere. Her articles on this issue have appeared in Activist Post, New Eastern Outlook, Infowars and elsewhere. 


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Cover image credit: tswedensky