To Be Free in the World You Must Be Free of the World

To Be Free in the World You Must Be Free of the World

A message from Dale Allen
Contributing Writer, Truth Comes to Light

May 15, 2020


[Editor’s note: Dale Allen sent a beautiful message today, and also shared a poem, written 15 years ago, which speaks a perfect message for these times. I had just finished a heartfelt phone conversation with my son about “the world” and the challenges so many are experiencing. I still had tears in my eyes as I worked on the website when Dale’s note came in. It brought such a smile to my heart that I asked him if I might share some of his note here with you. ~ Kathleen]


I’m sat here on the farm outside of the hut absorbed in an amazing sky and listening to JS Bach, with birds flying in complete harmony with every cord. Everything in perfect harmony. Even the descending darkness and the ascending light, all lovingly contained in beginningless and endless space.

I found myself under a dark cloud this morning, but sitting in the car alone in the countryside reading Nasargadatta this passage came up:

‘To be free in the world you must be free of the world. Otherwise your past decides for you and your future. Between what had happened and what must happen you are caught. Call it destiny or karma, but never – freedom. First return to your true being and then act from the heart of love.’

I’m hearing this more and more, from David Icke to Jeff Berwick and Max Igan.

If humanity catch on…

A friend sent me this. Timeless wisdom written 15 years ago, so powerfully relevant for these times.


The Shambhala warrior mind-training
by Akuppa, 2005
with gratitude to Joanna Macy


Firmly establish your intention to live your life for the healing of the world.
Be conscious of it, honour it, nurture it every day.
Be fully present in our time. Find the courage to breathe in the suffering of the world. Allow
peace and healing to breathe out through you in return.
Do not meet power on its own terms.
See through to its real nature – mind- and heart-made.
Lead your response from that level.
Simplify. Clear away the dead wood in your life.
Look for the heartwood and give it the first call on your time; the best of your energy.
Put down the leaden burden of saving the world alone.
Join with others of like mind. Align yourself with the forces of resolution.
Hold in a single vision, in the same thought, the transformation of yourself and the
transformation of the world. Live your life around that edge, always keeping it in sight.
As a bird flies on two wings, balance outer activity with inner sustenance.
Following your heart, realise your gifts.
Cultivate them with diligence to offer knowledge and skill to the world.
Train in non-violence of body, speech and mind.
With great patience with yourself, learn to make beautiful each action, word and thought.
In the crucible of meditation, bring forth day by day into your own heart the treasury of
compassion, wisdom and courage for which the world longs.
Sit with hatred until you feel the fear beneath it.
Sit with fear until you feel the compassion beneath that.
Do not set your heart on particular results.
Enjoy positive action for its own sake and rest confident that it will bear fruit.
When you see violence, greed and narrow-mindedness in the fullness of its power, walk
straight into the heart of it, remaining open to the sky and in touch with the earth.
Staying open, staying grounded, remember that you are the inheritor of the strengths of
thousands of generations of life.
Staying open, staying grounded, recall that the thankful prayers of future generations are
silently with you.
Staying open, staying grounded, be confident in the magic and power that arise when people
come together in a great cause.
Staying open, staying grounded, know that the deep forces of Nature will emerge to the aid
of those who defend the Earth.
Staying open, staying grounded, have faith that the higher forces of wisdom and compassion
will manifest through our actions for the healing of the world.
When you see weapons of hate, disarm them with love.
When you see armies of greed, meet them in the spirit of sharing.
When you see fortresses of narrow-mindedness, breach them with truth.
When you find yourself enshrouded in dark clouds of dread, dispel them with fearlessness.
When forces of power seek to isolate us from each other, reach out with joy.
In it all and through it all, holding to your intention, let go into the music of life. Dance!


Dale Allen has been designing buildings from a child, and simply never stopped, exploring many ways of living and being along the way. He trained with a Shaolin master for 8 years, learning authentic QiGong and TaiChi and becoming a senior disciple. He trained with a Zen master for 3 years, a Tibetan master for 4 years, and was guided by an Advaita master for 6 years, as well as engaging in many other spiritual practices.

“From birth life bestowed inquisitiveness, non-acceptance of how things appeared to be, the ability to be completely empty, the patience to just sit with myself and observe, and empathy with those around me. Pretty much like most of us really.”

Dale is a contributing writer at Truth Comes to Light.

What is Freedom?

What is Freedom?

by Dale Allen 
Contributing Writer, Truth Comes to Light
April 18, 2020


I’ll have a quick swipe at this question: The freedom to do no harm, to not interfere with the freedom of others, to respect oneself, to know ones true self, to act with integrity and dignity, and to quote Henry David Thoreau ‘…to do at any time what I think right.’

For those of us paying attention, the incremental removal of freedom has been obvious. From my first ‘pay packet’ back in 1987, the little square brown envelope with palpable notes and coins inside, allowing the joy of spending anonymity, to the bank transfer salary payments years later, necessitating furtive trips to the cash ‘machine’ with the distinct feeling of being observed, of being visible to something unwholesome. Here a little freedom was removed.

To backtrack a little, 1979 found our family with our first telephone; a brown plastic Bakelite type, with a rotating dial. Until that time we would be part of large extended family gatherings that often took place in woodland clearings or on large expanses of beach, where cricket matches would be played for the best part of the day. Strangely or not, after gaining a phone, these events seemed to thin out, eventually disappearing altogether. Maybe there was no direct correlation, but I had the feeling back then that the ease with which we could now communicate with each other somehow made meeting up redundant. Another freedom worn to extinction by an encroaching technology?

And having grown up with cars fully under our control, who accepted as normal the annoying crescendoing beep until a seat belt was secured? Who actually took as inevitable a computer exclaiming ‘FATAL ERROR’ when deciding to withdraw it’s usefulness? Fatal to whom, was always my question – I was still alive! And who now reads with fondness a computer welcoming us back in an over-familiar, ‘this is my computer’ sort of way, when re-opening a programme? And to add to this the story re-told by Mark Boyle of how the humble thermos flask changed the social aspect of communal peat digging in Ireland, aren’t these all simply little steps further away from freedom?

I’m sure these experiences are familiar to many of us, but what do they really have to do with freedom? This all depends on how we view our freedom. To be autonomous in a world which can easily take over or make decisions for you, would be my own view, and close enough to a dictionary definition to make sense. Knowing an act to be your own volition and taking responsibility for it – Freedom! Exercising ones own conscience – Freedom!

There’s also an inner freedom, of course, which when developed can stand apart from experienced outer conditions. This freedom is commonly described by saints, mystics and yogis, and is often aroused in captives: with nowhere to turn, nowhere to run, finding freedom within can sometimes be the best option. But how does this inner freedom relate to freedom in the outer world? Maybe a pertinent question given the situation many of us now find ourselves in, and I think a question many of us are presently exploring.

The great Indian sage Sri Ramana Maharshi once said, ‘The goings-on of the empirical world, true-seeming and beguiling in the mind’s borrowed light, are nothing but illusions in the bright light of pure awareness.’ An elegant statement, but what to do with it? With a little effort it can be known that we are not (only) our bodies, nor the thoughts which constitute what we believe to be our minds, and with a little further stretch, not even the people we take ourselves to be. The world is clearly not what it appears to be either.

So what can we do to secure and maintain freedom, both inner and outer? The main thing is to know who we are. It’s the you who can see all this, who can see the world events, who can see the body, the mind, and who can see the space in which it all occurs. Easy? Another great 20th Century sage, Sri Nisargadatta Maharaj, once said in relation to knowing ones true nature, “It’s enough to know what you are not.’

So it seems inner freedom should be quite simple, as it only requires us to BE who we are by knowing what we are not. But is it enough to know that the world as perceived is not what you are, in order for freedom to be realised there? In the highest sense, yes, but what if the ability to BE happens to be curtailed by outer forces? It is, after all, that we are not ONLY the body. I remember a wonderful Zen story about a disciple excitedly telling the master that he’d realised that he was awareness and nothing else was real, and the master struck him hard across the face and asked him, ‘Is that real?”

So yes, this world and what’s going on at present is real. As real as the ultimate truth, because, as many spiritual beings have told us, It is all One! Where can the separation be? The whole of manifestation is ultimate truth, not excluding one single thing! So here is our battle ground, here is our task as points of consciousness in the great indivisible awareness; to be all that we are in complete fearlessness! To do what needs to be done with unwavering compassion for every being. Whether this world collapses into tyrannical, technocratic hell, or whether humanity can rise and embody freedom on this beautiful planet, we surely have to be able to say that we didn’t shirk our responsibility and that we did all that we could!

This may seem daunting to an individual, but maybe that’s the point. To know that we’re not!

There are now many who’ve certainly had enough of all the nonsense, and who are acting and coming together to intelligently ignore the globalists designs in order to create their own beautiful worlds. We are free beings after all, and all it takes is to turn away fearlessly and head in another direction. It’s happening in many places at grass roots level. And people are changing. A while ago, after the initial shock, there was a new seriousness and gravity in all the faces I met. Now, in many, this has become an attitude of waving off all the impending horrors with a determination to CREATE! Humanity IS rising, but we can’t take our eye off the globalists ball as it’s being kicked around. Paradigm shift of huge proportions in formation!

From the highest viewpoint, what a magnificent game!

We must play our roles and fulfil our destinies!

True freedom beckons!



Dale Allen has been designing buildings from a child, and simply never stopped, exploring many ways of living and being along the way. He trained with a Shaolin master for 8 years, learning authentic QiGong and TaiChi and becoming a senior disciple. He trained with a Zen master for 3 years, a Tibetan master for 4 years, and was guided by an Advaita master for 6 years, as well as engaging in many other spiritual practices.

“From birth life bestowed inquisitiveness, non-acceptance of how things appeared to be, the ability to be completely empty, the patience to just sit with myself and observe, and empathy with those around me. Pretty much like most of us really.”

Dale is a contributing writer to Truth Comes to Light.