Backyard Pharmacies with Medical Marijuana

Backyard Pharmacies with Medical Marijuana
by Dr. Mark Sircus
September 4, 2024


Here in Brazil, it is now legal to grow marijuana in your backyard, and in at least half of the United States, it is legal. In these troubled times of high stress and higher incidences of chronic disease, it makes perfect sense to grow marijuana plants (they grow like weeds). As a medicine, these gifts from nature compete with anything pharmaceutical companies can produce and sell, and they are much safer regarding side effects. Some of the side effects are rather pleasant, which is why so many people use it for stress reduction or what they call recreational use.

This is all awful news for pharmaceutical companies who have always done their best to keep helpful, valuable, and safe medicines out of the hands of the public. There is very little intelligence in modern medicine, which always recommends dangerous, expensive medicines over natural ones.

There are many ways to administer marijuana, and many of them will not get you high. There is CBD, which is legal almost everywhere because of its very low THC content. Did you know that you can eat organic buds loaded with THC, use it in smoothies; when marijuana is not cooked, it does not get one high but retains all its active medical properties.

Marijuana is an extremely broad-acting and universally valid medicine with appropriate application for most disease conditions. Crohn’s disease patients credit the plant with helping reverse their debilitating intestinal disorders, and accredited research suggests its use in dealing with and preventing diabetes, heart disease, Alzheimer’s, and assorted maladies arising from chronic inflammation. Tetrahydrocannabinol (THC) and natural cannabinoids counteract cancer and chemical toxicity from drugs and environmental sources, thus helping to preserve normal cells.

Not many people or physicians realize how helpful or even critical medical marijuana can be in pediatrics – or how it can save children’s lives. We are talking about serious medicine, and the pharmaceutical companies know this.

Dr. Ben Whalley, middle, with Dr. Gary Stephens and Dr. Claire Williams at their secret cannabis farm near London. These researchers have discovered that three compounds found in cannabis leaves can help to reduce and control seizures in epilepsy. CBD is commonly used for epilepsy.

“It seems to me if one is going to need to use drugs, one ought to consider a relatively safe drug, like marijuana,” said Bernard Rimland, Ph.D. of the Autism Research Institute. Some families have found marijuana to be nothing short of miraculous. Some of the symptoms marijuana has ameliorated include anxiety – even severe anxiety – aggression, panic disorder, generalized rage, tantrums, property destruction, and self-injurious behavior. One mother commenting on using marijuana for her autistic child said, “I know it’s not the end-all answer, but it’s been the best answer for the longest time for us in regards to ALL the other medications. I cannot tell you how many months we would go on a medication, wondering if it was doing anything, anything at all. Here, we can see the difference in 30-60 minutes guaranteed.”

Patients report medical marijuana as more therapeutic
and better tolerated than other medications.

Dr. Rimland continues, saying, “Clearly, medical marijuana is not a drug to be administered lightly. But the reports we are seeing from parents indicate that medical marijuana often works when no other treatments, drug or non-drug, have helped.”

Medical Marijuana Saves Baby’s Life

ABC News reported:

Doctors said two-year-old Cash Hyde would likely die after they found a stage 4 brain tumor surrounding his optic nerve just a year ago this week. And he nearly did. After being subjected to seven different chemotherapy drugs, the little boy from Missoula, Montana, suffered septic shock, a stroke, and pulmonary hemorrhaging.

Cash was so sick he went 40 days without eating. His organs were threatening to shut down. His father, Mike Hyde, intervened, slipping cannabis oil into his son’s feeding tube. Cash, now three, made a miraculous recovery at Primary Children’s Hospital in Salt Lake City, but his father’s bold action—taken behind the doctors’ backs—has raised serious questions about a parent’s role in medical treatment.

Anyone can use marijuana and see for themselves how it affects their pain and disease conditions. In a 400-page analysis of the current state of scientific knowledge on the health risks and benefits of marijuana, medical scientists concluded that marijuana can effectively treat chronic pain. The sweeping National Academies of Science, Engineering, and Medicine report covered over 10,000 scientific studies.

“I was diagnosed with prostate cancer on October 18, 2014. I was advised by my doctor that my only options were to get a prostatectomy, have radiation seeds implanted in my prostate, or receive regular external beam radiation. I declined. I knew there had to be other options. I scoured the Internet and discovered a wealth of information about cannabis oil curing cancer. I was able to obtain some medical marijuana oil (Rick Simpson Oil) and consumed the recommended dosage by mid-January. On January 26, I had a cancer reassessment, which consisted of an MRI with a state of the art Tesla 3 MRI machine. Results – NO SIGN OF CANCER! CANCER FREE! One of the things that helped me while going through all this was reading the testimonials and the success stories of those who have used the oil and were cured also with good food diet. Now that this wonderful oil has cured me, I feel I need to let others know as well.”


The bottom line of marijuana is that it mitigates human suffering. It is the best and safest pain medication. It is cheap if you grow it yourself. It is better than any pharmaceutical on the market. It treats cancer. It is a wonderful drug that healthy people can use to keep their stress down.


Dr. Mark Sircus AC., OMD, DM (P)
Professor of Natural Oncology, Da Vinci Institute of Holistic Medicine
Doctor of Oriental and Pastoral Medicine
Founder of Natural Allopathic Medicine


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Iodine and Heart Health

Iodine and Heart Health

by Dr. Mark Sircus
July 17, 2024


According to Dr. Stephen A. Hoption Cann, Department of Health Care and Epidemiology, University of British Columbia, iodine deficiency can have deleterious effects on the cardiovascular system, and correspondingly, a higher iodine intake may benefit cardiovascular function.[i]

Dr. Michael Donaldson says, “Iodine stabilizes the heart rhythm, lowers serum cholesterol, lowers blood pressure, and is known to make the blood thinner as well, judging by longer clotting times seen by clinicians. Iodine is not only good for the cardiovascular system, it is vital. Sufficient Iodine is needed for a stable rhythmic heartbeat. Iodine, directly or indirectly, can normalize serum cholesterol levels and normalize blood pressure. Iodine attaches to insulin receptors and improves glucose metabolism. Iodine and iodine-rich foods have long been used as a treatment for hypertension and cardiovascular disease; yet, modern randomized studies examining the effects of Iodine on cardiovascular disease have not been carried out.”

Iodine-containing thyroid hormones, thyroxine (T4) and triiodothyronine (T3) are important metabolic regulators of cardiovascular activity with the ability to exert action on cardiac myocytes, vascular smooth muscle, and endothelial cells.

Dr. Stephen Hoption Cann

Dr. B. West says, “Iodine supplementation may be the missing link in a good percentage of heart arrhythmia cases, especially atrial fibrillation. The body needs adequate stores of Iodine for the heart to beat smoothly. After close to a year now of using Iodine Fulfillment Therapy, I can attest to this fact. Most of the stubborn cases of cardiac arrhythmias and atrial fibrillation that we were unable to completely correct with our cardiac protocols have now been resolved with adequate supplies of Iodine added to the protocol.”[ii]

“Whole body sufficiency of iodine/iodide results in optimal cardiac functions,” writes Dr. Guy Abraham.[iii] There is an epidemic of cardiac arrhythmias and atrial fibrillation in this country and Dr. Abraham is convinced that the medical iodine phobia has a great deal to do with this phenomenon. Adequate stores of Iodine are necessary for a smooth heartbeat.

Iodine is the agent, which arouses (kindles) and keeps going the flame of life. With the aid of our thyroid, in which the Iodine is manifesting, it can dampen this flame or kindle it to a dissolute fire.

Scholz 1990.

The occurrence of iodine deficiency in cardiovascular disease is frequent. The thyroid hormone deficiency in cardiovascular function can be characterized by decreased myocardial contractility, increased peripheral vascular resistance, and changes in lipid metabolism. A study done with 42 patients with cardiovascular disease was divided into five subgroups on the grounds of the presence of hypertension, congestive heart failure, cardiomyopathy, coronary dysfunction, and arrhythmia. Researchers concluded that iodine supplementation prevents the worsening effect of iodine deficiency on cardiovascular disease.[iv]

Dr. John Young in Tampa, Florida, has been experimenting with a new process for reversing metabolic syndrome and Type 2 diabetes. He claims to have a success rate of 80 percent with over 100 diabetes patients. Dr. Young uses a combination of alkaline protein and minerals with Iodine, which he says reverses the process in diabetes patients in eight to 12 weeks.

Dr. George Flechas has found that Iodine can reduce the need for insulin in diabetic patients, using 50 to 100 mg of Iodine per day. Of 12 patients, six were able to ultimately come off their medications with random glucose readings below 100 mg/dl and an HbA1c of less than 5.8 (standard), and the other six were able to reduce the amount and number of medications needed to control their diabetes.

The total number of mitochondria in cells, and thus the total number of rechargeable ATP/ADP batteries, is dictated by the amount of functional thyroid hormone in cells. If normal thyroid hormone levels are reduced, the body develops hypothyroidism, and the number of mitochondria in an individual’s cells is restricted. Hypothyroidism is a widespread condition that is implicated in what is called metabolic syndrome (formerly known as syndrome X).

What is the primary cause of hypothyroidism? Iodine deficiency! Without Iodine, the thyroid gland cannot produce sufficient amounts of thyroid hormone. This leaves cells unable to function normally.


Just about everyone will benefit from more Iodine. Over 30% of the U.S. has thyroid problems. That is probably a considerable underestimate, considering how iodine-deficient the population is in the United States and worldwide.

Chronic fatigue, low body temperature, weight gain, dry skin and hair, constipation, heavy menstrual periods, thin or hairless lateral eyebrows, depression, and even bipolar disease (2/3 of all bipolar patients become normal with correction to regular thyroid activity)—all of these are symptoms of low thyroid activity.

Iodine was known by many medical doctors in the 19th Century as an empirical remedy, a natural “heroic remedy,” a present from the science of medicine to humanity. Nobel Laureate Albert Szent Györgyi, the physician who discovered Vitamin C in 1928, commented: “When I was a medical student, Iodine was a universal medicine. Nobody knew what it did, but it did something and did something good.”

Dr. Gabriel Cousens said, “In 1950, the Japanese had 100 times more iodine in their diet than Americans. In 2001, they had 202 times more iodine than Americans and used up to 13.8 milligrams daily instead of the average U.S. intake of 425 micrograms. Unfortunately, there has been no real study ever about the optimal safe dosage of Iodine. But, again, no one has ever died from iodine overdose or allergic reactions.

Dr. David Brownstein tells us that the “Iodine deficiency epidemic was increasing because of our increasing exposures to toxic halides fluoride and bromide. These toxic elements competitively inhibit Iodine in the body. Our water supply has been contaminated with fluoride, and our food supply has been adulterated with bromine in the form of brominated flour and vegetable oils. Bromide is also found in many commonly used consumer items as a fire retardant.”


[i] Journal of the American College of Nutrition, Vol. 25, No. 1, 1-11 (2006)

[ii] Atrial Fibrillation, Arrhythmias and Iodine. West B Health Alert, June 2006, Volume 23, Issue 6

[iii] The Original Internist, 12(2):57-66, 2005

[iv] Iodine deficiency in cardiovascular diseases; Molnar I, Magyari M, Stief L.Orv Hetil. 1998 Aug 30;139(35):2071-3.



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Cover image credit: HappyEnd

Why Use Baking Soda for Fungus Infections

Source: Dr. Sircus

by Dr. Mark Sircus, Ac., OMD
April 15, 2019



A projection of the C. auris fungus on a microscope slide.
CreditMelissa Golden for The New York Times


A hushed panic is playing out in hospitals around the world as a deadly fungus is spreading killing a lot of people. Individual institutions, national, state and local governments have been reluctant to publicize outbreaks of this drug resistant infection, arguing there is no point in scaring patients — or prospective ones, meaning they do not want to scare patients away from going to hospitals. Officials are still scrambling to keep a lid on it as the infection is spreading around the globe, yet with the Measles, a dramatically less dangerous disease, they are getting hysterical.

Dr. Johanna Rhodes, an infectious disease expert at Imperial College London said “We are driving this with the use of anti-fungicides on crops and we have no idea where it’s coming from. We’ve never heard of it. It’s just spread like wildfire.”

Thanks to the over-prescription of antimicrobial drugs had also laid the groundwork for this relatively new germ that preys on people with weakened immune systems according to the New York Times. The infection – a fungus known as Candida Auris, kills almost half of all patients who contract it within 90 days, according to the CDC – as it’s impervious to most major anti-fungal medications. First described in 2009 after a 70-year-old Japanese woman showed up at a Tokyo hospital with C. Auris in her ear canal, the aggressive yeast infection has spread across Asia and Europe – arriving in the US by 2016

Many of these patients do not need to die but it seems like doctors, hospitals and medical institutions would rather them perish than admit that sodium bicarbonate is the best anti-fungal for this and other fungal infections. Baking soda, also known as sodium bicarbonate, has significant anti-fungal effects. Laboratory studies show that baking soda is effective against most fungal species. Bicarbonate inhibited the growth of 80 percent of fungal isolates tested in one study. Many studies have shown that sodium bicarbonate at high concentrations has an antimicrobial effect over several microorganisms isolated from the oral cavity, including Candida albicans.

Some think that baking soda is the most potent anti-fungal substance there is because of its ability to rapidly change the Candida colonies’ pH from acid to alkaline, which  effectively kills off the yeast before it has time to adapt to new environments. The problem with anti-fungal drugs, is that fungi are extremely adaptive, and can accommodate themselves to a new environment in three to four days. This renders anti-fungal drugs largely ineffective. The fungi do not adapt to the baking soda.

“It is a creature from the black lagoon,” said the CDC’s Dr. Tom Chiller, who heads the fungal branch. “It bubbled up and now it is everywhere.” In the last five years alone, it it has swept through a hospital in Spain, hit a neonatal unit in Venezuela, spread throughout India, Pakistan and South Africa, and forced a prestigious British medical center to close its ICU for nearly two weeks.

Simply put, fungi are evolving defenses to resist and survive modern medications. “It’s an enormous problem,” said Imperial College of London fungal epidemiology professor Matthew Fisher, who co-authored a recent scientific review on the rise of resistant fungi. “We depend on being able to treat those patients with anti-fungal medications,” that are no longer working for this infection.

Science Daily said, “Infectious diseases are the world’s number-one cause of death, with pathogenic fungi being responsible for extremely dangerous infections. Worldwide, more than €6 billion are spent each year on anti-fungal medications, and the total costs of the medical treatment of infectious diseases caused by pathogenic fungi are estimated in the order of hundreds of billions of Euros.”

Fungus, Tuberculosis and Cancer

Dr. Luke Curtis is reporting on research that deals with 27 lung “cancer” patients who were later diagnosed with lung “fungus” instead of lung cancer. “Fungal infection can present with clinical and radiological features that are indistinguishable from thoracic malignancy, such as lung nodules or masses.” Doctors who diagnose lung cancer are unaware of the fact that cancer mimics fungal infections. Over one million people worldwide are misdiagnosed with tuberculosis when in reality they have an incurable disease with a similar outlook to many cancers, says a recent report published in 2011 in the Bulletin of the WHO.

The disease called “chronic pulmonary aspergillosis” (CPA) is a fungal infection not a bacterial infection. It looks very much like, or identical to TB when doctors look at it on a chest X-ray. Fungal infections kill at least 1,350,000 patients with, cancer, TB, asthma, or following AIDS; as well as causing untold misery and blindness to tens of millions more worldwide. Yet, like a Trojan horse its symptoms are mostly hidden, and occur as a consequence of other health problems.

Fungal disease is like the Trojan horse that threatens the world as deaths reach approximately 150 people per hour. Doctors need to wake up to the plight of millions people worldwide who suffer and die every year from fungal disease. Fungal disease is worldwide catastrophe that is growing year on year and now with this new anti-fungal resistant strain more deaths can be anticipated.


There is no hiding the fact that baking soda, the same stuff that can save a person’s life in the emergency room in a heartbeat, is a primary safe and effective fungal treatment. In 2014 GAFFI– ‘The global action fund for fungal infections’ called on all policy makers and health agencies to wake up to the plight of more than 300 million people worldwide who suffer and die every year from fungal disease. So why do doctors not prescribe sodium or potassium bicarbonate?

Though it  kills yeast and other infections quite quickly, its main function is to increase CO2 and oxygen levels, which are not conducive to cancer, tumor growth or fungus infections.


Iodine Supplements and Dosages

Iodine Supplements and Dosages

by Dr. Mark Sircus
March 27, 2017


Iodine is necessary for the proper function of many of the body’s tissues including the breasts, pancreas, brain, stomach, adrenal glands, skin, salivary glands, and cerebral spinal fluid. Iodine deficiency can lead to a dysfunction of these tissues and cause symptoms such as dry mouth, dry skin, reduced alertness, brain fog, fibromyalgia, fibrocystic breasts, and many others. Some studies have shown that iodine deficiency leads to a higher risk of developing various cancers, especially of the breast, prostate, and ovaries. Do not wait for any of these symptoms to arrive, everyone today will benefit from higher iodine intake.

Humans tolerate large doses of iodine. The ultra-high doses that were used a century ago are helpful in medical emergencies—specifically when facing antibiotic resistant infections, viruses and stubborn fungal and yeast infections.

Iodine’s true role—making up more than 1/2 of the body’s Immune System—is not well understood. Deficiencies in iodine have a great effect on the immune system and its response to infectious diseases including cancer, which in many cases, up to 40 percent, are caused by infections.

The National Health and Nutrition Survey undertaken by the CDC showed iodine levels falling over 50% in the last 30 years. In 1940, the average American got 800 micrograms of iodine in their diet. In 1995 we averaged 135 micrograms, an 83% decline!

The Japanese consume 89 times more iodine then Americans, due to their daily consumption of sea vegetables, and they have reduced rates of many chronic diseases, including the lowest rates of cancer in the world. Why is your oncologist so ignorant, why does your government not inform you, why do medical organizations and the medical press promote everything but iodine for the treatment and prevention of cancer?

Even at low dosages, iodine is a powerhouse. So effective is iodine that aerosols can be effective in sterilizing a room at levels not even detectable by humans. However, Dr. David Derry says, “Dietary iodine found in iodized salt is below the amounts needed to fill mucus defense roles. To protect themselves, people wishing to boost their defense against infections should use Iodine supplement in their diets. Why would people need the larger doses of iodine? Why have iodine levels fallen 50% in the last 30 years? As I pondered these questions, I came to the conclusion that the toxicity of modern life must be impacting iodine levels. It is well known that the toxic halides, fluoride and bromide, having a similar structure as iodine, can competitively inhibit iodine absorption and binding in the body. Because of the elevated levels of toxic halides in the environment and in the food supply, iodine levels have not only fallen but larger amounts of iodine are necessary to correct iodine deficiency as well as to promote a detoxifying effect of heavy metals.”

When treating life-threatening diseases we do not have months to fool around with low dosages. The anti-microbial process of iodine quickly kills bacteria, viruses, fungi, and various other microorganisms if a high enough dosage is used. We need to dial up iodine levels quickly when we use it to fight infections. Iodine can be taken internally in large quantities and will have the same effect internally as it does on external surfaces. In addition, as in breast cancer, we often need to get it concentrated to certain tissues or organs and we do that by painting the breasts with iodine.

Just to give you an idea of how high iodine dosages have been taken to in the past we have to revisit the 1930s when iodine was still a universal medicine, present in the US Pharmacopeia and was used at much higher dosages than anyone even dreams of using today. The usual dose for treatment was 300 mgs (46 drops of full strength Lugol’s) to 1 gm (1000 mg, 154 drops).

“Extremely high doses of iodine can have serious side effects, but only a small fraction of such extreme doses are necessary to kill influenza viruses,” continues Derry who tells us, “In 1945, a breakthrough occurred when J.D. Stone and Sir McFarland Burnet (who later went on to win a Nobel Prize for his Clonal Selection Theory) exposed mice to lethal effects of influenza viral mists. The lethal disease was prevented by putting iodine solution on mice snouts just prior to placing them in chambers containing influenza viruses.”

Dr. David Brownstein says, “Of all the elements known so far to be essential for human health, iodine is the most misunderstood and the most feared. Yet, iodine is the safest of all the essential trace elements, being the only one that can be administered safely for long periods of time to large numbers of patients in daily amounts as high as 100,000 times the RDA.” The current US daily recommended allowance (RDA) for iodine is set at 150 mcg for non-pregnant adults.

Dr. Michael B. Schachter says, “The treatment dose when a person is iodine insufficient is generally between 12.5 mg and 50 mg daily. Preliminary research indicates that if a person is iodine insufficient, it takes about three months to become iodine sufficient while ingesting a dosage of 50 mg of iodine daily and a year to achieve that while ingesting a dosage of 12.5 mg of iodine daily.

For those who are interested in maintained dosages after disease and deficiencies have been dealt with understand that your thyroid gland alone needs about 6 mg of iodine per day for optimal function; the breasts of a woman will need approximately 5 mg/day (women with larger breasts need more); and other body tissues such as your adrenal glands, thymus, ovaries, hypothalamus, and pituitary gland need about 2 mg/day. Thus for optimal wellness adults should consider approximately10 to 12 mg/day.

Dr. Gabriel Cousens wrote, “Recently Dr. Mercola surprisingly stated that the highest amount of daily iodine intake should be no more than 400 micrograms. This is only slightly higher than the FDA recommendation, which is 150-290 micrograms daily, dependent upon age, gender and life cycle. However, it is dramatically less than what some of the leading iodine medical experts suggest, as closer to, at least, 12-18 milligrams daily, approximately 45 times higher. Why this discrepancy? And how can Dr. Mercola, who is often so correct in his understanding, in my opinion, miss the mark exponentially?”

Cousens states, “Historically, as early as 1911, (11th edition of the 1910-1911 Encyclopedia Britannica) people normally took between 300,000-900,000 micrograms daily without incident. This is over 2,000 times more than Dr. Mercola’s recommendation. How is it that now only 1/5,000th of this dose is now considered safe? In 1948, there was a poorly performed and, since then, never replicated study alleging what is known as the Wolff-Chaikoff effect. The Wolff-Chaikoff effect suggested that theoretically hypothyroidism could occur as a result of excess iodine. This study indicated a decreased dosage to 2 milligrams daily would be safer. (This is still an amount 5 times higher than what Dr. Mercola is recommending.) Even the Food and Nutritional Board at the Institute of Medicine has set the tolerable upper limit of 1,100 micrograms of iodine daily (3 times higher than Dr. Mercola’s recommendation). Other researchers have used between 3,000 and 6,000 micrograms/day to prevent goiter (14 times higher than Dr. Mercola’s recommendation). Iodine is found in every single one of our body’s hundred trillion cells. Without adequate iodine levels life is impossible. Iodine is the universal health nutrient and brings health on many levels.”

One of my neighbors, who had cancer, visited the Gerson Clinic in Mexico and came back with a protocol suggesting one drop of Lugol’s a day. I of course have him taking much more. When I take, I do not count the drops. Easier and more efficient to just use a dropper or two though there are iodine sensitive people who need to be extremely cautious about dosages especially when just starting iodine supplementation.

Dr. David Brownstein said, “After testing individuals and finding low iodine levels, I began to use smaller milligram amounts of iodine/iodide (6.25 mg/day). Upon retesting these individuals 1-2 months later, little progress was made. I therefore began using higher milligram doses (6.25-50 mg) to increase the serum levels of iodine. It was only with these higher doses that I began to see clinical improvement as well as positive changes in the laboratory tests.” Brownstein has sometimes used between 200 and 300 milligrams of iodine daily, with higher doses for more serious and difficult diseases.

“At 6 grams daily (which is 6 million micrograms/day or 6,000 milligrams/day!), a much higher dose, iodine has been used to cure syphilis, skin lesions, and chronic lung disease,” says Cousens. “From a larger physiological perspective, it is important to realize that the thyroid is only one gland of many glands and tissues that needs iodine. Other glands/organs/systems with high iodine uptake are the breasts, ovaries, cervix, blood, lymph, bones, gastric mucosal, salivary, adrenal, prostate, colon, thymus, lungs, bladder, kidney, and skin. Iodine is found and used in every hormonal receptor in the body.”

Dr. George Flechas has found that iodine can reduce the need for insulin in diabetic patients, using 50 to 100 mg of iodine per day. Of 12 patients, 6 were able to completely come off their medications with random glucose readings below 100 mg/dl and a HbA1c less than 5.8 (normal), and the other 6 were able to reduce the amount and/or number of medications needed to control their diabetes.

Dr. Hulda Clark said, “Six drops of Lugol’s solution can end it all for Salmonella. If you have gas and bloating, pour yourself 1/2 glass of water. Add 6 drops of Lugol’s (not more, not less), stir with wood or plastic, and drink all at once. The action is noticeable in an hour. Take this dose 4 times a day, after meals and at bedtime, for 3 days in a row, then as needed. This eradicates even a stubborn case of Salmonella. Notice how calming 6 drops of Lugol’s can be, soothing a manic stage and bringing a peaceful state where anxiety ruled before.”

Retired biochemist and toxicologist Walter Last has this to say about Lugol’s:

“Lugol’s solution is an internal iodine solution designed to eliminate Candida and possibly viruses and other microbes from the bloodstream. Take a test drop in liquid other then just water to make it taste less strong. If this does not cause an allergic reaction, continue to take 4 x 6 drops daily in liquid or mixed with food, but not together with vitamins A, C, E, grape seed extract or cysteine. Iodine is an oxidant and it is best to reduce the intake of antioxidants while using it.”

“If the blood was contaminated, then you may initially experience a die-off reaction of the Candida, causing weakness and possibly headache or nausea. If this happens cut temporarily back on the amount of Lugol’s solution and drink plenty of water and diluted teas or juices. Continue for 3 weeks, but interrupt if you develop a serious reaction. Do not take the iodine for more than 3 weeks at high dosages as that interferes with thyroid activity. If necessary repeat the course after several months.”

Gradual Dose Buildup

Many people will find that it is important to build up gradually in order to experience the least amount of detoxification reaction from taking iodine. It is best when using strong chelators, which iodine is, to moderate the amount of detoxification symptoms or what is called the Herxemeirs reaction, which is the experience of poisons being dumped into the blood stream from the cells or from large-scale yeast die offs. This is most readily controlled with iodine in the Nascent atomic form simply because it is so easy to control and regulate low dosages.

Iodine sensitive and thyroid compromised patients should read Dr. David Brownstein’s works on iodine and thyroid conditions. Many people are already severely thyroid compromised and are on drugs that complicate things.

Supplementing with iodine can replenish your iodine stores while flushing out poisons. People usually do not experience the negative effects of some type of detoxification when using iodine unless they are removing unusually high levels of bromide and fluoride. Most people actually notice increased energy, better sleep, and mental clarity. Over the last 30 years, our iodine intake has declined 50%, while the ingestion of toxic competing halogens (bromine, fluorine, chlorine, and perchlorate) has dramatically increased.

Iodine Products

These are the two iodine products I use and recommend. The Nascent Iodine is better for iodine sensitive individuals and for children where lower dosages are needed and recommended. Lugol’s is less expensive and better for transdermal applications as well as higher oral dosages. When I take iodine orally, I also drop in a good amount of an exceptionally strong liquid selenium into the glass because even a small amount of selenium reduces the chances of dying of cancer by almost fifty percent. There are other products in solid form but have never used or recommended them.

Bottom Line

Without iodine to control infection, surgery and hospitals in general become inherently more dangerous. For that matter, in the future, without iodine, no one would go into a hospital unless they absolutely had to because of all the germs on floors and other surfaces and floating around in the air and nothing the doctors will give in terms of antibiotics will help because they have already created so many antibiotic resistant strains of pathogens

The last thing we need to be afraid of is iodine used in high enough dosages to take down infections that are life-threatening. Do not be shy about administering high dosages unless it is the first administration of iodine to a thyroid-compromised patient. That said, if there is time, always start out with low dosages. It is like putting your toe in hot water to see if you can get safely into the tub. Check out your sensitivity to iodine if you are a first time user.

See Recent Essay – Main Reasons Iodine supplementation is Essential


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Pharmaceutical and Medical Horrors

Pharmaceutical and Medical Horrors

by Dr. Mark Sircus
June 28, 2018


Leslie Kenton concludes, “It’s little wonder that people are confused about where to go and what to do when they get ill. I personally hear all about this, because I mentor hundreds of men and women throughout the world. They become overwhelmed by the media propaganda and aggressive advertisements they see on television. Our medical industrial complex has turned into a bizarre conglomeration of misinformation, lies and deceptions designed to further the corporate agendas of Big Pharma, government regulatory bodies and mainstream medicine, with little regard for human wellbeing.”

Where did all the madness (pharmaceutical terrorism) come from. Well we can go back to the beginning, and now see in the end “Bayer-Monsanto, soon to be just Bayer, which owns 60% of proprietary seeds and 70% of agrochemicals in the world. There are a lot of industries that wreck havoc on our world. One just has to think of the biggest global banks and oil companies. Think plastics and now think of telecommunication companies that are lusting to bombard us with even more microwave frequencies via their rollout of G5. But there is one field that is much worse than all others: agro-chemicals. At some point, not that long ago, the largest chemical producers, who until then had kept themselves busy producing Agent Orange, nerve agents and chemicals used in concentration camp showers, got the idea to use their products in food production,” writes the Automictic Earth.

Everywhere we go in modern medicine there are dangers that can ruin your life. Even safe procedures are dangerous. For example, “When a doctor orders an MRI, it’s usually is to help detect or rule out something potentially life-threatening, or at the very least, something that could make you seriously ill. But, it’s recently come to light that this rather routine diagnostic test, meant to help you, can have devastating effects on your health.”

Why are MRIs dangerous? It is not the frequencies MRI employs, it is the contrast agent that they often use. Gadolinium is a metallic element with magnetic properties. It is injected into about one third of patients getting an MRI, in order to enhance imaging. If your doctor has ever ordered an MRI with “contrast” for you, you were exposed to gadolinium. But most likely you had no idea you were being injected with a known neurotoxin, capable of inhibiting mitochondrial function (energy production) and causing oxidative stress.

Bayer experimental drugs were tested on Auschwitz prisoners. One of the SS doctors at Auschwitz, Dr. Helmut Vetter, a long-time Bayer employee, was involved in the testing of Bayer experimental vaccines and medicines on inmates. He was later executed for giving inmates fatal injections. “I have thrown myself into my work wholeheartedly,” he wrote to his bosses at Bayer headquarters. “Especially as I have the opportunity to test our new preparations. I feel like I am in paradise.”

When John D. Rockefeller interlocked his American-based international empire with that of I.G. Farben in 1928 “there was created the largest and most powerful cartel the world has ever known. Not only has that cartel survived through the years, it has grown and prospered.

Heroin, originally created by I.G. Farben, was outlawed in 1924 as a prescription drug in the United States.

Frightened Sheep

Most people are living in a bubble of idiotic self deceit, out or touch with reality, dumbed down, immune to deep feelings, immune to caring and concern for the reality we are all facing. Evil has prevailed despite the best intentions of all the good people on earth.

One of my favorite business writers, Chris Martenson, had a mouth full to say about our present condition:

“More and more, I hear that folks are feeling frustrated and betrayed, combined with a sense of loss and despair. I feel this way, too. As I’ve written recently, I observe this is due more than anything else to a widespread demoralization society is suffering from. Certainly, the statistics reflect this. Suicides in the US are up 30% since the turn of the millennium, obesity is at epidemic proportions, mortality rates are rising especially among white working-class Americans, and our national opioid addiction is now the “epidemic of epidemics.”

“To these we can also add falling birthrates and the truly startling shift towards a younger age for the onset of depression; declining from age 30 now to age…14(!) When an organism gives up on self-care, breeding, or its will to live, it’s suffering from a tremendous amount of strain that is cutting it off from its own life force. A dispirited lion wasting away in a cage has a lot in common with the average American today.”

“At a deep level, what ails us is not a host of unrelated, intractable problems, but the fact that our model of pursuing eternal economic growth simply isn’t working anymore. It doesn’t work for the planet’s increasingly strained ecosystems, nor does it work for the bottom 99% of folks in society (i.e., the non-elites). The various health epidemics noted above are merely symptoms of a larger acute spiritual crisis.”

Years ago, the H1N1 vaccine was linked to 700 percent increase in miscarriages but the government does not care about this form of terrorism because they are terrorists at heart at the CDC and the FDA. A shocking report from the National Coalition of Organized Women (NCOW) presented data from two different sources demonstrating that the 2009/10 H1N1 vaccines contributed to an estimated 1,588 miscarriages and stillbirths. A corrected estimate may be as high as 3,587 cases. NCOW also highlights the disturbing fact that the CDC failed to inform their vaccine providers of the incoming data of the reports of suspected H1N1 vaccine-related fetal demise.

We could go on all day with one dastardly report after another. Modern medicine in the United States today is putting people in their graves in large numbers but before it does the system is increasingly beating them into bankruptcy.

Purdue Pharma, the company that planted the seeds of the opioid epidemic through its aggressive marketing of OxyContin, has long claimed it was unaware of the powerful opioid painkiller’s growing abuse until years after it went on the market. But a copy of a confidential Justice Department report shows that federal prosecutors investigating the company found that Purdue Pharma knew about “significant” abuse of OxyContin in the first years after the drug’s introduction in 1996 and concealed that information. In 2016, one in 65 deaths in the United States involved opioids — and among younger adults, that number skyrocketed to one in five, according to a new study.

The World and the Legacy of the Nazis

The Nuremberg War Criminal Tribunal convicted 24 IG Farben board members and executives on the basis of mass murder, slavery and other crimes against humanity. Amazingly however, by 1951 all of them had already been released, continuing to consult with German corporations. The Nuremberg Tribunal dissolved IG Farben into Bayer, Hoechst, and BASF. Today each of the three daughters of IG Farben is 20 times as big as the IG Farben mother was at its height in 1944, the last year of the Second World War.

And we still wonder why modern medicine is a killing machine. The FDA’s huge power to do wrong is founded in their ability to lie and deceive the public by declaring harmful toxic substances safe. The Food and Drug Administration (FDA) practices a unique form of terrorism that tends to be particularly ugly, mean, nasty, brutal and cruel. They are an organization from its inception dedicated to the slow poisoning of every man woman and child in America.

There are people on this planet that take pleasure in hurting other people, others just cannot help it and they hurt from sheer psychological habit. The general nature of ‘evil’ is to not have consciousness of the effect that our actions have on the feelings and emotional world of others. Doctors have no excuse for how many people they kill each year, at least in America—where such statistics are kept and published.

If we were really interested in eliminating terrorism in the world we would start with the terrorism against children. The horrors of the childhood vaccine program are too long to tell but billions get paid out in the United States alone for vaccine damages and vaccine death. You do not hear that in the papers so understand how deep the rabbit hole of terrorism goes.

The world is going down, civilization is threatened by Mother Nature and by ourselves from a host of sources because of our ignorance of terrorism in ALL its forms. As a race we are less intelligent because of our blindness of how terrorism operates on every level of human activity. Our collective blindness has created a dark side that is conspiring to take us down into a human pit of suffering. That doctors and the medical industrial complex has embraced this darkness is telling.


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Cover image credit: clarkdonald413

Iodine Replaces Vaccines and Antibiotics

Iodine Replaces Vaccines and Antibiotics

by Dr. Mark Sircus
May 4, 2017
republished 9/26/2023


This is going to be the final chapter in the second edition of my iodine book. After reading everything about iodine, we need to take a final leap to understand how important iodine is and how much pain and suffering has occurred when modern medicine substituted vaccines and antibiotics for iodine. Today the need for something safer, more effective and life serving than vaccines and antibiotics has become imperative.

Though it kills 90 percent of bacteria on the skin within 90 seconds its use as an antibiotic has been ignored.

Iodine exhibits activity against bacteria, molds, yeasts, protozoa, and many “viruses”; indeed, of all antiseptic preparations suitable for direct use on humans and animals and upon tissues, only iodine is capable of killing all classes of pathogens: gram-positive and gram-negative bacteria, mycobacteria, fungi, yeasts, “viruses” and protozoa. Most bacteria are killed within 15 to 30 seconds of contact.

Poor immune response is correlated with impaired thyroid function; a deficiency in iodine can greatly affect the immune system because low levels of iodine lead to problems with the thyroid gland.[1] Dr. David Brownstein says, “Iodine has a wonderful antibiotic solution without question and most importantly I never see any of my patients complain of dysbiotic reactions from its use.”

If one wants to have healthy kids, one does not want to inject one’s children with vaccines that contain a long list of nasty substances. We should not trust doctors, big pharmaceutical companies nor the CDC and FDA with their long list of lies, deceptions and false basic assumptions. Vaccines are full of poisons and antibiotics are poisons—that is exactly what they are supposed to be so they can kill bacteria. Unfortunately, they hurt healthy cells at the same time.

Image result for Iodine vaccines

The US federal government allows pharmaceutical companies to put neurotoxic mercury (Thimerosal) in the flu vaccine and inject that directly into children’s blood streams and babies, starting at six months of age, is reason enough to not put ANY trust in the medical industrial complex.

Vaccines are under investigation for the side effects they cause. The results of a new investigation show the presence of micro and Nano sized particulate matter composed of inorganic elements in vaccines’ samples which is not declared among the components and whose unduly presence is, for the time being, inexplicable.[2]

More and more parents are finding out that their children will be healthier if they do not vaccinate.

Live Science is reporting that more parents are refusing to vaccinate their children now than a decade ago because they simply do not see a need for vaccination. With iodine, one does not have to fear. One can simply replace childhood vaccines and antibiotics with iodine.

What we do have to fear is modern medicine. The sum of its intelligence in terms of fighting infections is to continue to do things that do not work and are dangerous to its patients.

A Nevada woman in her 70s who’d recently returned from India died in September from a “superbug” infection that resisted all antibiotics, according to a report released Friday… The U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention “basically reported that there was nothing in our medicine cabinet to treat this lady,” report co-author Dr. Randall Todd.

The golden age of antibiotics is over and now humanity faces a nightmare of antibiotic resistant infections. You would think doctors would give up and start using iodine, as they did 100 years ago, when it was one of the most important medicines you would find in a pharmacy.

Dr. Lisa Landymore-Lin in her book Poisonous Prescriptions, Do Antibiotics Cause Asthma and Diabetes? She questioned the role of antibiotics as a cause of cancer since they do lead to pathogen overgrowth especially in the area of yeast and fungi. Chris Woollams writes, “It is estimated that 70 per cent of the British population have a yeast infection. The primary cause of this is our love of antibiotics. Swollen glands? Take antibiotics. Tonsillitis? Take antibiotics.” Dr. Elmer Cranton, says that, “Yeast overgrowth is partly iatrogenic (caused by the medical profession) and can be caused by antibiotics.”

How Wrong Can They Get It?

In a recent ruling, judges at the German Federal Supreme Court (BGH) confirmed that the measles virus does not exist. Furthermore, there is not a single scientific study in the world, which could prove the existence of the virus in any scientific literature. This raises the question of what was actually injected into millions over the past few decades. The MMR is a fraud but one that has hurt many children no matter what the governments and pharmaceutical companies profess.

Dr. David Brownstein said, “More and more children continue to get the MMR vaccine even though a 2004 CDC MMR study was falsified to hide the fact that the MMR vaccine was found to significantly increase the risk of autism in boys who received it.”


Not a single scientist, immunologist, infectious disease specialist or medical doctor has ever been able to establish a scientific foundation for the vaccination of measles. In reality, fundamental research on what viruses are and how they infect us is lacking though beliefs about them are not. Going all the way back to Pasteur to new discoveries in microbiology we see much that undermine common belief about viruses and how they cause disease.

Do they even exist?

It is easier to pretend that viruses do exist. Many assume them to be real so they must be real. They certainly are markers for toxic human physiology. However, iodine backed up with other nutritional medicines like bicarbonate, magnesium and selenium combine to treat the conditions doctors believe are viral infections.

However, nearly everything we once believed about the purportedly deadly properties of flu virus may be based on institutionalized superstition and myth. A different way of looking at viral diseases is that we do not catch them we create the conditions inside.

Bacteria are scavengers of nature; they reduce dead tissue to its smallest element. In the old days, illness was usually due to errors of diet or manner of living, the germs being present solely as scavengers of dead and waste tissues and foods, and not as the cause of the disease.

Germs flourish as scavengers at the site of diseased tissues. They are thriving on the unprocessed metabolic waste and diseased, malnourished tissues. They are not the cause of the disease, any more than flies and maggots cause garbage. We always see firefighters at burning buildings but that does not mean they caused the fire. Whatever we want to believe it is a mistake to treat the germ without treating the environment, the condition that exists that leads to the sickness.

We know that viruses (or the conditions that create them) are sensitive to pH levels in the tissues and cells. We know that toxins and nutritional deficiencies compromise cells, and their aquatic surroundings, so treating viral infections that address pH, detoxification and nutritional deficiencies in an urgent (intensive care) manner will deal with most acute medical emergencies that appear to be caused by viral infections.

The title says it all. By the time you reach the final page of my free EBook The Terror of Pediatric Medicine you will understand that pediatric medicine is one of the worst things that ever happened to the world of babies and young children.

As the U.S. vaccine court proves, many who get vaccinated wind up with minor, major, and chronic autoimmune diseases, sometimes paralysis, autism, and death. According to a NY Times essay on flu vaccines several years ago, “As soon as swine flu vaccinations start next month, some people getting them will drop dead of heart attacks or strokes, some children will have seizures and some pregnant women will miscarry.”

None of this happens with iodine. My advice is to stay away from vaccines, antibiotics and especially from the doctors who prescribe these medicines with impunity.


Connect with Dr. Mark Sircus

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Iodine Supplements and Dosages