Why the Jews of Khazaria, the Himyarites and GokTurk Empire Are Keys to Universal History

Why the Jews of Khazaria, the Himyarites and GokTurk Empire Are Keys to Universal History

[Truth Comes to Light editor’s note: Matthew Ehret (along with his equally brilliant wife Cynthia Chung) offer deep research and often unique insight into the history of humanity. I am sharing this here with respect for this excellence. Near the end of the article you will find a  disparaging comment about the work of David Icke. This felt out of place to me. Regular readers of this site know that we post the work of David Icke now and then. I respect the work of both without needing to agree with or align completely with the perspective of either man. ~ Kathleen]


Why the Jews of Khazaria, the Himyarites and GokTurk Empire Are Keys to Universal History

by Matthew Ehret, Matt Ehret’s Insights
October 18, 2023


With the fires of potential global war once again erupting across the Middle East, and with obvious anti-jewish rage amplifying to an extreme degree, I would like to take a moment to follow up on a previous essay titled ‘The Peace of Westphalia as a Lesson in Solving Religious Wars Past Present or Future’.

The purpose of this investigation into the deep structure historical dynamics shaping our present world is not to simply romanticize bygone ages but to help clarify the principled dynamics that feudalist oligarchs have been obsessively trying to destroy over the course of the past two millenia. I here refer to the dangerous outbreak of peace through cooperation that has tended to occur between religious rivals in never-ending wars across the ages.

In this location, I would like to go a little deeper into the longer wave of history shaping our presently confused age by taking a look at the Jewish Kingdom of Khazaria (8-11th century CE).

Taking the time to investigate this important part of world history is additionally important as China’s New Silk Road currently represents the greatest hope for peace amongst various faiths and cultures not only in the Middle East, but globally. This is not the first time that the Silk Road ushered in a hope for a new age of reason amongst diverse cultures and as we shall soon see, the Kingdom of Khazaria played a major role in that endeavor which St Augustine called a City of God well over a millennium ago.

Figure 1 Today’s New Silk Road

The Mystery of Khazaria in the Modern Era

Typically well informed readers who frequent alternative media either have never heard of the Jewish Khazar Kingdom that dominated central Europe, southern Russia and the Caucuses in the 7-10th century or IF THEY HAVE heard of it, they tend to believe that this Kingdom was the source of everything evil up until modern times. Many mainstream scholars tend to simply deny all evidence that this Jewish kingdom ever even existed.

Figure 2 The Kingdom of Khazaria

I would like to take a novel approach to this anomalous matter of Khazaria and the broader role of Judaism in world history. Not only do I assert that bountiful evidence allows us to conclude that this Jewish Kingdom certainly did certainly exist, but all existent evidence points to the fact that it was the very opposite to a hotbed for “evil Ashkenazi Jewry” as so many lazy researchers have claimed. Instead, this report will attempt to prove that the forgotten kingdom was not only a beautiful phenomenon uniting all three major Abrahamic faiths under one ecumenical alliance of cooperation for well over a century, but also served as a keystone to the newly reborn Silk Road trade routes uniting Asia with Europe through the Confucian Tang Dynasty (618-912 CE).

Much of the following report was made possible by the pioneering work of historian Pierre Beaudry in his online book The Charlemagne Ecumenical Principle.

Under a primitive version of Samuel Huntington’s Clash of Civilizations doctrine, the Venetian Empire and the Ultramontane Church which were the heirs of the recently collapsed Roman oligarchy hated the rise of the Carolingian Empire under Charlemagne and the Augustinian humanist educational and economic reforms enacted during Charlemagne’s reign. More importantly, they hated the brilliant alliances Charlemagne oversaw alongside his co-thinker Harun al Rashid (Caliph of the Abassid Dynasty of Baghdad who ruled from 786-809 CE) and the new King Bulan of Khazaria who converted his kingdom to Judaism in the mid-8th century.

Figure 4- Four Great ecumenical leaders (left to right): Charlemagne, Harun al Rashid, King Bulan and Emperor Xuanzong

The Turkish Conversion to Judaism: The China Angle

In 578 AD, the vast GokTurk Empire had extended from Mongolia, through Eurasia, all the way to Crimea in today’s Ukraine. The empire that had arisen only 30 years earlier played a major diplomatic role in mediating relations between the Byzantine Empire (the surviving eastern Roman Empire) and the pre-muslim Sassanid Persian Empire.

Through a series of marriages with leading princesses of the short-lived western Wei dynasty, and Northern Zhou Dynasty of China (in 562 and 568), leading Khagans of the GokTurks became instrumental in facilitating the revival of the old trade routes of the Silk Road corridors that had fallen into disarray with the collapse of the Han Dynasty in 200 AD.

With the death of the fourth ruler (Taspar Khagan) in 586, warring factions vied for control and a civil war broke out resulting in the eventual split of the Empire into an eastern and western division. Before the emergence of the Tang Dynasty in 618, various rival dynasties in China would also be a factor in the disarray that spread across Central and Eastern Asia during these chaotic years.

Khazaria was first established in the mid-7th century by the western Turkish Khaganate that had become independent from any obedience to the eastern Turkish parent empire when the later had been defeated militarily by the Taizong Emperor of the Tang Dynasty of China in 643 CE. With the Western Khaganate’s defeat (the eastern branch had been defeated by Li Jing in 630), only the most western branch of the GokTurks remained with Khazaria.

With this 643 victory, the Chinese Emperor was made “Tengri Khagan” (Heavenly King), supreme authority over all Turks. 100,000 Turks then migrated to China’s vastly expanded realm and 10,000 Turkish elites settled in the capital. Letters from various Turkish leaders to the Tang court all the way until 741 CE continued to recognize China’s emperors as “Heavenly Khagan”.

Confucianism spread electrically across the entire Turkic world and the newly independent Turks of the west quickly established a highly developed centralized government in Khazaria whose economy would be based primarily upon fisheries, and agriculture. Khazaria became a keystone in the Silk Road with primary routes of the Steppe Silk Road going east-west over land from Uygur Territory in the east to western Crimea and export/import lines along the Dnieper, Don and Volga Rivers which fed into the Caspian and Black Seas.

Khazaria also held the vital North-South trade route along the Volga from Scandinavia through Central Russia to Islamic Iran and Azerbaijan. Since Venetian steered-wars with Islam made Mediterranean trade impossible, and also made it unsafe for Christians or Muslim merchants to move through each other’s’ territories, this Khazarian route was vital and the role of Jews indispensable for trade.

Anomalies of Jewish Khazars

The fact that Khazaria was founded by Turks with a strong link to China cannot be ignored. When evaluating this fact, we must hold three important facts in mind:

1) Countless scholars have noted the strong Confucian philosophy embedded in the western Turkish Khaganate that established the Kingdom of Khazaria before King Bulan’s later conversion to Judaism sometime around 750CE. Even though they were shamanistic, the Confucian principle of the Mandate of Heaven was a core belief of the Khazarian turks.

2) The presence of Jews in China at this time was anomalously large with the first recorded influx of Jews occurring in 618 CE with the start of the Tang Dynasty. As the Tang emperor revived the Silk Road trade routes that had fallen apart after the fall of the Han Dynasty in the 200 CE, Buddhists, Hindus, Nestorian Christians, Zoroastrians, Muslims and Jews flocked to China. This was an especially positive breath of fresh air for Jews as Professor Pan Guang stated: “they could preserve their native customs and religious beliefs… In education, work, buying and selling of land, marriage and the right to move, they enjoyed the same rights and treatment as Han Chinese. They never faced discrimination”.

 This tolerant Chinese policy stood in stark contrast to the persecution and forced conversions had run rampant across the west. Major prosecutors of violence against Jews at the time was driven by Emperors Heraclius (610-641), Justinian II (685-695), Leo III (717-741) and Romanos I (920-944) of the Byzantine Empire.

Much of this persecution stemmed less from religious reasons and more from geopolitical ones as the earlier Jewish Himyaritic Kingdom’s conversion to Judaism in 380 CE disrupted Byzantine interests to control a vital shipping corridor (the Bab el-Mandeb Strait) into the Red Sea off the coast of today’s Yemen. That’s right, between 380 until 525 AD, a major kingdom occupying all of Yemen and major regions of Saudi Arabia was… Jewish. The surviving accounts of Himyarite Dynasty are as scarce as those of Khazaria, but if the accounts of the Christian Priest Symeon of Beth Arsham who lived in the early 6th century are true, then it appears that a Himyarite leader named Yusuf (Joseph) had launched a coup in 524 followed by a persecution of Christians living in and around Yemen. This attack on Christians (if it was true) resulted in a total war of annihilation of Yusuf and the end to the Himyarite kingdom.

3) The primary group in this early phase of the renewed Silk Road routes were Jewish Radhanite traders originating from the city of Radhan in Iraq. According to Persian scholar al Masudi (896-956), these Jewish traders spoke Arabic, Greek, Persian, Slavic, Spanish and Frankish and according to 9th century geographer Ibn Khurdabhe, there were four Radhanite trade routes linking Europe to China. The primary and most active corridor moving through the Middle East and to Europe was “the Steppe Silk Road” much of which under the jurisdiction of Khazaria.

The Ecumenical Jewish, Christian, Muslim, Confucian Alliance

Al Masudi reported his Meadows of Gold that the Jewish Khazars had established an incredible military alliance with the Islamic Abbasid Dynasty who supplied an army of 10 000 Muslim soldiers to the Jewish Khazars under the condition that if any future Jewish leader were to declare war on Islam, that army would fight for Islam! This incredible safeguard was a creative flank which brought the self-interests of both cultures together in ways that made orchestrated imperial conflict nearly impossible.

Another distinguishing feature of Khazaria was its unique judicial system which wisely represented the diverse faiths which sought refuge in this Jewish land. Khazaria had become renowned for its tolerance and openness (the majority of the population were a mix of Christian, Muslim and Pagan though the King and his court were Jewish). 10th century Persian historian Abu al-Istakhri described the Khazarian Supreme Court of Justice whose judges comprised two Christians, two Muslims, two Jews and one Pagan stating: “The king has 7 judges [hukkan] from the Jews, Christians, Muslims and Idolators. When the people have a lawsuit, it is they who judge it. The parties do not approach the king himself but only these judges.”

The Abbasid Dynasty played another indispensable role in preserving the Silk Road and Confucian renaissance in conjunction with their alliance with Khazaria. At a decisive moment in 755 CE, the Tang Dynasty faced a terrible crisis known as the An-Shi Rebellion when a renegade General An Lushan declared himself emperor of the North threatening both civil war and the dissolution of the new Silk Road. Caliph al-Mahdi (grandfather of the great Harun al Rashid) sent 4000 Muslim soldiers to aid the Emperor in putting down the rebellion, preserving the ecumenical alliance!

It is unfortunate that the Tang Dynasty was never able to recover to its pre-Civil War prestige and the Silk Road lost valuable vitality just as the Christian-Jewish-Muslim alliance was attaining its apex.

Septimania: European Entry to the Silk Road

We have already noted many surprising and important ecumenical alliances around a higher concept of divine justice and common good in opposition to the policies of the 2nd Roman Empire which operated exclusively on “divide to rule” tactics. However we have left out another important creative alliance worth mentioning.

In 751, the Umayyad Caliphate in Spain lost a major territory called Septimania to the new Carolingian Dynasty of a Frankish King named Pepin the Short (father of Charlemagne) who ruled from 751-768. Septimania, a large area which hosts the strategic port city of Narbonne, had a large Jewish and Muslim population which Pepin and his son allied with against the intrigues of Venice. This area later became a leading renaissance zone reviving the study of Greek classics, astronomy, poetry and medicine under the Andalusian Renaissance centuries later.

Rather than fall into Jewish vs Christian vs Muslim conflicts which the oligarchy would have liked, Pepin instead called for a Jewish leader from Baghdad descended from the House of David named Natronai al Makhir (725-765) to become king of Septimania even giving his daughter Alda to Makhir as wife. Al Makhir in turn gave his Jewish daughter to King Charlemagne in marriage as part of a diplomatic flank against the war mongers in Rome.

Charlemagne ended the anti-Jewish policy dominant in Europe for centuries and even gave Jews rights to land ownership and titles unprecedented in that age. Whenever Charlemagne or his father established diplomatic embassies with the Muslim Abbasids, diplomatic envoys selected were always Jewish. Ultramontane Pope Stephen III who advocated a ‘clash of civilizations’ policy, attacked Charlemagne’s policy in 768 CE writing to the Archbishop Aribert:

“Christians work the vineyards and the fields of these Jews. Christian men and women live under the same roof as these prevaricators, listening to their blasphemous language, night and day; these miserable men and women always have to humiliate themselves before the demeaning display of dogs. What communion hath light with darkness and what concord hath Christ with Balial?”

Both Pepin and Charlemagne ignored the Vatican’s many demands to renounce their ecumenical program.

The governance of Septimania was later divided by Charlemagne with 1/3 under the authority of Archbishop Thomas of Normandy, 1/3 under the Islamic Viscount and 1/3 under Jewish governance ironically putting a Muslim territory under Jewish and Christian protection!

This policy of creative war avoidance and win-win collaboration tied into a Muslim-Christian agreement led by Harun al Rashid in 800 CE when he gave control of the Holy Land to Charlemagne declaring that the Christian leader’s land would be protected by Muslim rule. According to the records of the Monk Zacharias, this diplomatic entente was negotiated by Charlemagne’s Jewish Ambassador to Baghdad Isaac of Rachen.

Figure 6- Julius Köckert, Charlemagne and Haroun al-Rashid,1856

Tying this alliance back to the international geopolitical stage, it is important to recall that Narbonne/Septimania was the key entry point for Silk Road goods to Europe, and its early collapse would have been devastating to the humanist cause. This ecumenical alliance was strong enough to last 90 years before collapsing under the later intrigues of Venice which had managed to get Charlemagne’s small-minded grandchildren to fall into civil war breaking the Carolingian Empire with the 842 Oath of Strasbourg into conflicting regions that later came to become the borders of modern Europe.

The Carolingian Renaissance

Without going into the details of Pepin and Charlemagne’s bold reforms centering on infrastructure (vast roads, bridges over the Rhine, canals, cathedrals and schools), their Irish monastery movement, and financial reforms which saw private financiers lose control as Charlemagne’s government took control of coinage and credit… it is enough for now to state that the Carolingian Renaissance earned its name for the right reasons. The philosophical basis for Charlemagne’s ability to break with anti-Jewish hate was found in the doctrine of Witness formulated by St. Augustine in the early 5th century and which asserted that Jews should no longer be slaughtered, but rather protected since their very existence and adherence to the Old Testament was a living testimony to Christian faith.

Historian Thomas MacDonald said of Augustine’s Doctrine: “His positions is that the Jews are under a divine order of physical protection, and that not only must they be protected, but they must be allowed to worship as Jews… His reason for this view is demeaning for Jews but it also informed centuries of theology and countless orders of protection of Jews living in Christian lands. When Jews were persecuted at the hands of Christians, it was in direct defiance of this doctrine, and when they were protected it was because of this influence.”

The Abbasid Renaissance

In Islam, Augustine’s doctrine found a parallel in the Doctrine of Dimi which asserted that Muslims must protect Jews because they had direct intercourse with the One God whom all Abrahamic faiths share in common.

It is also worth noting that the Abbasid Dynasty was known rightfully as the “Islamic Golden Age” which ushered in a parallel bureaucratic, monetary, and educational reform under the Confucian principle of the Mandate of Heaven (i.e.: A leader’s right to rule was valid only through his obedience to the laws of nature and the common good). This was an anti-oligarchical concept of governance shared by Charlemagne and Caliph al Rashid. Under the humanist leadership of Caliph Al Mahdi, his son Harun Al Rashid and grandson al Mamun, networks of humanist education centers were created called “Houses of Wisdom” which brought Muslim, Christian, and Jewish scholars together to translate ancient works of Greek and Latin, study astronomy, literature, medicine and engineering. Paper mills were established in 832 CE in Samarkand, Cairo, Damas and Baghdad applying Chinese technology to broaden humanity’s access to knowledge.

The Chinese Renaissance

In China, the Tang Dynasty (618-907) distinguished itself early on as an ecumenical safe haven for all cultures and saw influxes of Muslims, Jews and large groups of Nestorian Christians who all made China their home. During the 300 years of Tang Rule, the arts rose to new heights, and the Poet-statesman became an actualized ideal as the greatest poets and painters (such as Wang Wei, Li Bai and Du Fu) played major roles as political figures. Torture and death penalties were nearly done away with and public schools were built at record numbers. Unfortunately, wars with Muslims, Turks, and Tibetans did occur over the years and many internal struggles occurred from within weakening the Dynasty.

Physical evidence of the Khazar Kingdom were nearly all destroyed or suppressed leaving very little empirical evidence to work with for modern scholars (and leaving much room for speculative gossip led by such British Imperial assets like Arthur Koestler or lizard-man quackidoodle David Icke). Luckily, dozens of Christian and Muslim scholars of the 8-12 centuries have written extensively of its existence, and some of the 250 000 fragments discovered at the end of the 19th century in the Cairo Geniza are finally being made public- bringing direct evidence to light for the first time in millennia.

One question is still unanswered: Why did the Khazar Kingdom end by the 10th century and why were all traces of this golden age among Confucianism, Judaism, Christianity and Islam destroyed?

The Venetian Takeover and the Rise of ‘Jewish Bankers’

Here we must look to towards that ugly center of spiritual pus: The heirs of the Roman Oligarchy found in the Lagoons of Venice and Byzantine Empire (soon to be undone by the wilier Venetians in 1251 as outlined in my recent report The League of Cambrai and the BRICS Today and 2009 film The New Dark Age).

Although it took a couple hundred years of effort, the oligarchy was finally successful in breaking up Charlemagne’s unified kingdom into warring factions, and the Islamic Empire soon fell into its own internal and external discord. Finally in 1095, Venice and the Ultramontane Papacy were successful in launching the first Crusade against Islam turning the world upside down. It is noteworthy that all trade routes established by Rhadanite Jews were the first things destroyed in Europe by the Crusaders (organized by the new Templar Cultists) who then took over those routes, using this infrastructure to wage a most unholy war.

The Templar cultists of Baphomet worshippers were themselves created by the grand strategist Bernard de Clairvaux (an enemy of the great Augustinian Platonist Peter Abelard), of the Cistercian order and who put at least two popes into power during his hyper-active lifetime. It was Clairvaux who established the constitution of this gnostic “Christian mercenary” cult that would soon control the majority of banking operations and new era of Christian vs Muslim (and vs Jew) religious violence that would shape so much of the coming centuries. The Templar fixation with Solomon’s temple (their headquarters would be located under the site which was presumed to be location of Solomon’s Temple) and the obsession with the Grail myth (which turned into the British Israelite Cult that presumed the Royal Family to be the progeny of Jesus’ supposed marriage with Mary Magdalene) and also the source of Rosicrucianism, modern masonry and political zionism, presents an important elemental cause to our current global crisis.

Whatever happened to cause the weakening and ultimate collapse of Khazaria under Kiev Rus invasions in 969 is not clear. What is clear is that anti-Jewish laws were imposed at unprecedented rates from the 11th-16th centuries of Venetian global dominance. In the late 10th century, Jews were cut off from Khazaria as all east-west trade routes were taken over by Genoa and Venice. Though other nations soon followed suite, Venice was the first to ban Jews from all international trade with the Venetian Senate passing a law in 945 CE forbidding any ship to Asia from carrying a Jew. Laws were soon passed across Europe on Venice’s direction forbidding Jews from owning land, joining trade guilds of weavers, dyers, carpenters or blacksmiths or owning any trade companies. Other laws like the 1181 English Assize Laws forbade Jews from owning weapons, serving in military or even farming.

The word “Ghetto” began in Venice as well, as Jews were here relegated to a small neighborhood called the Ghetto and were excluded from any normal form of profession being forced to either deal in old rags, pawn broking or money lending for (nominally) Christian oligarchical families who used them as HofJuden servants.

Historian Cecil Roth addressed this devastating situation saying: “The situation would have been an impossible one but for the presence of the Jew, who, precisely as he found himself excluded from other methods of gaining a livelihood, was forced into this most unhonoured profession. The non-Jewish capitalists lent to kings and magnates, under the cover of various devices (such as making out the bond for a larger amount than the sum lent, or euphemistically calling the interest by some other name). The more open, least lucrative, and most unpopular branches of the profession, such as lending on pledge for a short period to the artisan and tradesman, were forced upon the Jews. ”

“In Venice, for example, down to the close of the eighteenth century, the Jewish community was only tolerated on the express condition that it maintains in the Ghetto four loan-banks (a more polite term for pawn broking establishments)… The only other professions legally permitted there were old clothes dealing and the wholesale export trade to the Levant, which did not compete with Christian traders. The same was the case in the cities of the terra firma. This ignominious condition of affairs was sternly enforced, and any attempt on the part of the Jews to broaden their economic status, or to place it on a slightly more dignified plane, was the systematically blocked.”

This now opens the door to our next instalment which will introduce a new perspective to Shakespeare’s Merchant of Venice, and an earlier play known as “The Jew of Malta”.

The author delivered a lecture on this topic which can be accessed here:


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Cover image “Turkic warrior from the Gokturk period” credit: Zaziiko

Matt Ehret on the Tiananmen Square Hoax

Matt Ehret on the Tiananmen Square Hoax

by Jeremy Nell, Jerm Warfare
May 28, 2023


We all know the official story, which goes as follows.

The Tiananmen Square “massacre” took place in Beijing in 1989. It happened during a period of political unrest and “pro-democracy” protests in the country. The protests began in April, with students and other groups gathering in Tiananmen Square, a large public space in the heart of Beijing, to voice their grievances and call for political reform.

China was experiencing rapid economic growth.

As the protests gained momentum, the Chinese government decided to use force to suppress the protests. They deployed the military, including troops and tanks, to clear Tiananmen Square.

The military crackdown resulted in a violent confrontation between the protesters and the armed forces.

Thousands of people were injured or killed.

That’s the official story.

And it’s mostly nonsense.

Much of what actually happened was deliberately muddied by various Western oligarchs, central intelligence agencies, and powerful actors like George Soros.

WikiLeaks confirmed it.



So did CBS News‘ Richard Roth (who was there).

So did BBC”s James Miles (who was there).

So did reporters from The New York Times and Reuters (who were there).

Editor of Canadian Patriot, Matt Ehret, presented a slideshow in which he broke apart the the whole thing and included very important collateral context.

As an accompaniment, I recommend reading Breaking Free Of Anti-China Psyops.


Connect with Jeremy Nell

Matt Ehret on the Occultic History of the United States

Matt Ehret on the Occultic History of the United States


Excerpts from the video interview with Jeremy Nell found below:


“Whether or not we align ourselves with truthful ideas, that are in harmony with natural law or in defiance of said law, is really a question of whether or not we’re fit to survive or not, and whether we’re gonna be enslaved by an oligarchical class who themselves are devoted to a very specific set of very perverted wrong ideas that they’re religiously committed to.

“Whether we tolerate that indefinitely or not, I don’t think the universe has that in our destiny. I don’t think we’re wired for that ultimate destiny to be just a slave society.”

“By looking at the structures of control over the next 2,500 years, they’ve always used something similar to seduce… people who are mystically-minded or superstitious.

“They need people… who have not taken the time to use their own minds as tools responsibly, and are still locked in a realm of superstition, to then be seduced to come in as initiates into their different lodges…”

“…In the case of like South Carolina, half of the state legislature were black slaves who were elected.

“In the 1870s, you could see the configuration of the South Carolina state legislature and state senators, and half of them are black people.

“This is the state where, 80 years later, you weren’t allowed to vote if you were black. There were Jim Crow laws and lynchings.

“So you’re like, how did that happen? How did that regression happen?…”

“I don’t know exactly what (to answer your question) is going to be required for people to finally wake up to this actual, insidious deep-state operation inside of the heart of America. I don’t know what the answer is to that.

“The way I tend to look at the oligarchies, at these secret societies, and what the oligarchies, upper echelons, actually believe in, I see it as a bit of a controlled form of insanity that has persevered over a very long period of time based on its momentum.

“There’s a certain power of momentum that has maintained its continuity. But ultimately, it’s a technique of perverting their own children…

“But one of the big obsessions that they put a lot of time into is thinking about how do you ensure that your institution will maintain itself despite the fact that it demands unhuman modes of conduct in your children and managers — the managerial class that will maintain your system after you die? They think trans-generationally.

“And so there has been a cultivation of a perverse form of education for the elites, grooming for the elites, both as children and as they go out…”

“So I don’t think that they really do have secret knowledge… I do believe that they believe that they do.

“I do believe that they believe that they can get all sorts of weird, nasty energy from their victims, their sacrificial victims, and I do believe that the believe in all sorts of demonic forces…”

“But again I see it as a perversity. I don’t see it as real secret knowledge. But it has power in the sense of the belief that causes actions to be put in a certain direction always.

“They will religiously always do certain things the same way, no matter what, which is why these oligarchies come close to their transhuman and new world order on many occasions in the past.

“Even before the word transhumanism was coined, they still wanted it. It was just called feudalism, managed by a master class of “beyond humans” who expected their slaves to perceive them as if they were gods or other forms of supernatural deities that you couldn’t possibly contend with because you’re just a lowly mortal.”

“If the oligarchy was as powerful as they want us to believe they are…they already would have won. We wouldn’t be here having this conversation.

“The reason why we have this space, this time, that has been won for us, has a lot to do with the fact that Russia and China and India increasingly have chosen to exit the unipolar system, which was supposed to be the controlled demolition of the economy, like they did in 1929.

“They were planning on doing this in 2009 when the first economic collapse could have taken down the entire system. They had to postpone that. Because, again, they need everybody in the same building when it’s lit on fire and demolished.”

“So I think the oligarchy — they try to project an image of being these immortal gods of Olympus. But they’re really more like the emperor that has no clothes. They’re a lot more insecure than than we think.”


Matt Ehret on the Occultic History of the United States

by Jeremy Nell, Jerm Warfare
originally published December 1, 2022
updated June 25, 2023



Matthew Ehret is a journalist, lecturer and founder of the Canadian Patriot Review.

The Federal Bureau Of Investigation (FBI) is the domestic intelligence and security service of the United States, officially charged with investigating federal crimes.

It was founded in 1908 as the Bureau Of Investigation (BOI) by attorney general Charles Bonaparte. The BOI was created in response to the growing threat of “anarchism” and other forms of political violence.

In 1919, the BOI was reorganised and renamed the Division Of Investigation (DOI).

In 1924, J Edgar Hoover was appointed director of the DOI.

He served as director of the FBI for 48 years, from 1924 to 1972. During his tenure, Hoover made the FBI a powerful force in American law enforcement.

However, most don’t know about its Masonic and otherwise occultic history which played an important role in the shadowy governance of the United States and manipulation of the system.

Albert Pike (1809-1891) was an American attorney, soldier, writer, and Freemason.

He is best known for his prominent role within Freemasonry and his contributions to Masonic literature.

Albert joined the Masonic fraternity in 1850 and rose to prominence within the organisation. HIs most notable work is his book Morals and Dogma of the Ancient and Accepted Scottish Rite of Freemasonry, published in 1871. It is considered one of the most influential works on Freemasonry and explores the philosophy, symbolism, and rituals of the Scottish Rite.

Officially, Freemasonry is a fraternal organisation that traces its origins back to the medieval guilds of stonemasons. It developed into a broader social and philosophical movement in the 17th and 18th centuries. Freemasonry is known for its symbolism, rituals, and principles of moral and ethical conduct.

My conversation with Matt is based on his documentary The Origins of America’s Secret Police: Ancient Roots of Occult Societies & Intelligence Operations.

 Video available at Jerm Warfare Odysee & Rumble channels.


Connect with Matthew Ehret

Connect with Jeremy Nell

Cover image based on creative commons work of: Ti_ & MDARIFLIMAT

See Matt Ehret’s Documentary “The Origins of America’s Secret Police: Ancient Roots of Occult Societies & Intelligence Operations”

 Video available at Rumble, YouTube & Odysee


Matt Ehret With Reiner Fuellmich: Who Rules the World? Since When?

Matt Ehret With Reiner Fuellmich: Who Rules the World? Since When?


“There’s been two Americas, which is why I named my book series ‘The Clash of the Two Americas‘, because I’m really just trying to find ways to get people to appreciate that there’s not just one America.

“Just like that there’s not just one Britain. There’s not just one Russia. There’s not one China. There’s not one any country.

“That’s a simplistic story given to naïve — basically, it’s a children’s story that has been masquerading as historical fact. It’s not true.

“There are fifth columnists operating against the interests of their people, traditions and cultures embedded within every country to varying degrees.

“And if you don’t appreciate that, you can’t really understand truly anything about how history unfolded — present, or past or deep past.”


“One thing that somebody taught me, as just good advice, some years ago was that — they could see that I was a bit demoralized and that I was giving too much credence to the power of oligarchies who’ve always seemed to be there with so much power of manipulation, conspiracies and killing good people. And it was really demoralizing me.

“And this person, an old friend of mine, made the point:

“If you look really close you’ll find that empires can never create. They can always corrupt and subvert, but they can’t actually create.

“So the type of quality of creativity emergent out of any type of oligarchical system is a reactive creativity. It’s a perverse creativity. It’s creative to the extent that it has to, at the very best, masquerade as something truth and good, but with the underlying substance of wanting to undermine and destroy that good in the future…”

~ Matthew Ehret


by Dr. Reiner Fuellmich, ICIC (International Crimes Investigative Committee
published June 16 & June 17, 2023


Who Rules the World, and Since When? Part 1

In the first part of this ICIC program, Dr. Reiner Fuellmich and Matthew Ehret, journalist, lecturer and founder of the Canadian Patriot Review, take us back to the historically and geopolitically relevant beginnings of a globally ruling conglomerate that has infiltrated all socio-political structures over centuries up to the present day and revealed its full power in the so-called “Corona Pandemic”.

Matthew Ehret explains with vivid visuals the (geopolitical) history, navigating from the fall of Rome and the emergence of the Vatican, Canada and the British Empire to the City of London and the WEF (World Economic Forum) to the mergers in Freemasonry and theso-called three-letter organizations in the US.

What are the connections between these eras and structures and which actors are known as masterminds? Do they continue to have influence on the development of mankind? If so, how do they exercise it?

Are the historical “facts” we are taught really incontrovertible? Or is it worth taking a deeper look into to the past in order to connect the dots through independent research by way of intelligent and soulful individuals who shed light on history in the service of a better future?

Video available at ICIC Odysee & Rumble channels.


Who Rules the World, and Since When, Part 2

In the second part of ICIC’s program entitled “Who rules the world and since when?”, Dr. Reiner Fuellmich and Matthew Ehret, journalist, lecturer and founder of the Canadian Patriot Review go into greater detail to contextualize apparently orchestrated historical and geopolitical activities, which at first glance appear to be distinct and separate from one another.

Matthew Ehret’s vivid explanations go on to name names, numbers, data and facts, which together show how the effects of atrocities and their perpetrators and henchmen from the past are still present today, indeed, are being ever further expanded in order to be able to finally implement pre-established goals.

They address questions such as:

Who created constructs like NATO or the EU and why?

Is there a repetition going on, in the style of a “British Empire”, in order to dominate the world and subtly convince people of the necessity of a one-world government as the only, saving solution and thus to gain control over everything and everyone?

Is it not at all about the welfare of humanity, about saving the environment, the climate or health, but but rather about depopulation, eugenics, abuse of power and the suppression to the point of eradication of everything that constitutes being human?

If you take personal responsibility, do your own research, gather and check information without bias, an ever clearer picture of the big picture reveals itself.

It shows that these self-proclaimed “elites” and their masterminds have always used methods such as “create a problem and deliver the solution”, “divide and conquer” and the gullibility of people to be able to realize their inhumane and malicious agendas for the purpose of self-interest and total control over humanity.

Video available at ICIC Odysee & Rumble channels.


Connect with Reiner Fuellmich — ICIC website | Rumble | Odysee | Telegram

Connect with Matt Ehret — Substack | Rumble | Canadian Patriot website

Cover image based on creative commons work of: OpenClipart-Vectors

The Tiananmen Square Hoax: Massacre or Failed Color Revolution?

The Tiananmen Square Hoax: Massacre or Failed Color Revolution?


by Matt Ehret, Matt Ehret’s Insights
June 4, 2023


In this episode of The Multipolar Reality on Rogue News, I take a deep dive into the truth of Tiananmen Square and prove that everything you’ve been taught about this Massacre on June 4, 1989 is a lie covering up a CIA-driven attempt at color revolution more akin to Ukraine’s Maidan in 2014.

This presentation will also introduce the origins of the National Endowment for Democracy from the bowels of the Trilateral Commission, Open Society Foundations, the Malthusian takeover of the trans-Atlantic, the Club of Rome and the hive of transhumanists who were more successful with their program to destroy Russia during the 1980s-1990s than they were to achieve their takeover of China.

The deep state of China is here mapped out taking us into the network around disgraced Communist Party chairman Zhao Ziyang and his nest of technocratic fifth columnists who tried to turn China into a slave colony under the thumb of the Trilateral Commission social engineers. And yes, Miles Guo, Jimmy Lai and Falun Gong play a role in this sordid tale.

Supplementary reading:

How China’s Gorbachev was Flushed… in 1989

Tiananmen Square: The Failure of an American-instigated 1989 Color Revolution

How China Banned Soros [a Canadian Patriot Documentary]

Who is Creating a New Chinese Boogey Man? (An Examination of Modern Psychological Warfare)


Connect with Matt Ehret


Matt Ehret on George Soros, China and Russia

Matt Ehret on George Soros, China and Russia

by Jeremy Nell, Jerm Warfare
April 12, 2023


China is the enemy of the West.

Russia is the enemy of the West.

George Soros is a great philanthropist who believes in democracy and liberty for all.

The West is a bastion of freedom, prosperity and peace.

At least, that’s what the Western establishment (government and media) will have us believe through their propaganda machinery before promoting military invasions (such as Yemen and Syria), proxy wars like Ukraine, mass censorship and surveillance, and the celebration of the destruction of tradition and normality in general.

I’m not saying that the United States is Hell and that China is Heaven.

Far from it.

In fact, I am no fan of China’s technocratic, neo-communist centralised governance, as I noted in my conversation with Pepe Escobar.

But am equally no fan of America’s postmodern degradation of morality and bloodlust for unipolar dominance and imperialism.

Matt Ehret, editor of the Canadian Patriot, has been diving deep into the anti-China (and anti-Russia) narratives and exposing the various psychological operations by Western central intelligence agencies and their lapdogs, the mainstream media.

Breaking Free of AntiChina Psyops (download PDF) by Matthew Ehret and Cynthia Chung
For some mind control context, take a listen to my conversation with Steve Falconer about MK-Ultra and my conversation with James Fetzer about Operation Mockingbird.

Matt’s discussion with me is worth the time, as he covered George Soros being kicked out of China, the history of the United States’ anti-China and anti-Russia narratives, Donald Trump’s insight into the Deep State’s deception, and the mass confusion created by the Fabian Society, Open Society and other enemies of national sovereignty.

Beware of the false prophets, who come to you in sheep’s clothing, but inwardly are ravenous wolves.

Matthew 7:15

Basically, if you think China is a threat to the West, then have you asked yourself why you believe that?

Connect with Jerm Warfare

Connect with Matt Ehret


Are We Being Attacked by Aliens… or Are You Being Played?

Are We Being Attacked by Aliens… or Are You Being Played?

by Matthew Ehret, Matt Ehret’s Insights
February 13, 2023


Last week, my friend Zain Khan asked me to share my thoughts about UFOs.

Within my 10 minute response, I shared my belief that the entire UFO disclosure movement only exists because of a long-term psyop which arose amidst the earliest days of the CIA’s MK Ultra Project and Britain’s 1950 Flying Saucer Working Group.

Since US intelligence agencies and MI6 are desperately doubling down on UFO psyops, I decided it that it were wise to showcase this discussion with Zain Khan and also the repost of my recent essay “What do UFO’s Laurence Rockefeller and MK Ultra have in Common?”

What do UFOs, Laurence Rockefeller and MK Ultra Have in Common? More Than You Think 

What would you do if the American and British governments both revealed that their secret UFO programs would declassify material from each nations’ respective National Archives?

What if you found out that leading politicians like former House Majority speaker Harry Reid had allocated $22 millions of tax payer dollars to UFO research and that Obama’s former chief counsellor (and accused pedophile) John Podesta has openly called for UFO disclosure on several public occasions since 2002 or that Hillary Clinton herself called for UFO disclosure during her presidential campaign pledges of 2015?

Would you believe these claims or would you remain skeptical? How would you decide what to do?

With the July 23 public statement from the Pentagon that “off world vehicles not made on this earth” have been kept secret for decades, this question has become extremely important.

Major opinion-shapers like Joe Rogan, Tucker Carlson, and even Russia Today have promoted the cause of alien disclosure for the past few years and with the most recent Pentagon announcement, fascination in little grey men has spread like wildfire.

Who’s Playing this Game?

For the past several decades, government-sponsored UFO research has largely been driven by the work of private subcontractors like Bigelow Aerospace which was founded by billionaire real estate speculator Robert Bigelow. Having recently joined the “new space movement” (ie: an anti-nation state trojan horse designed to promote privatized money driven model of space funding) alongside other billionaires like Elon Musk, Jeff Bezos and Sir Richard Branson, Bigelow allocated large swaths of his fortunes to the creation of organizations like the National Institute for Discovery Science which have always worked in a private capacity with governments and academia.

One of Bigelow’s biggest tools was Sen. Harry Reid who not only received generous campaign funds from the billionaire between 1998-2009 but also allocated tens of millions in national defense funds to his company starting in 2007.

As the New York Times revealed in 2017, it was with Bigelow’s backing, that Harry Reid spearheaded the creation of the Pentagon’s Advanced Aerospace Threat Identification Program which was devoted to identifying ETs.

In 2014, the creative force driving the “UFO-disclosure cause” has taken the form of a weird organization called To the Stars Academy of Arts and Science run by high level intelligence operatives and using a cardboard cut-out Tom Delonge  (former lead singer of the punk band Blink 182). To the Stars has poured millions of dollars into cultural/educational and lobbying projects driven by books, movies, film and documentaries in the cause of “elevating global consciousness” in preparation for a new age of UFO disclosure.

As Delonge says in his promotional video“through a series of meetings I was soon connected to a large group of US government officials. From the CIA, to the Department of Defense to Lockheed Martin Skunkworks. These were the guys involved in the secretive government programs that dealt with these subjects.”

Some of the shadowy figures affiliated with To the Stars and featured on the group’s website include a former CIA director of operations, former Deputy Assistant secretary for Defense Intelligence, former Director of Information for White House Technology, and former chief of the CIA’s counter-biological weapons program. Both Podesta and Bigelow’s Aerospace have also worked closely with Delonge’s strange group over the past six years.

Bigelow is not the only billionaire who has allocated their vast fortunes to the cause of “UFO truth”.

The Rockefeller Project
In 1993, the Disclosure Initiative was created by none other than financier Laurence Rockefeller (4th son of Standard Oil Founder John D. Rockefeller). The initiative had a two-fold purpose:
  • Unite all of the largest UFO research organizations in America under one umbrella organization which was promptly accomplished within one year and
  • Massively lobby the Clinton Administration to declassify millions of documents which was done in 1994, revealing little more than mountains of anecdotal testimonies and correspondences.

During the heyday of the Rockefeller UFO Disclosure Initiative, the Clintons stayed at the Laurence Rockefeller ranch in Wyoming, during which time an early recruit to the “disclosure mission” was Clinton Chief of Staff John Podesta. Podesta started going public with calls for UFO disclosure in 2002 and has continued to work with figures like Bigelow and To the Stars Academy over the next 18 years.

Researchers Brad and Sherry Steiger noted Laurence’s strange enthusiasm in funding both UFO disclosure and psychedelic research. This fact was laid out in their 2012 Conspiracies and Secret Societies where the authors wrote:

“Laurence also funded the Green Earth Foundation, headed by Terence McKenna, who traveled the globe collecting psychoactive plants, which he was permitted to cultivate in Hawaii. McKenna theorized that aboriginal cultures have used these substances to induce a psychic link with extraterrestrials.

The Human Potential Foundation was primarily funded by Laurence Rockefeller, who encouraged its study of alternative religious and psychiatric/psychological paradigms. Similarly, Laurence cooperated closely with the BSW Foundation, headed by wealthy New Yorkers Sandra Wright Houghton and Bootsy Galbraith, who shared his belief that the ETs are benevolent and have come to help the human species ascend the evolutionary ladder more rapidly.”

During the Clinton White House years, Laurence Rockefeller recruited a bodybuilding biologist named Stephen Greer to become the controller of the Disclosure Project which has provided his meal ticket to this very day. Greer has given thousands of interviews promoting the narrative that NASA’s Apollo Lunar projects were stopped in 1972 merely because the aliens who have been stationed on the Moon for eons didn’t want the truth to leak out (but were at least kind enough to let us keep the technology they gave us earlier in Roswell in the 1950s).

If you believe in Greer’s narrative (which gets much crazier I promise), then human creative thought is actually not as special as “the shadowy forces controlling the government” wanted you to believe since space technology only exists because we stole stuff from ETs. Pretty much any inspired awe in universal creation and the power of the human mind to discover this creation with the effect of making life better through scientific and technological progress would easily be killed from this outlook.

From this mindset, the idea of advanced knowledge or technological progress just become another kind of “secret knowledge” for some gnostic-styled cult with a select few endowed with the powers of secret knowledge (in this case, those who are privy to communicate with aliens and use their tech.)

The questions an intelligent person should now ask are:

Why would a leading figure of the Rockefeller dynasty devote the last decades of his life to the cause of “UFO truth”? Did Laurence Rockefeller or those on his payroll or those in the CIA actually care about the right of the people to know hidden truths, or is the plan just designed to mis-direct the minds of credulous and jaded citizens into an invisible cage? Might such a mis-direction prevent people from dealing with issues of America’s lurch to fascism and accelerating disintegration?

Is it possible that these pedophiles, globalists, and Malthusian billionaires care less about the truth and more about inducing Americans to fixate on aliens while the republic is destroyed under economic collapse and war?

Squaring the Crop Circle
A large portion of the Disclosure Project’s work has gone into the investigation of crop circles which were first recorded in the early 1970s in Britain, and which have the peculiar characteristic of becoming increasingly well executed and complex over the course of five decades. Live Science reported that “the first real crop circles didn’t appear until the 1970s, when simple circles began appearing in the English countryside. The number and complexity of the circles increased dramatically, reaching a peak in the 1980s and 1990s when increasingly elaborate circles were produced”.

My question is: If transcendental alien races travelling at faster-than light speed, have been leaving encoded messages to us, then why would their artistic skills have improved so dramatically over a few years? Just a question.

MK Ultra & UFOs
Most people know of the CIA/MI6-funded mass brainwashing operation known as MK Ultra which was launched in 1953. Very few people have recognized the connection between MK Ultra and the rise of the UFO movement that grew in spades throughout the Cold War.

While US and UK government UFO investigations did occur in piece meal starting in 1947 under Project Sign (1947), and Project Grudge (1949), it wasn’t until 1950 that official tax payer-funded departments were created in both nations to pursue “UFO research”. These took the form of the USA’s Project Blue Book (1952) which itself was modelled on the work conducted by Britain’s 1950 “Flying Saucer Working Party” spear-headed by Sir Henry Tizard (Chief Science Advisor to the Ministry of Defense and Chairman of Britain’s Defense Research Policy Committee).

Journalist Naomi Klein stated in her book The Shock Doctrine that Tizard played a leading role in the creation and funding of MK Ultra during a high level meeting in Montreal and Tizard’s Wikipedia entry notes that:

“One of the most controversial meetings he had to attend in his capacity as chair of the National Research Commission would only emerge many years later with the de-classification of CIA documents, namely a meeting on June 1st, 1951 at the Ritz-Carlton Hotel in Montreal Canada, between Tizard, Omond Solandt (chairman of Defence Research and Development Canada) and representatives of the CIA to discuss “brainwashing”.

This Ritz-Carleton meeting would lay the seeds for MK Ultra that was not only designed to deal with brainwashing, but created LSD, and explored the matter of breaking down a human mind into a blank slate with the explicit intention of reconstructing minds from scratch.

Another interesting figure in the UFO/MK Ultra nest of social engineers is a figure named Joseph Bryan III. Bryan worked closely with the CIA’s Frank Wisner and ran the Political Psychological Warfare Unit of the Office of Policy Coordination (OPC). Founded in 1950, the OPC was known as the ‘covert operations wing’ of the CIA.

After declassified FBI files released in 2019 demonstrated, Bryan participated in a 1953 meeting at the US Attorney Generals Office attended by none other than the FBI’s J. Edgar Hoover and CIA’s Allen Dulles where the topic of “Brain Washing” was discussed/ Among the declassified files released by FOIA request, the topic of ‘truth serums’ came up extensively. Today, we now know that the development of a ‘truth serum’ was the reason behind the development of LSD-25 (among an array of other psychedelics which went on to play a major role in the social engineering of the baby boomer paradigm shift of the 1960s.

How does Bryan play into the UFO story?

From 1956-1971, Bryan sat on the Board of Governors of the National Investigations Committee on Aerial Phenomenon (NICAP)- a nominally “civilian” UFO research group which published a magazine titled ‘The UFO Investigator’.

An August 7, 1966 edition of the Sunday Star published an article ‘Flying Saucers Again: Do You Believe in Them?’ which cited Bryan (then also an acting Grand Master of the Maryland Freemason lodge) as a UFO authority saying:

“The UFO Investigator,” the stated position of one of the most highly qualified members of its Board of Governors.  Joseph Bryan III (Colonel, USAF, Retired), former Special Assistant to the Secretary of the Air Force (1952-53) and former member of the staff of Gen. Lauris Norstad, then Supreme Allied Commander at NATO: “It is my opinion that the UFOs reported by competent observers are devices under intelligent control; that their speeds, maneuvers, and other technical evidence prove them superior to any aircraft or space devices now produced on earth; and that these UFOs are interplanetary devices systematically observing the earth, either manned or under remote control, or both.”

As Klein’s book eloquently showcases, the intention behind the MK Ultra experiments was to use these discoveries on a national scale in order to conduct “shock therapy” on nations in order to break cultures and nations from their historic memories and traditions with the purpose of reconstructing them under a post-nation state (and post-truth) neo-liberal world order.

While MK Ultra was funded and executed by the Americans, the guidance for this operation were always driven by London’s Tavistock Clinic. A bone chilling expose of this clinic was produced by EIR’s Jeffrey Steinberg in 1993 which may keep you up at night.[1]

With these revelations of MK Ultra psychedelic experiments onto thousands of human guinea pigs given heavy doses of psychedelics without their knowledge which coincides with the growth of alien disclosure projects, it is worth questioning: are Lawrence Rockefeller’s role as UFO disclosure priest and his role as primary sponsor of Terrence McKenna and the Tavistock-connected Human Potential Movement two sides of the same operation?[2]

Unless your name was Joe Rogan, this information should cause even a devoted supporter of psychedelics and ETs to pause for a moment in contemplation that something darker might have been fed to you.

You might also begins to wonder how many alien abductees over the past 70 years were simply MK Ultra guinea pigs and also what social engineering ambitions the patrons of these cults have for humanity going forward into the “post-Great Reset age”?

As one can imagine, the very act of providing government funds to investigate flying saucers was itself sufficient to legitimize the existence of aliens in the minds of millions of Europeans and Americans during the Cold War years. During these dark years, faith in the possibility of honest government collapsed under the imperial wars of Korea, Vietnam abroad and the growth of the Military Industrial Complex and McCarthyism at home. The world of secret patents, secret weapons, secret R&D that developed during this period in facilities like Area 51 made the frequent sightings by civilians and even un-vetted military pilots of “unidentified flying aircraft” an expected occurrence.

Flying Saucers and Area 51
In her 2012 book Area 51: An Uncensored History of America’s Top Secret Military Base, journalist Annie Jacobson provided lengthy detail of the Cold War experiments, classified aerospace technology and nuclear bomb testing that took place at Area 51 during this period.

What could account for observed UFO phenomena?

In an interview with NPR Radio[3], Jacobson stated: “The UFO craze began in the summer of 1947. Several months later, the G2 intelligence, which was the Army intelligence corps at the time, spent an enormous amount of time and treasure seeking out two former Third Reich aerospace designers named Walter and Reimar Horten who had allegedly created [a] flying disc. … American intelligence agents fanned out across Europe seeking the Horton brothers to find out if, in fact, they had made this flying disc.”

During WWII, the Horten brothers were associated with the Austrian scientist Viktor Shauberger whose innovative designs[4] for implosion (vs explosion) flying technology utilized water currents, and electromagnetism to generate flying machines that by all surviving accounts flew faster than the speed of sound.

While much of his research was confiscated and classified by victor nations after WWII, Schauberger was promised government sponsorship in America which induced the inventor to move across the ocean where Canada’s Avro Arrow program sought his designs for supersonic nuclear missile delivery aircraft.

When he discovered that his work would only be used for military purposes, Schauberger pushed back and over the course of several months, his patents were essentially stolen, and he returned to Austria to die broke and depressed in 1958.

The Strategic Importance of Space
It was never a secret that the post-1971 globalized world order championed by the likes of Sir Henry Kissinger, David and Laurence Rockefeller and other Malthusians throughout the 20th century was always designed to collapse.

With the mass shock therapy that such a collapse would impose upon the world, it was believed that a deconstruction of the Abrahamic traditions that governed western society for 2000 years could be accomplished and a new society could be socially engineered in the image of the Brave New (depopulated) World that would live like happy sheep forever under the grip of a hereditary alpha class and their technocratic managers. The story of the Tavistock-led attack on scientific progress is told brilliantly in the 2010 Lpac film The Destruction of NASA.[5]

The only problem these social engineers have encountered in recent years is the re-emergence of actual statesmen who are unwilling to sacrifice their people and traditions on the altar of a new global Gaia cult. Such defenders of humanity’s better traditions have launched the multipolar alliance and have driven a policy of long-term growth and advance scientific and technological progress which is embodied brilliantly by the New Silk Road, and its extensions to the Arctic. The most exciting aspect of this New Silk Road/Multipolar Paradigm is the leap into space exploration as the new frontier of human self-development which has not been seen since the days of President Kennedy.

With China and Russia signing a pact to jointly develop lunar bases with a focus on international cooperation on Lunar and Mars resource development/industrialization, the age of unlimited growth that was lost with the LSD-driven mass psychosis of 1968’s “live in the now” paradigm shift may finally be recaptured. Programs designed to put humanity’s focus on real objective threats like Asteroid collisions, and solar-induced new ice ages are seriously being discussed by leaders of Eurasia today.

There are billions of suns and potentially billions of galaxies, and chances are there is indeed life on many of the planets orbiting some of the stars within our growing, creative universe… and there is also a fair chance that cognitive life has also emerged on some of those planets. The best way to find out is not to sit at home while the world economic system collapses under a controlled disintegration thinking about Rockefeller-funded conspiracy theories, but rather to fight to revive humanity’s open system destiny starting with a cooperative space program to extend human culture and economy to the Moon and Mars, and then onto other planetary bodies followed by missions to deep space.

If other civilizations exist, maybe it is our duty to take up the torch left to us by JFK and go find them.

The author recently delivered a presentation on this topic during a weekly broadcast of Rogue News which can be viewed here:


[1] Tavistock mass murderers are brainwashing your children by Scott Thompson and Jeffrey Steinberg, EIR, vol 20, no. 44, 1993

[2] For a fuller picture of the Tavistock Institute, Esalen Institute and the growth of the psychedelic movement, see Cynthia Chung’s Huxley’s Ultimate Revolution: The Battle for Your Mind and the Relativity of Madness published on The Strategic Culture Foundation Dec. 2021.

[3] Area 51 ‘Uncensored’: Was It UFOs Or The USSR? Vermont Public Radio, May 17, 2011

[4] A remarkable overview of Nazi aerospace technology which was captured by Anglo-American military leaders after WWII was published Burlington UFO and Paranormal Research Center Secrets of the Third Reich available here

[5] The Destruction of NASA produced by Lpac Videos


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Cover image credit: KELLEPICS

Matt Ehret, With Rogue News: Why is Robert Malone Pushing Anti-China Misinformation?

Matt Ehret With Rogue News: Why is Robert Malone Pushing Anti-China Misinformation?

by Matthew Ehret, Rogue News
January 19, 2023


Dr Robert Malone has stated that anyone calling out controlled opposition is only demonstrating that they themselves are the controlled opposition used willfully or not by intelligence agencies to discredit the resistance. Sounds fine. But what if Dr Malone finds himself promoting (willfully or not) misinformation that will undermine the very resistance he seeks to inform, shape and mobilize? Mobilize to what goals and based on what concepts of the enemy?

In this episode of the Great Game on Rogue News, we unpack some serious fallacies and dubious intelligence connections underlying Dr Malone’s recent foray into global geopolitical analysis with his promotion of an MI6-shaped narrative first released by Sir Richard Dearlove in early 2020 which asserts Covid to have been an intentionally crafted and released bioweapon which killed millions in a war to destroy western civilization rendering humanity enslaved to the new Chinese master class.

Is it false or true? What evidence and what sources does Dr Malone rely upon to advance his thesis?


For more information on anti-China Psyops, pick up Matt’s Breaking Free of Anti China Psyops

Pick up Clash of the Two Americas vol 1-4 to come to a clear grasp of the structures and history of the Anglo Venetian oligarchy stretching back several thousand years here:

To listen to the previous week’s episode debunking Peter Zeihan click here:

Follow Rogue News every day at www.RogueNews.com


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