Dr. Christiane Northrup: ‘Line in the Sand’ Conversation|On the Madness of Separating Babies From Their Mothers | “The Mother’s Body Is the Earth to the Baby”

Dr. Christiane Northrup: ‘Line in the Sand’ Conversation|On the Madness of Separating Babies From Their Mothers | “The Mother’s Body Is the Earth to the Baby”

by New Earth Project with Dr. Christiane Northup
excerpt created by Truth Comes to Light
October 2, 2020


This is an excerpt from New Earth Project’s 4.5+ Hour ‘Line in the Sand’ Marathon 10/2/2020.

[As a service to protect truth from censorship, mirrored copies of this video are available at Truth Comes to Light BitChute, Lbry, Odysee & Brighteon channels. All credit, along with our sincere thanks, goes to the original source of this video.]

Is President Trump’s “Illness” Really a Commercial for Regeneron’s New COVID Drug?

Is President Trump’s “Illness” Really a Commercial for Regeneron’s New COVID Drug?

by Brian Shilhavy, Health Impact News
October 3, 2020


The same day it was announced that President Trump was tested positive for COVID, it was immediately announced that the President was being administered a new experimental COVID drug, Regeneron’s REGN-COV2.


Business journals apparently already had press releases ready about the drug, and the company’s stock immediately went up on Friday.

FiercePharma, one the Pharmaceutical companies’ main marketing trade publications, was one of the first to publish the story:

In a bombshell development Thursday, President Donald J. Trump tested positive for COVID-19, sending shockwaves through the country with just weeks until Election Day. One unanswered question was how the president’s physicians would navigate an uncertain treatment course—and an unproven antibody cocktail from Regeneron is now in the spotlight.

Trump’s personal doctor confirmed Friday that the president was treated with an 8-gram dose of Regeneron’s investigational antibody cocktail for COVID-19, dubbed REGN-COV2, along with aspirin and famotidine, better known as branded Pepcid. He’s also taking zinc and vitamin D, two typical immune-boosting supplements.

Trump’s early treatment with Regeneron’s cocktail was an immediate boon for investors with the drugmaker’s stock trading up around $20—or 3%—in after-market hours Friday.

Regeneron does not even have emergency use approval yet. FiercePharma also reports that Regeneron’s CEO Len Schleifer has been a guest at the White House during the pandemic.

Kyle Blankenship reports:

Unlike another highly touted COVID-19 hopeful, Gilead Sciences’s Veklury (remdesivir), REGN-COV2 has no emergency use approvals anywhere in the world—a fact that could underscore Trump’s relationship with New York-based Regeneron and CEO Len Schleifer, who has been a guest at the White House during the pandemic.

The company said late Friday that Trump’s doctors had requested the therapy under its compassionate use program.

An eventual clean bill of health for Trump could go a long way to boosting confidence in Regeneron’s therapy, which is already raising hopes of $6 billion in sales per year—assuming it can secure the FDA’s approval.

Compared with vaccines, which are being supplied to the U.S. government at $24 on average for a two-dose regimen, antibody drugs could be far more expensive, as they are typically priced well into the thousands, Morningstar analyst Karen Andersen told clients last month. But antibodies could be particularly useful for older adults, whose immune systems may not respond as well to vaccination. (Full article.) (Emphasis Added)

President Trump has transferred more wealth to Big Pharma during the COVID Plandemic than probably all the previous administrations put together, with his Operation Warp Speed and other emergency measures that have given hundreds of BILLIONS of dollars to Big Pharma.

With the Rockefellers controlling the pharmaceutical industry in the U.S. and around the world, this might have been President Trump’s ticket stamped to assure his second term.

Dr. Christiane Northrup on Covid Vaccine: “Once Those Nanoparticles Go In…You’re Suddenly Programmable”

Dr. Christiane Northrup on Covid Vaccine: “Once Those Nanoparticles Go In…You’re Suddenly Programmable”

October 1, 2020


“…once those nanoparticles go in, there’s no detoxing from them.
There’s no getting them out of there.
They combine with your DNA and you’re suddenly programmable.
And with the proposed 5G networks, the body would be an antenna where you could be controlled from outside of yourself.
That’s kind of worst case scenario.
So that’s what bothers me about the vaccine.”


~ Dr. Christiane Northrup


Original video is found at VAXXED TV YouTube channel.
Full interview is also found at VAXXED TV YouTube channel.

[As a service to protect truth from censorship, mirrored copies of this video are available at Truth Comes to Light BitChute, LBRY, Odysee & Brighteon channels. All credit, along with our sincere thanks, goes to the original source of this video.]

Coronavirus Vaccine Trial Subjects Report Extreme Exhaustion, Shortness of Breath, Day-Long Headaches and Shaking So Violently That One of Them Cracked a Tooth

Coronavirus Vaccine Trial Subjects Report Extreme Exhaustion, Shortness of Breath, Day-Long Headaches and Shaking So Violently That One of Them Cracked a Tooth

by Mike Adams, NewsTarget
October 1, 2020


Get ready for the depopulation kill shots that cause severe neurological damage and lobotomize anyone stupid enough to take them. Even mainstream media outlet CNBC.com is now reporting that vaccine trials conducted by Moderna and Pfizer are producing extreme side effects in trial subjects.

“High fever, body aches, headaches and exhaustion are some of the symptoms participants in Moderna and Pfizer’s coronavirus vaccine trials say they felt after receiving the shots,” reports CNBC:

Luke Hutchison woke up in the middle of the night with chills and a fever after taking the Covid-19 booster shot in Moderna’s vaccine trial. Another coronavirus vaccine trial participant, testing Pfizer’s candidate, similarly woke up with chills, shaking so hard he cracked a tooth after taking the second dose.

High fever, body aches, bad headaches and exhaustion are just some of the symptoms five participants in two of the leading coronavirus vaccine trials say they felt after receiving the shots.

CNBC goes on to explain that the study participants then claimed all the pain, “was worth it.” Worth it for what? For a pandemic that’s already over for people under the age of 70?

These are all symptoms of neurological damage occurring in real time

Here’s a more detailed description of the side effects reported by a pro-science, pro-vaccine trial participant:

After getting the first shot on Aug. 18, he said he felt a little under the weather for several days with a low-grade fever. He got his second shot at a clinic on Sept. 15. Eight hours later, he said he was bed bound with a fever of over 101, shakes, chills, a pounding headache and shortness of breath. He said the pain in his arm, where he received the shot, felt like a “goose egg on my shoulder.” He hardly slept that night, recording that his temperature was higher than 100 degrees for five hours.

After 12 hours, Hutchison said he felt back to normal and his energy levels returned. Having signed a lengthy consent form, Hutchison was aware that he might experience symptoms. But he was still struck by the severity and duration, tweeting on Sept. 16 that he experienced “full on Covid-like symptoms.”

Does this sound like a “safe” vaccine to administer to hundreds of millions of people? Full-on Covid-like symptoms?

What CNBC isn’t saying, of course, is that all these symptoms — extreme exhaustion, long duration headaches and violent shaking — are signs of neurological damage happening in real time.

These are obvious signs that a kind of vaccine lobotomy is taking place, causing permanent, long-term neurological damage to the trial participants (who may already be brain damaged to begin with, as they volunteered for these medical experiments).

Fascinatingly, CNBC also explains that some people are dumb enough to raise their hands and actually volunteer to be used as human guinea pigs for these insane medical experiments:

Hutchison, a 44-year-old computational biologist in Utah, said he signed up for Moderna’s phase three trial because he’s healthy, physically fit and a big believer in vaccines. He specifically wanted to support Moderna’s effort, as he was intrigued by the company’s RNA-based approach.

CNBC says Luke Hutchison, “signed up to a coronavirus vaccine trial because he’s ‘pro science.’” It’s almost hilarious, if it weren’t so tragic. Little does he know that the vaccine cares nothing about science but everything about profits, which means rushing dangerous vaccines to market through the use of human medical experimentation that will no doubt kill some people along the way.

I doubt Hutchison will be feeling good about all this with his nervous system starts to disintegrate. But to each his own… People who think vaccines are rooted in “science” are in for a very rude awakening.

“Pro-science” vaccine trial participants may be covering up side effects to protect vaccine companies

It’s also clear that these trial participants are now being used as public relations puppets for the vaccine industry, and that’s a whole new, dangerous medical propaganda agenda that we haven’t seen before. When the trial participants enter the trials with a “pro-vaccine” cheerleading bias, they are likely to downplay the severity of the side effects they experience, and this causes the vaccine manufacturer to improperly assess the real adverse events associated with the vaccine.

In effect, the “pro-science” human guinea pigs rig the trials by covering up for the vaccine side effects, allowing the vaccine manufacturers to achieve FDA approval for dangerous, toxic vaccines that may go on to injure or kill far more people than the pandemic itself.

At some point, we all have to say, “If these people want to commit vaccine suicide, let them commit vaccine suicide,” because there’s nothing you can say to stop them. If they want to sacrifice their own lives in the name of “pro-science,” then that’s their free will choice.

After all, somebody has to be among the first pioneers to take the kill shots. Why not let people self-select for that and win the Darwin award for pro-science stupidity?

To All Long Term Covid Sceptics…

To All Long Term Covid Sceptics…

by Catte Black, OffGuardian
first published on Catte’s Facebook page. [apparently her page was taken down]
October 1, 2020


To all long term Covid sceptics.

Let’s take a moment to embrace the strength of our position.

From the outset when the official response was a brief lockdown to ‘flatten the curve’ we were telling people this was just the beginning.

We predicted there would be more lockdowns, increased policing, suspension of democracy, mandatory vaccines, a permanent ‘new normal’.

And we were correct.

We pointed to the data – not the media fear porn – and said the virus was not unusual or dangerous and no measures – beyond normal flu season precautions for the vulnerable – were necessary.

And we were correct.

Embrace this.

The Covid hysterics have lost the argument – and you have won it.

You don’t need to concede anything to their destroyed and absurd argument in a mistaken attempt at reconciliation. All you do by that is undermine the most important truths.

The pandemic is a scam aimed at initiating a new and terrifying degree of global control over the human body, mind and society.

You can’t meet an agenda like that half way – or find common cause with those promoting it.

All you can do is use the weapons of truth to defeat it.


cover image credit OffGuardian

Microchips, Nanotechnology and Implanted Biosensors: The New Normal?

Microchips, Nanotechnology and Implanted Biosensors: The New Normal?

by Pam Long, Children’s Health Defense
October 1, 2020


U.S. military personnel will be the first subjects in nanotechnology trials in the pursuit of optimizing health and early detection of disease outbreaks. Profusa has research contracts for bio-integrated sensors with the U.S. Department of Defense and Defense Advanced Research Projects Agency (DARPA), pending U.S. Food and Drug Administration approval in early 2021.

Health technology undermines freedom and privacy

Profusa’s promotional video shows how the bio-integrated sensor enables a soldier to be tracked by remote computers using GPS in addition to monitoring real-time biomarkers, such as oxygen levels and heart rate. While this biotechnology is portrayed as potentially lifesaving to a soldier on the battlefield, the implications of GPS tracking individuals is a terrifying step towards a surveillance state in the general population. Furthermore, tracking people in stages of sickness can only result in medical tyranny in the hands of any government. The Profusa influenza study requires patients to wear the wearable version of the reader 24 hours a day, with continuous biomarker information collection into a database, and aims to detect four stages of infection: healthy, infected, asymptomatic and recovery stage. These unreliable detection stages could become the criteria for different levels of individual participation in society as experienced in the unsustainable COVID-19 state-level lockdowns for the masses.

Can it be reversed? Can it be refused?

This Profusa nanotechnology has three components: an inserted sensor called hydrogel, a light-emitting fluorescent sensor reader on the surface of the skin and an electronic software component that transmits to an online database. The SARS-CoV-2 vaccine plans to incorporate this technology and there is no information on how the technology could be removed, if at all. “Tiny biosensors that become one with the body” could imply a lifetime commitment.

The nanotechnology research at DARPA is very controversial and aims to create “super soldiers” with artificial intelligence that gives enhanced capabilities to humans such as heightened senses, tenfold vision and extraordinary strength. According to a statement from DARPA, the program, known as the Neural Engineering System Design, “aims to develop an implantable neural interface able to provide advanced signal resolution and data-transfer bandwidth between the brain and electronics.” Would these “super powers” and any side effects be permanent or life-limiting? The webpage of DARPA’s program notes that “the most effective, state-of-the-art neural interfaces require surgery to implant electrodes into the brain.”

Is it ethical to require a soldier to implant nanotechnology as mission essential or for force protection? Can military personnel refuse nanotechnology embedded in a vaccine mandate or health order from the chain of command? Informed and uncoerced consent is the foundation of medical ethics.

Vaccines: the trojan horse for worldwide adoption of nanotechnology?

The Institute for Soldiers Nanotechnologies at MIT and the U.S. Army Medical Research Institute of Infectious Diseases are researching the use of nanotechnology based adjuvants in new vaccines for the military against malaria, tuberculosis, HIV and Ebola.

According to this document, “Project 1.6 proposes to develop two platform technologies that safely and efficiently promote immune responses in the vaccination and therapeutic settings: lymph node targeting amphiphile-adjuvants and immune-targeting amphiphilic ligand-coated metal nanoparticles. These two approaches are ideally suited to targeting adjuvant compounds to lymphoid tissues and immunomodulators to immune cells during infection, respectively.”

In addition to the concerns of experimental vaccines for military personnel, civilians will likely follow in vaccine mandates with nanotechnology. Tracking individual location and personal metabolic data is far too much power for any government or health department. And moreover, if the technology can send biochemistry signals from the person to the government, then likely the technology has capability to also send biochemistry altering signals from the government to the person. What are the limitations and safeguards for the government’s remote ability to affect or control a person’s thoughts, emotions and vital functioning? Nanotechnology could give data-based omnipotence to the controllers and create an oppressive world of governance in the guise of public health.

What you can do? Become more empowered to advocate for your health by registering for the Protecting Health and Autonomy in the 21st Century online conference Oct. 16-18 with 40 speakers, including Robert F. Kennedy, Jr.

Dreading Those Dreadful DREADDS

Dreading Those Dreadful DREADDS

by Joseph P. Farrell, Giza Death Star
October 1, 2020


Yes, you read the title of this blog correctly; we’re back to talking about DREADDS, an aptly chosen acronym meaning designer receptors exclusively activated by designer drugs.  The receptors in view are neurons in the brain, and the whole idea is to use “chemogenetics” to help deliver drugs past the blood brain barrier. Sounds wonderful; it will improve health; it’s “for the children.”

And indeed, it may be wonderful and health-improving and even for the children. Except that “C.” spotted this article and passed it along (and our thanks for doing so!). In it, you’ll read the following things:

The phrase “mind-control drugs” probably conjures up some terrifying images, but in the case of chemogenetics, it could be cause for rejoicing. To study the brain in any useful level of detail requires precise targeting of neural circuits, no easy task in an organ that’s basically a thicket of long, interconnected cells—cells that send and receive a profusion of electrical and chemical signals.

The idea behind chemogenetics is simple: create a receptor that reacts only to a pharmacologically inert ligand, that doesn’t do anything in the body. Then, stick that receptor into the particular neurons you want to influence. Once the cells start expressing the receptor, inject the ligand to activate the neurons, or inhibit them, depending on your receptor, with no unintended effects in other cells. (Emphasis added)

There you have it, and have it pretty clearly stated, too. DREADDS are about “mind-control drugs” which has a genetic component – the design of the receptor – to which is added a drug which, due to the special genetic composition of the receptor, won’t affect the rest of the body.

But wait, there’s more, and I can imagine Baal and Malicious Fates rubbing their hands together, twirling their mustaches, and cackling with glee and a soft, icy voice like Peter Lorre:

These days, Dr. Roth and his team are working to develop new DREADDs, with an eye to multiplexing. “We’d like to be able, if they’re going to be used in humans, to have activating and inhibiting DREADDs in the same neuron,” Dr. Roth says. This could be a way to exert fine control over treatment of symptoms that vary throughout the day, or to manipulate multiple neuronal circuits simultaneously.

Chemogenetics isn’t the only way to target brain cells for activation: optogenetics allows researchers to activate or suppress neuron activity with pulses of light. The two technologies have different strengths, Dr. Roth points out, and many researchers use both.

“Optogenetics is very good if you want millisecond control,” he notes. Chemogenetics, on the other hand, is easier to use, and more practical for activating larger populations of neurons. Instead of implanting light fibers all over the brain, “you can put the drug in the drinking water,” Dr. Roth explains, and simultaneously activate all the cells containing your DREADD, wherever they are located. (Emphasis added)

Well, shucks. Why bother with old-fashioned syringes then?

Perhaps I should explain my previous remark, and in the process, offer today’s high octane speculation. You’ll note that the designer receptor is specifically designed for specific neural receptors. Presumably, that means also for a specific individual or at least, an individual or group with certain specific genetic traits. In turn, and extrapolating a bit on the development of this technology and projecting that it acquires great specificity, if one were to put DREADDs into the water supply, a specific designer drug would only affect those with a specific receptor type. So, pretending we’re Baal or Malicious Gates, cackling on our yacht and twirling our mustaches and dreaming of a global vaccine, we decide we don’t like the way green-eyed or red-headed people are behaving, and we want to turn them into “caring loving” sheeple devoid of independent thought and strong passions. So we design receptors accordingly, and slip a little mickey into the water supply (which implies, of course, that water becomes a commodity we can trade on the commodities market and make more money from. But that’s an entirely different story.).

Et voila, le probleme est resolu. (Pardon my lack of accents).

But of course, to do this, one would have to build a massive human DNA database and sneak our acquisition of their DNA under the cover of… oh, I don’t know… say a planscamdemic where we force everyone to get “tested” by ramming Q tips into their nasal cavity. And while we’re dropping mickeys into the water supply, we could also stir in a little nanotechnology to help out those receptors and designer drugs, and maybe design them so that they function much more efficiently, or are even activated by, a certain type of signal or electromagnetic field. So we could have DREADDS functioning in concert with EMADDS (electro-magnetically activated designer drugs) and (insert Emperor Palpatine voice or Peter Lorre voice here) “at last we shall have peace.”

Uh huh.

See you on the flip side…

Tidbit: Nanorobots and Nerve Cells

Apropos of today’s main blog, consider this article shared by A.S.:


cover image credit fanukhan986, pixabay

The Real Meaning Behind ‘Operation Warp Speed’

The Real Meaning Behind ‘Operation Warp Speed’

by James Grundvig, Investigative Reporter, Vaxxter Contributor
September 30, 2020


“No vaccines… No vaccines… No vaccines…” the crowd chanted at a recent Trump rally in Fayetteville, North Carolina. The loud chorus momentarily drowned out the president. A local news station caught the raucous moment. [1:24 minute mark.]

With more people waking up to the risks and dangers of the vaccines which have come under scrutiny since the start of the pandemic, what is the likelihood of successfully rolling out a “safe and effective” COVID-19 vaccine in record time?

Answering questions at a recent Senate Health, Education, Labor & Pensions Committee hearing, in his best Nostradamus impression, Dr. Anthony Fauci said: “We predict that sometime by the end of this year, let’s say November or December, we will know whether or not these are safe and effective.”

Right. Less than one year to design, develop and plan study protocols; to create an adverse event tracking system; to move through three trial phases to win FDA approval; and to push the vaccines into the market. Indeed, that would be a world record for the 150-year history of immunization science. Despite more than ninety manufacturers and academic institutions entering the race, the rush to deliver a vaccine makes the pharma tagline, “safe and effective,” questionable at best.

Professors Peter Doshi and Eric Topol took the question a step further, publishing an Op-Ed in the New York Times on three leading COVID vaccine manufacturers in Moderna, Pfizer, and AstraZeneca, writing:

“According to the protocols for their studies, which they released late last week, a vaccine could meet the companies’ benchmark for success if it lowered the risk of mild Covid-19, but was never shown to reduce moderate or severe forms of the disease, or the risk of hospitalization, admissions to the intensive care unit or death.”

Operation ‘Warp Speed’—a name inspired by Star Trek for hyper-space travel—brought unlimited resources to the pharmaceutical industry. After all, it is a race against a deadly virus. Yet, the multi-trillion-dollar industry acts more like a cartel. For decades, Big Pharma has stifled vaccine innovation, stunted competition, and concentrated power. It controls all U.S. health agencies, hospital systems, and institutions of higher education. It has greased politicians on both sides of the aisle at every government level.

But now the fog surrounding the COVID vaccine race is lifting. By super fast-tracking development, President Trump put every aspect of the vaccine process out in the open for the world to see.

Exposing the Fraud

The election-year magnifies the production flaws, unfeasible timelines, and flawed biological assumptions while exposing major adverse events during vaccine trials. This month, the FDA paused AstraZeneca’s phase three trial when a pair of individuals suffered “severe neurological symptoms,” including temporary, polio-like paralysis. Then Moderna, which has never brought an FDA-approved vaccine to the market, ran into problems in its first two trials: scores of people developed side-effects. Moderna was working on a genetic-altering mRNA technology to deliver synthetically-coated lipid nanoparticles inside human cells.

As the human experimentation continues, more problems become exposed and most questions are raised about vaccine safety. After years of silence, professionals – medical doctors, epidemiologists, and immunization scientists – who have rarely spoken out about the negative side of vaccines are doing so now. Notably, they work in Big Medicine.

Why have the industry professionals started to speak out? The public’s eroding trust in the healthcare industry is at stake. They are evaluating the available science and are coming to the conclusion that no vaccine developed in record time, one that could injure thousands of people, would be worth the risk. What if massive side effects occur? A revolt by the people, whose tax money is paying for the gargantuan program, could shrink Big Pharma fast. That is why Fauci implored Americans to “trust” science.

But should the public trust be placed in the conflicted Dr. Fauci, who has a vested interest and part patent holder in COVID vaccines?

The Dual Tracks of ‘Warp Speed’

There are two ‘Warp Speed’ operations that have been running in parallel since the start of the year. The first Warp Speed encompasses the vaccine sprint put in place by President Trump and the Department of Health and Human Services’ (HHS). This program, meant to “vaccinate the world,” is supposed to set people free and return life to normal. Orchestrated outside the United States, the other Warp Speed set the shadow plan in motion years ago.

The socialists who occupy the leadership suites at the United Nations, World Bank, the World Health Organization (WHO), and their signatories and sponsors rolled out a Trojan horse, releasing change agents to sack economies worldwide. They needed a global mutating virus. They needed doubt and uncertainty. They needed mainstream media to push fear and panic 24/7. The globalist’s Warp Speed required governments to sell out their citizenry and state sovereignty, to lockdown societies, impose draconian rules, eliminate entire industries and crash every country’s economy. And this oppression needed to be put into place before they unleash COVID vaccines.

But their War-Gamed scenarios last fall at the Wuhan airport drill and the Gates Foundation Event 201, which simulated 65 million people dying from a coronavirus outbreak, failed to materialize. Soon after they released The Plan, their broken computer models were questioned and were smashed by real data. Inflated case numbers from faulty testing were exposed and the number of hospitalizations and deaths did not match the anticipated (fake) trajectory.

Still, that hasn’t stop the United Kingdom from imposing a second, stricter lockdown for the next six months on its residents or prevent the French government closing down bars and restaurants in Marseille; or stop the European Union buying 300 million doses of Sanofi/Glaxo COVID vaccine before it is market-ready.

With no data to support such draconian measures, why is the civilized world headed for another round of traumatic, unhealthy lockdowns when the first attempt failed to contain the spread of the virus or minimize the number of deaths? It makes little sense on the surface.

But when one probes deeper, one finds the Shadow Plan, a plan that wasn’t designed to extinguish the virus or help citizens recover economically from the outbreak. The globalists’ Warp Speed seeks to erect a new global order.

The same UN, which hosted the Event 201 emergency pandemic session last year, sent out its leadership to announce the ‘First Access to COVID-19 Tools (ACT) Accelerator Facilitation Council Meeting.’  Secretary-General António Guterres began with the obligatory remarks about a “common enemy” and the will to “save lives over the next twelve months…” before he threw a hard curveball. In plain, innocuous language, he blithely warned:

“I know many pin their hopes on a vaccine—but let’s be clear: there is no panacea in a pandemic. A vaccine alone cannot solve this crisis; certainly not in the near term.”

What? Wait!

For the past two decades, the UN, WHO, CDC, and Big Pharma have promoted to the world that vaccines are the only solution, the only path to better health, especially in a pandemic. In fact, just three days earlier, the WHO’s Director Tedros held a September press conference, remarking on the “blue skies” the lockdowns created, despite the loss of life and damaged economies. Tedros said:

“But there have also been some unexpected benefits. In many places, we have seen a significant drop in air pollution. We have been reminded of how starved our lungs have been of clean, unpolluted air. We have had a glimpse of our world as it could be. And that is the world we must strive for. Ultimately, we are not just fighting a virus. We’re fighting for a healthier, safer, cleaner, and more sustainable future.” 

The ‘Great Reset’

Right on cue, climate change thrust its submarine bow through the pandemic ice sheet and announced as the top priority on the globalists’ agenda. Not halting the spread of the virus. Not creating a wonder vaccine. The World Economic Forum crowned their Shadow Plan, The Great Reset.  This project has been unleashed with the intent to demolish economies, reshape societies, impose lifetime restrictions, and implement onerous rules. Politicians and state rulers have undoubtedly been bribed by the World Bank into participating. The bigger plan is to erase national sovereignty and eliminate personal freedom, liberty, and choice. To the elites, losing millions – or even several billion – people along the way is not a big deal. It’s just the cost of doing business.

With the U.S. Army supporting the ‘Warp Speed’ vaccine race, government and media lie about influenza “skipping” the flu season in the southern hemisphere. They are harvesting the number of influenza illness cases and conveniently converting them into COVID cases. The weak virus that said to have caused the pandemic has given authorities too much power and control. Call it “COVID authoritarianism.” The new label appropriately describes the current government overreach.

Should the “No vaccines” advocates at Trump Rallies be concerned about the Trump Administration’s apparent push to vaccinate? The answer is affirmative. When senior government health officials stated they would deploy “U.S. military medical personnel or National Guard troops to assist in inoculating the public once a viable, safe vaccine is developed for COVID-19,” red flags and fireworks were raised from sea to shining sea.

Warp Speed Trojan Horse

However, when closely examined, buried within Operation Warp Speed is a glimpse into the president’s extraordinary power. When Trump declared a national emergency on March 13, Alex Azar, the Director of HHS was given specific powers to activate the 2005 PREP Act and initiate  the Emergency Use Authorization (EUA). A EUA gives the FDA the power to authorize “unapproved medical products or unapproved uses of approved medical products to be used in an emergency” and a lot more. A vaccine could now be fast-tracked and approved if it met a 50 percent threshold on short-term (less than a year) effectiveness. Once written in the Federal Register,

The Public Readiness and Emergency Preparedness (PREP) Act provides complete immunity to companies that make products, devises, or devise components known as “countermeasures.” They are given complete liability protection unless a harmed party can prove the injury was a result of “willful misconduct,” a legal term that is nearly impossible to prove. The EUA for COVID19 is scheduled to expire in October 2024, unless it is extended. Obviously, this Plandemic isn’t going away any time soon.

What no one is talking about is this: What happens when President Trump declares the pandemic emergency is over? HHS would lose its special powers; the EUA and its protection would evaporate. What then would happen to Operation Warp Speed? Would the government stop funding the vaccine race?

For the Great Reset to achieve its plan, the globalist designers need six to 18 more months of lockdowns to finish breaking the global supply change and eliminate all small-to-midsize businesses. It needs a little more time to impose police states control over the masses vis-à-vis manufactured food shortages and digital currencies. It needs a little more time to get people to beg for the implantable tracking devices to join the New World Order.

Thus, there is a real sprint going on between the globalists’ Great Reset and Operation Warp Speed. Who will win? Who will come out on top? European socialists? Or the United States of America?

Time is of the essence. Forced vaccinations loom over the horizon. Will President Trump pull the plug on the Warp Speed vaccine race?

David Icke & Dr. Andrew Kaufman: Operation Moonshot & the Manipulation of Humanity

David Icke & Dr. Andrew Kaufman: Operation Moonshot & the Manipulation of Humanity

by Dr. Andrew Kaufmanw/ David Icke
September 30, 2020


Original video available at Andrew Kaufman YouTube channel.



[As a service to protect truth from censorship, mirrored copies of this video are available at Truth Comes to Light BitChute, LBRY, Odysee & Brighteon channels. All credit, along with our sincere thanks, goes to the original source of this video.]

Cryptocurrency System Using Body Activity Data: Patent WO2020060606, Filed by Microsoft Technology Licensing, LLC

Patent WO2020060606

September 30, 2020


Original video is available at VAXXED TV YouTube channel.

[As a service to protect truth from censorship, mirrored copies of this video are available at Truth Comes to Light BitChute, LBRY, Odysee & Brighteon channels. All credit, along with our sincere thanks, goes to the original source of this video.]

Link to referenced webpage:


Breakdown of patent information by web pages:


PDF format: WO2020060606 PCT Biblio Data


PDF format: WO2020060606 Description


PDF format: WO2020060606 Claims


PDF format: WO2020060606 Drawings


PDF format: WO2020060606 ISR-WOSA-A17[2][a]


Dreadful DREADDS?

Dreadful DREADDS?

by Joseph P. Farrell, Giza Death Star
September 29, 2020


Yesterday I blogged about the story of the Soviet irradiation of the American embassy in Moscow from the 1950’s  to the 1970’s, drawing some disturbing connections not only to the ability of low intensity microwave radiation to manipulate the mind and cause disease, but also the converse, to inculcate health is diseased tissue. Furthermore, I explored a speculation I have entertained often during the Fauci-Baal Gates-Wuhan planscamdemic narrative, that being we might be witnessing the “beta-test” of a bio-electrically activated phenomenon, i.e., of a virus activated only by or in an electro-magnetic template of some sort. In the past, I’ve connected this idea to the arrest of Harvard chemistry professor Dr. Charles Lieber for allegedly not disclosing to federal authorities his financial relationship to the Chinese virology laboratory in Wuhan, site of the original covid outbreak. Lieber’s specialty was nanotechnology. Additionally I have also connected that speculation to Baal Gates’ stated goal of a vaccine that would also contain a tracking system, and which would automatically “update” itself with “downloads” much like the annoying “business model” of Microsoft windows updates.

And as I indicated yesterday, there’s more to my speculations, this time provided by a gem of a find spotted by a regular reader here, P.T., and passed along. This one is worthy of your very close attention:

DREADDs: The Power of the Lock, the Weakness of the Key. Favoring the Pursuit of Specific Conditions Rather than Specific Ligands

As the article notes, DREADDS stands for “designer receptors exclusively activated by designer drugs,” that is, specifically designed or modified cellular receptors – genetically modified cells – to make them active in the presence of drugs designed to activate them.

While the article is intensively technical, it is worth noting that the focus of this research is concerned with breaching the blood-brain barrier, and that in the process, behavioral modifications have been noticed. And it’s a short step from noticing to manipulating:

Third, and the most critical point, conventional pharmacological controls must be used. The same philosophy as in pharmacology should be applied, and, as for neurobiological experiments, groups of transgenic animals without expressing DREADDs (e.g., DREADDs empty viral vectors) must be integrated to verify the selective effects of the ligand and chosen dose (Smith et al., 2016Campbell and Marchant, 2018Mahler and Aston-Jones, 2018; for an example of experimental studies following this design, see also Xia et al., 2017Cope et al., 2019). This statement may appear trivial, but the pursuit of an absolute selective ligand and the attractiveness of this approach have already led to some overconfident behavioral studies, sometimes conducted in the complete absence of this control.

In conclusion, DREADDs provide a precise way of manipulating neural circuits and behavior, and afford a great alternative to optogenetics to tonically manipulate a specific cellular subpopulation, thus opening exciting new avenues of research.

So, let’s incorporate what we have here, with what I blogged about yesterday, and the whole idea of an electromagnetically-activated virus or disease. And yes, this is once again some really high octane speculation. We have already heard reports, for example, of nuerological effects associated with covid-19, not only with the virus itself but, in the UK, with “vaccines” being tested there. I’ve suggested that Dr. Charles Lieber, the Harvard chemistry professor arrested by the federal government for allegedly not disclosing his financial ties to the Chinese virology laboratory in Wuhan, whose expertise in nanotechnology could conceivably be a factor in rendering any pathogen more efficient, could also be a vehicle for rendering any counter-agent more efficient, especially in terms of vectors of delivery. Similarly, I’ve suggested that particulate metals would render any electromagnetic component of either a pathogen or a counter-agent more efficient.

Now, we can add a third component: DREADDS, a pharmacological-genetic component, plus designer drugs designed to activate them. Mix and stir some microwave interferometry in the form of 5G towers, and voila, one can create all sorts biologically targeted mischief…

See you on the flip side…

Over $1 Billion in Flu Shot Injuries

Over $1 Billion in Flu Shot Injuries

by Del Bigtree, The HighWire
September 28, 2020


Available at The HighWire Bitchute and Brighteon channels.

Wayne Rohde, investigative researcher & author of “The Vaccine Court,” joins Del to discuss how the flu shot fares in vaccine injury court. The flu shot has now passed over one billion dollars in pay outs in court for serious injuries, including paralysis.


Catherine Austin Fitts w/ Dark Journalist: Deep State Multi-Layered Chaos Op | Missing Trillions, Weather Warfare, Disaster Capitalism, Riots, Vaccines, “Mark of the Beast” Chips & More

Catherine Austin Fitts w/ Dark Journalist: Deep State Multi-Layered Chaos Op | Missing Trillions, Weather Warfare, Disaster Capitalism, Riots, Vaccines, “Mark of the Beast” Chips & More

by Daniel Liszt, Dark Journalist w/ Catherine Austin Fitts, Solari Report
September 27, 2020


Original video available at Dark Journalist YouTube channel.

[As a service to protect truth from censorship, mirrored copies of this video are available at Truth Comes to Light BitChute, LBRY & Brighteon channels. All credit, along with our sincere thanks, goes to the original source of this video.]



In this explosive Part 1 episode Dark Journalist Daniel Liszt welcomes back Former Assistant Secretary of HUD Catherine Austin Fitts.

Catherine has spent two decades tracking Missing Money from Government agencies including HUD and the Department of Defense!

She goes deep on the current weaponization of narratives of division created by a Central Banking Syndicate for political control and how it relates to the dangerous game of Election 2020, Civil War and the Chaos Card the Deep State is playing.


Civil War

Deep State

Missing Trillions

Digital Currencies

Secret System of Finance


UFO Secrecy


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Catherine Austin Fitts: Solari Report

Special Investigative Reports by Solari.com:

The Missing Money

Enforce the Constitution


Excerpts from Transcript:


Catherine Austin Fitts

“It’s so hard for a lot of people to understand. They haven’t, you know, they haven’t spent the time looking at what’s really going on under the carpet. And so, if you haven’t done that, you can’t fathom, you know, that someone would envision downloading operating software into human body and hooking it up to the DOD cloud.”


Dark Journalist

“I’ve noticed that you haven’t cut Trump a lot of slack recently. You kind of see him as part of this, in a weird way.”

Catherine Austin Fitts

“You know, here’s the thing. Trump, if you look at what’s really going on with the riots, yes, you’re talking about many different broken laws. Yes, so you have people financed across state borders and do serious property damage. And some of them may or may not be, you know, somebody’s got guns… My guess is you’ve got mercenaries going in there too. And all sorts of other things…  somebody financing people, like an army going in and destroying property. You know this is all illegal and the Department of Justice can shut it down in 24 hours.
,,,So don’t tell me they can’t shut this down. They can shut this down like that, and if they’re not doing it, there’s a reason.”


Catherine Austin Fitts

“Those aren’t street revolts. That’s an operation. Right? So let’s call what it is. Tt’s a multi-layered op. And it’s an op and somebody’s financing the op.”

Dark Journalist
“What would be the aim of having that kind of chaos in the streets?”
Catherine Austin Fitts
“And I’m gonna grossly oversimplify, just to help you understand the concepts. So you start, let’s go back to 1995. You can’t get the budget deal through. You give up on the country. You decide to pull all the money out. So 21 trillion gets moved out. You move out another 24 trillion with the bailouts. You know, you have some other fraud… 50 trillion dollars pulled out of the mechanism. Right? But what’s not pulled out of the mechanism, you still have obligations. You have military pensions, you have social security, you have all these health care obligations. So you’ve pulled the assets out but you haven’t gotten rid of the liabilities. Well, how do you get rid of the liabilities? If you have a civil war and people demand that their states secede from the nation, you can say, well… the people didn’t want the vehicle anymore. So they they would rather walk away. … They chose to secede rather than get social security.”
Dark Journalist:
“So it has to be coordinated on both sides of the political aisle?”
Catherine Austin Fitts
“Right. You need a war to get the people to self-destruct their own covenant. In other words, you know they are owed trillions of dollars in health care, trillions of dollars in retirement obligations, trillions of dollars in many different sort of regulatory obligations. And now what you want to do is, you want to slither out of them without admitting that you stole all the money.”

T-cells Are the Superstars in Fighting COVID-19 — But Why Are Some People So Poor at Making Them?

T-cells Are the Superstars in Fighting COVID-19 — But Why Are Some People So Poor at Making Them?

by Eshani M King, Evidence Based Research in Immunology and Health
sourced from the Children’s Health Defense
September 24, 2020


Thank you to Eshani M King for allowing Children’s Health Defense to run her letter in response to Dr. Peter Doshi’s article — Covid-19: Do many people have pre-existing immunity? — that was featured in The BMJ last week.

Dear Editor,

Thank you to Dr. Doshi for raising the profile of T-cells. Incidentally, German researchers found that a staggering 81% of individuals had pre-existing T-cells that cross-react with SARS-CoV-2 epitopes. This fits with modelling in May by Imperial College’s Professor Friston, a world authority in mathematical modelling of complex dynamic biological systems, indicating that around 80% and 50% of the German and UK populations, respectively, are resistant to COVID-19.

Antibodies can only latch onto and help destroy pathogens outside cells and may also occasionally, paradoxically, enhance a pathogen’s ability to infect cell instead by antibody dependent “enhancement” or ADE. It is only the T-cell that can cleverly sense and destroy pathogens inside infected cells using “sensors” which detect foreign protein fragments.

In the late 60’s, the Lancet described a case of a child with agammaglobulinemia, a condition in which absence of B cells prevent them from producing antibodies, who overcame a measles infection quite normally and did not become re-infected thereafter. We now know that, although this condition can compromise immunity, in that particular case the rest of the immune functions, including T-cells, must have been perfectly up to the job of clearing infection and establishing immune memory without help from antibodies. The importance of T-cells in fighting SARS-CoV-1 and establishing immune memory has also been well documented and discussed in a number of pre-COVID papers from 2017 and earlier.

Then, early in April, it was reported that two patients with agammaglobulinemia overcame COVID-19 infections without requiring ventilation, prompting the Italian authors to write: “This observation suggests that T‐cell response is probably important for immune protection against the virus, while B‐cell response might be unessential.”

All this should have shifted the focus of efforts towards T-cells at an early stage — the real question is why mainstream media and others continued to focus efforts and narrative on antibodies. Is it because vaccines are good at provoking antibody responses but not so great at generating T-cells? Some of the vaccines presently under trial do elicit some T-cells but it seems that neither the quantity nor variety are hugely impressive.

Does this matter? Apparently so: Research establishments including Yale found that in mild or asymptomatic cases, many T-cells are produced. These were highly varied, responding not just to parts of the Spike, S protein or Receptor Binding Domain but to many other parts of the virus. Notably, in these mild cases there were few or no detectable antibodies. Conversely, the severely ill produced few T-cells with less variety but had plenty of antibodies. What is also of interest is that men produced fewer T-cells than women, and unlike women, their T-cell response reduced with age.

So why are some people unable to mount a good protective T-cell response? The key to this question might be a 10-year-old Danish study led by Carsten Geisler, head of the Department of International Health, Immunology and Microbiology at the University of Copenhagen. Geisler noted that “When a T cell is exposed to a foreign pathogen, it extends a signalling device or ‘antenna’ known as a vitamin D receptor, with which it searches for vitamin D,” and if there is an inadequate vitamin D level, “they won’t even begin to mobilize.” In other words, adequate vitamin D is critically important for the activation of T-cells from their inactive naïve state. The question of whether T-cells might also need a continuing supply of vitamin D to prevent the T-cell exhaustion and apoptosis observed in some serious COVID-19 cases deserves further research.

High levels of vitamin D are also critical for first line immune defences including physical mucosal defences, human antiviral production, modulating cytokines, reducing blood clotting and a whole host of other important immune system functions. The obese, diabetics and people of BAME origin are far more deficient in vitamin D and men have lower levels than women.

Another intriguing clue is that Japan has the highest proportion of elderly on the planet but despite lack of lockdowns, little mask wearing and high population densities in cities, it escaped with few COVID deaths. Could this, at least in part, be because of extraordinarily high vitamin D levels of over 30 ng/ml in 95% of the active elderly? By comparison, UK average levels are below 20ng/ml. Vitamin D is made in the skin from the action of UV sunlight, food usually being a poor source, but the Japanese diet includes unusually high levels. Sunny countries near the equator (e.g. Nigeria, Singapore, Sri Lanka) also have very low COVID related deaths.

The results of the first vitamin D intervention double blind RCT for COVID was published on 29 August by researchers in Córdoba, Spain. This very well conducted study produced spectacular outcomes for the vitamin D group (n=50), virtually eliminating the need for ICU (reducing it by 96%) and eliminating deaths (8% in the n=26 control group). Although this was a small trial, the ICU results are so dramatic that they are statistically highly significant.

Substantially more vitamin D is required for optimal immune function than for bone health. It seems Dr Fauci is not ignorant of this, having apparently confirmed on TV and by email that he takes 6,000 IU daily! (see Dr John Campbell on YouTube Vitamin D and pandemic science, 16 September 2020). Meanwhile the US’s health body continues to recommend only 600-800 IU and the UK’s, only 400 IU.

It is high time for joined up solid scientific rationale to overthrow mainstream narratives based on an alternative “science” controlled by industry interests/politics. Beda M Stadler, the former Director of the Institute for Immunology at the University of Bern, a biologist and Professor Emeritus, certainly appears to think so (see Ivor Cummins Ep91 Emeritus Professor of Immunology…Reveals Crucial Viral Immunity Reality on YouTube, 28 July 2020).

In the same way that prior infections protect us against future infections by means of cross-reacting T-cells, overcoming COVID-19 naturally offers potential for greater protection against future coronaviruses. Vaccines have their place but so do our amazingly complex, sophisticated, highly effective immune systems which have evolved over millennia to protect us from a world teeming with trillions of pathogens.

The Intertwined History of Myelitis and Vaccines

The Intertwined History of Myelitis and Vaccines

by the Children’s Health Defense Team
September 25, 2020


Although 38 Covid-19 vaccines are now undergoing clinical evaluation, a handful of candidates have been at the head of the pack from the beginning, including the vaccine developed by Oxford University in tandem with the British biopharma giant AstraZeneca. Helped along by a whopping $1.2 billion infusion from U.S. taxpayers and $750 million from two Bill-Gates-backed global health organizations, Oxford’s assertive grab for frontrunner status has been reinforced by a friendly media, such as CBS’s recent statement that the Oxford vaccine “is widely perceived to be one of, if not the strongest contender among the dozens of coronavirus vaccines in various stages of testing” [emphasis added].

Oddly, CBS furnished this ringing endorsement shortly after Oxford and AstraZeneca called a temporary halt to their clinical trials in five countries. The brief hold was prompted by a UK participant’s report, after her second dose of vaccine, of a serious adverse event—a demyelinating condition called transverse myelitis (TM) associated with pain, muscle weakness, paralysis and bowel and bladder problems. Two-thirds of those who experience TM remain permanently disabled. Belatedly, AstraZeneca also disclosed that the September pause was actually the second time-out in two months. The first incident, which initially went unpublicized, occurred in July when another UK participant experienced TM after one dose of vaccine and ended up with a brand-new diagnosis of multiple sclerosis (MS). TM is well recognized as sometimes being “the first symptom of an autoimmune or immune-mediated disease such as multiple sclerosis.”

In the U.S., the media and top National Institutes of Health (NIH) officials hastened to spin the two pauses as par-for-the-course safety checks and proof that care is being taken, also suggesting that the incidents could well be coincidental.

According to the New York Times, not only did AstraZeneca “not immediately inform the public about the neurological problems of either participant,” but it did not say anything publicly until “the information was leaked and reported by STAT.” Under the circumstances, the decision to restart the clinical trials only a few days into the September pause raised more than a few eyebrows, yet the British Health Secretary immediately hailed the decision as “good news for everyone”—and especially for AstraZeneca, which saw its share price largely rebound following a precipitous $11.3 billion drop in market value in the wake of the second pause. In the U.S., the media and top National Institutes of Health (NIH) officials hastened to spin the two pauses as par-for-the-course “safety checks” and proof that “care is being taken,” also suggesting that the incidents could well be “coincidental.” Whether the 18,000 clinical trial participants will find these soothing pronouncements sufficiently reassuring remains to be seen, however, especially given Oxford’s prevaricating participant information sheet (dated September 11), which states that the TM and TM-plus-MS incidents “were either considered unlikely to be associated with the vaccine or there was insufficient evidence to say for certain that the illnesses were or were not related to the vaccine.”

… conditions involving demyelination and paralysis … are among the top vaccine injuries for which Americans (primarily adults) have filed claims with the National Vaccine Injury Compensation Program (NVICP).
TM is not new

Internet searches for “transverse myelitis” surged following the news that the Oxford/AstraZeneca clinical trials had been halted, but the term “myelitis” is nothing new. Myelitis, which refers to an inflammatory disease process affecting the spinal cord, is a component not just of TM but also of encephalomyelitis and acute disseminated encephalomyelitis (ADEM)—involving both brain and spinal cord inflammation—as well as acute flaccid myelitis (AFM) and, of course, poliomyelitis. Experts refer to these conditions as forms of “spinal cord damage not due to trauma.”

Based on analysis of information posted at the U.S. Court of Federal Claims website, conditions involving demyelination and paralysis—TM, ADEM, Guillain-Barré syndrome (GBS) and chronic inflammatory demyelinating polyneuropathy (CIDP)—are among the top vaccine injuries for which Americans (primarily adults) have filed claims with the National Vaccine Injury Compensation Program (NVICP). GBS is currently the NVICP’s second most compensated vaccine injury. Of the 330 TM-related petitions adjudicated to date, the program has awarded approximately $150 million in damages to 266 claimants (including estimated annuities), while dismissing 55 claims and leaving 9 still pending.

In prior years, most NVICP claimants linked their TM to hepatitis B vaccines, but in more recent years, tetanus-diphtheria-pertussis (Tdap) and influenza vaccines have become the principal suspects. A systematic review of TM case reports gleaned from 1970–2009 corroborates these claims, identifying 37 cases of TM associated with multiple vaccines given to infants, children and adults (including hepatitis B, measles-mumps-rubella and DTP) and showing that TM symptoms can arise anywhere from several days to several months and possibly several years post-vaccination. A more recent report by some of the same researchers also describes a case of TM following H1N1 influenza vaccination. The authors conclude:

[T]he induction of transverse myelitis post-immunization is plausible in view of the increasing frequency of case reports in the medical literature demonstrating this phenomenon as well as the growing biological evidence of a post-vaccination autoimmune pathogenesis.

Additional myelitis signposts

It is important to remember that historical reports of myelitic conditions track closely with pediatric vaccination trends and with the concurrent rise in the very practice of injection. Describing a 1949 polio epidemic, for example, an Australian researcher reported “a relation, in a number of cases, between an injection of an immunising agent and the subsequent development of paralytic poliomyelitis.” In fact, clinicians of that era coined the terms “provocation poliomyelitis” and “provocation paralysis” to describe polio cases that followed pediatric injections. In the 1990s, observations of post-vaccination paralysis in Africa and India—AFM and acute flaccid paralysis (AFP)—sparked new interest in “polio-like” illness and the provocation phenomenon, and, over the past decade, African and Indian researchers (though not U.S. investigators) have continued to point to vaccines and injections as likely AFP causes.

The occurrence of not one but two cases of TM—a condition ordinarily reputed to be ‘rare’—ought to raise a red flag …

Another reason to question Oxford’s disingenuous attempts to decouple the two reports of TM from its vaccine has to do with the information readily available in vaccine package inserts. The inserts for vaccines on the U.S. market link TM—either through clinical trial data or post-marketing data—to 11 different vaccines, including vaccines involving various combinations of chickenpox, hepatitis B, human papillomavirus, influenza, measles and meningitis. For the conditions labeled “myelitis,” “encephalomyelitis” and “ADEM,” the inserts connect them to some of the same vaccines plus six others (including those against hepatitis A and diphtheria, tetanus and pertussis). Twenty-one different vaccine package inserts list GBS (also characterized by muscle weakness and paralysis) as an adverse event.

The occurrence of not one but two cases of TM—a condition ordinarily reputed to be “rare”—ought to raise a red flag because the Covid-19 vaccine, by its developers’ own acknowledgement, is highly reactogenic. The Oxford researchers’ July report in The Lancet (published around the same time as the first TM incident) indicated that a single dose of the Oxford/AstraZeneca vaccine had a higher “reactogenicity profile” (a stronger inflammatory response) than the meningitis vaccine against which it is being compared. That is saying something, given that the type of meningitis vaccine being used as a comparison is itself notorious for producing serious adverse reactions—including TM. Commenting on this point, one observer who is favorable to the push for a Covid-19 vaccine but questions the Oxford group’s decision not to use an inert saline placebo has stated, “comparing an experimental COVID-19 vaccine that has so far been shown to cause a fair amount of physical reactions . . . to a meningitis vaccine that can also cause these temporary side effects will certainly paint a kinder picture of the COVID vaccine.”

What websites do not mention is AstraZeneca’s pattern of knowingly and systematically hiding negative information about its products and paying out millions in fines and settlements for false claims.
A dangerous pattern?

In a surprisingly scathing critique of Oxford’s and AstraZeneca’s mishandling of the two TM incidents, the New York Times noted recently that “finding even one case among thousands of trial participants could be a red flag” and added that “[m]ultiple confirmed cases . . . could be enough to halt AstraZeneca’s vaccine bid entirely.” In the equally blunt words of a vaccine expert interviewed by the Times, “If a third case of neurological disease pops up in the vaccine group, then this vaccine may be done.”

At the time of the September clinical trial pause, the investment website The Motley Fool pointed out that AstraZeneca is in a close race with its competitors “to be among the first Western-based companies to successfully develop a COVID-19 vaccine.” Noting that the first round of Covid-19 vaccines are “expected to be high-value products for their manufacturers,” the investment site speculated that the clinical trial pause might give Pfizer and Moderna “an important competitive edge.” On the other hand, the site stated, “this single vaccine is not a make-or-break product for this top pharma company [AstraZeneca].”

What websites like The Motley Fool do not mention is AstraZeneca’s pattern of “knowingly and systematically” hiding negative information about its products and paying out millions in fines and settlements for false claims. As Jeremy Loffredo pointed out in a Children’s Health Defense commentary, this pattern of behavior should be taken into account when considering whether Oxford/AstraZeneca made the right call in rushing to relaunch the clinical trials. In the words of a former Harvard Medical School professor, “The dangers to the public for taking an unproven and undertested vaccine are [already] overwhelming,” and the “opaque veil” that limits transparency of the vaccine testing and approval process is only making a bad situation worse.

Del Bigtree w/ Dr. Jim Meehan, MD: Flu Shots for Dummies

Del Bigtree w/ Dr. Jim Meehan, MD: Flu Shots for Dummies

by Del Bigtree, The HighWire
September 25, 2020

“In my opinion, vaccine-induced immune disregulation is one of the key factors driving this enormous epidemic of childhood allergies and auto-immune diseases today.
I think we are creating flu pandemics every year when we are vaccinating a huge portion of the population. “

~ Dr. Jim Meehan, MD


Available at The HighWire with Del Bigtree BitChute and Brighteon channels.

Watch the full The HighWire with Del Bigtree episode Twindemic 2020? 

The Flu Vaccine is Bad Medicine
by Jim Meehan, MD

COVID Vaccine Clinical Trials Doomed to Fail; Fatal Design Flaw; NY Times Opinion Piece Exposes All Three Major Clinical Trials

COVID Vaccine Clinical Trials Doomed to Fail; Fatal Design Flaw; NY Times Opinion Piece Exposes All Three Major Clinical Trials
Or do the vaccine manufacturers have a devious trick up their sleeves?

by Jon Rappoport, No More Fake News
September 24, 2020



Peter Doshi, associate editor of the medical journal BMJ, and Eric Topol, Scripps Research professor of molecular medicine, have written a devastating NY Times opinion piece about the ongoing COVID vaccine clinical trials.

They expose the fatal flaw in the large Pfizer, AstraZeneca, and Moderna trials.

September 22, the Times: “These Coronavirus Trials Don’t Answer the One Question We Need to Know”:

“If you were to approve a coronavirus vaccine, would you approve one that you only knew protected people only from the most mild form of Covid-19, or one that would prevent its serious complications?”

“The answer is obvious. You would want to protect against the worst cases.”

“But that’s not how the companies testing three of the leading coronavirus vaccine candidates, Moderna, Pfizer and AstraZeneca, whose U.S. trial is on hold, are approaching the problem.”

“According to the protocols for their studies, which they released late last week, a vaccine could meet the companies’ benchmark for success if it lowered the risk of mild Covid-19, but was never shown to reduce moderate or severe forms of the disease, or the risk of hospitalization, admissions to the intensive care unit or death.”

“To say a vaccine works should mean that most people no longer run the risk of getting seriously sick. That’s not what these trials will determine.”

This means these clinical trials are dead in the water.

The trials are designed to show effectiveness in preventing mild cases of COVID, which nobody should care about, because mild cases naturally run their course and cause no harm. THERE IS NO NEED FOR A VACCINE THAT PREVENTS MILD CASES.

Now let’s go deeper. Read the next section from the Times piece, and then I’ll make comments.

“The Moderna and AstraZeneca studies will involve about 30,000 participants each; Pfizer’s will have 44,000. Half the participants will receive two doses of vaccines separated by three or four weeks, and the other half will receive saltwater placebo shots. The final determination of efficacy will occur after 150 to 160 participants develop Covid-19…”

Here’s how it works. The vaccine companies are looking for a total of 150 (mild) COVID cases to occur, combined, in the two groups; those receiving the placebo and those receiving the vaccine. How would that happen? The researchers believe ‘the coronavirus is spreading everywhere and it will pounce on some of the volunteers in the clinical trial.’

Let’s say that, during the trial, 100 people receiving the placebo develop mild COVID-19, and only 50 people receiving the vaccine develop mild COVID.

The vaccine companies would say, ‘We just proved the vaccine is 50% effective in preventing COVID, and that’s all we need to do, in order to win authorization from the FDA. Release the vaccine. Inject the world.’

The irrelevant outcomes for 150 people equal ‘let’s shoot up seven billion people.’ That’s staggering.

But it gets even worse. The magic number of 150 COVID cases? How is a COVID case defined? The authors of the Times piece have the answer:

“In the Moderna and Pfizer trials, even a mild case of Covid-19 — for instance, a cough plus a positive lab test — would qualify and muddy the results. AstraZeneca is slightly more stringent but would still count mild symptoms like a cough plus fever as a case.”

But wait. The NY Times itself recently published an article stating that up to 90% of US COVID cases could very well be false positives—in other words, not cases at all. Why? Because the diagnostic PCR test, as it is performed by many labs, is too sensitive. It registers ‘positive for COVID’ when it shouldn’t.

So, in these vaccine clinical trials, the whole process of determining that ‘150 people developed COVID-19’ is completely unreliable, useless, absurd, and nonsensical.

Other than that, the clinical trials are perfect. Yes, perfectly ridiculous.

There is much more in the Times opinion piece, but I’ll leave it there.

“So the magic number is 150? That’s the number that will decide the immediate fate of the planet?”

“Of course.”

“And these 150 people, who you say develop COVID-19…you really can’t confirm that because the definition of a COVID case is so vague and the PCR test is so unreliable.”


“And come to think of it, the people receiving the vaccine in the clinical trials could develop symptoms indistinguishable from COVID-19, as a result of the effects of the vaccine.”

“Yes, that’s right.”

“But you’re very confident in the success of the vaccine.”



“I have to be confident. If we’re exposed as incompetent frauds, our bottom line will take a huge hit.”

“Thank you, sir. And that’s tonight’s news. Make sure you take the vaccine, everyone. It’s vital. This is Fred J Clown, for CBS-NBC-ABC-CNN-FOX-PBS-AP-Reuters and all official news sources East, West, North, and South. The News, brought to you by Venom-X-2, a medicine that has only 463 adverse effects. Ask your doctor if Venom is right for you.”


Now I’m going to go over the vital information again, but this time I’m going to show you how…

The vaccine companies can use the fatal flaw in their protocol design to…

Actually win approval of their COVID vaccine.

Stick with me. This is big.

Only 150 people are needed to make the major clinical trials of a COVID vaccine look like a success.

Out of 30,000 volunteers in a trial, researchers are waiting for 150 people to “come down with COVID-19.” MILD cases. They assume this will happen because they believe the coronavirus is everywhere, and it’ll infect their volunteers.

Of course, their definition of a mild case of COVID-19 is meaningless. Cough plus fever, and a positive PCR test. The test spits out false positives like a rigged slot machine, and the visible symptoms could result from flu, polluted air, or too many candy bars.

Nevertheless, the researchers are waiting for a total of 150 people to “catch a mild case of COVID.” When that number is reached, everything stops.

Now comes the big moment. How many of those 150 COVID cases occurred in the group that received the vaccine, and how many in the group that received the placebo shot of salt water?

Let’s say only 50 COVID cases occurred in the vaccine group, and 100 in the placebo group. The researchers pop champagne corks. They say, “Look, the vaccine is 50% effective at preventing COVID, and that’s all we need to win authorization from the FDA.”

BUT suppose 70 cases occurred in the vaccine group and 80 in the placebo group? No good. No good at all. No way to call the vaccine effective.

Now comes the “reshaping of the data.”


The researchers say, “Wait. Thirty of the COVID cases in the vaccine group were REALLY just adverse reactions to the vaccine. They weren’t cases of COVID. You see, the vaccine can cause symptoms that are indistinguishable from mild COVID. Cough, fever, chills. ACTUALLY, there were only 40 cases of COVID in the vaccine group. Half as many as in the placebo group. The vaccine IS 50% effective. We don’t really need to wait until we have a total of 150 COVID cases. We’re good. We’re golden. We can get authorization from the FDA right now to shoot up everybody in America!”

Vaccine manufacturers HAVE KNOWN ALL ALONG that they could pull this trick.

Why leave things to chance?

Why risk a few hundred billion dollars of profit on a random distribution of mild COVID cases among the volunteers in their clinical trials?

There is yet a further devious twist. The New York Times article I just analyzed torpedoed the vaccine manufacturers for designing their trial protocols to prevent MILD cases of COVID. Why?

Because no one needs a vaccine that can do that. Mild cases are not a problem or a threat. They cure themselves quickly. No vaccine is necessary in the first place.

BUT the definition of a mild COVID case is EXACTLY what the vaccine manufacturers needed. It enabled them to hatch a plan, to make sure they didn’t fail.

They could pawn off a MILD case of COVID on a vaccine reaction. They could fake that without causing ripples. The FDA would say, “The vaccine reactions aren’t serious. All right, no problem. We’ll approve this vaccine for emergency use.”

However…If the manufacturers designed their clinical trial protocol to prevent serious cases of COVID, they would be waiting to see 150 cases of really sick people to occur. That might never happen.

If it did happen, and the manufacturers had to pull their devious switcheroo trick and blame the vaccine for some of these SERIOUS cases…

They would have to tell the FDA that their vaccine was causing life-threatening pneumonia; and the FDA, under a lot of scrutiny these days, would find it very difficult to overlook that.

FDA: “We can’t approve this vaccine. It could cause a few million cases of dire pneumonia…”

The vaccine companies didn’t make a titanic stupid mistake in their protocol design. In gearing the protocol to prevent MILD COVID cases, they did what they did on purpose. It allows them to “reshape their data” and win FDA approval for their vaccine.

These companies have no intention of failing, starting over, and spending a year recruiting 30,000 new volunteers. They want success and money now. They want to win the race.

And they could win, if the truth isn’t known and shared widely.

Constitutional Lawyer Rocco Galati w/ Dr. Sherri Tenpenny: On COVID Crimes Against Humanity & Pending Lawsuits

Constitutional Lawyer Rocco Galati w/ Dr. Sherri Tenpenny: On COVID Crimes Against Humanity & Pending Lawsuits

by Dr. Sherri Tenpenny, Vaxxter w/ Rocco Galati, Constitutional Rights Centre
September 21, 2020


[Mirrored at Truth Comes to Light BitChute, Lbry & Brighteon channels.]

Original video available at Constitutional Rights Centre YouTube channel.

Dr. Sherri Tenpenny and guest Constitutional Lawyer Rocco Galati discussion and commentary on current world events.

Follow the work of Rocco Galati at Constitutional Rights Centre and on YouTube.

Robert F. Kennedy, Jr. w/ Dr. Sherri Tenpenny: Wide-Ranging Discussion of “Covid” Including Vaccine Dangers, Transhumanism & Google’s Manipulation of Information

“TRUTH” with Robert F. Kennedy, Jr.—Season 2, Episode 3 Featuring Dr. Sherri Tenpenny

by Robert F. Kennedy, Jr., Children’s Health Defense
September 22, 2020


[Mirrored at Truth Comes to Light BitChute, Lbry & Brighteon channels.]


In the third episode of our second season of “TRUTH” with Robert F. Kennedy, Jr., Mr. Kennedy interviewed renowned physician Dr. Sherri Tenpenny about various aspects of the COVID crisis. They covered a lot of territory which included discussions regarding:

  • The implementation of transhumanism
  • Google’s many ties to the pharmaceutical industry and how this affects the ability to find information that’s not part of the Pharma paradigm
  • The link between flu shots and susceptibility to COVID
  • Expanding the list of who can administer vaccines in the UK to “meet the need” of vaccinating the population
  • The Bill Gates agenda item of being able to conduct surveillance upon every square inch of the planet
  • How going into a digital currency would result in slavery

ICAN Demands FDA Withdraw Hep B Vaccine

ICAN Demands FDA Withdraw Hep B Vaccine

by Del Bigtree, The HighWire
September 22, 2020


Available at The HighWire Bitchute & Brighteon channels.

The Informed Consent Action Network (icandecide.org) has filed a petition, under penalty of perjury, demanding the FDA withdraw licensure for Hepatitis B vaccines due to non-compliance with applicable federal and statutory regulatory requirements.

Both Hepatitis B vaccines licensed in the United States were tested for safety for a maximum of 5 days post injection.

Anthony Patch in 2014 on Coming Global Vaccination, DNA Manipulation & the Enslavement of Humanity

Anthony Patch in 2014 on Coming Global Vaccination, DNA Manipulation & the Enslavement of Humanity

by Anthony Patch
video clip sourced from Dmi Sattva, original video source/interviewer unknown
transcript prepared by Truth Comes to Light


[Mirrored copies of this video are available at Truth Comes to Light BitChute, LBRY & Brighteon channels. All credit goes to the original source of this video.]


Transcript for this clip of a 2914 interview with Anthony Patch.


Anthony Patch:

We’ve all heard of the bird flu. And we’ve heard of tuberculosis. And we’ve heard of flesh-eating diseases.

And there’s a number of things that have been going around in the media the last few years, including AIDs, which is still there.

And now we have, even strange as it sounds, we have a rise to almost an epidemic level now of rabies, which we typically associate with animals. But when it crosses to the human barrier — to the barrier between animal and human — crosses that barrier into the human, there is no treatment. There is no cure for rabies.

Now you may not have heard this. This is not necessarily new, but it’s coming to the forefront.


And you know what this makes me think of?

Anthony Patch:

What’s that?


The zombie apocalypse.

Anthony Patch:

Absolutely. And that is the context in which the mainstream media right now is placing it — is in the zombie apocalypse. Because that’s exactly how people present themselves, if you will, when speaking medically. That’s how they appear and how they behave. It’s like a zombie because of the effects of rabies on the nervous system.

There were, last year and even earlier this year, there were actually drills conducted by our government on the zombie apocalypse and how would first responders, police officers, firefighters, paramedics — how would they deal with these people.

So it sounds far-fetched to the average person who hasn’t heard this before, but this is nothing new.

But let’s go beyond the rabies. Let’s talk about people getting a flu shot or getting a, you know, avian flu inoculation. There’s another very insidious disease, if you will, which is really a man-made disease. It’s a biological construct called MERS coronavirus out of the Middle East. It’s the Middle East respiratory syndrome. It’s made its way into Europe to a certain extent. And eventually, because of you know air travel, it will reach around the world. It’s another example of where inoculations or vaccines are being derived or they’re trying to derive.

For that…again I always like to go all the way to the end. What’s the purpose? What’s the goal?

If you have a man-made, a man-made or engineered virus, why was it created?

Is it simply just to kill people? Well that’s one part of it. But if you go further and you go deeper than that, it is to get people to demand a vaccine, a shot if you will. Or a pill.

Why would — if you’re in a position of control of power, of ultimate power — why would you want people to demand a vaccine?

Well, it’s because something’s in the vaccine that you want people to then have as a part of their body.

Well, what is in the vaccine that you want everybody to have inside their body?

It is a DNA manipulator or modifier.

I mentioned earlier third strand DNA. There is already — you can find this on the internet — in existence a third strand of DNA constructed of silicon. Again we go back to the silicon chip and computers. The third strand is made of silicon and is also coated in gold.

If you talk about nano technology and nano layers, this is extremely thin coating of gold down to a billionth of a millimeter of gold, that is coating the silicon — from which you are building a third strand of DNA. The purpose of the gold is to increase the surface area around this strand so that more information can be digitally imparted or programmed.

You’re — essentially what you’re doing is — you’re creating a third strand of DNA. You are transferring that or imparting it into a person’s body through a vaccine — that that person’s demanding because they’re afraid of contracting MERS coronavirus or avian flu or whatever it may be.

And so the government, if you will, or the powers that be, sit back and they kind of chuckle when they say; ‘Well, we couldn’t have forced people to take this vaccine or to take this hidden third strand of DNA. They would rebel against it. But if we create the problem and present the solution, people will demand the solution. Thus, we achieve our ultimate goal of having this DNA in every person changed.”

Well, let’s go deeper. What’s the goal? What’s the purpose?

Yeah, you go around and change everybody’s DNA. What do they become? They become a hybrid.

The insidious part of this is, that once a person is injected, almost immediately their DNA undergoes transformation.

Almost immediately,

they lose all awareness of the fact that they’ve lost their independence,

their ability to think on their own,

to make decisions on their own,

and to affect them on a moral level.

Their moral independence, their beliefs — religious, moral, ethical, legal — all of those go away.

If you remove the independent thought and that awareness that you’ve lost your independence is gone

What then do the powers that be do with these new forms of humans, hybrids?

They can control them.

They can turn them into a serf class — not s-u-r-f, not surfers, but s-e-r-f — a class of slaves. To serve the elite. To serve the Ray Kurzweils of the world who want to achieve immortality. But they need to have labor to manufacture, develop all of the technologies. And they have enough technologies now. The technology, the scientific world if you will, has reached the level where they don’t care about hiding it anymore.

Their agenda is so far advanced, both politically, philosophically, their sense of morals, and technologically  that no longer are they worried about you and me, as the serf class, and the coming serf class.

They’re not worried about what we think. They’re not worried about us rebelling. And, in fact, we won’t rebel — partly because, right now, we’ve been so dumbed down through a variety of mechanisms.

But once people demand the virus [sic] and they truly are dumbed down to where they’ve lost that awareness that something’s happened to me, now they can do what they want with us.

They are achieving what I call the hive mentality. Like a beehive. Worker bees, soldier bees serving the queen. The queen in my estimation is this elite class that’s in power.

And it’s not the politicians. Forget the politicians. This has nothing to do with republicans, democrats, tea party, libertarians. It has nothing to do with political structure or classes.

It has to do with the small group that is in control and has been in control since ancient times.



Connect with Anthony Patch and follow his work at AnthonyPatch.com
and Anthony Patch YouTube channel.

Exposed: There’s a New Federal Court to Handle All the Expected COVID Vaccine-Injury Claims

Exposed: There’s a New Federal Court to Handle All the Expected COVID Vaccine-Injury Claims

by Jon Rappoport, No More Fake News
September 21, 2020


The simple truth is: the US government is anticipating many people will be filing claims for compensation, when their family members are harmed or killed by a new COVID vaccine.

Of course, the government isn’t coming right out and admitting that.

The press will tout the usual excuses for injury and death. “He died from COVID, not the vaccine.” “Well, there was just one bad batch of vaccines.” “Because COVID is such a dire situation, and we’re rushing to save lives, a few mistakes are inevitable.”


This new federal vaccine court for COVID will operate exactly like the present system for paying out claims for vaccine injury to children. Citizens have to jump through many absurd hoops and navigate all sorts of red tape, to try to squeeze money out of the federal government. The system is set up that way. It’s your basic bureaucratic nightmare.

The language that establishes the new COVID vaccine court is found in the Federal Register, 3/17/20, buried in section 14 of a document titled: “Declaration Under the Public Readiness and Emergency Preparedness Act for Medical Countermeasures Against COVID-19.”

Here is the relevant passage in that document:

“Countermeasures Injury Compensation Program…Section 319F-4 of the PHS Act, 42 U.S.C. 247d-6e, authorizes the Countermeasures Injury Compensation Program (CICP) to provide benefits to eligible individuals who sustain a serious physical injury or die as a direct result of the administration or use of a Covered [COVID] Countermeasure [e.g., a vaccine]. Compensation under the CICP for an injury directly caused by a Covered Countermeasure is based on the requirements set forth in this Declaration, the administrative rules for the Program, and the statute. To show direct causation between a Covered Countermeasure and a serious physical injury, the statute requires ‘compelling, reliable, valid, medical and scientific evidence.’ The administrative rules for the Program further explain the necessary requirements for eligibility under the CICP…”

(The US military’s webpage that explains the CICP to US soldiers is here.)

A quick piece of important history. In the mid-1980s, vaccine manufacturers were facing a blizzard of law suits from parents of vaccine-injured children. The very nervous manufacturers told the government they were going to get out of the vaccine business. The financial hit was going to be too deep.

The government said WAIT. Meetings were held. A plan was devised. A law was passed exempting the manufacturers from financial liability.

Instead, for any of the recommended childhood vaccines, parents had to go to a government court to file a claim for compensation, after their children had been injured or killed by a vaccine.

And the government made this court a VERY tough place to win compensation.

That’s the precise model for this new COVID vaccine court. And it’s based on the same unstated confession that existed in the 1980s: there are MANY vaccine injuries.

Bottom line: the government expects many COVID vaccine injuries.

That’s what they aren’t saying. They’re just preparing. With a new vaccine court. To handle injury and death of children and adults.

That should not give you a warm secure feeling.

Quite the opposite.

“We know—and don’t ask us how—that millions of you are going to get headaches. To prevent that, we’re going to hit all of you on the head with a very heavy sledgehammer. If, ahem, a few of you happen to sustain an injury or die, we have a court where your relatives can try to get money out of us. By the way, in this court, we’ll do everything we can to deny you money. Good luck.”

Yes, the government knows exactly what’s coming when they approve a COVID vaccine. And now, so do you.

Corporate Media Flips Its Script: Vaccine Risk Is Real, Science Isn’t Settled

Corporate Media Flips Its Script: Vaccine Risk Is Real, Science Isn’t Settled

by Jefferey Jaxen, The HighWire
September 21, 2020


Suddenly…Corporate media is telling Americans we should be more diligent about vaccine safety?

At face value, this sudden, rapid, coordinated narrative switch throughout corporate media (and echoed by select medical mouthpieces and government officials) is baffling. Outlets like StatNews, CNN, Wired and others for years all gleefully hurled the “anti-vaxxer” slur at anyone who questioned vaccine safety.

But now? They’re grandstanding as beacons of the scientific method and steadfast guards of vaccine safety science! Hooray?

It. Is. Disgusting!

Parents and their vaccine-injured children who have been abused, targeted and neutralized by the historically deceptive media practices of those outlets haven’t forgotten so easily.

Nor have the doctors, nurses and scientists who have lost their licenses, jobs and funding. These courageous iconoclasts dared to speak about the many inconvenient truths surrounding poor, incomplete vaccine safety science.

CNN recently attempted to chronicle past vaccine disasters. CNN mentioned things like the Cutter Incident, SV40 cancers, and the 1976 swine flu scare, [though they didn’t mention Tuskegee].

Many people reading the piece thought the content was welcome, considering it came from CNN. But they liked it better the first time they read it, in the 2013 book Dissolving Illusions.

All the troublesome vaccine ‘incidents’ chronicled by CNN had in common was the way they harmed and killed countless people. CNN tried to downplay and frame that narrative, claiming all of those incidents were due to a rushed ‘vaccine making process.’

The sudden about-face from corporate media and politicians is due to two factors: To get ahead of the COVID vaccine-injury reality coming in the near future, and to counter President Trump’s ‘Warp Speed’ vaccine rhetoric.

Over the decades, the U.S. Food and Drug Administration (FDA) was untouchable on the topic of vaccine safety. Questioning their expertise or the science they relied upon to license vaccines was tantamount to ‘anti-vax’ nonsense.

Now, in a dramatic shift of events, even Bill Gates is openly wondering if the FDA can be trusted. Far from being called names, Bill Gates is given a free platform from the corporate media to ramble on about the reasons he doesn’t trust the FDA.

Unfortunately, Gates and his media allies have been silent during several key failures from the FDA about vaccine safety.

For example, while experts have rattled off about ‘robust’ safety profiles of flu shots every year, many including Flucelvax, FluLaval, Flublok, Fluarix, Afluria, Fluzone, and Fluvirin, contain variations of the following statement on their product insert:

Available data on [name of vaccine] administered to pregnant women are insufficient to inform vaccine-associated risks in pregnant women.”

In other words: They don’t know if the vaccine is dangerous for pregnant women.

What Bill Gates and his media cohorts do know, but don’t tell you, is that the FDA has no science in this instance.

FDA failed to produce any clinical trials and safety studies that were used to license both the flu and TDaP vaccines for use in pregnant women. When presented with a FOIA request, the FDA was taken to court.

Ultimately, the agency conceded, “Clinical studies for TdaP and inactivated influenza vaccines did not specifically enroll pregnant women.”

The FDA legal response went on to admit that they “have no records responsive to your [plaintiff’s] request.” In short, the agency licensed the shots for use in pregnant women without the required scientific studies to ensure safety.

In addition to FDA licensing the flu and TDaP vaccines outside of the law and their own policy, the agency also actively promotes and markets the flu shot to pregnant women!

It gets worse.

Hepatitis B vaccines, the first shots given to the most physiologically-fragile newborn and premature infants, received a free pass from the FDA as well. The clinical trials relied upon to license Engerix-B and Recombivax HB; the two Hepatitis B shots only assessed safety for up to five days after injection.

Therefore, the trials did not comply with the applicable federal statutory regulatory requirements necessary to prove they were “safe” prior to licensure.

Bill Gates…corporate media….silent….surprised?

Let’s hit closer to home with a similar and specific example. In 2009, during the ‘swine flu’ outbreak, a very similar situation was foisted upon populations. There was a ‘deadly’ pandemic, or so we were told, even though the World Health Organization (WHO) changed the definition of a pandemic. Previously, a pandemic was defined as outbreaks causing ‘enormous numbers of deaths,” but that part got taken out. Still, when the public hears “pandemic,” they still think “mass death.”

In addition, the U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) stopped counting swine flu cases in the middle of the ‘pandemic.’

That didn’t stop a familiar face from making promises not backed by science. Dr. Anthony Fauci, then director of the National Institutes of Health (NIH), took to the airwaves to speak about the safety of the coming “swine flu” vaccine: “The track record for serious adverse events is very good. It’s very, very, very rare that you ever see anything that’s associated with the vaccine that’s a serious event.”

Health bodies in the U.K. were making similar promises. In an analysis of the situation, Peter Doshi at the BMJ wrote:

…governments around the world had made various logistical and legal arrangements to shorten the time between recognition of a pandemic virus and the production of a vaccine.

“In Europe, one element of those plans was an agreement to grant licenses to pandemic vaccines, based on data from pre-pandemic “mock-up” vaccines produced using a different virus (H5N1 influenza).”

The shot went on to hurt many, while documents now show undisclosed problems in early postmarking safety reports were hidden from the public.

Back to COVID-19.

We now suddenly see another curious turn of events. Roll Call reports that states are planning to independently vet COVID-19 vaccine data because some Governors are expressing mistrust in federal health agencies due to Trump’s influence.

What an incredible turn of events!?! Donald Trump, the only president who ever questioned the safety of the current vaccine schedule [campaigning in 2016], is now having states get in line to independently vet vaccine safety.

The number of childhood injections has risen from 11 in 1986 to 53. During that same time childhood chronic illness and developmental disability prevalence in children has risen from 12.8% to 54%. Many believe the two are related.

Imagine how different the world would be if the media held their largest donors, Big Pharma and their for-profit injection product lines, to the same standard of vaccine safety as they are beginning to do now with ‘Trump’s Warp Speed shot.’

Imagine if CNN or another disingenuous outlet would report that still, to this day, the CDC hasn’t done a vaccinated vs. unvaccinated study to compare health outcomes. You don’t have to take that on faith, CNN…the agency admitted it themselves in court just last month when challenged.

Dr. Andrew Kaufman at Trafalgar Square, September 19, 2020: Global Enslavement Via a Fake-Virus-Pandemic Live Exercise | “We Must End This Now.”

Dr. Andrew Kaufman at Trafalgar Square, September 19, 2020: Global Enslavement Via a Fake-Virus-Pandemic Live Exercise | “We Must End This Now.”

by Dr. Andrew Kaufman
video sourced from Luke Scott Official YouTube channel
transcript provided by Truth Comes to Light
September 20, 2020


Truth Comes to Light editor’s note: Yesterday, Saturday September 19, 2020, another large protest against global tyranny was held at Trafalgar Square in London. This powerful event was organised by doctors and medical professionals to stand for truth and freedom.

For more than three hours, speakers exposed the truth about all that is going on around this planned and orchestrated false pandemic. A massive crowd of protesters gathered in a united, strong stance against social distancing, mandatory use of masks, forced vaccination, control through tracking and tracing systems, and 5G technologies.

[Mirrored copies of this video are available at Truth Comes to Light BitChute, LBRY & Brighteon channels. All credit goes to the original source of this video.]

Transcript of Dr. Andrew Kaufman’s Powerful Speech


Hello London!

I’m Dr. Kaufman.

Today we’re here to take back our freedom and our country!

Why am I here today, you might ask?

I’m standing here today for one simple reason. I want to make sure there is a future with freedom, integrity , health, opportunity and fun for my children.

Yes, I’ve taken risks to be here. But I don’t worry about that because the risk of doing nothing is far greater.

I’ll take any risk to prevent this new world order of tyranny from being realized, and I hope you will too.

I saw what was happening in China last December and knew something was very, very wrong.

I remembered SARS, Zika, Ebola, Swine Flu (H1N1), Bird flu, MERS, Denge, Eastern Equine Encephalitis, the list goes on.

These were all hype, of course, but this time, things were different.

I discovered that if I looked at the numbers, I could see right away the number of deaths was comparable to the regular seasonal flu.

So why all the fear mongering?

I then looked at the scientific papers about the “virus”.

I was shocked at what I found.

I discovered that despite widespread media and government claims of a virus causing disease, there was no proof!

What the scientists did is extract some genes or pieces of genes from a couple of people and they called
this a virus.

My question is, though, how do you identify genes as being from a virus when the virus itself has never been discovered?

It’s one thing to hold a creature in your hand, even a virus, and take out its genes and sequence them.  That’s how they sequenced the human genome

They started with an actual human.

For viruses they don’t do this. Instead, they take a biological soup of hundreds of organisms and pull out a few little pieces of genes.

In fact, they look for genes or pieces of genes they say are viruses because of doing these same experiments in sick people in days gone by.

So when they find these little fragments of genes, they can’t say which organism they came from because they came from this soup.

This is scientific fraud.

No virus was ever purified in order to identify it. Even the authors of all the main papers have admitted this in writing.

Yet the government, media and the masses still walk around as obedient slaves in fear of this concocted, contrived existential threat.

The scientists then took out even more of these gene fragments. In one paper they sequenced more than 20,000. They use computer modeling to fit these little fragments together like puzzle pieces into one long sequence. They fill in gaps along the way with made-up sequences from other experiments. Then they call this a genome. the entire genetic sequence of an organism.

How preposterous!

Imagine if we leveled an entire neighborhood.  It was old and decrepit, so we just blew the whole thing up into little bits. There were 500 one-of-a-kind houses, three office buildings, eight basketball courts. And all was demolished. All the rubble was carted away to a dumping ground.

So do you think that we could send a team of architects — architects who have never seen what any of these buildings look like in this neighborhood — and have them comb through the rubble for pieces of buildings, and have them actually reconstruct the house on 23 Elm Street?

Do you think that’s possible? No, of course it’s not possible.

But that is what the scientists are claiming to have done with this virus and many others. And they say that it’s true.

They also claim that we will spread this fake virus to each other and it will kill us. They have no proof of this either. The only study looking at this showed no transmission, no contagion, to over 400 people.

During the Spanish flu. a hundred years ago, a group in Boston, funded by the United States Public Health Service, tried to spread the disease to a group of 100 volunteer prisoners. They did three separate experiments trying to get them sick, putting all kinds of body fluids into the healthy volunteers. Not a single one got sick. Not one.

There is no contagion — human-to-human spread — which has ever been proven in an experiment.

Healthy people cannot pass this or any other illness to each other.  How can you pass an illness you don’t have?

There’s no such thing as an asymptomatic carrier. This is a lie.

Let’s talk about the tests. These tests are also meaningless.

Do we really need… do we really even need a test to tell us that someone has a deadly disease? Shouldn’t we   just see them being sick and dying? And why are we testing healthy people?

There is no test for a virus that exists. There’s only a test for gene fragments of unknown origin.

We don’t know what the tests are even detecting. There’s no gold standard, no error rate, no government approval and no credible science behind these tests.

If you’re not sick, you’re not sick, and no test matters, The more tests performed, which has been what they’ve been doing lately, the more false positive cases you’ll find. And that’s how they’re manipulating people right now.


fraudulent claims about a fake virus,

horrifically inaccurate computer model predictions,

meaningless test results,

fraudulent death certificates,

staged hospital video footage,

staged field hospitals,

fake burial pits,

fake ventilator shortages,

and much more,

the stage has been set for tighter control.

We’ve been wrapped up in restrictions reserved for prisoners: House arrest, standing on marked spaces in the floor and social isolation.

We’ve been restricted from travel.

Our children have been deprived of a normal education and social life.

Our businesses have been shut down.

We’ve been told to cover our faces.

We now have the beginning of contact tracing.

This means that the authorities will soon be able to come into our homes and schools and take us or our children away into detention for quarantine.

We have the vaccine coming. We’ve all heard there’ll be tremendous pressure and coercion to make us take it. If that fails, they may even make it mandatory.

Let me ask you,

if there is no virus,

then what is the goal of a vaccine?

What could it possibly be designed for?

They’ve already developed vaccines to make people infertile. We already know vaccines kill and injure many around the world, We already know they want to use DNA and RNA in the vaccine to modify our own genes.

We know they want to implant a chip to track and control us.

We cannot wait for these things to realize. We must end this now.

I’ve said there is no virus causing a new disease. I want you to know that that does not mean no one has died needlessly during this pandemic live exercise.

When the World Health Organization declared a pandemic in late March, nations around the world, practically in lockstep with each other, took unprecedented action.

The media blasted the fear propaganda across the world, fueled by sensationalized predictions, junk science and fear-mongering.

Economies were shut down overnight.

People were told to lock themselves indoors to survive.

Schools were closed.

Hospitals closed their doors except for Covid patients.

Food and supplies like toilet paper were suddenly in short supply.

Entertainment like sports and concerts were cancelled.

At the same time, prisoners were let out, liquor stores and cannabis dispensaries remained open and 5G infrastructure was feverishly installed around the world.

People no longer had access to medical services. That means that someone who had chest pain did not go to the hospital for help. They were too afraid. Someone who had diabetes did not have the guidance to adjust their insulin because of this sudden drastic change. This meant people were dying in their homes for lack of routine health care which was unavailable.

People were in fear.

Fear changes our physiology and makes us susceptible to illness.

Families with domestic violence experienced more conflict.

Many who lost their job, suffered from addiction, those who no longer had access to mental health and addiction services, ended their lives by suicide. In the United States the rates jumped up by 33 percent.

The most deaths occurred in hospitals and care homes. Hospitals misdiagnosed people, changed protocols in harmful ways and coerced many individuals to sign away their life by consenting to be on a ventilator. The overuse and misuse of ventilators for patients who did not need them may be the worst single example of medical malpractice and harm ever to be carried out by this allopathic system.

It became practice to deny patients the right to emergency resuscitation. Against the family, wishes patients were made DNR [Do Not Resusitate] as a matter of policy.

Nursing care homes were even worse. Sick hospital patients were sent to care homes which are unequipped to treat acutely ill individuals. The workers were afraid of getting the fake virus, so they neglected the patients leaving them to die. And many did.

Let us honor their lives by stopping this from happening again. What a tragedy this was — but it was because of the lockdown policies, the hospital protocols, the economic shutdown and the fear. It was not because of any fake virus.

So what should we do now?

We need to stop going along with their rules.

We need to start saying “No more!”.

No more masks. Instead, we need smiles.

No more distancing. Instead, we need hugs.

No more school restrictions. We need mentally strong children for our future.

No more staying at home. We need sunlight, nature and exercise.

No more bans on large gatherings. We need picnics, concerts, fairs, conferences and swimming pools.

No more closing businesses. We need to make a living.

No contact tracing. We need privacy and autonomy.

No vaccine. We need our health and our lives.

No more tyranny.

We demand freedom!

[see related: Exposing the Lie — Hippocratic Hypocracy A Tale of Two Snakes by Dr. Andrew Kaufman w/ Spacebusters]

Erasing History and Erasing Truth: Censorship and Destroying Records Is the Cornerstone of Tyrants

Erasing History and Erasing Truth: Censorship and Destroying Records Is the Cornerstone of Tyrants

by Gary D. Barnett
September 19, 2020


“If all mankind minus one were of one opinion, mankind would be no more justified in silencing that one person than he, if he had the power, would be justified in silencing mankind.”
~ John Stuart Mill, On Liberty ch. 2 (1859)

Tyranny requires that the truth be silenced, that real history be erased and rewritten, that speech be restricted, and that individual thought be silenced. In this time of constant turmoil, false flags, wars, civil unrest, and now internal bio-terrorism and manufactured pandemics, a major agenda of the state apparatus is to silence all dissent, and mandate conformity. It is imperative considering the state’s plan for total control that it stifle criticism and retain the power to control the mainstream narrative, while aggressively eliminating all other resistance and questioning. This is the state of the world that we live in today. As things continue to deteriorate, nonconformance cannot be allowed if global governance and a global reset are to be successful.

Current censorship has reached levels not seen in the past, and with all the advanced technology available, this nefarious plot to silence the thinkers and hide the truth could affect all forms of speech. It is getting much more difficult to find truthful information, as those like Google, Amazon, YouTube, Facebook, Twitter, and many other venues are eliminating content and access to content at a blistering pace. A day rarely goes by without something I am reading or researching on these sites being taken down or hidden. This can only lead to a world consumed by propaganda alone, thus guaranteeing that only the state narrative will be presented in any mainstream or easily accessible format. This is a dangerous situation, especially considering the likelihood that through vaccination or other methods, much of the population could soon become subject to transhuman experimentation where injectable nanoparticles and chips could be used to alter human behavior.

This is not a new phenomenon, as tyrants throughout human history have censored writing and speech in order to protect their power structure. Power is always troubled by any that dare to think, and any that dare to question. In ancient times and not so ancient times, books were burned to keep the populace from having access to any material that was not acceptable by the throne or by the current political authority. In cases of resistance to ‘high’ authority, many were also killed by the state, and in many cases these ‘cleansings’ were targeted to the educated class, because they had the capability to think critically and express their ideas publically. Those that held power by force of arms would never allow criticism and dissent, because that could lead to hostility and insurrection by the people.

In this time of Covid and this fake virus pandemic, things have changed in part, but much is as it has always been throughout history. This is one reason that history is so important, because regardless of progress and innovation, the underlying motives of the ruling class have changed little over time. Money, power, and control have always been the key concerns of the ruling class, it is just that the methods to keep that power and control have changed. Instead of the sword and guillotine, propaganda and fear have become the primary tools used to fool the people into compliance. In order for propaganda to work, elimination of dissent is imperative. Censorship plays a huge role in any effort to gain support of the masses, because without the possibility to reach the bulk of the people, the truth tellers become marginalized, and are shunned and ridiculed as troublemakers and conspiracy theorists.

The biggest censorship push in history is taking place today, which means that the biggest propaganda push is also underway. This false flag event called the coronavirus pandemic is not about one king seeking control over his subjects, but is about the few attempting to take over the entire planet. This is a global effort that is run by the few top claimed elites, with their tentacles of power reaching almost every country on earth through control of the banks, corporations, foundations, and the entire political class system.

Many have fought and died in order to protect free speech, but all speech is now under attack by the forces of evil. If the globalists have their way, free speech will be lost forever. This is the world of the Internet and computerized system saturation. Censorship today takes on a new look meant to accomplish the same goals as in the past. Blacklisting users, blocking content, and algorithmic manipulation allow for the state to control information, and with that control of information, it stands to reason that the general public will then be easier to manipulate and keep in check. The acceptance of tracking and tracing technology, continued isolation, vaccines capable of altering the DNA structure of individuals, chips and dyes mimicking the mark of the beast, and a continued state of fear will lead to an end of normalcy. The result sought is a new order, a “new normal,” that will be totally controlled by ruling ‘experts’ claiming to be able to sustain you, protect you, appease you, meet all your needs, and eliminate your worries. This system is called technocracy, and is dependent on a societal class fully controlled by an upper class. Does this sound familiar? It should, as that is the want of all tyrants, but in this day and age, it will look much different.

All of this relies on a willing public, and in order to achieve that total compliance on a scale this large, the human spirit must be broken, and love, family, emotion, responsibility, open communication, mass gatherings, and debate must be squelched. Once the pathetic masses accept this ruse, and acquiesce to the mandates coming, they will be transformed into a machine-like state through technological manipulation said to make life easier and more convenient. A totally digitized system is necessary in order to retain constant control. This may sound outlandish, and something akin to a dystopian science fiction novel, but that is because that is exactly what it is. The new world is coming, and by eliminating truth, eliminating our historical roots, and hiding all that is real and honest, what is left is a fantasy, but this fantasy will be deadly.

Seek the truth, seek honesty, ask questions, and believe nothing unless it can be personally verified. Do not allow the takeover of your lives by these monsters claiming to be your saviors.

“There is more than one way to burn a book. And the world is full of people running about with lit matches”.
~ Ray Bradbury – “Fahrenheit 451: A Novel,” (1953). p. 209, Simon and Schuster


Sourced from www.GaryDBarnett.com. Reprinted with permission from LewRockwell.com

Covid Vaccine Injury Halts Trial

Covid Vaccine Injury Halts Trial

by Del Bigtree w/ Jefferey Jaxen, The HighWire
September 18, 2020


Available at The HighWire BitChute and Brighteon channels.

The first serious adverse reaction during the AstraZeneca vaccine trial has been made public.

The company, after pledging transparency, lagged in being forthright about the incident, initially revealing more to investors than to the public.

The media is now doing damage control surrounding the previously ignored issue of vaccine safety, while other Covid trials are seeing nervous participants jump ship.

Lawsuit Filed Against Pharmaceutical Giant Merck on Behalf of Young Man Allegedly Injured by Gardasil

Lawsuit Filed Against Pharmaceutical Giant Merck on Behalf of Young Man Allegedly Injured by Gardasil

by the Children’s Health Defense Team
September 17, 2020


The law firm of Baum Hedlund Aristei & Goldman filed a lawsuit Wednesday against pharmaceutical giant Merck on behalf of a young man, Zachariah Otto, who was allegedly injured by Gardasil, Merck’s HPV vaccine. The complaint seeks damages, including punitive damages, for negligence; strict liability (failure to warn); strict liability (manufacturing defect); breach of warranty; common law fraud; and violation of California’s unfair competition law.

Zachariah claims multiple Gardasil injections, which he first received at the age of 16, caused him to develop life-altering injuries, including dysautonomia, postural orthostatic tachycardia syndrome (POTS), Orthostatic Intolerance, small fiber neuropathy, chronic fatigue syndrome, mast cell activation syndrome, autoimmune disease and fibromyalgia, as well as a constellation of other serious health issues. POTS is an autoimmune condition that impacts the autonomic nervous system (which automatically regulates critical bodily functions) and the sympathetic nervous system (which is involved in the “fight or flight” response). POTS symptoms include fainting, migraine headaches and anxiety among many other serious conditions.

The plaintiff says the Gardasil-induced injuries have made him disabled to a point where he can no longer work and cannot physically attend college. His mother says it was Merck’s intense Gardasil marketing campaign that encouraged her to have her son get the shots. Zachariah and his mother stress that had they known of the serious risks associated with this vaccine, they would have never gone forward with the shots.

“Merck fast-tracked Gardasil by presenting misleading data to the FDA and fabricating a health crisis,” says Mr. Otto’s co-counsel Robert F. Kennedy, Jr. “They claimed they were ‘filling an unmet medical’ need but in reality, the only thing Merck was interested in filling was the $6 billion financial hole created by the Vioxx scandal.”

Gardasil is racking up a long list of young women and men who were similarly harmed following vaccination with Merck’s product. Children’s Health Defense has also been following the case of former athlete and scholar Jennifer Robi, who filed a lawsuit for Gardasil injuries against Merck in 2016. Jennifer is a 25-year-old woman who has been confined to a wheelchair since receiving her third Gardasil vaccine at age 16. Like Zachariah, she was diagnosed with POTS after receiving the series of Gardasil shots. Her attorneys allege that Gardasil’s highly toxic Amorphous Aluminum Hydroxyphosphate Sulfate (AAHS) adjuvant can over-stimulate the immune systems of vaccine recipients tipping them into autoimmune conditions in which their redlining immune defenses begin attacking their bodies’ own organs. This “autoimmune process” causes a cascade of illnesses that, in Jennifer Robi’s case, resulted in damage and deterioration in diverse organ systems throughout her body.

Colton Berrett, featured in the documentary film Vaxxed II, was another victim of Gardasil injury. Berrett was an active 13 year old when he received the series of shots as advised by his physician before leaving for Boy Scouts camp in 2014. Two weeks after his third dose of Gardasil, Colton experienced a sore neck followed by paralysis in his arms and hands. The paralysis continued to other parts of his body ultimately making Colton completely paralyzed from the neck down and ventilator dependent through tracheostomy. Though he fought hard, he never recovered and in January of 2018, Colton removed himself from the need of life support or his ventilator.

In this latest Gardasil lawsuit on behalf of Zachariah Otto, Baum Hedlund accuses Merck of knowingly and recklessly placing Gardasil’s profits ahead of patient safety. The team is asking for punitive damages to deter Merck from withholding information on the serious adverse events associated with Gardasil while promoting it as “safe and effective.”

“Most people think Gardasil is for girls, but since 2009, Merck has made billions in profit by marketing the HPV vaccine to the parents of boys and to young men,” says attorney Nicole K.H. Maldonado. “Through its advertising, Merck sold parents on the idea that Gardasil is a safe and effective tool to stop the spread of HPV and prevent cervical cancer. But Merck knew that Gardasil was neither safe nor effective at preventing cervical cancer, and worse, the company knew that Gardasil could cause a host of serious health issues.”

Dr. Andrew Wakefield: Vaccines Revealed | Big Pharma’s Orwellian Agenda

Dr. Andrew Wakefield: Vaccines Revealed | Big Pharma’s Orwellian Agenda

by Vaccines Revealed
September 16, 2020


“We are moving into an Orwellian situation where, in the end, the pharmaceutical companies will come to control our lives…”
~ Dr. Andrew Wakefield


V-Revealed 2020 Update: Ep 9

[As a service to protect truth from censorship, mirrored copies of this video are available at Truth Comes to Light BitChute, LBRY & Brighteon channels. All credit goes to the original source of this video.]

Original video: Vaccines Revealed YouTube channel


Vaccines Revealed 9-part docu-series.


The Polio and “Non-Polio” Shell Game in Africa and the U.S.—2020 Update

The Polio and “Non-Polio” Shell Game in Africa and the U.S.—2020 Update

by the Children’s Health Defense Team
September  15, 2020


In early September, one week after definitively pronouncing the African continent polio-free, the World Health Organization (WHO) had to eat crow. With no wild polio cases reported in Africa since 2016, the WHO admitted that the oral polio vaccines that its top sponsor, Bill Gates, so generously finances and so avidly promotes are giving African children polio. In addition to officially acknowledged vaccine-derived polio cases, which increased substantially from 2018 to 2019, the African region also annually reports tens of thousands of cases—over 31,500 from just 18 countries in 2017—of acute flaccid paralysis (AFP), a debilitating condition with a clinical picture virtually identical to polio. Many other countries—ranging from India to Italy—also record significant numbers of AFP cases.

In the U.S., childhood paralysis may not be documented on the same scale as in Africa or India, but it has attracted notice in high places. In early August, Senator and one-time presidential candidate Amy Klobuchar sent a letter to CDC director Robert Redfield raising concerns about an expected fall outbreak of acute flaccid myelitis (AFM), a subtype of AFP that, again, produces polio-like symptoms: muscle weakness, paralysis, pain, trouble swallowing and, in the most severe cases, acute respiratory failure. The CDC only began tracking and studying AFM when cases inexplicably surged in 2014; since then, it has documented an odd biennial pattern of peaks and lulls, but also a steady upward trend in cases. So far this year, up to 65 U.S. children have surfaced with confirmed or suspected AFM. Since 2014, a total of 638 cases have been confirmed across America, with a 98% hospitalization rate.

… 70 years of published studies along with manufacturers’ package inserts documenting a trail of polio-like symptoms (ranging from myelitis, numbness, pain and limb paralysis) following vaccination.
“Mysterious”—or iatrogenic?

In countries that use the oral polio vaccine, the CDC has no problem acknowledging that AFP is associated with vaccine-derived poliovirus. In the U.S., however, the use of another type of polio vaccine has allowed officials to frame the story very differently. In fact, AFM is almost universally painted as random and “mysterious.”

The CDC has assiduously avoided mentioning one iatrogenic (medically induced) cause that is staring the agency in the face: 70 years of published studies along with manufacturers’ package inserts documenting a trail of polio-like symptoms (ranging from myelitis, numbness, pain and limb paralysis) following vaccination. Among the mechanisms that could explain this phenomenon are the aluminum adjuvants in vaccines; studies in animals show that aluminum-containing vaccines contribute to neuropathological changes that include neurodegeneration of the gray matter of the spinal cord and hindlimb paralysis.

In discussing AFP, African researchers have been somewhat less cagey than CDC researchers, identifying at least two proximal and primarily iatrogenic causes: injection injuries and Guillain-Barré syndrome (GBS). A rural Ugandan study published in 2018, for example, found that two conditions commonly seen throughout Uganda—post-injection paralysis (PIP) and a form of tissue fibrosis called gluteal fibrosis (GF)—together accounted for, over a three-year period, over 30% of clinic visits specifically for musculoskeletal conditions and an astounding 40% of outreach visits “for any medical complaint.” Declining to mention that Ugandan children are expected to be vaccinated five times before their first birthday, the Ugandan researchers nevertheless noted that PIP tends to cluster in very young children (ages 0-3). In the case of GF (which displays increased odds with “increasing frequency of injections”), they observed a peak in 8- to 11-year-olds, severe enough to limit the children’s school attendance and ability to perform “activities of daily living.” Other researchers have matter-of-factly described tissue fibrosis as a “known complication of intramuscular injections . . . especially seen in children due to vaccinations and injections.”

A study of pediatric AFP in South Africa (also published in 2018) concluded that GBS—a condition typified by muscle weakness and paralysis—was AFP’s predominant cause, accounting for 83% of cases, producing “significant morbidity” and, in two cases, resulting in death. In fact, researchers credit GBS with being the most common cause of AFP worldwide. Again, one does not have to travel very far down the causal chain to come up with a plausible GBS trigger; twenty-one different package inserts for vaccines on the U.S. market list GBS as an adverse event. The U.S. experience with the 1976 swine flu vaccine and a decades-old evidence base also point in this direction.

Reflecting the current Covid-19 zeitgeist—which has decreed that the ‘wily virus’ is the biggest threat to humankind ever faced—the CDC is putting forth a viral etiology for AFM …
The end game: more vaccines, of course

Reflecting the current Covid-19 zeitgeist—which has decreed that the “wily virus” is the biggest threat to humankind ever faced—the CDC is putting forth a viral etiology for AFM while steering clear of explanations that might implicate vaccination. Although, in the majority of AFM patients, “no pathogen (germ) has been detected in spinal fluid to confirm a cause,” the agency is converging on a possibly mutated version of a common-cold enterovirus called EV-D68 as its principal suspect; at the same time (without explaining why benign viruses suddenly go rogue), it is hedging its bets by stating that other common viruses could also be responsible for some AFM cases.

In interviews with parents of children suffering from AFM, who admit to being “desperate for some magical thing” to help their children, the stage is being set for—what else?—a vaccine “solution.” Even though EV-D68’s involvement in AFM/AFP is hypothetical rather than proven, the all-too-predictable corollary of the CDC’s viral fixation is the entry of yet another vaccine into the pipeline—a scenario explicitly mentioned by Senator Klobuchar in her letter to Director Redfield. The National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases (NIAID) headed up by Anthony Fauci has just entered into a “co-development contract,” worth $9.4 million, with Dutch company Intravacc to come up with a prophylactic vaccine against EV-D68. Never ones to question whether the vaccine model actually works, the CDC and WHO are likewise preaching a doubling-down of vaccination in the countries suffering the scourge of vaccine-induced polio. Given that the Global Polio Eradication Initiative documented almost half a million cases of AFP in children age 14 and under between 2013 and 2018, it seems like time to admit that the model is not only broken but counterproductive.

Is There A Flu Shot / COVID Link?

Is There A Flu Shot / COVID Link?

by James Corbett, The Corbett Report
September 16, 2020


Today on Questions For Corbett, Corbett Report member Scott asks about a potential flu vaccine / COVID link.

James demonstrates how even the mainstream science shows that such a correlation does exist, although it isn’t being trumpeted in the Big Pharma-funded corporate media.

Watch on Archive / BitChute / LBRY / Minds.com / YouTube or Download the mp4


Scott’s question

The Influenza Vaccine and COVID-19

Lies, Damned Lies and Coronavirus Statistics

Official doubletalk hides serious problems with flu shot safety and effectiveness

Association of spontaneous abortion with receipt of inactivated influenza vaccine containing H1N1pdm09 in 2010–11 and 2011–12

Influenza vaccination and respiratory virus interference among Department of Defense personnel during the 2017–2018 influenza season

People Worldwide Say No to Medical Mandates, Unsafe Vaccines, & Totalitarian Government

Community and Countries United! We Say NO!

by Children’s Health Defense
September 14, 2020


Original video available at Children’s Health Defense YouTube channel.

[As a service to protect truth from censorship, mirrored copies of this video are available at Truth Comes to Light BitChute, LBRY & Brighteon channels. All credit goes to the original source of this video.]


Children’s Health Defense is proud to stand with organizations and countries as we work together to pushback on medical mandates, unsafe vaccines, and increasingly totalitarian governments.

In the coming months, these issues will be front and center in discussions around the world as people decide whether to cling tightly to their freedoms or blindly follow whatever edicts are put in place by corrupt government officials and profit-driven corporations.

The making of this video was accomplished through the teamwork of organizations and individuals who will not stand by and watch liberty be stripped away from citizens little by little until total tyranny reigns.

Please join us in standing up and demanding that our individual and medical freedom rights are forever protected. The time to be courageous is now.

Please share this video far and wide.

Questioning Vaccine Safety Is Now Popular In the Age of Covid

Questioning Vaccine Safety Is Now Popular In the Age of Covid

by Jefferey Jaxen, The HighWire
September 13 2020


The coronavirus and the heavy-handed response from governments has resulted in economic destruction, a rise in suicides and an increasing loss of civil liberties. Many populations have come out on the losing end of a ‘life-years lost’ statistic. Yet, a rapid shift in public consciousness around vaccine safety is happening at the same time.

Some of the historic issues the medical community has had developing a coronavirus vaccine has carried over to COVID-19 vaccine development.

After looking at data from Oxford’s phase one monkey trials in May, Forbes contributor William A. Haseltine wrote, “all of the vaccinated monkeys treated with the Oxford vaccine became infected when challenged, as judged by the recovery of virus genomic RNA from nasal secretions. There was no difference in the amount of viral RNA detected from this site in the vaccinated monkeys as compared to the unvaccinated animals. Which is to say, all vaccinated animals were infected.

Several people questioned if the trials should move forward to humans at that point.

On September 9, Reuters reported that Oxford University’s vaccine-maker AstraZeneca had suspended its COVID vaccine trials, due to “an unexplained illness in a study participant.”

According to The New York Times, which cited a person familiar with the situation, a U.K. participant was found to have transverse myelitis, an inflammatory syndrome that affects the spinal cord.

A safety review was conducted by “an independent board of experts” to determine if the vaccine was at fault for causing the reaction in the AstraZeneca trial.

According to Business Today, “…the reaction was a routine hiccup that usually occurs during clinical trials.”

Uhhhh….no. Transverse myelitis is far from “a hiccup.” Transverse myelitis, and a host of other nervous system disorders, are listed on vaccine inserts as being reported harms for several so-called routine shots like the MMR, HPV, Hep B, Flu and others.

The National Institutes of Healths’ (NIH) Institute of Neurological Disorders and Stroke openly acknowledges transverse myelitis can be part of a post-vaccine autoimmune reaction.

The most recent, quarterly release on September 4th by the Department of Justice (DOJ), listing vaccine injuries claims compensated through the National Vaccine Injury Compensation Program, shows 8 cases of transverse myelitis. The DOJ’s quarterly reports have regularly listed transverse myelitis as an injury. A majority of these reported transverse myelitis cases result from flu shots.

Even STAT News took a break from labeling people with concerns about vaccine safety science as “anti-vaxxers.” STAT reluctantly acknowledged that AstraZeneca withheld info from its investors and the public:

“[AstraZeneca] confirmed that the clinical trial was halted once previously in July, after a participant experienced neurological symptoms. Upon further examination, that participant was diagnosed with multiple sclerosis, deemed to be unrelated to the Covid-19 vaccine treatment, he said. The new disclosures made by Soriot were heard by three investors participating on the call and were shared with STAT.”

By Saturday, three days after the transverse myelitis was reported, Reuters followed up its reporting: “[AstraZeneca]…added that safety reviewers had recommended to Britain’s Medicines Health Regulatory Authority (MHRA) that it was safe to resume the British trials.” The British trials have now resumed.

Even before the Oxford trials reported vaccine reaction, a Sufflolk/USA TODAY poll found two-thirds of U.S. voters say they won’t try to get a coronavirus vaccine as soon as it becomes available. One in four say they won’t ever get it.

In August, a survey revealed a staggering 58% of Black American respondents wouldn’t take a COVID-19 vaccination as soon as it “s available. In total, 80% of those respondents either said “no” or had “concerns” regarding taking a COVID-19 vaccine. A majority said “no” because they “didn’t trust the healthcare system.”

Sensing a palpable backlash from the public for their vaccine from multiple surveys and throughout social media, vaccine-makers responded.

Did they agree to stand by their finished products if they cause individuals harm? Did they decide to require all adverse events and reactions be tracked post-vaccination for at least twelve months or longer?


Instead, in a move “intended to bolster public confidence,” nine COVID vaccine-markers pledged to follow “high ethical standards and sound scientific principles” during trials, as they determine vaccine safety and efficacy. The companies are Johnson & Johnson, GlaxoSmithKline (GSK), Merck, Novavax, BioNTech, Sanofi, AstraZeneca, Moderna and Pfizer.

Why is proper vaccine safety science in pre-licensure trials suddenly a concern for leading health officials and Big Pharma manufacturers?

Informed Consent Action Network (ICAN) has been busy for several years, addressing the insultingly unscientific gaps in vaccine safety and trials. In February 2019, ICAN’s legal action caused the U.S. Food and Drug Administration (FDA)—which had up to that point dodged Freedom of Information Act (FOIA) requests—to concede it had licensed influenza vaccines without the science to support their approval.

In other words, the FDA could not produce a clinical trial it relied upon to license flu shots in pregnant women. The agency also didn’t conduct or require any pharmaceutical company to conduct any clinical trial, which supported the safety of injecting pregnant women with the flu shot.

Was the FDA’s action a one-off lack of oversight or a modus operandi?

This month, ICAN filed a formal petition demanding that the FDA withdraw its licensure of Hepatitis B vaccines.

Why? For three years, ICAN has asked the FDA and U.S. Department of Health and Human Services (HHS) to provide any proof it licensed the vaccines for Hepatitis B based on clinical trials that reviewed safety for more than five days after injection.

Far from a hidden “antivax” conspiracy worthy of a STAT News hit piece, a simple review of the package inserts for Engerix-B (from COVID safety pledge-signing GSK! Woot!) and Recombivax HB (from COVID safety pledge-signing Merck! Woot woot!) says it all: The two common Hep B shots babies receive on the first day of life in the U.S., issued by their manufacturers and approved by the FDA, were approved after clinical trials that were reviewed for a only few days following babies’ injections.

But wait! There’s more! Last month, an ICAN legal petition to the CDC asked for the studies comparing health outcomes between vaccinated and unvaccinated children. Since the public has been taught to believe, through constant, repetitive astroturfing that “the science is settled,” the CDC produced those studies when asked….right?

No. Here was their response:

“A search of our records failed to reveal any documents pertaining to your request. The CDC has not conducted a study of health outcomes in vaccinated vs. unvaccinated populations.”

How about injecting aluminum, a known neurotoxin and common vaccine adjuvant? Certainly, American health agencies can point to the science justifying this practice—especially since any family that follows the CDC’s childhood vaccine schedule during the first six months of life will pump over 3,500 mg of aluminum adjuvant into your baby.

But sorry, no. No studies again. Who would’ve thought so-called “settled science” was so difficult to locate?

An extensive search inside the National Institutes of Health (NIH) commenced in August, as well as various departments inside NIH; The Office of Intramural Research, the National Institute of Allergies and Infectious Disease, and the Eunice Kennedy Shriver National Institute of Child Health and Human Development.

Spoiler alert: “No records responsive to your request were located.”

To quote the late Maya Angelou: “When people show you who they are, believe them.” Should Americans trust Big Pharma vaccine manufacturers—a bunch of self-admitted, known criminals and fraudsters—with an experimental vaccine technology? One that uses a virus that Big Pharma has failed for years successfully and safely created?

Del Bigtree Delivers Dire Warning to the CDC

Del Bigtree Delivers Dire Warning to the CDC

by Del Bigtree, The HighWire
September 11, 2020


Available at BitChute and TheHighWire.com

The HighWire Host Del Bigtree delivers a dire warning to the members of the CDC’s Advisory Committee on Immunization Practices (ACIP), highlighting the devastating reasons no vaccine like the Covid Vaccine candidates has ever been approved for human use.

Dr. Tom Cowan & Sally Fallon Morrell: Why Viruses (including “Coronavirus”) Are Not the Cause of Disease | Highly Protective Foods in This Toxic World

Dr. Tom Cowan & Sally Fallon Morrell: Why Viruses (including “Coronavirus”) Are Not the Cause of Disease | Highly Protective Foods in This Toxic World

by Dr. Tom Cowan with Sally Fallon Morrell
September 10, 2020


[As a service to protect truth from censorship, mirrored copies of this video are available at Truth Comes to Light BitChute, LBRY & Brighteon channels. All credit goes to the original source of this video.]


Sally Fallon Morell, MA is best known as the author of the best-selling cookbook, Nourishing Traditions®: The Cookbook that Challenges Politically Correct Nutrition and the Diet Dictocrats.

This well-researched, thought-provoking guide to traditional foods contains a startling message: animal fats and cholesterol are not villains but vital factors in the diet, necessary for normal growth, proper function of the brain and nervous system, protection from disease and optimum energy levels.

The culinary ideas introduced in Nourishing Traditions® have stimulated the growth of a variety of small businesses providing traditional nutrient-dense foods including lacto-fermented condiments, kombucha and other lacto-fermented soft drinks, bone broth and genuine sourdough bread.

Raw milk production is flourishing as are direct farm-to-consumer buying arrangements. Sally is frequent contributors to holistic health publications.

Her work is widely respected for providing accurate and understandable explanations of complicated subjects in the field of nutrition and health. Several articles on the dangers of modern soy products have generated intense controversy in the health food industry.

Her presentations on Nourishing Traditions Diets and The Oiling of America have earned highly complimentary reviews throughout the US and overseas.


Dr. Tom Cowan’s website and podcast

Sally Fallon Morrell’s blog

As mentioned in the conversation:

Is Coronavirus Contagious?  article by Sally Fallon Morrell



[**September 26, 2020 Update: The Contagion Myth has been banned on Amazon. It is available at Barnes & NobleBooks-a-MillionTarget]

The Contagion Myth: Why Viruses (including “Coronavirus”) Are Not the Cause of Disease
by Thomas S. Cowan MD, Sally Fallon Morell

For readers of Plague of Corruption, Thomas S. Cowan, MD, and Sally Fallon Morell ask the question: are there really such things as “viruses”? Or are electro smog, toxic living conditions, and 5G actually to blame for COVID-19?

The official explanation for today’s COVID-19 pandemic is a “dangerous, infectious virus.” This is the rationale for isolating a large portion of the world’s population in their homes so as to curb its spread.  From face masks to social distancing, from antivirals to vaccines, these measures are predicated on the assumption that tiny viruses can cause serious illness and that such illness is transmissible person-to-person.

It was Louis Pasteur who convinced a skeptical medical community that contagious germs cause disease; his “germ theory” now serves as the official explanation for most illness. However, in his private diaries he states unequivocally that in his entire career he was not once able to transfer disease with a pure culture of bacteria (he obviously wasn’t able to purify viruses at that time). He admitted that the whole effort to prove contagion was a failure, leading to his famous death bed confession that “the germ is nothing, the terrain is everything.”

While the incidence and death statistics for COVID-19 may not be reliable, there is no question that many people have taken sick with a strange new disease—with odd symptoms like gasping for air and “fizzing” feelings—and hundreds of thousands have died. Many suspect that the cause is not viral but a kind of pollution unique to the modern age—electromagnetic pollution. Today we are surrounded by a jangle of overlapping and jarring frequencies—from power lines to the fridge to the cell phone. It started with the telegraph and progressed to worldwide electricity, then radar, then satellites that disrupt the ionosphere, then ubiquitous Wi-Fi. The most recent addition to this disturbing racket is fifth generation wireless—5G. In The Contagion Myth: Why Viruses (including Coronavirus) are Not the Cause of Disease, bestselling authors Thomas S. Cowan, MD, and Sally Fallon Morell tackle the true causes of COVID-19.

On September 26, 2019, 5G wireless was turned on in Wuhan, China (and officially launched November 1) with a grid of about ten thousand antennas—more antennas than exist in the whole United States, all concentrated in one city. A spike in cases occurred on February 13, the same week that Wuhan turned on its 5G network for monitoring traffic. Illness has subsequently followed 5G installation in all the major cities in America.

Since the dawn of the human race, medicine men and physicians have wondered about the cause of disease, especially what we call “contagions,” numerous people ill with similar symptoms, all at the same time. Does humankind suffer these outbreaks at the hands of an angry god or evil spirit? A disturbance in the atmosphere, a miasma? Do we catch the illness from others or from some outside influence?
As the restriction of our freedoms continues, more and more people are wondering whether this is true. Could a packet of RNA fragments, which cannot even be defined as a living organism, cause such havoc? Perhaps something else is involved—something that has upset the balance of nature and made us more susceptible to disease? Perhaps there is no “coronavirus” at all; perhaps, as Pasteur said, “the germ is nothing, the terrain is everything.”


Nourishing Traditions: The Cookbook that Challenges Politically Correct Nutrition and Diet Dictocrats
by Sally Fallon Morrell

This well-researched, thought-provoking guide to traditional foods contains a startling message: Animal fats and cholesterol are not villains but vital factors in the diet, necessary for normal growth, proper function of the brain and nervous system, protection from disease and optimum energy levels. Sally Fallon dispels the myths of the current low-fat fad in this practical, entertaining guide to a can-do diet that is both nutritious and delicious.

Nourishing Traditions will tell you:

  1. Why your body needs old fashioned animal fats
  1. Why butter is a health food
  1. How high-cholesterol diets promote good health
  1. How saturated fats protect the heart
  1. How rich sauces help you digest and assimilate your food
  1. Why grains and legumes need special preparation to provide optimum benefits
  1. About enzyme-enhanced food and beverages that can provide increased energy and vitality
  1. Why high-fiber, lowfat diets can cause vitamin and mineral deficiencies

Topics include the health benefits of traditional fats and oils (including butter and coconut oil); dangers of vegetarianism; problems with modern soy foods; health benefits of sauces and gravies; proper preparation of whole grain products; pros and cons of milk consumption; easy-to-prepare enzyme enriched condiments and beverages; and appropriate diets for babies and children.

From Terrorists to Viruses: Dystopian Progress

From Terrorists to Viruses: Dystopian Progress

by Edward Curtin, EdwardCurtin.com
September 7, 2020


For anyone old enough to have been alive and aware of the attacks of September 11, 2001 and of so-called COVID-19 in 2020, memory may serve to remind one of an eerie parallel between the two operations.  However, if memory has been expunged by the work of one’s forgettery or deleted by the corporate media flushing it down the memory hole, or if knowledge is lacking, or maybe fear or cognitive dissonance is blocking awareness, I would like to point out some similarities that might perk one up to consider some parallels and connections between these two operations.

The fundamental tie that binds them is that both events aroused the human fear of death. Underlying all fears is the fear of death.  A  fear that has both biological and cultural roots. On the biological level, we all react to death threats in a fight or flight manner. Culturally, there are multiple ways that fear can be allayed or exacerbated, purposely or not. Usually, culture serves to ease the fear of death, which can traumatize people, through its symbols and myths. Religion has for a long time served that purpose, but when religion loses its hold on people’s imaginations, especially in regard to the belief in immortality, as Orwell pointed out in the mid-1940s, a huge void is left.  Without that consolation, fear is usually tranquilized by trivial pursuits.

In the cases of the attacks of September 11, 2001 and the current corona virus operation, the fear of death has been used by the power elites in order to control populations and institute long-planned agendas.  There is a red thread that connects the two events.

Both events were clearly anticipated and planned.

In the case of September 11, 2001, as I have argued before, linguistic mind-control was carefully crafted in advance to conjure fear at the deepest levels with the use of such repeated terms as Pearl Harbor, Homeland, Ground Zero, the Unthinkable, and 9/11.  Each in its turns served to raise the fear level dramatically. Each drew on past meetings, documents, events, speeches, and deep associations of dread. This language was conjured from the chief sorcerer’s playbook, not from that of an apprentice out of control.

And as David Ray Griffin, the seminal 9/11 researcher (and others), has pointed out in a dozen meticulously argued and documented books, the events of that day had to be carefully planned in advance, and the post hoc official explanations can only be described as scientific miracles, not scientific explanations. These miracles include: massive steel-framed high-rise buildings for the first time in history coming down without explosives or incendiaries in free fall speed; one of them being WTC-7 that was not even hit by a plane; an alleged hijacker pilot, Hani Hanjour, who could barely fly a Piper Cub, flying a massive Boeing 757 in a most difficult maneuver into the Pentagon; airport security at four airports failing at the same moment on the same day; all sixteen U.S. intelligence agencies failing; air traffic control failing, etc.  The list goes on and on.  And all this controlled by Osama bin Laden. It’s a fairy tale.

Then we had the crucially important anthrax attacks that are linked to 9/11. Graeme MacQueen, in The 2001 Anthrax Deception, brilliantly shows that these too were a domestic conspiracy.

These planned events led to the invasion of Afghanistan, the Patriot Act, the U.S. withdrawal from the ABM Treaty, the invasion of Iraq , the ongoing war on terror, etc.

Let us not forget years of those fraudulent color-coded warnings of the terrorist levels and the government admonition to use duct tape around your windows to protect against a massive chemical and biological attack.

Jump to 2020.  Let me start in reverse while color-coded designs are fresh in our minds. As the COVID-19 lockdowns were under way, a funny thing happened as people were wishing that life could return to normal and they could be let out of their cages. Similar color-coded designs popped up everywhere at the same time.  They showed the step-by-step schedule of possible loosening of government controls if things went according to plan. Red to yellow to green. Eye catching. Red orange yellow blue green.  As with the terrorist warnings following September 11, 2001.  In Massachusetts, a so-called blue state where I live, it’s color chart ends in blue, not green, with Phase 4 blue termed “the new normal: Development of vaccines and/or treatments enable the resumption of ‘the new normal.’” Interesting wording.  A resumption that takes us back to the future.

As with the duct tape admonitions after 9/11, now everyone is advised to wear a mask. It’s interesting to note that the 3 M Company, a major seller of duct tape, is also one of the world’s major sellers of face masks.  The company was expected to be producing 50 million N95 respirator masks per month by June 2020 and 2 billion globally within the coming year.  Then there is 3 M’s masking tape…but this is a sticky topic.

After the attacks of September 11, 2001, we were told repeatedly that the world was changed forever. Now we are told that after COVID 19, life will never be the same.  This is the “new normal,” while the post-9/11-pre-Covid-19 world must have been the old new normal. So everything is different but normal also.  So as the Massachusetts government website puts it, in the days to come we may be enabled to enact “the resumption of ‘the new normal.’”  This new old normal will no doubt be a form of techno-fascist transhumanism enacted for our own good.

As with 9/11, there is ample evidence that the corona virus outbreak was expected and planned; that people have been the victims of a propaganda campaign to use an invisible virus to scare us into submission and shut down the world’s economy for the global elites.  It is a clear case, as Peter Koenig tells Michel Chossudovsky in this must-see interview, that is not a conspiracy theory but a blatant factual plan spelled out in the 2010 Rockefeller Report, the October 18, 2019 Event 201, and Agenda 21, among other places.

Like amorphous terrorists and a war against “terrorism,” which is a tactic and therefore not something you can fight, a virus is invisible except when the media presents it as a pale, orange-spiked bunch of floating weird balls that are everywhere and nowhere.  Watch your back, watch your face, mask up, wash your hands, keep your distance – you never know when those orange spiked balls may get you.

As with 9/11, whenever anyone questions the official narrative of Covid-19, the official statistics, the validity of the tests, the effectiveness of masks, the powers behind the heralded vaccine to come, and the horrible consequences of the lockdowns that are destroying economies, killing people, forcing people to despair and to commit suicide, creating traumatized children, bankrupting small and middle-sized businesses for the sake of enriching the richest, etc., the corporate media mock the dissidents as conspiracy nuts, aiding the viral enemy.  This is so even when the dissenters are highly respected doctors, scientists, intellectuals, et al., who are regularly disappeared from the internet. With September 11, there were initially far fewer dissenters than now, and so the censorship of opposing viewpoints didn’t need the blatant censorship that is now growing daily. This censorship happens all across the internet now, quickly and stealthily, the same internet that is being forced on everyone as the new normal as presented in the Great Global Reset, the digital lie, where, as Anthony Fauci put it, no one should  ever shake hands again. A world of abstract images and beings in which, as Arthur Jensen tells Howard Beal in the film, Network, “All necessities [will be] provided, all anxieties tranquilized, all boredom amused.”  A digital dystopia that is fast approaching as perhaps the end of that red thread that runs from 9/11 to today.

Heidi Evens and Thomas Hackett write in the New York Daily News:

With the nation’s illusion of safety and security in ruins, Americans begin the slow and fitful process of healing from a trauma that feels deeply, cruelly personal…leaving citizens throughout the country with the frightening knowledge of their vulnerability.

That was written on September 12, 2001.


Connect with Edward Curtin and view original article

David Icke: Heading Back to Lockdown – Puppets Read Their Script

Heading Back to Lockdown – Puppets Read Their Script

by David Icke, davidicke.com
September 10, 2020


[As a service to protect truth from censorship, mirrored copies of this video are available at Truth Comes to Light BitChute, LBRY & Brighteon channels. All credit goes to the original source of this video.]

September DOJ Report Lists 200 Vaccine Injuries and One Vaccine Death Compensated During Six-Month Period

September DOJ Report Lists 200 Vaccine Injuries and One Vaccine Death Compensated During Six-Month Period

by Brian Shilhavy, Health Impact News
September 10, 2020


The federal government Advisory Commission on Childhood Vaccines (ACCV) under the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services met on September 4, 2020, and the Department of Justice reported that during a 6-month period from February 16th through August 15th this year, 200 vaccine injuries and one death were compensated through the National Vaccine Injury Compensation Program (NVICP).

You can read the full report here.

The NVICP was started as a result of a law passed in 1986 that gave pharmaceutical companies legal immunity from being sued due to injuries and deaths resulting from vaccines.

Today, anyone suffering from a vaccine injury or death must sue the U.S. Government and go up against their top attorneys.

So far in 2020 the NVICP has paid out $200 MILLION in damages due to vaccine injuries and deaths. (Source.)

These damages were caused primarily by the annual flu vaccine, and other childhood vaccines that have gone through the FDA approval process.

What will these numbers look like after the COVID vaccines are fast-tracked?

We will probably never even know, because The Public Readiness and Emergency Preparedness Act (PREP Act), which was invoked because of the COVID “Pandemic” earlier this year, will absolve the U.S. Government from even having to try cases and award damages to any injuries or deaths related to a COVID vaccine.

See: PREP Act Invoked Nationwide for the First Time in U.S. History – Will Martial Law Follow?

The mantra that the U.S. Government, and the Pharma-funded corporate media communicates to the public, that vaccines are “safe and effective,” is a total lie.

The public is largely unaware of these reports listing vaccine injuries and deaths compensated by the U.S. Government, even though they are published publicly on the HRSA website, and as far as I know, Health Impact News is the only one that publishes them.

See past reports here.

AstraZeneca Halts COVID Vaccine Trial Due to Transverse Myelitis, A Common Vaccine Injury

It was announced yesterday (9/8/20) that UK-based AstraZeneca, one of the leading companies fast-tracking a COVID vaccine, halted Phase 3 trials due to a negative adverse reaction among the test participants.

Further details have emerged today as to why they halted testing. According to STAT News:

The participant who triggered a global shutdown of AstraZeneca’s Phase 3 Covid-19 vaccine trials was a woman in the United Kingdom who experienced neurological symptoms consistent with a rare but serious spinal inflammatory disorder called transverse myelitis, the drug maker’s chief executive, Pascal Soriot, said during a private conference call with investors on Wednesday morning.

This is pure spin and propaganda, because among the few vaccine injuries that ever get reported to the NVICP, transverse myelitis is COMMON!

In the quartely DOJ reports, compensations for transverse myelitis as a result of vaccines, is listed as TM, and almost always a result of the Flu Shot.

In the current report from last week, seven of the cases settled were for transverse myelitis. In the report from March of this year, there were 5 cases of transverse myelitis settled.

You can go through past reports here, and see how each report always has several cases of transverse myelitis.

Will the Public Ever Know How Many People are Injured and Killed by Vaccines?

Vaccines cause injuries and death – this is a public health fact in spite of the corporate media and Big Tech’s attempts to censor these facts.

In the few instances where these facts are even mentioned, they are brushed aside with the belief that they are rare, and that the risk is worth it because more people die from the diseases being vaccinated against.

So the logic is that vaccines are necessary for the “greater good.”

Leaving aside the claim that vaccines are actually effective in preventing these diseases, which the scientific evidence actually suggests is a “belief” and not a fact based on science, the claim that vaccine injuries and deaths are “rare” really is not backed up by any verifiable data.

In November of 2014, the Government Accounting Office (GAO) issued the first report on America’s “Vaccine Court,” known as the National Vaccine Injury Compensation Program (NVICP), in almost 15 years.

Congress gave the pharmaceutical companies immunity against lawsuits for injuries or deaths resulting in vaccines in 1986. Prior to this time, there were so many lawsuits pending against pharmaceutical companies for injuries and deaths due to vaccines, that the pharmaceutical industry basically blackmailed congress and told them that if they did not grant them legal immunity against the liabilities of vaccines, that they would quit making them.

These vaccine products cannot survive in a free market, they are so bad.

The November 2014 GAO report criticized the government for not making the public more aware that the National Vaccine Injury Compensation Program exists, and that there are funds available for vaccine injuries. Therefore, the settlements represented by vaccine injuries and deaths included in the DOJ report probably represent a small fraction of the actual vaccine injuries and deaths occurring in America today.

The U.S. government keeps a database of reports documenting vaccine injuries and deaths called The Vaccine Adverse Event Reporting System (VAERS). The problem is that very few medical officials ever report vaccine injuries or deaths, either because they are not trained to recognize them, or due to pressure within their profession to not report them. To admit that vaccines do cause harm is professional suicide for most doctors and medical professionals.

Hence, the quarterly DOJ report on vaccine cases only represents a tiny fraction of the actual cases that exist.

And now with the PREP Act invoked injuries and deaths due to a new fast-tracked COVID vaccine will not even be allowed to file for compensation with the NVIC.

So if people start dying in mass, and if new injuries result from this COVID vaccine, Big Pharma, Big Tech, and the U.S. Government will undoubtedly blame the injuries and deaths on either the second wave of SARS-CoV-2, or some new plandemic that will lead to far more tyrannical actions than anything we have seen so far.

Welcome to the New World Order, where a massive reduction of the world’s population is the goal, and where mass deaths are already expected this fall.

Memo to Dr. Scott Atlas, New White House Coronavirus Advisor

Memo to Dr. Scott Atlas, New White House Coronavirus Advisor
He’s already made two forward-looking points: positive PCR tests in asymptomatic people mean nothing; and the only way to establish mass immunity is through mass exposure out in the open, not lockdowns.

by Jon Rappoport, No More Fake News
September 8, 2020



Where to begin? No new virus was ever shown to exist via proper proof. Worthless diagnostic test. Sixteen ways case and death numbers are being faked. If there were a virus, the only way to stop it would be through open massive public exposure and the gaining of natural immunity. Therefore, no lockdowns, no masks, no distancing, no vast economic destruction under the watch of a president whose whole program was based on expanding the economy. Is that enough for starters?

I’d really like to know what went on the room, back in March, when Fauci walked in with Neil Ferguson’s preposterous computer predictions of COVID deaths in the US and spoke with Trump.

Did no one bring up the fact that Ferguson’s whole career has been a string of failed predictions? Was there zero due diligence? Did some economic advisor open his mouth and tell the president what a long-term lockdown would do to the economy? Fifty million people unemployed? Well over a million businesses destroyed?

I hope you understand that Moderna is Fauci’s favorite vaccine company, and his agency, NIAID, stands to rake in cash if Moderna’s shot turns out to be the choice for COVID—when, in fact, no vaccine is necessary.

I hope you know Moderna is a little punk firm that has never brought a product of any kind to market, and yet garnered $500 million in fed funds to research a vaccine.

On top of that, Moderna is deploying RNA technology, which has never been approved for any pharmaceutical product, and has caused, in trials, serious adverse effects.

Are you aware the NY Times recently reported on a large study showing up to 90 percent of all US COVID cases have been false positives, owing to the extreme sensitivity of the PCR test? Not enough virus present in humans to harm a flea. No likelihood of contagion, either.

Have you read the results of a New York study revealing patients over the age of 65 who are put on ventilators die at the staggering rate of 97.2 percent? Yet, Cuomo and Trump keep pushing ventilators.

COVID is old people. Period. No virus necessary. They’re all suffering from long-term, multiple, serious health conditions. They’ve all been treated, for years, with toxic medical drugs. They’re terrified at the possibility of a COVID diagnosis. Then they are diagnosed with COVID. Then they’re isolated and cut off from family and friends. And they die. NO VIRUS NECESSARY.

And THAT makes the recent CDC revelation about death numbers more relevant than most people can fathom. The CDC states that only 6 percent of all US COVID deaths have been unambiguously caused by a virus alone. The other 94 percent are overwhelmingly the old people I just described. Get it?

And now comes a new group of lunatics—computer modelers from the University of Washington, who are predicting the US death toll from COVID will rise above 600,000 this winter. Pressed into their amateur thickly sliced baloney—they ignore the CDC “correction” of death numbers I just mentioned.

Do not let the White House buy this latest death-number projection. Tell Trump one unimaginable screw-up (accepting Ferguson’s criminal projection) is quite enough.

Gather up your forces, Scott. Talk to Dr. John Ioannidis and his merry band of colleagues who tried to get through to Trump and failed, just before you were appointed coronavirus advisor.

Bring the house. You know Fauci and Gates and their sub-honchos are angling for another serious lockdown this winter, when they’re going to make every possible case of flu-like illness over into COVID.

You accepted the White House invite. You bought the ticket, now take the ride. The full ride. Don’t stint.

In case you haven’t figured it out yet, this is an operation to wreck economies worldwide. The preposterous virus narrative is the cover story, concealing the objective of the actual war.

Don’t let the DC attack dogs back you into a corner and shut you up.

You have nothing to lose but your reputation in the eyes of people who don’t matter. They’ve already taken you off their dance card.

The country could lose itself.

In this situation, there is no defense. There is only offense.

If they kick you to the curb, you can come and work with us. You don’t get paid, but the one perk is enormous. You get to define the terms of the battle. And oh yes, you don’t have to speak with numbskulls, hustlers, shysters, and sociopaths.

German Mother’s Powerful Words About the Child Abuse of “Pandemic” Mandates for Schools

German Mother’s Powerful Words About the Child Abuse of “Pandemic” Mandates for Schools


by Amy Mek, RAIR Foundation USA
September 8, 2020


This video has already been deleted several times on YouTube – watch it while you still can.

The German government is forcing children in schools across the country to wear compulsory coronavirus face masks. If children are unable to wear the state-mandated mask, even for medical reasons, they are not allowed on school premises.

In the following video (audio-only), a mother speaks out against the order banning her son from attending school without a face mask even though her son has a medical condition that precludes him from doing so.

He’s not allow to set foot on the school premises. He’s no longer able to participate. I find it to be quite alarming that it has come to this. Let me say this clearly: I think this is dangerous.

The mother is not only worried about her child, but also the effects of masks on all children. Her concerns include medical consequences such as lack of oxygen, psychological and mental effects and intellectual development delays.

Many parents are terrified to challenge the state’s totalitarian coronavirus regulations being enforced against children and their families. Not only can failure to comply with mask requirements lead to expulsion from school, but now the state has been granted the power to remove sick children from their parents’ custody and place them in ‘forced isolation’ corona facilities.

Despite German Chancellor Angela Merkel’s governments oppressive ordinances, the mother urges people to unite and stand together in protest:

Where are the people who resist? The ones who are going to say: “I’m taking this thing off! Who’s going to forbid me from breathing freely in this country?”

If we do not resist, where will the demands end, asked the mother:

Mandatory vaccines? And the chip that will probably follow that? Where does it end? When do we say, I don’t want my child to live in such a world? We were talking about digitization. In the future will it be my job as a teacher to speak to every student online in their house? With everything under surveillance.”

Watch to the following RAIR translated video (audio-only), of the mother addressing her child’s school board

[TCTL Editor’s Note: Original video, if still available is found at RAIR FOUNDATION USA YouTube channel. Above you will find a mirrored copy. As a service to protect truth from censorship, mirrored copies of this video are available at Truth Comes to Light BitChute, LBRY & Brighteon channels. All credit goes to the original source of this video.]

The Political Battle Over a Covid Vaccine: Your Health Is of No Concern

The Political Battle Over a Covid Vaccine: Your Health Is of No Concern

by Jon Rappoport, No More Fake News
September 7, 2020


The news media are accusing Trump of trying to rush a COVID vaccine into use by November 1, just before the election: “The president is playing politics.”

Suddenly, the press is expressing “deep concern” about the safety and efficacy of the vaccine. Experts are being trotted out to issue warnings.

The White House is saying they would never compromise the safety of the public.

The FDA is strenuously insisting their decision to authorize a COVID vaccine will be undertaken with extreme care, and will not bow to pressure.

Of course, if Obama or Hillary were in the White House now, the press would be praising them for their efforts to move “full speed ahead.”

If Trump were now talking about a need to delay the vaccine, in order to “get it right,” the press would be screaming about the necessity of approving a vaccine quickly “to save lives.”

As I’ve been writing, the media definition of science is now “the opposite of whatever Trump says.”

The White House definition is whatever the White House says.

The public is caught in the middle.

There are three leading corporate competitors vying for an upcoming COVID vaccine. One of them is Moderna. This is a small US company that has never brought a product of any kind to market. In other words, their credibility is zero. Yet they’ve garnered half a billion dollars of federal money for research. The press isn’t screaming about that.

Fauci likes Moderna. Bill Gates likes Moderna.


Mostly because Moderna’s vaccine is deploying an experimental RNA technology. RNA tech never been approved for any product. In past clinical trials, serious adverse effect have occurred. But who cares?

RNA vaccine technology allows cheaper, faster, and easier production of vaccines. That’s the whole point. IF Moderna’s COVID vaxx can be jammed through the approval process, then all future vaccines can be developed within months, not years.

“We’ve just discovered twelve new viruses that are causing human diseases…and we’ll have twelve new vaccines ready to go by Christmas.”

Again, the health of the public is of no concern. Adverse effects, such as the body attacking itself (RNA technology)? The permanent alteration of genetic makeup (DNA technology)? No problem. Plunge ahead.

There is more. Two recent developments have cancelled the need for a vaccine, even for those who love vaccines and believe a novel coronavirus a) exists and b) is causing harm:

ONE: The CDC quietly announced that only 6 percent of all official COVID deaths have occurred in cases where the virus was the single factor. In all other cases, the patients had several prior medical conditions—meaning, in effect, there was no need to invoke a virus to account for their deaths. (I have explained this in great detail in past articles. We are talking about the forced premature deaths of the elderly.)

TWO: The New York Times stated the result of a broad study, which showed that up to 90 percent of all COVID cases, based on a positive PCR test, were false positives. Non-cases.

Combining these two developments, the implication is quite clear: we’re in the middle of a less-than-average “flu season.”

No need for any vaccine.

No need for any Tony Fauci.

No need for any Bill Gates.

No need for any CDC or WHO.

It’s over.

But as in any war, there are people who don’t get the memo. They keep fighting and lying and destroying. They’re war criminals. In this case, their true intent has nothing to do with the fake pandemic. They want vast economic destruction leading to a Brave New World.

Here is a backgrounder on that subject. I wrote it in March:

Notes on the fall-out from the present unnecessary disaster

This covert op called PANDEMIC is about LOCKDOWNS, economic destruction, and the further pacification of the population.

A bereft population more dependent than ever on governments and official authorities. Long-term, a dazed population gradually guided into a heavily technocratic future—wall to wall surveillance, smart cities, Internet of Things, universal guaranteed income tied to social credit score. Most importantly: assigned energy quotas for every citizen. CONTROL.

Social distancing and the suspicion of people directed against each other, owing to possible “infection,” will create a more isolated and atomized society.

The tendency for people to think of themselves as eternal medical patients, under doctor’s orders, will be encouraged, non-stop. Accept diagnoses, take drugs and vaccines.

Governments and their media partners will continue to broadcast warnings about future epidemics and the need for vigilance. Talking heads will intone, “We have a new normal now. We’re never going back to the way things were before. The world of interdependence gives us many benefits, but it also carries dangers…”

As I’ve emphasized, technocracy has the goal of using energy production and consumption as the monitor of our lives. A voice comes from the wall of the apartment: “Mr. Smith, this is your Meter Friend, Sam. Your energy use for the month is nearing its limit. As you know, that use is measurable in real time, and as of the moment, you only have sixteen units left, owing to the large diversion of electricity to medical emergency centers. We will institute dimming and brownouts in your home, to keep your social credit score stable…” CONTROL.

What makes this system of measuring the production and use of energy, planet-wide, moment to moment, possible? The Internet of Things. And we’re told the technology enabling the IoT is 5G, rolling out now.

Never forget what David Rockefeller, arch Globalist, wrote about China, in 1973, after his agent, Richard Nixon, had worked a “miracle,” opening up trade with the Communist colossus, after 25 years of diplomatic freeze:

“Whatever the price of the Chinese Revolution [30-60 million killed by their own government], it has obviously succeeded not only in producing more efficient and dedicated administration, but also in fostering high morale and community of purpose. The social experiment in China under Chairman Mao’s leadership is one of the most important and successful in human history.” (“From a China Traveler”, NY Times, August 10, 1973.)

China has always been the favored Globalist model—burgeoning corporate capitalism attached to, and embedded in, the center of brutal top-down dictatorship.

Who provided the rationale for the declaration of the pandemic and everything that followed? The Chinese regime, when they suddenly locked down 50 million people in three cities overnight. They broke the ice. And where did the egregiously phony counting of COVID cases first raise its head in the West? In Italy, where a national lockdown was declared. Italy, floating on Chinese money, in the One Belt, One Road project.

To whom was the first note of praise for the handling of the pandemic issued, from the head of the United Nations? The Chinese regime. The initial creation of the UN was spearheaded by the Rockefeller Empire.

Freedom and liberty will be further stained by the familiar substitute of security. “Yes, we still have the modified and updated right to assemble and travel and speak our minds, but the principle of limit and caution and common sense should guide our actions, in order to protect the community from new potential epidemics and infections…”

And if the CDC and the World Health Organization decide that a heavy flu season demands lockdowns, in certain hotspots, many people will breathe a sigh of relief and say, “Glad it’s not where I live. This is nothing compared with the COVID lockdowns…”

In 1970, no US politician would have dreamed of shutting down half of America, including New York and California. But 50 years later, it was done, with only minor hesitation. You can fill in the blanks yourself and note what’s changed in the interim. But certainly, the parade of mini-epidemic ops has helped to tune up the citizenry. Boil frog slowly, then turn up flame quickly.

As for universal guaranteed income (UGI), it’s not the easiest sell in the world. But the bridge will be “all those people hurt by the lockdowns.” Help given, on top of the present welfare programs…channeled into new help programs, and still newer ones, until UGI is a fait accompli. “We’re all in this together.” Echoes of the phony, cheap, gold-painted Obama Declaration. But in order to keep those UGI checks coming, people will have to OBEY. Cross the street against a red light, park in the wrong space, miss a doctor’s appointment, shoot your mouth off at a local community council meeting, tell your boss at work he’s acting like a little Napoleon, pay your taxes after the deadline, refuse to submit to a medical diagnostic test, and your social credit score will dip. And that means your monthly government check will undergo an investigation, conducted by an AI algorithm. Your allotment will drop. Learn your lesson.

Couldn’t happen here? Neither could a bullshit pandemic requiring massive lockdowns and orders not to leave home unless you’re buying toxic medical drugs or food.

In 1987, I started telling people that the medical cartel was the most dangerous of all cartels, long-term. I saw the covert op called AIDS playing out on the world stage, on the backs of people suffering and dying for reasons that had nothing to with the virus called HIV. I watched every medical provider fall in line with the official virus story, and I listened to a few of them tell me, off the record, that they knew the science was a rank fraud but there was “nothing they could do.” They’re falling in line now, too.

When the [worthless] diagnostic tests are fiddled to show that the pandemic is finally declining, everybody and his brother will say the containment measures were responsible for the victory. The CDC and the World Health Organization will humbly accept pats on the back, and pop champagne corks.

Some people will continue to wear medical masks when they venture outdoors, as a sign of their virtue. You should stop them on the street and congratulate them. A large roll of baloney makes a nice gift.

Despite what I’m writing in this article, Doom is not foretold, except for those who want it. The future is not written. Voices, especially when they reach a large number, are heard.

I expect technology to be developed that can perform all sorts of new tricks involving remote sensing of humans vis-a-vis their state of health—far more sophisticated than registering body temperature. The sensing [and the diagnosing] will be modeled on the same sort of fraudulent basis as present-day versions in doctors’ offices and hospitals, when it comes to germ indicators and contagion. Even remote sensing of “mental health indicators” will come into play. All sold as share-and-care protection of the community.

Something like this will appear on the news: “It’s emerged that the mall shooter, who killed 26 people last week, had missed three appointments with a doctor, and had ignored the CDC sensor unit that remotely diagnosed him with Bipolar Disorder. Authorities are investigating the AI red flag, to see whether the system had malfunctioned. Dr. Henry Posh, of the CDC, warned that some systems are still not online, because states are waiting on federal grants for funding…”

Of course, the shooter had missed no appointments. He was a drug addict who had been turned into a walking time bomb by psyop specialists. He was supposed to go off and thus provide a cautionary tale about the need for medical obedience.

What CDC/WHO really want is a fake epidemic in which the chimerical virus is said to affect brain function. That’s the Holy Grail. Then words and thoughts will constitute de facto diagnostic evidence. “If you find yourself thinking A, B, or C, call 911.” The authorities realize they’ll have to lead up to it. We’re not quite there. Yet.

In the new mythos, everyone is suffering from some disease or disorder at all times. It’s just a matter of diagnosis and treatment.

—end of March excerpt—

Rebellion is in order. Complete resistance to this future.

What does that mean? It means many things.

Support of sheriffs and other law-enforcement personnel who know the score and refuse to go along with lockdowns and other fascist measures.

Rallies, protests.

Finding a way to go back to work. To re-open businesses. To forge new businesses. To engage in trade and barter. To bust the lockdown bubbles.

Spreading information by any means possible. Information about what’s actually going on. About the scientific fakery.

It means lawsuits against lockdowns and mandated vaccines all around the world.

It means, for some people, giving up their no-hope attitude.

For some people, it means stopping flailing around and pretending they have no idea what to do.

It means putting freedom over and above control.

It means individuals imagining and then implementing strategies they’ve never thought of before.

It means exposing disguises posing as solutions which are really elements of tyranny.


A final note on China. The regime is in the process of building a surveillance-control-prediction web that goes beyond what most people can fathom. Government partnerships with their institutes and corporations and research labs are constructing a system whose goal is real-time surveillance that covers every inch of interior and exterior space in China.

This would include the space inside their citizens’ bodies. This would include predicting who will engage in illegal non-conformist activity.

China is already selling pieces of this emerging system to other nations.

Again, China is the favored Globalist model for the world.

Gates’ Keepers of Journalism

Gates’ Keepers of Journalism

by Dr. Joseph Mercola. Mercola.com
September 7, 2020



[As a service to protect truth from censorship, mirrored copies  of this video are available at
Truth Comes to Light BitChute & LBRY channels.
All credit goes to the original source of this video.]


  • By injecting millions of dollars into various industries, companies and organizations, Gates has risen to become one of the most influential individuals in the world, and he’s become increasingly insulated from negative reviews thanks to the fact that he also funds journalism
  • Gates has given more than $250 million to media companies, including BBC, NBC, Al Jazeera, ProPublica, National Journal, The Guardian, Univision, Medium, the Financial Times, The Atlantic, the Texas Tribune, Gannett, Washington Monthly, Le Monde, PBS NewsHour and the Center for Investigative Reporting
  • Journalistic organizations such as the Pulitzer Center on Crisis Reporting, the National Press Foundation, the International Center for Journalists, the Solutions Journalism Network and The Poynter Institute have also received grants from the Gates Foundation
  • The Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation also has an agreement with Elsevier. Any research supported by the foundation must be published “gold open access.” This means all Gates Foundation’s sponsored research is free for anyone to read — thus maximizing the exposure of those studies
  • Another recipient of grants is the Leo Burnett Company, an advertising agency owned by Publicis, the third largest ad agency in the world. Publicis also funds the self-proclaimed arbiter of truth in media, NewsGuard, and the newly launched “tool against online health care hoaxes,” HealthGuard

I’ve written several articles reviewing Bill Gates’ control of global health, technology and food policy agendas. Financial influence is, of course, at the heart of this power and not-entirely-obscure influence.

By injecting millions of dollars into various industries, companies and organizations, many of which further strengthen the connections by interlinking and doing business with each other, Gates has risen to become one of the most influential individuals in the world.

While he has faced public backlash a number of times in his career, especially when he was CEO of Microsoft in the ‘90s, he’s become increasingly insulated from negative reviews, thanks to the fact that he also funds journalism and major media corporations.

Buying Favorable Press

In an August 21, 2020, article1 in Columbia Journalism Review, Tim Schwab highlights the connections between the Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation and a number of newsrooms, including NPR.

In August 2019, NPR reported2 how Harvard University’s Opportunity Insights program had successfully helped low-income families obtain housing in wealthier “high-opportunity” areas identified by economist Raj Chetty, who heads the program, thereby allowing the children an opportunity to achieve greater success in life.

“According to researchers cited in the article, these children could see $183,000 greater earnings over their lifetimes — a striking forecast for a housing program still in its experimental stage,” Schwab writes.3

However, “If you squint as you read the story, you’ll notice that every quoted expert is connected to the Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation, which helps fund the project. And if you’re really paying attention, you’ll also see the editor’s note at the end of the story, which reveals that NPR itself receives funding from Gates.”

NPR denies that funding had anything to do with its decision to write the story, or its slant. Still, as Schwab notes, the article is just one of hundreds NPR has reported that is highly favorable to the Gates Foundation and the work it funds.

As such, it’s part of a much larger trend, he says, “with billionaire philanthropists bankrolling the news.” Naturally, when you hold the purse strings, you end up with a fair level of influence as to what gets run.

This is precisely why I decided against allowing advertisers on my website, opting to sell carefully vetted products instead. I never wanted to end up in a situation where an advertiser might try to influence my reporting by threatening to withdraw advertising. As noted by Schwab:4

“As philanthropists increasingly fill in the funding gaps at news organizations … an underexamined worry is how this will affect the ways newsrooms report on their benefactors. Nowhere does this concern loom larger than with the Gates Foundation, a leading donor to newsrooms and a frequent subject of favorable news coverage.”

Which Media Corporations Are Under Gates’ Thumb?

Schwab reports he examined the recipients of nearly 20,000 Gates Foundation grants, finding more than $250 million had been given to major media companies, including BBC, NBC, Al Jazeera, ProPublica, National Journal, The Guardian, Univision, Medium, the Financial Times, The Atlantic, the Texas Tribune, Gannett, Washington Monthly, Le Monde, PBS NewsHour and the Center for Investigative Reporting. (The timeframe of those grants is unfortunately unclear.)

The Gates Foundation has also given grants to charitable organizations that in turn are affiliated with news outlets, such as BBC Media Action and The New York Times’ Neediest Cases Fund.

Journalistic organizations such as the Pulitzer Center on Crisis Reporting, the National Press Foundation, the International Center for Journalists, the Solutions Journalism Network and The Poynter Institute have also received grants from the Gates Foundation.

Ironically, “The foundation even helped fund a 2016 report5 from the American Press Institute that was used to develop guidelines6 on how newsrooms can maintain editorial independence from philanthropic funders,” Schwab writes.

The Gates Foundation has also participated in dozens of media conferences, including the Perugia Journalism Festival, the Global Editors Network and the World Conference of Science Journalism, and has an unknown number of undisclosed contracts with media companies to produce sponsored content.

According to Schwab, the only contract that has been publicly disclosed is one with Vox. An example of the advertising content produced through this kind of contractual agreement is the 2018 Vox article,7 “Human Capital and the Benefits, Explained,” which explains how changing world demographics are changing the perception of humans’ value.

Bias Is Clearly Evident

Upon scrutiny, it becomes abundantly obvious that when Gates hands out grants to journalism, it’s not an unconditional handout that these companies can do whatever they see fit with. It comes with significant strings, and really amounts to little more than the purchasing of stealth self-promotions that are essentially undisclosed ads. Schwab writes:8

When Gates gives money to newsrooms, it restricts how the money is used — often for topics, like global health and education, on which the foundation works — which can help elevate its agenda in the news media.

For example, in 2015 Gates gave $383,000 to the Poynter Institute, a widely-cited authority on journalism ethics … earmarking the funds ‘to improve the accuracy in worldwide media of claims related to global health and development.’ Poynter senior vice president Kelly McBride said Gates’s money was passed on to media fact-checking sites …

Since 2000, the Gates Foundation has given NPR $17.5 million through 10 charitable grants — all of them earmarked for coverage of global health and education, specific issues on which Gates works …

Even when NPR publishes critical reporting on Gates, it can feel scripted. In February 2018, NPR ran a story headlined ‘Bill Gates Addresses ‘Tough Questions’ on Poverty and Power.’ The ‘tough questions’ NPR posed in this Q&A were mostly based on a list curated by Gates himself, which he previously answered in a letter posted to his foundation’s website.”

Schwab also recounts the experiences of freelance journalists looking into the “inadvertent consequences of the Gates Foundation’s relentless efforts to eradicate polio,” who found their efforts undermined when the Foundation “went over their heads to seek an audience with their editors” rather than answer the questions posed.

In 2016, one of those journalists, Robert Fortner, published an article in which he examined the trend of news articles failing to report financial ties to Gates. Among them were 59 news stories by the Pulitzer Center on Crisis Reporting.

The Tangled Web of Gates’ Media Connections

Another recipient of grants from the Gates Foundation is the Leo Burnett Company, an advertising agency that creates news content and works with journalists. The Leo Burnett Company, in turn, is owned by Publicis,9 the world’s oldest and third largest advertising agency.

Publicis also funds NewsGuard.10 On top of that, NewsGuard and Microsoft — the tech company founded by Gates — are also partners.11 Other connections between Gates and NewsGuard include the following:

The John S. & James L. Knight Foundation Inc., a venture capital fund and another of NewsGuard’s investors,12 has partnered with the Gates Foundation on other media-related projects.

In 2013, they launched the Media Impact Project, housed at the Norman Lear Center, which is part of the USC Annenberg School for Communication and Journalism. The mission of this project was to “advance a better understanding of audience engagement and media impact” by “measuring how media influences the ways people think and act.”13

NewsGuard investor, the Blue Haven Initiative,14 joined the Gates Foundation’s Global Health Investment Fund in 201315 — an investment fund that targets “high-impact technologies with public health applications in both developed and emerging markets.”

Through these few examples alone, you can see just how interconnected the tech industry, media and health organizations are, and how through interweaving connections they all stand to benefit from their financial support of the self-proclaimed arbiter of truth, NewsGuard, and its recently launched “tool against online health care hoaxes,” HealthGuard,16 which was launched June 2, 2020, in the middle of the COVID-19 pandemic.

Gates’ Influence Extends to Scientific Journals

But there’s more. The Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation also has an agreement with Elsevier,17 enacted in 2015, which requires authors to adhere to the Gates Foundation’s open access policy when publishing their research in any of Elsevier’s 1,700 journals. (A list of Elsevier journals and publications can be found on Elsevier’s website.18)

Any research “supported in whole, or in part, by the Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation” must be published “gold open access.”19 This means all of the Gates Foundation’s sponsored research is free for anyone to read and cannot be placed behind a paywall — thus maximizing the exposure of those studies.

While ostensibly this would appear beneficial, these studies are typically highly conflicted and promoting one of Gates’ many investments either directly or indirectly.

From Tech Geek to Undisputed Health Tsar

As noted by Schwab, Gates’ injection of cash into the media landscape has undoubtedly “helped foster an increasingly friendly media environment” for his various projects.

This friendly media environment includes the widespread portrayal of Gates himself as a health expert, despite the fact that he has no medical background and is not a public official of any kind:

“PolitiFact and USA Today (run by the Poynter Institute and Gannett, respectively) — both of which have received funds from the Gates Foundation — have even used their fact-checking platforms to defend Gates from ‘false conspiracy theories’ and ‘misinformation,’ like the idea that the foundation has financial investments in companies developing COVID vaccines and therapies.

In fact, the foundation’s website and most recent tax forms clearly show investments in such companies, including Gilead and CureVac … News about Gates these days is often filtered through the perspectives of the many academics, nonprofits, and think tanks that Gates funds. Sometimes it is delivered to readers by newsrooms with financial ties to the foundation.”

Gates Foundation — A ‘Structure of Power’

I believe that Schwab is correct when he states that most journalists tend to “cover the Gates Foundation as a dispassionate charity instead of a structure of power.” This is problematic, as it hides and discourages investigation into any number of possible ulterior motives behind the Foundation’s generosity.

In 2011, the Seattle Times raised concerns about the Gates Foundation’s growing media influence, stating:20

“To garner attention for the issues it cares about, the foundation has invested millions in training programs for journalists. It funds research on the most effective ways to craft media messages. Gates-backed think tanks turn out media fact sheets and newspaper opinion pieces.

Magazines and scientific journals get Gates money to publish research and articles. Experts coached in Gates-funded programs write columns that appear in media outlets from The New York Times to The Huffington Post, while digital portals blur the line between journalism and spin.”

Philanthropy as a For-Profit Business Model

“Insofar as journalists are supposed to scrutinize wealth and power, Gates should probably be one of the most investigated people on earth — not the most admired,” Schwab writes.

Indeed. Many books could be written about Gates’ global spider web of connections that tightly integrate health, technology, finance and media for his personal agenda. To be frank, they seem to form the very framework for a global totalitarian regime. These connections are also the foundation of his ever-increasing wealth.

As discussed in “How Bill Gates Monopolized Global Health” and “Bill Gates — Most Dangerous Philanthropist in Modern History?” Gates doesn’t merely hand out money from his foundation. The Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation Trust, a separate entity that manages the assets of the Foundation, invests in the very companies that are given these grants.

In other words, in many cases, the grants handed out by the foundation end up directly increasing the value of the assets held by the trust. He even “donates” money to corporations such as GlaxoSmithKline, Unilever, IBM, Vodafone, Scholastic Inc. and NBC Universal Media.21,22

If donating to for-profit companies sounds oddly illegal to you, you’d be right. Gates is a tax evader for doing so — he’s simply getting away with it. The nonprofit foundation is a disguise to avoid taxes while funding the research arms of for-profit organizations that his foundation is invested in.

Using nonprofit money to advance research for companies you’re invested in is also illegal. If you are as repulsed by the fact that Gates is getting away with this illegal behavior as much as I am, then I encourage you to contact the IRS Whistleblower Office and ask them to investigate Gates’ tax evasion. You can also file a consumer complaint with the Washington State Attorney General’s office.

Far from being a force for good, Gates appears to have chosen to use his wealth and intellect to further a distasteful social control plan to benefit his own nefarious agendas. Fortunately, people all over the world are finally starting to see his true colors. And this despite the fact that he can afford to buy good publicity, and has been doing so for years.

Connect with Dr. Joseph Mercola and view original article.

UN Forced to Admit Gates-funded Vaccine is Causing Polio Outbreak in Africa

UN Forced to Admit Gates-funded Vaccine is Causing Polio Outbreak in Africa

by 21st Century Wire
September 4, 2020


This really should be one of the biggest public health scandals of the decade, but instead it’s given little attention – mainly because of the high-profile nature of the people and organisations involved.

The United Nations has been forced to admit that a major international vaccine initiative is actually causing a deadly outbreak of the very disease it was supposed to wipe-out.

While international organisations like the World Health Organization (WHO) will regularly boast about ‘eradicating polio’ with vaccines—the opposite seems to be the case, with vaccines causing the deaths of scores of young people living in Africa.

Health officials have now admitted that their plan to stop ‘wild’ polio is backfiring, as scores children are being paralyzed by a deadly strain of the pathogen derived from a live vaccine – causing a virulent wave of polio to spread.

This latest pharma-induced pandemic started out in the African countries of Chad and Sudan, with the culprit identified as vaccine-derived polio virus type 2.

Officials now fear this new dangerous strain could soon ‘jump continents,’ causing further deadly outbreaks around the world.

Shocking as it sounds, this Big Pharma debacle is not new. After spending some $16 billion over 30 years to eradicate polio, international health bodies have ‘accidentally’ reintroduced the disease to in Pakistan, Afghanistan, and also Iran, as the central Asia region was hit by a virulent strain of polio spawned by the a pharmaceutical vaccine. Also, in 2019, the government of Ethiopia ordered the destruction of 57,000 vials of type 2 oral polio vaccine (mOPV2) following a similar outbreak of vaccine-induced polio.

The same incident has happened in India as well.

It’s important to note that the oral polio vaccine is being pushed by the Global Polio Eradication Initiative (GPEI), a consortium which is supported and funded by the Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation.

All of this should be cause for concern, especially with western governments and transnational pharmaceutical giants all rushing to roll-out their new Gates-funded experimental coronavirus vaccine for the global population.

Currently, the first experimental COVID-19 vaccine is being tested on the African population through GAVI Vaccine Alliance, another organization funded by the Gates Foundation. A large round of human trials is taking place in South Africa, run by the University of the Witwatersrand in Johannesburg—another Gates-funded institution.

This latest revelation from Africa should prompt journalists and health advocates to ask harder questions about the efficacy and safety of the much-hype COVID ‘miracle’ vaccine.

AP News reports…

LONDON (AP) — The World Health Organization says a new polio outbreak in Sudan is linked to an ongoing vaccine-sparked epidemic in Chad — a week after the U.N. health agency declared the African continent free of the wild polio virus.

In a statement this week, WHO said two children in Sudan — one from South Darfur state and the other from Gedarif state, close to the border with Ethiopia and Eritrea — were paralyzed in March and April. Both had been recently vaccinated against polio. WHO said initial outbreak investigations show the cases are linked to an ongoing vaccine-derived outbreak in Chad that was first detected last year and is now spreading in Chad and Cameroon.

“There is local circulation in Sudan and continued sharing of transmission with Chad,” the U.N. agency said, adding that genetic sequencing confirmed numerous introductions of the virus into Sudan from Chad.

WHO said it had found 11 additional vaccine-derived polio cases in Sudan and that the virus had also been identified in environmental samples. There are typically many more unreported cases for every confirmed polio patient. The highly infectious disease can spread quickly in contaminated water and most often strikes children under 5.

In rare instances, the live polio virus in the oral vaccine can mutate into a form capable of sparking new outbreaks.

Last week, WHO and partners declared that the African continent was free of the wild polio virus, calling it “an incredible and emotional day.”

On Monday, WHO warned that the risk of further spread of the vaccine-derived polio across central Africa and the Horn of Africa was “high,” noting the large-scale population movements in the region.

More than a dozen African countries are currently battling outbreaks of polio caused by the virus, including Angola, Congo, Nigeria and Zambia.

Amid the coronavirus pandemic, many of the large-scale vaccination campaigns needed to stamp out polio have been disrupted across Africa and elsewhere, leaving millions of children vulnerable to infection.

In April, WHO and its partners reluctantly recommended a temporary halt to mass polio immunization campaigns, recognizing the move could lead to a resurgence of the disease. In May, they reported that 46 campaigns to vaccinate children against polio had been suspended in 38 countries, mostly in Africa, because of the coronavirus pandemic.

Some of the campaigns have recently been re-started, but health workers need to vaccinate more than 90% of children in their efforts to eradicate the paralytic disease.

Health officials had initially aimed to wipe out polio by 2000, a deadline repeatedly pushed back and missed. Wild polio remains endemic in Afghanistan and Pakistan; both countries also are struggling to contain outbreaks of vaccine-derived polio.

Robert F. Kennedy Jr. & Del Bigtree: Exposing Vaccines

Robert F. Kennedy Jr.  & Del Bigtree: Exposing Vaccines

by Daystar
July 29, 2020


Vaccine Ingredients Exposed | Robert F. Kennedy & Delbigtree


[As a service to protect truth from censorship, mirrored copies are available at Truth Comes to Light BitChute, LBRY & Brighteon channels. All credit goes to the original source of this video.]


Robert F. Kennedy and Del Bigtree dish out the ugly truth behind the most shocking ingredients in today’s vaccines.


TCTL Editor’s Note: To view the entire video, the source requires you to create an account with their Christian ministry website. The clip above is available on their public youtube channel. To view the entire interview, first create account by supplying them with an email address, then enter this url to find the video: https://www.daystar.tv/videos/covid-19-robert-f-kennedy-jr-del-bigtree

Press in His Pocket: Bill Gates Buys Media to Control the Messaging

Press in His Pocket: Bill Gates Buys Media to Control the Messaging

by Robert F. Kennedy, Jr., Board Chair, Children’s Health Defense
September 3, 2020


Columbia Journalism Review expose reveals that, to control global journalism, Bill Gates has steered over $250 million to the BBC, NPR, NBC, Al Jazeera, ProPublicaNational JournalThe Guardian, the New York Times, Univision, Medium, the Financial TimesThe Atlantic, the Texas Tribune, Gannett, Washington MonthlyLe Monde, Center for Investigative Reporting, Pulitzer Center, National Press Foundation, International Center for Journalists, and a host of other groups. To conceal his influence, Gates also funneled unknown sums via subgrants for contracts to other press outlets.

His press bribes have paid off. During the pandemic, bought and brain-dead news outlets have treated Bill Gates as a public health expert—despite his lack of medical training or regulatory experience.

Gates also funds an army of independent fact checkers including the Poynter Institute and Gannett —which use their fact-checking platforms to “silence detractors” and to “debunk” as “false conspiracy theories” and “misinformation,” charges that Gates has championed and invested in biometric chipsvaccine identification systemssatellite surveillance, and COVID vaccines.

Gates’s media gifts, says CJR author Tim Schwab, mean that “critical reporting about the Gates Foundation is rare.” The Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation declined multiple interview requests from CJR and refused to disclose how much money it has funneled to journalists.

In 2007, the LA Times published one of the only critical investigations on the Gates Foundation, exposing Gates’s holdings in companies that hurt people his foundation claims to help, like industries linked to child labor. Lead reporter Charles Piller, says, “They were unwilling to answer questions and pretty much refused to respond in any sort of way…”

The investigation showed how Gates’s global health funding has steered the world’s aid agenda toward Gates’ personal goals (vaccines and GMO crops) and away from issues such as emergency preparedness to respond to disease outbreaks, like the Ebola crisis.

“They’ve dodged our questions and sought to undermine our coverage,” says freelance journalist Alex Park after investigating the Gates Foundation’s polio vaccine efforts.

Hydrogel Biosensor: Implantable Nanotech to Be Used in COVID Vaccines?

Hydrogel Biosensor: Implantable Nanotech to Be Used in COVID Vaccines?

by Makia FreemanTheFreedom Articles
September 2, 2020


An implantable hydrogel biosensor, made via a DARPA-Gates funded Silicon Valley company, appears to be slated to be used in the upcoming COVID vaccine. The US Department of Defense and the Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation have partnered with Profusa, a Silicon Valley company, to develop a piece of nanotechnology made out of hydrogel (similar to a soft contact lens) that can be injected and implanted under the skin using a vaccine as a delivery system. This sensor (or more accurately a biosensor), less than the size of a grain of rice, would effectively merge with the body. As a piece of nanotech, it would link up with the wireless network (the 5G-driven IoT or Internet of Things) and it would both transmit information about you and your body to authorities, as well as receive information. This article from Defense One was already reporting in March 2020 that the biosensor was on track to get FDA approval in early 2021, which is around the same time we have been told to expect the rollout of the COVID vaccine.

2-Part Hydrogel Biosensor Would Emit Various Signals

The DefenseOne article outlines the properties and capacities of the hydrogel biosensor:

“The sensor has two parts. One is a 3mm string of hydrogel, a material whose network of polymer chains is used in some contact lenses and other implants. Inserted under the skin with a syringe, the string includes a specially engineered molecule that sends a fluorescent signal outside of the body when the body begins to fight an infection. The other part is an electronic component attached to the skin. It sends light through the skin, detects the fluorescent signal and generates another signal that the wearer can send to a doctor, website, etc. It’s like a blood lab on the skin that can pick up the body’s response to illness before the presence of other symptoms, like coughing.”

Profusa is another of these Silicon Valley companies with ties to the US Military Industrial Complex. It boasts on its website that it “is pioneering tissue-integrating biosensors for continuous monitoring of body chemistries.” Whether it’s Big Tech companies Google, Facebook or Twitter, or smaller players like Profusa, the Military and Silicon Valley are joined at the hip and form an important part of the NWO (New World Order). DARPA (Defense Advanced Research Projects Agency), the agency tasked with dreaming up exotic new lethal technologies to enslave and kill more and more people, threw some money at Profusa in 2011, and continues to work closely with them. Profusa is also tied to the Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation, which is not surprising, since eugenicist and depopulation advocate Gates has been almost single-handedly orchestrating this fake pandemic. You may recall that Gates funded the Imperial College in London whose ridiculous and ill-advised models forecast doom that never even got close to eventuating. According to this article, Profusa is currently conducting a study in collaboration the Imperial College. Profusa’s website states:

“Rather than being isolated from the body, the biosensors work fully integrated within the body’s tissue — without any metal device or electronics, thereby overcoming the body’s attempts to reject it. To date, the injected biosensors have functioned for as long as four years. Smaller than a grain of rice, each biosensor is a flexible fiber about 5 mm long and half a millimeter wide, comprised of a porous scaffold that induces capillary and cellular ingrowth from surrounding tissue. The hydrogel is linked to light-emitting fluorescent molecules that continuously signal in proportion to the concentration of a body chemical, such as oxygen, glucose, or other biomolecule of interest.”

Hacking the Human Body with Foreign Synthetic Nanotech Objects

Profusa wants to know your entire body chemistry – your oxygen levels, your glucose levels, your hormone levels, your heart rate, your respiratory rate, your body temperature, with the (unstated) capability of expanding into areas of knowing your menstrual cycle (if you are a woman), your sex life, your emotions and more – and then wants to transmit all that information to some kind of medical authority, although of course it is patently obvious this data would end up in the hands of the NWO conspirators who would use it to manipulate the masses. Profusa put out this press release Injectable Body Sensors Take Personal Chemistry to a Cell Phone Closer to Reality in 2018. They are perfecting the art of hacking the human body, fooling it into accepting synthetic materials and objects disguised so they won’t be recognized as foreign:

“Conventional sensors, such as those found in continuous glucose monitors, have a sensing electrode wire that penetrates the skin to measure a target chemical in the fluid that surrounds cells. But because the body “sees” the electrode as foreign material, it needs to be removed and replaced within several days at a different location to avoid the effects of inflammation and scar tissue that eventually prevents the electrode from functioning accurately. The team at Profusa is developing a family of tiny biosensors composed of a tissue-like hydrogel, similar to a soft contact lens, that are painlessly placed under the skin with a single injection. Rather than being isolated from the body, the biosensors work fully integrated within the body’s tissue — without any metal device or electronics, thereby overcoming the body’s attempts to reject it.”

This is more evidence we are hurtling headlong via The Synthetic Agenda towards a future of Transhumanism, where man is merged with machine to create Human 2.0. This modified human is planned to be made of synthetic metallic and plastic-like parts; the sales pitch is that we will be augmented and enhanced, however the truth is we will be destroying what makes us human. This recent article reported that the American Chemical Society (ACS) is getting closer to integrating electronics in the body:

“Traditional microelectronic materials, such as silicon, gold, stainless steel and iridium, cause scarring when implanted. For applications in muscle or brain tissue, electrical signals need to flow for them to operate properly, but scars interrupt this activity … “We started looking at organic electronic materials like conjugated polymers that were being used in non-biological devices,” says Martin, who is at the University of Delaware. “We found a chemically stable example that was sold commercially as an antistatic coating for electronic displays.” After testing, the researchers found that the polymer had the properties necessary for interfacing hardware and human tissue … So far, the team has made a polymer with dopamine, which plays a role in addictive behaviours, as well as dopamine-functionalised variants of the EDOT monomer. Martin says these biological-synthetic hybrid materials might someday be useful in merging artificial intelligence with the human brain. Ultimately, Martin says, his dream is to be able to tailor how these materials deposit on a surface and then to put them in tissue in a living organism. “The ability to do the polymerization in a controlled way inside a living organism would be fascinating.”

This Hydrogel Biosensor Implant Scheme Would Only Work if the NWO Controllers Gain Access to Everyone’s Bloodstream

From the NWO point of view, for this scheme to succeed on a worldwide scale, they would need to gain access to every person’s bloodstream, which they could do if mandatory vaccination laws continue to be rolled out, as is already happening or being talked about in many nations, states and regions around the world. Massachusetts just passed a law mandating flu shot vaccines for schoolchildren; the Australian PM is talking about mandatory vaccination; however on the other side, states like South Dakota have introduced bills to ban mandatory vaccinations for schools. This will be the real battleground in the months ahead as Operation Warp Speed and other schemes are pushed to the hilt, with a desperate NWO trying to continue the charade of a pandemic in time for them to roll out their rushed and untested COVID vaccine – a new type of RNA vaccine with the capability to modify your genetics (RNA and DNA), and most likely the capability to implant you with a nanotech hydrogel biosensor. With Gates one of the funders of this technology, it shows his excuses are very weak when he says that he’s not trying to microchip humanity.














RFK, Jr. and CHD Take Action on Safety Concerns Over Moderna’s COVID Vaccine

RFK, Jr. and CHD Take Action on Safety Concerns over Moderna’s COVID Vaccine

by the Children’s Health Defense Team
September 1, 2020


On August 26, Children’s Health Defense (CHD) wrote a letter to Dr. Jerry Menikoff, Director of the Department of Health and Human Services’ Office of Human Research Protection (OHRP), asking for an investigation into serious safety concerns with the COVID-19 vaccine being developed by Moderna. Moderna’s version of the vaccine, championed by Dr. Anthony Fauci and funded with $500 million in taxpayer dollars through Dr. Fauci’s National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases, contains polyethylene glycol (PEG), a molecule to which approximately 72% of the American population have antibodies and 8% have highly elevated levels of antibodies.  People who have pre-existing PEG antibodies could experience life-threatening anaphylaxis if injected with PEG-containing substances such as the Moderna COVID vaccine. Additionally, antibodies to PEG can both decrease the effectiveness of the vaccine and increase the risk of side effects.

CHD’s letter to OHRP

Below is RFK, Jr.’s letter to Dr. Fauci:

August 26th, 2020

Anthony Fauci, MD, Director

National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Disease

RE: Phase III Moderna mRNA-1273 Vaccine

Dear Dr. Fauci,

We urge you to require Moderna to inform clinical trial participants of the unique risks associated with polyethylene glycol (PEG), an ingredient in the NIAID funded Moderna mRNA-1273 vaccine. As you know, approximately 72% of Americans may have antibodies to PEG with 8% of those individuals having highly elevated levels of antibodies, >500ng/ml.

Injecting a PEG-containing vaccine into individuals with pre-existing PEG antibodies could lead to life-threatening anaphylaxis.  The presence of anti-PEG antibodies in approximately 7 out of 10 Americans led to the authors conclusion that  “…sensitive detection and precise quantitation of anti-PEG Ab levels in a clinical setting will be essential to ensuring the safe use of PEGylated drugs in all target patient populations going forward.”

In its prospectus, Moderna acknowledges the potential for its proprietary lipid nanoparticles and PEG to produce “systemic side effects”.  The company has nevertheless refused to prescreen individuals participating in the clinical trials for preexisting PEG antibodies, despite FDA’s strong recommendations that it do so.

For those participating in the Moderna clinical trials, the uptick in parenteral exposure to PEG will be unprecedented—potentially disastrous and life-threatening.  Moderna reported results from the Phase 1 open-label trial in 45 healthy adults acknowledged that over half (23 out of 45) of the participants experienced a vaccine adverse event, including one volunteer who withdrew from the trial due to urticaria (hives), a condition often associated with drug allergies and life-threatening anaphylaxis.  We worry that Moderna’s failure to inform the trial participants of the PEG allergy risks not only endangers their lives, but also may have caused clinicians and volunteers to dismiss telltale allergic reactions as “unrelated” to the vaccine.

Children’s Health Defense has grave safety and efficacy concerns about the use of PEG in vaccines due to the high percentage of the population having preexisting antibodies to PEG. While it’s unlikely that everyone with pre-existing PEG antibodies will have a severe reaction to a vaccine containing PEG, it is criminally reckless to assume that none will. It is our hope that you will make the appropriate public assurances that NIAID will promptly inform the volunteers of this risk.

Moderna answers critics of its dangerous failure to warn trial subjects by dismissing the well-documented fact that a high percentage of people have anti-PEG antibodies as merely “hypothetical”. Moderna’s justification is disingenuous, at best. There is no serious dispute about PEG’s ubiquity across the population. Moderna’s refusal to screen for PEG is dangerous to the trial participants and violates 45 CFR 46.116(b)(2). That regulation requires manufacturers to disclose any reasonably foreseeable risks or discomforts to clinical trial subjects. Another provision, 45 CFR 46-111(a) (1) mandates that manufacturers minimize risks to clinical trial participants by using procedures that are consistent with sound research design and that do not unnecessarily expose subjects to risk.

The world is aware of NIAID’s deep institutional commitment to the Moderna Vaccine. Moderna’s novel MRNA vaccine is a career vanity project for certain powerful NIAID officials who have nurtured the platform for years. NIAID apparently owns half of Moderna’s patent. At least six NIAID officials also share patent ownership and apparently stand to collect personal royalties of up to $150,000 annually on vaccine sales. NIAID has committed billions of dollars of public monies to the project and placed the Moderna vaccine at the front of the line. As you know, critics have suggested that NIAID’s conflicts have engendered a posture, among NIAID regulators, of ignoring emerging safety signals because the Moderna Vaccine is “too big to fail”. But, NIAID’s peculiar interest in Moderna is no excuse for short cuts. To the contrary, it is critical that NIAID’s regulatory scrutiny of Moderna be beyond reproach, since other manufacturers will look to Moderna as a role model for their own safety studies. NIAID’s pet vaccine should be a template for rigorous protocols that unambiguously elevate safety above monetary considerations. We urge that you give priority to your agency’s duty to protect public health and the rights of trial participants to genuine informed consent. We ask you to order Moderna to immediately inform all trial participants of the risk for allergic reactions from PEG, and to carefully monitor and publicly disclose allergic reactions potentially associated with PEG.



Robert F. Kennedy Jr.

cc: President Donald Trump

Jared Kushner

CHD Note: At the time of publication, we have not received a response from either the OHRP or Dr. Fauci. We will update our readers with any developments as they occur.

The Fauci Files

image credit Prawny, Pixabay

The Fauci Files

by Dr. Joseph Mercola, mercola.com
September 1, 2020




  • Dr. Anthony Fauci has served as the director of the National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases (NIAID) since 1984, but has yet to come out with the “Big One” — a vaccine or infectious disease treatment that will allow him to retire with a victory under his belt
  • Fauci has flip-flopped on the use of masks, first mocking people for wearing them, and then insisting they should. In mid-July, he suddenly urged governments to “be as forceful as possible” on mask rules
  • While Fauci still claims there’s only anecdotal evidence supporting the use of hydroxychloroquine, and that the drug doesn’t work for COVID-19, the scientific support for it goes as far back as 2005
  • In April, Fauci praised the NIAID-sponsored drug Remdesivir, saying it “has a clear-cut and significant positive effect in diminishing the time to recovery.” Overall, the improvement rate for the drug was 31%
  • Research now shows hydroxychloroquine reduced mortality by 50% when given early, and many doctors anecdotally claim survival rates close to 100%. Despite such excellent results, Fauci continues to disparage and cast doubt on hydroxychloroquine

At 79 years old, Dr. Anthony Fauci — who has served as the director of the National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases (NIAID) since 1984 — has yet to come out with the “Big One” — a vaccine or infectious disease treatment that will allow him to retire with a victory under his belt.

He failed to create a successful vaccine for AIDS, SARS, MERS and Ebola. A COVID-19 vaccine is essentially his last chance to go out in a blaze of glory. As evidenced by his history, he will stop at nothing to protect Moderna’s COVID-19 vaccine and Gilead’s antiviral Remdesivir.

He even threw tried and true pandemic protocols out the window when COVID-19 hit, turning into an unquestioning spokesman for draconian liberty-stripping measures instead. To echo a question asked by Dr. Sal Martingano in his article,1 “Dr. Fauci: ‘Expert’ or Co-Conspirator,” why are we not questioning this so-called expert?

Fauci ‘Has Been Wrong About Everything’

The risk we take when listening to Fauci is that, so far, he’s been wrong about most things. In a July 14, 2020, “Opposing View” editorial in USA Today, White House adviser Peter Navarro, director of the Office of Trade and Manufacturing Policy, stated that Fauci “has been wrong about everything that I have interacted with him on.”2 According to Navarro, Fauci’s errors in judgment include:3

Opposing the ban on incoming flights from China in late January 2020.

Telling the American people the novel virus outbreak was nothing to worry about well into February.

Flip-flopping on the use of masks — first mocking people for wearing them, and then insisting they should. In fact, mid-July, he suddenly urged governments to “be as forceful as possible” on mask rules.4

Claiming there was only anecdotal evidence supporting the use of hydroxychloroquine, when the scientific grounds for it go as far back as 2005, when the study,5 “Chloroquine Is a Potent Inhibitor of SARS Coronavirus Infection and Spread,” was published in the Virology Journal.

Fauci should have been well aware of this publication. According to that study,6 “Chloroquine has strong antiviral effects on SARS-CoV infection of primate cells. These inhibitory effects are observed when the cells are treated with the drug either before or after exposure to the virus, suggesting both prophylactic and therapeutic advantage,” the study authors said. In other words, the drug worked both for prevention and treatment.

As noted by Navarro, more recent research found hydroxychloroquine reduced the mortality rate among COVID-19 patients by 50% when used early.

Interestingly, in a March 24, 2020, interview7 with Chris Stigall, Fauci did say that — were he to speak strictly as a doctor treating patients — he would certainly prescribe chloroquine to COVID-19 patients, particularly if there were no other options.

Then, in August, he flipped back to insisting hydroxychloroquine doesn’t work,8 even though by that time, there were several studies demonstrating its effectiveness against COVID-19 specifically.

So, it appears Fauci has had a hard time making up his mind on this issue as well, on the one hand dismissing the drug as either untested or ineffective against COVID-19, and on the other admitting it would be wise to use, seeing how the options are so limited.

Navarro continues:9

“Now Fauci says a falling mortality rate doesn’t matter when it is the single most important statistic to help guide the pace of our economic reopening. The lower the mortality rate, the faster and more we can open. So when you ask me whether I listen to Dr. Fauci’s advice, my answer is: only with skepticism and caution.”

Fauci Has Done Nothing to Help Unite the Country

While Fauci claims to be exasperated by how political the pandemic has become,10 Robert F. Kennedy Jr. pointed out in an August 2, 2020, Instagram post11 that Fauci himself is, at least in part, part of the problem, as his double standards on hydroxychloroquine have done much to polarize and divide the nation:

“Fauci insists he will not approve HCQ for COVID until its efficacy is proven in ‘randomized, double blind placebo studies.’ To date, Dr. Fauci has never advocated such studies for any of the 72 vaccine doses added to the mandatory childhood schedule since he took over NIAID in 1984. Nor is he requiring them for the COVID vaccines currently racing for approval.

Why should chloroquine be the only remedy required to cross this high hurdle? HCQ is less in need of randomized placebo studies than any of these vaccines since its safety is well established after 60 years of use and decades on WHO’s listed of ‘essential medicines.’

Fauci’s peculiar hostility towards HCQ is consistent with his half century bias favoring vaccines and patent medicines. Dr. Fauci’s double standards create confusion, mistrust and polarization.”

In a June 10, 2020, article,12 Global Research also questioned Fauci’s many attempts to disparage the drug for no apparently valid reason; even promoting the fake (and ultimately retracted) Lancet study that claimed to show hydroxychloroquine was dangerous. At the end of the day, who benefits? Well, certainly it benefits the drug and vaccine industries, which seems to be where Fauci’s loyalties lie.

Fauci’s Bias Is Hard to Miss

While Fauci is not named on the patents of either Moderna’s vaccine or Remdesivir, the NIH does have a 50% stake in Moderna’s vaccine,13 and the recognition that would come with a successful vaccine launch would certainly include Fauci.

He also has lots to lose — if nothing else, his pride — if Remdesivir doesn’t become a blockbuster, as his NIAID is sponsoring the clinical trials.14 The NIAID also supported the original research into Remdesivir, when it was aimed at treating Ebola.15

His bias here is clear for anyone to see. April 29, 2020, he stated16 Remdesivir “has a clear-cut and significant positive effect in diminishing the time to recovery.” How good is that? Patients on the drug recovered in 11 days, on average, compared to 15 days among those receiving a placebo. Overall, the improvement rate for the drug was 31%.

Meanwhile, research17 now shows hydroxychloroquine reduced mortality by 50% when given early, and many doctors anecdotally claim survival rates close to 100%. This still isn’t good enough for Fauci, who continues insisting hydroxychloroquine is a bust.18

His stance on these two drugs certainly doesn’t make sense based on the data alone. But it does make sense if he wants (or has been instructed) to protect the profits of Remdesivir.

As director of NIAID, which has been part of Remdesivir’s development from the start, why wouldn’t he want to see it become a moneymaker for the agency he dedicated his career to? It also makes sense when you consider his primary job is to raise funds for biodefense research, primarily vaccines but also diagnostics and drug therapies.19,20

Fauci Doubts Safety of Russian Vaccine

Early in August 2020, Russia announced they would begin vaccinating citizens with its own COVID-19 vaccine, despite not finishing large-scale human trials.21 The announcement drew skepticism from American infectious disease specialists, including Fauci, who said he has “serious doubts” that Russia’s COVID-19 vaccine is actually safe and effective.22

He’s probably right on that point. It’s hard to imagine you can prove safety and effectiveness in a mere two months of trials. But the fast-tracked vaccine efforts of the U.S. and EU are hardly bound to be significantly better, considering the many shortcuts that are being taken.

Fauci Ignores Two Decades of Failed Coronavirus Vaccines

Despite being in a position to know better, Fauci conveniently ignores the many failed attempts to create other coronavirus vaccines over the past two decades, including vaccines against SARS and MERS. A paper23 by Eriko Padron-Regalado, “Vaccines for SARS-CoV-2: Lessons From Other Coronavirus Strains” reviews some of these past experiences. As noted in the Conservative Review:24

“Since their emergence in 2003 and 2012 respectively, no safe and efficacious human vaccines for either SARS-Cov1 or MERS have been developed.

Moreover, experimental non-human (animal model) evaluations of four SARS-Cov1 candidate vaccine types, revealed that despite conferring some protection against infection with SARS-Cov1, each also caused serious lung injury, caused by an overreaction of the immune system, upon viral challenge.25

Identical ‘hypersensitive-type’ lung injury occurred26 when mice were administered a candidate MERS-Cov vaccine, then challenged with infectious virus, negating the ostensible benefit achieved by their development of promising … ‘antibodies’ … which might have provided immunity to MERS-Cov.

These disappointing experimental observations must serve as a cautionary tale for SARS-Cov2 vaccination programs to control epidemic COVID-19 disease.”

NIAID Safety Controversies and Ethics Violations

When recently asked for a rebuttal to criticism of his leadership during the pandemic, Fauci replied, “I think you can trust me,” citing his long record of service in government medicine. However, that long service record is fraught with ethics and safety lapses.

For example, in 2005, NPR reported27 the NIH tested novel AIDS drugs on hundreds of HIV-positive children in state foster care during the late 1980s and90s without assigning patient advocates to monitor the children’s health, as is required by law in most states.

Fauci was appointed director of the NIAID in 1984. The AIDS research was part of his research portfolio, and the AIDS research division reported directly to him, so these violations occurred on his watch.28 In 2008, two NIH biomedical ethicists published a paper on the controversial practice of using wards of the state as guinea pigs, noting:29

“Enrolling wards of the state in research raises two major concerns: the possibility that an unfair share of the burdens of research might fall on wards, and the need to ensure interests of individual wards are accounted for … Having special protections only for some categories is misguided. Furthermore, some of the existing protections ought to be strengthened.”

Under Fauci, the NIAID became the largest funder of HIV/AIDS in the world.30 Despite that, numerous articles over the years have discussed how AIDS activists have been less than satisfied with Fauci and the NIAID.31,32,33 A 1986 article stated:34

“If Fauci were less intent on amassing power within the federal health bureaucracy … he would have left AIDS treatment research with the NCI, where it began, relying on that institute’s proven expertise in organizing large, multisite clinical trials for cancer therapies.”

A July 23, 2020, article in Just the News lists several other safety and ethics problems that Fauci has been involved in through the years, including conflict of interest violations in vaccine research.35

Just the News also interviewed NIAID chief of ethics and regulatory compliance Dr. Jonathan Fishbein, whom the NIAID was forced to reinstate in 2005 after it was determined that Fishbein had been wrongly fired in retaliation for raising concerns about lack of safety in some of the agency’s research:36

“Fishbein said … Fauci failed to take responsibility for the managers and researchers working below him when signs of trouble emerged, allowing problems to persist until others intervened. ‘Fauci is all about Fauci,’ Fishbein said. ‘He loves being the headline. It’s his ego.’”

Fauci’s Connections to Wuhan Lab

By now, you probably also know that the NIAID funded gain-of-function research on coronaviruses at the Wuhan Institute of Virology. As reported by Newsweek:37

“In 2019, with the backing of NIAID, the National Institutes of Health committed $3.7 million over six years for research that included some gain-of-function work. The program followed another $3.7 million, 5-year project for collecting and studying bat coronaviruses, which ended in 2019, bringing the total to $7.4 million.”

This money was not given directly, but rather funneled to the Wuhan lab via the EcoHealth Alliance. According to a recent report by The Wall Street Journal,38 the NIH is now insisting EcoHealth Alliance submit all information and materials from the Wuhan lab before it’s allowed to resume funding.

Fauci is a longtime proponent of dangerous gain-of-function research. In 2003, he wrote an article39 published in the journal Nature on how “the world needs new and creative ways to counter bioterrorism.”

“We will pursue innovative approaches for modulating innate immunity to induce and enhance protection against many biological pathogens, as well as simple and rapid molecularly based diagnostics to detect, characterize and quantify infectious threats,” Fauci wrote.

“These are lofty goals that may take many years to accomplish — but we must aspire to them. Third, we must enormously strengthen our interactions with the private sector, including biotechnology companies and large pharmaceutical corporations.

Many biodefence-related products that we are pursuing do not provide sufficient incentives for industry — the potential profit margin for companies is tenuous, and there is no guarantee that products would be used.

Therefore, we will seek non-traditional collaborations with industry, for example guaranteeing that products will be purchased if companies sign up … so that we can quickly make available effective vaccines and treatments …”

With that, there can be little question about which team Fauci is on. He’s on the side of drug and vaccine makers, and has been for decades. There’s no money to be made by either the agency or its private collaborators from natural products such as vitamin D, vitamin C, quercetin or its drug equivalent, hydroxychloroquine. All of these are dirt-cheap and off patent.

Prediction Track Record = Null

Fauci’s predictions for COVID-19 mortality have also turned out to be as inaccurate as all of his previous predictions. In 1987, he predicted heterosexual infection of HIV/AIDS would rise to 10% by 1991. It never rose above 4%.

He predicted the bird flu would result in 2 million to 7 million deaths. In the end, the avian H5N1 flu killed 440 worldwide. He sought billions of dollars to combat the threat of Zika, a virus that fizzled without making much of an impact anywhere.40

When you look at his track record, you realize he’s predicted “nightmare” scenarios for decades, none of which have materialized.  Last but not least, Dr. Fauci serves on Bill Gates leadership council.

Dispatches From the War: The Killing Fields of New York; Putting Cuomo and Trump on Notice

Dispatches From the War: The Killing Fields of New York; Putting Cuomo and Trump on Notice

Note: this is a re-publication of an article I wrote several months ago. The subject has dropped off the radar. I’m bringing it back. Nothing has been done to remedy the tragedy and the crimes detailed below.

by Jon Rappoport, No More Fake News
August 28, 2020


BREAKING UPDATE—GreenMedInfo and GatewayPundit are reporting the CDC has quietly revised its COVID US death numbers. Instead of 161,000 deaths, the actual number is less than 10,000, in the category of “died from the virus and no other causes.”

GreenMedInfo: “The implications of this are jaw-dropping, confirming what so many of us have been saying for months, namely, the death stats have been overinflated, likely by several orders of magnitude. The CDC surreptitiously updated their COVID death statistics on August 26th, with astounding implications, namely, less than 10k of the 161k people the CDC has said ‘died from COVID’ were classified as having been killed by COVID-19 alone. The rest had 2-3 additional causes of death, the vast majority of which were chronic diseases indicative of poor health which long pre-existed this event. Sources:”



A study from the Journal of the American Medical Association Network delivers stunning numbers that should make you stop in your tracks—

JAMA Network, April 22, 2020, “Presenting Characteristics, Comorbidities, and Outcomes Among 5700 Patients Hospitalized With COVID-19 in the New York City Area”:

“Mortality rates for those who received mechanical [breathing] ventilation in the 18-to-65 and older-than-65 age groups were 76.4% and 97.2%, respectively. Mortality rates for those in the 18-to-65 and older-than-65 age groups who did not receive mechanical ventilation were 19.8% and 26.6%, respectively.”

Well, of course, the people who were put on breathing ventilators were the most ill patients to begin with, right? That’s an unwarranted assumption. And only medical lunatics would continue to apply ANY treatment to a defined group with the staggering kill-rates quoted in the study.

A close and trusted researcher has told me the following: many older people live with chronically low oxygen levels. This may not be ideal, but they survive.

However, when such people arrive at hospitals, doctors can misinterpret the oxygen levels, believing these are dire emergency situations—and therefore, they sedate the patients and put them on ventilators. The patients die.

Then there is money. Insurance money. In a phone interview, physician and Minnesota state senator, Scott Jensen, told me that hospitals, who are suffering very deep financial losses, are incentivized by Medicare to label as many patients as possible “COVID-19,” and to put them on ventilators.

Jensen stated that a patient on Medicare, diagnosed with straight pneumonia, would bring a $4600 payment to the hospital. The same patient, labeled “COVID-19 pneumonia,” would bring $13,000. And if that patient is put on a ventilator: $39,000.

Result? Patients unnecessarily and murderously put on ventilators.

In New York, there are many elderly and very ill people, suffering from long-term conditions that have nothing to do with an epidemic. They have been treated for years with toxic drugs and toxic vaccines. They already have lung problems. Massive propaganda about the COVID virus terrifies them. They believe they might be “infected.” Then they ARE diagnosed with COVID, isolated from family and friends, and they they give up and die. Prematurely. Their deaths are BROUGHT ON AND FORCED by the COVID diagnosis and the isolation. And, in many instances, by ventilators.


These old people? Using worldometers.info for data, as of May 13, those 65 and older account for an astonishing 73.6 percent of all COVID deaths in New York.

The 75 and older group accounts, all on its own, for 48.7 percent of all COVID deaths in the city.


There is more to say about the issue of hypoxia (low oxygen levels in the blood of patients). A number of patients in New York have mystified ER doctors because they show up with this condition.

WebMD lists a number of obvious causes for hypoxia: asthma attack; trauma (injury); COPD; emphysema; bronchitis; pain medicines, “and other drugs that hold back breathing”; heart problems; anemia, “a low number of red blood cells, which carry oxygen.”

Among the drugs that can cause the oxygen deprivation known as hypoxia? From drugabuse.com: “…opiate [opioid] drugs also slow your breathing…and in case of an overdose, your breathing is slowed to a virtually non-existent and lethal level.”

Is anyone looking into THAT, in New York?

More from drugabuse.com: “In the U.S., a whopping 44 people die each and every day as a result of respiratory arrest brought on by prescription opioid overdose. The opioids depress your breathing, bring on heavy sedation and make it impossible to wake up. What’s more, the opioids found in painkillers are the same ones found in heroin, which caused over 8,000 overdose deaths in 2013.”

2018 estimate of deaths from opioid overdoses in New York: 3000. Many more people in the New York area are addicted to these drugs. In New York State, in 2017, the number of people discharged from hospitals, after treatment for opioid overdose or dependency: 25,000.

In 2020, people who have developed opioid hypoxia are misdiagnosed with “COVID-19 lung problems.” Some of these people would be sedated further, put on ventilators—ignoring the need to deal with their overdose, their addiction, their withdrawal—and they die.

New York City, opioids, heroin, severe breathing problems, hypoxia, ventilators with sedation, death.

None of this requires the existence or transmission of a purported coronavirus.

And hypoxia can be alleviated with oxygen delivered through means other than ventilators.

Of course, the governor of New York, Cuomo, has opted to order tens of thousands of ventilators for his State, in order to “save lives.”

Trump, too, has taken emergency action to produce and provide more ventilators for America. Make death great again.












All Sickness Should Be Considered a Consequence of Starvation or Poisoning Until Proven Otherwise

All Sickness Should Be Considered a Consequence of Starvation or Poisoning Until Proven Otherwise


“…the viruses that we are told will kill us all are actually not potent enough to grow on and kill a sample of egg tissue in the laboratory — unless the virologist first starves (withdraws nutrients from the tissue culture) and poisons (with antibiotics and strong oxidizing agents like bleach) the tissues.”
“,,,The point is, sickness should be considered a consequence of starvation or poisoning until proven otherwise.  The bacteria are there to clean up the dead tissue; the “viruses” arise to communicate the type of starvation or poisoning that has occurred.”

by Thomas Cowan, MD, Dr. Tom Cowan
August 27, 2020


A realistic understanding of how and why any living organism gets sick must start with the idea that starvation and poisoning are two main causes.  In a remarkable ironic twist, this fact is actually demonstrated in the practices of modern virology.

If we investigate the question of how virologists “prove” that a virus causes disease, it goes like this.  A virologist takes a sample from a sick person, usually either mucus, lung secretions, blood or urine.  Then they centrifuge this mixture of cellular debris, viruses, bacteria, possibly fungal components, genetic material and whatever toxins were present in the person who is sick.  The centrifuged components are then inoculated on a tissue culture usually derived from monkey kidney cells, fetal tissue, cancer cells or egg yolks.  Then, and this is key, the virus is not able to grow on the tissue culture if it is simply inoculated onto the tissue.  In other words, the viruses that we are told will kill us all are actually not potent enough to grow on and kill a sample of egg tissue in the laboratory — unless the virologist first starves (withdraws nutrients from the tissue culture) and poisons (with antibiotics and strong oxidizing agents like bleach) the tissues. The tissue, of course, disintegrates into its myriad cellular components, spewing out its genetic material into the final unpurified mess.    Interesting to note is that when one does a careful control and uses saline as the initial inoculant, the starved and poisoned tissue is killed and disintegrates in the same fashion.  It is not the “virus” that is killing the tissue, it is the starving and poisoning.  Somehow, this has escaped the attention of the entire medical community.

So it is with us. When we are starved — for nutrients, love, acceptance, warmth, shelter, security, peace, cholesterol, minerals and many, many other things — we get sick.  This outcome has been proven over and over again with such diseases as scurvy, beriberi, pellagra and many others.  Then, as in the viral culture, if one introduces a toxin, the starved organism will deteriorate and sicken even more.  The type of poisons are many; it could be glyphosate, arsenic, lead, mercury, aluminum in vaccines or in the air, or the many forms of electromagnetic-field poisoning that is threatening our world.  The point is, sickness should be considered a consequence of starvation or poisoning until proven otherwise.  The bacteria are there to clean up the dead tissue; the “viruses” arise to communicate the type of starvation or poisoning that has occurred.

Read the rest of this article, including links to Dr. Cowan’s healing resources.

The Fatal Attraction of Techo-Fascism

The Fatal Attraction of Techo-Fascism

by Mark Petrakis, OffGuardian
August 26, 2020


Art work source: audioxide.com


“Those who are serious in ridiculous matters will be ridiculous in serious matters.”
Cato the Elder

The enduring beauty of fascism is that it requires so little from us… so little independent thought; just our basic belief and adherence to a limited set of popularly-shared directives and narratives that once fully accepted, relieve us of the need to address stubborn questions or to fret over subtle differences of opinion and feeling.

Propaganda reassures us that we are complete, that we know all there is to know, that we are rational, pragmatic and pure, that the science has been settled and that we are a part of something special.

Such a surrender to reductionist narratives cuts across all classes and income brackets. Neither the most educated nor the least uneducated retain any special advantage in the face of powerful consensus-shaping propaganda.

Propaganda is, of course, the life-blood of fascist control. Maintaining the economic, governmental and scientific frameworks of a technocratic-fascist “operating system” is unthinkable without propaganda and disinformation. When truth is seen as a liability to power, it must always be disallowed, and all instances of it effectively penalized.

Radio and television and their constant enabler, popular “science” – operate today as their own religions, reliant for their success upon the devotion of the masses. As McLuhan told us, the experience of electronic media is always more powerful than the specific messaging it contains.

The currency that we use to pay for the electronic spectacle is our attention, and in such hyper-mediated times as these, the charges mount up exponentially, until we find ourselves saddled with soul-crushing denial and disconnection.

Three defining historical moments (among many) have defined the confluence of fascism, propaganda and technology.

  1. The fundamental principles of propaganda were first defined 100 years ago by Edward Bernays, often referred to as the father of public relations.
  2. Joseph Goebbels served as Reich Minister of Propaganda of Nazi Germany from 1933 to 1945. The stunning successful lessons of his Nazi propaganda programs were not lost on the world’s political and economic leaders in the post-war era, and in the time since then.
  3. The Central Intelligence Agency (CIA) was founded in 1947, for the expressed purpose of conducting secret intelligence operations that could serve political aims at the same time they generated huge and untraceable profits. The extent of the CIA’s illegal enterprises necessitated the creation and maintenance of a permanent ministry of disinformation, managed by our own taxpayer-funded “Shadow Government” and “Deep State.”

In retrospect then, it is clear that these propaganda campaigns have proven SO successful, that even today, few of us ever realize how ongoing, vast and wide-spread they are.

Propaganda’s efficacy is so indisputable, that it is commonly the case that those who are the most certain that they are NOT among the propagandized, are in fact its most overt victims.

Corporate media focuses on those stories they are paid to propagate, i.e., those which support the financial and ideological
agendas of their owners, who themselves are all, without exception, central parts of the larger global ruling oligarchy.

A key part of the propagandist’s handbook is to simply leave unexplored stories that they are NOT given approval to manage and control; stories which, we might assume, do not generate sufficient advantage for the owners. Such calculated sins of omission are essential to keeping the mass of believers unperturbed by the vagaries of complexity in the delivery of their daily dogmas.

If an individual were to insist upon learning more about any of these less-discussed stories, they would soon arrive at the realization that while an abundance of relevant facts can easily be found, and often hidden in plain sight, the truth is that most people simply do not WANT to know, think or talk about any such truths that differ from those accepted by their peers, for whom cognitive dissonance causes such literal pain and disorientation, as to keep them docile and compliant to the dictates of the media.

As McLuhan said:

“Only the small secrets need to be protected. The large ones are kept secret by public incredulity.”

Perhaps, the grandest illusion of all, and which must be maintained at all costs, is that both the world and the stories we tell of it, must be made to appear as though they are generated randomly. It must always appear that the media’s coverage and the comments of experts are entirely free from any preconceived manipulation.

In the terminology of the media, news must always be “Breaking!” – even though in reality, we know the news more closely resembles a cooking show, where ingredients are chopped and sliced before-hand, after which they are mixed and served up live on camera in ways that keep the public hooked on happy hash-slinging and enticingly-scripted recipes.

Technocratic-Fascism, the advanced fusion of the multinational technology-dominated corporatocracy with the authoritarian global and surveillance state, allows its initiates to believe they are a part of something bigger than themselves. Witness the magical left’s lockstep belief in the pure villainy of Donald Trump, or the magical right’s equally lockstep belief in Trump as a self-sacrificing national hero.

Clearly both parties to the constant heist of human freedom need each other to better manage their greed for consumer profit and civilian control. Such mental assaults secondarily require that all truthful motives remain hidden and obfuscated in a fog of weaponized storytelling.

This accounts of course for the abiding value of bullshit, does it not? Bullshit effectively misleads without upsetting the natural order of things, without irreversibly tearing apart the fabric of credibility. Nothing can stand in the way of the constant flow of messaging, profit and growth, which are after all, the primary justifications for all this deceptive disorder.

This is another aspect of what makes technocratic-fascism so irresistible; in realizing how effective it is at knowing us better than we know ourselves. The assumption is that if we were to know ourselves better than the stories we are told, we would not be seduced by such obvious lies. Since we don’t, our “betters” are left with no choice but to keep up the constant barrage of lies, at least until our thinking eventually locks up and we capitulate and collapse, like a stack of wooden blocks.

If for example, we did not always obey or give our attention to propaganda, we would soon grow alarmed by the many contradictions that we are told exist, say between the Covid monster and the daily vaporous disease statistics, or between maskers and non-maskers, between vaxxers and anti-vaxxers, between crushing economic destruction and the mewling need for safety, between the lunatic left and the lunatic right, between black and whites, between males and females… between one piece of orthogonal bullshit and another equally opposing piece of bullshit.

ALL of these dichotomies, of course, are at some fundamental level FALSE… every last one of them, each constructed by skilled media professionals and put in place to overwhelm our critical thinking and that of millions of others from seeing what’s really going on in the limitless background.

In this remarkably cost-efficient way, human energy and intelligence are siphoned off, and directed towards the task of turning us into helplessly confused and easily-controllable “lab rats,” forcibly cut off from each other, lest we experience ourselves as intelligent and sovereign beings. If something like that were to happen, the driving agendas of big business and global governance to keep us marching in lockstep towards a more divided and disempowered fate, would soon disintegrate.

It is in such a state of debilitating surrender that we are divided one subset “targeted” demographic against another; all herded into a wicked mental trap with one side thinking one thing, while the other side thinks something else – such that half of us hate the other and the other half hate the other right back.

At this point, and after so many years of unqualified victories for the industries supported by the propaganda industry, the pathetic truth is that propaganda doesn’t even NEED to be that entertaining anymore. Knowing they have the situation in tow, the purveyors of propaganda can save a ton of money by just being sensational, confrontational and redundant in their narratives.

Recall this quote from the singular Frank Zappa:

“The illusion of freedom will continue as long as it’s profitable to continue the illusion. At the point where the illusion becomes too expensive to maintain, they will just take down the scenery, they will pull back the curtains, they will move the tables and chairs out of the way and you will see the brick wall at the back of the theater.”

Once we have learned to carry on absent the need for verifiable truth, or without the need to discern authentic and honest voices from deceitful and manipulative ones, we gradually lose our interest in so-called “truth,” preferring instead to keep splashing about in unsubstantiated speculation, pompous judgments and opinionated fluff.

Let’s be honest…the only people who might actually CARE what any of us think about the blaring big topics of the day (masks or vaccines or climate change or Black Lives Matter, etc.) are other equally thin-skinned victims of propaganda, who much like the majority of us, still believe that the government cares about them and that the mainstream media is telling them the truth.

That is why a growing number of people have given up on the media’s crudely fictional depiction of reality, and are instead trying to figure out how to thrive and to reconnect energetically with others – and with truths that can only exist OUTSIDE the reach of the propaganda ‘spectacle.”

The media, of course, with their sophisticated surveillance tracking tools knows full well when there is an uptick in negative reactions to their toxic narratives, but since it is also aware that it is after all pushing nothing but sugar water bullshit, it is left with little choice but to double-down and turn the levels up even higher… thus ramming even more bullshit at us.

Whacky Joe Biden, Greedy Green Greta, Covid, Aunt Jemima Race Wars and endless offenses… all come at us so fast and so hard as to leave us bent and broke under the weight of it all, as we stumble around like headless chickens desperately trying to win the approval of our friends by looking like we are at least doing the only “acceptable” thing.

Arriving at his frenzied point of screwball hyper-polarization, is the essential endgame of Propaganda… locking us into its agenda, at the same time it demands that we think we are making these choices of our own FREE WILL!

To get us to that point though, they must keep us constantly preoccupied; agitated, offended, attacking each other and defending ourselves against all threats, both real and imagined. The more they can get us ensnared in mind-numbing opinions and outrages, the less energy and attention will be left to notice the deeper more manipulative agendas of techno-fascism.

Mid 20th Century fascism was woefully limited in its capacities and in what it could extract from its victims… and yet still it worked! The new technocratic-fascism is here to mine the population for all the bio-capital commodification it can. Those who can invent the most efficient and ingenious means of converting human confusion, poverty, crime and illness into impact markets will quickly take their place among the prior generations’ titans of technology.

Once you step back far enough though to experience the sheer SCALE of this ongoing and unlimited propaganda WAR on us, it grows a bit easier to see why so few are able to escape the media’s influence. Oh, for a while perhaps, you can rise above it… but eventually, you will get pulled back down into the muck. Even if you kill your TV, unplug yourself from your media feeds, and turn off the Wi-Fi, each of us, at some point, will relapse and fall off the wagon.

This is because propaganda is not just about what’s in the news or in the media. It’s even more importantly about the broadly consensual layers of social hallucination that are created and shared across all of society, which make it difficult for any of us to function socially, absent those commonly shared reference points and signals that we have convinced ourselves are required in order to allay our anxiety, confusion and isolation… all of which are primary raisons d’etres for propaganda in the first place.

I wish there was one simple way to break propaganda’s voodoo spell. There isn’t. I’m not even sure how to do that for myself, or how I can avoid falling prey to it again, just as I and most of us have done for the great majority of our lives.

What seems obvious to me now is that propaganda in the service of a transhumanist-centered technology has become so pervasive and insidiously forceful, that in many ways, our thinking has ceased to be entirely our own, and that the portion of our soul that remains recognizable as uniquely us, is shrinking fast.

The effect of all this leaves our spirits infected, and easily convertible into compliant puppets under the top-down control of truly diabolically puppet masters, who in order to keep us subservient to their untruths, and to doing whatever we are told, have become masterful at pretending to be something they are not.

This is perfectly exemplified in the character of Bill Gates, who working with his Bain and Co. handlers and account managers, (who previously managed the Iraq War for Dick Cheney) have constructed these elaborate biopharma/ biocapital/ vaccine public health/fear narratives and investment pyramids that are then fed to the media and Wall Street, who reheat and serve them to the public, generating criminal profits while making such that Mr. Gates is always portrayed as an altruistic philanthropist and protector of the public… when any fool can see he is nothing of the sort.

NOT seeing just how obvious and laughable propaganda campaigns have become in this one-size fits all era, leaves us painfully vulnerable and ready to be further subsumed by more of the same.

The complexity of today’s master plans for disinformation are unparalleled compared to the past. Looking back to the 1950’s and 60’s, when all the above long-term plans for centralized and technocratic control were slowly being tested, being part of America’s growing middle-class was actually a pretty sweet deal. It is in a return to more bucolic and “normal” times as these that we pin our nostalgic hopes, by the media but especially by politicians.

“Desperation is the raw material of drastic change. Only those who can leave behind everything they have ever believed in, can hope to escape.”
William S. Burroughs

Looking at our world, we can see that the reach and authority of the transnational global capitalists who run the world’s nation-sized casinos has been cemented. All systems are now in place, up and running LIVE on that criminal syndicate’s vast web of networks. Each one of us has by now been targeted by them for some form of surveillance and financialization – just as “nature” has, just as “disease” has, just as “social justice” has, just as everything will eventually.

The “A.I. control grids” are all active and expanding. The technocratic agendas are now fully ready for prime-time. We have been gradually “shepherded” by propaganda and psychological torture techniques, just as we have also been physically compromised by toxins in the geo-engineered air and water, by disruptive electromagnetic frequency radiation, by weaponized technologies that include the release of nano-particulates inside our bodies (either by way of inhalation or injection) which are then governed by oxygen-absorbing 5G which at the higher millimeter wave frequency, will bring remote alteration of our very DNA under the “persistent” control of A.I., which will guide the process of transmuting us into commodities, into plunderable assets, into digitally-regulated and genetically modified “livestock.”

Sadly, this is where decades of constant acquiescence to propaganda and institutional hypnosis has brought us…bent over, staring at our shoes and bracing for the “BIG ONE.”

I remember in my own youth, being convinced that the evil genius of Hitler and Nazism had somehow transformed the mass of decent German people into BEASTS, possessed by demons, as if in a dark fairy tale… into something less than human.

We know that once we begin to regard others as LESS than us…as something OTHER than us, it is only a short step to unleashing our hate upon them, even to the point of becoming violent and criminal.

Needless to say, these very same psychological imperatives are everywhere apparent today; in how we are instructed by propaganda to regard the Chinese, Russians, Muslims, white supremacist Trumpers, deluded depraved liberals, defective racists, misogynist sexists and quivering face-ists (with their acute disdain for anyone who questions the dogma of e-mask-ulation.)

Same as it ever was, you might say, but as we approach the much-touted singularity with its accompanying convergence of man and machine, how will the media respond in the face of that Huxleyan “solution?” In that light, how might propaganda shift its focus?

I expect it will change-up the pitch and tell us that THIS time, things will be different. This time won’t be like last time. No, this time, things will have changed, so that we will no longer be “brainwashed” by the media as we were before. No, when the coming big change happens to us, it will not be like that. We will rather be transformed into advanced independent humans augmented by perfectly blended combinations of technology, science and engineering.

Our DNA will be carefully crafted by brilliant doctors and scientists to enhance only the “preferred” qualities in their human subjects, and under their wise direction, we will gladly do as we are told. For so great a future, we will willingly offer our support and so grow accustomed to our new life, lest we become like those poor unfortunate souls, so lost in their unreason, that they cannot fully appreciate the wisdom that derives from enthusiastically embracing PROGRESS.

In our leaders inspired and time-tested plans, we will of course have every convenience at our fingertips, such that doors will magically open when we approach. We will be able to download all manner of rich media and data with the blink of an eye. We will be as supermen.

Our definitions of what is valuable and what is not, will fluidly shift to suit changing circumstances. We will see ourselves as the very picture of modernity, and the envy of the world…just as we have always been. We will be as American as our multi-racial forefathers, even though they lived in unenlightened times…long before today’s great social justice transformation allowed us, their proud descendants, to wake each day into this glistening new world.

In such a world, when we ask ourselves what we might be grateful for, we will no longer need to struggle for an answer. We will know exactly what is good, true and beautiful and we will commit ourselves to those lofty ideals each and every day.

Therein too, and most mercilessly, resides the fatal beauty of technocratic-fascism.

How to File a Petition in Vaccine Court

How to File a Petition in Vaccine Court

by Wayne Rohde, guest contributor, Children’s Health Defense
August 25, 2020


One of the most common questions that I receive regarding the National Vaccine Injury Compensation Program (NVICP aka The Vaccine Court) is “how can I file for compensation?”

The process for filing for compensation is not as difficult as many believe but there are a few steps in the process to help move the petition forward without delay.

In this article I briefly discuss the following steps in order to make the process less confusing and to help assure people to proceed instead of giving up.

  1. Do I need an attorney? Who pays the attorney fees?
  2. How do I file? I can’t afford the filing fee.
  3. What information is required?
  4. Is there a time requirement to file?
  5. Who can file a petition? For my child or for my spouse, parent?
  6. What vaccines are covered by the NVICP?
  7. Where do I send the petition?
You are not suing nor do you have the legal standing to sue the vaccine manufacturer for any injuries or death as the result of a defective product.

Most people do not know that by filing a petition seeking compensation, you are suing the Federal Government, specifically the Secretary of Health and Human Services (HHS). You are not suing nor do you have the legal standing to sue the vaccine manufacturer for any injuries or death as the result of a defective product.

Contrary to popular belief, you do not need an attorney to file a petition. This process is known as “pro se.” However, it is highly encouraged that you hire an attorney as soon as possible. As I have highlighted in my book, The Vaccine Court, less than 1% of all petitions filed and prosecuted as pro se, are dismissed for several reasons.

Another common question about filing a petition is “I can’t afford an attorney.” The NVICP pays for attorney fees and medical expert costs, if needed, out of the Vaccine Injury Trust fund (VIT). The only cost that you as a petitioner would be responsible for is the application fee of $400.00. The NVICP does have a program for those who can’t afford the fee.

The biggest concern for any petitioner is to file the petition within the statute of limitations

The biggest concern for any petitioner is to file the petition within the statute of limitations (SOL). Currently, the statute requires the petitioner to file a petition for a vaccine injury within three years after the first symptom or manifestation of onset or of the significant aggravation of the injury; within two years of the death and within four years of the first symptom or manifestation of onset or of the significant aggravation of the injury from which the death resulted.[1]

Now, who can file a petition? There are some restrictions on who can file regarding a child or as a representative/guardian of a disabled adult. There is also a severity requirement for every petition. The effects of the injury must have lasted more than 6 months; or resulted in in-person hospitalization and surgery; or resulted in death.

The injury or death caused by a vaccine must be from a list of “covered” vaccines. To review the current list, click here. Some vaccines that are being promoted by media outlets or by retail pharmacies are not included the program. The most common is the shingles vaccine. This is not a “covered” vaccine. Any injury or death claim will be dismissed due to lack of jurisdiction. The Court can’t litigate a claim for this vaccine.

To obtain a copy of a petition template, please check out this website.

To file the petition, you must include medical records and send original petition plus 2 copies to:

U.S. Court of Federal Claims
717 Madison Place NW
Washington, DC 20439

And then send a copy to:

Secretary, Health and Human Services
Health Resources and Services Administration
Director, Division of Injury Compensation Programs
National Vaccine Injury Compensation Program (VICP)
5600 Fishers Lane, 08N146B
Rockville, MD 20857

This is why I sincerely suggest that you contact an attorney to help you with this process. If you are within a few days of the Statute of Limitations, please file ASAP and then contact an attorney. The clock will stop when Court receives your petition. Since the entire communication process in today’s COVID environment is done via telephone conference call, you do not need to meet with a local attorney. Just call a few of the attorneys on the list, proceed like you are interviewing them to represent you. Ask questions about their experience in the NVICP. Go with the attorney you feel most comfortable with. For a complete list, please click here.

You can also visit the Vaccine Injured Petitioners Bar Association website for more information on the NVICP and the attorneys who will represent you.

I hope that this clarifies the filing process, who can file and where to send your petition.

[1] https://www.hrsa.gov/vaccine-compensation/eligible/index.html


About the author:

Wayne Rohde is the author of The Vaccine Court – The Dark Truth of America’s Vaccine Injury Compensation Program and The Vaccine Court 2.0 – to be released October 2020. He is the host of the upcoming podcast, “The Vaccine Court, all things legal about vaccine injury, The PREP Act and CounterMeasures Injury Compensation Program

Coronavirus Vaccine or Invasion of the Body Snatchers?

Coronavirus Vaccine or Invasion of the Body Snatchers?

by Gary D. Barnett
August 24, 2020


What if a malignant or virulent germ, or the fear of something unknown, or a fabricated killer sickness could numb human feelings, destroy emotions, alter the human psyche, eliminate individuality in favor of the herd, and through group-think and conformity change the face of mankind? Could something like this be planned and implemented in order to use fear to dull the senses of your family, friends, neighbors, and people everywhere? Would you be willing to give up your livelihood and risk poverty due only to fear of a mysterious unknown demon? Could orders be given by ‘authority’ figures that would mandate hiding all facial expression and forcing people to not get close to one another or interact naturally? Would everyone seem to be the same because recognition was no longer possible? Would entire populations quit working and hide in their homes, fearful of any contact with others? Would the government and its enforcers stage and then protect criminal gangs out to destroy people and property, burning everything in sight? Could all that criminal behavior be blamed on non-existent racism? Once all this happened, could it be possible to program the minds or bodies of large numbers of people, either by propaganda or injection to force them to act in a certain way? What if all were against all?

When science fiction and reality meld into one, humanity will always suffer. This has to be so, because the human animal lives, loves, and thrives due to emotion and feelings, and when that is thoroughly blended with inanimate and cold science fiction, the result is a human machine of sorts; one that mutates to become a detached and indifferent robot instead of a caring human being. The transformation does not have to be total to cause harm, as any marriage of pure emotion and emotionless science cannot survive untainted.

What is happening in this country today is the final stage of the destruction of individuality, uniqueness, and independent thought. In order for a global reset to be successful, total control over the people at large must be achieved. Individuals with critical thinking skills stand in the way of any takeover of society, so they have to be marginalized, censored, or eliminated in order for the global agendas to go forward. The plan being used to accomplish this began as a fake pandemic but has now mutated to become a fake casedemic. The entire fraud is based on a lie, and fear is being used to gather together the herd so that compliance testing can be accomplished. So far, most all the testing has been successful, as people voluntarily accepted isolation or quarantine, left their jobs and businesses, distanced to avoid family, friends, and neighbors, took their children out of school, and for the most part quit traveling. The next round of compliance testing saw many people line up for bogus cornavirus testing, temperature checks, blood tests, and many other demeaning exercises ‘requested’ or mandated by the state.

After the normal flu season ended, and death counts, even fake death counts, went down to nearly zero, it was time to create a new panic to frighten the masses, so the casedemic was born. Wild and unsubstantiated claims of thousands of new cases were just what the doctor ordered, and this second phase of this scam was initiated as a stopgap measure until the next flu season. Additional distractions in the form of looting, rioting, stealing, and assault by despicable criminals were allowed, and then the ultimate test was launched.

That test was one meant to check the obedience level of this country’s sheep; a control test so ridiculous that if followed would indicate that the people would do anything they were told to do, regardless of the absurdity of the mandate. So all were told that the only way to stop the spread of the so-called Covid-19 would be for everyone to wear a mask. This ludicrous order would have multiple parts, and the first would be to test mass compliance. That compliance was nearly universal, even though certain groups and individuals were fighting back, but the bulk of society has acquiesced to the state order of wearing a mask. As the flu season begins, and the propaganda explodes, more will likely comply, so it looks like the first test stage has been successful for the elitist monsters and government.

With masks in place, and submission achieved, the state fully understands that people across the country will become less and less dependent on emotion and human contact, as most everyone will be faceless, and therefore more feared and less important. This breeds a dispassionate society, and one that harbors distrust and indifference concerning others. In addition, wearing a mask is extremely unhealthy for multiple reasons, and can cause great harm, including the compromise of the immune system. This will lead to a sicker society just in time for the normal flu season, allowing the state to use normal sickness claimed as coronavirus to once again panic the entire country.

Once this is all in place, a deadly vaccine will be introduced to the masses. It will be touted as the only way to end the tyranny and to get back to what will be called ‘normal.’ With a higher degree of sickness than normal due to all these factors discussed, acceptance of this horrible vaccine will be widespread. If that happens, everyone injected with this vaccine will have multiple viruses inserted into their bodies, including what is mislabeled as Covid-19. With the weakened health of the population, this will be devastating, and will only perpetuate the coronavirus lie that was the cause of all this terror in the first place.

My opinion is that once the vaccine is widely accepted and administered, the state will have won, as control over a large swath of the world will have been accomplished. Any vaccine will have many components, some known and some unknown. Given the technology available today, much of which is secret, the agendas of those like the Gates Foundation and others will be aggressively pursued.

A normal flu shot contains three or four different flu viruses, but there are hundreds every year. In addition, these shots or sprays may contain thimerosal, a mercury-based neurotoxin that is very dangerous. Standard components also include aluminum, multiple antibiotics, egg protein, formaldehyde, monosodium glutamate (MSG), squalene, gelatins, polysorbate 80, aborted human fetal tissue, animal tissue, and more. This is scary enough, but what will be in a Covid-19 vaccine? No one knows, and it will not be fully tested, or tested at all before it is given to the public. Besides all these toxic ingredients, any new vaccine could easily contain nanoparticles meant to change the DNA structure in humans. It will be an experimental RNA/DNA based concoction. The great risk of brain-changing technologies being introduced in a Covid vaccine exists, and this could easily be done covertly. It is difficult to imagine that anyone would accept this if they understood the real risks involved.

As it stands today, the minds and bodies of billions of people could be altered with a new toxic vaccine. Should that happen, what changes are possible? What dangers are evident, and what is hidden? What if this vaccine undertaking could cause a worldwide DNA restructuring that could be used to more easily control large numbers of people? In my opinion, not only is this very possible, but also is probable, so extreme caution is warranted.

This enemy we face is not from outer space, and will not emerge from a pod, but lives among us, and desires to control all of humanity through very ominous means. The real enemy includes the banking cartels, the world health organizations, the corporate and pharmaceutical heads, the criminal tax-free foundations, and their pawns in government at most every level.

The largest social experiment ever attempted is happening before our eyes. It is life threatening. This is our dilemma, and only mass resistance and dissent can change the course of events being used to destroy mankind and the freedoms we covet.

“Look, you fools, you’re in danger! Can’t you see?! They’re after you! They’re after all of us! Our wives, our children, everyone! THEY’RE HERE, ALREADY! YOU’RE NEXT!”

Dr. Miles Bennell, “Invasion of the Body Snatchers” (1956 film)

Sources: Hereherehere.


Reprinted with permission from LewRockwell.com

Copyright © 2020 LewRockwell.com

Vernon Coleman: Nothing is Now Impossible

Nothing is Now Impossible

by Vernon Coleman
August 23, 2020



[Also available on BitChute, Lbry & Brighteon.]


It may seem like hyperbole to compare what is happening to us now to what happened in Europe during World War II.

It’s different, of course.

We aren’t being bombed, for example.

But the threat to us all, and the world in which we live, is now just as great as it was in 1939 and the 1940s.

In some ways the threat is greater.

Then, we just had to beat a small bunch of deranged psychopaths. And we had the support and leadership of our governments. We had Winston Churchill.

Today, in a bizarre turn, our enemies are our own governments. We are being manipulated, threatened and punished by dictators. We are living in totalitarian states. We have no democracy and very little freedom of speech.

We are fighting people who want to turn us into slaves. The plans of the United Nations and the World Economic Forum are worse than anything thought up by Hitler or Stalin.

We are oppressed by individuals who are just as evil as any of those who slaughtered the innocent across Europe, laying the foundations for the development of the European Union.

The EU: conceived by Nazis, built by Nazis and now loved by Nazis was the first step towards a World Government – the first fascist super state. It was quickly absorbed by the UN into the Agenda 21 plans.

Today, the enemy doesn’t wear jackboots or do the goosestep. And this time we have elected and financed our own enemy. Our political leaders are the enemy. We are paying for our own oppressors. In New Zealand, concentration camps have been set up for the tiny number of people who have tested positive. They don’t call them that, of course. I think they’re holiday camps in newspeak. Or quarantine camps perhaps.

We all have a number of choices, of course.

The easy option is always to join the oppressors – to become collaborators. That’s what millions have done. They accept the lies about covid-19 because they cannot believe that their own political leaders would lie so much. They socially distance, they wear the masks, they put themselves under house arrest when ordered to do so. Some have probably even managed to convince themselves that the lies must be true. How could anyone lie so much? How could anyone be as totally incompetent as they say that nice Professor Ferguson is? And doesn’t the BBC say that smiling Mr Gates does a lot for charity?

Some people just keep quiet. They say and do nothing for fear of the consequences. They hope that the evil will pass. Or that someone else will speak up and change things for them.

And then there’s us.

There are always some difficult buggers who refuse to lie down and accept unjust and absurd laws.

It happened in World War II. The resistance movement played a major part in defeating the Nazis.

And today the resistance movement is all we’ve got.

It’s us. We’re the resistance movement, and we’re missionaries to the Truth Deniers.

And we’re in a war.

You know how, if you bend a paperclip you can never get it back to the way it was? Well, that’s our political system. It is bent and cannot be mended. I have long distrusted the party system and it is now clearer than ever that it doesn’t work. Our political system, our administration, our local government, our health care system – they are all rotten to the core. Destroyed by unbridled ambition, greed and the dead hand of the brainwashed, indoctrinated hand-maidens of Common Purpose.

We are watching, first hand, as the pseudoscientists and crooks who run the climate change fraud are leading an assault on God, nature and mankind.

Nothing is as it used to be nor as it seems to be. Everything is controlled from afar by people we can’t see and over whom we have no control. In the US and Europe, everything is controlled by lobbyists – tens of thousands of them spending billions a year – and ensuring that the principles of Agenda 21 (if we can call them principles) are introduced, adhered to and thoroughly exploited by the rich and the mega rich – cruising the world’s seas in huge self-contained super yachts.

Everywhere I look there is deceit and manipulation. Nothing is what it appears to be. So, for example, it seems to me as though every position the World Health Organisation has taken, based on the available scientific research, has been reversed. A couple of months ago, the WHO thought that wearing masks was pointless and unnecessary. The available evidence said they were right. And then suddenly, without the science changing, the World Health Organisation changed its mind and masks became mandatory. The only difference? Could it be that Bill Gates had become a major `shareholder’ in the WHO? That’s the pro-vax organisation not the rock band by the way – though the rock band would probably give better health advice.

On the 28th May 2020, Dr Fauci, the American coronavirus supremo announced that masks are little more than symbolic. They were derided as virtue signalling. And then, suddenly, there is Dr Fauci standing next to President Trump wearing a mask. In the UK, the government’s medical advisors had dismissed masks as unnecessary. And then suddenly, for no apparent reason, the Government changed its tiny mind and anyone not wearing a mask suddenly became liable to a fine of up to £3,200. The odd figure, incidentally, came from a bizarre and unprecedented system whereby non-mask wearers would be fined £100 for an initial offence with the fine doubling for each subsequent occasion.

Incidentally, what is going to happen to the millions of dumped single use masks? How many people know that if you wash a cloth mask it becomes more useless every time you wash it? And if you don’t wash it then you are putting a cloth containing bacteria, fungi and viruses next to your mouth every time you put it on. Legionnaire’s Disease is a real and lethal risk. What will happen when vaccines come in? Will those who refuse vaccination be forced to continue to wear a mask as a sign of shame? Perhaps they could issue masks containing yellow stars – just to make the point. And why do so many people wear masks in the street when they don’t have to? Just about all the pictures I saw recently of teenagers campaigning for better exam results, showed them wearing masks when they didn’t have to. Why? Were they stupid? Or were the photos staged?

Mask enthusiasts often say that masks must be fine because surgeons wear them. This simply displays their ignorance. Not all surgeons do wear masks because studies have shown that wearing them does not reduce infection. Moreover, surgeons usually work in air conditioned, cooled operating theatres. They do their work standing or sitting and they wear masks for relatively short periods of time.

Terrorism, let me remind you, is, according to my definition, politics by intimidation – without any moral restrictions. We are being terrorised by our own governments. Masks must be worn and pubs must be shut.

Is this in homage to the new global religion –Chrislam? The Archbishop of Canterbury provided Christians with a short talk from his kitchen but virtue signalled by shutting churches. What sort of leadership was that?

There is no logic to anything anymore.

Theatres are closed and will stay closed though thespians and artists who behave will receive grants to buy their allegiance. If plays are performed actors will have to respect social distancing rules so no plays by Shakespeare will ever again be performed. There will be no choirs and no opera.

And yet we are allowed to climb into aeroplanes where the air is constantly recirculated and whatever viruses one traveller has will inevitably be shared by everyone by the time the aeroplane lands.

Racism is now so much a part of our lives that no one takes any notice – and if they do then they keep quiet about it. Biden, the Democratic Presidential candidate, who at one point said that 120 million Americans had been killed by covid19, announced that he would pick as his vice president a woman of colour. No one thought this sexist and racist, though it clearly was.

Ironically, the woman he picked had apparently accused him of being a racist and of sexual assault. It says a good deal to me about opportunistic politicians that the two have, nevertheless, buried any principles they might have had and agreed to work with each other.

Incidentally, Biden has supported just about every war America has started for 30 years.

Politicians and advisors are now talking about our needing to wear masks, and maintain social distancing, indefinitely. That is the sort of indefinitely which means forever. The collaborators who are merrily wearing their fashion masks in the open air in countries where it is not a legal necessity are going to kill humanity.

I wonder how many people know that the phrase `If you’re not with us you are against us’ originated with Jesus Christ and not George W.Bush.

The mass of people have unwittingly joined a conspiracy against themselves. Never before have ordinary people been so cowed, so curiously deferential. Children are frightened because they don’t know any better. But the adults who believe the crap they are being fed annoy me enormously. How can anyone have got to adulthood without wanting to question the blatant lies we are currently being fed? The lies are grotesque, inexplicable and indefensible. Those of you with a mischievous sense of humour might be amused by two of my early videos – `New Law – Everyone Must Now Hop and Wear Galoshes’ and `Everything You Are Allowed to Know but I Can’t Tell You What about’.

Inspired by appalling policewoman Dick, who encouraged public shaming, the collaborators happily join their masters in demonising, monstering and abusing those too ill to wear a mask or brave enough to think for themselves. I still think the Dick woman should be arrested and charged with something – inciting harassment, perhaps. If that isn’t an offence it should be.

Millions who have never taken any interest in protecting themselves from heart disease or cancer now seem so desperately afraid of covid-19, as harmless as flu let us not forget, that they have happily abandoned their freedom and their rights. Sweden proved that the lockdowns and the masks and the social distancing were all unnecessary but those are facts and facts are no longer popular.

Millions of Britons have enjoyed a summer free of work – on furlough, paid by taxpayers. They’ve been enjoying themselves on their country’s beaches; though I hope they observed the ruling that they should remain six feet six inches away from the lifeguards – so presumably any rescuing had to be done at a distance. I wonder if they will feel quite so jolly when they prepare to go back to work and discover that their jobs have gone. The UN recently estimated that half of the world’s jobs will disappear. People who find themselves unemployed this autumn will probably never work again. Ever. I wonder whether people will be angry when they realise just how much the damage is going to affect their lives? Economists and commentators say the recovery will be quick. It won’t be. This is not a temporary inconvenience. The coronavirus fraud is going to lead to permanent changes in every aspect of our society from jobs to health care and from pensions to education – and those changes are being made cold bloodedly and deliberately and globally. Millions of people are going to die in the next year because their illnesses weren’t treated because of the lockdowns.

Health care is going to change dramatically – but not for the better. GPs now seem too lazy or too afraid to see patients. Instead care assistants with modest training see patients in tents or on the pavement or in the car park. You can have a tattoo – which involves a stranger piercing your skin with a needle – but if you do agree to a vaccination it will be done on the pavement because it is too dangerous to do it in the GPs surgery. Assessing patients on the pavement is apparently happening in America too. One patient who had suffered from hay-fever and had visited to a nearby town where there have been positive tests was refused treatment by a doctor but offered a telephone conversation with a physician assistant. Some doctors are, it seems, too frightened to offer even telephone consultations. It must be a relief to them that the golf courses are now open.

You can go into a pub but you can’t go to an AA meeting because that would be too dangerous. Education will soon be done exclusively on the internet – using the excuse that it is too dangerous for children to go to school and sit together in classrooms. No one in government cares a damn about the evidence that letting children go to school is probably safer than keeping them at home – as long as you forget about the unnecessary social distancing and the mask wearing nonsense. Surely, even the most unimaginative must soon be able to discern patterns with a purpose.

It’s not difficult to see that this is part of a global plan – Agenda 21 to give it a name.

Most of the people who have died of covid-19 have been over 80 with at least two or three other serious health problems – and many lived in care homes where they were murdered.

If old people had been murdered in care homes in one country, then that might have been a result of incompetence. But when exactly the same mistake is made in just about every country in the world then it becomes clear that the deaths are a result of official policy.

It is now allegedly routine to put Do Not Resuscitate notices on everyone over the age of 60. No one is denying it. In Scotland it is rumoured that the cut off age is 45. No one is denying that. And DNR notices are routinely put on those with mental illness or physical disabilities whatever their age. That is the default position. The elderly and the frail and the disabled must be eliminated. It’s part of the Agenda 21 plan, the move towards a community based world where the individual must be subservient to the needs of the greater good.

Nothing will ever be the same again. Savers and investors face a dark and dismal future. One bank with which I have an account recently told me that my balance earns interest at a rate of 0.00001% and I consider myself lucky that the interest hasn’t yet gone negative. None of this is accidental. It’s all deliberate.

I’m told that there are still thousands of people who get their news from the BBC! How can this be? If the BBC ever published an honest fact the whole bent organisation would go into meltdown and have to issue an immediate retraction and apology. `We are terribly sorry about the fact we broadcast the other day. It was a mistake and won’t happen again.’

Sadly, the BBC isn’t the only untrustworthy news organisation.

It has for some time now been the case that magazines, newspapers and broadcasters have been beholden to advertisers.

This wasn’t always the case.

I can remember when editors would fly into a rage if an advertiser or advertising director tried to influence a publication’s editorial content or policy.

But as circulations fell the balance of power moved from readers to advertisers and for some time now publications have done little but publish press releases. The sacking of experienced journalists, to save money, and replacing them with naïve, colourless, dishonourable youngsters has helped the decline. Today, main stream media are supine. They promote the governmental hysteria apparently without embarrassment. They use the word pandemic as though it were an accurate appraisal of the situation.

Occasionally, however, there are some bright spots of hope and I think the pressure from the resistance movement may be having an effect. The usually rather untrustworthy (in my opinion) Times newspaper recently ran a headline which read: `Flu and pneumonia killed five times more than covid last month’. Very true and it’s nice to see it in print.

In 2019, the WHO studied influenza pandemics and came to the conclusion that contact tracing is not useful from an epidemiological point of view and (and I quote) `is not recommended in any circumstances’.

Talking of flu, by the way, scientists still don’t know if having the flu vaccine makes people more likely to develop covid-19. Come to think of it, maybe that’s why there is such enthusiasm about giving the flu vaccine to as many people as possible this autumn.

Despite the WHO view on contact tracing, governments around the world (most of which were claiming to take their lead from the Bill Gates funded organisation) introduced track and trace systems – largely using a system devised by Google and Apple. The Google and Apple nonsense was pumped into three billion mobile phones and was apparently designed to record and store all contacts – not just those considered medically relevant. A German IT expert described tracing apps as a Trojan horse. I think we all know what he meant. And I’ll just remind you that the World Health Organisation condemned contact tracing as not recommended in any circumstances.

Never before has science been dismissed with such a cavalier attitude. It is clear that our mobile telephones are due to play an ever increasing part in our lives. In 2011, just 3.5% of payments in China were made with mobile phones. Today, 85% of all payments are made with mobile phones. It is a very small step from a mobile phone which runs your life to a far more convenient chip placed under the skin in your arm. It is hardly surprising that the boss of Microsoft has boasted that `we’ve seen two years’ worth of digital transformation in two months’. Gates, incidentally, has been funding the development of micro implants to give multiple doses of a vaccine or drug over an extended period.

Using a temperature gun is about as useful as asking someone their astrological sign and then isolating all those born under the fishes or the scales. But temperature guns are now seen everywhere.

Back on 23rd April, Neil Ferguson, the Oliver Hardy of mathematics, but without the charm or loveability, was reported as saying that a second wave, worse than the first, was virtually certain to happen. Politicians seem desperate for him to be proved right. If he is proved right it will possibly be a first.

We have for years been living under the eye of Big Brother. But soon Big Brother will be inside us, controlling us. Trans-humanism plans will develop further. Mobile phones will be replaced by obligatory under the skin controls. The people who happily give all their personal details to phone apps will no doubt be eager to have a chip under their skin.

Millions innocently accepted smart meters for their electricity supplies because they believed what they were told. Anyone was suckered into accepting one should now demand that it’s taken out of their home.

Just as the authorities can use the smart meter to turn off your electricity so they will switch off your access to money or food or work simply by controlling the chip under your skin. And then there will be accidents that will occur and probably result in millions of deaths. And the hackers. Oh, don’t forget the hackers.

Talking of deaths, I see that in Ireland there have, in recent months, been fewer total deaths than in any of the previous three years. I suspect that will change both there and elsewhere in the autumn. The deaths caused by the lockdown will start mounting then. When thousands start to die of treatable cancer and heart disease there will, I suspect, be a little more anger among those who are still naïve enough and ill-informed enough to believe that covid-19 is a serious pandemic. Hundreds of thousands of extra deaths are going to mar nations for months if not years – all avoidable, all caused by the lockdowns and all predicted from this chair months ago. Hundreds of crooked politicians and advisors will doubtless try to persuade us that the deaths have been caused by the coronavirus. They will only be able to get away with this if doctors continue to falsify death certificates.

Unless we stop this nonsense quickly it is going to get worse.

They are pushing us to see how far they can go. What will they try next? Wearing masks in the street, in offices, in schools and at home. Wearing goggles and gloves perhaps? I now find it impossible to imagine an insult they would not regard as appropriate. They have closed the dentists and there is no effective health care for millions. Most people are rightly now terrified of seeing a doctor or going into hospital. Do not resuscitate notices are routinely put on anyone over the age of 60 and on individuals of any age who have mental or physical problems. I find it difficult to believe it is happening – but it is and there’s no point in sticking our heads in the sand, under the blanket or anywhere else.

I am glad to see more and more protests around the world – mostly ignored or demonised by the main stream media.

In the UK Piers Corbyn and StandupX are brilliant. Piers Corbyn, clearly a gentle man, has been arrested 45 times for standing up for our freedom. He has been arrested for the modern crime of telling the truth.

By now he has probably been arrested 46 times, 47 – who knows. The police should give him a season ticket.

The new normal as they call it is nothing more than the new world order – the global reset so beloved by fascist extremists and wicked hypocrites such as the utterly appalling Prince Charles – what a bloody family that has turned out to be. They’re like something out of a bad soap opera. They, like the BBC, should be defunded. The BBC doesn’t deserve public money and the royals don’t need it.

The internet has, despite all the bans and shutdowns and the activities of the state financed trolls, been a revelation – and our only hope of salvation. Listen to the Richie Allen radio show and watch, among others, UK Column, Amazing Polly, Dr Judy Mikovits, Ice Age Farmer and The Corbett Report.

When all this is over, every political leader who has put citizens under house arrest and maintained the evil myth of this pandemic must be tried for treason. We’ll try them before hanging, drawing and quartering them because that’s the way civilised people do things.

Remember: decisions are made by those who speak up.

And what’s the point of a life if you sell your soul for a little peace and quiet?

Share this video quickly because it contains a lot of truths. YouTube quickly took down my recent video, entitled `Forbidden Truths’ – presumably because it contained truths which are forbidden. Naturally, in this Kafkaesque world they didn’t explain precisely what my crime was.

YouTube has also now recently taken down and banned my video entitled `Coronavirus: Mental Health Problems Will Now Soar’ which was published in May and in which I predicted that government policies would result in an increase in anxiety and depression. Figures just published confirm that the prediction was, sadly, accurate. I don’t know whether the video was taken down because I predicted what would happen or because it has now happened.

Another Leaf Falls From Massachusetts’ Tree of Liberty: Forced Flu Vax on Helpless Children & Families

Another Leaf Falls From Massachusetts’ Tree of Liberty: Forced Flu Vax on Helpless Children & Families

by Jeffery Jaxen, The HighWire
August 23. 2020


Let’s start where most of the public does. Let’s look at the guidance and talking points of the National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases (NIAID) director Dr. Anthony Fauci, as repetitively forced upon us by corporate media. Everyone sees the cracks in the facade now. It’s mainstream.

Speaking recently with ABC News Healthline, Fauci said, with his usual flair for doublespeak, making sure to never declare a definitive statement:

“I don’t think you’ll ever see a mandating of vaccine, particularly for the general public.” Fauci went on to say, “you would never mandate, at least I do not think you would, I’d pretty be surprised if you mandated it [the coronavirus vaccine] for any element of the general public.”

And for those who choose not to take the someday, maybe coronavirus shot, Fauci added, “They have every right to refuse the vaccine, I don’t think you need a contingency plan,” Fauci said. “If someone refuses the vaccine in the general public, then there’s nothing you can do about that, you cannot force someone to take a vaccine.”

Technically, Fauci is right, using his slick used car salesman vernacular, on not being able to ‘force’ vaccines on the public. Not in the true dystopian sense of the statement, at least.

But what has been done to Americans, and those within several other countries, is a methodical removal from ever functioning in normal society again if people don’t adhere to increasing government legislation ‘mandating’ ever-increasing numbers of vaccines.

Attendance to public school, social welfare safety nets, employment, and travel are but a growing list of general ‘freedoms’ many have been denied access to because they won’t take vaccine schedules in perpetuity.

So will an eventual COVID vaccine be forced through coercion? Days after Fauci’s mandatory vaccine feint, Virginia State Health Commissioner Dr. Norman Oliver came right out and said it – he’s planning on mandating the shot once one is made available to the public.

Now remember, we are supposed to believe that COVID-19 is more dangerous than the flu.

Once again, if we believe the corporate media and their single, myopic talking points, often sans data, COVID-19 is much more dangerous than the seasonal flu. Anyone offering evidence to the contrary gets labeled ‘misinformation,’ or called a conspiracy theorist and met with swift censorship from Big Tech social media’ fact-checkers.’

Nevertheless, in May, an investigation by the Journal of the American Medical Association (JAMA) looking at COVID-19 infection rates in children, found that in US and Canadian Pediatric Intensive Care Unit:

“…the overall burden of COVID-19 infection in children remains relatively low compared with seasonal influenza. It is important to emphasize [this].”

They literally wrote, “It is important to emphasize this.” But the corporate media has done the opposite. They’ve ignored it.

Look at what just happened in the Commonwealth of Massachusetts. Overnight, the state’s Department of Health declared it mandatory for children ages 6 months to college age to be vaccinated with the flu jab. Was there a bill? Did the people get to vote on this new overreach?

Not in Massachusetts. Previously, the Massachusetts legislature deferred the task of deciding new vaccines to the state health department. The health department, when writing the rule to implement the law, gave themselves the latitude to add any vaccine on the Advisory Committee on Immunization Practices’ (ACIP) recommended schedule.

ACIP has famously ‘recommended’ vaccines backed by little, if any, science such as the hepatitis B vaccine HEPISLAV-B in 2018. ACIP also flatly ignores more than a decade of scientific proof that shows aluminum adjuvants in vaccines (such as the HPV) can have far-reaching health issues.

ACIP’s parent agency is the U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC). The CDC recently conceded after months of false claims and objections, that it could not find and has not conducted a single study comparing health outcomes between vaccinated and unvaccinated children.

Kids can be exempted from the new Massachusetts school flu mandate using medical or religious exemptions or if they are homeschooling. However, according to data compiled by the National Vaccine Information Center’s (NVIC) advocacy portal, which tracks vaccine legislation across America in every state, Massachusetts has two active bills currently tabled.

One is working to remove religious exemptions, and another is working to take medical exemptions away from a doctor’s discretion (eliminating the doctor-patient relationship) and into the hands of faceless bureaucrats.

All corporate media reporting omits these bills, whose sessions resume in 2021, which, if signed into law, would essentially leave only homeschooling as an option (with a very narrow medical exemption bestowed by the government), for kids choosing not to vaccinate in the state.

NVIC Advocacy Team released this statement on the Massachusetts mandate:

“Our recommendation would be for people to contact their state legislators and request their help in either asking the health department to voluntarily remove this new requirement for the flu vaccine and if the department fails to do so, take legislative action to not only remove the flu vaccine mandate, but restore the power to amend the required schedule back to the legislature so elected accountable officials are the ones deciding what vaccines are required for school.

Families that don’t want their children to receive the flu vaccine should let their legislators know about the poor historical performance of the vaccine and the prevalence of side effects, as evidenced by the large number of claims to the Vaccine Injury Compensation Program (VICP). Massachusetts does not have a philosophical/conscientious exemption, just medical and religious.”

Under the cover of the COVID crisis, government agencies and health departments are creating mandates, by proxy, for The People. Throughout the American experience, elected representatives of The People would jockey to create protections or defeat intrusions upon personal liberties as directed by those who put them in office. This is something different. Much different.

A dangerous new leaf has turned in the Commonwealth of Massachusetts.