[Satire] Why Small Businesses Should Stay Closed Forever!

[Satire] Why Small Businesses Should Stay Closed Forever!

by JP Sears, AwakenWithJP
December 9, 2020


Original video available at AwakenWithJP YouTube channel.

[As a service to protect truth from censorship & to share widely, mirrored copies of this video are available at Truth Comes to Light BitChute, Brighteon, Lbry/Odysee channels. All credit, along with our sincere thanks, goes to the original source of this video. Please follow links provided to support their work.]

[Satire] Now That’s What I Call a Corona Christmas

[Satire] Now That’s What I Call a Corona Christmas

by The Ulster Fry
December 3, 2020

Original video available at The Ulster Fry YouTube channel.

[As a service to protect truth from censorship & to share widely, mirrored copies of this video are available at Truth Comes to Light BitChute, Brighteon, Lbry channels. All credit, along with our sincere thanks, goes to the original source of this video. Please follow links provided to support their work.]


cover image credit geralt / pixabay

Satire: The Elitists Who Control You

The Elitists Who Control You

by JP Sears, AwakenWithJP
December 1, 2020


Meet the elitists who control you.

Ever wonder who controls the media and politicians that control you?

Here they are! Meet the elite face to face!

The A-Z of Covid19

The A-Z of Covid19
Your handy guide for navigating the current crisis

by Mark Chapman, OffGuardian
November 22, 2020


In these troubling times it can be hard to find a clear path through the maze of disinformation and covid-denial. Print the following out and keep it with you at all times. Refer to it when confronted with a Covidiot or any suggesting you try thinking for yourself.


ANTI-VAXXER (Sic) Criminal lunatic who is intent on denying everyone the opportunity of ever being vaccinated against anything by means of unsubstantiated neo-religious ravings. Candidate for funny-farms and medical experimentation.


BREXIT: Fantasy utopian state believed in by ANTI-VAXXERS and CONSPIRACY THEORISTS.


CONSPIRACY THEORIST: Criminally insane individual dedicated to the annihilation of humanity by allowing everyone to die of COVID-19 by alleging that it may not be as deadly as we all know it is. Other characteristics include denying climate change, voting for BREXIT and non-readership of the GUARDIAN.

COVID-19: Unstoppable and totally lethal plague carried by any living organism with 100% mortality rate that can be caught by any living being on the earth. Symptoms include a) being alive and b) living on planet Earth.


DEATH: Preventable non-living condition arising from contracting COVID-19. Otherwise represented as falsely arising from conspiracy-theorist-alleged conditions e.g. “cancer”, “heart disease”, “accident”, “being shot,” etc .

DEMOCRACY: Fantasy utopia believed in by ANTI-VAXXERS and CONSPIRACY THEORISTS. Characterised by BREXIT and TRUMP.


EPIDEMIOLOGY: Fake science to spread MISINFORMATION about COVID-19.

EXPONENTIAL: Default speed of COVID-19 spread.


FACE MASK/COVERING: Essential Personal Protective Equipment for living organisms. ANTI-VAXXERS and CONSPIRACY THEORISTS do not wear them and this renders them easily identifiable.

FACT-CHECKERS: For reference please read Orwell, G,1984 ref: Ministry of Truth.

FREEDOM: Mythical condition believed in by CONSPIRACY THEORISTS and ANTI-VAXXERS (see above). Cited by the aforementioned as something preferable to protection from DEATH (see above) by COVID-19.


GATES, BILL: Philanthropist dedicated to saving the world from COVID-19.

GREAT BARRINGTON DECLARATION, THE: Pseudoscientific mumbo-jumbo written by a bunch of QUACKs including “Dr. Johnny Bananas” in order to spread MISINFORMATION about COVID-19.

GREAT RESET: THE: Mythical blueprint for post COVID-19 society. Referred to by ANTI-VAXXERS and CONSPIRACY THEORISTS.

GUARDIAN, THE: Source of reliable and truthful information regarding COVID-19. Required reading. Non-biased, humanist publication written by the most gifted journalists now living.


HANCOCK: MATT: Hero of the people dedicated to saving everyone from COVID-19.

HEALTH: Condition of existence characterised by non-infection by COVID-19. Misrepresented by ANTI-VAXXERS and CONSPIRACY THEORISTS as normal, non-pathological state.


IMMUNOLOGY: Fake science intended to mislead the public regarding COVID-19.


JOHNSON, BORIS: Prime Minister of England. Very funny chap.


KOONTZ, DEAN: Author who predicted COVID-19 in one of his novels.


LIFE: Pathological delusion believed in by CONSPIRACY THEORISTS.

LOCKDOWN: Utopian state that will free humanity for ever.


MISINFORMATION: Act of suggesting mistaken beliefs not permitted by the STATE: eg. 2+2=4 without reference to FACT CHECKERS.


NHS: Pre-2020 organisation, now defunct, providing placebo medication for now-debunked conditions such as “cancer”, “heart disease,” “diabetes” etc.

NORMAL; NEW: Post-2020 Age of Enlightenment: for further information see Zamyatin,, Y, We. Huxley, A, Brave New World.


OXFORD: UNIVERSITY OF: Developmental research station for COVID-19.


PANDEMIC: The current state of existence characterising life on Planet Earth.

PARLIAMENT: Pre-2020 institution, now defunct, dedicated to squabbling on television for the benefit of the masses over decisions that had already been taken by the STATE.

PLANDEMIC: Criminally insane publication written by CONSPIRACY THEORISTS.

POLICE: Pre-2020 organisation, now defunct, created to enact entertaining drama for the masses, e.g by driving around in fast cars and running about in city centres trying to catch “baddies” and “crooks.” Especially effective at reducing traffic congestion in December and January. Ref: Z-Cars, The Bill, Dixon of Dock Green.

PRISON: Institutions created to house ANTI-VAXXERS and CONSPIRACY THEORISTS.


QUACK: Signatory of the GREAT BARRINGTON DECLARATION with fake Ph.D.


R NUMBER: Statistical integer for illustrating spread of COVID-19. Non-referenced.


SAFE: Condition of total atrophy. See DEATH.

SCIENTIST: Individual responsible for issuing warnings justifying lockdowns.

SKY NEWS: Unbiased source of information regarding COVID-19. To be broadcast in all pubs and places of entertainment.

SOCIAL DISTANCING: Introduced 2020. The natural form of communication for human beings requiring a respectful personal space. Let’s face it, how many years have you gone around putting up with bad breath, BO and fag smoke?

STATE, THE: Benefactor and source of all blessings.

SWEDEN: Rogue state of COVID-19 deniers.


T-CELL: Mythical component of IMMUNOLOGY used to mislead the public regarding COVID-19.

TRUMP, DONALD : Former president of the United States. Believer in debunked fantasy of DEMOCRACY.


UNITED KINGDOM, THE, Isolated control population for COVID-19 VACCINE. Characterised by inhabitants with zero capacity for rebelliousness.


VACCINE: Panacea for COVID-19. To be injected into population of entire planet. Declared safe by QUACKs. Said population expendable in drive to halt “climate change.”

VIROLOGY: Fake science intended to mislead the public regarding COVID-19.

VIRUS: Integral component of COVID-19. Non-referenced.


WE: (1924, Zamyatin, Y.) Blueprint for post-COVID-19 society.

WORLD HEALTH ORGANISATION: Bunch of nice chaps who like sitting around talking about COVID-19.

WORLD ECONOMIC FORUM: Bunch of nice chaps who like sitting around talking about money.


ZAMYATIN, Y: Author of “WE”, (soon to be banned)


[Satire] Top 5 Things to Say if You’re Caught On Thanksgiving Day

Top 5 Things to Say if You’re Caught On Thanksgiving Day

by Del Bigtree, The HighWire
November 29, 2020


While states move back towards lockdowns, and impose crazy rules for Thanksgiving, these same leaders making the rules have been caught violating them! Del breaks down the best excuses these leaders use, in case you’re caught this Thanksgiving.

#Thanksgiving #GavinNewsom #HWTop5 #Lockdown #NancyPelosi

[Satire] Welcome to the Great Reset

[Satire] Welcome to the Great Reset

by WhatsHerFace
October 30, 2020


The orchestration of humanity’s demise goes by many names: The Great Reset, Agenda 21, Agenda 2030, the 4th Industrial Revolution and The New World Order, .

No matter the name, the goal remains.

It is the complete servitude of the world’s population under the guise of righteousness.

The elites will stop at nothing to manipulate and change the minds of people, having them believe up is down, good is bad, freedom is slavery and ignorance is strength.

But humanity is resilient and endures, we will not be overcome.

Video source:  Winter Oak

Support WhatsHerFace on Patreon

[As a service to protect truth from censorship & to share widely, mirrored copies of this video are available at Truth Comes to Light BitChute, Brighteon, Lbry & Odysee channels. All credit, along with our sincere thanks, goes to the original source of this video. Please follow links provided to support their work.]

[Satire] ‘Covid Force Field 5000’ Tin Foil Hat Substitute for Useless Masks

[Satire] ‘Covid Force Field 5000’ Tin Foil Hat Substitute for Useless Masks

by Martin Costello
October 31, 2020


I’ve been out trialling my ‘Covid Force Field 5000’ in the hope I can find a solution for hunmanity! 

Despite everyone following the rules SUPERBLY, it’s evident they don’t work with a second lockdown being enforced! I’ve been out trialling my ‘Covid Force Field 5000’ in the hope I can find a solution for hunmanity!

The nation is being CRIPPLED, economically, mentally and physically – this has got to STOP!

**Disclaimer – please continue to follow the government guidelines 🙂 **

Connect with Martin Costello at his YouTube channel.

[Satire] The Most Dangerous Disease in the World

The Most Dangerous Disease in the World

by JP Sears, AwakenWithJP
October 28, 2020


In this video, learn all about the most dangerous disease in the world, intelligence. You’ll understand what you need to do to help slow the spread of this disease. If we all work together and follow the proper social guidelines, we can rid the world of intelligence once and for all.

*For Comedy Show schedule and tickets: https://awakenwithjp.com/events/


cover image credit GraphicMama-team /pixabay

[Satire] Watch How the UK Picks Its Lockdown Policies

Watch How the UK Picks Its Lockdown Policies

by Simon Brodkin
October 12, 2020



[Animated Satire] We’ll Cook Your Goose!!

We’ll Cook Your Goose!!

by Matt Landman
October 21, 2020


Animation by Imane Bahni & Matt Landman , ActualActivists.com

Original video available at Matt Landman YouTube channel.

[As a service to protect truth from censorship & to share widely, mirrored copies of this video are available at Truth Comes to Light BitChute, Brighteon, Lbry & Odysee channels. All credit, along with our sincere thanks, goes to the original source of this video. Please follow links provided to support their work.]


Connect with Matt Landman:  actualactivists.com

[Satire/Music Video] I’m Masking Alone Now

[Satire/Music Video] I’m Masking Alone Now

by Media Bear
October 17, 2020


Original video available at Media Bear YouTube and BitChute channels.

[As a service to protect truth from censorship & to share widely, mirrored copies of this video are available at Truth Comes to Light BitChute, Lbry, Odysee & Brighteon channels. All credit, along with our sincere thanks, goes to the original source of this video. Please follow links provided to support their work.]

T-shirts & stickers: www.mediabear.redbubble.com

Support Media Bear:

How to Wear Your Mask Like a Boss

How to Wear Your Mask Like a Boss

by The HighWire with Del Bigtree
October 15, 2020


Want to learn to wear your mask like a BOSS? You’ve got to learn from a boss. Take a look.

[Satire] California Mandates All Food Must Be Consumed Through IV to Ensure Masks Are Never Removed

California Mandates All Food Must Be Consumed Through IV to Ensure Masks Are Never Removed

by The Babylon Bee
October 7, 2020


SACRAMENTO, CA—In order to save lives and also because of science, Governor Gavin Newsom of California announced today that all restaurant food consumed in the state must come from an IV bag or feeding tube to ensure diners never have to remove their masks while dining.

“Unlike some people who hate science and want people to die, we here in California love science and don’t want people to die,” said Newsom during the announcement. “The most effective way in the world to prevent death is to wear a cloth on your face and never take it off, even when eating. This highly scientific new mandate will help Californians enjoy their food without ever removing their masks!”

Those who are looking for just a light snack will be able to insert a catheter directly into their veins and get a continuous drip of nutritional fluid. For those looking for a heartier meal like steak and potatoes, restaurants will now be required to put the entire meal in a blender and push it through a surgically installed feeding tube directly into the diner’s stomach.

“We believe this is a modest and reasonable measure we all must take to ensure masks stay on and nobody ever dies ever again,” said California Health Secretary Mark Ghaly. “Plus, it’s totally scientific, which of course is the most important thing here.”

Researchers in California confirmed they are working on a mask that can be surgically attached to a person’s face so they will never have to worry about removing it again.

The Covidean Creed (As Agreed at the Unholy Conclave at Davos)

The Covidean Creed
(As Agreed at the Unholy Conclave at Davos)

by Ian Jenkins, OffGuardian
September 26, 2020


We believe in one Virus, the SARS-COV-2, the Almighty, destroyer of heaven and earth, that is all there is, seen and unseen.

We believe in one Malady, Covid-19, the only son of SARS-COV-2, eternally begotten of the Virus, God from God, Darkness from Darkness, true God from true God, begotten, not made (probably) of one Being with the Virus.

For diseases are they none but the One True Virus and Death comes not without Its presence. Thou shalt have no diseases before the One True Virus. They that die outside the Virus shall not have their passing told unto the people on a quotidian basis in hushed tones, but shall be quietly recorded in obscure tables when the time comes.

Through the Virus all things were unmade.
For us men (and women and all points in between) and for our damnation
It came down from heaven (or maybe from China or Maryland):

By the power of the Holy WHO
It became incarnate from the swirling microbes (or maybe bat soup through immaculate Zoonosis), and was made Pandemic.

For Its sake we were crucified under ongoing Lockdown;
It suffered not death, like unto most it afflicteth, and is never buried in the news.
Though by the evidence that appeareth on those who do pass away or wax sick, it hath waned to almost nought.

On the second wave It rose again
And though few did perish many were tested and lo! Many were deemed infected (probably) and ‘cases’ were they named, though sickness showed they none,
in accordance with the Great Plan;

It ascended into the collective consciousness
and is seated on the right and left hand of all (lest with sanitiser they do anoint themselves five score times hourly)

It will come again in glory, as many times as necessary to convince the living and the dead,
and his mask’d kingdom will have no end, it seemeth.

We believe in the Unholy pathogen, the Lord Rona, the taker of life (for they that are vulnerable), though he passeth the children by,
who proceeds from the laboratory and the test.

With the quest for a Vaccine, the donning of the Holy Mask and with sequestration of the faithful he is worshipped and glorified and Its name kept alive in the minds of all.

It hath spoken through ‘The Science’ and thereafter through the Media, through Potentates and Rulers and through the scriptures of the WEF and of the foundations and think-tanks that do proclaim Its Gospel.

Woe to they who do speak out against the words of the Powers of Covid or their servants, for they shall be anathema and their names removed from the Book of Face and platform shall they have none. One shall they be made with they that aver the Earth to be flat and Conspiracy Theorists shall they be named.

We believe in one unholy Catastrophic and Technocratic Global Church.
We acknowledge one Great Reset for the salvation of all.

We look in vain for the resurrection of Reason, Proportionality and Democracy,
and towards the life of the New World to come.



cover image credit: OffGuardian

Robert F. Kennedy, Jr. w/ JP Sears: On Censorship, Courage, Trusting Our Senses & Calling Out Bullshit When We See It

Robert F. Kennedy, Jr. w/ JP Sears: On Censorship, Courage, Trusting Our Senses & Calling Out Bullshit When We See It

by the Children’s Health Defense,
September 18, 2020


Original video is found at Children’s Health Defense YouTube channel.

[Mirrored at Truth Comes to Light BitChute & LBRY channels.]


In the second episode of our second season of “TRUTH”, join Robert F. Kennedy, Jr., as he interviews life coach and internet comedian J. P. Sears.

The two had a lively and thought-provoking conversation that centered on several themes relevant to the COVID crisis including censorship and the CHD lawsuit against Facebook, keeping a healthy attitude, the toll of the coronavirus, and much more!

The Pandemic Hotline

The Pandemic Hotline

by JP Sears, AwakenWithJP
September 17, 2020


Find original video at AwakenWithJP YouTube channel.

[Mirrored copies of this video are available at Truth Comes to Light BitChute, LBRY & Brighteon channels. All credit goes to the original source of this video.]

A little behind the scenes peek at the Pandemic Hotline handling the most important questions.
Have you been confused about different social distancing guidelines, death counts, and testing?
You’ll be confused no more as you watch the pandemic hotline operator gracefully dance right through the most pressing questions of our lockdown.

Emotional Distancing Guidelines

Emotional Distancing Guidelines

by JP Sears, AwakenWithJP
September 4, 2020


[Mirrored on TCTL BitChute, Lbry & Brighteon channels.]

The new guideline informs you that physical distancing isn’t enough to keep you safe.

Now emotional distancing is a mandatory guideline.

Now the wall of protection that you imprison yourself with will keep you safer than ever before.

For Comedy Show schedule and tickets: https://awakenwithjp.com/events/

[Satire] Hancock’s Half-Hour

Hancock’s Half-Hour

by Stephen McMurray, OffGuardian
September 3, 2020



A brand new TV show has just been announced called Hancock’s Half-Hour. Over the course of 30 minutes the main character, Hapless Hancock, playing the part of the Health Secretary, will highlight all the government’s absurd policies and fake facts and figures surrounding the covid situation.

Some of the highlights of the show have already been leaked. One of the stories featured will be that of the Seagull on Brighton beach who is believed to be covid positive. In an interview, a public health official claims that the seagull definitely has covid as a local resident called Bob witnessed the bird regurgitating some chips it had stolen from a couple of pensioners sitting on a bench. This combined with the fact that another witness said it had beady eyes was enough to convince the authorities of its covid positive status.

As a result of this spike in cases, Brighton beach has been sealed off, The Golden Cod chip shop where the pensioners purchased the chips has been demolished, the bench on which they sat has been removed and the surrounding area has been carpet-bombed.

The pensioners themselves have been placed in quarantine for six months and anybody returning from Brighton in the last few days have been told to put a cardboard box over their head whilst self-isolating for fourteen days.

As a precautionary measure all purchases of potato products in and around the South coast region have been banned with a prison term of three months and confiscation of their deep fat fryer for anyone that defies the new law. The head of the local police force was quoted as saying, “We will enforce the law with the utmost vigour. People have got to realise that cooking or consuming chips at this time could kill someone.”

The seagull at the centre of the storm was not captured but authorities did manage to fit it with a track and trace ankle bracelet before it escaped. It is hoped that all the birds it comes into contact with will be able to be traced and locked into special nightingale aviaries that have been specifically set up for this purpose. Hapless Hancock was quick to point out that although the new facilities are called nightingale aviaries all species of birds can be accommodated.

As a result of this terrifying event, all local bird owners are now required to ensure their pets have beak coverings when they cannot social distance from other birds. Canaries, cockatoos, parrots and budgies are all subject to the new law but mynah birds are exempt as it was thought that putting a mask over their beak and preventing them from speaking for any period of time would cause them too much anxiety.

In the first show it is also believed Hapless Hancock will announce new, stricter measures to prevent the spread of corona virus. According to the latest science, the virus can now make its way into a person’s system via the skin, hair and ears and so it will become mandatory to wear full body coverings when indoors. Recommended coverings are hazmat suits, suits of armour, circa 16th Century or a beekeeper’s outfit purchased from a reputable supplier. In the event that you do not own any of these, a home-made body covering will suffice and can be made out of any household material including old rags, toilet rolls or bits of coal. To help with designing your own body covering, a new billion-pound website has been set up by the Department of Health and Social Care.

As well as full body coverings the latest expert advice is that a kipper placed strategically in one’s underwear should help prevent the spread of the virus. A study carried out by Poppycock University in Cambridge has shown that the viral load of the virus is inversely proportional to the size of fish used but it is only true for kippers. Other piscine species have been used but without success. Members of the public visiting their local fishmongers will be reminded to stay at least 10 salmon lengths apart at all times.

As new cases and fatalities are falling every day it is thought that the corona virus has mutated to become craftier due to a hitherto unknown gene called the sneaky gene. It is now believed by experts to have changed its modus operandi and is causing a completely different set of symptoms. These new list of symptoms will be revealed on the show but are known to include, ‘looking slightly bewildered, walking with an odd gait, looking at other people in a funny manner and talking with a strange accent.’

The police are due to organise a press conference in the next few days where they will be encouraging the public to report anybody showing any of these signs to the authorities, emphasising it is now everyone’s public duty to spy on their neighbours and be wary of anyone new in the area, particularly if they have a limp and sound a little bit foreign.

As an incentive, a new scheme is to be introduced called, ‘Squeal for a meal,’ whereby any member of the public that grasses on another for acting oddly will get a voucher for a free meal at any local restaurant.

The programme will also feature the new virus behaviour modelling expert, Madame Zaza, who will predict the course of the virus by various methods including reading tea leaves whilst blindfolded, counting how many natterjack toads will gather on the trunk of a fallen oak tree before sunset, recording how long it takes a piece of cheese to go mouldy in an enclosed environment and seeing how many boiled sweets she can suck in an hour whilst wearing a Mickey Mouse mask. Madame Zaza’s essential work will be sponsored by Mint Imperial college, London.

The latest science says these are the most accurate ways of predicting the behaviour of the virus as opposed to the previous method of thinking of a number, subtracting it from the average height of a giant sequoia tree, multiplying it by the distance between the moon and the earth at the time of a lunar eclipse and then adding a squillion to get the final figure.

This, of course, was the method employed by Fiddler Ferguson, the professor guilty of fiddling with the figures whilst he fiddled with his mistress.

The programme will also cater for the musically minded as it will feature BoJo the clown, doing a cover version of the Fun Boy Three’s hit, The Lunatics Have Taken Over the Asylum, on a dither. (A dither is another form of the zither but is used solely by those who haven’t got a clue what they are doing). Accompanying him will be the Health Secretary and the Chief Medical Officer. It is thought The Glum Boy Three will have a regular slot on the programme.

Despite all the measures that will be highlighted in the show, a leaked document from the cabinet office has predicted that the only way to truly eradicate the virus is by culling the entire population so that it has no more potential hosts. To this end, another scheme is being advised where you can commit suicide to avoid catching covid. It will be called, ‘Check Out to Help Out.’

It is envisaged that there will be a large uptake as many members of the public desperately want to stay covid safe. However, if demand does not meet the required level, the scheme will become mandatory. Those unwilling to comply will be effectively water-boarded into submission by being forced to wear a dirty, homemade facemask during a heavy rainstorm.

Happy viewing.

What It’s Like Getting Censored on YouTube

[Humor] What It’s Like Getting Censored on YouTube

by JP Sears, AwakenWithJP
September 2, 2020


[Mirrored copies available at TCTL BitChute, Lbry & Brighteon channels.]


What’s it like getting censored on YouTube? As a content creator, you might be wondering if freedom of speech is right for you.

You’ll see what it’s like having the constitutional amendment called community guidelines trump the constitutional right called freedom of speech.

As Dangerous as Having a Bath. Play the Odds. Stay Safe.

As Dangerous as Having a Bath. Play the Odds. Stay Safe.

by Carl Vernon
September 2, 2020


[mirrored on TCTL BitChute, Lbry & Brighteon channels.]



New Revelations on the COVID Death Count

[Satire] New Revelations on the COVID Death Count

by JP Sears, AwakenWithJP
September 1, 2020


Available (at the time of this posting) at AwakenWithJP YouTube channel.

[mirrored on TCTL BitChute, Lbry & Brighteon channels.]

Dropbox link

You’re more than welcome upload this video to any and all of your social platforms.

Just download the video from the above dropbox link and then upload it to wherever you’d like!

We’ll make the censors work a little harder for their money.

With the stunning information just released by the CDC about the COVID death count, you might be wondering what to do.

Should you be living with more fear or should you be living with a lot more fear?

Well in this video, your trusted health authority will be telling you exactly what to think and feel.

*For Comedy Show schedule and tickets: https://awakenwithjp.com/events/

People That Wear a Mask in Their Car

People That Wear a Mask in Their Car

by AwakenWithJP
July 7, 2020


Support JP on patreon: https://awakenwithjp.com/patron

Also available at Truth Comes to Light Bitchute channel

Satire: The Corona Quiz

The Corona Quiz

by Spacebusters
June 17, 2020


Spacebusters Bitchute Channel

ALREADY CENSORED BY YOUTUBE!! Hope you have as much fun watching it as we did making it…Stick around for the prizes at the end…lol

Music: Jazz Organ Trio Cool Blue Doug Maxwell/Media Right Productions Sound FX: https://www.zapsplat.com
Music: J…

Also available on TCTL BitChute and LBRY Channels

New Law – Everyone Must Now Hop and Wear Galoshes

Vernon Coleman, New Law – Everyone Must Now Hop And Wear Galoshes

by Vernon Coleman
June 5, 2020



In the event that the original video is censored and deleted by the source social media platform,
link here to a mirrored copy on Truth Comes to Light Bitchute channel.


Transcript — from Vernon Coleman website


It appears that the BBC was right when it recently appeared to warn that the coronavirus can be spread by footwear.

The British Prime Minister’s team of scientific advisors, known as the Ministerial Intelligence and Notification Team (or MINT for short) has warned that this new threat must be taken seriously if the world is to be saved and drug company profits are to be maximised.

Professor Neil Ferguson of Imperial Mints and the Bill Gates Foundation for Jabbing Scared People with Chemicals has warned that if nothing is done then 300 million Britons will need to be hospitalised and at least 370 million of them will die.

When a journalist timidly pointed out that there aren’t that many people in Britain, Professor Ferguson, known to his fan club as the Eddie the Eagle of mathematical modelling, replied that as a result of foot transmission he is expecting a second, third and fourth wave of the infection which will repeatedly wipe out 150% of the entire population.

To deal with this unexpected problem the Prime Minister’s special advisor, Dominic Cummings set up a one man committee and has decided that the problem will be halved if everyone hops instead of walking.

`Hopping,’ said Sir Dominic, `will mean that only one contaminated foot will be in contact with the ground at any time.’

The Governmental Advisory committee known as MINT has also recommended that all citizens should wear disposable galoshes. These can be made at home out of old shoe boxes or, for those with smaller feet, old plastic detergent containers and some sticky back tape.

For the medium and long term Lord Cummings says that the government has commissioned a factory in Hungary to manufacture three billion pairs of galoshes.

Laws to ensure that hopping and galosh wearing rules are carefully followed mean that those who do not obey will have one leg amputated. Those who break the law a second time will have a second limb amputated and so on until they have no more legs.

These rules will stay in force for 64 weeks, said the Prime Minister who added that citizens will also be expected to follow existing social distancing and lockdown rules at the same time. Two consenting adults can hop together in their own garden as long as they remain at least six feet six inches apart from each other.

A hopping hotline has been set up to provide advice for those who aren’t sure how to hop satisfactorily.

Finally, citizens everywhere are advised to wash their feet in soap and water every twenty minutes.

`We must follow these rules very strictly,’ said Lord Cummings. `If people are careless then there could be a great many deaths among those who spend time walking on their hands or crawling on their hands and knees.‘

In order to encourage people to follow the guidelines the government has introduced a new set of slogans:

Wash your feet
Wear your galoshes
Hop to it

In addition, every Wednesday at 7 pm citizens will be encouraged to stand on their doorsteps, on one leg of course, and to toss their unwanted shoes into the street while chanting Shoe, Shoe, Shoe as loudly as they can.

Concerned citizens who want to help the nation will be asked to hop around their gardens or up and down their stairs (taking great care as they do so, of course) to raise money for the Bill Gates Foundation for Global Control and World Government.

If you believe any of that you probably believe in the lockdowns and social distancing, which make just as much sense, you may have been permanently destabilised and I’m afraid there is little hope for you.

Finally, don’t forget to brainwash yourself every day by repeating my special mantra:

1. Distrust the government
2. Avoid mass media
3. Fight the lies

Copyright Vernon Coleman June 5th 2020

How Social Distancing Rules Are Created

How Social Distancing Rules Are Created

by AwakenWithJP
June 30, 2020

Perhaps this is how social distancing rules are created.

Social distancing guidelines are always created by the most intelligent individuals with the most amount of common sense.

Greetings, Useless Eaters: A Message From Your Global Human Health Overlord

Hello, useless eaters.

As your unqualified, non-elected, Global Human Health Overlord, I’d like to take this opportunity to flaunt my position of power and influence over society and share some of my plans for you and your future.

When I amassed my fortune in computer software, I demonstrated that I was willing to lie, steal code, cheat my partners and exercise monopolistic control to destroy my competitors.

Now that I’ve retired I can re-brand myself as a humanitarian. With my for-profit foundation masquerading as a charity,  I can advocate for population reduction and sponsor mass human experiments with unproven vaccines in vulnerable populations.

Like my father, a powerful banker, eugenicist and Rockefeller crony himself, it’s always been my ambition to decide who lives, and more importantly, how many have to die.

Whether it’s under the guise of climate change or world health, it’s really all about controlling and culling the human herd for fun and profit.

In November of last year I hosted Event 201, a war game simulation of a global pandemic. Leaders from private corporations, global banks, governments. and the media got together to strategize ways they could align in lockstep when responding to a worldwide health crisis.

Using a coordinated campaign of fear-mongering, intimidation, social shaming and economic blackmail we realized that we could get around dangerous philosophies like individual liberty and national sovereignty.

With an obedient population we would be free to implement our own top-down solutions like forced quarantines, social distancing, contact tracing and mandatory testing as a means to seize technocratic control of society.

Now imagine my excitement when we had the opportunity to release…uh…declare our own global pandemic.

It was my chance to look like the Nostradamus of public health and to position myself and business partners like Dr. Fauci as the de facto authorities on response and solutions.

Through exaggerated doomsday scenarios and computer simulations, our petty control freaks instituted harsh rules and draconian lockdowns.

Even after our dire predictions proved false, scared and well-meaning people continued to submit to the arbitrary and foolish demands of their so-called leaders.

Having achieved global lockdown and medical martial law, we all continued to hold hostage your ability to congregate, work, travel or do just about anything until we’re prepared to roll out our bigger plan.

I’d like to call this Pandemic 1, because, believe me, we have others in the works.

Our final solution is to have you begging for us to vaccinate, tag, and digitally track each one of you — like livestock.

Not only will my foundation enjoy legal immunity and trillions in profits, but these mandatory experimental vaccines move us so much further down the road to absolute centralized, global control.

If only my good friend Jeffrey Epstein had been here to celebrate with me aboard the Lolita Express.

So remember, global citizens, this will end when I say it ends.

Could be a year, maybe two years, maybe never.  I guarantee that, if we have our way, it will be at least until you’re not able to do anything to stop it.

Just surrender your personal freedom and common sense to our fear merchants in government and the media — ’cause none of this works unless you all go along with it.

Now if you’ll excuse me I’m off to do some augmented reality spirit cooking with Marina Abramovic.

Bye now.

In the event that the original video is censored and deleted by the source social media platform, link here to a mirrored copy on Truth Comes to Light Bitchute channel.

Why the Lockdown Should Last Longer [Satire]

Why the Lockdown Should Last Longer

by JP Sears, AwakenWithJP
June 3, 2020


Here’s why the lockdown should never end.

In the global pandemic the lockdown has been used and extended.

Many think it should end.

Here’s why they’re wrong and it should potentially never end.


*For Comedy Show schedule and tickets: https://awakenwithjp.com/events/

-My NEW Awakened Shirts are available! Claim yours here: https://awakenwithjp.com/shop

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In the event that the original video is censored and deleted by YouTube, link here to a mirrored copy on Truth Comes to Light Bitchute channel.

Blue Pill People

Blue Pill People

by AwakenWithJP
May 19, 2020


Video: “The House Cat Flu” is Coming. The Meow Apocalypse…

Video: “The House Cat Flu” is Coming. The Meow Apocalypse…

Satire: The Simpsons (2010)

by Prof Michel Chossudovsky
April 19, 2020


The following episode of the Simpsons was released in 2010.

It is a satire. But at the same time it reveals the unspoken truth.

This episode was not taken out the blue. In 2010 when The House Cat Flu  episode was broadcast on TV in November 2010,  the  World was recovering from the 2009 H1N1 swine flu H1N1 pandemic which turned out to be fake.

In the Meow Apocalypse, it was a campaign against the house cat.

In the REAL LIFE 2009 H1N1 swine flu pandemic, a worldwide campaign was launched against the pig. Hundreds of thousands of pigs were slaughtered. 

The WHO was and remains controlled by Big Pharma. In 2009, WHO Director General Margaret Chan ordered 4.9 billion doses of an H1N1 vaccine from the pharmaceutical industry. It was  multibillion dollar scam. 

scroll down for details on the H1N1 Swine flu pandemic.

VIDEO: House Cat Flu, the Meow Apocalypse

The H1N1 Swine Flu Pandemic

In 2009, hundreds of thousands of pigs were executed Worldwide, despite the fact that  the WHO had confirmed that there was no danger of transmission from pigs to humans.

And then what happened, an authoritative study by the John Hopkins School of Public Health was released saying that humans could infect the pigsPutting Meat on the Table Industrial Farm Animal Production in Americas, see also Washington Post, May 9 2009).

Based on incomplete and scanty data, the WHO Director General nonetheless predicted with authority that: “as many as 2 billion people could become infected over the next two years — nearly one-third of the world population.” (World Health Organization as reported by the Western media, July 2009).

It was a multibillion bonanza for Big Pharma supported by the WHO’s Director-General Margaret Chan. 

In June 2009, Margaret Chan made the following statement:

“On the basis of … expert assessments of the evidence, the scientific criteria for an influenza pandemic have been met. I have therefore decided to raise the level of influenza pandemic alert from Phase 5 to Phase 6.  The world is now at the start of the 2009 influenza pandemic. … Margaret Chan, Director-General, World Health Organization (WHO), Press Briefing  11 June 2009)

What “expert assessments”?

In a subsequent statement she confirmed that:

“Vaccine makers could produce 4.9 billion pandemic flu shots per year in the best-case scenario”,Margaret Chan, Director-General, World Health Organization (WHO), quoted by Reuters, 21 July 2009)

A financial windfall for Big Pharma Vaccine Producers including GlaxoSmithKline, Novartis, Merck & Co., Sanofi,  Pfizer. et al.

The same Big Pharma companies are also behind the coronavirus pandemic.

Fake News, Fake Statistics, Lies at the Highest Levels of Government

The media went immediately into high gear (without a shred of evidence). Fear and Uncertainty. Public opinion was deliberately misled

Swine flu could strike up to 40 percent of Americans over the next two years and as many as several hundred thousand could die if a vaccine campaign and other measures aren’t successful.” (Official Statement of Obama Administration, Associated Press, 24 July 2009).

“The U.S. expects to have 160 million doses of swine flu vaccine available sometime in October”, (Associated Press, 23 July 2009)

Wealthier countries such as the U.S. and Britain will pay just under $10 per dose [of the H1N1 flu vaccine]. … Developing countries will pay a lower price.” [circa $40 billion for Big Pharma?] (Business Week, July 2009)

But the pandemic never happened.

There was no pandemic affecting 2 billion people…

Millions of doses of swine flu vaccine had been ordered by national governments from Big Pharma. Millions of vaccine doses were subsequently destroyed: a financial bonanza for Big Pharma, an expenditure crisis for national governments.

There was no investigation into who was behind this multibillion fraud. 

Several critics said that the H1N1 Pandemic was “Fake”

The Parliamentary Assembly of the Council of Europe (PACE), a human rights watchdog, is publicly investigating the WHO’s motives in declaring a pandemic. Indeed, the chairman of its influential health committee, epidemiologist Wolfgang Wodarg, has declared that the “false pandemic” is “one of the greatest medicine scandals of the century.” (Forbes, February 10, 2010)

And in January 2010, the WHO responded with the following statement

The Western media which provided daily coverage of  the pandemic, remained mum (with some exceptions) on the issue of financial fraud and disinformation.

I should emphasize that the present Public Health Crisis concerning China’s novel coronavirus is of an entirely different nature to that of H1N1.

But there important lessons to be learnt from the 2009 H1N1 Pandemic: 

The fundamental issue we must address pertaining to both present as well as previous public health emergencies:

Can we trust the Western media?

Can we trust the World Health Organization (WHO)?

Can we trust the US government  including the US Centers  for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC), all of which are serving the interests of Big Pharma (at tax payers’ expense).

You Can’t Make This Stuff Up: Cops in India Wearing Corona Virus Helmets

Well then there is This

by pocketsofthefuture


Seems Like the World Is Out of Toilet Paper

Seems Like The World Is Out Of Toilet Paper

by moronbrothersKY


Laugh America! It’s time to smile. May God Bless You! This is a funny song we wrote about alternatives to toilet paper. We hope you enjoy it!

Coronavirus — It’s Deadlier Than You Thought

by JP Sears, AwakenWithJP
March 11, 2020


Here’s the latest BREAKING NEWS update on the Coronavirus.

It’s definitely gonna kill you. The only way to protect yourself from COVID-19 is to buy a casket now.

Stay tuned for all the latest sensationalized updates about the Corona Virus.

The Simpsons: Coronavirus Predictive Programming?

image credit: Vinnie Scullo – Fan Art


Truth In Plain Sight

The Adventures of Placeboman: On Listening to “Experts” & the Conscience of Belief

by Bruce H. Lipton, Ph.D.
January 29, 2020


Conscience of Belief – The Adventures of Placeboman (PART 3)

by Dr. Bruce Lipton
January 29, 2020


Since the dawn of New Age thought, proponents have emphasized the power of the mind in controlling biology. The notion of self-empowerment in managing health was adamantly condemned by the pharmaceutical industry, an industry whose livelihood is based upon selling drugs as the only path in controlling health. The public’s perception that pharmaceuticals are the only way to regain health is conditioned by the industry’s onslaught of drug commercials every 10 minutes in TV programming. The financial power of the drug companies has also been used to manipulate medical school curricula, so that practitioners are trained to devalue the role of mind while they are encouraged to write drug prescriptions for their patients.

While medical practitioners have essentially dismissed the role of mind in influencing health, science has fully established that a minimum of one third, and up to two thirds, of all positive medical interventions are due to the Placebo Effect, an expression of the real power of mind over matter.

By definition, the placebo effect reveals the influence that positive thinking about the effectiveness of pill or therapy (that may in reality only be a sugar pill or a sham (fake) therapy) can produce a healing experience. Placebos represent the scientific consequence of how positive consciousness (mind) can manifest healing.

While the placebo effect demonstrates the effectiveness of positive thinking in shaping health, what about the influence of negative thinking? Negative thoughts engage the Nocebo Effect, whose influence is equally powerful to that of the placebo effect but works in the opposite direction. Negative thinking, characteristic of the nocebo effect, can cause ANY disease and even death … from nothing more than a thought.

It’s not really the power of positive thinking or of negative thinking, it is simply the power of thinking, and how our thoughts control our biology. This insight fully reflects the fundamental principle of quantum physics, the most valid of all the sciences, that recognizes consciousness as the factor that controls our life experiences. The placebo and nocebo effects are mediated by the release of brain neurochemistry that complements the mind’s interpretation of the world. Brain chemistry is responsible for manifesting the body’s physical expression of thought.

At the present moment, the public is again being challenged by the influence of negative thinking as it relates to the fear of another life-threatening pandemic … this time the coronavirus.  Please note an important fact about the historic and famous deadly pandemics such as the black death (bubonic plague) in the 1300’s and the 1918 swine flu, both of which caused millions of deaths. Medical researchers have established that the health of those that died in these plagues was already physically compromised, they were extremely malnourished and lived in the most unsanitary environments.

Similarly, we are led to believe that measles also represents a “deadly” disease, while years ago, when I was young (contrary to what you may think, that was not the dark ages), everyone got the measles as a right of passage. Yes … some people died with measles and yet again, those that died were already medically compromised. Today, the word “measles” invokes a nocebo image of a deadly plague killing everyone in sight. Be aware that it is the fear of the coronavirus, propagated by media that is more deadly than the disease itself!

When a fear is invoked, it causes a radical change in brain function resulting in the release of neurochemicals that, when sustained, can provoke a physiological breakdown in body functions. Electroencephalograph (EEG) assessments, suggest that our thoughts are an internal process that is of profound influence in shaping the interior of the body. EEG studies illustrate how the mind’s expression of positive and negative thoughts shape the behavior of the body’s internal milieu (cells, tissues and organs).

Magnetoencephalograph (MEG) assays also read the mind’s thoughts. But, MEG studies offer profoundly different insights than are offered by EEG assessments. EEG activity is read via electrodes attached to the scalp because the electrical activity of the brain’s neurons is physically conducted to the skin overlying the skull. The MEG apparatus, however, reads brain activity using a probe that does not even touch the head or body. This is truly an important finding since it reveals that our thought processes are not contained in the head, but are “broadcast” out into the environment.

The point is significant because positive and negative thinking, respectively placebo and nocebo influences, not only shape our internal experiences but also shape our interactions with the external world. This finding also supports the quantum physics’ principle that consciousness shapes our life experiences, both internally as it influences health and externally as it shapes our worldly experiences.

The placebo and nocebo effects provide a scientific basis in support of the famous quote from Henry Ford, “Whether you think you can, or you think you can’t, … you’re right!”  With that understanding, we should seriously recognize, as psychologists have revealed, the majority of our thoughts are negative, limiting and disempowering. What kind of life can we expect from that?

The conclusion is profound: We can experience personal empowerment, by assessing our thoughts and then through editing and reversing negative thoughts, we can manifest a healthy, happy and harmonious life. Today, physics, biology, and psychology collectively demonstrate the power of consciousness in creating our lives. A finding that interestingly endorses the ancient wisdom of mind over matter.

This same message of the impact that positive thinking has on our life experiences was emphasized in the ancient spiritual literature. Jesus, the profound healer and miracle worker, essentially offered, “You can do all the miracles that I can doeven better than I can … but you must have belief.”

The conclusion is clear: To transform our world, we must first transform our thoughts! The influence of positive thinking is real, and now more than ever, is necessary. ‘Heaven on Earth’ is just a thought away.


With Love and Light,



The 3rd Annual REAL Fake News Awards!

by James Corbett
January 25, 2020


Podcast: Play in new window | Download | Embed

And now, from the palatial Corbett Report studios in western Japan, it’s time for The 3rd Annual REAL Fake News Awards. Which media organization will take home the most Dinos for their dishonest reporting? Who will bear the shame of the biggest fake news story of the year? Find out in this year’s exciting gala broadcast!!

For those with limited bandwidth, CLICK HERE to download a smaller, lower file size version of this episode.

For those interested in audio quality, CLICK HERE for the highest-quality version of this episode (WARNING: very large download).



Watch this video on BitChute / Minds.com / YouTube or Download the mp4





  • ABC News for their “dramatic coverage” of “Turkey’s” military bombing “Kurd civilians” in a “Syrian border town”:
  • Dishonorable mentions go to Emannuelle Macron, Leo Dicaprio, Madonna and other Twitterati who posted there own fake news about the Amazon fire (h/t manbearpig)


  • The Japanese government, for their admission that 40% of the 56 key government economic releases are in fact fake, fudged or completely made up!


How to Stop an Anti-Vaxxer: Training Video

by The HighWire
December 19, 2019



Satire: Internal video from the A.I.M.S Training Center for Vaccine Hesitancy Research

9/11: A Conspiracy Theory, James Corbett’s Classic Satire

by James Corbett


Everything you ever wanted to know about the 9/11 conspiracy theory in under 5 minutes.

(Watch French, German, Spanish, Italian, Hebrew, Dutch or Portuguese translations of this video.)

(Watch this video on BitChute, DTube or YouTube)

TRANSCRIPT: On the morning of September 11, 2001, 19 men armed with boxcutters directed by a man on dialysis in a cave fortress halfway around the world using a satellite phone and a laptop directed the most sophisticated penetration of the most heavily-defended airspace in the world, overpowering the passengers and the military combat-trained pilots on 4 commercial aircraft before flying those planes wildly off course for over an hour without being molested by a single fighter interceptor.

These 19 hijackers, devout religious fundamentalists who liked to drink alcohol, snort cocaine, and live with pink-haired strippers, managed to knock down 3 buildings with 2 planes in New York, while in Washington a pilot who couldn’t handle a single engine Cessna was able to fly a 757 in an 8,000 foot descending 270 degree corskscrew turn to come exactly level with the ground, hitting the Pentagon in the budget analyst office where DoD staffers were working on the mystery of the 2.3 trillion dollars that Defense Secretary Donald Rumsfeld had announced “missing” from the Pentagon’s coffers in a press conference the day before, on September 10, 2001.

Luckily, the news anchors knew who did it within minutes, the pundits knew within hours, the Administration knew within the day, and the evidence literally fell into the FBI’s lap. But for some reason a bunch of crazy conspiracy theorists demanded an investigation into the greatest attack on American soil in history.

The investigation was delayed, underfunded, set up to fail, a conflict of interest and a cover up from start to finish. It was based on testimony extracted through torture, the records of which were destroyed. It failed to mention the existence of WTC7, Able Danger, Ptech, Sibel Edmonds, OBL and the CIA, and the drills of hijacked aircraft being flown into buildings that were being simulated at the precise same time that those events were actually happening. It was lied to by the Pentagon, the CIA, the Bush Administration and as for Bush and Cheney…well, no one knows what they told it because they testified in secret, off the record, not under oath and behind closed doors. It didn’t bother to look at who funded the attacks because that question is of “little practical significance“. Still, the 9/11 Commission did brilliantly, answering all of the questions the public had (except most of the victims’ family members’ questions) and pinned blame on all the people responsible (although no one so much as lost their job), determining the attacks were “a failure of imagination” because “I don’t think anyone could envision flying airplanes into buildings ” except the Pentagon and FEMA and NORAD and the NRO.

The DIA destroyed 2.5 TB of data on Able Danger, but that’s OK because it probably wasn’t important.

The SEC destroyed their records on the investigation into the insider trading before the attacks, but that’s OK because destroying the records of the largest investigation in SEC history is just part of routine record keeping.

NIST has classified the data that they used for their model of WTC7’s collapse, but that’s OK because knowing how they made their model of that collapse would “jeopardize public safety“.

The FBI has argued that all material related to their investigation of 9/11 should be kept secret from the public, but that’s OK because the FBI probably has nothing to hide.

This man never existed, nor is anything he had to say worthy of your attention, and if you say otherwise you are a paranoid conspiracy theorist and deserve to be shunned by all of humanity. Likewise him, him, him, and her. (and her and her and him).

Osama Bin Laden lived in a cave fortress in the hills of Afghanistan, but somehow got away. Then he was hiding out in Tora Bora but somehow got away. Then he lived in Abottabad for years, taunting the most comprehensive intelligence dragnet employing the most sophisticated technology in the history of the world for 10 years, releasing video after video with complete impunity (and getting younger and younger as he did so), before finally being found in a daring SEAL team raid which wasn’t recorded on video, in which he didn’t resist or use his wife as a human shield, and in which these crack special forces operatives panicked and killed this unarmed man, supposedly the best source of intelligence about those dastardly terrorists on the planet. Then they dumped his body in the ocean before telling anyone about it. Then a couple dozen of that team’s members died in a helicopter crash in Afghanistan.

This is the story of 9/11, brought to you by the media which told you the hard truths about JFK and incubator babies and mobile production facilities and the rescue of Jessica Lynch.

If you have any questions about this story…you are a batshit, paranoid, tinfoil, dog-abusing baby-hater and will be reviled by everyone. If you love your country and/or freedom, happiness, rainbows, rock and roll, puppy dogs, apple pie and your grandma, you will never ever express doubts about any part of this story to anyone. Ever.

This has been a public service announcement by: the Friends of the FBI, CIA, NSA, DIA, SEC, MSM, White House, NIST, and the 9/11 Commission. Because Ignorance is Strength.

The 2nd Annual REAL Fake News Awards

Source:  The Corbett Report

by James Corbett
January 25, 2019


Live (by which I mean recorded) from western Japan, it’s The 2nd Annual REAL Fake News Awards, that ceremony where the worst Fake News offenders of the past year are dishonoured with the shameful Dino awards. So will The Guardian retain its title as biggest purveyor of fake news or will a new challenger come along to take its place? Find out in this year’s most exciting award show!

For those with limited bandwidth, CLICK HERE to download a smaller, lower file size version of this episode.

For those interested in audio quality, CLICK HERE for the highest-quality version of this episode (WARNING: very large download).


Watch this video on BitChute / BitTube / DTube / YouTube or Download the mp4

WARNING: This award show is officially banned by the UK Government(h/t sTevo)

Fake Russian Hysteria of the Year Award goes to the British MSM for The Skripal Story (h/t ClintTorrez)

For those who are completely unfamiliar with the story, please check out: The Russia Poison Story is WMD 2.0.

For much more on this scandal, please go through the archives of CraigMurray.org.uk.

For the latest unlikely development, please go to Skripal Story Just Got Weirder; First Responder Revealed As Chief Army Nurse; Steele “Link” Blamed On Russia

Fake Climate Scare of the Year Award goes to Nature for Quantification of ocean heat uptake from changes in atmospheric O2 and CO2 composition

The study that launched a thousand scaremongering headlines turned out to have basic mathematical errors that made the study’s conclusions utterly useless. Surprise, surprise!

Fake Pentagon Budget Story of the Year Award goes to The New York Times for The Misleading Claim That $21 Trillion in Misspent Pentagon Funds Could Pay for ‘Medicare for All’ (h/t ardyen)

The Old Grey Presstitute tells its gullible readers that the story about the $21 trillion missing from the Pentagon is “misleading.” The professor who actually conducted that study begs to disagree. See missingmoney.solari.com for more details.

Fake Death of the Year Award goes to CNN for Russian journalist Babchenko, critic of Kremlin, shot dead in Ukraine

In case anyone needs to know How to Fake Your Own Death this is a great case study! It’s also a great example of how the MSM are stupid, credulous dupes for the security services who regularly plant fake stories in the media but rarely admit to it.

Fake Reporter of the Year Award goes to Der Spiegel and Claas Relotius for his award-winning fake news (h/t Mielia)

The list of things this reporter completely made up and pawned off on his credulous editors is almost as unbelievable as the awards that he won for that fake reporting, including the European Press Prize (2017), the Deutscher Reporterpreis (2013, 2015, 2016 and 2018) and CNN’s Journalist of the Year. You can’t make this stuff up.

Fake Story of the Year Award goes to Donald Trump for Many dead, including women and children, in mindless CHEMICAL attack in Syria. Area of atrocity is in lockdown and encircled by Syrian Army, making it completely inaccessible to outside world. President Putin, Russia and Iran are responsible for backing Animal Assad. Big price… (h/t am1618)

Well it was good enough for the annual Syria strike but as it turns out the “interim” report from the OPCW concluded that no nerve agent was found at the scene (exactly as Robert Fisk reported the week after it didn’t happen). Oopsy. Well, at least the military industrial contractors got to see 110 of their implements of death used up in the meaningless display of force afterward. Ca-ching.

Satire: Honest Government Ad | Amnesia Day

Source: thejuicemedia
Published on Jan 20, 2019


The Australien Government has made an ad about Australia Day and it’s surprisingly honest and informative.


Secret Brain-frying Microwave Technology UNMASKED!!!

Source:  The Corbett Report

by James Corbett
January 16, 2019


Watch this video on BitChute / BitTube / DTube / YouTube or Download the mp4


Remember how the conspiracy peddlers in the mainstream press freaked out over the super secret Russian microwave technology that was frying diplomats brains in Cuba. Well, it turns out that was just a tad exaggerated. So what was the real culprit? Find out in this week’s edition of #PropagandaWatch.

Dangerous sound? What Americans heard in Cuba attacks

Russia Believed To Be Main Suspect In Attack On U S Diplomats Velshi Ruhle MSNBC

Russia Suspected In ‘Sonic Attacks’ But How Involved Was Cuban Government Andrea Mitchell MSNBC

U.S. Officials Suspect Russia In Mystery Medical Attacks On Diplomats In Cuba | NBC Nightly News

The Mystery of the Havana Syndrome

Cory Gardner Renews Call for Russia to Be Declared Sponsor of Terrorism After Reports on Sonic Attacks

Recording of “sonic attacks” on U.S. diplomats in Cuba spectrally matches the echoing call of a Caribbean cricket

Indies short-tailed cricket

Comedy Wildlife Photos

Source: Mother Nature News


Squirrel can’t believe who won the Comedy Wildlife Photography Awards

by Jacqueline Gulledge
November 21, 2018

Comedy Wildlife photography awards overall winner

‘Caught in the Act’ (Photo: Mary McGowan/Comedy Wildlife Photography Awards)


Just in time for the holidays, we’ve got the winners of the Comedy Wildlife Photography Awards — and they’re sure to put a smile on your face.

The overall winner was Mary McGowan for her hilarious photo of a surprised squirrel. Makes you wonder what the naughty squirrel was up to before this picture was taken. Judges and the public loved the photo so much that McGowan also won the Affinity Photo People’s Choice Award and Alex Walker’s Serian Creatures of the Land Award.

Other category winners feature animals under the sea and up high in the sky along with a young photographer category, portfolio showcase winner, and several images received a “highly commended” honor.

While these images are downright humorous, the competition highlights the serious issue of conservation and partners with Born Free Foundation, a wildlife charity that works to help wild animals living in captivity.

The Comedy Wildlife Photography Awards encourages its followers to follow their mantra. “We want you to take up our banner of wildlife conservation, bang the drum, beat the cymbal and make some noise, we need to spread the word – wildlife, as we know it, is in danger, all over the world and we need to do something to help save it.”


Spectrum Photo Creatures of the Air Award

‘Peekaboo’ (Photo: Shane Keena/Comedy Wildlife Photography Awards)


Think Tank Under the Sea Category Award

‘Smiling shark’ (Photo: Tanya Houppermans/Comedy Wildlife Photography Awards)


Junior Category

‘Nature Calls…’ (Photo: Arshdeep Singh/Comedy Wildlife Photography Awards)



Amazing Internet Portfolio Award

‘Mother home early from school parents meeting’ (Photo: Valterri Mulkahainen/Comedy Wildlife Photography Awards)



Highly Commended Winners

‘So There’ (Photo: Barney Koszalka/Comedy Wildlife Photography Awards)


‘Bear with a sore head’ (Photo: Danielle D’Ermo/Comedy Wildlife Photography Awards)


‘Splits’ (Photo: Geert Weggen/Comedy Wildlife Photography Awards)


‘Drive Safe!’ (Photo: Jonathan Irish/Comedy Wildlife Photography Awards)


‘Rhinopeacock’ (Photo: Kallol Mukherjee/Comedy Wildlife Photography Awards)


‘Tango’ (Photo: Michael Watts/Comedy Wildlife Photography Awards)


‘PhotograBear’ (Photo: Roie Galitz/Comedy Wildlife Photography Awards)


‘Martian Tango’ (Photo: Sergey Savvi/Comedy Wildlife Photography Awards)


‘This is Sparta’ (Photo: Sergey Savvi/Comedy Wildlife Photography Awards)


‘Mother home early from school parents meeting’
(Photo: Valterri Mulkahainen/Comedy Wildlife Photography Awards)

The Greatest President of All Time

Source:  The Corbett Report

by James Corbett
November 10, 2018

Well, another cycle of (s)election hysteria has come and gone in the disUnited States of Amerikkka, Inc., and, as you well know, everything in the world has transformed overnight. Now that the Demopublicans are in control of the House and the Republicrats have kept the Senate, we have all seen the drastic changes in our…

Haha. Sorry. I couldn’t keep a straight face while typing that twaddle. But in honour (that’s right, honoUr!) of my American brethren and their recent political ritual (meant to absolve them of any substantive action for another two years until they can once again stuff a piece of paper in a ballot box and go back to sleep), I thought I would engage in that age-old game that seems to be America’s other pastime: debating who was the greatest president of all time.

You know what I’m talking about.

“I think President Whiskey Rebellion was better than President If I Could Save The Union Without Freeing Any Slave I Would Do It!”

“No way! President Japanese Internment Camps was better!”

“Nuh uh! What about President He Kept Us Out of War?”

“Come on, guys! You’re all forgetting about President Kill List!”

As I say, you all know how that game goes.

Now, full disclosure: I’m not American. Heck, I’m not even a statist. As an anarchist, it would be physically impossible for me to care less who 51% of the 41% of the population that votes (s)elected to rule over everyone else. And as a Canadian, why would an American care what I thought anyway?

So I’ve decided to broaden the scope of this little debate. This is no mere American political argument about whether Millard Fillmore or William Henry Harrison was the G.O.A.T. of the Oval Office. No, that would be silly. Let’s expand the list a little and include executive office holders from around the world. Heck, let’s include off-worlders, too. And when I say the greatest of all time, I mean ALL TIME. Past, present and future. Real OR fictional.

With all those caveats in place, I think we can all agree that the greatest president of all time (and space) is . . .

Zaphod Beeblebrox!

Of course! Zaphod Beeblebrox! You know, Zaphod Beeblebrox! That two-headed, Betelgeusian “adventurer, ex-hippy, good-timer, (crook? quite possibly), manic self-publicist, terribly bad at personal relationships, often thought to be completely out to lunch.”

Oh, you don’t know Zaphod Beeblebrox? Well then you really must grab a copy of The Hitchhiker’s Guide to the Galaxy and read up on the President of the Galaxy. Or, more technically, the “President of the Imperial Galactic Government,” who, the Guide tells us, is the de facto leader of the galactic empire since the “hereditary Emperor is nearly dead and has been for many centuries.” You see, the poor, sickly Emperor is now “locked in a stasis field which keeps him in a state of perpetual unchangingness,” so an “elected governmental assembly headed by a President elected by that assembly” rules in his place.

Or, at least, that’s what everyone thinks. In reality, of course, the President doesn’t do much of anything. As the Guide informs us:

“The President in particular is very much a figurehead – he wields no real power whatsoever. He is apparently chosen by the government, but the qualities he is required to display are not those of leadership but those of finely judged outrage. For this reason the President is always a controversial choice, always an infuriating but fascinating character. His job is not to wield power but to draw attention away from it. On those criteria Zaphod Beeblebrox is one of the most successful Presidents the Galaxy has ever had – he has already spent two of his ten presidential years in prison for fraud.”

Hmmm…a purely figurehead president whose job “is not to wield power but to draw attention away from it.” Does that sound like an accurate description of our current political circus?

I’ve talked about Plato’s Allegory of the Cave as a way of thinking about politics many times before. For those who know about the JFK assassination or 9/11 Truth or the central bank scam, it seems obvious: The political sideshow that we see unfold in the 24/7 news cycle is just a series of shadows on the cave wall designed to distract us from the real world that is right behind us, just out of sight.

But perhaps the Allegory of Beeblebrox is just as apt a description of our political reality (and a fair bit more entertaining to boot). The presidents (and prime ministers) that are dangled before us as the “rulers of the country” are no such thing. Their only job is to distract us from the real decision-makers in society. In the world of the Hitchhiker’s Guide, we are told rather intriguingly that “Very very few people realize that the President and the government have virtually no power at all, and of these few people only six know whence ultimate political power is wielded.” Now, I don’t know about “only six,” but the idea of very few knowing who really wields the power behind the throne seems about right.

And if the president’s job is to distract us from the most important political matters facing us (the military-industrial complex and the information-industrial complex, the technocratic slave state being erected around us, the monetary prison that has been constructed by central banks and their controlled currencies, etc.), then you’ve got to admit they’re getting better and better at their job.

I mean, who cares about ending the Fed when there’s much more important things happening in the White House—like fake news journalists getting their credentials stripped in press conference altercations? Who cares about the continuation of never-ending wars halfway around the world when the size of the president’s penis is a source of non-stop news coverage?

Idiocracy was a mundane documentary about the not-so-distant future, and if you think it’s here now, wait until we get President The Rock. Or President Kid Rock. Or President Yeezy.

It’s all downhill from here, folks.

“Pay no attention to the man behind the curtain! Don’t you see? Zaphod Beeblebrox is stealing the Heart of Gold! Pay attention to him!”

The funny thing is that, once again, the extent to which the powers-that-shouldn’t-be go to distract us from our real political predicament shows just how important we (and our focused attention) are and how much power we could really wield . . . if only we weren’t distracted.

Power to do what? Oh, power to build communities. Power to create community organizations. Power to start a local currency and to support your local businesses. Power to plant the seeds of revolution both literally and figuratively. Power to put aside petty differences and realize that it really is us (the 99.9999999%) against them (the 0.00000001%) unless we fall for the divide-and-conquer shenanigans of the real rulers. You know, that sort of thing.

But who can be bothered with all of that when the greatest show of our lives is playing out on the nightly news these days, am I right? Just grab your popcorn and enjoy, that’s what I say!

All hail President Beeblebrox!

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Who Says Animals Don’t Have a Sense of Humor?

Source:  Mother Nature Network


Check out the finalists of the Comedy Wildlife Photography Awards.

by Jacqueline Gulledge
September 17, 2018


comedy wildlife bear and sign

‘Drive Safe’ (Photo: Jonathan Irish/Comedy Wildlife Photography Awards)

From a smiling shark to an elephant playing in the dirt and a whole bunch of bears dancing the tango, this year’s Comedy Wildlife Photography Awards finalists are sure to put a smile on your face.

These 41 images were selected out of thousands of submissions from around the world. While the photos are whimsical, the competition also has a serious message. The photography contest maintains a partnership with Born Free Foundation, an international nonprofit organization that is “working tirelessly to ensure that all wild animals, whether living in captivity or in the wild, are treated with compassion and respect. We work across the world to preserve and protect wildlife in its natural habitat — finding Compassionate Conservation solutions so that humans and wildlife can co-exist peacefully.”

For the first time, the competition has opened up one category, the Affinity Photo People’s Choice Award, for a public vote. Anyone can vote online for their favorite.

On Nov. 15, one of the images listed here will be announced as the grand prize winner, and all of these photographs will be published in The Comedy Wildlife Photography Awards Vol. 2 book to be released in October.


‘The Yawn’ (Photo: Danielle D’Ermo/Comedy Wildlife Photography Awards)


‘Order’ (Photo: Achim Sterna/Comedy Wildlife Photography Awards)


‘Bullies’ (Photo: Amy Kennedy/Comedy Wildlife Photography Awards)


‘Guffaw’ (Photo: Amy Kennedy/Comedy Wildlife Photography Awards)


‘Ashamed’ (Photo: Antonio Medina/Comedy Wildlife Photography Awards)


‘Smiling ele’ (Photo: Anup Deodhar/Comedy Wildlife Photography Awards)


‘So There’ (Photo: Barney Koszalka/Comedy Wildlife Photography Awards)


‘Dancing Deer’ (Photo: Bartek Olszewski/Comedy Wildlife Photography Awards)


‘I guess the honeymoon is over’ (Photo: Christopher Schlaf/Comedy Wildlife Photography Awards)


‘Rabbit hiding face in embarrassment’ (Photo: Daniel Friend/Comedy Wildlife Photography Awards)


‘Coastal brown bear cub with headache’ (Photo: Danielle D’Ermo/Comedy Wildlife Photography Awards)


‘Perfect Pillow’ (Photo: Denise Dupras/Comedy Wildlife Photography Awards)


‘Split’ (Photo: Geert Weggen/Comedy Wildlife Photography Awards)


‘Walrus Breath’ (Photo: Jackie Downey/Comedy Wildlife Photography Awards)


‘Astonished Lemur’ (Photo: Jakob Strecker/Comedy Wildlife Photography Awards)


‘Crouching Tiger Peeking Moose’ (Photo: Jamie Bussey/Comedy Wildlife Photography Awards)


‘Rhinopeocock’ (Photo: Kallol Mukherjee/Comedy Wildlife Photography Awards)


‘The Black Skimmer Gang’ (Photo: Ke Qiang Ruan/Comedy Wildlife Photography Awards)


‘Flying Hyena’ (Photo: Kevin Rooney/Comedy Wildlife Photography Awards)


‘Dances with Bears’ (Photo: Luca Venturi/Comedy Wildlife Photography Awards)


‘The singing moose’ (Photo: Mary Hone/Comedy Wildlife Photography Awards)


‘Caught in the Act’ (Photo: Mary McGowan/Comedy Wildlife Photography Awards)


‘Have a Headache’ (Photo: Maureen Toft/Comedy Wildlife Photography Awards)


‘Should have gone to Specsavers’ (Photo: Michael Lane/Comedy Wildlife Photography Awards)


‘Tango’ (Photo: Michael Watts/Comedy Wildlife Photography Awards)


‘Spy’ (Photo: Muntazeri Abdi/Comedy Wildlife Photography Awards)


‘Happy’ (Photo: Muriel Vekemans/Comedy Wildlife Photography Awards)


‘The people are back’ (Photo: Patty Bauchman/Comedy Wildlife Photography Awards)


‘Yoga Bear’ (Photo: Qiusheng Hu/Comedy Wildlife Photography Awards)


‘majestic stag’ (Photo: Robert Adamson/Comedy Wildlife Photography Awards)


‘PhotograBear’ (Photo: Roie Galitz/Comedy Wildlife Photography Awards)


‘Polar bear doing yoga’ (Photo: Roie Galitz/Comedy Wildlife Photography Awards)


‘Least Tern Chick’ (Photo: Sarah Devlin/Comedy Wildlife Photography Awards)


‘Hot Kiss’ (Photo: Sergey Savvi/Comedy Wildlife Photography Awards)


‘Martian Tango’ (Photo: Sergey Savvi/Comedy Wildlife Photography Awards)


‘This is Sparta’ (Photo: Sergey Savvi/Comedy Wildlife Photography Awards)


‘Peek-a-boo’ (Photo: Shane Keena/Comedy Wildlife Photography Awards)


‘Over here’ (Photo: Simon Gee/Comedy Wildlife Photography Awards)


‘Smiling Blue Shark’ (Photo: Tanya Houppermans/Comedy Wildlife Photography Awards)


‘Mother returned from her parents meeting from school’ (Photo: Valterri Mulkahainen/Comedy Wildlife Photography Awards)

How to Be a Life Coach – Ultra Spiritual Life

Source: AwakenWithJP

One Card to Rule Them All

by  Truthstream Media
June 21, 2018



A parody based on our last video… https://youtu.be/2frpU6nkb_I

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I Ran a Yanny/Laurel Experiment and You Won’t Believe the Results!

Source:  corbettreport
Published on Jun 15, 2018



So I found a bunch of Yanny/Laurel-type audio illusions on the online dictionary. Who knew? Can you find any others? Leave your suggestions in the comments below!

‘Audition’ by a Professional Crisis Actor

“Are you an elite? Are your staged attacks not going as planned? Are your globalist agendas failing because you’re using sub-par crisis actors? Well, then look no further! Hi, I’m Harrison Hanks, the Ultimate Crisis Actor.”


Bill Hicks: It’s Just a Ride



Bill Hicks – Its Just a Ride

Music – Barry Gilbey – Robins Theme.

Copyright Hodo Music.


Bill Hicks: Here’s Tom with the Weather



“Today a young man on acid realized that all matter is merely energy condensed to a slow vibration, that we are all one consciousness experiencing itself subjectively, there is no such thing as death, life is only a dream, and we are the imagination of ourselves. Here’s Tom with the weather.”

‘All Your Data Are Belong to Them’

Source:  The Corbett Report

by James Corbett
April 14, 2018


It’s shocking, shocking, I tell you! Apparently, and I’m just learning this from some breaking news headlines so bear with me, but apparently Facebook has not been on the up and up when it comes to protecting their users’ privacy. Incredible, I know. I mean, these are still early reports so we’ll have to wait and see, but…

…OK. Enough sarcasm. But you probably have seen the headlines by now.

Facebook scans the photos and links you send on Messenger


Zuckerberg says most Facebook users should assume they have had their public info scraped


Australia launches investigation into Facebook over data scandal


Facebook Decides Now’s Not a Great Time to Harvest Patients’ Medical Data

And on and on and on. Yes, it seems even the normies are now finally aware of what we have known for years: Facebook is not so much a social media platform so much as it is a giant data vacuum sucking up your personal details for fun and profit (and social engineering and political control).

But rather than mocking the MSM addicts who are just getting the news, why don’t we do something even more productive. Why don’t we inform them about the bigger picture? With facts to back it up, even!

Like a link to the now-infamous IM exchange that Zuckerberg shortly after launching Facebook, in which he bragged that “I have over 4000 emails, pictures, addresses, SNS. People just submitted it. I don’t know why. They ‘trust me.’ Dumb fucks.”

Or a link to the story of how Zuckerberg hacked into his rivals’ email accounts using data he obtained from Facebook’s server logs?

Or a link to a report about the hot mic that caught Zuckerberg promising German Chancellor Angela Merkel that he was working on the “problem” of political wrongthink on Facebook?

But then we run the risk of misleading our poor, information-starved mainstream friend into thinking that this whole steal-your-data problem starts and ends with Facebook and Zuckerberg.

So we’ll also have to point out Google’s own repeated violations and abuses of users’ privacy, and how, despite all the creepiness emanating from Facebook these days, Google still manages to find ways of being way creepier in its privacy invasions. (Can anyone really doubt that Google knows more about you than you know about yourself at this point?)

And then, of course, we could start outlining the real history of Silicon Valley for our puzzled friend. You know, the history of how all the major tech firms of the last half-century have been associated in one way or another with the military-industrial complex, including Oracle and Mitre and, of course, Google, with its now long-admitted relationship with the NSA. And let’s not forget Facebook, with its ties to In-Q-Tel, the CIA’s venture capital arm.

Heck, you could even throw some “fun” information at your MSM-addled compatriot. Like how the Pokémon Go app that briefly turned everyone into real-life zombies last year had its own ties back to the Criminals In Action gang.

Do you think that’s enough info to throw at one person in one sitting? Because we could go on, of course. And on and on. (And on.) But let’s not overload them with information. Baby steps.

But maybe, just maybe, the next time you want to tell your pal about how the CIA wants to spy on you through your dishwasher they might actually look at the link instead of laughing you off as a kook.

You Don’t Have to Have a Dream

Source:  timminchin.com




… I’m not an inspirational speaker. I’ve never lost a limb on a mountainside, metaphorically or otherwise. And I’m certainly not here to give career advice, cos… well I’ve never really had what most would call a proper job.

However, I have had large groups of people listening to what I say for quite a few years now, and it’s given me an inflated sense of self-importance. So I will now – at the ripe old age of 38 – bestow upon you nine life lessons. To echo, of course, the 9 lessons and carols of the traditional Christmas service. Which are also a bit obscure.

You might find some of this stuff inspiring, you will find some of it boring, and you will definitely forget all of it within a week. And be warned, there will be lots of hokey similes, and obscure aphorisms which start well but end up not making sense.

So listen up, or you’ll get lost, like a blind man clapping in a pharmacy trying to echo-locate the contact lens fluid.

Here we go:

1. You Don’t Have To Have A Dream.
Americans on talent shows always talk about their dreams. Fine, if you have something that you’ve always dreamed of, like, in your heart, go for it! After all, it’s something to do with your time… chasing a dream. And if it’s a big enough one, it’ll take you most of your life to achieve, so by the time you get to it and are staring into the abyss of the meaninglessness of your achievement, you’ll be almost dead so it won’t matter.

I never really had one of these big dreams. And so I advocate passionate dedication to the pursuit of short-term goals. Be micro-ambitious. Put your head down and work with pride on whatever is in front of you… you never know where you might end up. Just be aware that the next worthy pursuit will probably appear in your periphery. Which is why you should be careful of long-term dreams. If you focus too far in front of you, you won’t see the shiny thing out the corner of your eye. Right? Good. Advice. Metaphor. Look at me go.

2. Don’t Seek Happiness
Happiness is like an orgasm: if you think about it too much, it goes away. Keep busy and aim to make someone else happy, and you might find you get some as a side effect. We didn’t evolve to be constantly content. Contented Australophithecus Afarensis got eaten before passing on their genes.

3. Remember, It’s All Luck
You are lucky to be here. You were incalculably lucky to be born, and incredibly lucky to be brought up by a nice family that helped you get educated and encouraged you to go to Uni. Or if you were born into a horrible family, that’s unlucky and you have my sympathy… but you were still lucky: lucky that you happened to be made of the sort of DNA that made the sort of brain which – when placed in a horrible childhood environment – would make decisions that meant you ended up, eventually, graduating Uni. Well done you, for dragging yourself up by the shoelaces, but you were lucky. You didn’t create the bit of you that dragged you up. They’re not even your shoelaces.

I suppose I worked hard to achieve whatever dubious achievements I’ve achieved … but I didn’t make the bit of me that works hard, any more than I made the bit of me that ate too many burgers instead of going to lectures while I was here at UWA.

Understanding that you can’t truly take credit for your successes, nor truly blame others for their failures will humble you and make you more compassionate.

Empathy is intuitive, but is also something you can work on, intellectually.

4. Exercise
I’m sorry, you pasty, pale, smoking philosophy grads, arching your eyebrows into a Cartesian curve as you watch the Human Movement mob winding their way through the miniature traffic cones of their existence: you are wrong and they are right. Well, you’re half right – you think, therefore you are… but also: you jog, therefore you sleep well, therefore you’re not overwhelmed by existential angst. You can’t be Kant, and you don’t want to be.

Play a sport, do yoga, pump iron, run… whatever… but take care of your body. You’re going to need it. Most of you mob are going to live to nearly a hundred, and even the poorest of you will achieve a level of wealth that most humans throughout history could not have dreamed of. And this long, luxurious life ahead of you is going to make you depressed!

But don’t despair! There is an inverse correlation between depression and exercise. Do it. Run, my beautiful intellectuals, run. And don’t smoke. Natch.

5. Be Hard On Your Opinions
A famous bon mot asserts that opinions are like arse-holes, in that everyone has one. There is great wisdom in this… but I would add that opinions differ significantly from arse-holes, in that yours should be constantly and thoroughly examined.

We must think critically, and not just about the ideas of others. Be hard on your beliefs. Take them out onto the verandah and beat them with a cricket bat.
Be intellectually rigorous. Identify your biases, your prejudices, your privilege.

Most of society’s arguments are kept alive by a failure to acknowledge nuance. We tend to generate false dichotomies, then try to argue one point using two entirely different sets of assumptions, like two tennis players trying to win a match by hitting beautifully executed shots from either end of separate tennis courts.

By the way, while I have science and arts grads in front of me: please don’t make the mistake of thinking the arts and sciences are at odds with one another. That is a recent, stupid, and damaging idea. You don’t have to be unscientific to make beautiful art, to write beautiful things.

If you need proof: Twain, Adams, Vonnegut, McEwen, Sagan, Shakespeare, Dickens. For a start.

You don’t need to be superstitious to be a poet. You don’t need to hate GM technology to care about the beauty of the planet. You don’t have to claim a soul to promote compassion.

Science is not a body of knowledge nor a system of belief; it is just a term which describes humankind’s incremental acquisition of understanding through observation. Science is awesome.

The arts and sciences need to work together to improve how knowledge is communicated. The idea that many Australians – including our new PM and my distant cousin Nick – believe that the science of anthropogenic global warming is controversial, is a powerful indicator of the extent of our failure to communicate. The fact that 30% of this room just bristled is further evidence still. The fact that that bristling is more to do with politics than science is even more despairing.

6. Be a teacher.
Please? Please be a teacher. Teachers are the most admirable and important people in the world. You don’t have to do it forever, but if you’re in doubt about what to do, be an amazing teacher. Just for your twenties. Be a primary school teacher. Especially if you’re a bloke – we need male primary school teachers. Even if you’re not a Teacher, be a teacher. Share your ideas. Don’t take for granted your education. Rejoice in what you learn, and spray it.

7. Define Yourself By What You Love
I’ve found myself doing this thing a bit recently, where, if someone asks me what sort of music I like, I say “well I don’t listen to the radio because pop lyrics annoy me”. Or if someone asks me what food I like, I say “I think truffle oil is overused and slightly obnoxious”. And I see it all the time online, people whose idea of being part of a subculture is to hate Coldplay or football or feminists or the Liberal Party. We have tendency to define ourselves in opposition to stuff; as a comedian, I make a living out of it. But try to also express your passion for things you love. Be demonstrative and generous in your praise of those you admire. Send thank-you cards and give standing ovations. Be pro-stuff, not just anti-stuff.

8. Respect People With Less Power Than You.
I have, in the past, made important decisions about people I work with – agents and producers – based largely on how they treat wait staff in restaurants. I don’t care if you’re the most powerful cat in the room, I will judge you on how you treat the least powerful. So there.

9. Don’t Rush.
You don’t need to already know what you’re going to do with the rest of your life. I’m not saying sit around smoking cones all day, but also, don’t panic. Most people I know who were sure of their career path at 20 are having midlife crises now.

I said at the beginning of this ramble that life is meaningless. It was not a flippant assertion. I think it’s absurd: the idea of seeking “meaning” in the set of circumstances that happens to exist after 13.8 billion years worth of unguided events. Leave it to humans to think the universe has a purpose for them. However, I am no nihilist. I am not even a cynic. I am, actually, rather romantic. And here’s my idea of romance:

You will soon be dead. Life will sometimes seem long and tough and, god, it’s tiring. And you will sometimes be happy and sometimes sad. And then you’ll be
old. And then you’ll be dead.

There is only one sensible thing to do with this empty existence, and that is: fill it. Not fillet. Fill. It.

And in my opinion (until I change it), life is best filled by learning as much as you can about as much as you can, taking pride in whatever you’re doing, having compassion, sharing ideas, running(!), being enthusiastic. And then there’s love, and travel, and wine, and sex, and art, and kids, and giving, and mountain climbing … but you know all that stuff already.

It’s an incredibly exciting thing, this one, meaningless life of yours. Good luck.

Thank you for indulging me.”


Screw the Prime Directive: Star Trek & the 6th Mass Extinction

Source: Bruce Lipton
Published on Apr 11, 2018



Captain Bruce Lipton of the USS Evolution beams to earth in order to teach human kind about the nature of belief and the emerging science of epigenetics.

How to Tell if You’re Woke

Source: AwakenWithJP
Published on Mar 29, 2018



Many scholars have philosophized as to just what being “woke” is. Unfortunately for them, it’s not something that can be determined inside of a lab, found in a textbook or defined outside of the context on an individual life. The ever-desired state of Wokeness is only found by those willing to venture beyond their comfort zone, expand their horizons & choose to wake up a bit more everyday.


Pugs Are Too Extreme for The UK

Source: The Truth Factory
Published on Mar 22, 2018
