“Out of This World” Portal Appears in Sky During Electrical Storm

Source:  MrMBB333
Published on Jun 8, 2018



June 8, 2018: A video a surfaced of a very unusual electrical storm from Gulf Shores, Alabama by Nicholas who witnessed this spectacular event. In the video you can CLEARLY see a craft observing the what looks like a portal.


Pharmaceutical Murder – Mass Shootings Caused by Drugs

by Dr. Mark Sircus
May 21, 2018

Alphabet-Google & the Military 5G Network

by Dr.Joseph Mercola
April 18, 2018


Story at-a-glance

  • Google and Facebook are two of the largest and clearest monopolies in the world and, between them, the harvesting of your personal information goes far beyond what most people realize is even possible
  • Ninety-eight percent of Facebook’s revenue comes from advertising, totaling $39.9 billion last year alone. The more personal information you share, the greater Facebook’s profit stream
  • Cambridge Analytica is accused of creating a system to profile individual U.S. voters using “improperly gleaned” data from 87 million Facebook users to target them with personalized political ads during the presidential campaign
  • Google is not only the largest monopoly in the world, it’s also the world’s greatest artificial intelligence (AI) company, which facilitates the company’s ability to sort through all your data with deep learning algorithms to detect patterns that can be exploited for profit
  • The data harvesting going on between Facebook and Google is enormous. A summary of the kind of information these two corporations collect, track and store on each and every single user is included


Google and Facebook are two of the largest and clearest monopolies in the world, and between them, the harvesting of your personal information goes far beyond what most people realize was even possible.

I have recently removed Google Search from this website and replaced with a search engine without the privacy concerns, but has similar capabilities.   The search bar at the top of the website is the most used and essential feature for you to research the many thousands of pages I’ve published over the last 20 years.

Google catches every single thing you do online if you’re using a Google-based feature, and Facebook has a record of everything you’ve ever said or “liked.” All of this data is being used to build very powerful personality profiles that are sold for profit and used in a variety of different ways. As previously reported by Gawker:1

“Every word of every email sent through Gmail and every click made on a Chrome browser is watched by the company. ‘We don’t need you to type at all,’ [Google co-founder Eric] Schmidt once said. ‘We know where you are. We know where you’ve been. We can more or less know what you’re thinking about.’”


Facebook Sells Your User Data, and It Can Be Used Against You


According to CNN Money,2 98 percent of Facebook’s revenue comes from advertising, totaling $39.9 billion last year alone. The company is now facing a firestorm after The New York Times and British media outlets reported Cambridge Analytica used “improperly gleaned” data from 87 million Facebook users to influence American voters.3

This is not the first time political parties have utilized facebook data without your knowledge, and it won’t be the last.   Political  parties will continue to fight about who used what data to manipulate voters in the least worst way.   What is important to understand is that you and your network of friends are being heavily watched and this data is sold with the intent to manipulate your actions.

This manipulation is not just about politics, it’s making YOU the product.  The intimate details about you, your family and friends are being sold because it is valuable to entities that want to influence you.

In the video above, Cambridge Analytica data scientist Christopher Wylie, who blew the whistle on his employer, revealing the company built “a system that could profile individual U.S. voters in order to target them with personalized political advertisements” during the presidential campaign. As noted by CNN:

“If the Cambridge Analytica scandal leads to tougher data protection regulations — as some policymakers are demanding — or puts people off sharing as much about themselves online, that could hurt Facebook’s revenue, and that of all social media platforms.”

It’s important to realize that Google is also the world’s greatest artificial intelligence (AI) company, having purchased Deep Mind for $400 million several years ago. Deep Mind now employs over 700 AI researchers, the largest collection anywhere in the world.

They are responsible for defeating the human Go champion in 2017, which far exceeds the complexity of defeating a human chess champion. With this level of AI, it is not hard for them to sort through all your data with their deep learning algorithms to detect patterns that can be exploited for profit.

What Kind of Data Does Facebook and Google Really Have on You?

In a March 30 article for The Guardian,4 Dylan Curran takes a deep dive into the data harvesting going on between Facebook and Google, and for anyone concerned about their privacy, the results are disconcerting to say the least. Here’s a summary list of the kind of information these two corporations collect, track and store on each and every single user:

Extremely detailed location tracking

If you have a Google-enabled device on your person that has location tracking turned on, it will store the exact details of where you are at any given moment, and this data accumulates from the first day you started using Google on the device. To review the details of your own data, see this Google Maps Timeline link.5

Complete search histories on all devices

Google keeps tabs on everything you’ve ever searched for, on any device, including search histories you’ve deleted from an individual device. To check your own search data, see Google’s MyActivity page.6

Personalized advertisement profile

Based on your data profile — location, gender, age, work and private interests, relationship status, income, health concerns, future plans and so on — Google creates personalized advertisements that might interest you. Have you ever done a search for a particular product or service and suddenly found yourself flooded with ads for that precise thing? That’s your data profile at work. To see your personalized ad profile, see Google’s Ads Settings.7

App usage

Do you use apps and extensions? If so, Google knows which ones you’re using, how often, when, where and with whom you’re interacting when you do. To see your app usage data, check out Google’s Security Permission Settings.8

YouTube history

Much can be gleaned from the types of videos you’re interested in, and Google keeps tabs on every single one you’ve ever searched for, watched and commented on. To review your own data, see your Youtube Feed History page.9

Facebook interactions

Like Google, Facebook records, tracks and stores every single thing you do on Facebook: Every post, comment, “like,” private message and file ever sent and received, contacts, friends lists, login locations, stickers and more. Even the recurrent use of certain words is noted and can become valuable currency for advertisers.

When Curran downloaded all of the information Facebook has stored on him, he ended up with a 600MG file, or roughly 400,000 word documents. For individuals who start using Facebook at a young age, the lifetime data harvest could be inconceivably large. To view and download your Facebook data, see Facebook’s Download Your Info page.10

Clandestine microphone access

Disturbingly, both Facebook and Google have the ability to access your microphone without your knowledge. If you suddenly find yourself on the receiving end of ads for products or services you just spoke about out loud, chances are one or more apps are linked into your microphone and are eavesdropping. Below is a video by Safer Tech describing how to disable the microphone on your device to prevent Facebook and Google apps from listening in.11


Clandestine webcam access

Your built-in webcam on your phone, tablet, laptop or computer can also be accessed by various apps. To learn more about app permissions, see “How to Master Your App Permissions So You Don’t Get Hacked — The Full Guide,” by Heimdal Security.12

As noted in this article, “For a long time, app permissions were something the regular PC user had no idea about. When installing new software on a computer, we were never asked if application X could access our web camera, our list of contacts, etc. … App permissions may seem like a nuisance, but the better you know how they work, the safer you can keep your data.”

Event tracking

By tracking your Google calendar entries, combined with your location data, Google knows what events you’ve attended, when and for how long.

Your fitness routine

If you use Google Fit, all the details about your fitness routine and workouts, down to how many steps you’ve taken on any given day, are recorded and stored.

A lifetime of photographic evidence

Twenty years ago, photos were a private matter, reminisced over in photo albums and displayed around the home. Today, people’s lives are on public display online, and Google captures it all. When combined with facial recognition software and other technological identification applications, including metadata detailing the time and place of each snap, your photos are a treasure trove of private information.

A lifetime of emails

Google also has every single email you’ve ever sent, received and deleted.

Deleted files and information

You probably delete files and information every now and then for the sake of safety, right? You might decide to delete that list of passwords from your phone, for example, in case you lose it or it gets hacked. Well, Google still has all of that information.

As noted by Curran, showing a screen shot of his downloaded Google data, “This is my Google Drive, which includes files I explicitly deleted, including my resume, my monthly budget and all the code, files and websites I’ve ever made, and even my PGP private key, which I deleted, that I use to encrypt emails.”

If you’ve done it or researched it, Google and Facebook have a record of it

Like Facebook, Google allows you to download a copy of the data they have stored on you. Curran’s personal data cache from Google was 5.5GB big, equal to about 3 million word documents. Essentially, your Google account contains a detailed diary of everything you’ve ever done or planned to do, and where you were when you did it. To download your own Google cache, see Google’s Takeout page.13

How Is Your Personal Information Being Used?

Google has “your bookmarks, emails, contacts, your Google Drive files … your YouTube videos, the photos you’ve taken on your phone, the businesses you’ve bought from, the products you’ve bought through Google … data from your calendar, your Google Hangout sessions, your location history, the music you listen to, the Google books you’ve purchased, the Google groups you’re in, the websites you’ve created, the phones you’ve owned, the pages you’ve shared, how many steps you walk in a day,” Curran writes, noting his own data cache included:14

“… every Google Ad I’ve ever viewed or clicked on, every app I’ve ever launched or used and when I did it, every website I’ve ever visited and what time I did it at, and every app I’ve ever installed or searched for.

They also have every image I’ve ever searched for and saved, every location I’ve ever searched for or clicked on, every news article I’ve ever searched for or read, and every single Google search I’ve made since 2009. And then finally, every YouTube video I’ve ever searched for or viewed, since 2008.

This information has millions of nefarious uses. You say you’re not a terrorist. Then how come you were Googling Isis? … Manage to gain access to someone’s Google account? Perfect, you have a chronological diary of everything that person has done for the last 10 years.”

Indeed, the 2013 article, “What Surveillance Valley Knows About You,”15 is an eye-opening read that may be well worth your time, describing just how grossly invasive this data collection and distribution is, and how dangerous it can be if you end up on certain lists. Unfortunately, many still fail to see the problem Google presents.

Its services are useful and practical, making life easier in many ways, and more fun in others. That’s the bait, and many have swallowed it hook, line and sinker, not giving any thought to the ultimate price paid for such conveniences, or simply underestimating the threat that all of this personal data collection poses. If you fall into this category, I ask you to give this issue some serious thought, because monopolies threaten our very way of life, and in more ways than one.


Employees Uneasy About Militarization of Google


Google’s data harvesting is particularly concerning in light of its military connections,16 and the fact the company has repeatedly been caught infringing on privacy rights and misrepresenting the type and amount of data it collects and shares on its users. Make no mistake about it: Capturing user data is Google’s primary business.17 The fact that it provides practical services while doing so only serves as a convenient distraction from the fact that privacy violations are taking place.

Earlier this month, more than 3,100 Google employees signed a letter to CEO Sundar Pichai, urging him not to go ahead with plans to provide AI technology to the Pentagon’s drone program, known as Project Maven. As reported by Fox News,18 “Google’s AI contribution could … improve the system’s ability [to] analyze video and potentially be used to identify targets and civilians.” The letter also urges Pichai to establish a corporate policy that disallows it from participating in “warfare technology.”

Email correspondence obtained via freedom of information act requests also reveal Google has maintained an intimate relationship with the National Security Agency (NSA) for a number of years. In 2014, Al Jazeera19 published correspondence between NSA director general Keith Alexander and Google executives Sergey Brin and Eric Schmidt. At the time, former NSA contractor Edward Snowden had gone public about the NSA’s ability to spy on civilians.

In a 60 Minutes special, NSA cyberdefense chief Debora Plunkett claimed the agency had thwarted a plot by the Chinese to capitalize on a technical vulnerability in the basic input/output system (BIOS) of computers sold to the U.S. System BIOS refers to the firmware that initializes hardware activation when you start up your computer, and provides runtime services for the operating system and various programs. Plunkett claimed the NSA worked with computer manufacturers to fix the vulnerability.

However, according to Al Jazeera, the NSA did “exactly what Plunkett accused a nation-state of doing during her interview,” namely inserting back doors into BIOS, thereby gaining access to the raw data of any given computer. According to a 2013 article by Spiegel Online, an internal NSA catalog reveals the agency in fact has back door access for a number of different end-user devices.20


The Making of an Orwellian State

Some experts believe the plan to combine Alphabet-Google’s data harvesting with a military 5G network is a very bad idea. “What could possibly go wrong with a nationalized, dual-use, military-civilian, secure 5G wireless network to centralize all military and civilian U.S. transportation traffic control and management with Alphabet-Google as the only commercial wireless ISP ‘financing/anchor tenant?’ Way too much,” Scott Cleland, former White House deputy coordinator for international communications and information policy, writes on his blog.21

“… National Security Council Staff apparently have a network vision for a secure 5G wireless network for the U.S. military, that is ultimately capable of C3I (command, control, communications, and intelligence) of the ‘total situational-awareness,’ necessary for the 21st century, ‘Internet of the Battlefield’ of integrated, autonomous warfare of vehicles, drones and robots …

Who could compete with a new government-sanctioned, Alphabet-Google, ‘information transportation superhighway’ monopoly? Who’s going to watch these watchers? And what are the incorruptible proposed checks and balances to prevent the near absolute power of a ‘Google-GoverNet’ from becoming a modern Orwellian Big Brother Inc.? …

Consumer networks are the primary security vulnerability for national security networks. Alphabet-Google has well-documented hostility to cybersecurity, privacy, and accountability to government. Comingling Google’s unmatched civilian surveillance database with military C3I artificial intelligence capabilities on the same network is a recipe for abuse of power … And Alphabet-Google warrants antitrust scrutiny and prosecution, not antitrust absolution.”


Protect Your Privacy by Avoiding Google and Facebook

Indeed, Alphabet, the rebranded parent company of Google and its many divisions, has turned into an octopus-like super entity with tentacles reaching into government, food production, health care, education, military applications and the creation of AIs that may run more or less independently. A key component of many of these enterprises is incredibly detailed personal usage data.

Ultimately, your user data and personal details can be used for everything from creating personalized advertising to AI-equipped robotic warfare applications. As noted in previous articles, Google’s involvement in education and health care also has far-reaching ramifications, and in these settings your personal data could potentially be used to influence not only your personal lifestyle decisions but also to shape society at large.

Today, being a conscious consumer includes making wise, informed decisions about technology, and two of the greatest personal data leaks in your life are Google and Facebook. Here’s a summary of action steps you can take right now, starting today, to protect your privacy. For more information, see Goopocalypse.com’s boycott Google page.

1. Sign the “Don’t be evil” petition aimed at Google, created by Citizens Against Monopoly

2. Avoid any and all Google products:

a. Stop using Google search engines. So far, one of the best alternatives I’ve found is DuckDuckGo22

a. Uninstall Google Chrome and use the Opera browser instead, available for all computers and mobile devices.23 From a security perspective, Opera is far superior to Chrome and offers a free VPN service (virtual private network) to further preserve your privacy

b. If you have a Gmail account, close it and open an account with a non-Google affiliated email service such as ProtonMail,24 and encrypted email service based in Switzerland

c. Stop using Google docs. Digital Trends has published an article suggesting a number of alternatives25

d. If you’re a high school student, do not convert the Google accounts you created as a student into personal accounts

3. Minimize your use of Facebook, and be mindful of what you post, click, and comment on while there

5G: Frequency Armageddon

Source: David Icke
Published on Apr 6, 2018




5G will increase the current 700 to 5.8 billion microwaves per second for cell phone and Wi-Fi data to tablets and laptops to pulsed microwaves of 24 to 90 billion microwaves per second. Frequency Armageddon, therefore, is no exaggeration.

To have David’s Dot Connector Videocast sent to you in full every week, Click here http://www.davidicke.com/register

Internet of Things – Formula for a Global Trance

Source: No More Fake News

by Jon Rappoport
March 27, 2018


I’m following up on my previous article about the Internet of Things (IoT). Here is the psychology in a nutshell:



IoT is the absurd plan—now rolling out—to connect every conceivable device to the Internet. Worldwide. This means life will become automatic for a large chunk of the population in due time.

Your car will drive you. Your fridge will order new food items. Your heat and air conditioning will operate beyond your control. Your toaster will decide how brown the bread will be. Your whole home will run on prescribed algorithms, deciding how much energy you can use and when.

You will become a spectator.

Passivity IS hypnosis.

Why would you care about what’s happening beyond your bubble? As long as “functions are functioning,” all is well.

Of course, as you enter a decline in health, owing to the introduction of wireless 5G, the harmful technology necessary to implement IoT, and as your home devices spy on you and register your “symptoms,” there will be mandatory doctors’ visits. But don’t worry, you won’t have to leave your house. The diagnosis will occur on a screen in your hand, and the toxic medicine will arrive at your door. These drugs will make you more passive.

No, all this won’t happen tomorrow, but up the line, that is the plan and the picture. Brave New World.

Ambition? Achievement? The will to succeed?

These former qualities will fade into extinction. No longer required. They existed merely to bring us to the point where technology would take over.

And if you think the present education system is grossly inadequate, imagine what it will look like when “IoT homes” proliferate. If you can sit back and let your life run on automatic, why would you need to learn…anything?

“At one time, my cardinal skill was flipping a switch that would automate all devices in my apartment. But now I don’t have to do that. The apartment is always ON. I can’t turn it off. Who cares?”

Huge numbers of people won’t have IoT homes. The promise will go unfulfilled. This fact will set up a new class system. But with enhanced (automatic) security systems, and the backing of State force, the fortunate ones will be protected in formidable fashion.

Hypnosis works by “freeing” a person from making choices. He sits there. When he is suitably passive, he receives suggestions. In the case of IoT, those suggestions will be provided by his AI environment: “I’m here. I serve you. I give you what you need. I decide what you need. I’m your guide to happiness. By doing less and less, you get more and more…”

If you say, “Well, this is already happening,” you’re right. But with IoT, the difference will be extraordinary.

On a broad scale, the basics of hypnosis—trance plus suggestions—will revolutionize human relationships. Interactions will occur at much lower levels of energy. The content of future communication will make today’s Facebook posts seem like conversations among university scholars.

But it’s all good.

If you want your children and grandchildren to float in a passive electronic dead sea.

If not, you’d better reinstate the “old virtues.” Ambition. Achievement. Will power. Independence. Self-reliance. Self-sufficiency.

The trance-breakers.

Finally, for now, as the IoT moves forward, people who accept it are going to start believing that the objects around them are seeing and perceiving and thinking. People are going to develop a strange metaphysics, in which objects are conscious and alive and “all-knowing.” People are going to hold fast to this premise. They are going to take the trance to a whole new level, in which the hypnotic suggestions are “coming from gods.”

That will increase the power of the suggestions by many degrees.

It always works this way. The source of the trance is elevated, until it becomes, for the faithful, a Vatican of ultimate truth…

5G: Harmful Effects of a New Technology

Source:  No More Fake News

by Jon Rappoport
March 26, 2018


* See “5G Radiation Dangers—11 Reasons To Be Concerned,” by Lloyd Burrell (twitter), at electricsense.com. Well worth a read.

* Of course, read Patrick Wood’s (twitter) instant classic, Technocracy Rising, which explains the hidden agenda of Globalism in the 21st century. Patrick’s blog is here.

“Along with the 5G there is another thing coming — Internet of Things. If you look at it…the radiation level is going to increase tremendously and yet the industry is very excited about it… they project 5G/IoT business to be a $7 trillion business.” — Prof. Girish Kumar, Professor at Electrical Engineering Department at IIT Bombay

5G, the latest and greatest method of faster wireless transmission, is coming on with a storm.

Governments are promoting it as if the future of humanity depends on it. It MUST BE implemented.

When governments and corporations see technological daylight up the road—and big money—they run toward it joined at the hip. Consequences be damned.

And now, 5G.

A few of the many corporations involved include Samsung, Intel, Qualcomm, Nokia, Huawei, Ericsson, ZTE. This is a global operation, and many governments are backing the push.

And the consumer gets what? The ability to watch the reruns of Law&Order he’s already watching? His current TV reception isn’t good enough? The appliances in his home will all be connected to Internet and talk to each other and spy on him and record his energy use, in conjunction with smart meters, for the Greater Good.

Somehow, you really need your toaster connected to the Internet? You want that? You can’t get along without that?

UNDOUBTEDLY, A KEY PART OF THE 5G PROGRAM IS, EVENTUALLY, MASSIVE NUMBERS OF DRIVERLESS CARS ON ROADS ALL OVER THE WORLD. This is the plan. Cars are connected and talk to each other. Humans play no role in this. The Technocratic Internet of Things decides how, at any given moment, to regulate traffic flows. Humans learn to be passive.


“Mr. Jones, this is the voice of your house speaking. You have reached the assigned limit of your energy use for the month. Try to get along without energy until next month’s allotment comes online…”

At electricsense.com (5/12/17), we learn about the purported “upside” of 5G:

“5G and IoT [Internet of Things] promises to connect us in our homes, schools, workplaces, cities, parks and open spaces to over a trillion objects around the world. It promises cars that drive themselves, washing machines that order their own washing powder and softener plus of course super fast downloads and streaming.”

“According to Fortune.com 5G will support at least 100 billion devices and will be 10 to 100 times faster than current 4G technology. (4G was already about 10 times faster than 3G).”

“It’ll bring download speed up to 10 Gigabits per second. This would let us have an entire building of people send each other data in close to no time, thus improving productivity.”

Now, electricsense.com takes us into the disaster of 5G:

“5G will utilize smaller cell stations (and the technology of beamforming) that’ll scramble/unscramble and redirect packets of data on a no-interference path back to us. This could mean wireless antennas on every lamp post, utility pole, home and business throughout entire neighborhoods, towns and cities.”

“Thousands of studies link low-level wireless radio frequency radiation exposures to a long list of adverse biological effects, including:

• DNA single and double strand breaks

• oxidative damage

• disruption of cell metabolism

• increased blood brain barrier permeability

• melatonin reduction

• disruption to brain glucose metabolism

• generation of stress proteins”

“Given that 5G is set to utilize frequencies above and below existing frequency bands 5G sits in the middle of all this. But the tendency (it varies from country to country) is for 5G to utilize the higher frequency bands. Which brings its own particular concerns…”

“The biggest concern is how these new wavelengths will affect the skin. The human body has between two million to four million sweat ducts. Dr. Ben-Ishai of Hebrew University, Israel explains that our sweat ducts act like ‘an array of helical antennas when exposed to these wavelengths,’ meaning that we become more conductive. A recent New York study which experimented with 60GHz waves stated that ‘the analyses of penetration depth show that more than 90% of the transmitted power is absorbed in the epidermis and dermis layer’.”

“The effects of MMWs [millimeter waves] as studied by Dr. Yael Stein of Hebrew University is said to also cause humans physical pain as our nociceptors flare up in recognition of the wave as a damaging stimuli. So we’re looking at possibilities of many skin diseases and cancer as well as physical pain to our skin.”

“A 1994 study found that low level millimeter microwave radiation produced lens opacity in rats, which is linked to the production of cataracts.”

“An experiment conducted by the Medical Research Institute of Kanazawa Medical University found that 60GHz ‘millimeter-wave antennas can cause thermal injuries of varying types of levels. The thermal effects induced by millimeterwaves can apparently penetrate below the surface of the eye’.”

“A 1992 Russian study found that frequencies in the range 53-78GHz (that which 5G proposes to use) impacted the heart rate variability (an indicator of stress) in rats. Another Russian study on frogs whose skin was exposed to MMWs found heart rate changes (arrhythmias).”

“5G will use pulsed millimeter waves to carry information. But as Dr. Joel Moskowitz points out, most 5G studies are misleading because they do not pulse the waves. This is important because research on microwaves already tells us how pulsed waves have more profound biological effects on our body compared to non-pulsed waves. Previous studies, for instance, show how pulse rates of the frequencies led to gene toxicity and DNA strand breaks.”

This is just a sampling of 5G’s disastrous effects. There is much more.

“AT&T have announced the availability of their 5G Evolution in Austin, Texas. 5G Evolution allows Samsung S8 and S8 + users access to faster speeds. This is part of AT&T’s plan to lay the 5G foundation while the standards are being finalized. This is expected to happen in late 2018. AT&T has eyes on 19 other metropolitan areas such as Chicago, Los Angeles, Boston, Atlanta, San Francisco and so on. Indianapolis is up next on their 5G trail due to arrive in the summer [2018].”

It’s full steam ahead for 5G on planet Earth.

Profits, top-down control, new technology—why bother with extensive health studies?

Once the effects on the population take hold, doctors will make diagnoses of DISEASES that seem to have nothing to do with 5G. They’ll call it Chronic Fatigue Syndrome, or a variety of blood disorders, they’ll look for THE VIRUS, and they’ll develop new drugs…

David Icke: How to Make a Difference

Source:  David Icke
January 29, 2018



How to Engineer a Crisis

Source: The Corbett Report
January 13, 2018


Are you a dictator in need of public support for your latest draconian clampdown on dissent? Or a deep state plotter hoping to topple a foreign government who doesn’t comply with your every wish? A low-level Machiavellian schemer looking for the ultimate trick for defeating your enemies without lifting a finger? Then look no further than this handy-dandy guide to “How To Engineer A Crisis.”





Are you a dictator in need of public support for your latest draconian clampdown on dissent? Or a deep state plotter hoping to topple a foreign government who doesn’t comply with your every wish?  A low-level Machiavellian schemer looking for the ultimate trick for defeating your enemies without lifting a finger? Then look no further than this handy-dandy guide to “How To Engineer A Crisis.”

This is The Corbett Report.

Last week on The Corbett Report we considered the possibility that the recent protests in Iran have been assisted by the US, Israel and Saudi Arabia, all of whom are actively plotting against the Iranian government. As I detailed in that report, the idea only sounds outlandish to those who are ignorant of the history of repeated interventions by foreign powers in the internal politics of Iran.

The joint British/American intelligence operation to overthrow Iranian President Mohammad Mosaddegh—codenamed “Operation TPAJAX” and led by Kermit Roosevelt, Jr.—was a textbook example of how such operations proceed. It is not that the protest movement against Mosaddegh was created out of whole cloth; rather, it was the CIA’s job to take a nascent protest movement, a small minority of people within the country already angry at Mosaddegh, and then to fund, equip, enlarge and inflame that movement, greasing the skids to the eventual transfer of power with millions of dollars in cash and promises of further support.

Aaron Maté: And Roosevelt proceeds with a plan that involves rented crowds of people, right?

Malcolm Byrne: Right.

Maté: Can you explain that?

Byrne: Yeah, well, this is a big aspect of Iranian politics. Anybody who’s who’s been around the last, you know, thirty years or so will be familiar with with televised scenes of huge crowds in Iran, whether it’s when the Ayatollah Khomeini returns to the country after exile or things of that sort. And crowds are, you know, our key element going back decades in Iranian politics. Things are just generally unstable enough that if you get enough people out there you can you can really change things around. So that was always a key part of the plan was there were several aspects to it but one of the keys was to get these crowds out there any way you can and the and make it look like the Shah has everybody’s support and we hope we’ll carry the day.

SOURCE: 64 Years Later, CIA Details Long-Hidden Role in Iran Coup

In fact, from an intelligence point of view, the coup against Mosaddegh was a remarkable success beyond all expectations. The operation required only a handful of on-the-ground operatives, seven million dollars in bribe money for the rent-a-crowds, and the complicity of the bought-and-controlled corporate media at home. In fact, although the role of the CIA in helping to organize the protests that led to the overthrow of Mosaddegh has been known for decades, it wasn’t formally admitted by the Agency until 2013, 60 years after the fact. Just last year, the State Department released a slew of new documents describing in greater detail how Roosevelt and his agents used rent-a-crowds to boost the support for the Shah and give the impression of a popular uprising.

But that was then. This is now. How can an outside power intervene to stir up protests or incite violence in a targeted country in the modern day and age?

For an example, we need look no further than the Euromaidan protest in Ukraine in 2014. The Maidan protests, too, involved a mass uprising against a government targeted by the Western powers, and they turned deadly when snipers began firing into the crowds, killing both police and civilians. That both sides were targeted in the shootings makes no sense from a strategic perspective, unless the purpose of the shooting was actually to escalate the violence and drive the protests to their eventual conclusion: the overthrow of President Viktor Yanukovich. Nevertheless, mainstream media in the west immediately blamed the sniper fire on the Ukrainian police.

But from the beginning, the evidence contradicted this account. Shortly after the deadly sniper incident, Estonian Foreign Minister Urmas Paet discussed his own findings on the attack with an audibly shocked Catherine Ashton, foreign affairs chief of the European Union.

Urmas Paet: All the evidence shows that the people were killed by snipers from both sides – among policemen and people from the streets – that they were the same snipers killing people from both sides.

Catherine Ashton: Oh that’s…yeah.

Paet: And then she also showed me some photos. She said that [she’s a] medical doctor, she can, you know, say that it is the same same handwriting, the same type of bullets, and it’s really disturbing that now the new coalition that don’t want to investigate what exactly happened. So there is now a stronger and stronger understanding that behind the snipers, it was not Yanukovich, but it was somebody from the new coalition.

Ashton: I think we do want to investigate. I didn’t pick that up. Interesting. Gosh.

SOURCE: Estonian Foreign Minister Urmas Paet and Catherine Ashton discuss Ukraine over the phone  

An extensive study of eyewitness reports, ballistic trajectories, radio intercepts, photos and videos of the attacks by Ivan Katchanovski of the University of Ottawa concluded that the sniper fire was in fact conducted by elements linked to the opposition.

But late last year, a Ukrainian courtroom became the stage for the most startling confirmation of this version of events.

News anchor: Three years ago, mercenary snipers from Georgia fired on protesters on Maidan Square. Today, their guilt has been proven in court in Kiev. The attorney of ex-president Yanukovych revealed the story of the people who got paid for mass murder. There is footage of the massacre among the evidence. The mercenaries even agreed to testify in court.


Alexander Goroshinsky: Their goal was to instigate a conflict between the protesters and law enforcement using firearms. Witness Koba Negadze was at the Ukrayina Hotel and saw snipers firing at both protesters as well as law enforcement officers.

SOURCE: Court in Kiev. Georgian Mercenary Snipers Skype In Shocking Testimony

The plan is as devilish as it is simple. Use indiscriminate murder and violence as a way to escalate a conflict and drive an agenda. In this case, the atrocity on the Maidan Square made negotiations between the protesters and the Yanukovych government impossible.

But Maidan Square was by no means the first time that this strategy had been employed to generate such a crisis. The Syrian government, like the government of President Yanukovych in Ukraine, found itself in the crosshairs of the Pentagon. In a program reminiscent of Operation Ajax, the Bush administration began funneling millions of dollars to opposition groups in Syria in 2006, and, just like in Iran in 1953, these funds eventually paid off in the form of a “spontaneous” protest movement in the city of Daraa in March 2011.

We are told that the Syrian “civil war” began on March 18, 2011, when Syrian security forces opened fire on “peaceful” anti-government protesters. Never mentioned in this mainstream narrative, however, is that one of those shot that day was, in fact, a policeman, and that in the ensuing days several more policemen were killed by rooftop snipers who were firing at protesters and police indiscriminately.

Not coincidentally, these events began to unfold just after the appointment of Robert Ford as US Ambassador to Syria. As Professor Michel Chossudovsky of the Centre for Research on Globalization explains, Ford, having served time as the number two man to John Negroponte at the US embassy in Baghdad, was no stranger to the use of death squads and paramilitary troops as a means of generating a political crisis.

Michel Chossudovsky: If we go back to February or January of 2011, we have—in fact, I think it was [the] end of January—Robert Stephen Ford is appointed US Ambassador [to Syria]. I happened to be in Damascus at the time of his appointment. I spent two months in Syria in the two months preceding the outbreak of the insurrection. But Robert Stephen Ford is a very important figure in an understanding of what happened.

Robert Stephen Ford was the number two man in the US embassy under John Negroponte. And as we know, John Negroponte has a whole personal history of supporting and creating death squads, going back to the heyday of central America. He was based in Honduras. He sponsored the death squads in Honduras and Nicaragua. So we’re going back to another era. But he was brought to Iraq precisely to create those death squads and also to insert the death squads in the Iraqi police. Who was his number two man? Robert Stephen Ford. And Robert Stephen Ford, in fact, played a far more crucial role than Negroponte because he actually speaks Arabic and he speaks Turkish and he was also in contact with the various factions in Iraq. And then Robert Stephen Ford—actually after a stint in Algeria—turns up in Syria.

He’s a key State Department official. He played a key role in the process of recruitment of these death squads modeled on what had been applied previously in Iraq, and also modeled on what was called the “Salvador Option” in central America. So it really is the application of the Salvador Option to the Middle East. And if we look at the track record of the rebel forces in Syria, we can see that the same training process applied. These are killers, and they are there to kill civilians. They have a certain pattern of executing people who are Shi’ite or Alawite and then they also have procedures for executing what they call the “traitors” within the Sunni community. And then what was applied was the concept of ethnic cleansing in all the Christian communities in Syria.

So there was a very structured insurrection, which was essentially directed against the civilian population. And then what happened is that when these atrocities were committed, the western media casually accused the Syrian government of killing its own people. The accusations were absurd, but at the time people believed them. Subsequently, many reports came through which actually contradicted this interpretation, or falsification of the mainstream media, and then they started to say “Well, there are atrocities on both sides.”

But the fact of the matter is that these death squads were set loose in a sovereign country with a view to destabilizing civil society. Killing people was the basis for that destabilization. The destruction of buildings and residential complexes and so on was part of it.

SOURCE: The Imperial Agenda in Syria – Michel Chossudovsky on GRTV

That provocateured violence and carnage are handy tools in the hands of deep state operatives looking to destabilize foreign governments is, by this point, self-evident. But what if you are a totalitarian tyrant looking to quell domestic dissent? Never fear! Just because these tactics can be employed to overthrow governments abroad doesn’t mean they can’t be used for smaller scale operations at home.

In 2007, undercover Quebec provincial police infiltrated the peaceful protests at the Montebello Security and Prosperity Partnership Summit. The masked undercover officers were spotted with rocks in their hand approaching the police line, but when called out by one of the protesters, were then “arrested” by the police and taken away. Within days, the government was forced to admit that the men had indeed been undercover police officers.

Ian Hanomansing: It was stunning video posted on the internet for all to see, and it came with a charge: That police masqueraded as protesters at this week’s Montebello summit to incite violence. Tonight an equally stunning admission from Quebec’s provincial police. Susan Bonner reports.

Dave Coles: These three guys are cops everybody!

Susan Bonner: Busted! Three Quebec provincial police officers, identities masked, one carrying a huge rock. Nabbed for infiltrating a peaceful protest at Montebello. The tip off came from a union leader who noticed riot police standing by despite the obvious weapon. He accused the men of being undercover cops trying to provoke a riot, and then the protest. The men were removed, but never charged.

After two days of questions, the Sûreté du Québec issued a news release late today confirming yes, the men are police officers, but denying they were agents provocateurs, claiming they were sent in to identify and stop trouble.

SOURCE: Quebec police admit going undercover at montebello protests

And so when it came time for Toronto to host the G20 summit in 2010, Dan Dicks of Press For Truth confronted Toronto police spokesman George Tucker about the possibility that similar provocateur tactics would be used there. Tucker’s response was hardly reassuring.

Dan Dicks: In 2007 there was a summit that was held in Montebello, Quebec, where three Sûreté du Québec police officers were caught as agent provocateurs. They were dressed as aggressive protesters with rocks in their hands in an attempt to incite violence. George, as a representative of the Toronto Police can you assure us that the Toronto Police Force will not engage in any police agent provocateur activities at the G20 summit.

George Tucker: Other matters, security matters, I’m not at liberty to discussed those in an open format.

SOURCE: G20 Toronto — Provocateurs, Metal Cages and the Global Elite

And, predictably, when the G20 rolled around, the police were up to their old tricks.

“Protesters” who had been outed as undercover cops were caught running behind police lines, protected by their fellow officers. Crowds of identically-clad “black bloc” protesters were allowed to rampage through the streets for hours on the first day of the protests so that a clampdown could begin the next day, resulting in the largest mass arrests in Canadian history. And in one incident that became the iconic image of the Toronto G20, police carefully parked and deliberately abandoned a police cruiser in the middle of the protests and then allowed the masked “protesters” to smash it to pieces and set it on fire, letting it burn for hours in full view of the cameras of the mainstream news networks.

Bryan Law: As you’re seeing behind me, the black spots on the pavement from where the police cars were burned yesterday by alleged anarchist groups down here on Queen Street West and Spadina. Now I was here filming the event as it took place when those police cars got left. I think an important note to make is that the police cars were driven in by police, which then, they got out of the police cars, surrounded them in a “C” formation with a number of riot cops, and then the riot cops backed off and left the police cars there. And I filmed it after the police cars were left, there was one on either side of the street. Both of the police cars were being destroyed incrementally by various protest groups, but they weren’t lit on fire for about six or seven hours. These cars were left here for six or seven hours on this street.

Now, the police have tow trucks. They have tow trucks that are paid for by our tax money with the billion dollars that they’ve been spending for security. Six or seven hours they were left here on the street, and then about 6:00 p.m. the cars were allegedly lit on fire by anarchist groups. They were also left to burn after they were lit on fire. They were left to burn for nearly an hour until the cars were nearly molten metal on the street. Now, the police had every opportunity to call a fire engine down to put these fires out, to cordon off the area to get these vehicles out of here, but they needed some sort of a reason to crack down on people all over the city. Now we’re seeing arrests all over the city. We’re seeing detainment. We’re seeing people going into people’s houses. And this is all caused by these alleged groups that lit a few police cars on fire.

They wanted to leave this happening as a photo opportunity to discredit legitimate protesters that were protesting the g20. There’s over 500 people now in the film studios down there that are being detained unlawfully, against our Constitution, against our Charter of Rights and Freedoms, and against the right to free speech and the freedom to stand up for what you believe in in this country.

SOURCE: G20 Toronto – Press For Truth Video Report Part 1 of 2

In 2016 the Ontario courts finally granted the ability for the more than 1,000 peaceful protesters illegally detained during the summit to join a class action lawsuit against the Toronto police force, but that appeal was then dismissed by the Supreme Court at the urging of the police board. The top-ranking officer who ordered the illegal mass arrests, Supt. Mark Fenton, was found guilty of professional misconduct for his actions, but that only led to a reprimand and the loss of 30 days paid vacation.

In the end, the engineered crisis worked perfectly. The images of the flaming cop car played across the mainstream propaganda channels all weekend, “justifying” the kettling and mass arrests of over 1,000 peaceful protesters in the minds of an easily-duped public still enthralled by the narrative of the mainstream media networks. One officer received a slap on the wrist, and no one was ever charged, let alone prosecuted, for the use of undercover provocateurs who instigated the violence in the first place.

To be sure, this is by no means a strictly Canadian phenomenon.

At the 2009 G20 in London, a tiny group of masked individuals who the media identified as “protesters” stage managed a carefully contrived smashing of the windows of an HSBC branch for a gaggle of press photographers who in fact overwhelmingly outnumbered the so-called protesters. Not caught on their cameras was any sign of any of the police that were prevalent at all times and all areas throughout the G20 demonstrations.

And in 2008 the Denver Post reported that undercover Denver Police dressed as protesters had instigated a struggle with uniformed police that resulted in 106 people being arrested and an indiscriminate pepper spray attack against the assembled crowds.

Time and again, in country after country, engineered crises have been used to further the goals of deep state agents and would-be tyrants. Undercover forces are sent into situations to stir up crowds, instigate violence, raise tensions, and justify the next move on the chessboard, whether that be the toppling of the government or the delegitimization of peaceful protest. And time and time again, with controlled media organizations on hand to document the events in a biased and uncritical manner, these engineered crises have helped these operatives accomplish their mission.

So don’t worry. The next time you need to engineer a coup, whip up a violent movement, or clamp down on dissent, just know that you are only one engineered crisis away from achieving your goal. Unless, of course, the public wakes up to the trick…But since this guide to engineering crises is our little secret, that’s not going to happen any time soon. Is it?

Strange Tales: Secret Space Program “Whistleblower” Corey Goode

Source:  AlphaZebra

Published on Aug 8, 2017

~~~ Folks, this is Bill Ryan here.

 Please subscribe to HIS channel. 🙂

I posted against his original video, which is here:

(this is re-uploaded with his permission and encouragement)

I just posted on the Avalon Forum: “I highly HIGHLY recommend this new video. One of the very best I’ve seen about this entire thing. It’s a balanced, sane, detailed, methodical, well-articulated, well-researched, fully-referenced summary of the whole saga.”

And I wrote to a friend: “I think it’s actually THE best video I’ve seen or heard (for most people out there)… including my own two with Rich Dolan. He must have spent a lot of time on it. It’s EXTREMELY well done. Needs to be posted far and wide.

It’s almost like a last word on the whole story, but it’s totally, totally balanced and grounded.”

Here is tmcleanful’s original descriptive text:

~~~ Yes I’m interested in ufology.

From what I can tell, there appears to be a “there” there. Have I drawn any conclusions regarding what that is? No. But I find the whole thing fascinating, regardless of what the truth turns out to be, if that’s ever revealed.

But I have a strong aversion towards people who take advantage of the openness and good nature of regular folks to advance themselves.

I created this video for the UFO Proof channel, and a “UFO Proof” version of it may appear there soon, but given the current profile and significance of this topic within ufology I wanted to get it out now and it seems perfect for my new Strange Tales series.

Whether you are into ufology or reject the whole thing as nonsense, I think you will be informed and hopefully entertained by this video.

All of the links to references and sources provided in the video are as follows:

Richard Dolan’s website: http://richarddolanpress.com

Corey Goode’s website: http://spherebeingalliance.com

Dark Journalist’s website: http://darkjournalist.com

Project Avalon forums: http://projectavalon.net

Corey Goode YouTube Channel: http://youtube.com/channel/UCa5Lacw0d…

Bill Ryan YouTube Channel: http://youtube.com/user/AlphaZebra

Bill Ryan interviews Richard Dolan:

Part 1: http://youtube.com/watch?v=wMhhQwbyLQc

Part 2: http://youtube.com/watch?v=AGz_ha30lqg

Dark Journalist YouTube Channel: http://youtube.com/user/darkjournalist

Dark Journalist interviews Bill Ryan: http://youtube.com/watch?v=qApt0XhbS0E

Dark Journalist interviews Richard Dolan: Part 1: http://youtube.com/watch?v=5CGG5gjsUNY

Part 2: http://youtube.com/watch?v=b0wXWpbLrl0

Teresa Yanaros (Tessa Gianni) YouTube Channel: http://youtube.com/channel/UC_jDPph3B…

Teresa interviews Stacy Goode: http://youtube.com/watch?v=_Kgnbun-DoA

Teresa interviews Corey Goode: http://youtube.com/watch?v=K0HCGmSKpV4

Jordan Sather YouTube Channel: http://youtube.com/channel/UCMVTRzCXv…

Jordan complains about suppression of his brand: http://youtube.com/watch?v=N-BsO-mirZQ

Chronicles from the Future: Video synopsis (skip to the 24 minute mark for the diary description): http://youtube.com/watch?v=HP9CLEOnBb8

First 60 pages of the Dianech’s diary/book: http://www.matrixseite.de/Chronicles_…


Iodine Replaces Vaccines and Antibiotics

Iodine Replaces Vaccines and Antibiotics

by Dr. Mark Sircus
May 4, 2017
republished 9/26/2023


This is going to be the final chapter in the second edition of my iodine book. After reading everything about iodine, we need to take a final leap to understand how important iodine is and how much pain and suffering has occurred when modern medicine substituted vaccines and antibiotics for iodine. Today the need for something safer, more effective and life serving than vaccines and antibiotics has become imperative.

Though it kills 90 percent of bacteria on the skin within 90 seconds its use as an antibiotic has been ignored.

Iodine exhibits activity against bacteria, molds, yeasts, protozoa, and many “viruses”; indeed, of all antiseptic preparations suitable for direct use on humans and animals and upon tissues, only iodine is capable of killing all classes of pathogens: gram-positive and gram-negative bacteria, mycobacteria, fungi, yeasts, “viruses” and protozoa. Most bacteria are killed within 15 to 30 seconds of contact.

Poor immune response is correlated with impaired thyroid function; a deficiency in iodine can greatly affect the immune system because low levels of iodine lead to problems with the thyroid gland.[1] Dr. David Brownstein says, “Iodine has a wonderful antibiotic solution without question and most importantly I never see any of my patients complain of dysbiotic reactions from its use.”

If one wants to have healthy kids, one does not want to inject one’s children with vaccines that contain a long list of nasty substances. We should not trust doctors, big pharmaceutical companies nor the CDC and FDA with their long list of lies, deceptions and false basic assumptions. Vaccines are full of poisons and antibiotics are poisons—that is exactly what they are supposed to be so they can kill bacteria. Unfortunately, they hurt healthy cells at the same time.

Image result for Iodine vaccines

The US federal government allows pharmaceutical companies to put neurotoxic mercury (Thimerosal) in the flu vaccine and inject that directly into children’s blood streams and babies, starting at six months of age, is reason enough to not put ANY trust in the medical industrial complex.

Vaccines are under investigation for the side effects they cause. The results of a new investigation show the presence of micro and Nano sized particulate matter composed of inorganic elements in vaccines’ samples which is not declared among the components and whose unduly presence is, for the time being, inexplicable.[2]

More and more parents are finding out that their children will be healthier if they do not vaccinate.

Live Science is reporting that more parents are refusing to vaccinate their children now than a decade ago because they simply do not see a need for vaccination. With iodine, one does not have to fear. One can simply replace childhood vaccines and antibiotics with iodine.

What we do have to fear is modern medicine. The sum of its intelligence in terms of fighting infections is to continue to do things that do not work and are dangerous to its patients.

A Nevada woman in her 70s who’d recently returned from India died in September from a “superbug” infection that resisted all antibiotics, according to a report released Friday… The U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention “basically reported that there was nothing in our medicine cabinet to treat this lady,” report co-author Dr. Randall Todd.

The golden age of antibiotics is over and now humanity faces a nightmare of antibiotic resistant infections. You would think doctors would give up and start using iodine, as they did 100 years ago, when it was one of the most important medicines you would find in a pharmacy.

Dr. Lisa Landymore-Lin in her book Poisonous Prescriptions, Do Antibiotics Cause Asthma and Diabetes? She questioned the role of antibiotics as a cause of cancer since they do lead to pathogen overgrowth especially in the area of yeast and fungi. Chris Woollams writes, “It is estimated that 70 per cent of the British population have a yeast infection. The primary cause of this is our love of antibiotics. Swollen glands? Take antibiotics. Tonsillitis? Take antibiotics.” Dr. Elmer Cranton, says that, “Yeast overgrowth is partly iatrogenic (caused by the medical profession) and can be caused by antibiotics.”

How Wrong Can They Get It?

In a recent ruling, judges at the German Federal Supreme Court (BGH) confirmed that the measles virus does not exist. Furthermore, there is not a single scientific study in the world, which could prove the existence of the virus in any scientific literature. This raises the question of what was actually injected into millions over the past few decades. The MMR is a fraud but one that has hurt many children no matter what the governments and pharmaceutical companies profess.

Dr. David Brownstein said, “More and more children continue to get the MMR vaccine even though a 2004 CDC MMR study was falsified to hide the fact that the MMR vaccine was found to significantly increase the risk of autism in boys who received it.”


Not a single scientist, immunologist, infectious disease specialist or medical doctor has ever been able to establish a scientific foundation for the vaccination of measles. In reality, fundamental research on what viruses are and how they infect us is lacking though beliefs about them are not. Going all the way back to Pasteur to new discoveries in microbiology we see much that undermine common belief about viruses and how they cause disease.

Do they even exist?

It is easier to pretend that viruses do exist. Many assume them to be real so they must be real. They certainly are markers for toxic human physiology. However, iodine backed up with other nutritional medicines like bicarbonate, magnesium and selenium combine to treat the conditions doctors believe are viral infections.

However, nearly everything we once believed about the purportedly deadly properties of flu virus may be based on institutionalized superstition and myth. A different way of looking at viral diseases is that we do not catch them we create the conditions inside.

Bacteria are scavengers of nature; they reduce dead tissue to its smallest element. In the old days, illness was usually due to errors of diet or manner of living, the germs being present solely as scavengers of dead and waste tissues and foods, and not as the cause of the disease.

Germs flourish as scavengers at the site of diseased tissues. They are thriving on the unprocessed metabolic waste and diseased, malnourished tissues. They are not the cause of the disease, any more than flies and maggots cause garbage. We always see firefighters at burning buildings but that does not mean they caused the fire. Whatever we want to believe it is a mistake to treat the germ without treating the environment, the condition that exists that leads to the sickness.

We know that viruses (or the conditions that create them) are sensitive to pH levels in the tissues and cells. We know that toxins and nutritional deficiencies compromise cells, and their aquatic surroundings, so treating viral infections that address pH, detoxification and nutritional deficiencies in an urgent (intensive care) manner will deal with most acute medical emergencies that appear to be caused by viral infections.

The title says it all. By the time you reach the final page of my free EBook The Terror of Pediatric Medicine you will understand that pediatric medicine is one of the worst things that ever happened to the world of babies and young children.

As the U.S. vaccine court proves, many who get vaccinated wind up with minor, major, and chronic autoimmune diseases, sometimes paralysis, autism, and death. According to a NY Times essay on flu vaccines several years ago, “As soon as swine flu vaccinations start next month, some people getting them will drop dead of heart attacks or strokes, some children will have seizures and some pregnant women will miscarry.”

None of this happens with iodine. My advice is to stay away from vaccines, antibiotics and especially from the doctors who prescribe these medicines with impunity.


Connect with Dr. Mark Sircus

See Related:

Iodine Supplements and Dosages


Social Engineering in the West; the Shutting Down of Human Consciousness

Social Engineering in the West; the Shutting Down of Human Consciousness

by Willem Felderhof
December 15, 2016


“The conscious and intelligent manipulation of human behaviors, thoughts and opinions is the primary element in society. Those who hold the knowledge and manipulate these unseen mechanisms in society constitute the invisible government and are the true rulers of humanity. We are governed, our minds are molded, our tastes are formed, and our ideas are suggested, by men we never heard of”.

The above quote was made by Edward Bernays in 1928. He was referring to then already highly effective forms of mind control programs that humanity was subjected to in the manipulated 3 dimensional control matrix as we still know it. Close to a century later and with the help of numerous think tanks and institutes that serve the ruling elites like the Tavistock institute, mind control techniques have been refined to unimaginable levels, where humanity is on the brink of becoming fully robotized and ready to serve in the new world order, without even knowing it. Anyone who claims not being under the influence of social engineering/Mind control or is not aware of it at all, is clearly lost and does not have a clue what is going on in their manipulated minds and therefore they do not understand what is going on around them as well.

Following quote by überpsychopath Zbigniew Brzezinski:

“The technotronic era involves the gradual appearance of a more controlled society. Such a society would be dominated by an elite, unrestrained by traditional values. Soon it will be possible to assert almost continuous surveillance over every citizen and maintain up-to-date complete files containing even the most personal information about the citizen. These files will be subject to instantaneous retrieval by the authorities”.

Now bear in mind that this statement was made almost 50 years ago and think about the endless technological possibilities the psychopathic social engineers have access to today. Fact is that most of humanity embraces his/her enslavement and illusionary state of freedom, not only due to ignorance but also because it helps avoiding any responsibility and/or precious time consuming Self-work. We just do not want to know the unpleasant Truth that our minds are owned and controlled by Satanic dark occultists. The result of lifelong (trauma based) refined mindcontrol programming is a shut down of consciousness on a massive scale. As a result of that we see the rise of an engineered obedient slave with a total lack of any impulses of authenticity and free will, that operates from the vibration of fear.


One of the main game tools of the occult social engineers is Eugenics. Eugenics is an ancient satanic social ideology advocating higher rates of sexual reproduction for people with traits and characteristics desired by its proponents and, reduced rates of reproduction and sterilization for those with undesired traits and characteristics. This satanic practice is a primary religious tenet of the psychopathic rulers, who believe that it is simply “natural order” for the most ruthless of humans whose genes are the fittest to rule over the rest of the human herd. They truly see themselves as the chosen ones, as gods, because they are genetically superior over those they rule over. From that deceased psyche emanates the twisted belief that they can decide who is allowed to live and who must die. And this morbid form of human harvesting happens in plain sight for those who are willing to see the Truth.

Garbage in, garbage out

The occult ruling class discovered long, very long, ago how to influence the breeding process within entire populations for the purpose to make these populations easier to control. The controlling of human breeding is done by manipulation of the human consciousness. In other words; population control through mind control.

They are also creating humans with horrible traits and characteristics through the manipulation of human biology, biochemistry, and consciousness via chemicals in our food/water and air. Exposure to insane levels of unnatural electro magnetic fields are interfering with, and changing human physiology for the worse. It is literally a form of “down” breeding since the tactics are clearly used to weaken and destroy the targeted population i.s.o. improving them. Of course this is part of the depopulation agenda as well.

A blatant indication of a deeply mind controlled human being, that is in a solid state of denial, is someone who claims that this is all just the result of normal evolution. Where eugenics is one of the pillars of Satanism, ego worship and self preservation is another one. Most people do not want to hear the ugly Truth that we are ruled by occultist with a Satanic mindset. Let alone consider the idea that the hijacked human consciousness is being morphed into a pseudo satanic, false self obsessed clone of its rulers through social engineering. But all you have to do is look around you to get a confirmation of this unpleasant Truth.

The end product of this programming is a self obsessed human being that is totally disconnected from reality, and full time occupied with (false) self serving activities. That product is lost in non relevant behavior and thoughts and is entirely establishment serving and non establishment threatening. The perfect obedient slave. Because this “product’ is fully ego identified and self obsessed, it is unaware of its connection to the collective reality;  it is operating by a consciousness that is in a shut down modus. On a deeper level this engineered contracted type of consciousness operates from the vibration of fear, self loathing and ignorance. And because of that it will feed (while being unaware of it) the ongoing manifestation of more chaos, control, and suffering in the “external” collectively manifested reality.

The current manifested reality that we as a collective experience, is the aggregate of the consciousness of the individuals. So in order to change the current external reality, large numbers of people have to change their inner reality by (re) gaining the sacred knowledge of human consciousness and how it operates and manifests in accordance with Natural Law. Understanding the concept of non separation from the external reality, is an indication of knowledge of a True Self that operates from non duality.

War on the True Self

Through the relentless eugenics and trauma based mind control programs we see the clear emerging of a false self/ego identified, socially engineered woman and man that operate from the vibration of fear and that is stripped from “it’s” genuine masculine and feminine modalities. The desired by products of this engineered madness are: further destruction of the sacred masculine and feminine dynamics; break down of traditional family bonds and the break down of the sacred emotional, spiritual and sexual bond between man and woman. (if you google sacred bond man and woman you will see mostly pop ups from Hillary Clinton)

The engineered woman is being culturally conditioned to no longer be attracted to any of the qualities of the genuine man. Such genuine qualities include high holistic intelligence, real/natural confidence emanating from healthy self-esteem, being very vocally opinionated, independence, a rebellious attitude towards authority and placing very high values on individual freedom. Such traits are, of course, seen as highly dangerous to the goals of the rulers, who wish to see society produce weak men, since weak emasculated men are very unlikely to resist the State, while the genuine man will rebel against it.

The socially engineered woman wants to be placated, revered and pampered through relentless princess programming at early age where they are programmed to: value only what can be gained for themselves through relationships with men, to seek only a man who can “provide for them”. To place obsessive importance on their looks to “lure” a male, to devalue the importance of their own intelligence, to seek money as main value system and to think that “no man is good enough” for them. This false self identified woman is motivated by the psychological desire for attachment and security. “Love” is seen primarily as a form of co-dependent permanence and attachment and a search for an illusionary form of security, rather than a deep autonomic healthy familial bond with another human being. Hence the irrelevant first and foremost question when a woman and a man meet for the first time: “What do you do for a living”?

This search for security in a man with money and/or good looks or the desire to be taken care of by someone else is an integral part of the ego-gratification. And self preservation is the primary pillar of a Satanic mindset. An inconvenient Truth that most will refuse to understand and/or admit. Most people prefer to attribute this to Darwinian logics when in fact this behavior is deeply ingrained social conditioning. The early princess programming, the trauma based outcome based education system, and the (neo) feminist agenda’s have engineered the conditioned woman to love the State and her false self.

The State continually, through mass mind control, positions itself to be psychologically accepted as the provider, protector and husband. Especially the communist, marxist outcome based education slaughterhouse is a primary source of the engineered co dependence towards the State by both genders, partly through the insane prolonged compulsory separation from the parents.

Any parent who still continues to offer their children to these mind destruction factories without any significant resistance, is willfully facilitating the destruction of the authentic true Self of his/her child. The high sensitive, creative, and intelligent potential rebels against the increasing forms of tyranny are having severe problems to adapt to this profound sick system. This highly precious generation for humanity  is being “neutralized” by labeling their entirely normal response to the State run compulsory torture system with ADHD/ADD or other ridiculous “diagnoses”. Engineered computer/gaming addiction and disgusting medication regimes will zombify them further. Ignorant parents and pseudo psychologists, acting as agents for the system, are enforcing the identification of the child with their so-called problem, thereby pushing the child further into an engineered structural state of psychological stress and self loathing.

Marriage with the State

Fake, codependent, and false-self “love”programming through Hollywood love story movies, television series, books, music etc, drive the conditioned engineered man and woman into an obsessive search for the perfect relation and/or marriage. Marriage brings an even deeper personal relationship into union with the state- which has been traditionally used and steered to the benefit of the female, in the case of divorce. Up to 45 % of marriage end in divorce and divorce courts rule drastically in favor of women, feeding the division between man and woman and feeding the female’s craving towards the State. Money and the maintenance of lifestyle is valued above emotions, feelings and moral issues in relationships. This engineered system is structured in such a way that it breaks down both genders, the family tradition, and has a highly destructive impact on future generations as well.

Breeding out the rebel

The war on the genuine authentic men takes form of the emasculation of the human male, a process which breeds out the Sacred masculine dynamic (the willingness to stand up against any form of tyranny or bullies). The long-term agenda is to create a feminized man that will not ever challenge the state and to simultaneously condition women to view the state as a powerful husband/father figure. Rebellion against the state, a reverence for true freedom, and placing high value on personal responsibility and individual rights, are traits that are bred out of humanity through refined eugenics because such traits are undesirable to the ruling class. Socially engineered traits are being bred into the new “man” and include: a fear and disinterest of going against the norm, docility, submissiveness and obedience to authority. Mind control based eugenics are designed to breed compliant slaves and to eliminate raw rebels, independent thinkers, and spiritually aware human beings.

One of the most fundamental aspects of these programs is to influence the vast majority of women to be attracted only to fake men who are the most fitting to perpetuate the system of human slavery in a one world government system. This engineered self obsessed man displays pseudo and feminized masculine characteristics. Although presented as a real man he will most likely be dead-on-day-one in a real survival scenario as he is completely unaware of world issues and of his own enslavement.

Idolized self obsessed sport heroes and “musicians” serve as effective programming tools for pseudo rebellion. If you google the word rebel today, you will see that nothing will pop up that comes near a real rebel. True rebellion against the state and healthy patriotism are being bred out human consciousness and the new socially engineered generations have no intention to search for it anymore, as it is an unknown concept for the disconnected and self centered obedient new world order slaves.

The rise of the engineered millennial human being.

Millennial human beings are the children of the post baby boomer generation and were largely “raised” by the state-run trauma based mind control education factories, television/computer, and pop culture. They have been conditioned by these systems to behave in ways that are complacent, compliant, unquestioning, unthinking, and narcissistic.

They absorb huge amounts of television programming and/or computer gaming, consume poisonous genetically modified foods, are obsessed with escapist pursuits, conduct only vapid, inane conversations, and express an extreme lack of concern or interest in real world issues.

If they are confronted with someone who questions authority or addresses immoral behavior they will react either with apathy, aggressively, or will collectively ridicule the person that is expressing the normal moral behavior. This form of engineered policing of each other emanates from the fear of being expelled from the group. This fear based mind controlled form of self policing is the result of deep self loathing. The fear of being different is partly engineered through the compulsory education system that enforces traumatic abandonment issues by creating further separation from the parents, and through television programming and other media tools.

The millennial human beings are the absolute dream of the social engineers.


Another tactic in the gender war is the deliberate androgenization of society, which slowly homogenizes and gradually erodes the distinctiveness of both genders. When genders and gender roles become skewed and blended, strong men and women sharing cohesive familial bonds become an endangered species.

As a result of the breakdown of the sacred bond between man and woman, society becomes further weakened at a fundamental level and thus easier to control. Besides that it serves the depopulation agenda as well, just like the other tactics in the gender war. And again, anyone who attributes these engineered phenomena as natural and a result of normal evolution is clearly operating from an “owned” mind. People call me a homophobic when speaking out about androgenization being hyped in the media as a tool for social engineering. This is exactly the goal of the social engineers; we should all accept these abnormal tendencies in society as normal;  there is really no such thing as objective standards for right and wrong. Police each other with moral relativism; there is no Universal wrong or right.

Real external change comes ONLY from real change within

While the epitome of narcissistic paranoid psychopathy, embodied by Donald Trump, has been given the power over the controls of the most deadly and advanced nuclear war machinery the world has ever seen, the consensus in the majority of humanity is that we have to wait and see where it will go. Even under the so-called awake people are (or were) large numbers of people who consider the possibility that this time there might be a real chance for external “change”. That apathetic and co-dependent reaction not only reflects a total lack of knowledge of the structures and dynamics of power in society, and the distractive role of the pathetic political arena’s in general. It is also a disturbing indicator of the lack of rulership over, and knowledge of our individual consciousness.

Would it really be possible that the presidency of Trump was unexpected, totally unforeseen and unaccounted for by the genius occultist ruling class who OWN the whole stage for centuries, and are masters of deception for centuries? Most probably not, maybe for a tiny part, I would not bet on it anyway. But the most, if not the only, relevant question here is WHY all this is happening. As stated before we have to understand by experience that this system of chaos, control, fear, and human suffering is manifesting as a direct result of the dynamics of our own individual consciousness.

Real transformation requires TOTAL commitment

The current collectively shared reality, and the ever increasing levels of control that come with it, is the manifest of the aggregate of our individual consciousness. Individual consciousness today is mostly operated by a false ego identified self, driven by fear and ignorance. Engineered fear and ignorance by the occult rulers who have kept the knowledge of human consciousness hidden (Occult) to humanity in order to be able to manipulate and control it. In this unique time of information we have a chance to regain that knowledge and create another external reality which is emanating from a consciousness that is operated by the True Self, driven by Love and true knowledge in accordance with Natural law.

Only with total commitment, deep Self work, time and energy, humanity can turn the tide. We need to radically change the way we think, the way we feel, and above all, the way we behave. True external change comes from within, not the other way around. Instead of focussing on, and trying to change the external, we should change our reality within.

That process requires the willingness for a deep psychological and physical surgery without anaesthesia that includes a slow but certain death.

Death of the engineered false self that operates from fear, and a breakdown of all attachments to the belief systems that caused the identification with it. Only then we can facilitate the rebirth of the genuine True Self that will be able to manifest a different external reality. An emerging external reality that represents anarchy because it is manifested from the vibration of Love and not from fear. Anarchy is the expression of True Freedom. The real fear for anarchy is the fear for True Freedom; the unknown. The social engineers worst nightmare.

Important note: this article is written in generalized terms for convenience, but I am referring to the majority of a gender group or certain engineered group tendencies in society in general. Of course we see also authentic human beings operating from their True Self, but they are very rare in their presence.

To understand more about the war on human consciousness, eugenics, mind control and Natural Law, watch these seminars by Mark Passio. In the first controversial presentation, Mark Passio blows wide open the Dark Occult agenda of Neo-Feminism, which is being used to sow the seeds of discord between men and women in order to weaken the human species and ensure that future generations of humanity lack the traits necessary to resist tyranny. The destruction of gender roles and the familial dynamic are explored as major themes throughout Mark’s hard-hitting lecture.:

On October 19th, 2013 Mark Passio presented his seminar “Natural Law: The REAL Law of Attraction” at the Yale Omni, organized by Arthur Capozzi & Christopher Capozzi, and produced for distribution by Tragedy and Hope dot com. This is the morning session, which will be followed in this playlist by the remaining 2 segments. Take the time to watch, study, and enjoy it.

Check out for more on human consciousness, social engineering and mind control on:




Willem Felderhof is a former commercial airline pilot and was a whistleblower on the presence of toxic elements in aviation generally known as “the Aerotoxic syndrome”.

Expanding Our Ability to See the Hidden World Influencers

Expanding Our Ability to See the Hidden World Influencers

by Adam Abraham, Phaelosopher
April 30, 2015


Et tu, Baltimore?

The events that are unfolding in Baltimore, Maryland, characterized by many as riots, are in my opinion, a positive sign that life and love yet exists in America, and that the American spirit hasn’t, in spite of some major efforts, been distracted, drugged, or anesthetized into a quiet sleep or coma.Compartmentalization pressure has been so severe that pundits and critics alike will view the demonstrations in racial terms alone. Some will look at “those black people rioting,” and infer that they are uncivilized savages for destroying “their own” neighborhoods, and have little regard for property or “authority”.


The air had red glare, as something lit was hurled through the air.


Critics won’t see the protest by the people of a community intent on being treated with respect, by others who shouldn’t need to be told this, as the actualization of their own pent-up and unspoken angst and protest.

Nature doesn’t recognize the “boxes” that man has created and insists that everyone live inside. Seeing the situation in Baltimore as a problem of race alone severely limits the scope and context of remedy. Evolution occurs when we expand the scope of our love and care beyond the priorities or needs of “our” particular social group and seek to discern and embrace what is best for The Whole.

When I write about the criminality of vaccine practice or standard cancer treatment, it’s not because “my” children have been afflicted (though both were affected), it’s because I’ve studied and come to understand the damage that these practices do (which I did not know then).

All children are victimized by the unrepentant and unmitigated Medical System that thus far insists, like police departments that cover for their abusive officers, on rationalization while escalating its destructive and repressive practices.

There can only be ONE set of laws that apply to ALL. If either government, military, or “law enforcement” doesn’t live by that understanding, those who do must remind them.


A Hidden Influence in Plain Sight



Just who do you address your grievances with if, in spite of your best efforts and intentions, you find that “The System” is unresponsive and seems to be dead set against you? What most critics and pundits don’t know is that The System doesn’t discriminate. It thinks little of them too.

This is America, the Land of the (Not) Free (Not) and home of the (Not) Brave. It has never been either. America is more the land of the indebted and home of the indentured.


This is a dubious place to “outperform” China!

Ownership is a myth in America. Even automobile makers are attempting to claim that they still “own” the intellectual property of the software and system management in the car even when you purchase it, to dissuade you from repairing cars on your own. (See story.)

Even if you “own” your home free and clear, try not paying property taxes. Nothing is actually as it seems in our social system.

On the other hand, there are those who think they “own” you and me. They’ve got the birth papers and bonds to prove it, but are clear (1) not to let you know about it, and (2) make the audit trail difficult to find, or follow.

The protesters in Baltimore expressed dissatisfaction with an hypocritical, deceitful, even criminal social System (that’s what it is) that has shown itself to be concerned about little beyond the perpetuation of its own agenda. All benefits that are promised by The System shall benefit and advance The System, even if it is at the expense of, and of detriment to those it purports to serve.

Did you know that roughly $0.45 of every gallon of gas that you pay for goes to the government? One reason that gas mileage (and emissions) are improving only marginally compared to what is truly possible, is the significant tax revenue that the government would lose if there was a sudden decrease in fuel consumption due to increased efficiencies. The engine management system in your car actually ensures that it will keep fuel consumption up, i.e., within a predictable norm which is well below what automotive engineers have long been able to deliver.



Instead of being open about it, Americans have been killed  for solving the oil crisis riddle (e.g., Stanley Meyer), while America has sent our children to war, increasing its debt to bankers, to kill and destroy and take control of oil, which we no longer need. Even our cars of today can be made to burn fuel far more efficiently than they currently do, which would reduce emissions while increasing range and power.


It’s Time To Join Hands, Hearts, and Minds


Unity in peace moves everyone forward.


Most would find it incredible to hear that factions exist within world society that believe they “own” us all; black, white, brown, and red, Christian, Muslim, and Jew, capitalist, socialist, and communist.

Do you find it interesting that a movie, “The Purge” released in 2013, introduced the idea of a period of “legalized crime”, which then served as a framework for organizing the Baltimore protests? Is it possible that this was the purpose of the movie; that is, to insinuate new destructive ideas into the public consciousness? The factions that think they control everything are capable of making such “deposits” of ideas, through motion pictures, television, sports, and other media, as they wish.

They are the ones that instruct companies like Monsanto, Cargill, Bayer, and others to contaminate agriculture with non-reproducing, genetically modified seeds, under the guise of “business”. They also tell presidents to pass measures granting such corporations immunity from prosecution, and presidents do.

They tell the Supreme Court to give corporations equal standing to human beings, and the court so rules.How does a protester in Baltimore throw a rock at these people? It’s not that anyone wants to throw rocks. Everyone wants to be treated with the respect that they deserve. No one group has been singled out for special shafting.

Through strategic use of research grants, endowments, tenure, prestige, and recognition, they have perverted health sciences, turning it into a Medical Industrial Complex, a well-oiled, patent-holding, disease creating, drug-dispensing machine. It mandates that all will be vaccinated, even infants, with absolutely no accountability (or so they think) for the effect that their powerful, patented, mutagenic immune system suppressants have on fragile, newly arriving souls.They don’t care, and it’s not about money.



In the same way as the Earth is self-sufficient, people truly understood that humans are designed to be self-healing, and will heal automatically when balance and natural harmonics are restored, do you really think they’d be asking their doctor if “________” is right for their psoriasis, hemorrhoids or cancer? Most people have come to believe that disease is the inevitable result of getting older, or, a “genetic deficiency,” or bad luck.None of these are true.


An All-Out Assault




Pesticides kill microbial life, upset natural balances, and alter human minds.

From virtually the day a child is born, the human Immune system is suppressed by unnatural institutionalized standards and practices employed in health care, the production of food and processing of water, through fundamental concepts of science (e.g., germ theory) and culture (one drop theory); not by acts of Nature, and not by “flaw” of God.

We’re so deep into unnatural alteration that we wouldn’t know how a human being, if  raised on natural foods and beverages, would fare, health-wise. Many would like to know.

Many more know that the choice, responsibility and power is theirs, not in a pharmaceutical drug, even when government agencies imagine up new “laws” to keep real solutions unavailable or out of reach of the people who need them most.

The same government agencies maintain policies and practices that keep expensive  health-debilitating options at the forefront and health restorative ones in the background or in sequestration.

If a tornado had gone through Baltimore, survivors would have expressed gratitude, cleaned up and rebuilt, and got on with their lives. Will your passion for humanity guide your judgment? Or will pre-judgment blind you to the new direction that we… not just black or white, not just Democrat or Republican, not just Christian, Muslim, or Jew, but ALL people, agree needs to be made?




This shit is coming home because we have tolerated “exporting” it around the world. We can stop it now.

Those who would have all humans take the proverbial “koolaid” in the needle, or through the water, or the GMO’d food, grains, and dairy, or via the chemtrails, are fucking everyone over, and laughing all the way to the bank, which they own, while we look at our peers and blame each other and gird for battle. It’s just what they want us to do.When People use the voting system that they believe is there for them to redress such issues, this same group still gets its way by controlling the tally. Go to court, and that is controlled too.

When you walk into a courtroom, you might as well be in another country. The barristers don’t wear wigs in America (that would raise too many questions), but being a member of the BAR (British Accredited Registry) means that another set of priorities and agendas are at play.

While some Americans are in this cloistered group of Influencers, they’re not based in America.Some people point to the 535 members of congress as the ones who should be held accountable to the American people and be voted out if they are not, ignoring the fact that the Federal Government, the military, and their subsidiaries employ hundreds of thousands in Washington, DC, and millions around the country and the world, who are not elected every two, four, or six years.



Do you see how deftly the American public’s attention has been focused on the group that knows the least and is the most transitory, while the ones who do the most damage are ignored “in plain sight?Americans then inflate their own egos by claiming that the President is “the most powerful man in the world.” The controllers know that the American president is little more than a sock puppet.



The “leader” of the “free” world?


As the 2016 presidential “campaign” season gets rolling, what makes you think that the American people actually want another (1) Clinton, or (2) Bush to choose from? Who doesn’t know that both are fruit from the same poisonous tree? The Influencers either (1) don’t know, (2) don’t care, or perhaps (3) are losing their influence.

Out of 300 million people, our political and social preferences can only be expressed in terms of “Democrat” or “Republican?” There will be the public campaign, and the private campaign, and the private one is where “the winner” will come from, irrespective of how you or I vote.

That is why it is useless to blame Barack Obama for the slide United States of America Corporation has taken (although it is his job to take the brunt of your dissatisfaction, as it would have been if the other candidate had won the sock puppet job), and why it didn’t matter where he was born. If he was this group’s choice, then he would be in, and every expedient measure would be taken to make it appear on the “up-and-up.” However, the entire system is a fraud, when you open your eyes enough, and are willing to see it.

Most Americans, while disappointed, know that elections aren’t run ethically, but don’t do anything but bitch and moan on social media, or to each other, or bury their troubles in alcohol.

Barack Obama recently suggested making voting “mandatory,” never even asking why so many Americans see the utter futility of the electoral process. Even mandatory voting wouldn’t yield any meaningful data, because they — the controllers — only want obedience, not freedom, and for their secret influence to remain that way.

But that’s not happening either.

The controllers lord over the education system to make sure Americans think and react predictably, and operate under the same misconceptions. They use the threat of future diseases as a reason to coerce parents into consenting to have their children vaccinated again, as a prerequisite to entering “public” school. Did you know that vaccines lower a child’s IQ? This is not an idle statement.

I could go on-and-on. The assault is pervasive and ubiquitous. The only problem is that we’ve stopped seeing the truth as it is, and lived in a fantasy of how we think it should be, if it were not for them (whoever “they” are).

Before I leave that point, you should also know that clearing out the toxicity in a child or adult will likewise raise the IQ.

Genius is as natural to us as love.Raising or waving the flag is supposed to mean that “good” is being down here, even when U.S. soldiers are deployed to guard poppy (heroin) fields in Afghanistan or police use inhumane, excessive force on people who do not “obey” their commands.


Those are NOT white roses.


Police officers are increasingly acting like storm troopers or institutionalized robots in their interactions with the public, thereby distancing themselves and their departments from what is important. Protecting property is not important. Being instruments of, and for peace between and amongst the community, is. Can’t be about peace when you’re bulking up for war.

How does this help community relations?

It’s sad to see riots, but it’s good to see that some Americans have had enough and are willing to say so. I am grateful that so few were injured and so many took conscious steps to show they cared for their communities and the Law Enforcers who were there to “control” them.

We’ve grown accustomed to expecting less of “such people”.200 years from now, the actions of the “rioters” will be seen differently. They are patriots who had the courage to (1) voice their grievance, (2) stand up against the “authority” (not really… the police are just doing their job). They also had the human decency to not try to take vengeance out on the police themselves.


A Stratum Strategy Perfected


Beyond that, the controllers have, through both science and religion, cultivated the idea of stratification between various groups; a social hierarchy or pecking order based on perceived status, wealth, education, position, or what have you.

It’s all bullshit from a continuum of bullshit that people have used to manipulate others for at least 1,000 years.

The truth is that ALL are equal. Always have been, always are, and always will be. How we think about ourselves, our world, and our relationships with each other, determines the life that we live, the doors that open to us, or the ones that close. AT THE CORE, “BLACK” PEOPLE ARE *EQUAL* TO EVERYONE ELSE, AND EVERYONE ELSE ARE *EQUAL* TO “BLACK” PEOPLE. One’s “equality” is a product of his or her imagination, visualization, attitude, passion, courage, and determination.

No one “gets ahead” by being angry. They may make money that way, but won’t evolve. They won’t know love, which is the essence of life, nor peace. Evolution, not technology, harmony, not force, is what’s important. Love is the only doorway to human evolution, Not transhumanism, not “World Order” bullshit.

One of the most difficult moments that one will experience comes when we realize that the IDEAS–about ourselves and others–we’ve inherited or embraced involving a multitude of actions, have been based on lies we sincerely believed were true. In America, we certainly thought that democracy, freedom of speech and association, were real principles. It is a JOLT to discover the betrayal that continues this very moment.


It’s hard to see what’s hopeful in this image when we’re used to being polarized.


Did you not see the LOVE in the mom who was photographed slapping sense back into the head of her son? Did her skin color really matter? If Child Services goes after her for that, you’d get a sense of just how insane the institutions have become.



No one is factoring in the effect that synthetic, chemical-based, processed foods and beverages (energy drinks, “Big Bulps,” etc.) has on people, police officers included. The controllers sit and watch humans flounder, totally unaware of how they are being played.


How All of Society is Under Mind Control


If we’re balanced, then humiliation, which is something altogether different, becomes humility, which is ennobling. It becomes our gateway to recovery from self-imposed guilt, remorse, shame, anger, confusion, and fear as the utter hypocrisy that becomes self-evident discloses itself to our consciousness.

Neither cynicism nor apathy are goals to awakening truth. There is something far more liberating that awaits recognition; namely, the amazing Gift that courses through each of us, and connects us to All That Is. The Divine Stillness that makes motion and Life as we know it possible.

Humanity isn’t dead in Baltimore.

That Divine Stillness is everywhere, in everything, and behind ALL of Creation. We have the added privilege of being consciously aware of this Undifferentiated Element that makes what appears to be individualized differentiation possible, knowing that It, and We, have always been, and shall always be.

Therein lies the key to amazing change, that was and is within us all the time.

Religions aren’t any help to human evolution. Instead, they help reinforce the stratification. The IDEA of “sin” and “chosen people”, of heaven and hell. If you realize that ALL that “exists” comes from ONE Source, then it’s Source’s business. Because we are EQUAL, and because you and I have been given the power to imagine independently of common sense, and in a vacuum of love, we experience life accordingly. But the moment we embrace the love that is present within us, Life changes.


Baltimore residents a peaceful buffer to protect police and prevent escalation of chaos.
(SOURCE: Reverbpress.com)



The power of IDEATION is EQUAL within each of us. BE-LIE-F affects our state of being, and literally what we attract into, or repel from our personal experience. That is one reason the controllers — although that is their goal, they don’t really “control” anything. However, their influence is pernicious.

That is one reason the Influencers (1) want to incite “peer-to-peer” conflict, (2) maintain fear, and (3) maintain stress. They use misinformation, false flag events, control over the politics, government systems, banking policies and practices, scientific exploration and disclosure, religious traditions, that all APPEAR to be disparate, but are actually interconnected.

Their goal is to keep you acting disconnected and abandoned, a cosmic afterthought, and from KNOWING your EQUALITY and ONENESS with ALL, including THEM.Nature isn’t wrathful, and doesn’t produce in scarcity.

While some people believe that the Influencers want to de-populate the world, to make it more “manageable” (and there is some evidence that they’re trying), it’s not due to a lack of Nature’s ability to produce. If anything, the goal must simply be to maintain the charade as long as they can.

But in order to do that, you would need to continue thinking that you have no power, or that you need to play “catchup” with someone else, or some other group. You don’t. You need only begin becoming the best YOU that you can imagine, and living that life to the best of your ability. What changes would you make in your life if you were to do that?

Only YOU can answer that question, and you need no one else’s permission or blessings to do it.


The Vatican Rules the World


Perhaps this is behind the famous biblical statement (John 8:32) “And ye shall know the truth, and the truth shall make you free.” The question that arises is, what truth are we seeing? What is it that we’re beginning to KNOW?

The answer begins in the truth that you’re seeking, where you’re looking for it, and as such, the truth and love, that you, yourself become. Being truthful is first evidence of One having found truth. Truth doesn’t come in a single moment; it flows into the consciousness like water, first a few drops at a time, then a steady stream which becomes a mighty river that takes the willing consciousness to an heretofore unknown, but yet familiar, ocean.


An Open Letter to The World of Science — Walter Russell



Connect with Adam Abraham