Catherine Austin Fitts w/ Attorney Katherine Henry on Covid-19 Michigan Supreme Court Decision

Catherine Austin Fitts w/ Attorney Katherine Henry on Covid-19 Michigan Supreme Court Decision

by Catherine Austin Fitts, The Solari Report
October 26, 2020


Find this interview at the Solari Report –

The Solari Report BitChute channel.

The Solari Report YouTube channel.

Katherine Henry’s website:


[As a service to protect truth from censorship & to share widely, mirrored copies of this video are available at Truth Comes to Light BitChute, Brighteon, Lbry & Odysee channels. All credit, along with our sincere thanks, goes to the original source of this video. Please follow links provided to support their work.]

Robert F. Kennedy, Jr.: International Message for Freedom and Hope, October 24, 2020 | “You Are on the Front Lines of the Most Important Battle in History”

Robert F. Kennedy, Jr.: International Message for Freedom and Hope, October 24, 2020

by Robert F. Kennedy Jr., Children’s Health Defense
October 24, 2020


Today, October 24, 2020, there are many rallies around the world. Activists in these countries are joining in a common voice: Argentina; Bolivia; Peru; Uruguay; Italy; Germany; Poland; Belgium; Netherlands; United Kingdom; Ireland; Sweden; Denmark; France; and Austria.

Citizens of all countries are paying an enormous price for the epidemic.

They have not only lost their loved ones, but their freedoms, their livelihood, their joy. Children and youth are suffering due to this crisis too.

Without their friends and social activities, mental health problems in our young is at an all-time high.

People around the world are demanding to be spared from the devastating consequences of the epidemic.

Robert F. Kennedy, Jr., Chairman of Children’s Health Defense, provides an inspirational message for freedom and hope to activists around the world.

Join the movement.


Original video available at Children’s Health Defense YouTube channel.

[As a service to protect truth from censorship & to share widely, mirrored copies of this video are available at Truth Comes to Light BitChute, Brighteon, Lbry & Odysee channels. All credit, along with our sincere thanks, goes to the original source of this video. Please follow links provided to support their work.]


Hey everybody.

It’s Robert F. Kennedy, Jr. here and I cannot tell you how happy I am to be able to have this opportunity to talk to thousands of citizens, in 15 countries on all the continents in the world, who have come together today to protest this coup d’etat —  by Big Data, by Big Telecom, by Big Tech, by the big oil and chemical companies,  and by this global public health cartel led by Bill Gates and the W.H.O — and now amounts to two trillion dollars and wants to magnify and amplify its wealth and its power over our lives, over our liberties — that wants to subvert our democracies and want to destroy our sovereignty and our control over our lives and our children’s health.

And I want to remind you, those of you who are not Americans, of something that every American child learns when we’re growing up in this country about our history. During the Great Depression, Franklin Roosevelt, who was one of the greatest presidents in American history, said to the American people: the only thing that we have to fear is fear itself. And we grow up hearing that but people don’t really understand what it means.

But it was a very, very profound warning by Roosevelt because he saw what the Great Depression was doing in Eastern Europe and Italy, in Germany and Spain, where that crisis was turning people towards fascism — in the eastern countries, where the same crisis was turning citizens and governments towards communism and also causing the collapse of governments all over the world.

And in our country, in the United States, it’s hard for people to remember today that that almost a third of the people in our country were completely disillusioned with capitalism and wanted to turn to communism. And another third wanted to turn to fascism. And Franklin Roosevelt wanted to preserve our country for democracy, for free market capitalism, for civil rights and to preserve our constitution.

And he recognized that the weapon of authoritarian control was going to be feared.

And when I spoke a few weeks ago in Berlin, I reminded the people of Germany of a very famous story that happened during the Nuremberg trials after World War II, when Hitler’s closest lieutenant, the head of the Luftwaffe, Hermann Goring, was asked by one of the prosecutors: how did you get the German people (the German people, the most educated people in the world that were some of the most tolerant people in the world — the Weimar Republic was one of the strongest democracies in the world) — how did you take — these people were so well educated and so awakened and so tolerant — and turn them into obedient slaves who  committed some of the worst atrocities in human history. And Goring said: Oh, that’s a simple thing. (And any of you can look up his quote and I urge you to do so). And he said that it works not just in a fascist government but it works in a democracy, in a monarchy, in a communist government, in any government that you want.

The job of the government is to put the people in fear. And if you can keep them in fear, you can get them to do anything that you want them to do — that they will turn into sheep.

And there’s a famous book by Naomi Klein that all of us should read called Disaster Capitalism. And that book shows — it’s a historical chronology of all of the times during American History and the history of the world. During the Great Depression, and during the financial collapse in 2008, during the financial collapse in Chile for example in 1973, during the time of the World Trade Center bombing — that authoritarian elements in a society, and large corporations, and wealthy plutocrats and oligarchs, wealthy families and individuals use crises to shift wealth upward, to obliterate the middle classes of those countries and to clamp down totalitarian controls.

And, of course, it’s an obvious thing that people who are used to voting for their governments are not going to vote for policies that make the rich people richer, that give corporations even more power over their lives, that reduce democracy and reduce civil rights. These are not good vessels for populism.

In order to transform the government so that it will reward the rich with even more wealth, the people who want to do that in the large corporations — who want to orchestrate that kind of change — have to get rid of civil rights. And the first civil right that they begin with is freedom of speech.

They need to clamp down censorship because censorship is the most important right. In our country, we put it number one — the first amendment, the constitution. Because all the other rights depend on it.

If a government can hide what it’s doing, it can get away with anything it wants. If a corporation can lie to you and conceal information, if there’s no transparency in a democracy, you do not have a democracy.

Oh, if you want to get rid of all the other rights like freedom of assembly, which you are exercising today.

Some of you are exercising at great threats. Some of you will suffer. Some of you will be jailed. Some of you will suffer injuries. But that is a basic right.

The right to freedom of expression.

The right to to jury trial.

The right to freedom of religion.

The right to privacy.

The right to have governments that don’t spy on you and keep your information.

All of those other rights can only be subverted if they begin by imposing censorship, by being able to silence people who want to speak.

So, the coup d’etat that we are all fighting today is a coup d’etat that starts with a conspiracy between the government agencies and the big technology companies — the Silicon Valley billionaires.

People like Zuckerberg and Bill Gates.

And the people who run Google and Facebook and Pinterest and all of these other Silicon Valley corporations who are now in this conspiracy — to make sure that we cannot talk about our grievances.

We cannot say bad things about pharmaceutical products.

We cannot question government policies that make no sense to us.

And I’m going to say a few things about some of those government policies.

Number one: I am not a conspiracy theorist. I follow the facts. I don’t know that the COVID illness was laboratory generated in Wuhan. There is plenty of evidence that it was, but not enough evidence for me to say that it’s a fact.

But my question is:

Why don’t we know the answer to that?

Why is Tony Fauci not being asked that question?

Why is President Trump not launching an investigation?

Or President Xi?

Or the president of any of these countries saying: Where did this come from? Because we need to know that!

The global citizens — This is the worst calamity in history! And nobody seems curious about where this actually comes from.

We know it didn’t come from a bat in the wet market in Wuhan.

And that story was a fable, that it now has no basis in fact.

And we have Nobel laureates, and we have large institutions, and investigative agencies. And prosecutorial agencies are saying: we think it came from Wuhan lab and we think that it may have come from studies that were funded by Bill Gates and Tony Fauci.

I don’t know if this is true, but why are our government officials not asking that as the number one question?

Why, instead of sending their police to suppress dissent, are they not sending the police to question people who may know the answer to that question?

There are many other questions that I’d like to know the answer.

Questions about masks.

I’m very willing to accept if the masks work then I want to wear them. If they’re going to protect other people from transmissibility then I want to wear them. But the studies that I’ve seen indicate that they do not work against viral transmission for the most part. There are some that say they may work under limited circumstances.

What I don’t want to be told is:  they work, and you’re going to wear them, and you better not ask questions about it.

Most Americans and most of the people on this planet — we want leadership but we don’t want bullying. And we know the difference between bullying and leadership.

We want to know the truth about hydroxychloroquine.

We want to know why are we spending 18 billion dollars on vaccines and only 1.4 billion on therapeutic drugs. What is the sense of that?

There are many, many other questions that we, in a democracy, have a right to have answered — without being called conspiracy theorists, without being vilified as being inconsiderate, or being bad citizens.

Everybody who’s part of these demonstrations are people who are striving with their lives to become good citizens.

Now, let me tell you what we need to do to win this battle.

The only way we can win it is with democracy. We need to fight to get our democracy back, to reclaim our democracy from these villains who are stealing it from us.

And you notice the people who are getting riches from this quarantine are the same people who are censoring criticism of the quarantine.

Who is becoming the richest?

Jeffrey Bezos. Eighty-three billion dollars he’s made. And he owns Amazon. And he is censoring books that criticize the quarantine.

Zuckerberg — who owns Facebook ,who’s made tens of billions of dollars by this quarantine. And he is censoring information that is critical of the quarantine. He censors my Instagram. He censors my Facebook. My Twitter page is also censored.

And all of these people are the people who are making billions of dollars on the quarantine.

And what I want to know is a simple question.

Is the quarantine actually effective?

You know, we’ve had plenty of pandemics in the past. In 1969 we had a Hong Kong flu pandemic that killed 100,000 people in the United States. It’s the equivalent of 200 000 people today.

That’s the same number of people were being killed by coronavirus.

Did we go on to lock down? No. Did we wear masks? No.

We went to Woodstock. We went to the Democratic convention in Chicago and had huge crowds of people.

Nobody was told to lock down. And don’t see your girlfriend. And wear a mask. And don’t go out of your house. And shut down your business. And bankrupt every business in the country.

Last year there were 1.6 million people in the world who died from tuberculosis. We have 1.6 million people die every year from tuberculosis.

We’re not wearing masks. We’re not on lock down.

What’s the difference between tuberculosis and coronavirus? Tuberculosis has a vaccine. And the vaccine costs about three dollars. And that’s why we’re not on lock down — because nobody is making thirty-nine dollars a vaccine or three hundred dollars a vaccine — the way that Moderna and Astrazeneca and Johnson & Johnson are making from this catastrophe. And that is the only reason that I can think of.

And I’m happy if somebody tells me there’s another reason. But, let’s hear it.

Don’t just shut me up.

Don’t just tell me that I can’t debate.

Here’s what we need to do. We need to do exactly what you’re doing today. We need to come out on the street and we need to stick together.

What the big tech villains and scoundrels and Mark Zuckerberg and Jeffrey Bezos and Bill Gates and Tony Fauci want you to do is — they want us fighting with each other.

They want blacks fighting against whites.

They want Republicans fighting against Democrats.

They want everybody polarized.

They want everybody fragmented.

Because they know that if we all get together we’re going to start asking questions.

And those are questions that they can’t answer.

Why are you getting rich?

And why are we all getting poor?

And what’s the difference between tuberculosis and coronavirus?

And why are we not wearing masks for the tuberculosis, but we are for the coronavirus?

And where did it all come from?

And all of those questions that we deserve an answer to and we’re not getting answers.

We need to stick together.

If you’re a Republican or Democrat, stop talking about that.

Stop identifying yourself.

The enemy is Big Tech, Big Data, Big Oil, Big Pharma, the medical cartel, the government totalitarian elements that are trying to oppress us — that are trying to rob us of our liberties, of our democracy, of our freedom of thought, of our freedom of expression, of our freedom of assembly, and all of the freedoms that give dignity to humanity.

And the last thing that all of us need to do is we need to stay educated and informed.

And one of the things that I want to announce to you today is that Children’s Health Defense, my organization, with the help of many of you who are on these crowds, is launching a journal — a daily journal.

And we are going to weaponize information for you.

We’re going to tell you what the newest science is. We’re going to take all the information that is censored everywhere else and we’re going to reprint it in our publication.

And you can get that every day.

So if you see something that is censored, we want to hear about it. Because we want to put it up.

We are going to be the enemies of censorship. We are going to be the refuge. And we’re going to allow debate.

We’re going to make sure it’s civil debate. We’re going to encourage people to be non-partisan.

We’re gonna allow people to come and have different opinions than us. We are not scared of debate the way pharmaceutical company and Bill Gates and Mark Zuckerberg and Jeffrey Bezos and Tony Fauci are terrified of debate. We welcome debate.

We want to hear if you’ve got a different opinion than me — I want to hear about it. And I want to see your science. And I want the public to hear us talking about it and debating about it, because the free flow of information, the cauldron of debate, is the only thing that allows governments to develop rational policies in which self-governance will actually work and triumph.

You are on the front lines of the most important battle in history and it is the battle to save democracy, and freedom, and human liberty, and human dignity from this totalitarian cartel that is trying to rob us  –simultaneously in every nation in the world — of the rights that every human being is born with.

So, thank you for your courage.

Thank you for your commitment.

And thank you for your brotherhood.

And I can pledge to you  — and I will go down dying with my boots on, fighting side by side with all of you — to make sure that we return these rights and preserve them for our children.

And I will see all of you on the barricades.

Thank you.

Naples Erupts Over Another Looming Lockdown

Naples Erupts Over Another Looming Lockdown

by Age of Autism
October 24, 2020


L Italia s ‘e’ desta. Italy has awakened.

Non sai parlare italiano? Non preoccuparti. Not able to speak Italian? Don’t worry.

The tone of this video from Naples will be perfectly clear.  The very word first word you hear, is the only word you need to hear – BASTA! Enough.  We know Americans can protest and even riot – we’ve seen plenty of it all summer. But will we have the Italian coraggio, if forced to shut down again?

Thank you to Alina A for sending the video and this report:

This video is taken on the streets of Napoli , Italy.
It is a reaction to an official communication from the governor of Campania ( the region of which Naples is the capital) , De Luca. He states that the situation is unsustainable and before it is too late he wants to lock down completely the region for 30/ 40 days. In his public statements De Luca keeps on spreading fear and says that he will request the total lockdown to be extended to the whole of Italy. The demonstration is a peaceful gathering of an enormous number of Neapolitans and people from the region of Campania , coming together saying“ Basta! Enough! We know you are lying. intensive cares units in hospitals are empty! We know it s flu season. ! We are not confused any longer! “Of course the charge of the police in riot gear transforms it all and all takes an uglier turn.

Fake Placebo Meningitis Vaccine May Have Killed Healthy 28-Year-Old Brazilian Covid Vaccine Volunteer

Fake Placebo Meningitis Vaccine May Have Killed Healthy 28 Year Old Brazilian Covid Vaccine Volunteer

by Age of Autism
October 22, 2020


That’s the headline Reuters should have written, instead of AstraZeneca COVID-19 vaccine trial Brazil volunteer dies, trial to continue.

If you ask anyone with middle school grasp of science what is a “placebo,” they will likely say, “a sugar pill.”  A placebo has always meant an inert, benign substitute for the drug being tested.  How many Earthlings understand that with this Covid vaccine, the placebo is another vaccine? And in this case, it may well have killed a healthy, altruistic 28 year young man. Our sincere condolences to his grieving family. He volunteered to help others.   And what of every parent whose child needs a meningitis vaccine for school? Are they to feel comforted?

noun: placebo; plural noun: placebos

a harmless pill, medicine, or procedure prescribed more for the psychological benefit to the patient than for any physiological effect.
“his Aunt Beatrice had been kept alive on sympathy and placebos for thirty years”

a substance that has no therapeutic effect, used as a control in testing new drugs.
a measure designed merely to calm or please someone.
“pacified by the placebos of the previous year, they claimed a moral victory”


SAO PAULO/FRANKFURT (Reuters) – Brazilian health authority Anvisa said on Wednesday that a volunteer in a clinical trial of the COVID-19 vaccine developed by AstraZeneca and Oxford University had died but added that the trial would continue.Oxford confirmed the plan to keep testing, saying in a statement that after careful assessment “there have been no concerns about safety of the clinical trial.”

AstraZeneca declined to comment immediately.

A source familiar with the matter told Reuters the trial would have been suspended if the volunteer who died had received the COVID-19 vaccine, suggesting the person was part of the control group that was given a meningitis jab.  Read more here.


[Truth Comes to Light Editor’s note: See related video by Del Bigtree & Jefferey Jaxen at The HighWire.]


The Virus That Isn’t There and the Sales-Job

The Virus That Isn’t There and the Sales-Job

by Jon Rappoport, No More Fake News
October 23, 2020


In previous articles [1] [2] [3] [4] [5], I’ve established the fact that the existence of the SARS-CoV-2 is unproven; and I’ve brought forward Dr. Tom Cowan’s evidence that the genetic sequence of “the virus” was cobbled together, piecemeal, from databases, based on zero science. In other words, the “sequencing” was a fraud. [6] [7] [8]

The chosen direction of the fraud: a coronavirus. That was the arbitrary choice.

Researchers picked, off the data-shelf, a “new coronavirus”—meaning they assembled pieces of genetic code they claimed were “corona,” and they hooked them up and said, “Voila, we have a new SARS-type virus.”

If you look at the motley collection of pre-pandemic drills and exercises and conferences, the theoretical virus almost always turned out to be a coronavirus. THAT was the pre-ordained story line.

That was the plan. Selling that story.

Am I suggesting that many, many scientists, and even political leaders and globalist big shots knew, in advance, that no real virus would ever be discovered, that the sequencing would be a fake? Of course not.

In every major covert operation, information is compartmentalized. In this particular operation, we have a stunning fact: almost everyone automatically believes the genetic sequencing and the virus are real. That goes for elite scientists as well. They’re in the dark.

Only a very few are aware that the whole process of cobbling together the “new virus” is fraught with fraud. So, for all intents and purposes, “the virus” con is protected. It’s protected by institutionalized science. By massive consensus and massive ignorance.

The situation is even more stunning than that. All over the world, there are scientists in labs of various kinds who believe they’re working with “the virus,” when they’re working with a cobbled-together IDEA of the virus.

So, for the most part, in this COVID operation, the key players are only aware that researchers could arbitrarily choose one virus over another as the “cause of the pandemic.” They’re not aware that the choice is actually a fake virus.

The choice of a new coronavirus was made for a simple reason. The diagnostic test would turn up huge numbers of false positives, thus jacking up case numbers and providing the rationale for the lockdowns and the economic devastation. Which were, all along, the real aims of the operation.

To put in more specifically, the PCR test would register positive, because it was geared to detect genetic sequences commonly present in people all over the world.

To put it still another way—the PCR test was pre-set with DATA which would “match” THE DATA extracted from patients. The fix was in.

The virus was concocted out of data. It was and is data. The test was loaded with data that frequently matches the virus-data.

Think of it this way. You have a map of a lost gold mine. It seems to chart a course through the mountains and valleys of California. Of course, the map is a fake. It was drawn and made to look old.

You follow the map, and sure enough, in a remote mountain area, you arrive at a giant hole in the side of a hill. But the hole and the “mine” are fake, too. They’re a Potemkin Village. The tunnel and the braces and the struts were built recently.

The “map” matches “the mine.” Fake leads to fake.

In the digital age, any material thing can be digitized. The material thing is then represented by code. “Activate the code” and a virtual portrait of the thing pops up. But it’s just as easy to invent code for something that doesn’t exist. Or has never been proven to exist.

Like SARS-CoV-2.

Pure gold and pure garbage are made interchangeable. In the form of DATA. [9]











Dr. Peter Breggin: Fauci’s Pandemic — How He Caused It and Uses It

Dr. Peter Breggin: Fauci’s Pandemic — How He Caused It and Uses It

by Dr. Peter Breggin, MD
October 23, 2020


Original video available at Peter Breggin MD YouTube channel.

[As a service to protect truth from censorship & to share widely, mirrored copies of this video are available at Truth Comes to Light BitChute, Brighteon, Lbry & Odysee channels. All credit, along with our sincere thanks, goes to the original source of this video. Please follow links provided to support their work.]

Based on the in-depth scientific and historical report, “Fauci’s COVID-19 Treachery with Chilling Ties to the Chinese Military” on in the Coronavirus Resource Center.

Dr. Peter Breggin’s Coronavirus Resource Center:

Dr. Fauci’s COVID-19 Treachery
with Chilling Ties to the Chinese Military 

by Peter R. Breggin MD & Ginger R. Breggin
October 19, 2020

View the Breggin’s Report

The Virus That Isn’t There, Genetic Sequencing, and the Magic Trick

The Virus That Isn’t There, Genetic Sequencing, and the Magic Trick

by Jon Rappoport, No More Fake News
October 22, 2020


Recently, I’ve written a series of articles revealing that the existence of the SARS-CoV-2 virus is unproven.

I’ve quoted key CDC and study documents that confess “the virus is unavailable.” Which is like an ice company saying they have no access to water. [1] [2] [3] [4] [5]

I’ve published quotes from Dr. Tom Cowan’s major article [6] exposing how CDC journal authors “assemble” the idea of a virus from cobbled sequences they ASSUME are parts of SARS-CoV-2. (Below, I reprint my article on Dr. Cowan’s shocking findings.)

Now, I want to make overall comments on the con, the game, the hustle.

The public, and most medical professionals, are awed by the whole concept of genetic sequencing. They accept the process as a holy of holies. If researchers in their lab claim they’ve “sequenced the virus,” the virus must exist. How else could its genetic structure have been discovered?

Of course, the virus doesn’t have to exist at all. We are talking about an illusion. Stage magic.

And if we could force him to explain his trick, the magician would say:

“Notice, I begin with a fragment of RNA I assume is part of a larger new virus. My assumption isn’t proven. I simply make the claim.”

“Then I lay out the genetic structure of that little piece of RNA, and I discover I need a great more genetic information to fill out the sequence of the whole virus.”

“That’s not really a discovery. I already knew I’d need much more. The question is: where am I going to get that added information?”

“The answer is: from data bases. These bases contain miles of sequences that have already been established—rightly or wrongly. Sequences of other viruses.”

“Which sequences do I choose? I make guesses. I make assumptions. Actually, I choose according to a story line that has already been laid down. In this case, a story about a member of the coronavirus family. That’s right. I always knew what I was going to look for. In fact, that initial piece of RNA I began with? I could have selected all sorts of other pieces of RNA, but I chose that one because it seemed to be from the coronavirus family.”

“Does this whole business sound like a Lego or tinker-toy operation? Well, it is. I never have a physical specimen of the virus. I never isolate the purported virus from all the material that surrounds it. I just assume or pretend the virus is in there.”

“Anyway, I now select all sorts of genetic sequences from the huge database. And I hook the sequences together, AS IF they were already connected and real and waiting for me to find them. They weren’t, but I pretend they were.”

“That pretense is the key. It’s like selling a sucker a map leading to a lost silver mine. There was never a map. The con artist cobbled it together from pieces of other old maps of a territory in the mountains of Colorado. The map looks real. It looks whole. But it was never whole.”

“THE GENETIC SEQUENCE OF THE VIRUS is that map. It’s made to look like a one long code that was there all along. But it wasn’t. It isn’t.”

“Every good magic trick works this way. The magician makes the audience believe he is performing one smooth operation. But he isn’t. He’s taking all sorts of detours. He’s reaching into his sleeve and pulling out a card. He’s palming that card so no one sees it. He’s slipping the card into the deck in his other hand. And all the while, he’s talking confidently and making other gestures to distract the audience.”

“The whole purpose of the trick is to inspire awe. In the lab, the same principle applies. The researchers SEEM to find one long genetic sequence of the whole virus. Astonishing.”

“But that’s not what happened. Not by a long shot.”

“And notice one other very important thing. In the lab, we are actually piecing and cobbling together the pattern—the code—of a virus. We don’t have to deal with actual genes. What we do is all on the level of IDEATIONAL construction. We’re hooking up DATA. So that’s another level of the trick. We’re not stringing together pieces of material. We’re stringing together pieces of data from genetic databases. This would be like standing on stage in front of an audience and doing a very clever card trick without having a deck of cards in the first place. Now THAT’S a trick for the ages.”

With all this I mind, read my previous article on Dr. Tom Cowan’s shocking discoveries:

Dr. Tom Cowan explores the COVID virus invented out of sheer nonsense

—Cowan analyzes yet another key document posted by the CDC, in their journal, Emerging Infectious Diseases: “Severe Acute Respiratory Syndrome Coronavirus 2 from Patient with Coronavirus Disease, United States”—

by Jon Rappoport
October 19, 2020

The hits keep coming. The CDC used an arbitrary computer “tinker-toy” process to invent a description of the virus. The virus that no one has proven exists. This is the basic conclusion of Dr. Tom Cowan.

The CDC article [7] was discovered by Sally Fallon Morrell. Her co-author, Dr. Cowan, fleshes out the fraud. Cowan’s article is titled, “Only Poisoned Monkey Cells ‘Grew’ the ‘Virus’.” [6]

Dr. Cowan: “[The CDC journal article] was published in June 2020 [original publication, March 2020]. The purpose of the article was for a group of about 20 virologists to describe the state of the science of the isolation, purification and biological characteristics of the new SARS-CoV-2 virus, and to share this information with other scientists for their own research. A thorough and careful reading of this important paper reveals some shocking findings.”

“First, in the section titled ‘Whole Genome Sequencing,’ we find that rather than having isolated the virus and sequencing the genome from end to end, they found 37 base pairs from unpurified samples using PCR probes. This means they actually looked at 37 out of the approximately 30,000 of the base pairs that are claimed to be the genome of the intact virus. They then took these 37 segments and put them into a computer program, which filled in the rest of the base pairs.”

In other words, the sequencing of the SARS-CoV-2 virus was done by assumption and arbitrary inference. If this is science, a penguin is a spaceship.

Cowan: “To me, this computer-generation step constitutes scientific fraud. Here is an equivalency: A group of researchers claim to have found a unicorn because they found a piece of a hoof, a hair from a tail, and a snippet of a horn. They then add that information into a computer and program it to re-create the unicorn, and they then claim this computer re-creation is the real unicorn. Of course, they had never actually seen a unicorn so could not possibly have examined its genetic makeup to compare their samples with the actual unicorn’s hair, hooves and horn.”

“The researchers claim they decided which is the real genome of SARS-CoV-2 by ‘consensus,’ sort of like a vote. Again, different computer programs will come up with different versions of the imaginary ‘unicorn,’ so they come together as a group and decide which is the real imaginary unicorn.”

As I’ve been stating [5], the “discovery” of the “new virus” was actually the foisting of a PRE-DETERMINED STORY ABOUT A VIRUS. Nothing real or believable about it.

But once the official pattern is laid down, others follow it dutifully.

Dr. Cowan uncovers more insanity in the CDC journal article. Using the ASSUMED new virus, in an UN-ISOLATED STATE, the researchers try to prove it is harmful by injecting it on to several different types of cells in the lab:

Cowan: “The real blockbuster finding in this study comes later, a finding so shocking that I had to read it many times before I could believe what I was reading. Let me quote the passage intact:”

“’Therefore, we examined the capacity of SARS-CoV-2 to infect and replicate in several common primate and human cell lines, including human adenocarcinoma cells (A549), human liver cells (HUH 7.0), and human embryonic kidney cells (HEK-293T). In addition to Vero E6 and Vero CCL81 cells [monkey cells]. … Each cell line was inoculated at high multiplicity of infection and examined 24h post-infection. No CPE was observed in any of the cell lines except in Vero [monkey] cells, which grew to greater than 10 to the 7th power at 24 h post-infection. In contrast, HUH 7.0 and 293T showed only modest viral replication, and A549 cells [human cells] were incompatible with SARS CoV-2 infection’.”

“What does this language actually mean, and why is it the most shocking statement of all from the virology community? When virologists attempt to prove infection, they have three possible ‘hosts’ or models on which they can test…”

“The third method virologists use to prove infection and pathogenicity — the method they most rely on — is inoculation of solutions they say contain the virus onto a variety of tissue cultures. As I have pointed out many times, such inoculation has never been shown to kill (lyse) the tissue, unless the tissue is first starved and poisoned.”

“The shocking thing about the above [CDC journal] quote is that using their own methods, the virologists found that solutions containing SARS-CoV-2 — even in high amounts — were NOT, I repeat NOT, infective to any of the three human tissue cultures they tested. In plain English, this means they proved, on their terms, that this ‘new coronavirus’ is not infectious to human beings. It is ONLY infective to monkey kidney cells, and only then when you add two potent drugs (gentamicin and amphotericin), known to be toxic to kidneys, to the mix.”

“My friends, read this again and again. These virologists, published by the CDC, performed a clear proof, on their terms, showing that the SARS-CoV- 2 virus is harmless to human beings. That is the only possible conclusion, but, unfortunately, this result is not even mentioned in their conclusion. They simply say they can provide virus stocks cultured only on monkey Vero cells, thanks for coming.”

So first…use a process of genetic sequencing that involves concocting, out of an arbitrary computer program…

The existence and structure of the “new virus”…

And then, taking a soup that the researchers claim contains the virus, in an un-isolated state, inject the soup into several types of cells in the lab…

And discover the prime target—human cells—are not infected by the imaginary virus.

And after this good day’s work, walk away and pretend nothing odd or self-incriminating happened.

And oh yes, lock down the planet based on this “science.”

Naturally, we MUST take a toxic vaccine that prevents non-infection by the non-virus.









Rocco Galati, Canadian Constitutional Lawyer at Toronto Freedom Rally — October 17, 2020

Rocco Galati, Canadian Constitutional Lawyer at Toronto Freedom Rally — October 17, 2020

by Constitutional Rights Centre
October 21, 2020



“…Anyone who was awake at the time, and there were many of us — there were many of us who,  in fairness,
feared, but were too felt too alone and didn’t want to buck the system in their community to express themselves. But anybody who was awake saw this coming because it had been expressed open and planning for it’s been in the planning for decades.
So I want to talk about human beings and humanity, because at the end of the day constitutional lawyers in defending constitutional rights are defending the human attributes that make us human.
It’s no more complicated than that. So I want to first say to Mr. Trudeau, Mr. Ford, Mr. Tory respectfully: None of us want to sing in your fascist, muzzled, rat-race choir that you’re conducting — that you’re conducting through a score of pornography of fear for globalist criminals.
So I’d like to say to each of you respectfully: Stop lying to your citizens you’re supposed to serve!  Stop lying about the bogus, fraudulent “testing”!
Tell us what the PCR tests… and what it actually tests. You know it does not test for any virus.
Your case counts are criminal propaganda.
Your discourse of numbers is criminally fraudulent. In the USA they call that ‘data fraud’, and actually have criminal provisions geared at state officials who engage in data fraud — because it misleads the public
So stop lying about cases to scare us about deaths.”


Original video available at Constitutional Rights Centre YouTube channel.

[As a service to protect truth from censorship & to share widely, mirrored copies of this video are available at Truth Comes to Light BitChute, Brighteon, Lbry & Odysee channels. All credit, along with our sincere thanks, goes to the original source of this video. Please follow links provided to support their work.]

Guest speaker Constitutional lawyer, Rocco Galati at Toronto Freedom Rally October 17, 2020.

Subscribe to Constitutional Rights Centre newsletter.

Film footage courtesy of Inn24 – In The Heart of It.

James Corbett: How The EU Stopped The Pandemic (The Comic)

How The EU Stopped The Pandemic (The Comic)

by James Corbett, The Corbett Report
October 21, 2020


Watch on Archive / BitChute / LBRY / Minds / YouTube

We’ve seen how the EU produced the dumbest propaganda video ever, but did you know they also produced the dumbest propaganda comic book ever? Well, they did! Join James for today’s edition of #PropagandaWatch and read along as we thrill and chill to an exciting story of time traveling pandemic survivors and learn how the EU (and big pharma) teamed up to save the world from a deadly (fictional) virus.


The Dumbest Propaganda Video Ever

More Plandemic Foreknowledge

Infected comic book

China’s first bio-safety level 4 lab put into operation

Covid-19: Transparency and Legal Accountability — Catherine Austin Fitts w/ Dr. Peter Breggin, MD 

Covid-19: Transparency and Legal Accountability — Catherine Austin Fitts w/ Dr. Peter Breggin, MD

by Catherine Austin Fitts w/ Dr. Peter Breggin, MD
October 20, 2020


Video available at Solari Report BitChute and YouTube channels.

Read: Expert report prepared for Ohio Stands Up lawsuit.

And: Dr. Fauci’s COVID-19 Treachery with Chilling Ties to the Chinese Military


Connect with Catherine Austin Fitts at

Connect with Dr. Peter Breggin, MD at

Truth Comes to Light Editor’s Note: See also —


Ending Interminable Declared Emergencies Under COVID-19 and Restoring our Freedoms and Lives

by Dr. Peter Breggin w/ Attorney Tom Renz
September 1, 2020

Ohio Stands Up! files lawsuit against the State of Ohio
to remove the unconstitutional emergency order
“We believe that the response to COVID-19 has been the greatest fraud
ever perpetrated on the American public,” attorney Thomas Renz

Toledo, OH – Determined to restore the Constitutional rights that have been stripped away by the State of Ohio’s unjustified actions regarding COVID-19, Ohio Stands Up! has filed suit in the Northern District of Ohio Federal Court to remove Gov. Mike DeWine’s emergency order. The group is represented by attorneys Thomas Renz and Robert Gargasz.

“We believe that the response to COVID-19 has been the greatest fraud ever perpetrated on the American public,” Renz said. “The objective of this legal action is to force the state to honor the Constitution and to stop the lies, manipulation and fear-mongering intentionally being promoted by public health officials and elected officials.”

Ohio Stands Up! is a grassroots organization composed of Ohio citizens who are focused on restoring the rights of Ohio’s 11.69 million residents and educating the public about the realities of COVID-19 data. Several national experts will testify on behalf of Ohio Stands Up! Renz and Gargasz will release the extensive evidence that chronicles the case to the public to offer transparency and insight.

“The State of Ohio has consistently lied to and manipulated its citizens from the earliest stages of this pandemic,” Gargasz explained. “We insist that this nonsense end, our rights be restored, and that the actual truth be shared.”

Recently, the CDC confirmed that 94 percent of the deaths attributed to the virus were from people who had as many as two to three other serious illnesses. The majority of those deaths are individuals 75 and older. Six percent of the deaths are directly from COVID-19, according to the CDC, while at the same time excess deaths have continued to increase due to deaths caused by the illegal response to what we now know is a minor disease.

“The entire U.S. economy was shut down based on fraudulent models that predicted 2.2 million American deaths,” Renz said. “The State of Ohio violated the U.S. Constitution with an emergency declaration that ignores the fundamental rights of all Ohioans. As a result, millions of Ohioans are suffering financially, physically, and mentally.”

Renz and Gargasz point out that:

  • Hundreds of thousands of businesses are struggling, and many will never re-open.
  • Drug overdoses and suicides have increased as have domestic violence and child abuse cases – directly as a result of the unconstitutional emergency order.
  • Many Ohioans were unable to get treatment for conditions not related to COVID-19 because hospitals were closed to accommodate the rush of COVID-19 patients who never arrived.
  • Children are struggling because many of them cannot attend school in person, and two-income households must reduce to one income since one parent has to remain home.
  • Masks are dangerous, prevent proper breathing, and provide no real protection against this virus, according to multiple studies.
  • Families have been barred from seeing their loved ones in hospitals and long-term care facilities, and residents in long-term care facilities have suffered because of the lack of in-person communication from their loved one.
  • People living alone, of all ages, have been forced into solitary confinement and are dying at tremendously increased rates due to loneliness and lack of self-care.

The State of Ohio has ignored fundamental Constitutional rights for a virus that is no more dangerous than the seasonal flu. A rapidly growing number of Ohioans recognize this and understand that, if they don’t stand up and speak out, it could be too late because a precedent has been set, according to Gargasz.

“There is zero basis for a state of emergency,” Renz said. “Based on what we know about the consequences the emergency order has caused to the physical, financial, and mental well-being of Ohioans, and the vitality of Ohio communities, this is truly a crime against humanity, and it must not be allowed to continue.”

The lawsuit is solely funded by donations from Ohio citizens. As of August 30, donations have reached $34,055. For more information, visit


Media Contact:

Name: Thomas Renz, Attorney

Phone Number: 419-351-4248


Medical Ignorance and the Mass Murder of Coronavirus Patients

Medical Ignorance and the Mass Murder of Coronavirus Patients

by W. Gifford-Jones, MD, Orthomolecular Medicine News Service
October 20, 2020


(OMNS Oct 20, 2020) In treating the sick, Hippocrates, the Father of Medicine counselled, “First, do no harm.” Unfortunately, this cherished principle has not been followed in caring for patients with coronavirus infection. Losing a loved one due to cancer and other diseases is always tragic. But losing one due to the coronavirus pandemic when it could be prevented is an unforgivable act resulting in the mass murder of innocent lives. It has happened due to ignorance about history, hypocrisy, a lack of training of doctors about alternative medicine, and closed minds about the life-saving medical benefits of high doses of intravenous vitamin C.

I would not have the knowledge to write this article if one event in my life had not happened. At 74 years of age I nearly died of a serious heart attack. Doctors said I’d be dead in a few years without the help of cholesterol-lowering drugs. Luckily, several years earlier I had interviewed Dr. Linus Pauling, two-time winner of the Nobel Prize. He advised me of the important role of vitamin C in decreasing the risk of coronary disease. This is when I made one of the most vital decisions of my life. I decided to take 10,000 milligrams (mg) of vitamin C daily, rather than believe Big Pharma. But I also worried because Pauling, although a brilliant chemist, was not a doctor. Was he right about vitamin C? It was only years later when Dr. Sidney Bush, a English researcher proved that vitamin C could reverse atherosclerosis (hardening of arteries) that I knew I had made the right decision. [1]

Now, 22 years later, the doctors who told me I’d be dead in a few years without cholesterol-lowering drugs are dead, and I’m in my 97th year, still alive. It’s this experience with the cardiovascular effects of vitamin C that’s triggered my interest in the anti-infective and other medical benefits of vitamin C, especially how it can decrease deaths from viral and bacterial diseases.

Klenner went on to show that large doses of vitamin C could also cure other viral diseases such as meningitis, hepatitis, measles, mumps, pneumonia, shingles and even the poisonous bite of a rattlesnake. [2-4] Since that time other researchers have reported that there is no viral disease that high-dose IVC cannot successfully treat.

But Klenner did not win a popularity contest with his colleagues. He wrote in frustration that “Some physicians would stand by and see their patient die rather than use ascorbic acid because in their finite minds it exists only as a vitamin.”

Since that time closed medical minds have resulted in thousands of deaths from coronavirus and other diseases in Canada and worldwide. Because of a misconception that vitamin C is just another vitamin. But there is proof that vitamin C is a potent anti-infective nutrient that attacks both viral and bacterial diseases.

Infection triggers a severe inflammatory cellular reaction in the body which results in a decrease in vitamin C. It’s like being caught in a snow storm on a lonely road and running out of gas. But in this case white blood cells need C to fight the infection. And if you have not been taking C on a regular basis, your white blood cells without C are like a gun without bullets.

Many people do not realize that nearly all animals make their own vitamin C. Humans lost this ability eons ago due to a genetic mutation. For instance, dogs produce 5,000 milligrams (mgs) daily. Health Canada maintains humans need only 90 mgs. But if a dog gets an infection, it will automatically produce up to 20,000 mgs daily!

During the coronavirus pandemic I’ve listened to Medical Officers of Health, TV anchors, politicians and medical experts all discuss the importance of distancing and frequent hand washing. But I have only heard one discuss the advantages of vitamin C and D in building up the body’s immunity. [5] And I have not heard any explain how the use of high doses of IVC could save lives.

Dr. Lendon H. Smith outlined the clinical experiences of Frederick Klenner in “Clinical Guide to the Use of Vitamin C”. It contains a wealth of information on how vitamin C treats many diverse diseases. And how prescribing insufficient amounts of vitamin C can lead to failure in therapy. This medical information is available for all to read. [6]

I’ve have written before that if a family member died due to coronavirus infection and doctors and hospital refused to use IVC, I would contest this situation in a court of law. I believe I would win because historical evidence is so overwhelming that large doses of C save lives.

The hypocrisy surrounding vitamin C is mind boggling. Dr, Linus Pauling complained, “The medical community requires rigorous evidence supporting vitamin C, but accepts flimsy evidence against it.” Little has changed since I interviewed Pauling. This deficit is evidently caused by the minds of medical professionals refusing to accept scientific fact. And we will never know the number of needless deaths this has caused during the pandemic.

A year ago, as a journalist, I was invited to be a member of the Orthomolecular Medical News Service. It’s international editorial board is composed of distinguished physicians, professors, and researchers. Several months ago I asked all members how they would treat several viral infections. The overwhelming response was “high dose intravenous vitamin C.” OMNS has published twenty-two physician case reports of success with IVC. [7]

Since February, researchers in China have been conducting double-blind studies on IVC.  This means one group will receive IVC and a control group will get a placebo. Some studies have already been completed, and the results show that IVC saves more lives than placebo. [8]

“Dr. Enqiang Mao, chief of emergency medicine
at Ruijin Hospital, Shanghai, stated that his group
treated ~50 moderate to severe cases of COVID-19
infection with high dose intravenous vitamin C.
“The IVC dosing was for 7-10 days, with 10,000 mg
for moderate cases and 20,000 mg for more severe cases.

“All patients who received intravenous vitamin C
improved, and there was no mortality.”

“There were no side effects reported from any of
the cases treated with high dose IVC.”

(Richard Cheng, MD, PhD, reporting from Shanghai)

But even in one of these recent laudable studies, there was a flaw. According to the report, all patients received a certain dose for moderate infection while others a higher dose for a more severe one. But patients who died had not received the higher dose. [9]

This reflects everything that Dr. Linus Pauling and Dr. Frederick Klenner stressed. As Pauling told his critics, “It’s the dosage!” Or, as Klenner claimed, “Some infections require a much larger dose.” As we all know, half an aspirin will not cure a migraine headache.

But there is more disturbing news. Chinese researchers are experiencing trouble getting their findings published. Contacts also tell me that doctors who use IVC in North America are being harassed by authorities. In some case, being told that if they persist they will lose their license to practice medicine.

To get an update on what was happening in some parts of Canada and the U.S I contacted several infectious disease specialists, Medical Officers of Health (MOH), and university hospitals, asking a simple question. “Do you prescribe intravenous vitamin C or know of anyone who does to treat coronavirus infection? And if terminal patients are not receiving IVC, why is this the case”?

It proved to be a time-consuming assignment. Many replied they would get back to me but failed to do so. I could only conclude they were not using IVC and did not want anyone to know about it.

Or they responded, “We have checked with our infectious disease specialist and confirm that high dose C is not being used to treat coronavirus infection.”

What was shocking is that not a single Medical Officer of Health replied that IVC was being prescribed to those dying from coronavirus infection.

Another surprise was the reaction of Johns Hopkins one of the great hospitals of the world. Its distinguished professors were the first to introduce the value of bedside teaching for students. During this pandemic they were considered the authority in reporting the number of coronavirus deaths. So, I was shocked to receive this response, “We are not conducting clinical trials or administering C as a treatment for COVID 19.” And even Harvard Medical School where I spent so many years as a student and later training as a surgeon, never replied to me.

What is going to happen? It’s that the Chinese study will likely fail to end the controversy and patients will continue to die needlessly of this virus. I was hoping that one infectious expert, or Medical Officer of Health, would possess the intellectual curiosity to ask, “I wonder if high does IVC could save lives?” It’s tragic this has not occurred. Some would label this as medical ignorance, others as malpractice, or if a loved one has died as murder, and finally a court of law looking all the facts decide it’s been mass murder.

So, we have a unique situation. It’s been said that war is far too important to be left to generals. Due to the economic chaos caused by coronavirus this disaster may be much too important to be left to medical experts when so many North Americans have suffered.

It’s time for the government to demand that our medical schools conduct a study of IVC. There is no shortage of patients. We have the scientific talent in our universities. Vitamin C is inexpensive and will virtually never cause complications. Vitamin C has never killed anyone. Besides, this study could be done in a short time and not require thousands of patients.

Who will grasp the moment and save countless lives?

(Syndicated columnist W. Gifford-Jones, MD, (also known as Kenneth Walker, MD) graduated from Harvard Medical School in 1950. He did surgical residencies at McGill University, the University of Rochester, and Harvard Medical School. Still an activist, his website is

To learn more: Several dozen articles related to vitamin therapy for COVID are posted for free access at . Many are available in French, Spanish, German, Arabic, Italian, Korean, Chinese, and Norwegian. Japanese translations may be found at .


1. Bush SJ (2010) 700 Vitamin C Secrets. Northampton, England: Direct Print on Demand Ltd. ISBN-13: 978-0956651990; ISBN-10: 0956651992 978-0956651990.

2. Klenner FR. (1949) The treatment of poliomyelitis and other virus diseases with vitamin C. South Med J, 111:209-214.

3. Klenner FR. (1951) Massive Doses of Vitamin C and the Virus Diseases. Presented in the Fifty-second Annual Meeting of the Tri-State Medical Association of the Carolinas and Virginia, held at Columbia, February 19th and 20th, 1951.

4. Saul AW. Hidden in Plain Sight: The Pioneering Work of Frederick Robert Klenner MD.

5. Dr. Fauci recommends vitamin C and D for Covid-19.

6. Smith, LH. Clinical guide to the use of vitamin C: The clinical experiences of Frederick R. Klenner, M.D.. Portland, OR: Life Sciences Press, 1988. Originally titled: Vitamin C as a fundamental medicine: Abstracts of Dr. Frederick R. Klenner, MD’s published and unpublished work. ISBN 0-943685-01-X. Reprinted 1991, ISBN 0-943685-13-3. or

7. Saul AW, Doctor X. (2020) Vitamin C Treatment of COVID-19: Case Reports. Orthomolecular Medicine News Service.

8. Holford P (2020) Vitamin C Cuts COVID Deaths by Two-Thirds. Orthomolecular Medicine News Service.

9. Cheng RZ. (2020) Preliminary Report of Chinese High Dose Vitamin C for Covid-19 Treatment Studies. Orthomolecular Medicine News Service.

(The views expressed in this article are the author’s and not necessarily that of all members of the Orthomolecular Medicine News Service Editorial Review Board. OMNS welcomes discussion on a variety of subjects. Readers may submit their own article drafts to the Editor at the contact email below.)

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Editorial Review Board:
Seth Ayettey, M.B., Ch.B., Ph.D. (Ghana)
Ilyès Baghli, M.D. (Algeria)
Ian Brighthope, MBBS, FACNEM (Australia)
Gilbert Henri Crussol, D.M.D. (Spain)
Carolyn Dean, M.D., N.D. (USA)
Ian Dettman, Ph.D. (Australia)
Damien Downing, M.B.B.S., M.R.S.B. (United Kingdom)
Ron Erlich, B.D.S. (Australia)
Hugo Galindo, M.D. (Colombia)
Martin P. Gallagher, M.D., D.C. (USA)
Michael J. Gonzalez, N.M.D., D.Sc., Ph.D. (Puerto Rico)
William B. Grant, Ph.D. (USA)
Tonya S. Heyman, M.D. (USA)
Suzanne Humphries, M.D. (USA)
Ron Hunninghake, M.D. (USA)
Robert E. Jenkins, D.C. (USA)
Bo H. Jonsson, M.D., Ph.D. (Sweden)
Felix I. D. Konotey-Ahulu, MD, FRCP, DTMH (Ghana)
Jeffrey J. Kotulski, D.O. (USA)
Peter H. Lauda, M.D. (Austria)
Thomas Levy, M.D., J.D. (USA)
Alan Lien, Ph.D. (Taiwan)
Homer Lim, M.D. (Philippines)
Stuart Lindsey, Pharm.D. (USA)
Victor A. Marcial-Vega, M.D. (Puerto Rico)
Charles C. Mary, Jr., M.D. (USA)
Mignonne Mary, M.D. (USA)
Jun Matsuyama, M.D., Ph.D. (Japan)
Joseph Mercola, D.O. (USA)
Jorge R. Miranda-Massari, Pharm.D. (Puerto Rico)
Karin Munsterhjelm-Ahumada, M.D. (Finland)
Tahar Naili, M.D. (Algeria)
W. Todd Penberthy, Ph.D. (USA)
Selvam Rengasamy, MBBS, FRCOG (Malaysia)
Jeffrey A. Ruterbusch, D.O. (USA)
Gert E. Schuitemaker, Ph.D. (Netherlands)
T.E. Gabriel Stewart, M.B.B.CH. (Ireland)
Thomas L. Taxman, M.D. (USA)
Jagan Nathan Vamanan, M.D. (India)
Garry Vickar, M.D. (USA)
Ken Walker, M.D. (Canada)
Raymond Yuen, MBBS, MMed (Singapore)
Anne Zauderer, D.C. (USA)
Andrew W. Saul, Ph.D. (USA), Editor-In-Chief
Associate Editor: Robert G. Smith, Ph.D. (USA)
Editor, Japanese Edition: Atsuo Yanagisawa, M.D., Ph.D. (Japan)
Editor, Chinese Edition: Richard Cheng, M.D., Ph.D. (USA)
Editor, French Edition: Vladimir Arianoff, M.D. (Belgium)
Editor, Norwegian Edition: Dag Viljen Poleszynski, Ph.D. (Norway)
Editor, Arabic Edition: Moustafa Kamel, R.Ph, P.G.C.M (Egypt)
Editor, Korean Edition: Hyoungjoo Shin, M.D. (South Korea)
Assistant Editor: Helen Saul Case, M.S. (USA)
Technology Editor: Michael S. Stewart, B.Sc.C.S. (USA)
Legal Consultant: Jason M. Saul, JD (USA)

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LA Italian Restaurant Stands in Defiance Against Tyranny | Has Remained Fully Operational — No Masks, No Social Distancing

LA Italian Restaurant, in Defiance Against Tyranny, Has Remained Fully Operational — No Masks, No Social Distancing

by Basilico’s Pasta e Vino via Press Release
October 15, 2020


“…instead of retreating, Basilico’s has taken the fight head-on to mask shamers and lockdown lovers, by flaunting their patriotism and resistance to what they refer to as Anti-Liberty state guidelines. Basilico’s proudly flies an American flag side-by-side a ‘Don’t Tread on Me, Live Free or Die’ flag and posts ‘no masks allowed‘ posters and applicable Constitutional amendments on its windows.
The business has even erected mini billboards outside on the intersection street corners bearing their trademark slogan ‘Leave the Mask, Take the Cannoli‘, their take on the famous quote from the Oscar award winning movie, ‘The Godfather’. They also recently put up a giant billboard saying the same near the Beverly Center in Los Angeles, CA. Basilico’s anti-mask policy is because ownership views them as symbols of submission, control and surrender, and wearing them has emboldened state governments to prolong the lockdowns.”


“Two prominent California lawyers, John Cogorno out of Orange County, and David Hakimfar from Los Angeles, have recently begun their defense of Basilico’s Constitutional Rights in response to the Governors infringement efforts.

Support Basilico’s “Make Restaurants Great Again” awareness-raising campaign.

Basilico’s Pasta e Vino
Press Release, October 15, 2020

Download PDF




October 15, 2020Huntington Beach, CA – ‘Basilico’s Pasta e Vino’, an Italian restaurant in Huntington Beach, CA, today is announcing that under the control and direction of Governor Newsom in July 2020, coincidently two days after an unaffiliated ‘Recall Gavin 2020’ petition tent appeared on the sidewalk near the restaurant, a ‘strike team’ of agents converged on the restaurant declaring Basilico’s ‘failure to obey the governor’s order.’ Newsom’s agents issued a criminal citation to a single staff employee, even threatening to arrest him. This persecution comes with serious consequences, including jail time. They also hit the business with an ‘Alcohol Beverage Control’ (ABC) administrative action under the same violation, threatening revocation of the restaurant’s very valuable and hard-earned liquor license, even though the business has never had a violation in its 21 year history.

Basilico’s was then warned against further violating the governor’s mandates. However, the restaurant continues to operate normally in defiance as it has since the lockdown began in March; with dine-in, no-limit seating, no social distancing and a ban on masks (all to provide the public with a sanctuary space that still feels like pre-shutdown and vintage-era America). A place the world-that-we-know have seemingly lost. On an important note, not one member of Basilico’s staff, and no customers who have dined at the restaurant, have ever come down with any virus related illness.

Basilico’s has remained fully operational, never making any changes according to mandates, in an open confrontation with the governor and his orders, as a form of non-violent protest against what ownership perceives as tyranny imposed on American citizens in the name of a media and politically driven over blown health crisis. Ownership believes the state’s shutdown measures are far out of line with the reality of actual epidemiological data, trampling on our constitutional rights, and the only concern among Americans should be the fast spreading virus of fear.

The result of Basilico’s actions include snitches and supporters of the governor calling in death threats to ownership, management and staff with promises to burn the restaurant down, a flood of hateful one star Google and Yelp reviews, and harassing phone calls, letters, and emails many boasting about how their mission is to help force the shutdown of the business.

However, instead of retreating, Basilico’s has taken the fight head-on to mask shamers and lockdown lovers, by flaunting their patriotism and resistance to what they refer to as Anti-Liberty state guidelines. Basilico’s proudly flies an American flag side-by-side a ‘Don’t Tread on Me, Live Free or Die’ flag and posts ‘no masks allowed’ posters and applicable Constitutional amendments on its windows.

The business has even erected mini billboards outside on the intersection street corners bearing their trademark slogan ‘Leave the Mask, Take the Cannoli’, their take on the famous quote from the Oscar award winning movie, ‘The Godfather’. They also recently put up a giant billboard saying the same near the Beverly Center in Los Angeles, CA. Basilico’s anti-mask policy is because ownership views them as symbols of submission, control and surrender, and wearing them has emboldened state governments to prolong the lockdowns. Basilico’s feels if Americans would have removed their masks long ago, the shutdowns would have gone away with them. The restaurant’s Instagram page makes their positions very clear, with both serious posts and many others made with a wink and smile.

Ownership believes that when the State cannot legally confront you head on knowing, that what it’s doing to you and your business is unconstitutional, it then creates what appears to be enforceable law, but in reality unenforceable for lack of lawfulness. So instead, the State uses its government un-elected regulatory agencies with no oversight to revoke licenses that allow businesses to legally exist, in an attempt to punish opposing views. Basilico’s feels strongly that citizens should not tolerate a leader who creates arbitrary rules to force obedience upon them, and that Governor Newsom is leveraging state institutions and mechanisms to orchestrate the submission of all Californians. For those businesses, especially restaurants who reluctantly did close and are suffering, Basilico’s hopes they will unite behind their protest. Management has created an organization called ‘Make Restaurants Great Again’ for this purpose.

When Tony Roman, of Basilico’s, first heard of the state’s impending lockdown orders, he refused to succumb to panic and surrender precious American freedoms; in the way others appeared so easily prepared to do. From that moment forward, he made certain that everything remained normal inside his doors, refusing to accept what appeared to him as an attempt by the state to use scare tactics to slowly strip American citizens of their liberty.

The restaurant has since quickly become to feel like a ‘First Amendment battleground’ (free speech zone), with people from all over California and even out of state visiting to demonstrate their support, including two car clubs out of Long Beach, CA who organized an event at Basilico’s back in August. They filled the lot with classic cars, and even draped the front of the restaurant with a donated 18 ft. American flag. In addition, local Veterans charities even coordinated the delivery of a Vietnam era ‘Life Saver’ medevac helicopter, parking it next to the restaurant.

While some businesses have been deemed essential, and others like Basilico’s have felt targeted and discriminated against, ownership dug in further in defense of their position. Roman then learned that Governor Newsom had released thousands of convicted criminals onto our streets during the shutdown, even commuting and pardoning convicted murderers. Then he watched Newsom give a speech following violent protests in Los Angeles showering the protesters with praise, understanding, support and even adoration, saying things such as, “God bless you. Keep doing it. Your rage is real. Express it so we can hear it. Let’s not let others drown out that rage.” After hearing Newsom’s twisted hypocrisy, Roman promised his staff, customers and supporters that their stand against all lockdown orders was non-negotiable!

Roman said, “Any shut down of this country, especially when fear based, resulting in forced self-imprisonment is un-American! So when we were faced with lockdown orders, I immediately thought of our brave soldiers, those who have sacrificed so much, including their lives for our freedom, and how no American should dishonor them by giving back everything they fought to defend since our nation’s founding, all in one instant over a perceived public health emergency purposed shutdown and mask mandates. I knew my stand would put our business interests at risk, expecting retaliation from the state and those who support the shutdowns and mask mandates. However, we felt that our position was about something far greater than preserving a business. Because without liberty and freedom, we are left with nothing anyways. And the brave members of Basilico’s staff have stood with me throughout, and I am forever grateful! We view the orders unconstitutional, as we believe state ordered lockdowns everywhere have violated at least two sections of the U.S. Constitution. Being a first generation Italian-American, my ancestors didn’t come to the greatest country in the world from Italy, for their children and grandchildren to live under someone who thinks he’s “il Duce’, Mussolini.”

Roman continued, “Governor Newsom and other government officials like him may believe that we will back down in our fight to protect our civil rights and the democracy our founders have gifted us all. But he would be very wrong, and he should not underestimate our resolve to see this through. We had our first date to appear in court for the criminal case against us on October 7th, when nothing was addressed. And the action against us by the ABC will also soon be heard. So with these cases still hanging over our head, we are now publicly requesting that we be officially charged on the criminal action, and our right to a speedy trial by a jury of our peers be granted and scheduled. If the governor truly believes in his authoritarian lockdowns of people and businesses, and is confident that he can prosecute his case successfully, then let’s move on with it. Otherwise drop all actions against ‘Basilico’s Pasta e Vino’, and get out of our way so we and all Americans can move on with our lives and run our businesses without interference.”

Two prominent California lawyers, John Cogorno out of Orange County, and David Hakimfar from Los Angeles, have recently begun their defense of Basilico’s Constitutional Rights in response to the Governors infringement efforts.


Connect with Basilico’s: and

Del Bigtree Reveals White House “Warp Speed” Leader’s Serious Conflicts of Interest

“Warp Speed” Leader’s Conflict of Interest

by Del Bigtree, The HighWire
October 19, 2020


With “Operation Warp Speed” being one of the biggest (over $1 billion) government funded vaccine projects in history, a major conflict of interest has come to light with Moncef Slaoui, the White House Scientific Head of Operations.

Not only has he been the CEO to two of the largest drug companies in the world, both contenders in this race, but he also refuses to give up his $10 million in GlaxoSmithKline stock.

Available at The HighWire Brighteon & BitChute channels.


Connect with Del Bigtree at

Has Anyone Noticed That the World’s Billionaires During the Covid Fraud Are Getting Richer While Everyone Else Is Facing Poverty?

Has Anyone Noticed That the World’s Billionaires During the Covid Fraud Are Getting Richer While Everyone Else Is Facing Poverty?

by Gary D. Barnett,
October 19, 2020


“In the magical universe there are no coincidences and there are no accidents. nothing happens unless someone wills it to happen”
~ William S. Burroughs

During this time of a non-existent ‘virus’ pandemic, world lockdowns, mass business closings, economic failure, growing bankruptcies, panic, and starvation, the rich are laughing all the way to the bank. Coincidence? There is no such thing as coincidence, as everything happens for a reason, and in this case that reason is clear. Everything that is happening today was planned long ago, so the obvious question is why are the richest not affected by any fake virus like the rest of us, and in fact have been able to use this farce to gain massive wealth in a structured time of chaos? The only logical answer to this question rests on the fact that they knew exactly what was coming and when, and how to profit from it.

The multi-billionaires are part of the big club, the one that you and I are not allowed to join. That club is made up of those that hold all the strings of the political puppets, and those that call the shots. These are the self-claimed ‘elites’ that make up the top tier of the oligarcal pyramid of power, and that walk in the halls of the big banks, corporations, and tax-free foundations. They do no wait to see what will happen, they cause the things that happen. They are the controllers. That is why in the arena of power and control, there are never coincidences; there is only certainty.

By using this purposely manufactured ‘pandemic,’ the world’s billionaires’ wealth has increased from $8 trillion to $10.2 trillion from April until July this year. That is a 28 percent increase in net worth for the richest on the planet in just four months, while most of humanity has been economically destroyed and locked inside home prisons.

Again, this is no coincidence, and since it is not, it is blatantly obvious that it was the plan all along. While most small and medium sized businesses are in dire condition, devastated by the Covid response, big business has used a crisis brought about and perpetuated by the billionaires’ pawns in government. While children and families around the world are starving, these evildoers are taking advantage of this killer reset to line their pockets with money stolen from the very people now starving.

Of course, there was a $2 trillion stimulus plan that was passed into law for the supposed purpose of relief for those individuals and small businesses harmed by the government’s draconian response to a fake virus. Some of that money did go to individuals in the form of a $1,200 payment, and some was used for federal unemployment benefits for those forcibly removed from their jobs. But the bulk of the money went to large corporations, state and local governments, large hospitals, airlines, and the largest universities. The small business portion, as it was labeled, also catered to companies with up to $5 billion in revenue. Much of what went to smaller businesses was in the form of loans that had to be paid back, and many of the loan transactions due to this Congressional Act went through large banks, allowing them to profit from this stimulus bill. All in all, including money going to not so small companies, about $1.3 trillion was spent mostly to support large business. The balance was sent in small payments to individuals, and used for unemployment meant to keep people at home so they would not work. This also helped the rich get richer.

It is imperative to understand that government has no money whatsoever; it can only steal from its citizens. So every time payments were sent out and collected by individuals and real small businesses, it came out of the pockets of the same 99% receiving what was called aid. In reality, most all money was distributed to the wealthiest among us.

During all this chicanery, the stock market was supported by trillions more dollars, and manipulation through the repo-markets of up to a trillion dollars a day in what are called repurchase agreements, or short term borrowing to raise capital, has been used as a tactic to prop up the markets. In addition, the Federal Reserve continued to print money out of thin air at levels never seen in history, piling more debt on the public, destroying the value of the assets of the general population.

With all the asset loss on closed or restricted businesses, on commercial property, and the massive loss of wealth of the lower and middle classes, the billionaires were able to buy these assets for pennies on the dollar, allowing for huge profits at the expense of the citizenry of America.

So it should come as no surprise that the wealthiest people in the world have increased their net worth by $2.2 trillion in just 4 months of this Covid hoax. This is just the beginning of a massive wealth transfer from the poorest to the richest, as with every lockdown, and every business closure, the billionaires simply continue to make more money and gain more power. The housing collapse coming in the near future will be a goldmine for the rich at the expense of homeowners everywhere.

The most important thing to take from this scam is that it was planned in advance, and the terror used to frighten the people allowed the rich to not only gain immense wealth, but also to do so with the help of all those in the political class that claim to represent you. It is all a lie, and while the wealthy billionaire class is unaffected by this virus scam, they are laughing and partying while stealing from you all your money and property. If left to finish their agenda, they will continue to amass wealth until they have most all of it, and then will gain even more from a vaccination that will leave the average person stupefied by state poison meant to allow for the total control of all.

When will the herd disperse, and use their individual minds to seek the truth, and in finding that truth, awaken to the fact that no freedom can exist unless they alone create it?

“Insanity in individuals is something rare – but in groups, parties, nations and epochs, it is the rule.”
~ Friedrich Nietzsche–Beyond Good and Evil Ch. 4




Connect with Gary D. Barnett at

Only Poisoned Monkey Kidney Cells ‘Grew’ the ‘Virus’

Only Poisoned Monkey Kidney Cells ‘Grew’ the ‘Virus’

by Dr. Tom Cowan,
October 15, 2020


This week, my colleague and friend Sally Fallon Morell brought to my attention an amazing article put out by the CDC. The link to the article is here, and it was published in June 2020. The purpose of the article was for a group of about 20 virologists to describe the state of the science of the isolation, purification and biological characteristics of the new SARS-CoV-2 virus, and to share this information with other scientists for their own research. A thorough and careful reading of this important paper reveals some shocking findings.

First, in the section titled “Whole Genome Sequencing,” we find that rather than having isolated the virus and sequencing the genome from end to end, they found 37 base pairs from unpurified samples using PCR probes This means they actually looked at 37 out of the approximately 30,000 of the base pairs that are claimed to be the genome of the intact virus. They then took these 37 segments and put them into a computer program, which filled in the rest of the base pairs.

To me, this computer-generation step constitutes scientific fraud. Here is an equivalency: A group of researchers claim to have found a unicorn because they found a piece of a hoof, a hair from a tail, and a snippet of a horn. They then add that information into a computer and program it to re-create the unicorn, and they then claim this computer re-creation is the real unicorn. Of course, they had never actually seen a unicorn so could not possibly have examined its genetic makeup to compare their samples with the actual unicorn’s hair, hooves and horn.

The researchers claim they decided which is the real genome of SARS-CoV-2 by “consensus,” sort of like a vote. Again, different computer programs will come up with different versions of the imaginary “unicorn,” so they come together as a group and decide which is the real imaginary unicorn.

The real blockbuster finding in this study comes later, a finding so shocking that I had to read it many times before I could believe what I was reading. Let me quote the passage intact:

“Therefore, we examined the capacity of SARS-CoV-2 to infect and replicate in several common primate and human cell lines, including human adenocarcinoma cells (A549), human liver cells (HUH 7.0), and human embryonic kidney cells (HEK-293T). In addition to Vero E6 and Vero CCL81 cells. … Each cell line was inoculated at high multiplicity of infection and examined 24h post-infection. No CPE was observed in any of the cell lines except in Vero cells, which grew to greater than 10 to the 7th power at 24 h post-infection. In contrast, HUH 7.0 and 293T showed only modest viral replication, and A549 cells were incompatible with SARS CoV-2 infection.”

What does this language actually mean, and why is it the most shocking statement of all from the virology community? When virologists attempt to prove infection, they have three possible “hosts” or models on which they can test. The first is humans. Exposure to humans is generally not done for ethical reasons and has never been done with SARS-CoV-2 or any coronavirus. The second possible host is animals. Forgetting for a moment that they never actually use purified virus when exposing animals, they do use solutions that they claim contain the virus. Exposure to animals has been done once with SARS-CoV-2, in an experiment that used mice. The researchers found that none of the wild (normal) mice got sick. In a group of genetically modified mice, a statistically insignificant number lost some fur. They experienced nothing like the illness called Covid 19.

The third method virologists use to prove infection and pathogenicity — the method they most rely on — is inoculation of solutions they say contain the virus onto a variety of tissue cultures. As I have pointed out many times, such inoculation has never been shown to kill (lyse) the tissue, unless the tissue is first starved and poisoned.

The shocking thing about the above quote is that using their own methods, the virologists found that solutions containing SARS-CoV-2 — even in high amounts — were NOT, I repeat NOT, infective to any of the three human tissue cultures they tested. In plain English, this means they proved, on their terms, that this “new coronavirus” is not infectious to human beings. It is ONLY infective to monkey kidney cells, and only then when you add two potent drugs (gentamicin and amphotericin), known to be toxic to kidneys, to the mix.

My friends, read this again and again. These virologists, published by the CDC, performed a clear proof, on their terms, showing that the SARS-CoV- 2 virus is harmless to human beings. That is the only possible conclusion, but, unfortunately, this result is not even mentioned in their conclusion. They simply say they can provide virus stocks cultured only on monkey Vero cells, thanks for coming.

If people really understood how this “science” was done, I would hope they would storm the gates and demand honesty, transparency and truth.

Connect with Dr. Tom Cowan at

Corporate Criminals: The Elephant In The Room Waiting for the Covid Vaccine

Corporate Criminals: The Elephant In The Room Waiting for the Covid Vaccine

by Jefferey Jaxen, The HighWire
October 18, 2020


In a frenzy brought on by this pandemic, we find ourselves in a web of Big Tech censorship. Facebook and Twitter now openly censor posts and stories by public figures and reputable media outlets with no reason, sometimes apologizing, but leaving a dangerous precedent in their wake. Not even White House coronavirus task force member Dr. Scott Atlas is immune to Big Tech’s hammer as they removed his tweet stating:

“Masks work? NO” followed by a series of misrepresentations about the science behind the effectiveness of masks in combating the pandemic.”

The media-fueled coronavirus response has kept fear stoked among much of the world’s population. And yet…numbers from both the U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) and World Health Organization (WHO) signal, as many said from the beginning of this pandemic, the virus to be no more than a bad flu season.

Nevertheless, the world needs a savior. Media has conditioned us for a one-shot hero to save us and lead us into a Hollywood-honed ‘new normal’—or so we are led to believe.

What about…Aggressively shielding those who we now have the data to prove—beyond doubt—are the most vulnerable? At least cautiously allowing the economy to reengage and avoid the mounting ‘deaths of despair’? Opening schools, since children are the least vulnerable physically but most damaged psychologically?


Goldman Sachs analysts, in their infinite wisdom, have come out to proclaim that “The vaccine represents a more important factor than the election result for the path of equities…” No mention of the initial, unscientific lockdowns that throttled the economy. They then went on to warn, the biggest challenge is “convincing the population to get vaccinated…” Really?

In 2018, those same minds at Goldman Sachs asked ‘Is curing patients a sustainable business model?’….and they were serious.

In a report titled “Genome Revolution,” their analysts wrote, “The potential to deliver ‘one shot cures’ is one of the most attractive aspects of gene therapy, genetically-engineered cell therapy and gene editing. However, such treatments offer a very different outlook with regard to recurring revenue versus chronic therapies.”

Two years later, Goldman now has the best of both worlds, a so-called ‘one shot vaccine cure’ that is also tinkering with what vaccine-maker, Moderna, calls ‘the software of life,’ a quasi gene therapy and germ line reprogramming by an experimental mechanism of action in cancer patients.

Another Wall Street power player JP Morgan recently pegged its prediction for a deployable vaccine by mid-2021: “Let’s put it this way: Life can’t fully return to normal until a vaccine exists and is distributed to the masses…Consensus feels like there is a speed limit on the recovery—it can only go so far and so fast without a vaccine.”

Another company toying with the ‘software of life’ is America’s most loved corporate criminal, Johnson & Johnson (J&J) and their Covid vaccine-maker subsidiary, Janssen.

Recently forced to pause their trial due to ‘an unexplained illness’ in a study participant, it’s been nearly a week and still no updates. By comparison, AstraZeneca’s UK vaccine trial went from stop to restart in four days – the FDA still has it paused here in the U.S.

Over the past few years, reporting on J&J has read like a fictional crime novel. Labeled a ‘kingpin’ and blamed for causing the opioid crisis in Oklahoma in 2019, J&J’s opioid-making subsidiary Janssen was ordered to pay $572M, later reduced to $107M. As a side note, in July, HHS’s Biomedical Advanced Research and Development Authority awarded Janssen with $456M taxpayer dollars for ‘clinical trials and other vaccine development activities.’ One month later, Janssen secured over a billion dollars from HHS to manufacture 100 million doses of its COVID-19 vaccine for use in clinical trials, or to vaccinate Americans if authorized by the Food and Drug Administration.

A day after J&J’s vaccine safety trial pause, additional news broke regarding their potential master settlement against litigation alleging its involvement fueling the U.S. opioid epidemic. Last week J&J felt the need to pile on another billion to its already $4B settlement framework negotiated with a group of state attorneys general.

All under the veil of J&J’s public promise to be more ethical with its newfound vaccine contract.

As the popular maxim goes ‘the best predictor of future behavior is…past behavior.’

J&J also recently discontinued its century-plus legacy talc baby powder product. They claimed it was because of misinformation about the product’s safety. Yet internal emails, memos and documents showed the company knew it was harmful and sought to suppress the science and those who spoke out against it…for decades.

The company also recently paid over $100M to settle more than 1000 talc lawsuits. J&J still faces more than 19,000 lawsuits from consumers and their survivors, claiming its talc products caused cancer due to contamination with asbestos, a known carcinogen.

Over $2 billion to the Department of Justice to resolve criminal and civil investigation including off-label marketing and kickbacks to doctors and pharmacists for their prescription drugs. A billion to settle their mounting medical device hip implant lawsuits in 2019. Ordered to lay $8 billion (later reduced to $1.2B) in damages in a Risperdal lawsuit also in 2019. It just doesn’t end.

But they’ll act differently this time with their Covid vaccine. This time you can trust them to be ethical and transparent about any safety issues. Right?

And if they aren’t? Well at least those harmed in the future by Janssen’s products can sue J&J and have their day in court like so many victims before them for against J&J’s talc, Risperdal, opioid and medical device products. Right?

In conclusion, here’s a quote from October 11, 2020 by J&J’s Chief Scientific Officer Paul Stoffels speaking with the Wall Street Journal:

“It’s important for people, if there would be side effects, that they get compensated,” Johnson & Johnson’s chief scientific officer, Paul Stoffels, told the Journal. “But for the industry to make multiple billion vaccines available, you also have to have” liability protection, he said.

James Corbett: More Plandemic Foreknowledge

More Plandemic Foreknowledge

by James Corbett, The Corbett Report
October 17, 2020


You’ll recall that back in April of this year I examined the question of whether or not there was foreknowledge of the plandemic. Specifically, that episode of Questions For Corbett looked at:

and several other signs that those in positions of power knew that 2020 was going to be the year of COVID.

But April seems like an eternity ago and many more pieces of suspiciously predictive activities been dug up in the meantime.

So, in the interest of continuing this exploration, let’s examine 10 more signs of plandemic foreknowledge.

1) Crimson Contagion

In 2019 the US Department of Health and Human Services (HHS) held a pandemic exercise called Crimson Contagion, which, the mainstream press notes, was “eerily similar” to the current scamdemic. The exercise scenario envisioned a novel strain of pandemic influenza originating in China and being brought back to the US by international tourists.

So why did the exercise make it into the mainstream press at all? Because Orange Man Bad, of course. More specifically, because it provides the “Bin Ladin Determined to Strike in US” cover story for this neo-9/11, subtly reinforcing the narrative by suggesting that COVID-19 is a real and existential threat to the US and that the valiant leadership of the HHS tried to warn the White House about PPE shortages and other preparedness shortcomings.

Extra points if you recognize this drill from my coverage of it in COVID-911: From Homeland Security to Biosecurity.

2) Canada’s Pandemic Warning System Shut Down Right Before COVID-19

Canada’s international alert system for disease outbreaks—the Global Public Health Intelligence Network, or GPHIN, which, The Globe and Mail helpfully informs us, is “highly regarded”—was “silenced” by the Canadian government in early 2019. And we all know what happened at the end of 2019.

This story once again serves to bolster the mainstream narrative by portraying the novel coronavirus as a real and existential threat that could have been prevented if only the government had plowed more money into its public health department and paid more attention to the epidemiologists (who, as we have seen this year, never get anything wrong).

3) “Simulation” of the Deliberate Release of a Lethal Respiratory Pathogen Planned for 2020

The Global Preparedness Monitoring Board is a body convened by the World Bank and the World Health Organization (WHO) that seeks to “ensure preparedness for global health crises.”  In their 2019 “Annual report on global preparedness for health emergencies” they warned, a propos of absolutely nothing, of the “very real threat of a rapidly moving, highly lethal pandemic of a respiratory pathogen killing 50 to 80 million people and wiping out nearly 5% of the world’s economy.”

They also set a number of goals for 2020, including:

The United Nations (including WHO) conducts at least two system-wide training and simulation exercises, including one for covering the deliberate release of a lethal respiratory pathogen.

But don’t worry, guys! That’s just a “simulation,” and we all know that drills never go live.

4) The WHO Warns of “New Normal” of Pandemic Outbreaks . . . in 2019

Last June, Dr. Michael Ryan—the executive director of the WHO’s health emergencies programme—told BBC News that “We are entering a very new phase of high impact epidemics and this isn’t just Ebola.” In case you didn’t get the warning, he added: “This is a new normal, I don’t expect the frequency of these events to reduce.”

Look out, folks, we’ve got a regular Nostradamus here.

Dr. Ryan, it should be noted, is the same WHO official who announced that the “new normal” of the COVID-19 era involves governments forcibly removing those suspected of infection from their homes and separating them from their families. Oddly, he forgot to mention that part when speaking to the BBC last year.

5) A Comic Book Published by the EU Envisioned A Global Pandemic Stopped by the EU

This one has to be seen to be believed:

What you are looking at is a page from Infected, a comic book published by the EU Publications Office in 2012.

No, you read that right. A comic book published by the EU Publications Office.

And what’s the story of this comic book adventure?

During a tour of a P4 biosecurity lab in China, a time traveler from the year 2111 arrives to warn the assembled scientists that, in the future, a pandemic will ravage the planet. In order to prevent the calamity, the time traveler provides the scientists with a some vials of biological material that he says will be necessary to “nip any pandemic in the bud.”

Terrorists try to steal the material *blah blah blah* man scratched by a monkey *yadda yadda* global infectious outbreak *etc., etc.* and then . . . (you guessed it!) . . . the EU saves the day through an unprecedented global health campaign dubbed “The Way Forward.”

Yes, luckily for humanity, the EU-led “one health” approach saved us all from this “new era” of zoonotic pandemic outbreaks that we have just entered.

Personally, if I were a citizen of the EU I’d be upset that some portion of my taxes go toward paying for the production of propaganda schlock like this. After all, these are the same people who produced the dumbest propaganda video ever.

Oh, and just for the record, although the imaginary P4 lab in the comic is said to be in “Beijing,” China’s first (and only) P4 lab is in fact in Wuhan.

6) COVID-19 Test Kits Being Sold in 2017?

The World Bank runs a website called the World Integrated Trade Solution (WITS) that tracks global trade data by product using their “Harmonized System” (HS) tracking codes. On September 4, 2020, they posted data on COVID-19 test kits that raised some eyebrows. You see, the website indicated that these COVID-19 test kits were being sold as far back as 2017!

Proof positive that the whole thing was planned years in advance, right?


A cursory glance at the data would give even the most credulous truther pause for thought about the significance of this “find.” If we were to take this posting at face value, then we have to believe that not only were 58 separate countries producing and exporting these COVID-19 test kits (meaning that tens of thousands of people would have been involved in their production, sale, shipping and storage), but that countries like Switzerland were producing over 2,000,000 kg worth of these kits (valued at a cool $23 billion) without a single person anywhere in this supply chain asking, “What’s COVID-19, anyway?” and not a single person coming out afterward to say, “You know, I thought it was odd that we were exporting billions of dollars worth of these COVID-19 test kits, but it was even weirder when COVID-19 was identified and named three years later.”

Or, you know, the test kits were general medical test kits that were relabeled for COVID-19 use in April of this year and retroactively relabeled in the WITS system. Because that’s exactly what the fact checkers are saying.

And you know what? I believe them. (“Oooooooh, I just knew James was a globalist shill!” jeers the crowd.)

The World Customs Organization even announced the reclassification in April of this year.

This is another example of how poorly researched information gets passed around online so that the fact checkers can arrive on their white horses and save the day by dispelling the obvious misinformation (Gates and the God gene vaccine at the CIA, anyone?).

So I don’t consider this one plandemic foreknowledge at all, but thought I would throw it in to put the debunking on record.

7) A White House Advisory Group Published a Report on How a Pandemic Would Ravage the Economy . . . Last September

In September 2019 the White House’s Council of Ecnomic Advisors published a report on “Mitigating the Impact of Pandemic Influenza through Vaccine Innovation.” The report warned of “the potentially large health and economic losses in the United States associated with influenza pandemics,” estimating that such a pandemic would cause “from $413 billion to $3.79 trillion” worth of damage to the economy. And, as the title suggests, it argues that “[n]ewer technologies, like cell-based or recombinant vaccines” could help drastically mitigate that damage.

Unsurprisingly, the usual MSM presstitutes used the story to reinforce the narrative that pandemic diseases are the new normal, that the US is woefully unprepared to fight the war on the invisible enemy, and that investment in novel vaccine technologies can help save the country from economic ruination.

8) Central Bank Gold Repatriation

You might remember back in 2013 when Germany’s Bundesbank issue a remarkable statement announcing that they would repatriate 674 tons of their gold holding from the New York Fed. You may even remember that they specifically set a 2020 deadline for that repatriation.

But did you know that Austria’s central bank followed suit in 2015 with an announcement that they, too, would repatriate the country’s gold by 2020? And did you know that the Polish central bank repatriated 100 tonnes of its gold from the Bank of England’s vaults in a series of secret airlifts ending in November 2019?

All of these pieces of evidence led analysts like Ronan Manly to predict that 2020 would be the year of the great “system reset,” a transformation of the world financial system that would ultimately be used to usher in a new international monetary order.

This has nothing to do with a pandemic, of course, but then again, neither does the financial crisis we’re living through. The truth is that the current financial meltdown has been gathering steam for years and was well underway for at least a year prior to any of this COVID-19 hysteria. “Following the money” to track down the real perpetrators of this crime seems as good advice for would-be scamdemic investigators as it is for 9/11 investigators.


As you can see, there were many different warnings that a pandemic emergency was set to take place this year. As you can also see, there is no “smoking gun” that proves anything specific about COVID-19. Even worse, many of these “warnings” actually serve to bolster the narrative that this scamdemic really is an emergency—one that we could have prevented if only we’d thrown more money at big pharma and given more power to the public health technocrats.

But such is the nature of these large-scale events. Amateur sleuthers get caught up searching for the single, undeniable “smoking gun” and lose sight of the bigger picture.

The bigger picture here is that—exactly as I have demonstrated in my work on Medical Martial Law and Medical Martial Law 2020 and COVID-911—the groundwork for the emergence of the biosecurity state has been carefully laid over the course of the past two decades (at least). From the passage of emergency health legislation to the creation of new pandemic preparedness offices to the signing of international health treaties, this medical martial law infrastructure has ensured that—regardless of whether it is real or fake, planned or unplanned—any public health crisis could be used as the trigger for the beginning of the biosecurity era.

By all means, keep looking for that smoking gun (and, if you happen to find it, let me know in the comments below). But unless we discuss What No One Is Saying About the Corona Crisis and address the root of this new biosecurity paradigm, the bioterrorists will get away with their scam.

This weekly editorial is part of The Corbett Report Subscriber newsletter.
To support The Corbett Report and to access the full newsletter, please sign up to become a member of the website.

[Leave comments and connect with James Corbett at the original article on or at The Corbett Report.]

David Icke’s Livestream Speech for Vancouver Mega Freedom Rally, October 17, 2020

David Icke’s Livestream Speech for Vancouver Mega Freedom Rally, October 17, 2020

by David Icke,
October 18, 2020


“Freedom is who we are. It’s what we are. It’s what we’ve always been.”
“When people say, ‘We must take our freedom back.’
No, no. We must simply stop giving it away.”


Original video available at David Icke BitChute channel and

[As a service to protect truth from censorship & to share widely, mirrored copies of this video are available at Truth Comes to Light BitChute, Brighteon, Lbry & Odysee channels. All credit, along with our sincere thanks, goes to the original source of this video. Please follow links provided to support their work.]

World Doctors Alliance: Open Letter to the UK Government, Governments of the World and the Citizens of the World

World Doctors Alliance: Open Letter to the UK Government, Governments of the World and the Citizens of the World

by World Doctors Alliance
October 16, 2020


Sign the Open Letter

General public as well as medical professionals are welcome to sign.

Open letter to the UK Government, Governments of the World
and the Citizens of the World

Download PDF version here



We were told initially that the premise for lockdown was to ‘flatten the curve’ and therefore protect the NHS from being overwhelmed.

It is clear that at no point was the National Health Service (NHS) in any danger of being overwhelmed, and since May 2020 covid wards have been largely empty; and crucially the death toll from covid has remained extremely low.

We now have hundreds of thousands of so-called ‘cases’, ‘infections’ and ‘positive tests’ but hardly any sick people. Recall that four fifths (80%) of ‘infections’ are asymptomatic (1) Covid wards have been by and large empty throughout June, July, August and September 2020. Most importantly covid deaths are at an all-time low. It is clear that these ‘cases’ are in fact not ‘cases’ but rather they are normal healthy people.

So-called asymptomatic cases have never in the history of respiratory disease been the driver for spread of infection. Rather it is symptomatic people who spread respiratory infections – not asymptomatic people.(2)

It is also abundantly clear that the ‘pandemic’ is basically over and has been since June 2020. (3)

We have very highly likely reached herd immunity and therefore have no need for a vaccine.

We have safe and very effective treatments and preventative treatments for covid, we therefore call for an immediate end to all lockdown measures, social distancing, mask wearing, testing of healthy individuals, track and trace, immunity passports, the vaccination program and so on.

There has been a catalogue of unscientific, non-sensical policies enacted which infringe our inalienable rights, such as – freedom of movement, freedom of speech and freedom of assembly. These draconian totalitarian measures must never be repeated.

  • Covid has proved less deadly than previous influenza seasons – There were 50,100 flu deaths from December 2017 to March 2018 in England and Wales. There were 80,000 flu deaths in 1969. To date we have circa 42,000 covid related deaths in the UK.
  • We have never locked down society for a respiratory virus before.
  • The basis for lockdown was a mathematical model by Professor Neil Ferguson. His modelling which predicted half a million deaths in the UK has been roundly condemned as being not fit for purpose. His estimated death figures were clearly wrong by a factor of 10 or 12 times. (1)
  • Professor Ferguson’s modelling was not even peer reviewed before being acted upon by several nations. Eminent epidemiologists such as Professor Gupta from Oxford University were ignored, they estimated the death count would be far lower in the UK.
  • Professor Ferguson has a long track record of woeful modelling he was entirely wrong about sars, mers, mad cow’s disease (CJD), and swine flu. Why did the world listen to him again? (2)
  • Countries which did not lock down Sweden, Japan, Taiwan, South Korea and Belarus have all done significantly better than us in terms of percentage of population deaths. They also have herd immunity and intact economies.
  • Lockdown did not save lives, and this has been published in the Lancet ‘….in our analysis, full lockdowns and wide-spread COVID-19 testing were not associated with reductions in the number of critical cases or overall mortality.’ (3)
  • The vast majority of deaths occurred in elderly and very elderly people
  • The vast majority of deaths occurred in people with pre-existing serious health issues such as cancer, cardiovascular disease, Alzheimer’s, diabetes etc
  • Covid poses virtually zero risk to the under 45’s who have more chance of being struck by lightning than dying from covid.
  • Covid poses a very small risk for healthy under 60 year olds who have a greater chance of accidental drowning than dying from covid.
  • The entire nation was essentially placed under house arrest. We have never isolated the healthy before.
  • Isolating the sick and those who are immunocompromised makes sense. Isolating the healthy has hampered the establishment of herd immunity and makes no sense.
  • To put it into perspective we had 115,000 smoking related deaths in the UK in 2015 compared to the 42,000 deaths from covid.
  • We usually have around 600,000 deaths every year in the UK, roughly 1600 deaths per day.
  • Placing the public under virtual house arrest has caused untold damage to both physical and mental health.(1)
  • Ventilating patients instead of oxygenating patients proved to be a deadly policy and an unwarranted failure. Ventilation resulted in many unnecessary deaths. (2)
  • Sending infected people from hospitals to care homes placed the elderly and frail under unnecessary risk and resulted in many unnecessary deaths. (3)
  • Blanket Do Not Resuscitate (DNR) orders were imposed on thousands of people without their consent nor the consent of their families – this is both unlawful and immoral and lead to unnecessary deaths in care homes. (4)
  • Hospitals became essentially ‘covid only’ centres vast numbers of patients were wilfully neglected, resulting in many thousands of unnecessary deaths. (5)
  • The government’s own report estimates that some two hundred thousand (200,000) people will die as a direct result of lockdown – not the virus. Hospitals being closed, suicide and poverty will result in more deaths than the virus. (6)
  • The cure is worse than the disease!
  • The majority of people who died had significant comorbidities, such as Alzheimer’s, cancer, cardiovascular disease and diabetes.
  • Counting death certificates with a ‘mention’ of covid as being a death caused by covid is a gross misrepresentation of the facts and has vastly over exaggerated the death toll.
  • The rules for the signing of death certificates have been changed solely for covid by the Coronavirus 2020 Act.
  • Doctors do not even need to have physically seen the patient in order to sign death certificates.
  • The Act has removed the need for a confirmatory medical certificate for cremations.
  • Autopsies have virtually been banned, no doubt leading to misdiagnosis of the true cause of deaths; and also reducing our understanding of the disease itself.
  • Worse still, care home staff who largely have no medical training are able to give a statement as to the cause of death.
  • Covid was put on death certificates merely on the ‘suspicion’ of people having covid. This may well be unlawful, since it is a crime to falsify death certificates.
  • People who die within 28 days of a positive pcr test are deemed to have died from covid, even if they die in a car crash or from a heart attack; clearly over inflating the death toll (2)
  • Reports now estimate that as many as six and a half million (6,500,000) people in the UK will lose their jobs as a result of lockdown. (1)
  • It is well known that poverty directly adversely affects health, we can expect to see many people suffering with poor health and resulting in many premature deaths, as a direct result of lockdown.
  • Government have acted maliciously in censoring doctors, nurses and NHS staff. The people have the perfect right to hear what is going on in hospitals, and the medical profession have a duty to look after the public and to reassure them. (1)
  • The medical profession have not been allowed to let the public know that covid wards have been empty for months, nor that covid deaths have reached an all-time low for months, and this has unnecessarily added to the public’s distress and anxiety.
  • Doctors and scientists with views that differ from the government narrative have had their videos and articles removed from the internet
  • PCR tests cannot be verified for accuracy as there is no ‘gold standard’ against which to check them. The virus has not been purified. (1)
  • PCR tests cannot detect viral loads and are prone to false positives. (2)
  • A positive PCR test does not mean that an individual is infected nor infective. (3)
  • In fact approximately 90% of the PCR positive ‘cases’ are false positives. We therefore have no second wave and no pandemic. (4 , 5)
  • The government’s report estimates a false positive rate of between 0.8 to 4.0 % using data from other viral infections – not from covid (6)
  • Viral fragments may remain in people’s bodies for several weeks following recovery from infection. (7)
  • The crisis will never end if we are waiting for zero positive tests. Everyone has probably had a cold caused by a coronavirus and will likely have a few viral fragments matching those of the cousin SARS-CoV-2 virus (8)
  • Testing healthy asymptomatic individuals is non-sensical, unscientific and a colossal waste of money. The governments moon shot daily testing program will cost £100 Billion roughly two thirds of the annual NHS budget.
  • Antibody testing is not the gold standard as many people have T-cell immunity, and antibodies may not circulate following recovery from infection.
  • The controversial drug Hydroxychloroquine (HCQ) has been unfairly smeared, by the WHO, CDC, NIH and the media.
  • However HCQ has very firm support from, amongst others: Professor Harvey Risch epidemiologist from Yale, The American Association of Physicians and Surgeons (AAPS), American Frontline Doctors, the Henry Ford Health System and Professor Didier Raoult microbiologist and infectious disease specialist – to name but a few. (1)
  • The Lancet was even forced to retract a study on HCQ after it was revealed by the Guardian newspaper that they had been completely fabricated and written by a sci-fi writer and a porn star. Even following this astounding revelation HCQ was still banned in most countries. (2)
  • HCQ according to AAPS has a ninety per cent (90%) cure rate when given early and alongside zinc (3)
  • HCQ is safer than many over the counter drugs such as aspirin, Benadryl and Tylenol.
  • The AAPS also point out that there has never been a vaccine as safe as HCQ. (4)
  • HCQ has been licensed for over sixty years and has been safely used by billions of people worldwide. There is a very small risk of arrythmia which is easily monitored.
  • Why was HCQ banned then? Could it be that there are no huge profits to be made from this out-of-patent drug?
  • HCQ was used to great effect in the Sars1 outbreak of 2005 (5)
  • In short had HCQ been available then there would not have been a pandemic !
  • Preventative measures such as hydroxychloroquine or vitamins D, C and zinc should have been recommended for the public. (1)
  • Early calcifediol (25-hydroxyvitamin D) treatment to hospitalized COVID-19 patients significantly reduced intensive care unit admissions (2)
  • Vit D reduces the severity of covid. (2,3)
  • Voluntary isolation of the frail – should they so choose; in combination with preventative measures would have been a far better strategy. The rest of society could and should have continued as normal.
  • A rushed vaccine is clearly not in the public’s best interest
  • Indemnifying vaccine manufacturers against all liability is also clearly not in the public’s best interest
  • Chief Scientific Officer Sir Patrick Vallance has £600,000 worth of shares in GSK Glaxo Smith Klein. He has in recent years sold £5 million of shares in GSK which he ‘earned’ whilst chief of GSK (1)
  • Sir Chris Whitty, Chief Medical Officer UK, accepted over £30 million in funding from the Bill and Melinda Gates foundation to study malaria vaccines. (2)
  • It has become clear that members of SAGE, Public Health England (PHE), World Health Organisation (WHO), Centre for Disease Control (CDC), National institute for Health (NIH) etc have many conflicts of interests. They all accept very large ‘donations’ from the pharmaceutical and vaccine industry. These conflicts of interests may well have effectively corrupted their integrity. (3)
  • It is also clear that governments are heavily lobbied by the pharmaceutical industry and the vaccine industry, again this may have compromised their integrity. (4)
  • Vaccine manufacturers will make trillions from this, as will track and trace manufacturers, and the pharmaceutical industry stand to make trillions from covid testing.
  • Prime minister Boris Johnson announced the new ‘moon shot’ testing will cost £100 Billion, approximately two thirds of the annual NHS budget.
  • Surely these vast sums would be far better spent on treating all of the neglected patients who have been wilfully neglected during lockdown and who now face huge waiting lists.

We have effective and safe treatments and preventative medications for covid, therefore there is no need for any lockdown restrictions and associated measures. The pandemic is essentially over as can be seen by the consistent low death rate and hospital admissions over the past four months.

We demand the immediate and permanent ceasing of all lockdown measures.

Lockdowns do not save lives, that is why they have never been used before. Civil liberties and fundamental freedoms have been unnecessarily removed from the public and this must never happen again.

Preventative measures such as Hydroxychloroquine, vitamin C, Vitamin D and zinc must be made readily available to the public.

Isolation must be voluntary. People are perfectly capable of making their own assessment of the risks and must be free to go about their lives as they so choose. People must have the right to choose whether to isolate or not.

Likewise, businesses must have the right to remain open if they so choose.

We demand that doctors, nurses, scientists and healthcare professionals must be permitted free speech and never be censored again.

Professor Mark Woolhouse epidemiologist and specialist in infectious diseases, Edinburgh University Member of the Scientific Pandemic Influenza Group on Behaviours, that advises the Government stated that –

‘…Lockdown was a monumental disaster on a global scale. The cure was worse than the disease.’

I never want to see national lockdown again. It was always a temporary measure that simply delayed the stage of the epidemic we see now. It was never going to change anything fundamentally, however low we drove down the number of cases,’

We absolutely should never return to a position where children cannot play or go to school.’

I believe the harm lockdown is doing to our education, health care access, and broader aspects of our economy and society will turn out to be at least as great as the harm done by Covid-19.’(1)

The World Doctors Alliance agree fully with Prof Woolhouse’s assertions, he is right! We must never lockdown again!

NB the term ‘covid’ has been used to represent Sars-CoV-2 and Covid-19



  1. BMJ
  2. CNN and WBUR
  3. NHS


  1. Telegraph
  2. Times
  3. The Lancet


  1. BMJ
  2. Time
  3. Dr Malcolm Kendrick
  4. QNI
  5. BBC
  6. BBC


  1. Spectator
  2. Telegraph


  1. Independent


  1. Guardian


  1. BMJ
  2. Spectator
  3. CEBM
  4. Lockdown Sceptics and DOI
  5. ANH International
  6. Gov.UK
  7. Lancet
  8. Apps Online


  1. Newsweek
  2. Guardian
  3. Lancet
  4. Apps Online
  5. Apps Online
  6. NIH.GOV
  7. NIH.GOV


  1. BMJ
  2. DOI.ORG
  3. DOI.ORG


  1. Telegraph
  2. Telegraph
  3. Apps Online
  4. Statnews


  1. Express
  3. DR. R. ZAC COX, BDS




Contact World Doctors Alliance:


Dr. Reiner Fuellmich: “Money Talks”: A Brief Update on the Shifting Mainstream Narrative About This “Corona Crime Scandal”

Dr. Reiner Fuellmich: “Money Talks”: A Brief Update on the Shifting Mainstream Narrative About This “Corona Crime Scandal”

by Dr. Reiner Fuellmich
October 15, 2020

Dr. Reiner Fuellmich shares the latest in the shifting mainstream narrative around this corona crime scandal.

Original video is available at Dr. Reiner Fuellmich YouTube channel.

[As a service to protect truth from censorship & to share widely, mirrored copies of this video are available at Truth Comes to Light BitChute, Lbry, Odysee & Brighteon channels. All credit, along with our sincere thanks, goes to the original source of this video. Please follow links provided to support their work.]

see also:

Dr. Reiner Fuellmich on The Corona Crime Scandal | International Network of Lawyers Will Argue the Biggest Tort Case in World History

[Satire/Music Video] I’m Masking Alone Now

[Satire/Music Video] I’m Masking Alone Now

by Media Bear
October 17, 2020


Original video available at Media Bear YouTube and BitChute channels.

[As a service to protect truth from censorship & to share widely, mirrored copies of this video are available at Truth Comes to Light BitChute, Lbry, Odysee & Brighteon channels. All credit, along with our sincere thanks, goes to the original source of this video. Please follow links provided to support their work.]

T-shirts & stickers:

Support Media Bear:

“But I Spoke With My Virologist Friend and He Said…”

“But I Spoke With My Virologist Friend and He Said…”

by Jon Rappoport, No More Fake News
October 15, 2020


Dr. Scott Atlas, coronavirus advisor to President Trump: “History will record the faces of public health expertise, as some of the most sinful, egregious epic failures in the history of public policy. They have killed people, with their lack of understanding. The policy itself is a crime against humanity.” [1]

Ever since I provided compelling evidence that no one has proved the COVID virus exists [2] [3] [4], I’ve been getting a sprinkling of messages from people:

“My good friend, who is a virologist, says the virus is very real…”

“My friend, a geneticist, says you don’t need to have an isolated specimen of the virus, as long as you’ve sequenced its genetic structure…”

“My doctor friend says people are dying, so it must be the virus…”

This is like saying, “Two years after the September 11th attacks, I spoke with my friend, who used to work for the CIA, and he said the 9/11 Commission Report was absolutely correct.”

“My brother knew Earl Warren, and Justice Warren said Lee Oswald acted alone when he shot John Kennedy…”

“My cousin’s father-in-law was a business associate of the chairman of the Federal Reserve, and the chairman assured him the Fed has never manipulated interest rates for clandestine purposes.”

Why would you ask the fox who is guarding the hen house to account for the diminishing population of hens?

“But…but this is DIFFERENT. The COVID VIRUS is SCIENCE.”

No. It’s not science. This is about an investigation into what is CALLED science.

Therefore, everything is up for grabs. Everything is on the table.

A man named Socrates figured this out a long time ago. He would ask an aristocrat what Justice was, and when the aristocrat blithely said it was what everyone supposed it was, Socrates would point out the obvious fallacy in this line of approach.

If you only seek answers from a person whose specialty is…what your investigation is all about…why are you investigating? Simply to learn what an “expert” believes? That will be a very short and unproductive inquiry.

In the forgotten subject called Logic, that fallacy is called Appeal to Authority. It’s the most obvious fallacy of all.

If you ask an engineer questions about building bridges, and he has designed many bridges that still stand up after millions of hours of traffic streaming across them, you’ll learn useful information. But proving the existence of a virus is a different proposition. Very different.

Asking a mainstream geneticist whether the COVID virus has been proven to exist is very much like asking a news anchor whether he reports the facts every night.

An actual investigation into “the science” of discovering viruses would consider dissident views. For example, here is what German virologist Stefan Lanka has written about this process: [5]

“Individual molecules are extracted from the components of dead tissue and cells, they are misinterpreted to be part of a virus and are theoretically put together into a virus model…”

“With only a few mouseclicks, a program can arrange [an outcome] as desired, by putting together short sequences of nucleic acids from dead tissue and cells with a determined biochemical composition, a larger genetic sequence that is supposed to represent the complete genome of an old or new virus. In reality, not even this manipulation, called ‘alignment’, can result in the ‘complete’ genetic material of a virus which could then be called its genome.”

“In this process of theoretical construction of the so-called ‘viral DNA or viral RNA strands’, those sequences that don’t fit are ‘smoothed out’ and missing ones are added. Thus, a RNA or DNA sequence is invented which doesn’t exist in reality and which was never discovered [or] scientifically demonstrated as a whole.”

A hundred years ago, if you had asked a virologist what was causing a devastating skin disease in the American South, called pellagra, he would have authoritatively told you it was a virus. And perhaps you then would have written to a journalist who’d stated there was no proof for the virus theory: “I learned from a virologist that a virus is definitely causing these skin outbreaks…”

But the cause turned out to be a niacin deficiency.

Months ago, I wrote a number of articles breaking down the false phenomenon called COVID-19. For the most part, the people who are dying are dying of traditional lung conditions (pneumonia, TB, etc.) falsely re-labeled COVID. Pollution is one major cause. A huge number of these people are the elderly, who are already suffering from multiple long-term health conditions, made far worse by years of treatment with toxic drugs. WHAT IS CALLED COVID IS NOT ONE DISEASE WITH ONE CAUSE. [6]

No new virus is required as an explanation.

At the highest levels of technocracy, the major players want this fake pandemic to serve as the gateway and the rationale for a new civilization: surveillance, obedience, slavery.

The launch-point in 2019 was the virus that wasn’t and isn’t there.

A hundred years ago, the Rockefeller Empire set out to prove there were many needs for their new products: pharmaceutical drugs. They employed researchers who could greatly expand the idea that harmful germs were everywhere—germs that required treatment with these drugs.

At the root of this enterprise were virologists, who understood the mission, who understood what they were getting paid for: the invention of new methods for detecting germs.

“Detection” took on added meaning. You didn’t actually have to find the germs. You had to concoct more sophisticated methods that would be taught and believed and accepted. These methods were actually STORIES.

The Rockefeller experts were story tellers.

Rockefeller agents and Rockefeller salesmen then sold the stories.

Their descendants are following the same playbook.

One of their main jobs is cementing THE VIRUS STORY in the public mind. They do it with the coda: “THIS IS SCIENCE.”

No, it’s mind control par excellence.








Dr. Mercola w/ Dr. Vandana Shiva, PhD: Oneness vs the 1%

Dr. Mercola w/ Dr. Vandana Shiva, PhD: Oneness vs the 1%

by Dr. Joseph Mercola, MD with Dr. Vandana Shiva, PhD
October 16, 2020


Video available at Mercola BitChute & Mercola YouTube channels.

In this interview, social justice and anti-GMO advocate Vandana Shiva, Ph.D., discusses her book, “Oneness Vs. the 1%: Shattering Illusions, Seeding Freedom,” which she co-wrote with her son, in which she argues that the ultra-wealthy elite are responsible for a majority of the environmental, financial and health crises currently facing us.

• In “Oneness Vs. the 1%: Shattering Illusions, Seeding Freedom,” Vandana Shiva, Ph.D., argues that the ultra-wealthy elite are responsible for a majority of the environmental, financial and health crises currently facing us
• Bill Gates’ wealth and “philanthropic” efforts, for example, have allowed him to gain unprecedented influence over agriculture and global health policies that threaten food security and human health
• The COVID-19 pandemic has catalyzed a massive transfer of wealth to the rich
• While global lockdowns have decimated small businesses and left many to struggle financially, wealthy globalists have amassed immense profits, and lockdowns have prevented public mobilization against tech and retail giants
• To facilitate the transfer of wealth, the elite lobby for the elimination of labor and environmental laws, as well as human and farmer’s rights

Connect with Dr. Mercola and subscribe for the latest health news:

Connect with the work of Dr. Vandana Shiva:



Oneness vs the 1% by Vandana Shiva

With a new epilogue about Bill Gates’s global agenda and how we can resist the billionaires’ war on life

Widespread poverty and malnutrition, an alarming refugee crisis, social unrest, and economic polarization have become our lived reality as the top 1% of the world’s seven-billion-plus population pushes the planet―and all its people―to the social and ecological brink.

In Oneness vs. the 1%, Vandana Shiva takes on the Billionaires Club of Gates, Buffet, and Zuckerberg, as well as other modern empires whose blindness to the rights of people, and to the destructive impact of their construct of linear progress, have wrought havoc across the world. Their single-minded pursuit of profit has undemocratically enforced uniformity and monocultures, division and separation, monopolies and external control―over finance, food, energy, information, healthcare, and even relationships.

Basing her analysis on explosive, little-known facts, Shiva exposes the 1%’s model of philanthrocapitalism, which is about deploying unaccountable money to bypass democratic structures, derail diversity, and impose totalitarian ideas based on One Science, One Agriculture, and One History. She calls for the “resurgence of real knowledge, real intelligence, real wealth, real work, real well-being,” so that people can reclaim their right to: Live Free. Think Free. Breathe Free. Eat Free.

James Corbett: Your Guide to The Great Reset

Your Guide to The Great Reset

by James Corbett, The Corbett Report
October 16, 2020


You’ve all heard by now that The Great Reset is upon us. But what is The Great Reset, exactly, and what does it mean for the future of humanity? Join James for this in-depth exploration of the latest rebranding of the New World Order agenda and its vision of a post-human Fourth Industrial Revolution.

Watch on Archive / BitChute / LBRY / Minds / YouTube or Download the mp4

The Great Reset | Launch session 3 June 2020

The Great Reset book.

The Great Reset website.

The Great Reset Event 201 coronavirus plushie

Interview 1581 – James Corbett Breaks Down the Great Reset (w/ Pete Quinones)

The Great Reset podcast.

Kerry et al. on The Great Reset podcast

Anne Richardson et al. on financing a sustainable recovery

Grover on The Great Reset podcast

Was There Foreknowledge of the Plandemic?

Interview 1533 – John Titus Exposes the Fed’s Coronavirus Lies

Solutions: Spontaneous Order

COVID-19 Transformation Map

What is a transformation map? (2017)

What is the Fourth Industrial Revolution?

Klaus Schwab & His Great Fascist Reset

Yuval Noah Harari: the world after coronavirus | Free to read

deplatforming controversial speakers

Interview 1579 – Jeremy Kauffman Introduces LBRY and Odysee

unklfranco comments on James Corbett Breaks Down the Great Reset (on Odysee)

Governor Cuomo Announces Collaboration with Gates Foundation to Reimagine Education

Technocracy and Education – James Tracy on GRTV

Sesame Street on education as a tool of societal transformation

Rich getting richer during COVID scam (New World Next Week))

David Icke Shares Work of German Neurologist: Masks Are Destroying Children’s Brains

David Icke Shares Work of German Neurologist: Masks Are Destroying Children’s Brains

by David Icke,
October 16 2020


Original video available at David Icke BitChute channel.

[As a service to protect truth from censorship, mirrored copies of this video are available at Truth Comes to Light BitChute, Lbry, Odysee & Brighteon channels. All credit, along with our sincere thanks, goes to the original source of this video.]

Truth Comes to Light editor’s note:

See also:

German Neurologist Warns Against Wearing Facemasks: ‘Oxygen Deprivation Causes Permanent Neurological Damage’ by Henna Maria,

How to Wear Your Mask Like a Boss

How to Wear Your Mask Like a Boss

by The HighWire with Del Bigtree
October 15, 2020


Want to learn to wear your mask like a BOSS? You’ve got to learn from a boss. Take a look.

If the Virus Isn’t There…Why Do They Believe It Is?

If the Virus Isn’t There…Why Do They Believe It Is?

by Jon Rappoport, No More Fake News
October 15, 2020


For the past eight months, I’ve been providing evidence that no one has proved the COVID virus exists.

Over the past week, I’ve quoted two major sources—the CDC and the authors of a major European study—who admit they did not have any virus. [1] [2] [3] And both of these groups were, at the same time, constructing a way to do a diagnostic test for that very virus which wasn’t there.

I’ve also pointed out that scientists throw around the phrase, “isolation of the virus,” like short-order cooks slinging hash in a diner. The phrase is used with incredible carelessness and deceptive imprecision.

Likewise, researchers’ claims of having “sequenced” the genetic structure of the virus are very misleading, because the sequencing is done without direct observation of the virus. It is INFERRED from analyzing a piece of RNA which is ASSUMED (not proved) to come from the virus.

Most of these scientists are true believers. They accept, like dogma, the standard and non-valid procedures for “isolating” and “sequencing” the virus.

A smaller number of scientists understand the hoax, but they remain criminally silent—or they are actively perpetuating the hoax.

In a similar vein—but without the absurd certainty—astronomers make all sorts of inferences about what is occurring on distant planets; but they support sending probes into space to actually see and record what is happening there; and they admit they are frequently surprised and shocked by what they find: a picture that contradicts many of their inferences.

Not so with virologists and geneticists. They utilize a closed system of analysis, which automatically confirms what they already believe. This is the furthest thing from science. This would be on the order of claiming the devil is causing hurricanes, and then “proving it” with a gibbering brand of abstract theology.

Of course, when it comes to viruses, the follow-up is censorship or ridicule of those who doubt theological “biology.”

If a prestigious medical journal opened up its pages to an intelligent debate about the existence of the COVID virus, remarkable things would happen. In the light and fresh air of honest debate, all sorts of skeletons would emerge from the closet. But such a debate is not permitted.

Why? Obviously, because the result would be devastating.

Because of the absence of such open and frank discussion, people are left with two thoughts: a pandemic based on nothing is too astonishing to consider; and a hundred years of official propaganda about germs (and genes) as the ominous ever-present source of all disease is too formidable to reject.

I want to give you an idea what it’s like to encounter researchers’ arcane descriptions of “isolating the virus.” Here is a section from a major Chinese study, published in the New England Journal of Medicine, on February 20, 2020. This is the key study which “confirmed” that a new virus was causing an outbreak in China. Title: “A Novel Coronavirus from Patients with Pneumonia in China, 2019.” [4] The section is: “Isolation of Virus”. You’ll need hip boots and a machete as you wade your way through it—

“Bronchoalveolar-lavage fluid samples were collected in sterile cups to which virus transport medium was added. Samples were then centrifuged to remove cellular debris. The supernatant was inoculated on human airway epithelial cells,13 which had been obtained from airway specimens resected from patients undergoing surgery for lung cancer and were confirmed to be special-pathogen-free by NGS.14”

“Human airway epithelial cells were expanded on plastic substrate to generate passage-1 cells and were subsequently plated at a density of 2.5×105 cells per well on permeable Transwell-COL (12-mm diameter) supports. Human airway epithelial cell cultures were generated in an air–liquid interface for 4 to 6 weeks to form well-differentiated, polarized cultures resembling in vivo pseudostratified [!] mucociliary epithelium.13”

“Prior to infection, apical surfaces of the human airway epithelial cells were washed three times with phosphate-buffered saline; 150 μl of supernatant from bronchoalveolar-lavage fluid samples was inoculated onto the apical surface of the cell cultures. After a 2-hour incubation at 37°C, unbound virus was removed by washing with 500 μl of phosphate-buffered saline for 10 minutes; human airway epithelial cells were maintained in an air–liquid interface incubated at 37°C with 5% carbon dioxide. Every 48 hours, 150 μl of phosphate-buffered saline was applied to the apical surfaces of the human airway epithelial cells, and after 10 minutes of incubation at 37°C the samples were harvested. Pseudostratified [!] mucociliary epithelium cells were maintained in this environment; apical samples were passaged in a 1:3 diluted vial stock to new cells. The cells were monitored daily with light microscopy, for cytopathic effects, and with RT-PCR, for the presence of viral nucleic acid in the supernatant. After three passages, apical samples and human airway epithelial cells were prepared for transmission electron microscopy…”

I can guarantee one thing: If a medical journal opened up its pages to a frank and protracted discussion, from all comers, about this “process of isolation,” you would see fireworks exploding in all directions. Within a few months, there would be raging global debate about the authenticity of “isolation.”

The density of the description in the China study is exactly why, for months, I’ve been demanding a straightforward real-world experimental test of the “new virus.” [5]

You line up 1000 patients who have been diagnosed with the new epidemic illness. You remove tissue samples from all of them. You put these samples through the above “isolation process.” You decide which patients have a huge amount of virus in their bodies.

Those patients should certainly be ill.

Then LET’S SEE. Are they ill or are they running marathons?

Real world.

Not lab world.

This study will never be done for one obvious reason. Unlike the astoundingly complex manipulations that go on in the lab, this real-world experiment has a yes or no answer. Are the patients ill or healthy?

But that’s asking too much from these researchers. They would rather infer and assume whatever suits their fancy.

They never want the rubber to meet the road.







cover image credit PublicDomainPictures, pixabay

The Fact-Free COVID Dystopia

The Fact-Free COVID Dystopia

by Thomas E. Woods, Jr., Mises Institute
October , 2020


When it comes to Covid-19, bureaucrats and politicians keep moving the goalposts, changing the rules, and engaging in bait-and-switch tactics, so they can maintain the “new normal” dictatorship. Those who object, we’re told, “just want people to die.”

It’s now becoming clear that “you can’t have your life back in some states unless you take it back.”

Original video is found at misesmedia.

[As a service to protect truth from censorship, mirrored copies of this video are available at Truth Comes to Light BitChute, Lbry, Odysee & Brighteon channels. All credit, along with our sincere thanks, goes to the original source of this video.]

From the 2020 Supporters Summit, presented at the historic Jekyll Island Club Resort on Jekyll Island, Georgia, on 9 October 2020.

To download free ebook: Your Facebook Friends Are Wrong About the Lockdown

Some COVID Resources

Tom Woods, a senior fellow of the Mises Institute, is the author of a dozen books, most recently Real Dissent: A Libertarian Sets Fire to the Index Card of Allowable Opinion. Tom’s articles have appeared in dozens of popular and scholarly periodicals, and his books have been translated into a dozen languages. Tom hosts the Tom Woods Show, a libertarian podcast that releases a new episode every weekday. With Bob Murphy, he co-hosts Contra Krugman, a weekly podcast that refutes Paul Krugman’s New York Times column.

The Virus That Isn’t There Has a Hypnotic Effect

The Virus That Isn’t There Has a Hypnotic Effect

by Jon Rappoport, No More Fake News
October 14, 2020


I have written several recent articles documenting the fact that the COVID virus is missing in action. [1] [2] [3] [4]

And when I say missing, I’m talking about two MAJOR confessions, from both the CDC and a group of study-authors in Europe…and in each case, these people were in the process of assembling instructions on how to perform the diagnostic PCR test for that very virus. The virus they said they didn’t have.

They didn’t have it because they couldn’t get it.

They couldn’t get it because no one had it.

In other words, the existence of the COVID virus is unproven.

Now, I want to point out three factors that produce a hypnotic effect. Even in the absence of the virus, these factors seem to indicate the virus “must exist.” I’m not talking about government or media pronouncements, which are obvious.

ONE: Scientists and public health agencies claim they’ve ISOLATED the virus.

There is no reason to believe them. The term “isolation” is thrown around like a politician throws around the term, “the people.”

Isolation of a virus SHOULD mean it is separated out from all the genetic, cellular, microbial, and waste material that surrounds it. But don’t assume, when professionals are talking or writing, that this is what they DO mean. Do not assume that.

For example, they often mean: “We have the virus in a dish in the lab. The soup in the dish contains human cells, chemicals, drugs, and other material. However, we know the virus is there and growing, because it is killing the human cells…”

Wrong. There is more than sufficient non-viral substance in the soup that could be doing the cell-killing. And obviously, “the virus” in the dish is surrounded by this mix of material. It is far from isolated.

And, as I’ve documented in a previous article, if the CDC, one of the biggest public health agencies in the world, couldn’t get the virus, as of July of this year, and admitted it in writing…“the virus” isn’t isolated.

TWO: This hypnotic effect ropes in some of the brightest medical and scientific professionals, who otherwise challenge all sorts of medical dogma. It is: “The genetic sequence of the virus is well established. Many studies confirm this.”

Well, sure. If experts have mapped out the genetic structure of the virus, the virus must exist. Right?

Wrong. The sequence is INFERRED. It is ASSUMED.

Inferred from what? The genetic sequence could be cobbled together from several sources: the unseparated material “in the dish in the lab”; a piece or pieces of RNA that have been arbitrarily chosen as “relevant clues”; a piece or pieces of synthetic RNA that, again, have been arbitrarily selected according to a bias in favor of a certain type of virus.

Bias? What does that mean? I’ll explain. When a few dozen people in Wuhan fell ill, back in 2019, there were a million ways researchers could have gone, in trying to figure out the cause.

Of course, as I’ve written, they could have looked out their windows and observed the horrific air pollution hanging over the city, and realized these “unexplained cases” of pneumonia had a ridiculously simple origin. [5] But no.

The researchers opted, as they always do, for a “new virus.” And, they chose, without a shred of evidence, to “look for” a germ from the coronavirus family. That was the pre-planned story. That was the bias.

From that point on, the die was cast. The “genetic sequencing” involved cobbling together, by assumption and inference, a collage of INFORMATION, into code, which would satisfy the pre-ordained scenario.

They ASSEMBLED a genetic sequence that matched what they were going for: a coronavirus.

Don’t imagine genetic sequencing is performed by people looking directly at a virus through a cosmic microscope and jotting down the names of rows of genes sitting side by side like cars in a supermarket parking lot.

THREE: The other hypnotic factor is the PCR test. “If the test exists to detect the virus, the virus must exist.”

Wrong. The test—which has irreparable and fatal flaws, as I’ve documented—is working, at best, from a fragment of RNA which is ASSUMED to come from the virus. If the test appears to identify that fragment as “relevant,” the test result clams the person is “infected.”

People believe the test must mean something. And the only thing it could mean is: it finds the virus in a person, or the virus isn’t in that person’s body. But either way, the virus is real.


The deck is stacked. The game is rigged. Welcome to the Deep Medical State.

As in any truly deep operation, only a small number of elite professionals understand the basic con. The rest are blind, and accepting. Some are willfully blind. They see the truth in a flash of insight, and then they shut up.

However, in this mad “COVID landscape,” minds and doors are opening. The hypnotic haze is receding. The truth is coming out. Doctors, scientists, reporters, and members of the public are discovering and rejecting the Big Con.







Mask Wearing and ‘Social’ Distancing Compliance Is a Threat to the Individual Sovereignty of All

Mask Wearing and ‘Social’ Distancing Compliance Is a Threat to the Individual Sovereignty of All

by Gary D. Barnett,
October 14, 2020


“Liberty, then, is the sovereignty of the individual, and never shall man know liberty until each and every individual is acknowledged to be the only legitimate sovereign of his or her person, time, and property, each living and acting at his own cost.”
~ Josiah Warren, “Equitable Commerce”. Book by Josiah Warren, 1848.

The essence of freedom is based on individual sovereignty, while the essence of servitude is based on compliance and obedience to false authority. Any claimed authority is illegitimate if it is not voluntary, and therefore administered by force. That means that all government authority is improper unless each and every individual agrees with that governance, and also has the ability to throw it aside, and leave at any time of his choosing. We have never lived under a system that allowed real freedom in this country.

In order for freedom to exist, it is up to the people at large to ensure that no government has enough power to infringe on the liberty of any individual citizen. Obviously, the people have failed miserably in any effort to secure individual independence, as every aspect of life in the United States is now surveilled, regulated, monitored, and controlled by a government claiming to be sovereign over the individual, and all of this is enforced by brutal and violent means. In order for people to wake up to their own servitude, and care enough to take risk to change, they have to have enough individual incentive to seek that on their own. That is not evident yet, and because people still clamor to be led instead of ruling self, the situation is worsening at every juncture.

The most telling aspect of this phenomenon is the near total compliance by the general population of mandated mask wearing and social distancing. By acquiescing to these orders handed down by the political class, it is apparent that the masses are nothing more than slaves, and are either totally indifferent or ignorant of any reality concerning their own well-being or any natural desire for freedom. When people en masse are willing to take orders from a controlling force called government, then they become the greatest threat to the whole, which means they are the greatest threat to the individual sovereignty of all.

Thinking of this in logical terms should scare the living daylights out of any sane person. How can a country that claims to be the most free on earth, a country of well over 300 million people, give up everything they have worked for and gained in life, everything they hold dear, and cower and hide in the shadows hoping that they will be granted by their masters a partial return to normalcy if they do as they are told? They do this because they have been fooled into believing that a common flu will attack and kill them all. Never mind that there are no additional deaths, there is no pandemic, and that no so-called virus has ever been found to exist. It has never been isolated or separated, never been identified, and never satisfied Koch’s Postulates to prove that it is even real. How could so many be fooled by a lie so obvious? Is this simply because of what the master propagandists claim when they say the bigger the lie, the more that will believe it? Or is it just that so many have become dependent on others telling them what to do and how to live for so long that they no longer have any desire or ability to question false authority?

Mask wearing and social distancing are nothing more than compliance tests used by the controlling ‘elite’ to see how weak and pathetic this population has become. This was necessary in order to find out if this country was ready to be taken over by the few oligarchs in power. All indications are that the America of the past has come and gone, and all that is left is a once dynamic and strong land now filled with mindless and obtuse citizens with robotic personalities waiting for their next order. As I wrote recently:

“Forced mask wearing due to political control over people is a major aspect of the tyrannical response to this fraudulent virus ‘pandemic.’ Social distancing, forced testing, quarantines, mandated business closings, temperature checks, mass surveillance, and any number of other atrocious invasions of privacy are all demeaning and oppressive, but the state and local orders supported by the national political and ‘health’ organizations to wear masks, is especially instructive of the real agenda sought. That agenda is as clear as day, and is being implemented not only as a test of mass societal compliance, but also to force people apart and to remove closeness, expression, and emotion from the human psyche. This is a purposeful state exercise with the intent of destroying the spirit of the American public, leaving only a society of unfeeling and obedient drones awaiting the next order handed down from on high”.

People that live in constant fear have no ability to think or reason. Their primary goal is to seek safety regardless of the consequences. Their ability to love and care for others is diminished, and their compassion for friends and family disappears in an effort to attain what they falsely believe to be self-preservation. By becoming completely indifferent to their surroundings and personal relationships, they become dangerous to themselves and others. The ruling class fully understands this dynamic, and has used it to gain an advantageous position of power over the entire country. We are in the midst of a coup that is turning one against another, and all against all. The people themselves are being used to destroy each other, and all those that comply with the state’s directives to hide their faces with a mask, to eliminate expression, and to isolate themselves from friends and family, are not only destroying their own lives, but are a great risk to all others. There is no excuse for this behavior.

Masks and distancing will lead to vaccination, and once a majority receives any fraudulent Covid vaccination, physical and mental problems will escalate, and sickness will become prevalent. Every aspect of the state’s plan for population control, takeover, and global reset is dependent on compliance by the herd at every stage of tyranny. So long as the crowd continues to submit to these draconian mandates, the plan will be able to be advanced. The biggest push to further this nefarious agenda is coming soon, and continuous compliance by the people will guarantee a state of totalitarian rule.

“Sovereignty is not given, it is taken.”
~ Mustafa Kemal Ataturk (Unsourced)

Dr. Heiko Schöning & COVID-19 Extra Parliamentary Inquiry Committee w/ World Doctors Alliance | Hearing in Berlin, Germany — October 10, 2020

Dr. Heiko Schöning w/ World Doctors Alliance: COVID-19 Extra Parliamentary Inquiry Committee Hearing in Berlin, Germany — October 10, 2020

by ACU2020,
October 14, 2020


The first Hearing of the World Doctors Alliance, hosted by Heiko Schöning
in Berlin, Germany on 10th October 2020.


Original video available at ACU2020 YouTube channel and

[As a service to protect truth from censorship, mirrored copies of this video are available at Truth Comes to Light BitChute, Lbry, Odysee & Brighteon channels. All credit, along with our sincere thanks, goes to the original source of this video.]


Speakers in order of appearance are:

Managing Director at MedCooling GmbH

Immunologist & Molecular Biologist

Medical Doctor, Author & Political Reformist

Holistic Dentist & General Secretary for the WDA

General Practitioner & Founder of Doctors for Truth

Oncologist, Hemotologist, Palliative Care Physician and Politician

Consultant General Surgeon & Chairman of the WDA

Filmed in 4K by Oracle Films


Excerpts from Transcript:



“Well, we see as well in Germany that there is no hard evidence for a medical pandemic and this is a good message for the people, sure, But the bad message is that the civil rights are restricted.”



“We see now that probably there will be thousands more deaths in Ireland just from cancer and cardiovascular disease alone. So in public health, if you are implementing a policy that is more harm than good, this should be stopped. And we, as scientists and doctors, are saying the lockdown is causing more harm than good. If the politicians, the regulators and the people that are writing these guidelines had the interests of the people of their country at heart they would stop the lockdown, stop social distancing and masks, and all quarantining  — and bring our country back to a better normal.”



“My name is Mikael Nordfors. I’m a Swedish medical doctor and Sweden had lots of international attention because we are the exception. We are the paradise country now in the world. So nobody is wearing a mask in Sweden and we are still there on the planet.

And I think that it was supposed to be a disaster in Sweden. It was designed that one country should not do the lockdown so much as the other countries. And when they discovered that we didn’t die in Sweden they invented… so then, I guess, something between a thousand and two thousand people were killed by doctors in Sweden. So many doctors declared patients with COVID-19 (so-called COVID-19) palliative patients — and stopped giving them food, stopped giving them water and give them midazolam and morphine. That’s the medications that decrease the depressed breathing function. So they they literally were killing people in the old people’s homes.

And one friend of me, we made some videos about that. His name is Jon Tallinger. He went out with this internationally. Which is… and I started an organization, partly because of this, called People’s Court. And we encourage everyone to report all these cases as murder cases to the police because… And I actually told the Swedish population, we shouldn’t pay taxes anymore because then we are actually helping murderers. We are being accountable to assisting in murder by paying taxes in Sweden right now. And I think that’s not ethical. So I want everybody to stand up against this medical tyranny.

But anyway, I’m happy that Sweden is much nicer country than all other countries right now. And it’s very strange for us to come to Germany and Denmark and see all this masked theater. You go into a restaurant and put the mask on for 10 seconds — you can hold your breath going through the restaurants — and then take it off when you sit at the table. This is ridiculous, in my opinion.”



“…We are also starting a lawsuit to the state of the Netherlands to bring this in with a large group of doctors and a really large group of nurses also. –because we have contact with 87,000 nurses that do not want the vaccine that is being prepared for us,

They are not willing to be the guinea pig, the rabbits, we say in Dutch, I want to state, if there is no pandemic, I am wondering why our kids are in schools with masks. They now — the last two three weeks — they have been not mandating, but they have been trying to mandate those masks. So we are also at that with lawyers.

…So, our children, we have to protect them. And we really have to stand there with all the parents.

The panic is created by these false positive PCR tests — 89 percent until 94 percent of those PCR tests are false positive. They don’t test for the COVID-19.

We have in the Netherlands now the regular press publishing the news that the PCR test is not a correct test, so I’m very happy about.”



“…There is no pandemic whatsoever. Neither on the world, neither global, nor in Germany. This is just a hoax which is imposed on the people to suppress them, to take them their liberty.

… Many, many deaths that have been caused by the measures that have been imposed on us under the flag of fighting a virus that has not even been described fully,,,

…which signifies the scandal that this government imposes measures to leading to slavery without even knowing on what basis they do it.”



“…The lockdown, face masking, and the social distancing has threatened millions of lives across the globe — with devastating effect on the economy, on the education, on the health, on the agriculture industry, on employment… which has resulted into grief, depression, isolation and, on top of that many social and family ties have been broken. A lot of people have suicided and there’s a unrecordable death sentence as a result of the orchestrated coronavirus pandemic.

…I would strongly urge to the whole profession across the world to come out with the truth because you guys have given an oath on the medical ethics — which clearly says do no harm to the patient.”



“I will add in a last question because we see a lot of financial incentives given to medical professionals all over the world…

Like from the United States, we heard that $19,000 were given to their intense care and emergency units if they choose that a patient is a coronavirus patient. And this amount of money is added to $39,000 if this patient is going to a ventilator…

We have a lot of other incentives. Like in Germany, there is be 15 given per one single swab in the nasal area — done, not by the medical doctor, by her/his staff, his nurse…

So it ends up if you’re in Germany… if you are a center for COVID-19 and in a private doctor’s office you have around 12 000 per month, plus.

This is a great financial incentive but it’s not adding to the truth.

So I would like to ask have we some other medical incentives here in Europe?”



“In the Netherlands, there was a big problem to continue regular care by medical doctors and general practitioners so (and also in Belgium). So the government paid 170,000,000 to all the general practitioners…

…You can see this as a way to keep those medical doctors that are in the center and the heart of our care — they will not speak out because they have been given money.

…there was asked to me to mark the patient when he would die as a COVID-19 patient even without a positive test.”



“There’s another part of this financial side and that is, if you stand up against the orders, you lose your work, and you lose your income, and you cannot support yourself. And that’s why I started this organization, People’s Court, because we want to help everybody to stand up, to find new work, to support their lawyer costs, and to make it easier to stand up against this tyranny — because I think most doctors would like to stand up but they don’t dare to stand up because they will lose their work, they will get scandalized in media and, and they will be declared crazy, etc.

And we have to change this. Because this is the same strategy as you use with a donkey. You have a carrot and a whip. And they are governing us with the carrot and the whip. And, in our case, it is greed on one side and fear on the other side.

And we have to stand up together against this fear and support each other so we can dare to go to the right side.

And that’s my whole mission — if you’re going to win this war on humanity, which it is really. This is an old war. It has been going on for thousands of years…



“…In Ireland, as well the GPs, that even if they refer their people on their patient list they get 30 per patient, for people that they refer for a PCR test. So there is a lot of income that the doctors are getting.

We know all of us here have been challenged, so that what they are not doing is having open debate. And even when we give informational meetings on YouTube, the debates are censored and removed.

…And why are YouTube and Facebook censoring all of us and taking our media out,taking our ability to communicate to people? And why are our employers in the government and in the university trying to remove our income? And why are the newspapers, the BBC and RTE, and all over the world, damaging our reputation, when what we’re saying —  we are putting our careers and our reputations and our future earning capacity and the wellness of our families on the line — so that ordinary citizens and people of the world will be aware that there is no pandemic.

…We have beautiful bodies that we can nourish. We have immune systems that will keep us healthy. There are safe and effective treatments.

So what we are saying to the world is, you need to challenge the politicians, the media, the employers, the medical organizations, the universities, these government advisory science councils, and the civil servants — that they are implementing policies that are causing maybe 20, 30, 40 times more harm than good. They are killing 20, 30, 40 times more people than they are saving. And they are doing this under the guise of caring for people.

And what we are trying to do today is to expose the lies. We are saying the truth: coronavirus has the same death as a normal influenza. It could be less if the truth information will come out. There is prevention and treatment.

And we are doctors standing for freedom and truth today. We are putting our careers and our reputations on the line because we love our patients, we love our families and we love our countries. And we want to see the truth will win out in the end.”

Yet Another Case of the Missing Virus; They Lied and Locked Down the World

Yet Another Case of the Missing Virus; They Lied and Locked Down the World
ANOTHER key architect of the COVID PCR test had no coronavirus; the whole fake COVID house is falling down.

“We know exactly what we’re doing, but we have no virus available.”

by Jon Rappoport, No More Fake News
October 13, 2020


I’ve been exposing the fact that the CDC, in July of this year, admitted, in a document, that…

They didn’t have the SARS-CoV-2 virus. It wasn’t “available.”

This means they couldn’t obtain an isolated specimen of the virus. There is only one reason why.

The virus hasn’t been isolated. And THAT means no one has proved it exists.

And now, I’ve discovered ANOTHER key document. This one apparently formed the basis for the first PCR test aimed at detecting the COVID virus all over the world.

READ WHAT THIS STUDY SAYS. These quotes should be engraved in stone above the entrance to a museum dedicated to the history of medical fraud.

“We aimed to develop and deploy robust diagnostic methodology for use in public health laboratory settings without having virus material available.”

TRANSLATION: We want to develop a test to detect the new COVID virus without having the virus.

“Here we present a validated diagnostic workflow for 2019-nCoV, its design relying on close genetic relatedness of 2019-nCoV with SARS coronavirus, making use of synthetic nucleic acid technology.”

TRANSLATION: We HAVE developed a diagnostic test to detect the new COVID virus. We ASSUME this new virus is closely related to an older coronavirus. We ASSUME we know HOW it is related. We ASSUME, because we don’t have the new COVID virus. Therefore, all our assumptions are made out of nothing. Actually, we have no proof there is a new coronavirus.

“The workflow reliably detects 2019-nCoV, and further discriminates 2019-nCoV from SARS-CoV.”

TRANSLATION: Our new test to detect the new virus? We don’t have the new virus. We’ve never observed it. We can’t study it directly. There is no proof it exists. But we will use the test to detect it.

The study is titled, “Detection of 2019 novel coronavirus (2019-nCoV) by real-time RT-PCR.” [Euro Surveill. 2020 Jan;25(3):2000045. doi: 10.2807/1560-7917.ES.2020.25.3.2000045.]

Those quotes from the study are astounding. A diagnostic test for the virus, but there is no virus. No standard against which to compare the reliability of the test.

The authors blithely assume they can somehow infer that the virus exists in the first place, without having an isolated specimen.

Then they assume they can understand the structure of the virus that isn’t there.

The virus isn’t there. It has NOT been isolated. It has NOT been separated out from other material. Therefore, it has not been observed and its existence has not been proved.

And yet, the test which these authors have developed is launched, all over the world, to detect that virus; to promote the unproven notion that there is a pandemic; to form the basis for counting COVID case numbers; and ultimately to justify all the lockdowns which have crashed the global economy and destroyed millions upon millions of lives.

A great deal of confusion has been created, because scientists are now talking about the “new virus” as if they understand its structure and sequence. No. They’ve INTERPRETED that genetic structure. And once they’ve made their interpretations, they gibber about what it means.

It’s like this. A man has a very thick steel vault. He clams there is a pile of treasure inside. But no one can open the door to the vault. People show up with all sorts of fancy instruments, and they make indirect measurements. They then issue very authoritative-sounding statements about what is inside the vault.

But no one can get in there. This is a magic vault, you see. You can’t drill into it. You can’t blow it up. But in its vicinity, all sorts of hustlers are gathered. And they PONTIFICATE. They BLOVIATE. They wave their credentials. Reporters interview them. Governments follow their recommendations.

And that’s all it is. It’s that kind of party.

There is also confusion about what the word “isolate” means, when it comes to viruses. SAYING you have isolated a virus doesn’t mean you have.

It may mean you THINK you have the virus inside a mess of material which contains many different genetic sequences and all manner of cellular debris and who knows what.

Some scientists will claim “a lesser amount of mess” entitles them to state they’ve “isolated” the virus.

Other scientists will claim that because they can grow, in a dish, what they BELIEVE to be the virus, this is “proof” that the virus exists.

They’re wrong.

Still other scientists will say that, in a dish in a lab, they “have the virus growing”, and they know it, because the virus is destroying certain cells in the soup in the dish. But in this soup, there are various added chemicals, and those chemicals could easily be doing the cell-killing.

So they are wrong, too.

As the late independent researcher David Crowe has written: “And the word ‘isolation’ has been so debased by virologists it means nothing (e.g. adding impure materials to a cell culture and seeing cell death is [as] ‘isolation’).”

This is why something called real-world experiments were introduced into science. Experiments that were forced out of the lab into the arena where actual humans live.

In my last article, I described exactly the kind of experiment that should have been initiated five minutes after scientists claimed there was an “outbreak in China.” It’s a large scale study involving humans who were diagnosed with the “epidemic illness.” Tissue samples would be taken from 500 of these patients and correctly analyzed via electron microscope photography.

But studies of that dimension and precision don’t interest scientists who live in the lab. Such studies are too dangerous. There is every chance that, in the harsh glare of sunlight, all their warnings about a vast pandemic will be shown to be false. False and ridiculous. Absurd. And insane.

These “experts” don’t want to take that chance.

So they fiddle and diddle in their labs, and they make wild claims based on nothing, on NO VIRUS.

For them, there is no such thing as NO VIRUS. There must always be a virus. They will build strings of thought that circle around and meet up and shake hands and justify themselves, BY DEFINITION.

When all is said and done, that is what they are playing at. “We make all the definitions, and therefore we can conclude anything we want to conclude. And call it science.”

That’s what’s going on.

I see the con and I’m pointing out the con.

I’m telling scientists who are honest to call it a con, too.

Empty out the house of modern virology; open the windows and let the fresh air in; and then we’ll be living in a far better world.

And, oh yes, prosecute these researchers who devised a test for the virus they never found. Prosecute them for crimes against humanity, and send them to prison.

Covid’s Real Threat to Our Children

Covid’s Real Threat to Our Children

by Del Bigtree, The HighWire
October 13, 2020


Original video available at The HighWire BitChute & Brighteon channels.

As we mask our kids all day at school, keep them from interacting with others, and attempt to block them from every virus & bacteria, Del questions the physical toll lockdown restrictions have on our children’s immune system.

The Fake Coronavirus and the Missing Study: The Secret in Plain Sight

The Fake Coronavirus and the Missing Study: The Secret in Plain Sight

by Jon Rappoport, No More Fake News
October 12, 2020


NOTE: Readers have sent me electron microscope images of what are claimed to be “isolated COVID virus.” An image here, an image there—this is NOT the way science is done, as I will explain fully in this article.

I have also been sent a CDC document that claims the COVID virus has been isolated. However, that document is dated two months earlier than the CDC document that admits they do not have the virus. So it means nothing.

Last week, I wrote and published two articles (here and here) exposing the root of the poisonous tree: the CDC admits it does not have an isolated COVID virus.

Therefore, SARS-CoV-2, the pandemic virus, has never been proved to exist.

This shattering fact reveals the whole pandemic is a fraud. The virus, the test, the case numbers—all fraud. And the lockdowns were unnecessary and criminal.

Now I want to reveal the study that should have been done, at the outset, when scientists were first claiming there was a pandemic based on the discovery of “a new virus.”

Here’s what you would do if you were an actual scientist: you would line up a minimum of 500 people who have been diagnosed with the epidemic illness. From each of them, you would extract tissue samples.

Then you would correctly and meticulously put each sample through a procedure that would result in 500 viewable electron microscope photographs—one from each patient. You would lay all these photos side by side.

You would answer three burning questions: do you see, in each and every photo, MANY particles of the same virus? Do you see, in all 500 photos, that same virus? Do you see, in all 500 photos, a virus you’ve never seen before?

If your answer to any of these questions is no, you go back to the drawing board. You haven’t found sufficient evidence of a new virus that is causing widespread illness.

If your answer is yes to every question, other researchers will then line up 500 new volunteers who have been diagnosed with the epidemic illness, and they will perform this same experiment, in order to confirm or deny the findings of the first team of scientists.

If they, too, answer every burning question with a yes, then a third team of researchers performs their own experiment on 500 more volunteers. And if their answer to every question is yes, then you have something. Then you have an indication, according to conventional and traditional methods, that a new disease could be on the rise.

People continue to send me an occasional electron microscope photo from a research study on “the coronavirus.” Of course, as you can see, that is not what I’m talking about at all. A single photo from here, from there—irrelevant.

If you were an honest medical researcher, would you claim the result of giving a new drug to three patients justified the approval of that drug for use on a few hundred million patients? Not a chance. The same basic principle applies here.

The study I just described, with 500 patients each time, done several times with new teams, is what the scientific method demands: large studies; clear results; and then confirmation or rejection of the initial finding, by more scientists employing the same methods and materials.

One critic, after reading my description of the proper way to do a study on the purported “new coronavirus,” said, “This wouldn’t work because it is extremely labor-intensive.” Well, guess what? The result of declaring a pandemic caused by a virus that isn’t there…and the ensuing lockdowns and economic and human destruction stemming from that declaration…is “labor-intensive” to a far greater degree.

Stopping the production engine of the world on the pretext of finding a new virus, when no new virus has been correctly found and isolated, is a crime that supersedes the sweat and effort of doing proper science.

As far as what is actually going on in labs where researchers are fiddling with genetic sequences of this and that and making vast proclamations; don’t talk to me about science. Talk to me about liability and prison.

Cracked Teeth & Other COVID Vaccine Side Effects

Cracked Teeth & Other COVID Vaccine Side Effects

by Del Bigtree w/ Jefferey Jaxen, The HighWire
October 12, 2020


Original video available at The HighWire BitChute & Brighteon channels.

[As a service to protect truth from censorship, mirrored copies of this video are available at Truth Comes to Light Lbry & Odysee channels. All credit, along with our sincere thanks, goes to the original source of this video.]


As AstraZeneca’s vaccine trial adverse reactions are being investigated by the FDA, Moderna and Pfizer are now grabbing mainstream headlines for their vaccine side effects.

Bed-ridden trial participants, some with chills so bad they cracked a tooth, are openly speaking about second-dose warnings, informing the public that they’ll need to “toughen up” if they plan on taking the shot.

Second Wave Of Politicized Lockdowns Missing Science and Sanity

Second Wave Of Politicized Lockdowns Missing Science and Sanity

by Jefferey Jaxen, The HighWire
October 12, 2020


Both the U.S. and U.K. are wrestling with another round of lockdowns. The science doesn’t justify it.

The science, in fact, opposes the idea of a second lockdown on several fronts. Even so, it appears to matter little to the Science™ health ‘officials’ and government factions attempting to impose a second suffocating bamboozle upon the life, liberty and prosperity of their nations’ populace.

‘Refusing to cave to criticism’ writes The Washington Times, coronavirus Taskforce member Dr. Scott Atlas has stuck to his guns, and the true science, to warn about another round of lockdowns. “We know the harms are tremendous to closing schools and businesses. I don’t know why that is not front and center. That is the most important reason why I’m here,” he told The Washington Times. Warning his views have been distorted in the media while others in the public eye have been “instilling fear” instead of addressing the damage caused by lockdowns.

Efforts to isolate and neutralize Dr. Atlas as an outlier in his views have failed. What began in August in Belgium, as health professionals signed open letters opposing more lockdowns, has now gone global with the Great Barrington Declaration.

The Great Barrington Declaration was drafted last week in Great Barrington, MA. It calls for an end to widespread COVID-19 lockdowns. Epidemiologists Dr. Martin Kulldorff, Dr. Sunetra Gupta, and Dr. Jay Bhattacharya (from Harvard,  Oxford and Stanford, respectively), were the first signatories on the Great Barrington Declaration.

Since then, the document has been given favorable coverage among global media, though Big Pharma controlled American media has been far more lukewarm. At the time of this writing, the declaration has garnered the signatures of 235,839 concerned citizens, 6,802 medical & public health scientists and 14,880 medical practitioners.

Citing “grave concerns about the damaging physical and mental health impacts of the prevailing COVID-19 policies,” the Great Barrington Declaration calls for an approach called “Focused Protection” to ‘balance the risks and benefits of reaching herd immunity, [and] allow those who are at minimal risk of death to live their lives normally to build up immunity to the virus through natural infection, while better protecting those who are at highest risk.”

But will this come in time and will it be enough? In the U.K., restrictions recently reinstated by PM Boris Johnson included gatherings of no more than six people and a 10pm curfew. Johnson’s order for pubs and restaurants to shut across much of northern England, including Manchester and Liverpool, is expected to begin today.

With growing numbers within the government calling for evidence to support the curfews and pub closures, “Ministers scrambled to justify the policy,” writes the Telegraph. 149 MP’s from all parties in the North and Midlands were invited to a “scientific briefing” on the latest data. Claiming 29.8% of coronavirus exposures occurred in pubs and restaurants, official NHS Test and Trace figures showed only 5.5 percent.

The Cabinet Office document also referenced a July 2020 report from the U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC). It involved 154 patients who were “approximately twice” as likely to have dined at a restaurant before symptoms emerged. The Telegraph reports:

“It was very clear to everyone on the call that they had cobbled together this data as a retrospective attempt to justify closing pubs. Given what we know from the official NHS figures, why are they quoting data from a tiny survey carried out in America? It’s just meaningless.”

Days ago, a video interview of Dr. David Nabarro, the WHO’s Special Envoy on Covid-19, grabbed mainstream headlines as he told The Spectator’s Andrew Neil: ‘We really do appeal to all world leaders. Stop using lockdown as your primary control method’. On Twitter alone, the video was watched 1.4 million times.

Following close behind Dr. Nabarro was former FDA head to revolving door Pfizer board member Scott Gottlieb. During his CNBC interview today he stated the US, instead of implementing a nationwide stay-at-home order, ‘could have titrated our mitigation much more effectively.’

He went on to state:

“I think the idea that we’re going to do national stay at home orders – or even broad stay at home orders in select cities – it’s just not going to happen, the popular will isn’t there for it, the political leadership on a bipartisan basis aren’t going to support it. 

The World Health Organization’s Dr Michael Ryan Head of Emergencies revealed that WHO believes roughly 10% of the world has been infected with Sars-Cov-2. This is WHO’s “best estimate” reports:

“The global population is roughly 7.8 billion people, if 10% have been infected that is 780 million cases. The global death toll currently attributed to Sars-Cov-2 infections is 1,061,539.That’s an infection fatality rate of roughly or 0.14%. Right in line with seasonal flu and the predictions of many experts from all around the world.”

Florida Gov. Ron DeSantis, quoted these numbers and more in his press conference as he re-opened state restaurants. Gov. DeSantis also sourced the CDC’s recently updated Infection Fatality Rate (IFR) and trumpeted updated age-specific survival rates:

  • 0-19 years old, 99.997 percent;
  • 20-49 years old, 99.98 percent;
  • 50-69 years, 99.5 percent;
  • 70+ years, 94.6 percent.

And yet…after mulling the idea for days, Italy imposed a nationwide outdoor mask mandate last week with fines of up to 1,000 euros ($1,163) for violators. The government passed the decree even though Italy’s overall per capita infection rate is among the lowest in Europe, writes US News and World Report.  

Meanwhile, anxious Americans closely watch the moves of their mayors and governors. In New York, Catholic and Jewish leaders are suing the state over its 10-person limit on religious services and mask mandates.

The Washington Examiner writes “New restrictions took effect Tuesday in ‘red zone’ parts of New York City. imposed by Gov. Andrew Cuomo and enforced by Mayor Bill de Blasio, the restrictions are unnecessarily harsh and violate the First Amendment’s free exercise clause. The ‘red zone’ zip codes targeted by de Blasio and Cuomo have large Jewish populations, adding to calls that the state is singling out Jews for special treatment, because they impede the celebration of a series of holidays beginning last week.”

Texas has eased some restrictions to allow restaurants and gyms to let more people inside, lifting a ban on elective surgeries and allowing nursing home visits under certain criteria. Texas bars, however, remain closed and the summer’s mask mandate is still in effect.

In a ‘when I say jump, you ask how high’ move of psychological warfare, California’s Office of the Governor put out a tweet advising that restaurant-goers keep their masks on while dining…’in between bites.’ “Going out to eat with members of your household this weekend?” the tweet reads. “Don’t forget to keep your mask on in between bites. Do your part to keep those around you healthy.”

Meanwhile, even before Florida ended its fines for not masking, Mississippi became the first state to end mask mandates. Several other states are engaged in legal battles to allow populations a choice of going open-faced in public. A lawsuit filed by the Wisconsin Institute for Law and Liberty seeks to end Wisconsin’s indoor mask mandate, arguing that Gov. Tony Evers lacks the authority to issue such an order.

A Michigan Supreme Court ruling invalidated Gov. Gretchen Whitmer’s mask ruling, leaving cities and counties uncertain on how to move forward. Whitmer stubbornly contends her statewide mask requirement remains in effect—despite the court’s invalidation of a law that underpins her orders to control the coronavirus pandemic. None of it makes sense, unless you see this as an exercise is sheer power.

The blatant manipulation and misuse of the COVID-19 response is becoming more obvious by the day. Hopefully as some are beginning to follow the simple science, others will balk at the increasingly oppressive behaviors by government officials. Together the two sides will serve to wake more citizens up, not drive them deeper into fear-rooted defeatist supplication.

Mainstream Sky News Australia Exposes ‘The Great Reset’ Global-Control Agenda Connection to Covid & ‘Climate Change’ Narratives

Mainstream Sky News Australia Exposes ‘The Great Reset’ Global-Control Agenda Connection to Covid & ‘Climate Change’ Narratives

by Sky News Australia
October 11, 2020


Original video is available at Sky News Australia YouTube channel.

[As a service to protect truth from censorship, mirrored copies of this video are available at Truth Comes to Light BitChute, Lbry, Odysee & Brighteon channels. All credit, along with our sincere thanks, goes to the original source of this video.]


Sky News host Rowan Dean says the next World Economic Forum in Davos has morphed from a “jet-setter climate gabfest” into a sinister “anti-democratic enterprise designed to destroy your job, steal your prosperity and rob your kids of a future”.

“It’s a hardcore leftist eco-horror show replete with quasi fascism,” he said. Mr Dean highlighted what he described as a “disturbing trend among many of the world’s left-wing elites to increasingly conflate COVID-19 with climate change.

“Many are going so far as to suggest that all the measures applied to the coronavirus, the lockdowns, the destruction of businesses, the suppression of dissent, curfews, strong-arm police tactics, should become the ‘new normal’ for dealing with climate change.

Mr. Dean said the next World Economic Forum is planning “to convince governments with the help of big businesses and big tech to bring about something deeply sinister called ‘The Great Reset’.”

“It is a program designed to strip us all of our fundamental democratic rights in favour of a new form of society as dictated by the elites”.

Mr Dean said the advertising for ‘The Great Reset’ was “just about as cliched and vomit-inducing as the most inane corporate ad can be”.

“This promo is saying that all the very worst things in the world, from the coronavirus to bushfires to riots to pollution to poverty are somehow linked.”

“Then it is claiming they can magically disappear. Literally at the push of a button and just like that, everything in the world is made right and pure again.”

“The Great Reset. What could be simpler?”

Mr. Dean said ultimately “lunatics including Prince Charles and the United Nations and the IMF want to replicate the global response to COVID and repurpose it for climate change, to enforce zero net emissions”.

World Health Organization (WHO) Has Reversed Its Position on Global Lockdowns

World Health Organization (WHO) Has Reversed Its Position on Global Lockdowns

by Sky News Australia
October 11, 2020


Original video is available at Sky News Australia YouTube channel.

[As a service to protect truth from censorship, mirrored copies of this video excerpt are available at Truth Comes to Light BitChute, Lbry, Odysee & Brighteon channels. All credit, along with our sincere thanks, goes to the original source of this video.]

Jon Rappoport: The Virus That Isn’t There and the Vaccine That Doesn’t Work

Jon Rappoport: The Virus That Isn’t There and the Vaccine That Doesn’t Work

by The Solari Report w/ Jon Rappoport
published on BitChute & YouTube: October 11, 2020


Original video available at Solari Report BitChute and YouTube channels.

Solari Report –

See Jon Rappoport’s:  COVID: The Virus That Isn’t There: The Root Fraud Exposed

Jon Rappoport’s full series on COVID can be found at

Related work by Catherine Austin Fitts: The Injection Fraud – It’s Not a Vaccine

Catherine Austin Fitts: The Fight For the Future | “Leveraged Buyout of the Planet” During This Orchestrated Global Disaster, Transhumanist Depopulation, Humanity as Livestock, Space Surveillance

Catherine Austin Fitts: The Fight For the Future – Transhumanist Depopulation & Space Surveillance

by Daniel Liszt, Dark Journalist w/Catherine Austin Fitts
October 6, 2020


Original video available at Dark Journalist YouTube channel.

[As a service to protect truth from censorship, mirrored copies of this video are available at Truth Comes to Light BitChute, Lbry, Odysee & Brighteon channels. All credit, along with our sincere thanks, goes to the original source of this video.]


In this explosive Part 2 of a 3 part interview series, Dark Journalist Daniel Liszt welcomes back Former Assistant Secretary of HUD Catherine Austin Fitts.

Catherine has spent two decades tracking Missing Trillions from Government agencies including HUD and the Department of Defense.


Catherine goes deep on the Transhumanist Agenda promoted by the World Economic Forum and Big Tech, which she compares to “Livestock Management”.

She shows how their goal is to convert the world’s population into mind-controlled technology slaves and sheds light on a hidden system of economic and political control dominated by a parasitical group that is attempting to depopulate humanity.

Catherine reveals the covert agenda behind the massive surveillance infrastructure and the Secret Space Program that is being developed with public money.

Will humanity win the Fight for the Future?


Satellite Surveillance

Space Force

Mind Control

Missing Trillions

Digital Currencies

Central Banksters

UFO Secrecy


COG — Continuity of Government

To view Part 1,  subscribe to Dark Journalist newsletter & support their work:

Find Catherine Austin Fitts at


Part One was also shared here at Truth Comes to Light.

COVID Versus a Natural Catastrophe

COVID Versus a Natural Catastrophe

by Peter Koenig, Global Research
October 9, 2020


Imagine! – Tomorrow, or one of these days, a gigantic earth or seaquake would shake the Atlantic Ocean or the Pacific, or god-forbid, a meteorite would hit one of these Great Seas – triggering a monster tsunami that would devastate most of the US East Coast – New York, Washington, all the way up to Boston and all the way down to Miami; as well as the Western European Coastline, including the UK; London under water, the Bretagne (Britany) flooded – and flood waters would reach all the way to Paris.

Or, imagine a similar scenario at the US Pacific Coast: San Francisco, Los Angeles, devastated and Baja California outright disappeared under gigantic tidal waves. No global warming. Just Mother Nature. The cosmic forces.

Or, in yet another scenario, imagine, one of Washington’s presumptuous warmongers would through a preemptive act of arrogant stupidity trigger a nuclear war… the worst of all situations.

What would happen?

Covid would be gone at once.

From one moment to the next. The, oh-so deadly “pandemic”- that never was – but we were made believe – the so heavily touted contagion that just devastated during the months past the entire world economy, caused unfathomable suffering, misery, death by desperation, death by famine – death by suicide and mass human auto-destruction, death by associated causes by the millions, hundreds of millions, billions perhaps – that worst of all viral diseases humanity has ever known and suffered from – would suddenly come to a shrieking halt.

A genius virus – so genius, must be man-made – that hits the entire world, summer or winter – 193 UN member countries – at once – coincidentally beginning with the tolling of the bells into the Decade of the 2020s, triggering a global lockdown of 193 nations exactly at the same time – mid-March 2020. That genius non-visible enemy induces all 193 UN member governments to impose the same measures to save humanity – face masks that deprive you from properly breathing your life-supporting oxygen, social distancing – that prevents sharing and socializing with friends, lockdown of everything, shops, workplaces, entertainment, even a walk in the park is forbidden – all at once.

Every one of the 193 UN members experiences simultaneously the same predicament – a humongous danger to humanity. An invisible enemy that hits at once all corners of the globe indiscriminately, the South, North, East and West. Nowhere to escape. Only the moon, but the moon is already controlled and monopolized by one of our planet’s richest billionaires.

The corrupt politicians and so-called leaders of all the 193 UN member countries, sadly, they are all puppets of a Higher Power, all of them had let themselves be bought or coerced into the diabolical game plan of total digital control of body and mind, using this dubious invisible enemy – a virus – with a monstrous fear-propaganda, with falsified and manufactured statistics, leading 7 billion people into believing that they are at risk of death, and that only a total lockdown, in other words, annihilation of the global economy, can save them. Never mind your life-support activity and livelihood.

A catastrophic event, hypothetical, for sure, as described before, and Covid is gone. As if it never was.

All coopted and/or coerced – or generously remunerated politicians of the 193 UN member nations, would now scramble to get into their readily prepared bunkers and other safety holes. Suddenly, they couldn’t care less about the deadly virus that threatens the rest of the world. They were never threatened themselves; they were always safe.

Occasionally to strengthen their covid propaganda the one or the other announced with big-big brouhaha how suddenly covid-sick he or she became. Ambulance- and airlifting them into emergency rooms, with hourly media reporting, is part of the game. The public is in sympathy and believing that if they are not obedient… this nasty virus may hit them too.

A few days later, the “cured-again” politician emerges from his or her emergency situation – a brilliant PR stint. And very successful. It helped the bought and betraying government officials increasing their handle on the necks of people, their repression, and heightening their tyranny a notch or two. Their egocentric selves would seek the highest points to save themselves from the tidal waves, or the deepest bunkers to protect themselves from the nuclear dust and radioactive fallout, from the all-burning and obliterating mushroom cloud.

And then there are leaders (sic-sic leaders), who this very moment boldly, non-apologetically and without any scruples and empathy for their frightened-to-death co-citizens, declare, “Many of us are pondering when things will return to normal. The short response is never.”

And Boris Johnson, the self-styled czar of the United Kingdom, continues, “We have been through too much frustration and hardship just to settle for the status quo ante – to think that life can go on as it was before the plague; and it will not… We are resolving not to go back to 2019.”

Mr. BoJo shamelessly quotes from the infamous and diabolical book, ‘Covid-19: The Great Reset’, by Klaus Schwab, founder and President of the WEF – World Economic Forum, as reported today, 8 October by RT. The Great Reset is a disaster foretold – see this and this.

The 8th of October 2020, may be just a short time away from the hypothetical Blast of Nature, that would make Covid go away for good and forever – and would obliterate the UK czar’s and WEF’s dreams.

All those mediocre and outright immoral politicians have known all the time and know today, that the luciferian game they are playing is against the very people of their countries they were elected by. Can you even call this worthless lot ‘criminal’? Doubtful. Criminal requires some kind of value. These abject individuals have none. They know they are betraying the people, their co-citizens, their compatriots, with the masquerades, with the social distancing, with the segregation into solidary confinement. They know they are killing “their people” with fear and constant, everyday fear.

They know that all of what they are propagating and lying about to make you scared, is but a miserable farce, a scam. They know the fear they impose day after day, hour after hour, makes you vulnerable to diseases, all kind of diseases, because fear kills your immune system. These masters of evil do it anyway – and coopt their aids, doctors, scientists, by threatening them, directly or indirectly with job loss, with loss of reputation — and yes, they have families and many oblige for the sake of their families.

Not all. Thanks-god for the brave who come forward in Germany, Belgium, Austria, the Netherlands, Italy, Spain, the United States – and from ever more countries, to speak the truth. Speaking Truth to Power can never be defeated.

All these high-ranking government officials, the sold-and bought ones, those without conscience, those that have sold you, who would also sell their mothers for the sake of being rewarded with positive recognition by the little dirty, devoid-of-any-ethics elite; an elite, who just want to control the world, its resources. And, not to forget – an elite who assume for themselves the right to dispose of how many people they deem worthy to live on this Blue Marvelous Planet. The masters of eugenics.

Before the hypothetical catastrophe hit, this little elite was able to buy the entire United Nations system, so as to have all 193 members, and countless UN agencies, with the World Health Organization (WHO) as their forerunner. They adopt the same cruel and unbelievable measures against a virus, that may not be more than a flu-virus, called Covid-19, a derivation of the SARS-Cov-2 virus – a virus that is no threat at all, and least a pandemic. But with the power of WHO and her billion-dollar-profit interest groups, a pandemic was declared on 11 March 2020. No justification, and no questions asked.

Covid is a man-made virus, part of a bio-war arsenal, that can at will be mutated to become fiercer. Indeed, it may most likely already exist in such mutated strings and invade different parts of the world in various forms of severity.

Now, with Covid gone – hypothetically, that is – these un-people, at the helm of the 193 UN members, as they are not deserving being called people, these 193 heads of states and their obeying lackeys, they are now fighting for themselves. The vaccines that they so cruelly were coercing you to accept – or else; or fearing you into wanting – these meekly beings, are now at the mercy of nature. And so, would be the arrogant little politician, who unwittingly triggered the hypothetical nuclear blast, that, in turn triggered other blasts of worldwide dimension, catastrophe no end. – But, but honestly – who is to blame? Of course, Russia and China.

These covid-king politicians couldn’t care less about you. These now angst-ridden politicians, once seemingly preoccupied for your health, who insistently told you to get covid-inoculated to save your skin, they so easily abandon you to safe their own skin.

They are now so adamant to seek refuge — from nature. They let covid go.

Nature may know no mercy.

Not with them, not with the rest of us, Global Northerners, who have been sleepwalking like zombies in pre-lockstep conditions, despite the numerous warnings: Decades, if not more, of preparation, the 2010 Rockefeller Report, numerous WHO commissioned preparatory reports, then Event 201, that struck on 18 October 2019 in NYC, in full sight, just a few weeks before the well-planned worldwide “outbreak of the fierce covid disease”.

We were and are being clouded by cognitive dissonance – to remain voicelessly in our comfort zones. Yes, I’m talking about us in the Global North, or we, westerners, who are so much superior to those poor people in the Global South, those that we in the Global North have exploited and ransacked for centuries, have stolen their resources and deprived them of education and of a decent livelihood.

We of the Global North, we who have obeyed the 193 crooked and dishonest heads of states and their obedient servants, their bought medical crews, we too, are now exposed without mercy to this – hypothetical – natural catastrophe – or nuclear blast – whatever fate may hypothetically have in store for us. We too deserve it.

For the grace of being recognized by our immoral leaders, puppets to a higher force, a deep state, a dark state or a non-state monster, for that recognition, for that egocentric flaw of being accepted by the powerful, we have closed our eyes and let the devil walk right over us – and into us.

Covid is gone. For good. Never came back.

Hypothetically, the world as we knew it, is gone. By Nature. Mother Earth’s cleansing. Reset, yes, but not WEF-style. So easy. Universal Reset, caused by the real forces of Mother Universe – not by our lousy, man-made, bribe-prone fiat money.

Covid is gone – from one instant to the next. That shows once more how ignorant, selfish, and unconscious we are; unconscious of our fellow human beings, those from the Global South, whom we deprived of their wealth and education, and whom, to this day, we colonize with debt and by using them as guinea pigs, for example, to test all kinds of dangerous and controversial medication, including vaccines. In their wisdom as victims they may understand sooner than we do, what  the 193 tyrannical governments are up to.

Hail to Covid. It may bring us the Light by suddenly disappearing – compliments of Nature’s Wrath.


Peter Koenig is an economist and geopolitical analyst. He is also a water resources and environmental specialist. He worked for over 30 years with the World Bank and the World Health Organization around the world in the fields of environment and water. He lectures at universities in the US, Europe and South America. He writes regularly for online journals such as Global Research; ICH; New Eastern Outlook (NEO) and more. He is the author of Implosion – An Economic Thriller about War, Environmental Destruction and Corporate Greed – fiction based on facts and on 30 years of World Bank experience around the globe. He is also a co-author of The World Order and Revolution! – Essays from the Resistance. He is a Research Associate of the Centre for Research on Globalization.

COVID: The Virus That Isn’t There: The Root Fraud Exposed

COVID: The Virus That Isn’t There: The Root Fraud Exposed

by Jon Rappoport, No More Fake News
October 9, 2020


This is a follow-up to yesterday’s article, in which I exposed the fact that the CDC does not have the COVID coronavirus in its possession, because it is “unavailable.” Their word, not mine.

The CDC is admitting the virus hasn’t been isolated. In other words, its existence is unproven.

You need to realize the CDC, during its own published confession (see below), is discussing this explosive situation in the context of instructing the world how to perform the PCR test.

The test to detect a virus that isn’t there.

This would be on the order of NASA issuing a guide for navigating a fleet of ships to a planet whose existence has not been established—and the population of the whole world is going to board those ships for the voyage.

The CDC is saying: here is how you detect the virus in a human, here is the test on which we’re going to rely, here is the test on the basis of which we’re going to identify all case numbers and demand all lockdowns—except we don’t have the virus.

Why don’t they have it?

Because they can’t isolate it. That’s obvious.

If they could isolate it, they would.

Let’s not tap dance around this central fact. Let’s not make excuses for the CDC. They have a problem the size of Jupiter. It’s their problem, not ours. But they’re foisting their problem on us, in the form of a STORY ABOUT A PANDEMIC. AND ALL THE LOCKDOWNS THAT FLOW FROM THE STORY.

To say this is unacceptable is a vast understatement. The CDC is committing a crime that has no bounds.

For months, I’ve been writing about the “missing virus” and the studies that should be done to prove it exists—real-world studies that have never been done and will never be done. Now, here is the smoking gun.

I’m aware that many scientists and doctors, who are otherwise exposing the pandemic as a fraud on legitimate grounds, don’t want to touch what I’m revealing here. I would remind them that, months ago, when some of us were already exposing the PCR test as unreliable and useless and deceptive, THAT ISSUE was too hot to touch. But now it isn’t.

The issue of the existence of the SARS-CoV-2 virus may seem as if it’s too hot, but it isn’t. It’s time to launch a full-on attack. Immediately.

The truth is only bitter for those who are hiding it.

I’m also aware there are people who have been building scenarios about how the virus is “activated.” Certain frequencies wake it up, and so on. Well, the question is: WHAT VIRUS? THE ONE THAT ISN’T THERE?

Still other people would say, “Then what are all these scientists sequencing in their labs, if it’s not the virus?” Again, not our problem. They might start with a piece of RNA, and then claim, without proof, it’s part of SARS-CoV-2; and they go to work on it. They claim anything they want to. It’s not science.

If a mechanic says he has a piece of a fender from a car that has never been seen before; if he claims he knows the car exists; but he can’t show you the car; are you going to buy his story? Are you going to invest your life-savings and life-savings of your family and friends in this car he admits is “unavailable?” Are you going to invest and go broke and sit in your home and wear a mask and keep your distance from other people and close your business and declare bankruptcy? Are you going to consent to that?

Another question that arises: if the virus is missing and has never been isolated, has never been proved to exist, what are they putting in the COVID vaccine? That’s a question that should be answered by law-enforcement agencies raiding many facilities and seizing materials and finding honest scientists who will discover what is really in the COVID vaccine brews. Waiting for that to happen…the sun could go dark first. In the meantime, do you want to take the shot in the arm?

Some people have claimed there are “animal models” which prove the coronavirus exists and is harmful, because the animals become sick, when they are “injected with the virus.” This is incorrect on two counts.

First, the animal models are supposed to progress through various species, until they arrive at animals that most closely resemble humans; chimps. The animal models being cited are mice or hamsters, which are very, very low on the totem pole.

Second, what are these mice being injected with? It’s supposed to be pure virus. But instead, it’s a soup which contains all sorts of material, including chemicals. The chemicals could be causing the animals to become ill.

Here is my breaking story about the virus that isn’t there, from yesterday:

The Smoking Gun: Where is the coronavirus? The CDC says it isn’t available.

The CDC document is titled, “CDC 2019-Novel Coronavirus (2019-nCoV) Real-Time RT-PCR Diagnostic Panel.” It is dated July 13, 2020.

Buried deep in the document, on page 39, in a section titled, “Performance Characteristics,” we have this: “Since no quantified virus isolates of the 2019-nCoV are currently available, assays [diagnostic tests] designed for detection of the 2019-nCoV RNA were tested with characterized stocks of in vitro transcribed full length RNA…”

The key phrase there is: “Since no quantified virus isolates of the 2019-nCoV are currently available…”

Every object that exists can be quantified, which is to say, measured. The use of the term “quantified” in that phrase means: the CDC has no measurable amount of the virus, because it is unavailable. THE CDC HAS NO VIRUS.

A further tip-off is the use of the word ‘isolates.” This means NO ISOLATED VIRUS IS AVAILABLE.




As if this were not enough of a revelation to shock the world, the CDC goes on to say they are presenting a diagnostic PCR test to detect the virus-that-hasn’t-been-isolated…and the test is looking for RNA which is PRESUMED to come from the virus that hasn’t been proved to exist.

And using this test, the CDC and every other public health agency in the world are counting COVID cases and deaths…and governments have instituted lockdowns and economic devastation using those case and death numbers as justification.

If people believe “you have the virus but it is not available,” and you have the virus except it is buried within other material and hasn’t been extracted and purified and isolated, these people believe the moon is made of green cheese.

This is like saying. “We have the 20 trillion dollars, they are contained somewhere in our myriad accounts, we just don’t know where.” If you don’t know where, you don’t know you have the money.

“The car keys are somewhere in the house. We just don’t where.” Really? If you don’t know where, you don’t know the keys are in the house.

“The missing cruise missile is somewhere in the arsenal, we just don’t where.” No. If you don’t know where, you don’t know the missile is in the arsenal.

“The COVID-19 virus is somewhere in the material we have—we just haven’t removed it from that material. But we know what it is and we’ve identified it and we know its structure.” NO YOU DON’T. YOU ASSUME THAT.

Science is not assumptions.

“But…but…there is a study which says a few researchers in a lab isolated the virus…”

They say they did. But in July, the CDC is saying no virus is available. I guess that means trucks were not available to bring the virus from that lab to the CDC. The trucks were out of gas. It was raining. The bridge was washed out. The trucks were in the shop. Joe, the driver, couldn’t find his mask, and he didn’t want to leave home without it…

Science is not assumptions.

The pandemic is a fraud, down to the root of the poisonous tree.

Authoritarian Hellscape

Authoritarian Hellscape

by Grace,
October 8, 2020


Original video available at reallygraceful BitChute and YouTube channels.

In this video, I talk about the responsibility of the individual, discussing the quote “When injustice becomes law, resistance becomes duty,” by using a viral video of a son being reprimanded for comforting his mother as the main example.


[As a service to protect truth from censorship, mirrored copies of this video are available at Truth Comes to Light Bitchute, Lbry, Odysee & Brighteon channels. All credit, along with our sincere thanks, goes to the original source of this video.]

The Smoking Gun: Where Is the Coronavirus? The CDC Says It Isn’t Available.

The Smoking Gun: Where Is the Coronavirus? The CDC Says It Isn’t Available.

by Jon Rappoport, No More Fake News
October 8, 2020


The CDC document is titled, “CDC 2019-Novel Coronavirus (2019-nCoV) Real-Time RT-PCR Diagnostic Panel.” It is dated July 13, 2020.

Buried deep in the document, on page 39, in a section titled, “Performance Characteristics,” we have this: “Since no quantified virus isolates of the 2019-nCoV are currently available, assays [diagnostic tests] designed for detection of the 2019-nCoV RNA were tested with characterized stocks of in vitro transcribed full length RNA…”

The key phrase there is: “Since no quantified virus isolates of the 2019-nCoV are currently available…”

Every object that exists can be quantified, which is to say, measured. The use of the term “quantified” in that phrase means: the CDC has no measurable amount of the virus, because it is unavailable. THE CDC HAS NO VIRUS.

A further tip-off is the use of the word ‘isolates.” This means NO ISOLATED VIRUS IS AVAILABLE.




As if this were not enough of a revelation to shock the world, the CDC goes on to say they are presenting a diagnostic PCR test to detect the virus-that-hasn’t-been-isolated…and the test is looking for RNA which is PRESUMED to come from the virus that hasn’t been proved to exist.

And using this test, the CDC and every other public health agency in the world are counting COVID cases and deaths…and governments have instituted lockdowns and economic devastation using those case and death numbers as justification.

If people believe “you have the virus but it is not available,” and you have the virus except it is buried within other material and hasn’t been extracted and purified and isolated, these people believe the moon is made of green cheese.

This is like saying. “We have the 20 trillion dollars, they are contained somewhere in our myriad accounts, we just don’t know where.” If you don’t know where, you don’t know you have the money.

“The car keys are somewhere in the house. We just don’t where.” Really? If you don’t know where, you don’t know the keys are in the house.

“The missing cruise missile is somewhere in the arsenal, we just don’t where.” No. If you don’t know where, you don’t know the missile is in the arsenal.

“The COVID-19 virus is somewhere in the material we have—we just haven’t removed it from that material. But we know what it is and we’ve identified it and we know its structure.” NO YOU DON’T. YOU ASSUME THAT.

Science is not assumptions.

“But…but…there is a study which says a few researchers in a lab isolated the virus…”

They say they did. But in July, the CDC is saying no virus is available. I guess that means trucks were not available to bring the virus from that lab to the CDC. The trucks were out of gas. It was raining. The bridge was washed out. The trucks were in the shop. Joe, the driver, couldn’t find his mask, and he didn’t want to leave home without it…

Science is not assumptions.

The pandemic is a fraud, down to the root of the poisonous tree.


What Could They Put in the COVID Vaccine?

What Could They Put in the COVID Vaccine?
Tiny, tiny biosensors?
From nanotechnology: “The branch of technology that deals with dimensions and tolerances of less than 100 nanometers, especially the manipulation of individual atoms and molecules.”


by Jon Rappoport, No More Fake News
October 7, 2020


We begin with excerpts from an important article at Children’s Health Defense, “Microchips, Nanotechnology and Implanted Biosensors: The New Normal?” by Pam Long. [1]

Buckle up.

“U.S. military personnel will be the first subjects in nanotechnology trials in the pursuit of optimizing health and early detection of disease outbreaks. Profusa has research contracts for bio-integrated sensors with the U.S. Department of Defense and Defense Advanced Research Projects Agency (DARPA), pending U.S. Food and Drug Administration approval in early 2021.”

“Profusa’s promotional video shows how the bio-integrated sensor enables a soldier to be tracked by remote computers using GPS in addition to monitoring real-time biomarkers, such as oxygen levels and heart rate. While this biotechnology is portrayed as potentially lifesaving to a soldier on the battlefield, the implications of GPS tracking individuals is a terrifying step towards a surveillance state in the general population. Furthermore, tracking people in stages of sickness can only result in medical tyranny in the hands of any government. The Profusa influenza study requires patients to wear the wearable version of the reader 24 hours a day, with continuous biomarker information collection into a database, and aims to detect four stages of infection: healthy, infected, asymptomatic and recovery stage. These unreliable detection stages could become the criteria for different levels of individual participation in society as experienced in the unsustainable COVID-19 state-level lockdowns for the masses.”

“This Profusa nanotechnology has three components: an inserted [implanted] sensor called hydrogel, a light-emitting fluorescent sensor reader on the surface of the skin and an electronic software component that transmits to an online database…and there is no information on how the technology could be removed, if at all. ‘Tiny biosensors that become one with the body’ could imply a lifetime commitment.”

So…implanted nano-bio sensors. Could this be taken a step further? Instead of placing the sensors just under the surface of the skin, could they be injected with a vaccine?

Are researchers interested in marrying nanotechnology and vaccines?

Here is a quote from Frontiers in Immunology, 24 January, 2019, “Nanoparticle-Based Vaccines Against Respiratory Viruses” [2]: A new generation of vaccines based on nanoparticles has shown great potential to address most of the limitations of conventional and subunit vaccines. This is due to recent advances in chemical and biological engineering, which allow the design of nanoparticles with a precise control over the size, shape, functionality and surface properties, leading to enhanced antigen presentation and strong immunogenicity. This short review provides an overview of the advantages associated with the use of nanoparticles as vaccine delivery platforms to immunize against respiratory viruses…” [such as the purported COVID-19 virus?]

Here is another quote, also from Frontiers in Immunology, October 4, 2018, “Nanoparticle Vaccines Against Infectious Diseases” [3]: In the last several years, the use of nanoparticle-based vaccines has received a great attention to improve vaccine efficacy, immunization strategies, and targeted delivery to achieve desired immune responses at the cellular level…Nanocarriers composed of lipids, proteins, metals or polymers have already been used…This review article focuses on the applications of nanocarrier-based vaccine formulations and the strategies used for the functionalization of nanoparticles to accomplish efficient delivery of vaccines in order to induce desired host immunity against infectious diseases.”

There can be no doubt that nanotechnology is, indeed, very much involved in cutting-edge vaccine research.

Here are astonishing quotes from the journal Nano Today, from a 2019 paper titled: “Nanowire probes could drive high-resolution brain-machine interfaces.” [4] Its authors are Chinese and American:

“…advances can enable investigations of dynamics in the brain [through nano-sensor-implants] and drive the development of new brain-machine interfaces with unprecedented resolution and precision.”

“…output electrical signals of brain activity or input electrical stimuli to modulate brain activity in concert with external machines, including computer processors and prosthetics, for human enhancement…”

Aside from research into prosthetics and, perhaps, the reversal of certain paralyses, this avenue of investigation also suggests “modulation” of the brain remotely connected to machines, for the purpose of control.

Modulation…such as control of basic thought-impulses, sensations, emotions?

ONE: Nano-sensors, implanted in the body and brain, would issue real time data-reports on body/brain functioning to ops centers.

TWO: And from those ops centers, data—including instructions—would be sent back to the nano-sensors, which would impose those instructions on the brain and body.

If this seems impossible, consider nanotech research aimed at improving the use of prosthetics. In that field, imposing instructions on the body/brain appears to be the whole point.

The question is: how far along the road of development is this technology? I can only say we are seeing the public published face of nanotech. What lies behind it, in secret research, is a matter for estimation and speculation.

I offer one speculation: the “promotion” of the social agenda of collectivist thought, through nanotech. Utilizing the Internet of Things, an attempt would be made to hook up and “harmonize” many, many brains with one another. Same basic feelings, same impulses—shared.

Who would be interested in such a program? Think Chinese government, DARPA (the technology arm of the Pentagon), and numerous other international actors. Think Rockefeller medical researchers. Think technocracy and Brave New World.

But wait. Suppose untold numbers of nanoparticles are ALREADY in traditional vaccines? And suppose we have no idea how they got there? Or whether they are “only” dangerous contaminants that could affect human health in many damaging ways…or are some of them ALSO nanosensors that can receive and transmit information? Do these contaminating nanoparticles represent an earlier stage of research in implantation of vaccine-nanos into humans?

A 2017 study of 44 types of 15 traditional vaccines, manufactured by leading global companies, has uncovered a very troubling and previously unreported fact:

The vaccines are heavily contaminated with a variety of nanoparticles.

Many of the particles are metals.

We’re talking about traditional vaccines, such as HPV, flu, Swine Flu, Hepatitis B, MMR, DPT, tetanus, etc.

To begin to understand some of the destructive effects of contaminating nanoparticles in vaccines, here is the groundbreaking 2017 study: [5]

International Journal of Vaccines & Vaccination
Volume 4 Issue 1
January 23 2017
New Quality-Control Investigations on Vaccines:
Micro- and Nanocontamination
Antonietta M Gatti and Stefano Montanari

“The analyses carried out show that in all samples checked vaccines contain non biocompatible and bio-persistent foreign bodies which are not declared by the Producers, against which the body reacts in any case. This new investigation represents a new quality control that can be adopted to assess the safety of a vaccine. Our hypothesis is that this contamination is unintentional, since it is probably due to polluted components or procedures of industrial processes (e.g. filtrations) used to produce vaccines…”

Are the study authors leaving the door open to the possibility that the contamination is intentional?

“The quantity of foreign bodies detected and, in some cases, their unusual chemical compositions baffled us. The inorganic particles identified are neither biocompatible nor biodegradable, that means that they are biopersistent and can induce effects that can become evident either immediately close to injection time or after a certain time from administration. It is important to remember that particles (crystals and not molecules) are bodies foreign to the organism and they behave as such. More in particular, their toxicity is in some respects different from that of the chemical elements composing them, adding to that toxicity…they induce an inflammatory reaction.”

“After being injected, those microparticles, nanoparticles and aggregates can stay around the injection site forming swellings and granulomas…But they can also be carried by the blood circulation, escaping any attempt to guess what will be their final destination…As happens with all foreign bodies, particularly that small, they induce an inflammatory reaction that is chronic because most of those particles cannot be degraded. Furthermore, the protein-corona effect…due to a nano-bio-interaction…can produce organic/inorganic composite particles capable of stimulating the immune system in an undesirable way…It is impossible not to add that particles the size often observed in vaccines can enter cell nuclei and interact with the DNA…”

“In some cases, e.g. as occurs with Iron and some Iron alloys, they can corrode and the corrosion products exert a toxicity affecting the tissues…”

“Given the contaminations we observed in all samples of human-use vaccines, adverse effects after the injection of those vaccines are possible and credible and have the character of randomness, since they depend on where the contaminants are carried by the blood circulation. It is only obvious that similar quantities of these foreign bodies can have a more serious impact on very small organisms like those of children. Their presence in the muscles…could heavily impair the muscle functionality…”

“We come across particles with chemical compositions, similar to those found in the vaccines we analyzed, when we study cases of environmental contamination caused by different pollution sources. In most circumstances, the combinations detected are very odd as they have no technical use, cannot be found in any material handbook and look like the result of the random formation occurring, for example, when waste is burnt. In any case, whatever their origin, they should not be present in any injectable medicament, let alone in vaccines, more in particular those meant for infants.”

This 2017 study opens up a whole new field: the investigation of nanoparticles in vaccines where none were expected.

Such particles are not medicine in any sense of the word.

Many legal and scientific “experts” assert the State has a right to mandate vaccines and force them on the population. But these contaminating nanoparticles are not vaccines or medicines. Only a lunatic would defend the right of the State to inject them.

Here is another section from the 2017 study. Trade names of vaccines, and compositions of the nanoparticle contaminants are indicated.

“…further presence of micro-, sub-micro- and nanosized, inorganic, foreign bodies (ranging from 100nm to about ten microns) was identified in all cases [all 44 vaccines], whose presence was not declared in the leaflets delivered in the package of the product…”

“…single particles, cluster of micro- and nanoparticles (<100nm) and aggregates…debris of Aluminum, Silicon, Magnesium and Titanium; of Iron, Chromium, Silicon and Calcium particles…arranged in a cluster, and Aluminum-Copper debris…in an aggregate.”

“…the particles are surrounded and embedded in a biological substrate. In all the samples analyzed, we identified particles containing: Lead (Typhym, Cervarix, Agrippal S1, Meningitec, Gardasil) or stainless steel (Mencevax, Infarix Hexa, Cervarix. Anatetall, Focetria, Agrippal S1, Menveo, Prevenar 13, Meningitec, Vaxigrip, Stamaril Pasteur, Repevax and MMRvaxPro).”

“…particles of Tungsten identified in drops of Prevenar and Infarix (Aluminum, Tungsten, Calcium chloride).”

“…singular debris found in Repevax (Silicon, Gold, Silver) and Gardasil (Zirconium).”

“Some metallic particles made of Tungsten or stainless steel were also identified. Other particles containing Zirconium, Hafnium, Strontium and Aluminum (Vivotif, Meningetec); Tungsten, Nickel, Iron (Priorix, Meningetec); Antimony (Menjugate kit); Chromium (Meningetec); Gold or Gold, Zinc (Infarix Hexa, Repevax), or Platinum, Silver, Bismuth, Iron, Chromium (MMRvaxPro) or Lead,Bismuth (Gardasil) or Cerium (Agrippal S1) were also found. The only Tungsten appears in 8/44 vaccines, while Chromium (alone or in alloy with Iron and Nickel) in 25/44. The investigations revealed that some particles are embedded in a biological substrate, probably proteins, endo-toxins and residues of bacteria. As soon as a particle comes in contact with proteic fluids, a nano-bio-interaction…occurs and a ‘protein corona’ is formed…The nano-bio-interaction generates a bigger-sized compound that is not biodegradable and can induce adverse effects, since it is not recognized as self by the body.”

“…examples of these nano-bio-interactions. Aggregates can be seen (stable composite entities) containing particles of Lead in Meningitec… of stainless steel (Iron, Chromium and Nickel…) and of Copper, Zinc and Lead in Cervarix…Similar aggregates, though in different situations (patients suffering from leukemia or cryoglobulinemia), have already been described in literature.”

I’m sure you’ve read official assurances that vaccine-manufacturing problems are “rare.” You can file those pronouncements along with other medical lies.

“I’d like the heavy metal sandwich on rye, please. And instead of serving it on a plate, can you inject it?”

—It’s obvious from what I’ve written so far in this article that research and development of nanoparticles as vaccine components is far along. And while much of what is already in the vaccines may be nano-contamination, there has also been a very strong push to refine the research—INSERT NANO SENSORS IN THE BODY AND BRAIN THAT WOULD RECEIVE AND TRANSMIT INFORMATION AND INSTRUCTIONS.

Just to give you an idea of how important nanoparticles-in-vaccines is to the pharmaceutical establishment, here is what happened to the two Italian researchers who uncovered the presence of nanos in traditional vaccines, the authors of the study I quoted from above:

James Grundvig, at and the World Mercury Project, reported (3/7/18): [6]

“Last week, the Italian police raided the home and science laboratory of Drs. Antonietta Gatti and Stefano Montanari. The police snatched all of the digital assets owned by the husband and wife team of nanopathologists, grabbing laptops, computers, and flash-drives—and with it, years of work and research.”

“Because Gatti and Montanari had taken their research of nanodust and nanoparticles…to what unseen contamination might reside in vaccines in 2016, they came under the microscope of the United States, European, and Italian authorities. They had touched the third rail of medicine. They had crossed the no-go zone with the purported crime being scientific research and discovery. By finding nano-contamination in random vaccines, Gatti and Montanari revealed, for the first time, what no one knew: Vaccines had more than aluminum salts adjuvants, Polysorbate-80, and other inorganic chemicals in them, they also harbored stainless steel, tungsten, copper, and other metals and rare elements that don’t belong in shots given to fetuses, pregnant women, newborns, babies and toddlers developing their lungs, immune and nervous systems.”

“When the scientists published their findings in January 2017, “New Quality‐Control Investigations on Vaccines: Micro‐ and Nanocontamination,” the logical next step for the World Health Organization (WHO) and the Centers for Disease Control (CDC) should have been to open an investigation into their claims, hire independent scientists to run their own lab tests to confirm or refute the findings. If confirmed, then the healthcare agencies would enact new policies on safety of the vaccine supply chain, and enforce strict quality control and quality assurance programs.”

“But none of that happened. A year went by. It was cheaper for the authorities to attack the Italian scientists than upset the vaccine gravy train that supports the politicians.”

Now, it appears we are on the cusp of an approval for one vaccine, the COVID shot, to be certified for injection into every person in the world.

What better opportunity for implanting nanotech particles in humans?

Here is just one example:

New England Journal of Medicine, September 2, 2020; “Phase 1–2 Trial of a SARS-CoV-2 Recombinant Spike Protein Nanoparticle Vaccine.” [7]

“rSARS-CoV-2, developed by Novavax and manufactured at Emergent Biosolutions, is a recombinant nanoparticle vaccine constructed from the full-length (i.e., including the transmembrane domain), wild-type SARS-CoV-2 spike glycoprotein…”

“We initiated a randomized, placebo-controlled, phase 1–2 trial to evaluate the safety and immunogenicity of the rSARS-CoV-2 vaccine (in 5-μg and 25-μg doses, with or without Matrix-M1 adjuvant, and with observers unaware of trial-group assignments) in 131 healthy adults. In phase 1, vaccination comprised two intramuscular injections, 21 days apart…”

It’s happening. It’s in progress.

What is on the horizon? Through the use of implanted nanosenors that can receive instructions, the enactment of an agenda of collectivist thought. An attempt would be made to hook up and “harmonize” many, many brains with one another. Same basic feelings, same impulses—shared…

Who would be interested in such a program? Think Chinese government, DARPA (the technology arm of the Pentagon), and numerous other international actors. Think Rockefeller medical researchers. Think technocracy and Brave New World.









Transcript of Dr. Reiner Fuellmich’s “Crimes Against Humanity” | Announcing the Largest International Class Action Tort Case in World History

Transcript of Dr. Reiner Fuellmich’s “Crimes Against Humanity” | Announcing the Largest International Class Action Tort Case in World History

Transcript created by Truth Comes to Light
October 7, 2020


This is an unofficial transcript of Dr. Reiner Fuellmich’s “Crimes Against Humanity” video, published on Octber 3, 2020.

See Dr. Reiner Fuellmich’s powerful, inspiring video here:

Hello. I am Reiner Fuellmich and I have been admitted to the Bar in Germany and in California for 26 years.

I have been practicing law, primarily as a trial lawyer, against fraudulent corporations such as
Deutsche Bank, formerly one of the world’s largest and most respected banks, today one of the most toxic criminal organizations in the world; VW, one of the world’s largest and most respected car manufacturers, today notorious for its giant diesel fraud; and Kuehne+Nagel, the world’s largest shipping company. We’re suing them in a multi-million-dollar bribery case.

I’m also one of four members of the German Corona Investigative Committee. Since July 10th 2020, this Committee has been listening to a large number of international scientists’ and experts’ testimony to find answers to questions about the corona crisis, which more and more people worldwide are asking.

All the above-mentioned cases of corruption and fraud committed by the German corporations pale in comparison in view of the extent of the damage that the corona crisis has caused and continues to cause.

This corona crisis, according to all we know today, must be renamed a “Corona Scandal” and those responsible for it must be criminally prosecuted and sued for civil damages.

On a political level, everything must be done to make sure that no one will ever again be in a position of such power as to be able to defraud humanity or to attempt to manipulate us with their corrupt agendas.

And for this reason, I will now explain to you how and where an international network of lawyers will argue this biggest tort case ever, “The Corona Fraud Scandal”, which has meanwhile unfolded into probably the greatest crime against humanity ever committed.

“Crimes against humanity” were first defined in connection with the Nuremberg trials — after World War II, that is — when they dealt with the main war criminals of the Third Reich.

“Crimes against humanity” are today regulated in Section 7 of the International Criminal Code.

The three major questions to be answered in the context of a judicial approach to the Corona Scandal are:

1) Is there a corona pandemic or is there only a PCR-test pandemic? Specifically, does a positive PCR-test result mean that the person tested is infected with Covid-19, or does it mean absolutely nothing in connection with the Covid-19 infection?

2) Do the so-called anti-corona measures, such as the lockdown, mandatory face masks, social distancing, and quarantine regulations, serve to protect the world’s population from corona? Or do these measures serve only to make people panic so that they believe, without asking any questions, that their lives are in danger — so that, in the end, the pharmaceutical and tech industries can generate huge profits from the sale of PCR tests, antigen and antibody tests and vaccines, as well as the harvesting of our genetic fingerprints?

3) Is it true that the German government was massively lobbied, more so than any other country, by the chief protagonists of this so-called corona pandemic (Mr. Drosten, virologist at Charité Hospital in Berlin; Mr. Wieler, veterinarian and head of the German equivalent of the CDC, the RKI; and Mr. Tedros, head of the World Health Organization or WHO) because Germany is known as a particularly disciplined country and was therefore to become a role model for the rest of the world for its strict and, of course, successful adherence to the corona measures?

Answers to these three questions are urgently needed because the allegedly new and highly dangerous coronavirus has not caused any excess mortality anywhere in the world, and certainly not here in Germany.

But the anti-corona measures, whose only basis are the PCR-test results, which are in turn all based on the German Drosten test, have, in the meantime, caused the loss of innumerable human lives and have destroyed the economic existence of countless companies and individuals worldwide.

In Australia, for example, people are thrown into prison if they do not wear a mask or do not wear it properly, as deemed by the authorities.

In the Philippines, people who do not wear a mask or do not wear it properly, in this sense, are getting shot in the head.

Let me first give you a summary of the facts as they present themselves today.

The most important thing in a lawsuit is to establish the facts — that is, to find out what actually happened. That is because the application of the law always depends on the facts at issue. If I want to prosecute someone for fraud, I cannot do that by presenting the facts of a car accident. So what happened here regarding the alleged corona pandemic?

The facts laid out below are, to a large extent, the result of the work of the Corona Investigative Committee. This Committee was founded on July 10th by four lawyers in order to determine, through hearing expert testimony of international scientists and other experts.

1) How dangerous is the virus really?

2) What is the significance of a positive PCR test?

3) What collateral damage has been caused by the corona measures, both with respect to the world population’s health, and with respect to the world’s economy?

Let me start with a little bit of background information.

What happened in May 2019 and then in early 2020? And what happened 12 years earlier with the swine flu, which many of you may have forgotten about?

In May 2019, the stronger of the two parties which govern Germany in a grand coalition, the CDU, held a Congress on Global Health, apparently at the instigation of important players from the pharmaceutical industry and the tech industry.

At this Congress, the usual suspects, you might say, gave their speeches. Angela Merkel was there, and the German Secretary of Health, Jens Spahn.

But, some other people, whom one would not necessarily expect to be present at such a gathering, were also there: Professor Drosten, virologist from the Charité Hospital in Berlin; Professor Wieler, veterinarian and head of the RKI, the German equivalent of the CDC; as well as Mr. Tedros, philosopher and head of the World Health Organization (WHO). They all gave speeches there.

Also present and giving speeches were the chief lobbyists of the world’s two largest health funds, namely the Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation and the Wellcome Trust.

Less than a year later, these very people called the shots in the proclamation of the worldwide corona pandemic, made sure that mass PCR tests were used to prove mass infections with Covid-19 all over the world, and are now pushing for vaccines to be invented and sold worldwide.

These infections, or rather the positive test results that the PCR tests delivered, in turn became the justification for worldwide lockdowns, social distancing and mandatory face masks.

It is important to note at this point that the definition of a pandemic was changed 12 years earlier. Until then, a pandemic was considered to be a disease that spread worldwide and which led to many serious illnesses and deaths. Suddenly, and for reasons never explained, it was supposed to be a worldwide disease only. Many serious illnesses and many deaths were not required any more to announce a pandemic.

Due to this change, the WHO, which is closely intertwined with the global pharmaceutical industry, was able to declare the swine flu pandemic in 2009, with the result that vaccines were produced and sold worldwide on the basis of contracts that have been kept secret until today.

These vaccines proved to be completely unnecessary because the swine flu eventually turned out to be a mild flu, and never became the horrific plague that the pharmaceutical industry and its affiliated universities kept announcing it would turn into — with millions of deaths certain to happen if people didn’t get vaccinated.

These vaccines also led to serious health problems. About 700 children in Europe fell incurably ill with narcolepsy and are now forever severely disabled.

The vaccines bought with millions of taxpayers’ money had to be destroyed with even more taxpayers’ money. Already then, during the swine flu, the German virologist Drosten was one of those who stirred up panic in the population, repeating over and over again that the swine flu would claim many hundreds of thousands, even millions of deaths all over the world.

In the end, it was mainly thanks to Dr. Wolfgang Wodarg and his efforts as a member of the German Bundestag, and also a member of the Council of Europe, that this hoax was brought to an end before it would lead to even more serious consequences.

Fast forward to March of 2020. When the German Bundestag announced an Epidemic Situation of National Importance — which is the German equivalent of a pandemic — in March of 2020 and, based on this, the lockdown, with the suspension of all essential constitutional rights for an unforeseeable time, there was only one single opinion on which the federal government in Germany based its decision.

In an outrageous violation of the universally accepted principle “audiatur et altera pars”, which means that one must also hear the other side, the only person they listened to was Mr. Drosten.

That is the very person whose horrific, panic-inducing prognoses had proved to be catastrophically false 12 years earlier. We know this because a whistleblower named David Sieber, a member of the Green Party, told us about it. He did so first on August 29th 2020 in Berlin, in the context of an event at which Robert F. Kennedy, Jr. also took part, and at which both men gave speeches. And he did so afterwards in one of the sessions of our Corona Committee.

The reason he did this is that he had become increasingly sceptical about the official narrative propagated by politicians and the mainstream media. He had, therefore, undertaken an effort to find out about other scientists’ opinions and had found them on the internet.

There, he realized that there were a number of highly-renowned scientists who held a completely different opinion, which contradicted the horrific prognoses of Mr. Drosten.

They assumed, and still do assume, that there was no disease that went beyond the gravity of the seasonal flu — that the population had already acquired cross- or T-cell immunity against this allegedly new virus, and that there was, therefore, no reason for any special measures. And certainly not for vaccinations.

These scientists include: Professor John Ioannidis of Stanford University in California, a specialist in statistics and epidemiology, as well as public health, and at the same time the most quoted scientist in the world; Professor Michael Levitt, Nobel prize-winner for chemistry and also a biophysicist at Stanford University; the German professors Karin Mölling, Sucharit Bhakdi, Knut Wittkowski, as well as Stefan Homburg; and now many, many more scientists and doctors worldwide, including Dr. Mike Yeadon.

Dr. Mike Yeadon is the former vice president and Scientific Director of Pfizer, one of the largest pharmaceutical companies in the world. I will talk some more about him a little later.

At the end of March / beginning of April of 2020, Mr. Sieber turned to the leadership of his Green Party with the knowledge he had accumulated, and suggested that they present these other scientific opinions to the public and explain that, contrary to Mr. Drosten’s doomsday prophecies, there was no reason for the public to panic.

Incidentally, Lord Sumption, who served as a judge at the British Supreme Court from 2012 to 2018, had done the very same thing at the very same time and had come to the very same conclusion: that there was no factual basis for panic and no legal basis for the corona measures.

Likewise, the former president of the German federal constitutional court expressed, albeit more cautiously, serious doubts that the corona measures were constitutional. But instead of taking note of these other opinions and discussing them with David Sieber, the Green Party leadership declared that Mr. Drosten’s panic messages were good enough for the Green Party. Remember, they’re not a member of the ruling coalition; they’re the opposition. Still, that was enough for them, just as it had been good enough for the federal government as a basis for its lockdown decision, they said.

They subsequently — the Green Party leadership — called David Sieber a conspiracy theorist without ever having considered the content of his information, and then stripped him of his mandates.

Now let’s take a look at the current actual situation regarding the virus’s danger, the complete uselessness of PCR tests for the detection of infections, and the lockdowns based on non-existent infections.

In the meantime, we know that the health care systems were never in danger of becoming overwhelmed by Covid-19. On the contrary, many hospitals remain empty to this day and some are now facing bankruptcy.

The hospital ship Comfort, which anchored in New York at the time, and could have accommodated a thousand patients, never accommodated more than some 20 patients.

Nowhere was there any excess mortality. Studies carried out by Professor Ioannidis and others have shown that the mortality of corona is equivalent to that of the seasonal flu.

Even the pictures from Bergamo and New York, that were used to demonstrate to the world that panic was in order, proved to be deliberately misleading.

Then, the so-called “panic paper” was leaked, which was written by the German Department of the Interior. Its classified content shows, beyond a shadow of a doubt, that, in fact, the population was deliberately driven to panic by politicians and mainstream media.

The accompanying irresponsible statements of the head of the RKI (remember the CDC), Mr. Wieler, who repeatedly and excitedly announced that the corona measures must be followed unconditionally by the population without them asking any question, shows that he followed the script verbatim. In his public statements, he kept announcing that the situation was very grave and threatening, although the figures compiled by his own institute proved the exact opposite.

Among other things, the “panic paper” calls for children to be made to feel responsible, and I quote: “for the painful, tortured death of their parents and grandparents if they do not follow the corona rules”, that is, if they do not wash their hands constantly and don’t stay away from their grandparents.

A word of clarification: In Bergamo, the vast majority of deaths, 94% to be exact, turned out to be the result not of Covid-19, but rather the consequence of the government deciding to transfer sick patients — sick with probably the cold or seasonal flu — from hospitals to nursing homes in order to make room at the hospitals for all the Covid patients, who ultimately never arrived.

There, at the nursing homes, they then infected old people with a severely weakened immune system, usually as a result of pre-existing medical conditions.

In addition, a flu vaccination, which had previously been administered, had further weakened the immune systems of the people in the nursing homes.

In New York, only some, but by far not all, hospitals were overwhelmed.

Many people — most of whom were, again, elderly and had serious pre-existing medical conditions and most of whom, had it not been for the panic mongering, would have just stayed at home to recover — raced to the hospitals.

There, many of them fell victim to healthcare-associated infections (or nosocomial infections) on the one hand, and incidents of malpractice on the other hand — for example, by being put on a respirator rather than receiving oxygen through an oxygen mask.

Again, to clarify: Covid-19, this is the current state of affairs, is a dangerous disease. Just like the seasonal flu is a dangerous disease. And of course, Covid-19, just like the seasonal flu, may sometimes take take a severe clinical course and will sometimes kill patients.

However, as autopsies have shown — which were carried out in Germany, in particular by the forensic scientist Professor Klaus Püschel, in Hamburg — the fatalities he examined had almost all been caused by serious pre-existing conditions and almost all of the people who had died, had died at a very old age just like in Italy. Meaning they had lived beyond their average life expectancy.

In this context, the following should also be mentioned: the German RKI – that is, again, the equivalent of the CDC – had initially, strangely enough, recommended that no autopsies be performed.

And there are numerous credible reports that doctors and hospitals worldwide had been paid money for declaring a deceased person a victim of Covid-19 rather than writing down the true cause of death on the death certificate — for example, a heart attack or a gunshot wound.

Without the autopsies, we would never know that the overwhelming majority of the alleged Covid-19 victims had died of completely different diseases, but not of Covid-19. The assertion that the lockdown was necessary because there were so many different infections with SARS-CoV-2, and because the healthcare systems would be overwhelmed is wrong for three reasons, as we have learned from the hearings we conducted with the Corona Committee, and from other data that has become available in the meantime.

a) The lockdown was imposed when the virus was already retreating. By the time the lockdown was imposed, the alleged infection rates were already dropping again.

b) There’s already protection from the virus because of cross- or T-cell immunity. Apart from the above mentioned lockdown being imposed when the infection rates were already dropping, there is also cross- or T-cell immunity in the general population against the corona viruses contained in every flu or influenza wave.

This is true, even if this time around, a slightly different strain of the coronavirus was at work. And that is because the body’s own immune system remembers every virus it has ever battled in the past, and from this experience, it also recognizes a supposedly new, but still similar, strain of the virus from the corona family. Incidentally, that’s how the PCR test for the detection of an infection was invented by now infamous Professor Drosten.

At the beginning of January of 2020, based on this very basic knowledge, Mr. Drosten developed his PCR test, which supposedly detects an infection with SARS-CoV-2, without ever having seen the real Wuhan virus from China.

Only having learned from social media reports that there was something going on in Wuhan, he started tinkering on his computer with what would become his corona PCR test.

For this, he used an old SARS virus, hoping it would be sufficiently similar to the allegedly new strain of the coronavirus found in Wuhan. Then, he sent the result of his computer tinkering to China to determine whether the victims of the alleged new coronavirus tested positive. They did.

And that was enough for the World Health Organization to sound the pandemic alarm and to recommend the worldwide use of the Drosten PCR test for the detection of infections with the virus now called SARS-CoV-2.

Drosten’s opinion and advice was — this must be emphasized once again — the only source for the German government when it announced the lockdown as well as the rules for social distancing and the mandatory wearing of masks.

And, this must also be emphasized once again — Germany, apparently, became the centre of, especially, massive lobbying by the pharmaceutical and tech industry because the world was referenced to the allegedly disciplined Germans, should do as the Germans do, in order to survive the pandemic.

c) And this is the most important part of our fact-finding. The PCR test is being used on the basis of false statements, not based on scientific facts with respect to infections. In the meantime, we have learned that these PCR tests, contrary to the assertions of Messrs. Drosten, Wieler and the WHO, do not give any indication of an infection with any virus let alone an infection with SARS-CoV-2.

Not only are PCR tests expressly not approved for diagnostic purposes — as is correctly noted on leaflets coming with these tests, and as the inventor of the PCR test, Kary Mullis, has repeatedly emphasized. Instead, they’re simply incapable of diagnosing any disease.

That is, contrary to the assertions of Drosten, Wieler and the WHO, which they have been making since the proclamation of the pandemic, a positive PCR test result does not mean that an infection is present.

If someone tests positive, it does not mean that they’re infected with anything let alone with the contagious SARS-CoV-2 virus. Even the United States CDC, even this institution, agrees with this and I quote directly from page 38 of one of its publications on the coronavirus and the PCR tests, dated July 13 2020:

First bullet point says: “Detection of viral RNA may not indicate the presence of infectious virus or that 2019 nCoV is the causative agent for clinical symptoms.”

Second bullet point says: “The performance of this test has not been established for monitoring treatment of two threat 2019 nCoV infection.”

Third bullet point says: “This test cannot rule out diseases caused by other bacterial or viral pathogens.”

It is still not clear whether there has ever been a scientifically-correct isolation of the Wuhan virus, so that nobody knows exactly what we’re looking for when we test — especially, since this virus, just like the flu viruses, mutates quickly.

The PCR swabs take one or two sequences of a molecule that are invisible to the human eye, and therefore need to be amplified in many cycles to make it visible. Everything over 35 cycles is, as reported by the New York Times and others, considered completely unreliable and scientifically unjustifiable.

However, the Drosten test, as well as the WHO-recommended tests that followed his example, are set to 45 cycles. Can that be because of the desire to produce as many positive results as possible and, thereby, provide the basis for the false assumption that a large number of infections have been detected?

The test cannot distinguish inactive and reproductive matter.

That means that a positive result may happen because the test detects, for example, a piece of debris — a fragment of a molecule, which may signal nothing else more than the immune system of the person tested won a battle with a common cold in the past.

Even Drosten himself declared in an interview with a German business magazine in 2014 — at that time concerning the alleged detection of an infection with the MERS virus, allegedly with the help of the PCR test — that these PCR tests are so highly sensitive that even very healthy and non-infectious people may test positive.

At that time, he also became very much aware of the powerful role of a panic and fear-mongering media, as you’ll see at the end of the following quote.

He said then, in this interview: “If, for example, such a pathogen scurries over the nasal mucosa of a nurse for a day or so without her getting sick or noticing anything, then she’s suddenly a MERS case.

This could also explain the explosion of case numbers in Saudi Arabia. In addition, the media there have made this into an incredible sensation.”

Has he forgotten this? Or is he deliberately concealing this in the corona context because corona is a very lucrative business opportunity for the pharmaceutical industry as a whole, and for Mr. Alford Lund, his co-author in many studies, and also a PCR test producer?

In short, this test cannot detect any infection, contrary to all false claims stating that it can.

An infection, a so-called hot infection, requires that the virus, or rather a fragment of a molecule which may be a virus, is not just found somewhere — for example, in the throat of a person without causing any damage (that would be a cold infection).

Rather, a hot infection requires that the virus penetrates into the cells, replicates there and causes symptoms such as headaches or a sore throat. Only then is a person really infected in the sense of a hot infection, because only then is a person contagious — that is able to infect others. Until then, it is completely harmless for both the host and all other people that the host comes into contact with.

Once again, this means that positive test results, contrary to all other claims by Drosten, Wieler or the WHO mean nothing with respect to infections, as even the CDC knows, as quoted above.

Meanwhile, a number of highly-respected scientists worldwide assume that there has never been a corona pandemic, but only a PCR test pandemic.

This is the conclusion reached by many German scientists such as professors Bhakdi, Reiss, Mölling, Hockerts, Walach and many others — including the above mentioned Professor John Ioannidis and the Nobel laureate, Professor Michael Levitt, from Stanford University.

The most recent such opinion is that of the aforementioned Dr. Mike Yeadon, a former vice president and chief science officer at Pfizer, who held this position for 16 years. He and his co-authors, all well-known scientists, published a scientific paper in September of 2020 and he wrote a corresponding magazine article on September 20th 2020.

Among other things, he and they state, and I quote:

“We’re basing our government policy, our economic policy and the policy of restricting fundamental rights presumably on completely wrong data and assumptions about the coronavirus. If it weren’t for the test results that are constantly reported in the media, the pandemic would be over, because nothing really happened.

“Of course, there are some serious individual cases of illness but there are also some in every flu epidemic. There was a real wave of disease in March and April but since then everything has gone back to normal. Only the positive results rise and sink wildly again and again, depending on how many tests are carried out. But the real cases of illnesses are over.

“There can be no talk of a second wave.

“The allegedly new strain of the coronavirus is”, Dr Yeadon continues, “only new in that it is a new type of the long known coronavirus.

“There are at least four coronaviruses that are endemic and cause some of the common colds we experience, especially in winter. They all have a striking sequence similarity to the coronavirus, and because the human immune system recognises the similarity to the virus that has now allegedly been newly discovered, a t-cell immunity has long existed in this respect.

“Thirty percent of the population had this before the allegedly-new virus even appeared. Therefore, it is sufficient for the so-called herd immunity that 15 to 25 percent of the population are infected with the allegedly-new coronavirus to stop the further spread of the virus. And this has long been the case.”

Regarding the all-important PCR tests, Yeadon writes in a piece called: ‘Lies, Damned Lies and Health Statistics – the Deadly Danger of False Positives’ dated September 20th 2020, and I quote: “The likelihood of an apparently positive case being a false positive is between 89 to 94 percent or near certainty.”

Dr. Yeadon, in agreement with the professors of immunology Kamera from Germany, Kappel from the Netherlands, and Cahill from Ireland, as well as the microbiologist Dr. Arve from Austria, all of whom testified before the German Corona Committee, explicitly points out that a positive test does not mean that an intact virus has been found.

The authors explain that what the PCR test actually measures is, and I quote: “…simply the presence of partial RNA sequences present in the intact virus, which could be a piece of dead virus, which cannot make the subject sick, and cannot be transmitted, and cannot make anyone else sick.”

Because of the complete unsuitability of the test for the detection of infectious diseases — tested positive in goats, sheep, papayas and even chicken wings — Oxford Professor Carl Heneghan, Director of the Centre for Evidence-Based Medicine, writes that the Covid virus would never disappear if this test practice were to be continued, but would always be falsely detected in much of what is tested.

Lockdowns, as Yeadon and his colleagues found out, do not work.

Sweden, with its laissez-faire approach, and Great Britain, with its strict lockdown, for example, have completely comparable disease and mortality statistics. The same was found by US scientists concerning the different US states. It makes no difference to the incidence of disease whether a state implements a lockdown or not.

With regard to the now infamous Imperial College of London’s Professor Neil Ferguson and his completely false computer models warning of millions of deaths, he says that, and I quote: “No serious scientist gives any validity to Ferguson’s model.” He points out with thinly veiled contempt — again, I quote:

“It’s important that you know, most scientists don’t accept that it (that is, Ferguson’s model) was even faintly right. But the government is still wedded to the model.”

Ferguson predicted 40 thousand corona deaths in Sweden by May and a hundred thousand by June, but it remained at 5,800 which, according to the Swedish authorities, is equivalent to a mild flu.

If the PCR tests had not been used as a diagnostic tool for corona infections, there would not be a pandemic and there would be no lockdowns. But everything would have been perceived as just a medium or light wave of influenza, these scientists conclude.

Dr. Yeadon in his piece “Lies, Damned Lies and Health Statistics: The Deadly Danger of False Positives“, writes: “This test is fatally flawed and must immediately be withdrawn and never used again in this setting, unless shown to be fixed.” And, towards the end of that article, “I have explained how a hopelessly performing diagnostic test has been, and continues to be used, not for diagnosis of disease, but it seems solely to create fear”.

Now let’s take a look at the current actual situation regarding the severe damage caused by the lockdowns and other measures.

Another detailed paper, written by a German official in the Department of the Interior, who is responsible for risk assessment and the protection of the population against risks, was leaked recently. It is now called the “false alarm” paper.

This paper comes to the conclusion that there was, and is, no sufficient evidence for serious health risks for the population as claimed by Drosten, Wieler and the WHO. But, the author says, there’s very much evidence of the corona measures causing gigantic health and economic damage to the population, which he then describes in detail in this paper. This, he concludes, will lead to very high claims for damages, which the government will be held responsible for. This has now become reality, but the paper’s author was suspended.

More and more scientists, but also lawyers, recognize that, as a result of the deliberate panic-mongering, and the corona measures enabled by this panic, democracy is in great danger of being replaced by fascist totalitarian models.

As I already mentioned above, in Australia, people who do not wear the masks — which more and more studies show, are hazardous to health — or, who allegedly do not wear them correctly, are arrested, handcuffed and thrown into jail.

In the Philippines, they run the risk of getting shot.

But even in Germany, and in other previously civilized countries, children are taken away from their parents if they do not comply with quarantine regulations, distance regulations, and mask-wearing regulations.

According to psychologists and psychotherapists who testified before the Corona Committee, children are traumatized en masse, with the worst psychological consequences yet to be expected in the medium and long-term.

In Germany alone, 500,000 to 800,000 bankruptcies are expected in the fall to strike small and medium-sized businesses, which form the backbone of the economy. This will result in incalculable tax losses and incalculably high and long-term social security money transfers for, among other things, unemployment benefits.

Since, in the meantime, pretty much everybody is beginning to understand the full devastating impact of the completely unfounded corona measures, I will refrain from detailing this any further.

Let me now give you a summary of the legal consequences.

The most difficult part of a lawyer’s work is always to establish the true facts, not the application of the legal rules to these facts.

Unfortunately, a German lawyer does not learn this at law school. But his Anglo-American counterparts do get the necessary training for this at their law schools. And probably for this reason, but also because of the much more pronounced independence of the Anglo-American judiciary, the Anglo-American law of evidence is much more effective in practice than the German one.

A court of law can only decide a legal dispute correctly if it has previously determined the facts correctly, which is not possible without looking at all the evidence. And that’s why the law of evidence is so important.

On the basis of the facts summarized above, in particular those established with the help of the work of the German Corona Committee, the legal evaluation is actually simple. It is simple for all civilized legal systems, regardless of whether these legal systems are based on civil law, which follows the Roman law more closely, or whether they are based on Anglo-American common law, which is only loosely connected to Roman law.

Let’s first take a look at the unconstitutionality of the measures.

A number of German law professors, including professors Kingreen, Morswig, Jungbluth and Vosgerau have stated, either in written expert opinions or in interviews — in line with the serious doubts expressed by the former president of the federal constitutional court with respect to the constitutionality of the corona measures — that these measures (the corona measures) are without a sufficient factual basis, and also without a sufficient legal basis, and are, therefore, unconstitutional and must be repealed immediately.

Very recently a judge, Thorsten Schleif is his name, declared publicly that the German judiciary, just like the general public, has been so panic-stricken that it was no longer able to administer justice properly. He says that the courts of law, and I quote: “…have all too quickly waved through coercive measures which, for millions of people all over Germany, represent massive suspensions of their constitutional rights.”

He points out that German citizens, again, I quote: “…are currently experiencing the most serious encroachment on their constitutional rights since the founding of the federal republic of Germany in 1949.”

“In order to contain the corona pandemic, federal and state governments have intervened,” he says, “massively, and in part threatening the very existence of the country as it is guaranteed by the constitutional rights of the people.”

What about fraud, intentional infliction of damage and crimes against humanity?

Based on the rules of criminal law, asserting false facts concerning the PCR tests or intentional misrepresentation, as it was committed by Messrs. Drosten, Wieler, as well as the WHO, can only be assessed as fraud.

Based on the rules of civil tort law, this translates into intentional infliction of damage.

The German professor of civil law, Martin Schwab, supports this finding in public interviews. In a comprehensive legal opinion of around 180 pages, he has familiarized himself with the subject matter like no other legal scholar has done thus far and, in particular, has provided a detailed account of the complete failure of the mainstream media to report on the true facts of this so-called pandemic.

Messrs. Drosten, Wieler and Tedros of the WHO all knew, based on their own expertise or the expertise of their institutions, that the PCR tests cannot provide any information about infections, but asserted over and over again to the general public that they can, with their counterparts all over the world repeating this.

And they all knew and accepted that, on the basis of their recommendations, the governments of the world would decide on lockdowns, the rules for social distancing, and mandatory wearing of masks, the latter representing a very serious health hazard, as more and more independent studies and expert statements show.

Under the rules of civil tort law, all those who have been harmed by these PCR-test-induced lockdowns are entitled to receive full compensation for their losses. In particular, there is a duty to compensate — that is, a duty to pay damages for the loss of profits suffered by companies and self-employed employed persons as a result of the lockdown and other measures.

In the meantime, however, the anti-corona measures have caused, and continue to cause, such devastating damage to the world population’s health and economy that the crimes committed by Messrs. Drosten, Wieler and the WHO must be legally qualified as actual crimes against humanity, as defined in Section 7 of the International Criminal Code.

How can we do something? What can we do?

Well, the class action is the best route to compensatory damages and to political consequences. The so-called class action lawsuit is based on English law and exists today in the USA and in Canada. It enables a court of law to allow a complaint for damages to be tried as a class action lawsuit at the request of a plaintiff if:

1) As a result of a damage-inducing event.

2) A large number of people suffer the same type of damage.

Phrased differently, a judge can allow a class-action lawsuit to go forward if common questions of law and fact make up the vital component of the lawsuit.

Here, the common questions of law and fact revolve around the worldwide PCR-test-based lockdowns and its consequences.

Just like the VW diesel passenger cars were functioning products, but they were defective due to a so-called defeat device (because they didn’t comply with the emissions standards), so too the PCR tests, which are perfectly good products in other settings, are defective products when it comes to the diagnosis of infections.

Now, if an American or Canadian company or an American or Canadian individual decides to sue these persons in the United States or Canada for damages, then the court called upon to resolve this dispute may, upon request, allow this complaint to be tried as a class action lawsuit.

If this happens, all affected parties worldwide will be informed about this through publications in the mainstream media and will thus have the opportunity to join this class action within a certain period of time, to be determined by the court. It should be emphasized that nobody must join the class action, but every injured party can join the class.

The advantage of the class action is that only one trial is needed, namely to try the complaint of a representative plaintiff who is affected in a manner typical of everyone else in the class. This is, firstly, cheaper, and secondly, faster than hundreds of thousands or more individual lawsuits. And thirdly, it imposes less of a burden on the courts. Fourthly, as a rule it allows a much more precise examination of the accusations than would be possible in the context of hundreds of thousands, or more likely in this corona setting, even millions of individual lawsuits.

In particular, the well-established and proven Anglo-American law of evidence, with its pre-trial discovery, is applicable. This requires that all evidence relevant for the determination of the lawsuit is put on the table. In contrast to the typical situation in German lawsuits with structural imbalance — that is, lawsuits involving on the one hand a consumer, and on the other hand a powerful corporation — the withholding or even destruction of evidence is not without consequence. Rather the party withholding or even destroying evidence loses the case under these evidence rules.

Here in Germany, a group of tort lawyers have banded together to help their clients with recovery of damages. They have provided all relevant information and forms for German plaintiffs to both estimate how much damage they have suffered and join the group or class of plaintiffs who will later join the class action when it goes forward either in Canada or the US. Initially, this group of lawyers had considered to also collect and manage the claims for damages of other, non-German plaintiffs, but this proved to be unmanageable.

However, through an international lawyers’ network, which is growing larger by the day, the German group of attorneys provides to all of their colleagues in all other countries, free of charge, all relevant information, including expert opinions and testimonies of experts showing that the PCR tests cannot detect infections. And they also provide them with all relevant information as to how they can prepare and bundle the claims for damages of their clients so that, they too, can assert their clients’ claims for damages, either in their home country’s courts of law, or within the framework of the class action, as explained above.

These scandalous corona facts, gathered mostly by the Corona Committee and summarized above, are the very same facts that will soon be proven to be true either in one court of law, or in many courts of law all over the world.

These are the facts that will pull the masks off the faces of all those responsible for these crimes.

To the politicians who believe those corrupt people, these facts are hereby offered as a lifeline that can help you readjust your course of action, and start the long overdue public scientific discussion, and not go down with those charlatans and criminals.

Thank you.

Dr. Heiko Schöning, MD w/ Del Bigtree: Millions in Europe Rise Against Tyranny

Dr. Heiko Schöning, MD w/ Del Bigtree: Millions in Europe Rise Against Tyranny

by Del Bigtree w/ Dr. Heiko Schöning, MD
October 6, 2020


Original video is available at The HighWire with Del Bigtree BitChute & Brighteon channels.

For months, European countries have erupted with peaceful, yet passionate, protests disagreeing with mask mandates, economic shutdown, and the damaging effects on our elderly and children. Only recently has the law enforcement been given orders that seem to want to shut down their voices by any means necessary. Outspoken German doctor, Heiko Shoning MD, joins Del to discuss his recent arrest, and his strategy on how the world says “no to organized crime” pushing lockdown agendas.

#StandUPX #London #SpeakersCorner #Germany #FreeHeiko

[As a service to protect truth from censorship, mirrored copies of this video are available at Truth Comes to Light BitChute, Lbry, Odysee & Brighteon channels. All credit, along with our sincere thanks, goes to the original source of this video.]

David Icke Talks With Care Home Nurse Carley Stewart About Her Experience of a Fake ‘Pandemic’

David Icke Talks With Care Home Nurse Carley Stewart About Her Experience of a Fake ‘Pandemic’

by David Icke w/ Carley Stewart
October 5, 2020


Original video available at David Icke BitChute channel.

[As a service to protect truth from censorship, mirrored copies of this video are available at Truth Comes to Light BitChute, Lbry, Odysee & Brighteon channels. All credit, along with our sincere thanks, goes to the original source of this video.]

David Icke Talks to In View TV Australia

David Icke Talks to In View TV Australia

by In View TV Australia with David Icke
October 5, 2020


Available at David Icke Bitchute channel.

[As a service to protect truth from censorship, mirrored copies of this video are available at Truth Comes to Light Lbry, Odysee & Brighteon channels. All credit, along with our sincere thanks, goes to the original source of this video.]

Pandemics, Presidents & Press Paranoia

Pandemics, Presidents & Press Paranoia

by Jefferey Jaxen, The HighWire
October 4, 2020


The fight for America’s soul escalates by the day.

Much of the planet appears on the verge of a new set of restrictions and lockdowns. Spain, the U.K., and some American states are already clamping back down, an unwelcome sequel to the blockbuster bomb from last spring.

Like Hollywood, which seems to refuse to learn any lessons about insulting its audience, the medical/political establishment seems hell-bent upon ignoring any lessons learned from the first lockdown- faltering economies, explosive nursing home mortality rates, mass childhood anxiety and depression, increasing deaths of despair. All of it again unaccounted for and unacknowledged by ‘experts’ and ‘officials’ planning round two.

Fortunately, Team Science and Team Humanity now have a seat at the table in this debate as it plays out on the global stage. Record protests are now happening regularly in several European countries, with little sign of respite.

While CNN is busy “reporting” to its bleating acolytes that things will never go back to normal and we’ve all just got to shrug and accept it, the science is far far far from settled. It’s clear to nearly everyone that lockdowns caused undue harm. That must be why outlets like CNN have switched to pure pro-new normal psychological operations, reminiscent of Tokyo Rose during World War II.

As the controversial camps spar over science and professional recommendations, ABC News reports that the CDC is slowing its pace for releasing new coronavirus health guidance. The agency hasn’t updated its position since September 24th.

Meanwhile, CDC director Robert Redfield and White House coronavirus Task Force member Dr. Scott Atlas keeps appearing in competing public Q&As to transmit the truest, most up-to-date science surrounding the coronavirus. For readers keeping score, Dr. Atlas is in the lead.

Perhaps the biggest news in the world was the announcement that President Trump and the First Lady both tested positive for COVID late Thursday. Though the public has been told the President’s symptoms are mild (so far), questions remain about the upcoming presidential debates with Joe Biden. The President tested positive, presumably on October 1st. The debate is scheduled for October 15th. His self-imposed White House quarantine will be over on debate day.

‘Out of an abundance of caution’ the President was taken to Walter Reed Medical Center on Friday night, according to a memo issued to reporters that same day. The President’s physician, Navy Cmdr. Dr. Sean Conley wrote:

“Following PCR-confirmation of the President’s diagnosis, as a precautionary measure, he received a single 8-gram dose of Regeneron’s polyclonal antibody cocktail…In addition to the polyclonal antibodies, the President has been taking zinc, vitamin D, famotidine, melatonin and a daily aspirin.”

The President then made a short video appearance from Walter Reed Hospital to update the nation yet showing some signs of illness. On Saturday, Dr. Conley released a memo stating the President had made ‘substantial progress’ and was ‘fever free and off supplemental oxygen.’He also completed his second does of Remdesivir yet Dr. Conley warned the President was ‘not out of the woods yet.’

Questions still remain about the President’s PCR test. Independent journalist Jon Rappoport asked on Twitter “How many cycles was your PCR test set to?”

Meanwhile, a Summit News article published Friday titled, ‘Could Trump’s Coronavirus Test Be a False Positive?’ points out that even the New York Times has cast widespread doubt on the testing accuracy.

“In three sets of testing data that include cycle thresholds, compiled by officials in Massachusetts, New York and Nevada, up to 90 percent of people testing positive carried barely any virus,” the NYT reported.

Widespread testing has led to impacts at the population level, driving everything from reopenings to lockdowns depending on how state and local governments interpret the results, it’s the vaccine that everyone is watching.

WIth the world’s eyes on the coronavirus vaccine development, more people have come forward, admitting adverse reactions in the experimental COVID vaccine group.

AstraZeneca’s vaccine has been the focus since neurological issues were flagged in its September Phase 3 trials. European regulators are set to announce a review of AstraZeneca’s vaccine as soon as this week, according to Bloomberg. The U.S. trials, however, are still on hold as the FDA has announced a broadened investigation into the suspected adverse reaction of a participant in AstraZeneca’s vaccine trial.

It is now widely reported that Moderna and Pfizer’s coronavirus vaccine trial participants are experiencing high fever, body aches, headaches and exhaustion, among other symptoms, after receiving the shots. In interviews, five participants — three in Moderna’s study and two in Pfizer’s late-stage trials — said they experienced discomfort.

Closely mirroring the coordinated American vaccine push during the measles panic of 2019, medical journals are now pre-positioning talking points and strategies to mandate the still-experimental and questionable COVID vaccine. One coronavirus vaccine trial participant, testing Pfizer’s candidate, woke up with chills, shaking so hard he cracked a tooth after taking the second dose, reports CNBC.

An unwelcome development for many this past week has been the discredited New England Medical Journal (NEJM) beginning to bang the drum of mandatory COVID vaccination.

The NEJM makes the case that the mandate may only need to cover the “elderly, health professionals working in high-risk situations or working with high-risk patients (e.g., nursing home residents and patients with severe respiratory symptoms), and persons with certain underlying medical conditions may be high-priority groups.”

Yet the slippery slope of vaccine mandates already has a distasteful history in the U.S. with 2019’s measles outbreak. During that time, health officials’ used the increased measles cases as a trojan horse to mandate the MMR in some states. However, that operation quickly gave way to bills removing religious exemptions, parental consent and attempts to eliminate a host of other barriers to full vaccine schedules.

Draconian developments on the medical freedom front are quickly threatening to change the shape of the USA. If they take a turn for the worse (the President’s health diminishes, vaccine mandates are pushed and implemented, a second lockdown), each has the ability to plunge this nation into a chaotic spiral that may result in unknown upheaval.

Like rapt moviegoers, the world is on the edge of its seat as we enter October. Expect surprises. Hopefully, a few good ones.

The Worst “Miscalculation” in Human History?

by James Corbett, The Corbett Report
October 04, 2020


Just when you thought the coronascam couldn’t get any stupider, along comes a new curveball.

Take that, conspiracy theorists! Now Trump has the ‘rona! So when your 74-year-old, obese, out-of-shape God Emperor dies of the COVID, even you crazy anti-maskers will swallow the COVID fear porn and submit to the Great Reset, right?

(The true believers aren’t worried, though. Apparently when you spell “well” with a capital I, it means you’re using 18-dimensional Candyland to actually win the presidential (s)election from your hospital bed . . . or something.)

But while the world was distracted by the latest round of “who’s got the cooties” they might have missed this headline:

COVID-19 Fatality Rate “Worst Miscalculation” in Human History – PhD Student in Epidemiology

You could be forgiven for having missed this little doozy when it dropped five weeks ago, but let’s take a moment to examine it, shall we?

The story focuses on Ronald B. Brown of the School of Public Health and Health Systems at the University of Waterloo, who published a paper in Cambridge Press’ Disaster Medicine and Public Health Preparedness journal this past August arguing that Anthony Fauci’s testimony to Congress on March 11 of this year was not just misleading, but downright disastrous.

Long story short: Brown contends that Fauci’s testimony confused case fatality rate and infection fatality rate leading to the “miscalculation” that the novel coronavirus was ten times deadlier than the average flu.

Brown reached out to a number of media outlets about this, seemingly the biggest story of the year, but he only received one response. That response came from John C.A. Manley, an independent Canadian journalist fighting the mainstream COVID narrative at As Brown told Manley about his paper: “The manuscript cites the smoking-gun, documented evidence showing that the public’s overreaction to the coronavirus pandemic was based on the worst miscalculation in the history of humanity, in my opinion. My manuscript underwent an intensive peer-review process.”

Tellingly, Brown adds: “You [Manley] are the first media guy who has responded to my invitation.”

Some might protest that Brown is an outlier. A crank. A fringe wingnut who doesn’t know what he’s talking about. But anyone who levels such an accusation is just being willfully ignorant.

Brown’s assessment lines up with literally thousands of doctors, epidemiologists and microbiologists who have been screaming from the rafters that this entire lockdown fiasco is an anti-scientific disgrace that is itself leading to untold death and destruction, both direct (those dying of untreated non-COVID related medical conditions) and indirect (those losing their livelihoods due to the lockdowns).

These dissenting doctors include:

I could go on, but you get the point. Brown is not alone in his critique of the “miscalculation” behind the panic and the lockdowns.

Now, there are two types of people in this world: People who hear that this entire year of coronavirus craziness and lockdown lunacy has been the result of the “worst miscalculation in human history” and get apoplectic with rage, and people who hear the same thing, shrug their shoulders, and go back to their socially-distanced day.

Scratch that. Actually, there are three types of people. The third are the ones who mentally replace the word “miscalculation” with “deliberate lie.” Because, as those third types know, this is not a “miscalculation.” The gaggle of “health experts” and epidemiologists who have seemingly dictated public policy since this scamdemic began did not (whoopsie!) make a little boo-boo when running the (erroneous) coronavirus statistics through their (flawed) computer models.

No. They deliberately lied in order to whip the public into hysteria over an imaginary bogeyman.

It doesn’t matter what Nobel prize winners or (formerly) acclaimed epidemiologists or scientific researchers come out and warn about the meaningless tests and the overblown models and the deadliness of the lockdowns themselves.

It doesn’t matter whether the politicians who are pimping this medical martial law takeover acknowledge that it’s all political theatre when they think the cameras aren’t rolling or practice “lockdowns for thee, not for me” and “hairstylists for me, not for thee.”

It doesn’t matter because this isn’t about truth. This isn’t a “miscalculation.” The proponents of the coronascam are not well-meaning billionaire philanthropists just doing their level best to save the world.

This is an agenda. The switch has been flipped and all the preparations for this type of hysteria that have been laid out in the past decade (swine fluEbolazika) are being put into practice.

The Great Reset is not the result of a “miscalculation.” It is the most calculated event in human history. And don’t let the lying media tell you otherwise.

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Is President Trump’s “Illness” Really a Commercial for Regeneron’s New COVID Drug?

Is President Trump’s “Illness” Really a Commercial for Regeneron’s New COVID Drug?

by Brian Shilhavy, Health Impact News
October 3, 2020


The same day it was announced that President Trump was tested positive for COVID, it was immediately announced that the President was being administered a new experimental COVID drug, Regeneron’s REGN-COV2.


Business journals apparently already had press releases ready about the drug, and the company’s stock immediately went up on Friday.

FiercePharma, one the Pharmaceutical companies’ main marketing trade publications, was one of the first to publish the story:

In a bombshell development Thursday, President Donald J. Trump tested positive for COVID-19, sending shockwaves through the country with just weeks until Election Day. One unanswered question was how the president’s physicians would navigate an uncertain treatment course—and an unproven antibody cocktail from Regeneron is now in the spotlight.

Trump’s personal doctor confirmed Friday that the president was treated with an 8-gram dose of Regeneron’s investigational antibody cocktail for COVID-19, dubbed REGN-COV2, along with aspirin and famotidine, better known as branded Pepcid. He’s also taking zinc and vitamin D, two typical immune-boosting supplements.

Trump’s early treatment with Regeneron’s cocktail was an immediate boon for investors with the drugmaker’s stock trading up around $20—or 3%—in after-market hours Friday.

Regeneron does not even have emergency use approval yet. FiercePharma also reports that Regeneron’s CEO Len Schleifer has been a guest at the White House during the pandemic.

Kyle Blankenship reports:

Unlike another highly touted COVID-19 hopeful, Gilead Sciences’s Veklury (remdesivir), REGN-COV2 has no emergency use approvals anywhere in the world—a fact that could underscore Trump’s relationship with New York-based Regeneron and CEO Len Schleifer, who has been a guest at the White House during the pandemic.

The company said late Friday that Trump’s doctors had requested the therapy under its compassionate use program.

An eventual clean bill of health for Trump could go a long way to boosting confidence in Regeneron’s therapy, which is already raising hopes of $6 billion in sales per year—assuming it can secure the FDA’s approval.

Compared with vaccines, which are being supplied to the U.S. government at $24 on average for a two-dose regimen, antibody drugs could be far more expensive, as they are typically priced well into the thousands, Morningstar analyst Karen Andersen told clients last month. But antibodies could be particularly useful for older adults, whose immune systems may not respond as well to vaccination. (Full article.) (Emphasis Added)

President Trump has transferred more wealth to Big Pharma during the COVID Plandemic than probably all the previous administrations put together, with his Operation Warp Speed and other emergency measures that have given hundreds of BILLIONS of dollars to Big Pharma.

With the Rockefellers controlling the pharmaceutical industry in the U.S. and around the world, this might have been President Trump’s ticket stamped to assure his second term.

Dr. Reiner Fuellmich on The Corona Fraud Scandal | International Network of Lawyers Will Argue the Biggest Tort Case in World History

Dr. Reiner Fuellmich on The Corona Crime Scandal | International Network of Lawyers Will Argue the Biggest Tort Case in World History

by Dr. Reiner Fuellmich
October 3, 2020


“Since July 10, 2020 this committee has been listening to a large number of international scientists and experts testimony to find answers to questions about the corona crisis — which more and more people worldwide are asking. 


This corona crisis, according to all we know today, must be renamed a corona scandal. And those responsible for it must be criminally prosecuted and sued for civil damages. On a political level, everything must be done to ensure that no one will ever again be in a position of such power as to be able to defraud humanity or to attempt to manipulate us with their corrupt agendas.

And for this reason, I will now explain to you how and where an international network of lawyers will argue this biggest tort case ever, the corona fraud scandal, which has meanwhile unfolded into probably the greatest crime against humanity ever.”


Original video available at Dr. Reiner Fuellmich YouTube channel.

[As a service to protect truth from censorship, mirrored copies of this video are available at Truth Comes to Light BitChute, LBRY, Odysee & Brighteon channels. All credit, along with our sincere thanks, goes to the original source of this video.]

See transcript of this video here:

U.S. Health Leaders Ignore the Science

U.S. Health Leaders Ignore the Science

by Del Bigtree, The HighWire
October 2, 2020


Available at The HighWire with Del Bigtree BitChute and Brighteon channels.

As the CDC director over-promises on masks using little science to back his claim, Del aligns, once again, with #COVID19 task force adviser & Stanford University luminary, Dr. Scott Atlas, who won’t stop spewing actual science at every press conference he can get his hands on.

#Masks #Coronavirus #TCells #FollowThe Science #AtlasSmackdown