We Are at War

We Are at War

by Peter Koenig for the Saker Blog
January 4, 2021


We are at war. Yes. And I don’t mean the west against the east, against Russa and China, nor the entire world against an invisible corona virus. No. We, the common people, are at war against an ever more authoritarian and tyrannical elitist Globalist system, reigned by a small group of multi-billionaires, that planned already decades ago to take power over the people, to control them reduce them to what a minute elite believes is an “adequate number” to inhabit Mother Earth – and to digitize and robotize the rest of the survivors, as a sort of serfs. It’s a combination of George Orwell’s “1984” and Aldous Huxley’s “Brave New World”.

Welcome to the age of the transhumans. If we allow it. That’s why vaccination is needed in warp speed, to inject us with transgenic substances that may change our DNA, lest we may wake up, or at least a critical mass may become conscious – and change the dynamics. Because dynamics are not predictable, especially not in the long-term.

The war is real and the sooner we all realize it, the sooner those in masks and those in social distancing take cognizance of the worldwide dystopian situations we have allowed to become our governments, the better our chance to retake our sovereign selves. Today we are confronted with totally illegal and oppressive rules, all imposed under the pretext of “health protection”. Non-obedience is punishable by huge fines; military and police enforced rules: Mask wearing, social distancing, keeping within the allowed radius of our “homes”, quarantining, staying away from our friends and families.

Actually, the sooner We, the People, will take up an old forgotten characteristic of human kind – “solidarity” – and fight this war with our solidarity, with our love for each other, for mankind, with our love for LIFE and our Love for Mother Earth, the sooner we become again independent, self-assured beings, an attribute we have lost gradually over the last decades, at the latest since the beginning of the neoliberal onslaught of the 1980s. Slice by tiny slice of human rights and civil rights have been cut off under false pretexts and propaganda – “security” – to the point where we begged for more security and gladly gave away more of our freedoms and rights. How sad.

Now, the salami has been sliced away. We suddenly realize, there is nothing left. Its irrecoverable. We have allowed it to happen before our eyes, for promised comfort and propaganda lies by these small groups of elitists – by the Globalists, in their thirst for endless power and endless greed – and endless enlargements of their riches, of their billions. – Are billions of any monetary union “riches”? – Doubtfully. They have no love. No soul, no heart just a mechanical blood-pump that keeps them alive.

These people, the Globalists, they have sunk so deep in their moral dysfunction, totally devoid of ethics, that their time has come – either to be judged against international human rights standards, war crimes and crimes against humanity – similar as was done by the Nuremberg Trials after WWII, or to disappear, blinded away by a new epoch of Light.

As the number of awakening people is increasing, the western Powers that Be (PTB) are becoming increasingly nervous and spare no efforts coercing all kinds of people, para-government, administrative staff, medical personnel, even independent medical doctors into defending and promoting the official narrative.

It is so obvious, when you have known these people in “normal” times, their progressive opinions suddenly turning, by 180 degrees, to the official narrative, defending the government lies, the lies of the bought “scientific Task Forces” that advise the governments, and thereby provide governments with alibis to “tighten the screws” a bit more (Ms. Merkel’s remarks) around the people, the very people the governments should defend and work for; the lies and deceptive messages coming from “scientists” who may have been promised “eternal, endless ladders of careers”, or of lives in a hidden paradise?

What more may they get in turn for trying to subvert their friends’, peers’, patients’ opinions about the horror disease “covid-19”? – Possibly something that is as good a s life itself – and is basically cost free for the avaricious rich. For example, a vax-certificate without having been vaxxed by the toxic injections – opening the world of travel and pleasurable activities to them as “before”.

Other special benefits may include dispensation from social distancing, mask wearing, quarantining – and who knows, a hefty monetary award. Nothing would be surprising, when you see how this tiny evil cell is growing like a cancer to take over full power of the world – including and especially Russia and China, where the bulk of the world’s natural resources are buried, and where technological and economic advances far outrank the greed-economy of the west. They will not succeed.

What if the peons don’t behave? – Job loss, withdrawal of medial licenses, physical threats to families and loved ones, and more.

The Globalists evil actions and influence-peddling is limited in the east, where they are confronted with educated and awakened people.

We are at war. Indeed. The 99.999% against the 0.001%. Their tactics are dividing to conquer, accompanied by this latest brilliant idea – launching an invisible enemy, a virus, a plandemic, and a fear campaign to oppress and tyrannize the entire world, all 193 UN member countries.

The infamous words, spoken already more than half a century ago by Rockefeller protégé, Henry Kissinger, come to mind: “Who controls food supply controls the people; who controls the energy can control whole continents; who controls money can control the world.”

Quoting some lines and thoughts of a 1 January 2021, RT article, Civil war, medical discrimination, spy satellites and cyborgs! How 2021 could make us yearn for 2020 may point us in a direction of what may happen in 2021, we certainly do not yearn for.

“People everywhere are eager to bid farewell to 2020, a year in which our lives were turned upside down by power-mad elites who seized the Covid-19 pandemic as a chance to go full police state. But be careful what you wish for…. merely putting up a new calendar does nothing to address [the mounting repression and tyranny], which seem certain to reach a breaking point. Humanity has been pushed to the limit with arbitrary rules, enforced poverty, and mandated isolation — it will only take a spark or two for things to explode.”

And –

”As vaccines are rolled out to the general public, the divide between those obeying the rules and the dissidents will only grow. Those who decline to get the jab will be treated as pariahs, banned from some public spaces and told it’s their fault life hasn’t gone back to normal, just as so-called “anti-maskers” have been.”

And more glorious prospects –

“Anyone who isn’t thrilled by the idea of ingesting an experimental compound whose makers have been indemnified from any lawsuits, will be deemed an enemy of the state, even separated from their children or removed from their home as a health risk. Neighbors will gleefully rat each other out for the equivalent of an extra chocolate ration, meaning even the most slavishly obedient individuals could end up in “concentration camps” for upsetting the wrong person.”

Yes, we are in the midst of war. A war that has already ravaged our society, divided it all the way down to families and friends. If we are not careful, we may not look our children and grand children in the eyes, because we knew, we ought to have known what was and is going on, what is being done, by a small dark power elite – the Globalists. We must step out of our comfort zone, and confront the enemy with an awakened mind of consciousness and a heart filled with love – but also with fierce resistance.

If we fail to step up and stand up for our rights, this war goes on to prepare future generations – to abstain from congregating with other people. They are alsready indoctrinating our kids into keeping away from friends, school colleagues, peers, and from playing in groups with each other – as the new Normal. The self-declared cupula – the crème of the crop of civilization – the Globalist evil masters, already compromised and continue to do so, the education systems throughout the globe to instill into kids and young adults that wearing masks is essential for survival, and “social distancing” is the only way forward. See Children of the Great Reset.

They know damned well that once a civilization has lost its natural cohesion – the social fabric is broken, the very fabric that keeps a civilization together and dynamically advancing. The “dynamic advancing” – or simply dynamics itself – is their nightmare, because dynamics is what makes life tick – life, people, societies, entire nations and continents. Without dynamics life on the planet would stand still.

And that’s what they want – a Globalist dictator, controlling a small population of serfs, or robotized slaves, that move only when told, own nothing and are given a digital blockchain controlled universal income, that, depending on their behavior and obedience, they may use to buy food, pleasure and comfort. Once the slaves are dispensable or incorrigible, their electronically controlled brains are simply turned off – RIP.

This may turn out to be the most devastating war mankind has ever fought. May We, the People, see through this horrendous sham which is already now playing out, in Year One of the UN Agenda 21 /30; and may We, the People, the commons, win this war against a power-thirsty elite and its bought administrators and “scientists” throughout the world – and restore a sovereign, unmasked, socially coherent society – in solidarity.


Peter Koenig is a geopolitical analyst and a former Senior Economist at the World Bank and the World Health Organization (WHO), where he has worked for over 30 years on water and environment around the world. He lectures at universities in the US, Europe and South America. He writes regularly for online journals and is the author of Implosion – An Economic Thriller about War, Environmental Destruction and Corporate Greed; and co-author of Cynthia McKinney’s book When China Sneezes: From the Coronavirus Lockdown to the Global Politico-Economic Crisis”(Clarity Press – November 1, 2020)

Peter Koenig is a Research Associate of the Centre for Research on Globalization.

The GSK – Pfizer Multibillion Dollar Global Vaccine Monopoly

The GSK – Pfizer Multibillion Dollar Global Vaccine Monopoly

by Prof Michel Chossudovsky,  Global Research
January 5, 2021


It’s Big Pharma, It’s Big Money. It’s the multibillion dollar global vaccine market.

In August 2019, five months before the onslaught of the Covid-19 crisis, two of the largest Worldwide Pharma conglomerates decided to join hands in a strategic relationship which barely made the headlines. 

In an August 2019 Press release GSK confirmed the formation of a major partnership with Pfizer entitled the Consumer Health Joint Venture:

GlaxoSmithKline plc (LSE/NYSE: GSK) today announced that it has completed its transaction with Pfizer to combine their consumer healthcare businesses into a world-leading Joint Venture.

While emphasizing that the relationship is limited to “trusted consumer health brands”, the agreement is nonetheless far-reaching. It includes financial procedures as well as possible joint multibillion dollar investment projects.

While it does not constitute a merger, the GSK report points to selective integration (implying de facto collusion) in areas of marketing and distribution:

… the Joint Venture [GSK-Pfizer] will focus on completing the integration [in consumer health products] of the two businesses, which is expected to realise annual cost savings of £0.5bn by 2022 for expected total cash costs of £0.9 billion and non-cash charges of £0.3 billion. Up to 25% of the cost savings are intended to be reinvested in the business to support innovation and other growth opportunities.

The Vaccine Market

At present, five multinational companies including GSK and Pfizer control 80% of the global vaccine market. Under the agreement between the two companies, GSK-Pfizer is slated to play a dominant and coordinated role in regards to the Covid-19 vaccine.

source Pharma Boardroom

This GSK-Pfizer relationship also encompasses a network of  partner pharmaceutical companies, research labs, virology institutes, military and biotech entities, etc. many of which are currently involved in the Covid vaccine initiative.

Covid Vaccine Financed by Soaring Public Debt

The Covid vaccine is a multibillion dollar operation which will contribute to increasing the public debt of more than 150 national governments.

Supported by the fear campaign, Money rather than Public Health is the driving force behind this initiative:

The completion of the joint venture with Pfizer marks the beginning of the next phase of our transformation of GSK. This is an important moment for the Group, laying the foundation for two great companies, one in Pharmaceuticals and Vaccines and one in Consumer Health.”  (GSK, August 1, 2019,  emphasis added)

While the two companies had envisageda “separation” clause following a process of restructuring, GSK and Pfizer have nonetheless integrated their decision making, specifically with regards to the vaccine market:

“With our future intention to separate, the transaction also presents a clear pathway forward for GSK to create a new global Pharmaceuticals/Vaccines company, with an R&D approach focused on science related to the immune system, use of genetics and advanced technologies,  …  Ultimately, our goal is to create two exceptional, UK-based global companies, with appropriate capital structures” (GSK)

What is at stake is the de facto formation of a Big Pharma Worldwide monopoly with a global network of “partners”.

Most of the so-called 125 (“small pharma”) candidates are involved in subcontracting (out-sourcing) manufacturing and marketing activities on behalf of the Big Pharma conglomerates.

The COVAX Initiative and Big Pharma

The COVAX initiative launched in April 2020 was intended to facilitate the Worldwide  distribution of the Covid vaccine. It is coordinated by the Coalition for Epidemic Preparedness Innovations (CEPI), GAVI, the Vaccine Alliance, and the World Health Organization (WHO) (all of which are partially funded by the Gates foundation).

In turn, the Gates foundation is a major shareholder of the Big Pharma vaccine conglomerates including GSK and Pfizer:

Sanofi and Glaxosmithkline were awarded about $2.1 billion in July from the U.S. Operation Warp Speed to support development and large-scale manufacturing of their adjuvanted recombinant protein subunit vaccine, providing the federal government with 100 million doses. The companies also have supply deals with the U.K., Canada and Gavi, an international vaccine alliance. (BioWorld, December 202o, emphasis added)

The GSK-Pfizer joint venture alliance is being used to extend their control over vaccine sales and production in all major regions of the World including China and Latin America, through a nexus of corporate and scientific partnerships.
Other major actors are France’s Sanofi which acts in partnership with GSK, Moderna which has ties to Pfizer, Merck, Astrazeneca and Johnson and Johnson.
The November 2020 Launching of the Covid Vaccine

Were the standard animal lab tests using mice or ferrets conducted?

Or did Pfizer, Moderna  “go straight to human “guinea pigs.”? Human tests began in late July and early August. “Three months is unheard of for testing a new vaccine. Several years is the norm.”  

Our thanks to Large and JIPÉM

This caricature by Large + JIPÉM  explains our predicament:

Mouse No 1: “Are You Going to get Vaccinated”,

Mouse No. 2: Are You Crazy, They Haven’t finished the Tests on Humans”

And why do we need a vaccine for Covid-19 when both the WHO and the US Center for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) have confirmed unequivocally that Covid-19 is  “similar to seasonal influenza”. 

The unspoken answer is “Big Money”.

Biggest Vaccine Operation in World History

The plan to develop the Covid-19 vaccine is profit driven. It is supported by corrupt governments serving the interests of Big Pharma.

The US government had already ordered 100 million doses back in July 2020 and the EU is to purchase 300 million doses. It’s Big Money for Big Pharma, generous payoffs to corrupt politicians, at the expense of tax payers.

The objective is ultimately to make money, by vaccinating the entire planet of 7.4 billion people for SARS-CoV-2.

The Covid vaccine in some cases envisages more than one shot. If this plan were to go ahead as planned, it would be the largest vaccine initiative in World history and the biggest money making operation for Big Pharma.

Moreover, under the Pfizer Moderna initiative, the mRNA vaccine will have an impact on the human genome.

The ID2020 Digital Vaccine Identity Platform

And there is also the project promoted by GAVI to insert a “digital passport”.

It’s called the ID2020 Agenda, which, according to Peter Koenig constitutes “an electronic ID program that uses generalized vaccination as a platform for digital identity”.

“The program harnesses existing birth registration and vaccination operations to provide newborns with a portable and persistent biometrically-linked digital identity”. (Peter Koenig, March 2020)

The Founding Partners of ID2020 are Microsoft, the Rockefeller Foundation and the Global Alliance for Vaccines and Immunization (GAVI) among others.

It is worth noting the timeline: The ID2020 Alliance held their Summit in New York, entitled “Rising to the Good ID Challenge”, on September 19, 2019, exactly one month prior to nCov-2019 simulation exercise entitled Event 201 at John Hopkins in New York:

Is it just a coincidence that ID2020 is being rolled out at the onset of what the WHO calls a Pandemic? – Or is a pandemic needed to ‘roll out’ the multiple devastating programs of ID2020? (Peter Koenig, March 2020)

ID2020 is part of a “World Governance” project which, if applied, would roll out the contours of what some analysts have described as a Global Police

The ‘Great Reset’ is about Expanding Government Power and Suppressing Liberty

The ‘Great Reset’ is about Expanding Government Power and Suppressing Liberty

by Ron Paul, The Ron Paul Institute
January 5, 2021


World Economic Forum Founder and Executive Chairman Klaus Schwab has proposed using the overreaction to coronavirus to launch a worldwide “Great Reset.” This Great Reset is about expanding government power and suppressing liberty worldwide.

Schwab envisions an authoritarian system where big business acts as a partner with government. Big business would exercise its government-granted monopoly powers to maximize value for “stakeholders,” instead of shareholders. Stakeholders include the government, international organizations, the business itself, and “civil society.”

Of course, government bureaucrats and politicians, together with powerful special interests, will decide who are, and are not, stakeholders, what is in stakeholders’ interest, and what steps corporations must take to maximize stakeholder value. People’s own wishes are not the priority.

The Great Reset will dramatically expand the surveillance state via real-time tracking. It will also mandate that people receive digital certificates in order to travel and even technology implanted in their bodies to monitor them.

Included in Schwab’s proposal for surveillance is his idea to use brain scans and nanotechnology to predict, and if necessary, prevent, individuals’ future behavior. This means that anyone whose brain is “scanned” could have his Second Amendment and other rights violated because a government bureaucrat determines the individual is going to commit a crime. The system of tracking and monitoring could be used to silence those expressing “dangerous” political views, such as that the Great Reset violates our God-given rights to life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness.

The Great Reset involves a huge expansion of the welfare state via a universal basic income program. This can help ensure compliance with the Great Reset’s authoritarian measures. It will also be very expensive. The resulting increase in government debt will not be seen as a problem by people who believe in modern monetary theory. This is the latest version of the fairy tale that deficits don’t matter as long as the Federal Reserve monetizes the debt.

The Great Reset ultimately will fail for the same reason all other attempts by government to control the market fail. As Ludwig von Mises showed, government interference in the marketplace distorts the price system. Prices are how information about the value of goods and services related to other goods and services is conveyed to market actors. Government interference in the marketplace disturbs the signals sent by prices, leading to an oversupply of certain goods and services and an undersupply of others.

The lockdowns show the dangers of government control over the economy and our personal lives. Lockdowns have increased unemployment, caused many small businesses to close, and led to more substance abuse, domestic violence, and suicide. We are told the lockdowns are ordered because of a virus that poses no great danger to a very large percentage of the American public. Yet, instead of adopting a different approach, politicians are doubling down on the failed policies of masks and lockdowns. Meanwhile, big tech companies, which are already often acting as partners of government, silence anyone who questions the official line regarding the threat of coronavirus or the effectiveness of lockdowns, masks, and vaccines.

The disastrous response to Covid is just the latest example of how those who give up liberty for safety or health will end up unfree, unsafe, and unhealthy. Instead of a Great Reset of authoritarianism, we need a great rebirth of liberty!

Medical Weapons of Mass Destruction:  A Continuing Tradition, in Which COVID Is the Latest Example

Medical Weapons of Mass Destruction 
     A Continuing Tradition, in Which COVID Is the Latest Example

by Jon Rappoport, No More Fake News
January 5, 2021


After a hundred years of intense propaganda promoting the idea that diseases are everywhere, and each disease is caused by a single germ, which must be killed by a medical drug…

The fallout has been extreme, to say the least.

Let’s start here:

When will hysterical defenders of “science” face up to the destruction the US medical system is causing?

Millions of masked people, who border on hysteria, believe they know COVID science.

On closer examination, these people believe what their television sets tell them. They believe Fauci because he’s on television, and he’s talking from the White House, and he disagrees with Trump.

Of the millions who believe in Fauci television science, there are many who will say science is “studies.” They are quite sure these studies back up what Fauci and Redfield are spouting, and any contradictory studies would be artifacts dreamed up by secret minions of Trump.

I recently analyzed COVID-19 from the point of view of false data.

COVID case numbers and death numbers are being fraudulently inflated to the skies. That’s an enormous crime, because the lockdowns and the economic devastation have been based on these data.

Now I want to apply that same direct analysis to the entire US medical system. In this instance…

True data are buried, hidden, and ignored.

What data? Actual numbers of deaths and maiming CAUSED by medical treatment.

When you see the dimensions of this crime and this mass human tragedy, you’ll also see further implications—titanic insurance fraud, tax fraud, and, indeed, millions upon millions of work-hours irretrievably lost to the nation’s economy.

Insurance companies are paying out billions of dollars for medical treatment that is destructive, not helpful.

Insurance companies are also paying billions in death benefits as a result of doctors, not diseases, killing people.

And all this medical destruction is being subsidized by the taxpayer.

No one has calculated the $$ cost. No one can calculate the tragic human cost.

Now here is the analysis. Understand that the vital data in these mainstream reports have been briefly revealed, then hidden.

ONE: “The Epidemic of Sickness and Death from Prescription Drugs.” The author is Donald Light, who teaches at Rowan University, and was the 2013 recipient of ASA’s [American Sociological Association’s] Distinguished Career Award for the Practice of Sociology. Light is a founding fellow of the Center for Bioethics at the University of Pennsylvania. In 2013, he was a fellow at the Edmond J. Safra Center for Ethics at Harvard. He is a Lokey Visiting Professor at Stanford University.

Donald Light: “Epidemiologically, appropriately prescribed, prescription drugs are the fourth leading cause of death, tied with stroke at about 2,460 deaths each week in the United States. About 330,000 patients die each year from prescription drugs in the United States and Europe. They [the drugs] cause an epidemic of about 20 times more hospitalizations [6.6 million annually], as well as falls, road accidents, and [annually] about 80 million medically minor problems such as pains, discomforts, and dysfunctions that hobble productivity or the ability to care for others. Deaths and adverse effects from overmedication, errors, and self-medication would increase these figures.” (ASA publication, “Footnotes,” November 2014)

TWO: Journal of the American Medical Association, April 15, 1998: “Incidence of Adverse Drug Reactions in Hospitalized Patients.”

The authors, led by Jason Lazarou, culled 39 previous studies on patients in hospitals. These patients, who received drugs in hospitals, or were admitted to hospitals because they were suffering from the drugs doctors had given them, met the following fate:

Every year, in the US, between 76,000 and 137,000 hospitalized patients die as a direct result of the drugs.

Beyond that, every year 2.2 million hospitalized patients experience serious adverse reactions to the drugs.

The authors write: “…Our study on ADRs [Adverse Drug Reactions], which excludes medication errors, had a different objective: to show that there are a large number of ADRs even when the drugs are properly prescribed and administered.”

So this study had nothing to do with doctor errors, nurse errors, or improper combining of drugs. And it only counted people killed or maimed who were admitted to hospitals. It didn’t begin to tally all the people taking pharmaceuticals who died as consequence of the drugs, at home.

THREE: July 26, 2000, Journal of the American Medical Association; author, Dr. Barbara Starfield, revered public health expert at the Johns Hopkins School of Public Health; “Is US health really the best in the world?”

Starfield reported that the US medical system kills 225,000 Americans per year. 106,000 as a result of FDA-approved medical drugs, and 119,000 as a result of mistreatment and errors in hospitals. Extrapolate the numbers to a decade: that’s 2.25 million deaths. You might want to read that last number again.

I interviewed Starfield in 2009. I asked her whether she was aware of any overall effort by the US government to eliminate this holocaust. She answered a resounding NO. She also said her estimate of medically caused deaths in America was on the conservative side.

FOUR: BMJ June 7, 2012 (BMJ 2012:344:e3989). Author, Jeanne Lenzer. Lenzer refers to a report by the Institute for Safe Medication Practices: “It [the Institute] calculated that in 2011 prescription drugs were associated with two to four million people in the US experiencing ‘serious, disabling, or fatal injuries, including 128,000 deaths.’”

The report called this “one of the most significant perils to humans resulting from human activity.”

The report was compiled by outside researchers who went into the FDA’s own database of “serious adverse [medical-drug] events.”

Therefore, to say the FDA isn’t aware of this finding would be absurd. The FDA knows. The FDA knows and it isn’t saying anything about it, because the FDA certifies, as safe and effective, all the medical drugs that are routinely maiming and killing Americans. Every public health agency knows the truth.

FIVE: None of the above reports factor in death or injury by vaccine.

The US system for reporting severe adverse effects of vaccines is broken.

Barbara Loe Fisher, of the private National Vaccine Information Center, has put together a reasonable analysis:

“But how many children have [adverse] vaccine reactions every year? Is it really only one in 110,000 or one in a million who are left permanently disabled after vaccination? Former FDA Commissioner David Kessler observed in 1993 that less than 1 percent of doctors report adverse events following prescription drug use. [See DA Kessler, ‘Introducing MEDWatch,’ JAMA, June 2, 1993: 2765-2768]”

“There have been estimates that perhaps less than 5 or 10 percent of doctors report hospitalizations, injuries, deaths, or other serious health problems following vaccination. The 1986 Vaccine Injury Act contained no legal sanctions for not reporting; doctors can refuse to report and suffer no consequences.”

“Even so, each year about 12,000 reports are made to the Vaccine Adverse Event Reporting System [VAERS]; parents as well as doctors can make those reports. [See RT Chen, B. Hibbs, ‘Vaccine safety,’ Pediatric Annals, July 1998: 445-458]”

“However, if that number represents only 10 percent of what is actually occurring, then the actual number may be 120,000 vaccine-adverse events [per year]. If doctors report vaccine reactions as infrequently as Dr. Kessler said they report prescription-drug reactions, and the number 12,000 is only 1 percent of the actual total, then the real number may be 1.2 million vaccine-adverse events annually.”

Medical crimes.

Medically caused deaths of friends, family members, loved ones, who are buried along with the truth.

No criminal investigations, no prosecutions, no guilty verdicts, no prison sentences.

But of course, you can believe everything leading lights of the US medical system tell you about COVID.

You can believe everything the press—who buries the truth about this medical holocaust—tells you about COVID.

Given the reports on medically caused death and maiming I’ve just cited and described in this article, it’s obvious that…

Leading medical journals around the world, which routinely publish glowing accounts of clinical trials of medical drugs…

Are spilling over with rank fraud, on page after page.

Indeed, here is a stunning quote from a woman who has quite probably read and analyzed more medical-drug studies than any doctor in the world:

“It is simply no longer possible to believe much of the clinical research that is published, or to rely on the judgment of trusted physicians or authoritative medical guidelines. I take no pleasure in this conclusion, which I reached slowly and reluctantly over my two decades as an editor of The New England Journal of Medicine.” (Dr. Marcia Angell, NY Review of Books, January 15, 2009, “Drug Companies & Doctors: A Story of Corruption)

Compare that quote with one from “the father of COVID science,” Tony Fauci. In an interview with the National Geographic, Fauci stated: “Anybody can claim to be an expert even when they have no idea what they’re talking about…If something is published in places like New England Journal of Medicine, Science, Nature, Cell, or JAMA—you know, generally that is quite well peer-reviewed because the editors and the editorial staff of those journals really take things very seriously.”

They take things so seriously, they routinely publish glowing studies of medical drugs that are killing people in great numbers.

IG Farben: The Roots of the COVID Plan

IG Farben: The Roots of the COVID Plan

by Jon Rappoport, No More Fake News
January 4, 2021


Knowledge of an ongoing crime inside a corporation turns into a conspiracy of silence, shared by many employees…

But as you travel up the corporate ladder, SOMEONE not only knows, but INTENDS to keep committing the crime.

This is my conclusion, after 30 years of investigating criminal medical behavior, including mass murder.

Here is deep background, which illuminates the current pharmaceutical lead role in the COVID fraud and devastation:

In 1933, the largest cartel in the world, IG Farben, enabled Hitler’s rise to power. Farben: pharmaceuticals, dyes, chemicals, synthetics.

During WW2, Farben had prisoners shipped from Auschwitz to its nearby facility, where horrendous medical/pharmaceutical experiments were carried out on them.

For accounts, read The Devil’s Chemists, by Josiah DuBois, and The Crime and Punishment of IG Farben, by Joseph Borkin.

At the end of the War, Farben executives were put on trial and, despite the efforts of Telford Taylor, the chief US prosecutor, and assistant prosecutor, Josiah DuBois, the sentences handed out were light.

For example, Fritz Ter Meer, a high-ranking Farben executive, was tried for mass medical murder and slavery, and sentenced to a paltry seven years in jail. He was released after three years, and went on to occupy a post as chairman of the advisory board of Bayer, a “branch on the tree” of IG Farben.

There were clear reasons for light sentences for Farben executives. One, the rebuilding of Europe was seen as a bulwark against aggressive Soviet Communism. Farben war criminals were “needed” to organize the new Europe.

More important, a whole new world was coming into being, and mega-corporations and cartels were at the heart of it. They would be the engines driving the global economy and controlling the natural resources of the planet. It was colonialism with a different face, the East India Company running on technology and industry and a planetary reach beyond anything ever attempted.

So the Farben moguls, and those like them, were seen by many as highly competent designers of the new “peace and prosperity.”

And oh yes—there was a third reason the Farben executives got off so lightly. Their powerful cartel partners all over the world wanted to continue profitable relationships with these Nazi brethren.

A few of the highly influential international partners: Dow, DuPont, imperial Chemical Industries, and, most importantly, the Rockefeller Empire.

You could say that, after the War, the emerging global pharmaceutical colossus was a reincarnation of the Farben pattern:

Profit before safety; lethal medical experimentation beyond any legal limit; the use of drugs/vaccines as a means of control.

That m.o. has survived to this day, and it has prospered beyond predictions. It has also damaged, destroyed, and killed far more people than Nazi Farben dreamed of.

I have often cited Dr. Barbara Starfield’s July 26, 2000, review in the Journal of the American Medical Association, “Is US Health Really the Best in the World?”

Starfield conservatively stated that every year, the US medical system kills 106,000 people by direct administration of FDA approved medical drugs.

This turns into more than a million deaths per decade. And we aren’t even talking about the millions more who are severely maimed. Nor are vaccines part of this estimate.

The horrific medical program is a direct continuation of the IG Farben plan.

And now we have the fraud called COVID-19. The killing—of the frail and elderly—comes through the terrifying diagnosis of the “pandemic disease,” plus the forced isolation from family and love ones. No virus necessary.

The maiming and killing also comes with the administration of the favored toxic drug, Remdesivir, and the use of breathing ventilators plus sedation. In one large New York study, the death rate among elderly patients placed on ventilators was a staggering 97.2 percent.

Medically justified COVID lockdown-imprisonments have devastated millions of lives.

This captive audience is now being subjected to the largest medical experiment in history: the administration of a vaccine that was rushed through approval, and deploys an RNA technology never approved for public use before—owing to its dangers.

The main benefit of this vaccine accrues to the modern Farben nexus of pharmaceutical companies: RNA technology, finally approved, allows much faster, easier, and cheaper production of vaccines and drugs.

Thus, researchers can claim to discover dozens of “new viruses” that require vaccines. From testing to mass vaccine production—a matter of a few months, not years.

Serious adverse reactions to the new COVID vaccines are piling up—at last count, a reported 3% of those who received the shots. You can EASILY multiply that by a factor of ten to gain a more accurate picture.

Public health officials and government leaders will write these reactions off as “COVID disease” and keep on promoting the experimental vaccine—and they’ll warn that widespread refusal to take the shots will bring on the need for new levels of incarceration-lockdowns.

This entire program of destruction—from WW2 onward—actually from 1910 and the infamous Flexner Report—has been aimed at weakening populations, making them easier to control.

This entire program has been intentional, at the highest levels.

The ongoing administration of the program has essentially been carried out by the ignorant, the blind, the brainwashed, the cowardly—who form a vast faceless bureaucracy that resembles the Nazi machine-structure; “I was only following orders.”

But again, at the highest levels, it is intentional.

War by other means.


Truth Comes to Light Editor’s note — for your reference:

The Devil’s Chemists by Josiah DuBois, was published in 1952 and is hard to come by.  Download the PDF version (scanned pages, not digitized text) here: The Devil’s Chemists Part 1    The Devil’s Chemists Part 2

The Crime and Punishment of IG Farben by Joseph Borkin was published in 1979 and can still be found as a used book at reasonable prices. I did not find a PDF version available. You can read the entire book online here: https://www.bibliotecapleyades.net/sociopolitica/sociopol_igfarben02.htm

To read the Flexner Report (1910); The Flexner Report PDF

For background on how authentic medicine was hijacked by the power elite and turned into a deadly, sickness- for-profit industry see the work of Dr. Andrew Kaufman: Exposing the Lie — Hippocratic Hypocrisy: A Tale of Two Snakes

The Quarantine Act on the World Stage

The Quarantine Act on the World Stage

by Rosanne Lindsay, Nature of Healing
January 3, 2021


Event 201 programmed world governments to fall in line and respond with one voice. However, in order for the plan to succeed, the people would have to comply in large numbers. Now that deadlines of declared National Emergencies have long since expired, new laws are being set up that will, again, require the compliance of the people.

The meaning of OVID?  “a sheep”

The Quarantine Act In Canada

Under the Crown, the newly amended law in Canada, The Quarantine Act (pages 1 & 2), states that anyone coming into Canada will have to be examined /tested by quarantine officers and also must accept any proposed treatment from them (ie vaccines). If anyone refuses to be screened they can be arrested & detained without warrant. This lines up with the leaked memo from Canadian political officials a few months back.

Quarantine facilities

(7) The Minister may by order designate any place in Canada as a quarantine facility and amend, cancel or reinstate the designation.

Screening technology

 (1) Any qualified person authorized by the Minister may, to determine whether a traveller has a communicable disease or symptoms of one, use any screening technology authorized by the Minister that does not involve the entry into the traveller’s body of any instrument or other foreign body.

Refusal to be screened

(2) If a traveller refuses to be screened with the screening technology and the person using it is not a screening officer or quarantine officer, the person shall immediately inform a screening officer or quarantine officer of the refusal.

New York Dictate

New York is proposing similar laws. Democrat N. Nick Perry introduced Assembly Bill A416, which calls for the “removal and/or detention” of individuals who are identified as a “case, contact or carrier” of a contagious disease.


According to a January 2, 2021 article, the law allows the governor or a health official to unilaterally approve such detentions for any health emergency, not only for Coronavirus. However, a court order is required within 60 days of confinement, and judicial review is also required if the individual is still in detention after 90 days. Citizens that are placed in detention will only be released once “health authorities” determine that they are no longer contagious.

The Great Reset

These “Acts” are in line with The Great Reset, a campaign to homogenize all laws, all nations, all minds.  Under the Great Reset, one group of people declare themselves authority over all others, all movement and all medical choices, property rights, and other rights.

You will be told that “For The Good of All” you must obey new restrictions. For the good of all, you must conform. Uniformity over unity. Conformity over freedom. Sustainability “for urgent times” under the United Nations as the New Normal.

You will be strongly encouraged to reset the language, reset creativity, and reset your thoughts, and your solutions, under new Global Norms dictated by the United Nations. These new ‘norms’ will claim to offer a “window of opportunity” to change “the future state of global relations, the direction of national economies, the priorities of societies, the nature of business models and the management of a global commons.”


All the world’s a stage,
And all the men and women merely players;
They have their exits and their entrances,
And one man in his time plays many parts, – Shakespeare, As You Like It,

If all the world is a stage, as disclosed under the pseudonym of William Shakespeare, then all Acts are scripts for actors.

What secret group is behind the 2020 Pandemic script?  Could it be the authors of The Secret Covenant?

The Secret Covenant

A secret group that remains ‘Anonymous’ has made their intentions known on how the Acts on the world stage will play out in the Secret Covenant. Some points are listed as follows:

We will always hide our objectives but carry our our plan.

We will use soft metals, aging accelerators and sedatives in food and water, also in the air.

They will be blanketed by poisons everywhere they turn.

Their minds will belong to us and they will do as we say. If they refuse we shall find ways to implement mind-altering technology into their lives.

When they give birth, we will inject poisons into the blood of their children and convince them it is for their help.

We will render them docile and weak before us by our power.

We will establish a money system that will imprison them forever; keeping them and their children in debt.

When they shall ban together, we shall accuse them of crimes and present a different story to the world, for we shall own all the media.

When they shall rise up against us, we will crush them like insects, for they are less than that.

So grand the illusion of freedom will be, that they will never know they are our slaves.

We will use our media to control the flow of information and their sentiment in our favor.

When our goal is accomplished, a new era of dominion will begin.

But if they ever find out they are our equal, we shall perish then. THIS THEY MUST NEVER KNOW

If they ever find out that together they can vanquish us, they will take action.

– Author Unknown

Individual Power in a Staged Reality

Could a global frequency grid, controlled by Artificial Intelligence (A.I.), create an illusion of reality?

For centuries humans have been made to fight for freedom on roads paved with blood under the direction of an unseen group, synonymous with A.I.. When humans follow dictates and Acts, and accept untested A.I. as truth, they lose touch with their own intuition, energy, thoughts, and humanity.

When you allow your body to be herded and monitored like sheep, when you allow yourself to be branded with masks, when you allow your nose to be tested with swabs, when you allow your mind to be captured by dictates, when you allow your body to be injected with poisons, you lock your own gates from within. You consent to be controlled as a sheep. Livestock are vaccinated nasally.

What if refusing the Act and its dictates preserves your authentic frequency? What is preserving your frequency is one easy solution to separate yourself from the rest of the herd mentality?  What if creating an inner state of calm, peace, joy, and gratitude throws a wrench in the fear-based control system and unleashes freedom for humanity on a larger scale than a single stage? What if you create a Notice of Non-consent when it comes to mandates of any kind? You operate in the realm of the private (not public) where your inherent rights are protected.

Freeing yourself from a staged reality must begin with taking the bull by the horns and seeing yourself as energy first, unique, with your own distinct energy signature, your own energy fingerprints, your own senses and sensibilities, and your own ability to choose a road paved by choice, not by blood or poison. Do you choose your own script on your own stage?


Rosanne Lindsay is a Naturopath, writer, earth keeper, health freedom advocate and author of the books The Nature of Healing, Heal the Body, Heal the Planet and  Free Your Voice, Heal Your Thyroid, Reverse Thyroid Disease Naturally.

Rosanne Lindsay is available for consultation through Turtle Island Network.  Subscribe to her blog at natureofhealing.org.


cover image credit Peggy_Marco / pixabay

Study Finds 68% of Children Report Side Effects from Wearing Masks (Germany)

Study Finds 68% of Children Report Side Effects from Wearing Masks (Germany)

by Children’s Health Defense Europe
January 4, 2021


The results the first German study on children and teenagers wearing mouth and nose coverings reveal 68%  complain of wearing a mask. Researchers at the university of Witten Herdecke had set up the first registry to report effects of wearing a mask in children. 363 doctors were invited to report their findings and ask parents and teachers to register side effects of masks. They were surprised by the elevated number of reports, as they found complaints affecting 25,930 children were entered in less than 6 days

Most common issues were

  • Irritability (60%)
  • Headaches (53%)
  • Difficulties concentrating (50%)
  • Sadness (49%)
  • Reluctance to attend school (44%)
  • Malaise (42%)
  • Impaired learning  (38%)
  • Fatigue and drowsiness (37%)


Other physical symptoms included rashes and allergies around the mouth, syncope (20%)nausea (16, 6%), hyperventilation (12%) fainting spells (2,2%)

In addition 25% of the children had developed anxieties. Asked what they were thinking about the measures, 41% of the parents estimated they should be milder and 31,6% estimated they were inappropriate.

The investigation concludes that high frequency and type of symptoms reported ask for a broader investigation into specific risks for children and to reevaluate measures imposing mouth and nose covering for young people.

The “adults need to collectively reflect the circumstances under which they would be willing to take a residual risk upon themselves in favour of enabling children to have a higher quality of life without having to wear a mask”.

Read the full study here


“The House Cat Flu” Pandemic is Coming. The Meow Apocalypse…

“The House Cat Flu” Pandemic is Coming. The Meow Apocalypse…
     Satire: The Simpsons (2010)

by Prof Michel Chossudovsky, Global Research
republished January 3, 2021 [originally published April 18, 2020]


he following episode of the Simpsons was released in 2010.

It is a satire. But at the same time it reveals the unspoken truth. The writer of the script is an award winning author and political analyst. Michael Price

This episode was not “taken out of the blue”?  In 2010 when The House Cat Flu  episode was broadcast on TV in November 2010,  the  World was recovering from the 2009 H1N1 swine flu pandemic which turned out to be “fake”.

In the Meow Apocalypse, it was a campaign against the house cat.

In the REAL LIFE 2009 H1N1 swine flu pandemic, it was a worldwide campaign against the pig. Hundreds of thousands of pigs were slaughtered. 

The WHO was and remains controlled by Big Pharma. In 2009, WHO Director General Margaret Chan ordered 4.9 billion doses of an H1N1 vaccine from the pharmaceutical industry. It was  a multibillion dollar scam.

And there lessons to be drawn in regards to the ongoing 2020-2021 corona crisis. 

scroll down for details on the H1N1 Swine flu pandemic scam.


The H1N1 Swine Flu Pandemic

In 2009, hundreds of thousands of pigs were executed Worldwide, despite the fact that  the WHO had confirmed that there was no danger of transmission from pigs to humans.

And then what happened, an authoritative study by the John Hopkins School of Public Health was released saying that humans could infect the pigsPutting Meat on the Table Industrial Farm Animal Production in Americas, see also Washington Post, May 9 2009).

Based on incomplete and scanty data, the WHO Director General nonetheless predicted with authority that: “as many as 2 billion people could become infected over the next two years — nearly one-third of the world population.” (World Health Organization as reported by the Western media, July 2009).

It was a multibillion bonanza for Big Pharma supported by the WHO’s Director-General Margaret Chan. 

In June 2009, Margaret Chan made the following statement:

“On the basis of … expert assessments of the evidence, the scientific criteria for an influenza pandemic have been met. I have therefore decided to raise the level of influenza pandemic alert from Phase 5 to Phase 6.  The world is now at the start of the 2009 influenza pandemic. … Margaret Chan, Director-General, World Health Organization (WHO), Press Briefing  11 June 2009)

What “expert assessments”?

In a subsequent statement she confirmed that:

“Vaccine makers could produce 4.9 billion pandemic flu shots per year in the best-case scenario”,Margaret Chan, Director-General, World Health Organization (WHO), quoted by Reuters, 21 July 2009)

A financial windfall for Big Pharma Vaccine Producers including GlaxoSmithKline, Novartis, Merck & Co., Sanofi,  Pfizer. et al.

The same Big Pharma companies are also behind the coronavirus pandemic.

Fake News, Fake Statistics, Lies at the Highest Levels of Government

The media went immediately into high gear (without a shred of evidence). Fear and Uncertainty. Public opinion was deliberately misled

Swine flu could strike up to 40 percent of Americans over the next two years and as many as several hundred thousand could die if a vaccine campaign and other measures aren’t successful.” (Official Statement of Obama Administration, Associated Press, 24 July 2009).

“The U.S. expects to have 160 million doses of swine flu vaccine available sometime in October”, (Associated Press, 23 July 2009)

Wealthier countries such as the U.S. and Britain will pay just under $10 per dose [of the H1N1 flu vaccine]. … Developing countries will pay a lower price.” [circa $40 billion for Big Pharma?] (Business Week, July 2009)

But the pandemic never happened.

There was no pandemic affecting 2 billion people…

Millions of doses of swine flu vaccine had been ordered by national governments from Big Pharma. Millions of vaccine doses were subsequently destroyed: a financial bonanza for Big Pharma, an expenditure crisis for national governments.

There was no investigation into who was behind this multibillion fraud. 

Several critics said that the H1N1 Pandemic was “Fake”

The Parliamentary Assembly of the Council of Europe (PACE), a human rights watchdog, is publicly investigating the WHO’s motives in declaring a pandemic. Indeed, the chairman of its influential health committee, epidemiologist Wolfgang Wodarg, has declared that the “false pandemic” is “one of the greatest medicine scandals of the century.” (Forbes, February 10, 2010)

And in January 2010, the WHO responded with the following statement


The Western media which provided daily coverage of  the pandemic, remained mum (with some exceptions) on the issue of financial fraud and disinformation.

I should emphasize that the present Public Health Crisis concerning China’s novel coronavirus is of an entirely different nature to that of H1N1.

But there important lessons to be learnt from the 2009 H1N1 Pandemic: 

The fundamental issue we must address pertaining to both present as well as previous public health emergencies:

Can we trust the Western media?

Can we trust the World Health Organization (WHO)?

Can we trust the US government  including the US Centers  for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC), all of which are serving the interests of Big Pharma (at tax payers’ expense)?

Art in Motion: Swiss Artists Protest Lockdowns & Unfolding Tyrannical Control System

Art in Motion: Swiss Artists Protest Lockdowns & Unfolding Tyrannical Control System

by Zol Neveri, @ZNeveri twitter
January 1, 2021


Swiss Artists Against Covid Restrictions

(Cut version with English subtitles)

Source video is found at ZNeveri twitter account.

[As a service to protect truth from censorship and to share widely, mirrored copies of this video are available at Truth Comes to Light BitChute, Brighteon, Lbry/Odysee channels. All credit, along with our sincere thanks, goes to the original source of this video. Please follow links provided to support their work.]

NY SB416: Quarantine Camps & Forced Vaccinations — This Has Got to End Now. Do You Love Freedom Enough?

NY SB416: Quarantine Camps & Forced Vaccinations — This Has Got to End Now. Do You Love Freedom Enough?

by Christian Westbrook, Ice Age Farmer
January 2, 2021


Video available at Ice Age Farmer BitChute channel.

New York Senate Bill 416 authorizes quarantine of individuals or groups who “potentially pose a threat to public health,” including forced testing and vaccinations. This must stop now. This Ice Age Farmer broadcast is NOT available on youtube due to the subject matter.

Here’s the bill: https://www.nysenate.gov/legislation/bills/2021/a416

It was A99 last year, but suffice to say, sentiment has changed radically, and with immunization passports in the news, this merits our attention.

That’s it. No other links. I still have a youtube channel for now. But iceagefarmer.com is the place you should go.

support the broadcast: https://iceagefarmer.com/support


cover image credit GDJ / pixabay


This is an Orange: A Reminder of Deadly Lies Told to Us by Our Government

This is an Orange: A Reminder of Deadly Lies Told to Us by Our Government


This Is an Orange.
Now Take a Look at World Trade Tower 7 as It Collapses.

by Anthony Lawson
published on YouTube 13 years ag with 1.3 million views
video sourced from Mark Taliano


Original video is available at Anthony Lawson YouTube channel.

[As a service to protect truth from censorship and to share widely, mirrored copies of this video are available at Truth Comes to Light BitChute, Brighteon, Lbry/Odysee channels. All credit, along with our sincere thanks, goes to the original source of this video. Please follow links provided to support their work.]



This is an orange. If you were told it was something else, you wouldn’t believe it, would you?

This is called visual identification, based on experience.

This building is about to be destroyed in what is called a controlled demolition. Buildings do not do this spontaneously.

Here is another example of a controlled demolition. The initial charges are spaced about one second apart. And you can see that each section begins falling separately. Successful demolitions require that all structural support columns collapse at virtually the same time. If they don’t, or if something else goes wrong, the result will look something like this.

This is World Trade Center 7 just before it collapsed on September the 11th 2001. It had not been hit by an aircraft. It had been damaged by falling debris and fire. But by 5 20 pm, most of the fires have been extinguished.

Although the building was 47 stories high, it doesn’t fall sideways nor collapse unevenly. For this to have happened, all of the buildings vertical supports must have given way at almost exactly the same time.

Yet the Federal Emergency Management Agency reported that the collapse was due primarily to fire.

But what does it look like to you?

As of July 2007 there is no final report on the collapse of World Trade Center 7, but the National Institute of Standards and Technology still rules out a controlled demolition.

So the question is, do you believe what you can see with your own eyes or do you believe what you are told.


Video was dedicated to the victims of 9/11, Afghanistan and Iraq… and to those who may be next.

Dr. Reiner Fuellmich Interview About the International Lawsuits: “It’s Quite Clear That This Is Like World War III, and Probably Worse”

Dr. Reiner Fuellmich Interview About the International Lawsuits: “It’s Quite Clear That This Is Like World War III, and Probably Worse”
Reiner Fuellmich : “cette pandémie a été mise en scène” [VOSTFR]
Translation — Reiner Fuellmich: “This Pandemic Has Been Ataged” [VOSTFR]

by FranceSoir
December 21, 2020


Debriefing in partnership with BonSens.org

We welcome Reiner Fuellmich. After a general presentation and his analysis on the pandemic, he tells us about the actions he is leading, the legal and judicial situation in Germany where the system is locally under the influence of certain companies, international cooperation and “loaded dice” by the PCR tests of the much criticized Dr. Drosten.

Truth Comes to Light editor’s note: This video made use of YouTube’s transcript option and, unedited, it naturally contains a lot of errors. Below, we are providing some excerpts where you will find corrected names, etc.

[Original video available at FranceSoir YouTube channel. As a service to protect truth from censorship and to share widely, mirrored copies of this video are available at Truth Comes to Light BitChute, Brighteon, Lbry/Odysee channels. All credit, along with our sincere thanks, goes to the original source of this video. Please follow links provided to support their work.]

Topics of discussion include:

  • Background of Dr. Reiner Fuellmich’s involvement with the lawsuits
  • Key lies that are the basis for the fraudulent pandemic
  • Class action in the United States, Canada and Australia
  • Malpractice lawsuits internationally
  • Various lawsuits for individual situations


I did remember, however, that there was a similar thing that happened years ago but I couldn’t quite remember the details of this. And that’s why I called my friend Wolfgang Wodarg who was a medical doctor. And I asked him about what he thought about it. He explained to me that I was remembering the right thing — it was the swine flu, which was 12 years ago. And he said it looks very much like the swine flu all over again — because it’s the same people playing the same roles. Panic. Making people panic. The same professor Drosten of Charity University, the same Neil Ferguson of the Imperial College in London. Same people.

And he told me to take a closer look at what some of the other experts said, because we knew very quickly that the only person who the German government relied on was this infamous, now infamous, professor Drosten. So he pointed out to me that there’s Ioannidis of Stanford University and Michael Levitt of Stanford University. Plus a number of German scientists who have a entirely different view of the situation.


…it’s quite clear that this is like World War III, and probably worse. A lot of people are committing suicide.


So the final question was, ‘what about the PCR tests?’. And when we looked at this, it turns out that there’s one major player who’s — now it’s called the Drosten paper which was published on, I think January 23rd. This major player is professor Drosten — who as it turns out is neither a professor nor is he a doctor. Because the dissertation, that finally was found by the people… who had been looking for it for months and months and months, turns out to be a piece that was probably produced in June of this year, but not in 2003 or 2002 as he as he claims it was.

So that got us really interested in this, because if somebody lies about his academic background then the next question is — is he telling the truth as far as what he’s saying in this now infamous Drosten paper, in this paper he claims that he had invented a new PCR test which was capable of detecting infections.

In another paper, that was published a little later, he claims that there are asymptomatic infections. Now you have to read this together because — what does that mean? If there really are asymptomatic infections, that means that people out there who have no infections whatsoever are dangerous because they may be infectious. If it’s not true then we don’t have to worry about that.

Up until then it was quite clear that anybody who didn’t have any any symptoms is not infectious — is a healthy person. I mean, who goes to see a doctor when they don’t have any symptoms? But all of a sudden this brand new claim stated there are asymptomatic infections. And this is, I think, really important to know because, if there were asymptomatic infections, then it would make sense to be afraid of everyone. If not, then the whole thing collapses like a house of cards.

The other thing is, what about the PCR tests? And it turns out that PCR tests — even though a PCR test is a great thing to amplify things that the human eye normally cannot see — it doesn’t and cannot tell you anything about infections. The inventor of the PCR test Kary Mullis said this over and over and over again. I listened to all of his videos. Great guy. Intelligent. Witty. Smart.


So we listened to, I think in the meantime, over a hundred experts from all over the world — scientists, doctors, economists, lawyers — and as far as the scientists are concerned — the immunologists, the biologists, all of them said ‘No way can a PCR test tell you anything about infections’.

Because the one major problem it has — first of all it isn’t designed and it isn’t admitted for diagnostic purposes.


So what do we have here? We have two blatant lies. These are false statements. And we know that this man made them knowingly because he’s supposedly an expert on PCR tests. And we know that he lied on purpose because there’s an interview with him from six years ago, I think that was during the MERS flu, which is also a corona virus, a different one, but still. And that’s when he said that the PCR tests are so sensitive that they test positive to almost anything — and that, in many cases, it tests positive on healthy people. So he knew what was going on. And, even then, he also knew that the mainstream media played a big role in this. Because in this interview, he said ‘and you also have to take into consideration’, he pointed out that the mainstream media are causing quite a ruckus, quite an uproar.


If there are no asymptomatic infections, what’s going on? So we arrive at the conclusion — that is our current conclusion — that there’s some other agenda being pushed, which has nothing to do with health, and everything to do with control and power and money.


A class action is something that you can use when you have a huge, or a large number, of people who suffered damages because of one single damaging action. In this case it’s the lockdowns. The Drosten-PCR-test-induced lockdowns. And that’ll be a problem for Mr. Drosten and the people who he cooperates with — W.H.O. and others who are behind this — because they sold these PCR tests, these Drosten PCR tests, throughout the world.


…it looks as though the mistakes were made on purpose in order to drive up the numbers of infections which are really only false positives.


…The first complaint that we filed is — we’re representing our friend Wolfgang Wodarg because he was accused by a group of what is now called “fact checkers” (which is nothing else but people who are bought and paid for by youtube, twitter, facebook in order to defame people who express an opinion that is not in agreement with the government’s opinion, in particular when it comes to covid and PCR). So these people called him a liar because he explained that PCR tests cannot tell you anything about infections. Now if they call him a liar, they have to prove that he’s the liar. So we’re suing them for defamation… Today we’re sending out another brief to Drosten himself, explaining to him that he has to retract his ideas, but that, even at this point, he is civilly liable for the damages that he caused.


The most important thing is, of course, to get these class actions started, both in the United States and in Canada, and if possible, also in Australia. How this works is as follows: A person who suffered damages in the United States, or in Canada, or in Australia, because of these Drosten-PCR-test-induced lockdowns can file a complaint against Drosten, against the W.H.O. — or anyone else who, in the United States, Canada or in Australia claims that the PCR test that they’re selling tells you something about infections.

Now, if then, they explain to the judge that they’re not the only ones who are suffering harm, but that there’s thousands and thousands of more people who suffer the same kind of damage, they can ask the court to let this case go forward as a class action. Meaning, if the judge decides, yes, this makes sense to be tried as a class action, then anybody who suffered the same kinds of damages can join this class. What the judge will then do is publish this. And, if it’s going to be an international case, then he’s going to publish this worldwide in all the mainstream media — so that anyone who suffered damages because of this same illegal action can join the class. They don’t have to, but they can. They can still file their own complaints but the power of this class action is that you have — in the end, you have probably hundreds of thousands, I think even millions, of plaintiffs who are all in this one case together. But only one case, for the so-called representative plaintiff — someone who suffered typical damages — one case is tried. If this case is won then everybody else wins too.


We’re cooperating with all of our colleagues in Italy and France, in Spain, Austria, Switzerland — all of the countries from which lawyers have approached us. And they all get everything they need from us.


There are other actions that are going to be filed for malpractice. Yes. Because we know that, in particular when it comes to New York and Bergamo, Italy… The pictures of these places were shown all over the world in order to scare people, in order to tell them ‘this is what’s going to happen if you don’t do as we are telling you’. Because they needed these pictures in order to make people panic — put them in panic modes — so that they won’t ask any questions but do as they’re told. Wear masks, for example. Social distancing, for example. You have to have a lockdown, for example.

We know now from talking to the doctors from New York and from the United States, and from talking to a network of doctors in Italy and in other places that these pictures were staged.


…We’re waiting for a trial date to be set by the court here in Berlin. I know that, very soon, there’s going to be a similar complaint to be filed someplace in the United States — within the next couple of days I think. And I know that within the next couple of weeks a real PCR class action case will be filed in Canada.


I wish we had acted sooner, but it took us a while to understand what was going on. And you can’t go to court unless you have the full picture. Now we have the full picture, we believe. In our opinion, this is a staged pandemic — staged for completely other purposes than health care.

As I said, this is about money, power, and control over the people. And so this is actually the last step. Collecting damages should be the last step.

What we’re all working on right now — because we have to get our priorities straight — is to… we’re filing criminal complaints and administrative law complaints in order to stop the EMA [European Medicines Agency] — the European commission that decides on whether or not to admit these vaccines — in order to stop them from admitting these vaccines, because as we know now they’re extremely dangerous.

They’re not vaccines. This is genetic engineering.


[speaking about situation in Germany] I think there are about thirty percent of the population who are completely in line with the government, and who, if they had a choice but probably would wear three or four or five masks on top of each other. But then, there’s 20 percent who are of the opinion that there’s something seriously wrong and this should be stopped very soon. But 50 percent of the people — that’s what we estimate — are beginning to ask more and more questions. And, if I read my sister correctly, and other nurses and doctors who I spoke with, at least 90 percent of the people do not want vaccinations.

Tomorrow we’re meeting with a large group of lawyers and we’re going to decide who’s going to do what. Some of us are going to go to administrative law courts, some of us are going to work with the tort law cases — which is my specialty– and others are going to do criminal law.


More and more doctors are coming out of hiding and are approaching us, the Corona Committee, through our whistleblower tool. So things are beginning to boil…

See related: Dr. Reiner Fuellmich on The Corona Crime Scandal | International Network of Lawyers Will Argue the Biggest Tort Case in World History


Is the Pandemic Being Used To Create a Surveillance State?

Is the Pandemic Being Used To Create a Surveillance State?

by Russell Brand
December 31, 2020


The pandemic has taken surveillance of workers to the next level – but with existing data showing that working from home already achieved better productivity, could there be other motives?

The Empty Hospitals

The Empty Hospitals

by John Thor
December 31, 2020


Hugo Talks

Carl Vernon


Mad World – Gary Jules / Tears For Fears (Cover by Jasmine Thompson)

O.D.D TV | End of the Tunnel (Feat. K-Rino & Tony Mac)

O.D.D TV | Twilight Zone | Real Truth Music / Conscious Rap

John Thor Links

Bitchute: https://www.bitchute.com/channel/FeJrJ4iaKMHG/

ODYSEE: https://odysee.com/@JohnThor:0

LBRY: https://beta.lbry.tv/@JohnThor

YouTube (New): https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCV6uX1lhCEuqDg5jwm2v_IA

Dr Heiko Schöning — Dark Winter: The Amerithrax Attacks & Ties to Coronavirus Narrative

Dr Heiko Schöning — Dark Winter: The Amerithrax Attacks & Ties to Coronavirus Narrative
DARK WINTER Explained – Dr. Heiko Schöning

by Oracle Films
December 31, 2020


DARK WINTER Explained – Dr. Heiko Schöning

Join members of the World Freedom Alliance as Dr. Heiko Schöning discusses his research into the alarming history of the current media buzz phrase ‘Dark Winter’, its close relevance to the Coronavirus outbreak, the 2020 US elections and even the 2001 Amerithrax attacks.

Heiko Schöning, vice president of World Freedom Alliance


Video made by Oracle Films; https://www.oraclefilms.com/ 

[Original video available at Oracle Films BrandNewTube channel. As a service to protect truth from censorship and to share widely, mirrored copies of this video are available at Truth Comes to Light BitChute, Brighteon, Lbry/Odysee channels. All credit, along with our sincere thanks, goes to the original source of this video. Please follow links provided to support their work.]

David Icke — 2021: Where From Here?

David Icke — 2021: Where From Here?

by David Icke
January 1, 2021



Why Do Hypocritical Officials Violate Their Own COVID Rules? | The Open Secret

Why Do Hypocritical Officials Violate Their Own COVID Rules?
   The Open Secret

by Jon Rappoport, No More Fake News
January 1, 2021


The latest example of hypocrisy is Dr. Deborah Birx, White House coronavirus advisor. It turns out she traveled to meet her family for Thanksgiving after telling Americans not to travel, not to gather with family outside their immediate households.

Gavin Newsom, the governor of California, told the public they should celebrate Thanksgiving outdoors. Then he was caught having dinner, indoors, at a restaurant, unmasked, with 12 people.

There are other examples.

The usual explanation: these officials are arrogant and believe they’re above the law. They want to thumb their noses at the little people.

Yes, no doubt. But a more direct reason is staring us in the face.

The hypocritical officials know the whole COVID pandemic is a fraud.

They know there is no danger.

They know the lockdowns are unnecessary.

That’s why these officials break their own rules.

Why would they expose themselves to “the virus,” unless they knew they were safe?

Some of them believe they’re trapped in a political apparatus that offers no exit. They must go along with the show. They must participate in the fraud because, for example, federal dollars flow into their states, and those dollars are contingent on “playing the COVID game.”

Other officials have been bribed, blackmailed, threatened.

Regardless, they know they can flout their own rules because there is no health risk, no danger.

The risk is on the level of betting on a boxing match, when the bout is fixed, and you know who will win.

People will say, “These officials aren’t smart enough to figure out COVID is a fraud.”

You don’t have to be smart, you don’t have to understand all the intricate details of the fake test, the fake case and death numbers based on the test. You just need to understand enough.

You just need to be clued in.

This would suggest the COVID fraud is an open secret, shared by many in power. I believe that is exactly the case.

For purposes of comparison, consider a level of “secret understanding” slightly above that of politicians. Government scientists.

These scientists are fully aware that the PCR test for COVID is a complete hoax—for reasons I’ve detailed over the past nine months. Therefore, the scientists also know the case numbers based on those tests are fraudulent. And they know the case numbers are used as the rationale for the lockdowns.

That’s a lot of knowing. That’s a lot of “open secret.”

Here’s another comparison. PCR techs in labs all over the world, who are running the test, are fully cognizant of the crimes they’re committing every day—by utilizing “too many cycles” and therefore destroying any shred of validity when diagnosing ANYTHING.

Sharing this open secret among themselves, they otherwise remain silent.

Getting the picture?

The open secret of the COVID fraud isn’t confined to a dozen people in a sealed room. It’s high and wide. It’s understood by many in positions of power and responsibility, all over the world.

You can add your own lists of “secret sharers.” Mainstream physicians, for example. Physicians who are in charge of administering the COVID vaccines they know are unnecessary and dangerous. They also remain silent. So do certain news media people.

And since there are so many people who know the real score, we can begin to see the degree and extent of complicity that is driving the whole pandemic hoax.

This isn’t only a small conspiracy of movers and shakers who planned it and launched it.

This is a very wide-ranging conspiracy of silence.

“Don’t blame me. I’m just following orders.”

“But you know COVID is a total fraud.”

“Of course I know.”

“And you know others who know.”

“Many others.”

“Case closed.”

Which is to say, case WIDE OPEN.

The COVID situation is directly analogous to the Nazi, USSR, and Chinese bureaucracies; faceless workers passing on and obeying orders.

Many of the workers know those orders, no matter how they are dressed up, are arbitrary and evil.

The orders are initiated to destroy lives and freedom, and are transferred through the human machinery of The Complicit Silent Ones.

cover image credit TillVoigt / pixabay

Scientific Manipulation – Can the “Experts” Make You Believe?

Scientific Manipulation – Can the “Experts” Make You Believe?

by Joe Plummer, JoePlummer.com
January 1, 2020


Even those who aren’t paying attention, probably know by now that access to information is being blocked. Apparently, a handful of people have decided that our new normal does not include the right to speak or hear unapproved facts. To the extent possible, they’re creating a digital echo chamber; where they write the official narrative, and only those who repeat the narrative are permitted to be seen and heard.

There’s a science to making people believe things that are not true. Bertrand Russel, an expert on the topic, argued in the 1930s that “The society of experts will control propaganda…all real power will come to be concentrated in the hands of those who understand the art of scientific manipulation.”[i] He noted that the population will: “not be allowed to know how its convictions were generated.”[ii] Hopefully, this short video will shine some light on how they generate convictions.

For those of us who understand the “art of scientific manipulation,” because we’ve studied the history of those who employ it, the COVID 19 manipulation could not have been more obvious. Once you know the formula, it’s very easy to identify: Use the media to convince the population that it faces an imminent apocalyptic threat, generate as much hysteria as possible, and then implement your desired policies; policies that, without the hysteria, would have been politically impossible.

At this point, they’ve already achieved many of their desires, so let’s turn our attention to one goal that they’ve yet to achieve: Injecting billions of human beings, multiple times, with a rushed, inadequately tested, unproven mRNA vaccine. Fortunately, their propaganda formula is less effective in the age of the internet. Unfortunately, they’ve now identified and addressed this problem by adding censorship to the mix.  And it’s not just Facebook, YouTube and Twitter.

When my wife and I moved back to Ohio, somebody invited us to join nextdoor.com. Unlike Facebook, where you see things that your friends have posted, nextdoor.com periodically sends an email digest of posts from people who live in and around your neighborhood. Garage sales, lost cats…recently, somebody found a chicken that flew the coop…stuff like that. In 8 years, I’ve only gone to the site a handful of times to comment. Last week was one of them. The post read: Will you get the COVID vaccine and why?

Clearly, I’m passionate about this topic, so I was one of the first ones to reply. I wrote: “No. You couldn’t pay me enough to take a rushed mRNA vaccine for a disease that, in the vast majority of people, has a 99.98% survival rate. (And that’s IF you catch it. Many seem to already have some form of immunity.) Add in the fact that the vaccine may only reduce symptoms, not prevent infection or transmission, and the idea of injecting billions of healthy people seems downright criminal.”

 So, that was my first post. Let me show some references to back up my claims. All links will be available in the description.

*First, my claim that “the vast majority of people have a 99.98% survival rate” is based on information from the CDC and the UN. Some of you might have seen graphics like this that use CDC data to show the survival rate based on age: https://www.mediafire.com/view/74pgutm4b7ee8a5/CDC-Survival-rate2.jpg
However, if you want to confirm this on the CDC website, you’ll notice that the CDC presents their numbers in decimal form, and they focus on the number of people who die instead of the number of people who survive. https://www.mediafire.com/view/xxhg7luan0ukyuy/CDC-Survival-rate.jpg No problem. To confirm the survival rate, you only need to do two things: First, convert the CDC’s decimal format to a percent by moving the decimal point 2 places to the right. You now have your infection fatality percentage. Subtract the fatality percent from 100% to see how many people will survive. In this case, 99.997% survive, and in this case 99.98% survive.

For a little more perspective, 99.98% survival rate translates to 1 death in 5,000 infected people. I emphasize infected because it appears that many people are already immune to this due to exposure to other coronaviruses. It could be that 10,000 need to be exposed for 5,000 to become infected and for 1 of those people die. Bottom line, contrary to what the pharma-funded “experts” and media want you to believe, unless you personally know at least 5,000 people under the age of 50, there’s a good chance you won’t know a single person in that age group who dies from this. How many of the planet’s 7.8 billion people are under the age of 50? According to the UN, about 6 billion.
Here’s that reference. Note that the graph shows figures in thousands, so to get the actual total, you’ll have to add 3 zeros.  https://www.mediafire.com/view/ckdntmilk3mvdca/UN-under-50.jpg
You can run the query yourself here: https://population.un.org/wpp/DataQuery/

Last but not least: Listen for yourself as Fauci admits the vaccine might not prevent infection, but that’s OK with him as long as it reduces symptoms. https://youtu.be/xYosU50_E3c

And just for fun, here’s the Nobel prize winning biochemist who invented the PCR test, Kary Mullis, giving his thoughts on Tony Fauci. https://youtu.be/azAeXdIKW3U

It’s a shame Kary died in August of 2019, just before the so-called “pandemic” was announced. I’m sure he’d have had plenty to say about how Fauci and his friends have used the PCR test to “scientifically” create public hysteria.

OK, so when I first replied under the COVID vaccine thread, only a couple other people had posted, and they too responded with an emphatic “No way, I’m not taking it.” However, the next day, somebody responded with a yes. Quoting from his post, under the question will you take the vaccine and why, he replied.

“Yes, the vaccine will be fully vetted. It will not be approved if the side effects are worse than the disease. Some people cannot take the vaccine – babies and those with preexisting conditions. By taking the vaccine you are not only protecting yourself but many other people…3000 people are dying every day from Covid-19, that’s like a September 11th every day!”

I took my time and replied with the following:

I’m not trying to be confrontational; you have the right to believe what you want, but I disagree with your statements. First, the virus poses no significant risk to the overwhelming majority of the population. Therefore, the overwhelming majority of the population is not “protecting themselves” by taking the vaccine. Rather, they’re actually putting themselves at unnecessary risk.

Second, Fauci himself admits that he’ll be happy if the vaccine permits infection, but simply reduces symptoms. That standard does nothing to protect the people who can’t take the vaccine.

Third, more than 160,000 people die globally every day (about 60 million per year.) Approximately 25 million of that 60 million is made up of people over 70 years of age. Many of us suspect that they are “harvesting” from that enormous pool of annual deaths to inflate COVID numbers. Excess mortality data (and diminished mortality in areas like the flu), should hopefully tell the story.

Last but not least, there is no way to fully “vet” or account for potential long-term side effects that this vaccine will cause. That could easily take 5 years or more. If the risk / benefit makes sense to you, that is fine. But the idea of coercing healthy people into taking this vaccine (via restrictions on their movement, employment, insurance, or other means), is criminal.

We’ve already covered the survival rate for 6 billion people, and I’ve already shown Fauci’s statement about whether or not the vaccine will prevent infection, so here’s a graph showing total annual deaths at 7.6 per thousand…multiply the 2020 population estimate of 7.8 billion by .76% and divide by 365 to arrive at 160K+ deaths per day. https://www.mediafire.com/view/ie0vr6cxz7o2ije/UN-Annual-Deaths.jpg/file

Regarding the typical death count in the 70+ age group, this graph from the UN puts the figure at just over 25 million deaths average per year for those over the age of 70. The period in this graph is from 2015 to 2020, so to confirm, add the figures and then divide by 5 to get the total per year. It, too, is displayed in thousands, so you’ll need to add 3 zeros when you’re done. https://www.mediafire.com/view/v22fmjy5vtc0vw1/Deaths-over-70.jpg/file

Now would be a good time to point out that all of the hysteria, censorship, economic destruction, nationwide lockdowns, curfews, privacy violations and threats of mandatory vaccination have been justified based on the world reaching its normal yearly death count on December 20th 2020, instead of December 31st.  And again, that assumes the 1.7 million COVID fatalities they’re claiming haven’t been harvested mostly from the 25 million deaths that occur every year in the 70+ age group alone.

Moving on:

After posting my reply, I saved what I wrote to my computer, and I also saved the post that I’d replied to, and I’m glad I did. I’m sure you know where this is going. The entire thread was deleted.

The last time I looked at the thread, approximately 15 people had responded. Only 3 had replied “yes, I’m going to take the vaccine” so it was 4 “no’s” for every 1 “yes.” Just like the first reply that I responded to, the other “yes” replies repeated the standard “messaging” of mainstream news. “We need to trust the science,” and “don’t listen to conspiracy theories,” and “with the vaccine, we’ll be able to get back to normal.” With that said, I want to expose this idea of media-directed messaging, because it is just another term for scientifically crafted propaganda.

The obvious message, drilled relentlessly into our heads, is that we all face an ominous threat. A threat so great, that it warrants 24 / 7 news coverage and unprecedented governmental intervention. Slightly less obvious is the idea that we’re to trust, without question, the corporate-funded, agenda-driven experts that the media puts in front of us. This tiny group of media-approved experts is not superior in any way to the far-larger group of dissenting experts. In fact, you could easily argue that the tiny group is inferior. Because their job, as Kary Mullis noted, is to say what they’re told to say. Their job is to create and maintain the illusion of consensus. If they value their prestigious positions at the WHO, the CDC, the NIH and other institutes, they will not publicly challenge the official narrative. By design, that narrative contains no context that will lead to unwanted conclusions.

In pursuit of “scientific manipulation,” society has been trained to accept media propaganda for reality. The screen says there’s a new killer mercilessly ravaging the earth, and they believe…they’ve lost the confidence to turn their back on that screen and, using their own judgement, compare its claims to the reality that they actually live in. If they could just do that, if they could turn away long enough, they’d realize that the world they live in bears no resemblance to the 24-hour fear porn they’re subjected to.

Right now, we’re at a stage where they want to manipulate you into taking an unproven and inadequately tested vaccine. A vaccine that doesn’t even promise to keep you from becoming infected or from infecting others. How can they possibly manage to pull that off? Well, we’ve already covered that. They intend to manipulate you with a combination of “messaging” and censorship. If want to dig a little deeper, you can read some “messages” that Yale university is testing on the public. I’ll cover a few here. Tell me if they sound familiar:

The Guilt message
This message is about “the danger that COVID-19 presents to the health of one’s family and community. The best way to protect them is by getting vaccinated and society must work together to get enough people vaccinated. Then it asks the participant to imagine the guilt they will feel if they don’t get vaccinated and spread the disease.”

Can you count the manipulations in that short paragraph? First, we’ve already covered that COVID 19 isn’t a threat to the vast majority of human beings, which includes the human beings in your family and community. Second, they claim the best way to protect your family and community is via vaccination. (If out of 10,000 people, 9,990 face no serious risk, then you are only exposing those 9,990 people to unnecessary risk. As for the other 10 who may be at risk, it’s up to them to decide whether, best case, “reduced symptoms” are a sufficient payoff for taking an unproven mRNA vaccine. Especially when other treatments, buried by the media propaganda and censorship, are available…Finally, as with most propaganda, they threaten exclusion from the circle of “good, smart, brave, proud” people, who did as they were told. You’re either with the good guys who are working to get everyone vaccinated, or you’ll be relegated to the status of a filthy / guilt-ridden spreader. https://clinicaltrials.gov/ct2/show/study/NCT04460703

Personal freedom message
“COVID-19 is limiting people’s personal freedom and by working together to get enough people vaccinated society can preserve its personal freedom.” First of all, COVID 19 isn’t limiting personal freedom, rather, it’s being used as a pretext to limit personal freedom, that’s an important distinction. And the idea that vaccination “preserves” freedom is just bizarre. At best, they’re saying that you must surrender your freedom to decide for yourself, then, if you do that, maybe they’ll give back some of what they’ve taken. How is that preserving freedom?

I’ll just cover one more, but I’ll link to the study’s page in the description. Here we have the

The “Trust in science” message
“…getting vaccinated against COVID-19 is the most effective way of protecting one’s community. Vaccination is backed by science. If one doesn’t get vaccinated that means that one doesn’t understand how infections are spread or who ignores science.” Well, you wouldn’t want to ignore “the science!” that our scientific manipulators have chosen to put before us. Pay no mind to the 10’s of thousands of other doctors and scientists who are risking their careers (and of course, being censored), for challenging this insanity.

On that note, let’s wrap this up with a reminder from Robert Kennedy Jr. about the history of those who not only produce these drugs, but fund the only institutions and “experts” that you’re allowed to hear from.

[i] The Scientific Outlook, page 175

[ii] The Impact of Science on Society, page 41


[Truth Comes to Light Editor’s note: Original video is available at Joe Plummer YouTube channel.  As a service to protect truth from censorship & to share widely, mirrored copies of this video are available at Truth Comes to Light BitChute, Brighteon, Lbry/Odysee channels. All credit, along with our sincere thanks, goes to Joe Plummer. Please follow links provided to support his work.]

cover image credit  mohamed_hassan / pixabay


Del Bigtree: The Rise of Truth in 2021

The Rise of Truth in 2021

by Del Bigtree, The HighWire
January 1, 2021

Video available at The HighWire BitChute and Brighteon channels.

We look back on our successes, reflect on our losses, and forge ahead with hope, determination, and a dedication to the rise of truth in 2021.

#Winning #TruthWillOut #2021 #2020 #NYE

Canadian Minister Jetted to Caribbean While Lecturing People to ‘Sacrifice’ Holidays

Canadian Minister Jetted to Caribbean While Lecturing People to ‘Sacrifice’ Holidays
     Tried to cover up luxury St. Barts getaway

by Steve Watson, Summit News
December 31, 2020


Another government figure has been slammed for lecturing people to stay home to keep COVID cases down, while not even bothering to do so himself.

Ontario’s Finance Minister Rod Phillips has been slammed for asking people to ‘make sacrifices’ and forget about going on holiday, while himself jetting off to the Caribbean.

When it emerged that Phillips had left the country, breaking the ‘non-essential travel’ mandate, he was forced to issue an apology, claiming he “deeply” regretted traveling and “it was a mistake and I apologize.”

“I left on a personally paid trip to St. Barts on Dec. 13 following the end of the Legislative session,” Phillips noted claiming he was “making arrangements to return to Ontario immediately and will begin a 14-day quarantine as soon as I arrive.”

Social media users pointed out that Phillips appears to have scheduled a stream of Twitter posts to make it appear he was still in Ontario, but was wearing the same clothes in all of them because the photos were all taken on the same day before he left:

Phillips also tried to cover up the fact he was in the Caribbean during a video conference call on December 16, using a fake background:

Now angry residents, who are locked down between provinces, are calling for his head:

Ontario Premier Doug Ford has also been slammed over the revelations, with claims that he found out about Phillips being away but did not order him to return.

“I did call him shortly after he arrived and I asked him and he said he was away,” Ford admitted Wednesday.

“My mistake, and I take full responsibility. At that time, I should have said get your backside back into Ontario and I didn’t do that,” Ford added.

The government of Ontario recently stoked controversy by suggesting that people who do not take the coronavirus vaccine will face restrictions on where they can travel and spend time.

Phillips joins a long list of COVID hypocrites in government who spend their time lecturing everyone else to hunker down while they completely ignore all restrictions.

The Criminal W.H.O. Blows Its Own Cover: Fake PCR Test

The Criminal WHO Blows Its Own Cover: Fake PCR Test

by Jon Rappoport, No More Fake News
December 31, 2020


In early 2020, the WHO accepted a PCR test for “SARS-CoV-2” that was designed without having possession of the virus. Yet the test is meant to detect…the missing virus. This is evidence of deep criminal intent. [1]

But as of December 14, 2020, WHO has made a correction [2]. Thereby blowing its own cover. Why?

Two reasons. Huge numbers of people have caught on to the PCR test scam. And by their correction, WHO paves the way for “declining COVID case numbers”—thereby making it appear the new vaccine is a roaring success. I predicted this development. [3] [4]

A brief review. The PCR test (a complete fraud for several reasons) is run in “cycles.” Each cycle is a giant magnification of a tiny portion of the swab sample taken from the patient.

As I’ve reported, even Tony Fauci readily asserts that if the PCR is run at 35 cycles or higher, it’s meaningless. [5] [6]

Every positive result—indicating “infection with the virus”—occurring at 35 cycles or higher is meaningless.

BUT, as I’ve also pointed out, public health agencies recommend running the PCR test at up to 40 cycles. Therefore, labs comply.

Therefore, millions upon millions of PCR tests results, over the last nine months, which indicate “infection,” are a vast lie.

Therefore, the COVID case numbers are a vast lie, and the lockdowns, which are based on those numbers, are absurd, insane, criminal, and predatory.

NOW, the WHO is walking back their stance on how the PCR should be run, for the reasons I mentioned above.

The WHO document is titled, “WHO Information Notice for IVD Users/Nucleic acid testing (NAT) technologies that use real-time polymerase chain reaction (RT-PCR) for detection of SARS-CoV-2.” [2]

Here are the money quotes. The language is mealy-mouthed, intentionally confusing, cautious, and sterile. Nevertheless, we can see the intent to lower the number of test cycles.

“Users of RT-PCR reagents should read the IFU [Information for Use] carefully to determine if manual adjustment of the PCR positivity threshold is necessary to account for any background noise which may lead to a specimen with a high cycle threshold (Ct) value result being interpreted as a positive result.”

Translation: Using too many test cycles—aka “high cycle threshold (Ct) value”—has resulted in patients being told they’re infected, which is a lie.

“In some cases, the IFU will state that the cut-off should be manually adjusted to ensure that specimens with high Ct values are not incorrectly assigned SARS-CoV-2 detected due to background noise.”

Translation: Running the test with a high number of cycles yields “background noise”—aka a false positive result. The patient is told he’s infected but he’s not.

“The design principle of RT-PCR means that for patients with high levels of circulating virus (viral load), relatively few cycles will be needed to detect virus and so the Ct value will be low. Conversely, when specimens return a high Ct value, it means that many cycles were required to detect virus. In some circumstances, the distinction between background noise and actual presence of the target virus is difficult to ascertain.”

Translation: When the test is run with a high number of cycles, we can’t tell the difference between “irrelevant” and “meaningful.”

A frank and honest translation of the WHO message: “We’re changing the way we’re doing PCR tests. We were running them with a high number of cycles and getting millions of false positives, and those numbers were deployed to justify the lockdowns—but NOW we’re moving to a lower number of cycles. This change, all on its own, will result in fewer positive results, fewer case numbers, making the vaccine look VERY GOOD.”

The WHO is still crazy, still criminal, but not entirely stupid. They know what they’re doing and why.


[1] https://blog.nomorefakenews.com/2020/12/25/you-thought-the-pcr-test-detects-an-actual-virus-wrong/

[2] https://www.who.int/news/item/14-12-2020-who-information-notice-for-ivd-users

[3] https://blog.nomorefakenews.com/2020/09/22/how-cdc-will-fake-effects-of-covid-vaccine-make-it-look-like-success/

[4] https://blog.nomorefakenews.com/2020/11/13/how-theyll-fake-the-success-of-the-covid-vaccine/

[5] https://blog.nomorefakenews.com/2020/12/03/lockdowns-are-based-on-fraud-open-letter-to-people-who-want-freedom/

[6] https://blog.nomorefakenews.com/2020/12/08/florida-forces-labs-to-report-number-of-pcr-test-cycles/


cover image credit Comfreak / pixabay


Every Scary Thing You’re Being Told Depends on the Unreliable PCR Test

COVID: ‘Every Scary Thing You’re Being Told Depends on the Unreliable PCR Test’

by News Wire, 2st Century Wire
December 30, 2020


Since the COVID-19 crisis began, all of the WHO and Government so-called ‘mitigation’ policies – lockdowns, social distancing, masks, shutting schools etc, have all been based on data of coronavirus “cases” gathered from the increasingly dubious PCR Test. Despite its many fundamental flaws – and even an warning by its inventor, Nobel Prize winner Kerry Mullis, who explicitly said not to use his test as a diagnostic for any virus – governments, the medical establishment, and even Dr Anthony Fauci himself, have chosen to base their entire COVID ‘pandemic’ narrative on this highly inaccurate testing regime. 

The following video presentation is a summary of the pitfalls of the PCR Test and why no responsible medical professional or public health official should be treating it as a legitimate medical diagnostic tool, but rather only, as Mullis himself instructed, as an auxiliary ‘research aid’. Research links for this video have been provided below.


Kary Mullis criticising Fauci:

Dr Mike Yeadon: Cases, Admissions, Deaths, ALL Hang on the Unreliable PCR Test!

Prof. Carl Heneghan: PCR Test Positives Up to 78 Days After Having Had the Virus

Zoom conference with Fauci:

Dr Mike Yeadon Government are using a Covid-19 test with undeclared false positive rates:

EP 91 Emeritus Professor of Immunology Reveals Crucial Viral Immunity Reality:

Reveals Crucial Viral Immunity Reality:


Review report Corman-Drosten et al. Eurosurveillance 2020:

Pathologist Claire Craig on the PCR test:

Kary Mullis 1993:

Interview with Prof. Stephen Bustin:

Carl Heneghan Giving Evidence to House of Commons Committee:


An essential problem that many PCR tests have is called the “cycle quantification” (Cq), also know as the “cycle threshold” (Ct), these two different terms are explained here:

The Cq/Ct value specifies how many cycles of DNA replication are required to detect a real signal from biological samples. As it says in the MIQE guidelines (https://bit.ly/2T5Wpm2) “Cq values higher than 40 are suspect because of the implied low efficiency and generally should not be reported.”

MIQE stands for “Minimum Information for Publication of Quantitative Real-Time PCR Experiments”, a set of guidelines that describe the minimum information necessary for evaluating publications on Real-Time PCR, also called quantitative PCR, or qPCR.

The inventor of the PCR test himself, Kary Banks Mullis, agreed, when he stated: “If you have to go more than 40 cycles to amplify a single-copy gene, there is something seriously wrong with your PCR.” Source for the above quote: https://bit.ly/346XeRY

The MIQE guidelines have been developed under the guidance of Stephen A. Bustin, Professor of Molecular Medicine, a world-renowned expert on quantitative PCR and author of the book A-Z of Quantitative PCR which has been called “the bible of qPCR (https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Stephen_Bustin). According to Bustin, a Cq in the 20s to 30s should be aimed at and there is concern regarding the reliability of the results for any Cq over 35. If the Cq value gets too high, it becomes difficult to distinguish real signal from background, for example due to reactions of primers and fluorescent probes, and hence there is a higher probability of false positives.

PCR Test unable to distinguish between signals from dead or live viruses: “Molecular techniques based on real-time polymerase chain reaction (qPCR) allow the detection and quantification of DNA but are unable to distinguish between signals from dead or live cells.”
https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC4889745/ (archive: https://archive.is/x5gak)

Covid19 PCR Tests are scientifically meaningless:
https://off-guardian.org/2020/06/27/covid19-pcr-tests-are-scientifically-meaningless/ (archive: https://archive.is/R4gPW)

The Trouble With PCR Tests:
https://swprs.org/the-trouble-with-pcr-tests/ (archive: https://archive.is/g1PKx)

PCR as “Useless Testing”:
http://eu-chronicle.eu/2020/08/useless-testing/ (archive: https://archive.is/IF4yS)

Was the Covid-19 test meant to detect a virus?
https://uncoverdc.com/2020/04/07/was-the-covid-19-test-meant-to-detect-a-virus/ (archive: https://archive.is)

Corona: creating the illusion of a pandemic through diagnostic tests:
https://blog.nomorefakenews.com/2020/04/08/corona-creating-illusion-of-pandemic-through-diagnostic-test/ (archive: https://archive.is/noPQz)

Are you infectious if you have a positive PCR test result for COVID-19?
https://www.cebm.net/covid-19/infectious-positive-pcr-test-result-covid-19/ (archive: https://archive.is/sv06K)

BBC: Coronavirus: Tests ‘could be picking up dead virus’:
(archive: https://archive.vn/vx6JG)



[Truth Comes to Light editor’s note: The PCR tests are being completely misused when looking for cause of infectious disease.  In the case of Covid19, they are looking for a virus that has never been isolated — meaning they are looking for something not known to exist outside of a computer model. To say that a certain number of cycles, as stated by several in this video, will help in determining who is infectious, makes no sense at all. Exactly what are they looking for when the virus itself has never been isolated? Kary Mullis, inventor of the PCR test, tried to make it very clear that this test could not be used for determining infectious disease. Add that to the questions about the role of viruses in infectious disease and the entire convoluted narrative falls apart. The Covid19 narrative is fraud to the bone. To understand the unfolding truth revelations, see the work of Jon Rappoport, Dr. Andrew Kaufman, Dr. Tom Cowan, Dr. Zach Bush, and many others whose work we share here. ~ Kathleen]

Another Solution to Lockdowns: The Constitutional Lawyers

Another Solution to Lockdowns: The Constitutional Lawyers

by Jon Rappoport, No More Fake News
December 30, 2020


There are a few principles involved in any effort to change the direction of fascist control.

One person alone doing or saying something may have an effect.

Two hundred people—each on his own—doing or saying the same basic thing—will have a significant effect.

Two hundred people—some alone and some together—will have a larger effect.

A person who sees himself as isolated and alone will probably not believe his actions have any effect. So he stays silent. He could have an IQ of 90 or 190; he stays silent.

The primary mistake lockdown opponents are making comes down to: failure to see the bigger picture.

And the big picture is composed of many different individuals and groups taking action of various kinds—which add up to a tsunami of our own, against the wall-to-wall messaging of the lockdown liars and fascists.

I’ve read a great deal of what constitutional lawyers have to say about the lockdowns. I’m not talking about heroic lawyers who are actively filing lawsuits against governments. I mean lawyers who are largely spelling out problems in bringing these cases to court.

Problems having to do with judges, with the intricacies of the law, with past court decisions, with technical issues.

If two hundred of those lawyers instead turned their attention to BASIC constitutional foundations, and published papers and essays and spoke out on THAT subject, we would see a tide beginning to turn in our favor.

Constitutional lawyers are, first and foremost, supposed to understand the underlying meaning and purpose of the Constitution, which takes precedent over minutiae.

If they can’t see the forest for the trees, they should pack up their offices and seek other work.

So let me repeat what I’ve been saying for months. There is a constitutional line that can’t be crossed for ANY reason. A government can’t take away the freedom of citizens because some disaster has occurred.

This goes beyond the question of whether the disaster is real or imagined. It doesn’t matter. Freedom to live, to live out in the open, to work, to do business, to survive, is untouchable.

There are a million ways to spell this out. I challenge constitutional lawyers to DO IT. Not just a few lawyers. MANY. Go to work. Your area of focus is the jackpot of all legal focuses: the Constitution itself, why it is there, what it means, what it is FOR.

What are you waiting for? The sky to collapse?

Why aren’t 200 or 5000 of you turning into tigers?

Are you trying to prove to doomsayers that they’re right and we’re all irretrievably going down the drain?

Is that your final response to the constitutional crisis we’re facing?

Is the measure of your worth the amount of dilly-dallying you can perform on the minutiae surrounding the eternal struggle for FREEDOM?

Realize that if a few hundred of you publish and speak out, you can have an enormous effect.

I understand that some of you know very little about gaining publicity for your views. I do know something about gaining publicity for the truth. If a group of 20 of you comes to me, I will give you what I can to help you achieve visibility.

Turn your attention to writing and speaking on behalf of the people, instead of the media and your colleagues. Come to grips with what first inspired you to study the founding documents of the Republic—before the practicalities of your profession turned you into…

Whatever you are now.

If you think I’m being unduly harsh on you, take a look at the economic and political landscape. Look at the devastation. Ask yourself under what banner this tyrannical operation marches. And what it is doing to people.

Everyone speaks of “culture” these days. Well, you constitutional lawyers can influence the culture directly. You can make a heroic stand. You can make your words have fire, just as the words of Paine and John Adams and Samuel Adams ignited minds, when it counted.

Be heroes, not clerks.


[1] https://blog.nomorefakenews.com/tag/lawsuit/

[2] https://blog.nomorefakenews.com/2020/09/15/grand-ohio-covid-legal-case-against-kings-on-their-thrones/

[3] https://blog.nomorefakenews.com/2020/12/29/covid-open-letter-to-business-owners/

[4] https://blog.nomorefakenews.com/2020/12/28/covid-where-are-the-courageous-religious-leaders/

Dark Journalist Special Report: NORTHCOM [United States Northern Command] COG [Continuity of Government] vs The US Constitution

Dark Journalist Special Report: NORTHCOM COG Vs. The Constitution 

by Daniel Liszt, Dark Journalist
December 29, 2020


Dark Journalist Special Report LiveStream:
Continuity of Government (COG) Vs. The Constitution
Newsweek “Anonymous” COG NORTHCOM General Controversy!


Excerpts from Introduction:

“…This is our special update now and it pertains to the Trump administration and the battle that’s going on there, in a attempt by some continuity of government officials from Northcom who are trying to spread massive fear through a Newsweek article by one of Newsweek’s top writers…”

“…as I’ve discovered in talking with Professor Peter Dale Scott, who knows — really has brought forward the continuity of government program — we’ve had him on this show discussing it — we really have brought that fact through, that the continuity of government program’s a complete usurpation of the constitution of the United States. And it’s still in full effect and, in fact, was invoked on September 11th by Dick Cheney and Donald Rumsfeld.

“This is very serious because we’ve never actually gotten out of that state of emergency that we were put into as a result of the September 11th attacks. And it was September 14th 2001 when they put us in that position.  So this underground government, Continuity of Government people, who exist as a counterpart to the regular government in the case of massive emergency, you know, originally were brought on board because of nuclear reasons, because they thought in the 50s ‘hey we’re gonna get nuked potentially and we need a whole underground set up in order to run things after the fact in case it’s a surprise attack’.

“So, in fact, it was again set up with kind of lofty ambitions but got taken over as time went along. And one of the things I want to point out is when we talk about the set up of the continuity of government , it’s gone through these phases. That, you know, something Professor Scott has pointed out that every deep event that has happened in American history, whether it was Watergate or the JFK assasination…”

“…What I see is that when you go through time — September 11 event, Iran Contra — all these various aspects have some Co of G players embedded…”

“…and it involves a communication network which you can not track and it’s outside of the reach of the NSA or any of these things because of the nature of its ultra secrecy. The problem is, when someone gets their hands on that and abuses it, what do we do on the surface here? And that’s the challenge that we’re facing.

“…So this thing is so ultra secret that we, as citizens, have no idea what’s going on…”

Original video available at Dark Journalist YouTube channel.

[As a service to protect truth from censorship & to share widely, mirrored copies of this video are available at Truth Comes to Light BitChute, Brighteon, Lbry/Odysee channels. All credit, along with our sincere thanks, goes to the original source of this video. Please follow links provided to support their work.]

Connect with Daniel Liszt, Dark Journalist

Catherine Austin Fitts: The “Pandemic” as Cover for a Coup D’Etat Aimed at Taking Over the Planet — Converting Democratic Process to Technocracy, Imposing Complete Economic & Political Control

Catherine Austin Fitts: The “Pandemic” as Cover for a Coup D’Etat Aimed at Taking Over the Planet — Converting Democratic Process to Technocracy, Imposing Complete Economic & Political Control

“If you look at what needs to be done, the problem — we don’t have the power to stop the central bankers from doing what they’re doing, but my prediction is they will fail.
It’s too hard. It’s too complicated. And it’s too outside the laws of nature or the laws of divine intelligence.” ~ Catherine Austin Fitts


Catherine Austin Fitts | Full Interview | Planet Lockdown

by Truth Matters
December 22, 2020


This sit down interview with Catherine covers the spectrum of the current situation we find ourselves in.

It was conducted as apart of the full length documentary. We are releasing the full interview for the betterment of public understanding of the situation.

Catherine’s analysis can be found at: https://home.solari.com

The full film, when released, will be available at https://www.PlanetLockdownFilm.com

Original video is available at Truth Matters YouTube channel.

[As a service to protect truth from censorship & to share widely, mirrored copies of this video are available at Truth Comes to Light BitChute, Brighteon, Odysee channels. All credit, along with our sincere thanks, goes to the original source of this video. Please follow links provided to support their work.]

Powerful Clip From “A walk With Catherine Austin Fitts | Planet Lockdown”

Full video is available at Truth Matters YouTube channel.

[As a service to protect truth from censorship & to share widely, mirrored copies of this video are available at Truth Comes to Light BitChute, Brighteon, Lbry/Odysee channels. All credit, along with our sincere thanks, goes to the original source of this video. Please follow links provided to support their work.]


“I used to say — I used to have a pastor who would say “If we can face it, God can fix it”. And I believe that many things are possible if we can face it.

So again, transparency is very important.

If you look at what needs to be done, the problem — we don’t have the power to stop the central bankers from doing what they’re doing, but my prediction is they will fail.

It’s too hard. It’s too complicated. And it’s too outside the laws of nature or the laws of divine intelligence.
And the issue then becomes, how do we as a people, pick up and build a human civilization?
So, you know, they decided they couldn’t do a human civilization. They’re doing something I think will fail. And the question for all of us is, how can we make sure we can take things right if, and when, they fail.

So everybody knows my favorite bible story is the story of Gideon. And that’s my prediction for what’s going to happen…”


“The story of Gideon is a long story. I won’t tell the whole thing. But, essentially an angel of the Lord comes and asks Gideon to throw the Midianites out of Israel and Gideon insists he’s too unimportant, and too helpless to do it. And the angel of the Lord says, ‘Well, that’s okay we’re gonna do it. You’re perfect because everybody will know it was us, not you.’

So, in fact, Gideon calls for an army and the angel of the Lord… makes him go through very many tests to make him realize that he doesn’t need a big army, he just needs people who are faithful and competent. And, in fact, in this environment my advice to everybody after they come clean is strip your life down to the people who are, you know, faithful and competent. And then, so Gideon comes down the side of the mountains. The Midianites are sleeping in the valley below. And he comes down with Gideon’s army, banging pitchers and lanterns. And the Midianites are so hateful and suspicious of each other, they jump up at the dark and kill each other.

And, in fact, every time I’ve seen someone bring tremendous transparency to what’s happening, that’s what happens. The Midianites — fight breaks out and the Midianites start killing each other.
And if you look at what these guys are trying to do, it’s so hard and complicated, I think the Midianite thing is going to happen par excellence.

And the question for all of us is, okay, what’s our plan, if and when that happens…”


“My plan is to build a human civilization. And, again, first you bring transparency, then you rebuild the economy, bottom up…

We are now integrating very powerful technology and that means we have to be — we have to grow spiritually. You can’t have this kind of advanced technology managed by cavemen. And, to a certain extent, that’s what we’re watching. We’re giving very powerful weaponry and very powerful surveillance technology to people who are using it, behaving like cavemen.”


“…I think, first and foremost, what we’re dealing with is spiritual. You know, this is part of a ten thousand year old war and the outcome depends on our our ability to spiritually evolve and grow up.

So, you know, I tell everybody death is not the worst thing that can happen… What can happen is, you can lose your immortal soul. That’s your danger. So stop worrying about death and start worrying about, you know, whether you’re going to be free or not.”

See related: The Injection Fraud – It’s Not a Vaccine by Catherine Austin Fitts

1/22/2021 Update: See also Catherine Austin Fitts: A Look at the State of Our Currencies & Options for Unlocking the Incredible Abundance of the Planet

To Know the Enemy That Has Caused This Tyrannical Carnage, Just Look at the Reflection in the Mirror

To Know the Enemy That Has Caused This Tyrannical Carnage, Just Look at the Reflection in the Mirror

by Gary D. Barnett
December 29, 2020


“There are two ways to be fooled. One is to believe what isn’t true; the other is to refuse to believe what is true.”
~ Soren Kierkegaard

If you wish for freedom, you will never know it—but if you take and protect your freedom, it will be yours. Instead of succumbing to fear, and looking to government for answers, take charge of your own lives, and make all those that would assault you, your mind, your body, or your liberty, know fear. Fear is just a catalyst used by the ruling class in order to frighten and divide the people so as to gain power and control over them. This fabricated fear leads to dependence, which leads to indifference; indifference leads to silence, silence leads to oppression, and oppression leads to slavery. It is better for the people to instill great fear in the minds of any that would choose to rule over them, instead of accepting tyranny from the scourge that is the political class. All of this boils down to the fact that the citizens themselves are entirely to blame for their current lot in life.

Most of the people in this country are fond of claiming that this is a republic, and that the people rule over the government through their alleged ‘representatives,’ not the other way around. The irony is that this belief is ridiculous, while also being partially true, because the people are their own worst enemy. They have voluntarily allowed others to rule over them, and they believe that by voting for their own masters that they have some control over the process, and the policies created therein. This thinking of course is lunacy, but it is the prevalent attitude of the masses. This asinine notion has been instilled in them since birth, and the bulk of society still believes that they are ‘free.’ The people could be fully in charge in that they have the power to accept or deny rule, but in the case of the majority of people in the United States, they have accepted state domination instead of self-rule. In order to reverse this situation, all that is necessary is for the public at large to remove all consent from any claiming authority.

The solution seems simple enough, but the problem lies in how to achieve it given the weakness, cowardice, and gullibility of the herd. In order to regain the upper hand in any quest for freedom, all that is necessary is for a fairly large number of people to disobey any government order, and to deny any support whatsoever for the political class. Disobedience, non-compliance, and self-defense against any aggression by the oligarchic few attempting to gain power and control over you, will end immediately any attempt by the state to acquire that control. So why is this population so seemingly consumed with an attitude of acquiescence? This society continues to wallow in self-pity and such irrational timidity as to allow for its own servitude at the hands of tyrants when simple rebellion would save the day.

The problem once again lies directly with the people themselves. This is one case where redundancy needs to be expressed. To find the problem and the culprits in this debacle we face today, only requires one look into a mirror by most every American. What should be obvious even to the most obtuse individual is that very few in this country are willing to risk anything that could help them regain and protect their own freedom. In fact, they want only to depend on others to either fix the problems for them, or tell them what to do. But even if they are told what is necessary, they have not the backbone to see it through, and instead come up with every manner of questions, and what ifs; and are completely terrified of not fitting in with the crowd. This attitude is one of pathetic apathy by the bulk of society concerning its own defense of life, love, family, and liberty.

It is horribly upsetting to listen to the comments received from the crowd about the fate of individuals at the hands of the state. At once, they ask for solutions and complain that no one has ‘given’ them any solutions, but this is not true. They have been told the truth, but they “can’t handle the truth!” In other words, they what to be told what to do, but only if all do it at the same time. They need to hide. When the answer is to practice dissent and disobedience, they immediately claim that they are just one, and excuse the solution based on fear of not being a part of the herd. This is no doubt due to cowardice, but it is also due to the fact that they do not think as individuals, and therefore will not act as individuals. Almost all want total anonymity, and desire to be invisible from any view of scrutiny. What is not understood, is that acting as individuals en masse will bring great power to any effort to protect freedom, but almost none are willing to act alone, even with the knowledge that when many act alone, they become one. None can ‘give’ them a solution to this madness because the American population is not willing to take any individual risk for the sake of their own protection, or that of their family, their neighbors, or even their own liberty. Until this attitude changes, we are all doomed to a tyrannical existence based on the collective stupidity and disinterest of the majority.

What is going on today is a psychological experiment by ‘governing’ forces meant to accomplish a global takeover referred to often as “The Great Reset.” This experiment in order to be successful requires that the masses acquiesce to those in power, follow orders, and obey all rules ‘mandated’ by the state. Once this mindset is in place, as is the case now, regulation of every aspect of life becomes evident. Thought is controlled, as is behavior and movement, and the one test of the psyche of this country’s people used to gauge total compliance has already been achieved. That test is the almost universal wearing of useless and deadly masks. Allowance has replaced all freedom, confusion has replaced clarity, and sacrifice by all is expected.

We are now in a time where the people in the name of condemning any that choose to resist and disobey, are justifying evil. Government edicts are being protected by the masses due to false fear of ‘virus’ monsters that do not exist. The American people are being used to solidify their own servitude, and are operating in concert with the ruling class to destroy their own liberty. This is only the beginning of a greater hell on earth. Once the economy is completely destroyed, once the biosecurity state is fully in place, once digital money and tracking are complete, and once this terrible and life-changing ‘covid’ vaccine is widely injected, will there be any way out?

Arguments will continue, and blame will be spread wide, but in the end as Pogo so eloquently put it, “We have met the enemy and he is us.” Collectivism and collective ‘thinking’ are the ruination of man, and can only lead to communal self-destruction.

“Independence is the recognition of the fact that yours is the responsibility of judgment and nothing can help you escape it-that no substitute can do your thinking, as no pinch-hitter can live your life-that the vilest form of self-abasement and self-destruction is the subordination of your mind to the mind of another, the acceptance of an authority over your brain, the acceptance of his assertions as facts, his say-so as truth, his edicts as middle-man between your consciousness and your existence.”

~ Ayn Rand (1988). “The Ayn Rand Lexicon: Objectivism from A to Z”, p.225, Penguin

The Best of Gary D. Barnett

cover image credit 12019 / pixabay


Mysterious Disappearance of Flu in San Diego Prompted Call for Audit of COVID Records

Mysterious Disappearance of Flu in San Diego Prompted Call for Audit of COVID Records

by News Wire, 21st Century Wire
December 28, 2020


One of the most bizarre features of the alleged COVID-19 ‘global pandemic’ has been the mysterious disappearance of the seasonal flu in medical and public health record keeping. It’s as if the Flu just vanished into thin air after being the most common perennial seasonal respiratory virus.

As it turns out, recorded seasonal influenza cases have literally nosedived by 98% across the globe.

This improbable phenomenon has led a number of experts to ask, “Has Covid killed off the flu?”

“The disappearing act began as Covid-19 rolled in towards the end of our flu season in March. And just how swiftly rates have plummeted can be observed in ‘surveillance’ data collected by the World Health Organisation (WHO),” reported the UK’s Daily Mail.

WHO spokesperson, Dr Sylvie Briand, recently claimed during a press briefing that “literally there was nearly no flu in the Southern hemisphere” of the planet Earth in 2020, but gave no real explanation as to why. She then went on to extend this magical thinking saying that, “We hope that the situation will be the same in the Northern Hemisphere.”

Truly extraordinary science by the health experts at the WHO.

Earlier in December, Southern California news outlet KUSI raised the alarm which prompted an audit of COVID statistics in their region…

SAN DIEGO (KUSI) – COVID-19 cases continue to increase across California, and here in San Diego County, but flu cases remain extremely low in comparison to this time in previous years.

We are well into flu season, but San Diego County’s data for flu infections only shows 36 reported cases so far this year. Carl DeMaio tweeted out this shocking revelation, comparing it to this time in other years saying, “In a typical year we get over 17,073 on average!”

DeMaio explained, “if you are going to use a set of numbers like COVID stats to shut down the economy, to take people’s livelihoods away, then we have to really look closely at what those numbers really mean, and whether those numbers are giving us the right picture.” Continuing, “my concern has been from the get go, that we are relying on numbers from government agencies, that may have a different agenda at stake. We would benefit from having a different set of eyes looking at them, such as an auditor or a citizens review committee. Because again, the decisions being made on these data sets are sweeping, the lockdowns are far reaching in terms of their impact.”

DeMaio then said San Diego County has refused to have any look over or vet our local COVID-19 numbers.

Chairman of Reform California, Carl DeMaio, joined KUSI’s Jason Austell on Good Morning San Diego to explain why he is calling for a “full audit of the COVID-19 data we are seeing reported from our public health system.”

As different pressure groups and journalists begin to demand answers from the various health authorities, it’s becoming clear now that there has likely been some degree of widespread, systemic administrative fraud designed to over-inflate COVID-19 numbers to the detriment of every other normal seasonal illness or disease.

cover image credit geralt / pixabay


2020: The Year the Tree of Liberty Was Torched

2020: The Year the Tree of Liberty Was Torched

by John W. Whitehead, The Rutherford Institute
December 28, 2020


“The people are unaware. They’re not educated to realize that they have power. The system is so geared that everyone believes the government will fix everything. We are the government.”—John Lennon

No doubt about it: 2020—a terrible, horrible, no good, very bad year for freedom—was the culmination of a terrible, horrible, no good, very bad decade for freedom.

Government corruption, tyranny, and abuse coupled with a Big Brother-knows-best mindset and the COVID-19 pandemic propelled us at warp speed towards a full-blown police state in which nationwide lockdowns, egregious surveillance, roadside strip searches, police shootings of unarmed citizens, censorship, retaliatory arrests, the criminalization of lawful activities, warmongering, indefinite detentions, SWAT team raids, asset forfeiture, police brutality, profit-driven prisons, and pay-to-play politicians were accepted as the norm.

Here’s just a small sampling of the laundry list of abuses—cruel, brutal, immoral, unconstitutional and unacceptable—that have been heaped upon us by the government over the past two decades and in the past year, in particular.

The government failed to protect our lives, liberty and happiness. The predators of the police state wreaked havoc on our freedoms, our communities, and our lives. The government didn’t listen to the citizenry, refused to abide by the Constitution, and treated the citizenry as a source of funding and little else. Police officers shot unarmed citizens and their household pets. Government agents—including local police—were armed to the teeth and encouraged to act like soldiers on a battlefield. Bloated government agencies were allowed to fleece taxpayers. Government technicians spied on our emails and phone calls. And government contractors made a killing by waging endless wars abroad.

The American President became more imperial. Although the Constitution invests the President with very specific, limited powers, in recent years, American presidents (Trump, Obama, Bush, Clinton, etc.) claimed the power to completely and almost unilaterally alter the landscape of this country for good or for ill. The powers that have been amassed by each successive president through the negligence of Congress and the courts—powers which add up to a toolbox of terror for an imperial ruler—empower whoever occupies the Oval Office to act as a dictator, above the law and beyond any real accountability. The presidency itself has become an imperial one with permanent powers.

Militarized police became a power unto themselves, 911 calls turned deadly, and traffic stops took a turn for the worse. Lacking in transparency and accountability, protected by the courts and legislators, and rife with misconduct, America’s police forces continued to be a menace to the citizenry and the rule of law. Despite concerns about the government’s steady transformation of local police into a standing military army, local police agencies acquired even more weaponry, training and equipment suited for the battlefield. Police officers were also given free range to pull anyone over for a variety of reasons and subject them to forced cavity searches, forced colonoscopies, forced blood draws, forced breath-alcohol tests, forced DNA extractions, forced eye scans, forced inclusion in biometric databases.

The courts failed to uphold justice. With every ruling handed down, it becomes more apparent that we live in an age of hollow justice, with government courts more concerned with protecting government agents than upholding the rights of “we the people.” This is true at all levels of the judiciary, but especially so in the highest court of the land, the U.S. Supreme Court, which is seemingly more concerned with establishing order and protecting government agents than with upholding the rights enshrined in the Constitution. A review of critical court rulings over the past two decades, including some ominous ones by the U.S. Supreme Court, reveals a startling and steady trend towards pro-police state rulings by an institution concerned more with establishing order and protecting the ruling class and government agents than with upholding the rights enshrined in the Constitution.

COVID-19 allowed the Emergency State to expand its powers. What started out as an apparent effort to prevent a novel coronavirus from sickening the nation (and the world) became yet another means by which world governments (including our own) could expand their powers, abuse their authority, and further oppress their constituents. While COVID-19 took a significant toll on the nation emotionally, physically, and economically, it also allowed the government to trample our rights in the so-called name of national security, with talk of mass testing for COVID-19 antibodies, screening checkpoints, contact tracing, immunity passports, forced vaccinations, snitch tip lines and onerous lockdowns.

The Surveillance State rendered Americans vulnerable to threats from government spies, police, hackers and power failures. Thanks to the government’s ongoing efforts to build massive databases using emerging surveillance, DNA and biometrics technologies, Americans have become sitting ducks for hackers and government spies alike. Billions of people have been affected by data breaches and cyberattacks. On a daily basis, Americans have been made to relinquish the most intimate details of who we are—our biological makeup, our genetic blueprints, and our biometrics (facial characteristics and structure, fingerprints, iris scans, etc.)—in order to navigate an increasingly technologically-enabled world.

America became a red flag nation. Red flag laws, specifically, and pre-crime laws generally push us that much closer towards a suspect society where everyone is potentially guilty of some crime or another and must be preemptively rendered harmless. Where many Americans go wrong is in naively assuming that you have to be doing something illegal or harmful in order to be flagged and targeted for some form of intervention or detention. In fact, all you need to do these days to end up on a government watch list or be subjected to heightened scrutiny is use certain trigger words (like cloud, pork and pirates), surf the internet, communicate using a cell phone, limp or stutterdrive a car, stay at a hotel, attend a political rally, express yourself on social mediaappear mentally ill, serve in the militarydisagree with a law enforcement officialcall in sick to work, purchase materials at a hardware store, take flying or boating lessons, appear suspicious, appear confused or nervous, fidget or whistle or smell bad, be seen in public waving a toy gun or anything remotely resembling a gun (such as a water nozzle or a remote control or a walking cane), stare at a police officer, question government authority, appear to be pro-gun or pro-freedom, or generally live in the United States. Be warned: once you get on such a government watch list—whether it’s a terrorist watch list, a mental health watch list, a dissident watch list, or a red flag gun watch list—there’s no clear-cut way to get off, whether or not you should actually be on there.

The cost of policing the globe drove the nation deeper into debt. America’s war spending has already bankrupted the nation to the tune of more than $20 trillion dollars. Policing the globe and waging endless wars abroad hasn’t made America—or the rest of the world—any safer, but it has made the military industrial complex rich at taxpayer expense. The U.S. military reportedly has more than 1.3 million men and women on active duty, with more than 200,000 of them stationed overseas in nearly every country in the world. Yet America’s military forces aren’t being deployed abroad to protect our freedoms here at home. Rather, they’re being used to guard oil fields, build foreign infrastructure and protect the financial interests of the corporate elite. In fact, the United States military spends about $81 billion a year just to protect oil supplies around the world. This is how a military empire occupies the globe. Meanwhile, America’s infrastructure is falling apart.

Free speech was dealt one knock-out punch after another. Protest laws, free speech zones, bubble zones, trespass zones, anti-bullying legislation, zero tolerance policies, hate crime laws, shadow banning on the Internet, and a host of other legalistic maladies dreamed up by politicians and prosecutors (and championed by those who want to suppress speech with which they might disagree) conspired to corrode our core freedoms, purportedly for our own good. On paper—at least according to the U.S. Constitution—we are technically free to speak. In reality, however, we are only as free to speak as a government official—or corporate entities such as Facebook, Google or YouTube—may allow. The reasons for such censorship varied widely from political correctness, so-called safety concerns and bullying to national security and hate crimes but the end result remained the same: the complete eradication of free speech.

The Deep State took over. The American system of representative government has been overthrown by the Deep State—a.k.a. the police state a.k.a. the military/corporate industrial complex—a profit-driven, militaristic corporate state bent on total control and global domination through the imposition of martial law here at home and by fomenting wars abroad. The “government of the people, by the people, for the people” has perished. In its place is a shadow government, a corporatized, militarized, entrenched bureaucracy that is fully operational and staffed by unelected officials who are, in essence, running the country and calling the shots in Washington DC, no matter who sits in the White House. Mind you, by “government,” I’m not referring to the highly partisan, two-party bureaucracy of the Republicans and Democrats. Rather, I’m referring to “government” with a capital “G,” the entrenched Deep State that is unaffected by elections, unaltered by populist movements, and has set itself beyond the reach of the law. This is the hidden face of a government that has no respect for the freedom of its citizenry. This shadow government, which “operates according to its own compass heading regardless of who is formally in power,” makes a mockery of elections and the entire concept of a representative government.

The takeaway: Everything the founders of this country feared has come to dominate in modern America. “We the people” have been saddled with a government that is no longer friendly to freedom and is working overtime to trample the Constitution underfoot and render the citizenry powerless in the face of the government’s power grabs, corruption and abusive tactics.

So how do you balance the scales of justice at a time when Americans are being tasered, tear-gassed, pepper-sprayed, hit with batons, shot with rubber bullets and real bullets, blasted with sound cannons, detained in cages and kennels, sicced by police dogs, arrested and jailed for challenging the government’s excesses, abuses and power-grabs, and then locked down and stripped of any semblance of personal freedom?

No matter who sits in the White House, politics won’t fix a system that is broken beyond repair.

For that matter, protests and populist movements also haven’t done much to push back against an authoritarian regime that is deaf to our cries, dumb to our troubles, blind to our needs, and accountable to no one.

So how do you not only push back against the government’s bureaucracy, corruption and cruelty but also launch a counterrevolution aimed at reclaiming control over the government using nonviolent means?

You start by changing the rules and engaging in some (nonviolent) guerilla tactics.

Take your cue from the Tenth Amendment and nullify everything the government does that flies in the face of the principles on which this nation was founded. If there is any means left to us for thwarting the government in its relentless march towards outright dictatorship, it may rest with the power of juries and local governments to invalidate governmental laws, tactics and policies that are illegitimate, egregious or blatantly unconstitutional.

In an age in which government officials accused of wrongdoing—police officers, elected officials, etc.—are treated with general leniency, while the average citizen is prosecuted to the full extent of the law, nullification is a powerful reminder that, as the Constitution tells us, “we the people” are the government.

For too long we’ve allowed our so-called “representatives” to call the shots. Now it’s time to restore the citizenry to their rightful place in the republic: as the masters, not the servants.

Nullification is one way of doing so.

America was meant to be primarily a system of local governments, which is a far cry from the colossal federal bureaucracy we have today. Yet if our freedoms are to be restored, understanding what is transpiring practically in your own backyard—in one’s home, neighborhood, school district, town council—and taking action at that local level must be the starting point.

Responding to unmet local needs and reacting to injustices is what grassroots activism is all about. Attend local city council meetings, speak up at town hall meetings, organize protests and letter-writing campaigns, employ “militant nonviolent resistance” and civil disobedience, which Martin Luther King Jr. used to great effect through the use of sit-ins, boycotts and marches.

The power to change things for the better rests with us, not the politicians.

As long as we continue to allow callousness, cruelty, meanness, immorality, ignorance, hatred, intolerance, racism, militarism, materialism, meanness and injustice—magnified by an echo chamber of nasty tweets and government-sanctioned brutality—to trump justice, fairness and equality, there can be no hope of prevailing against the police state.

We could transform this nation if only Americans would work together to harness the power of their discontent and push back against the government’s overreach, excesses and abuse.

As I make clear in my book Battlefield America: The War on the American People, the police state is marching forward, more powerful than ever.

If there is to be any hope for freedom in 2021, it rests with “we the people.”


cover image credit Alexandra_Koch / pixabay


COVID: Where Are the Courageous Religious Leaders?

COVID: Where Are the Courageous Religious Leaders?

by Jon Rappoport, No More Fake News
December 28, 2020


“The people never give up their liberties but under some delusion.” Edmund Burke, 1784

When are religious leaders going to issue demands to their members? Demands to express a duty to God first; above and beyond the restrictions of the State.

These leaders certainly believe God created humans with the quality of freedom. The Bible irrevocably states it. Therefore, under the cover of COVID, the State cannot remove that freedom.

The religious leaders must order their flocks to rebel.

Not just in order to attend church services; but to live without fear, out in the open, without hiding behind masks, without keeping their distance, without lockdowns, without sacrificing their right to earn a living.

Several Catholic prelates have declared the COVID fraud is being used as a rationale for creating an anti-spiritual new world order.

The next step is telling their Church members and believers to rebel, to choose The Good and God.

Every early story about every religion shows how the State power of the day had to be overcome. Is it now time to develop terminal amnesia about these origins?

Are those stories buried because they are inconvenient?

Quoting from an anonymously written article, “Ancient Christian Martyrdom: A Brief Overview”:

“By 200 [AD], the [Christian] faith had permeated most regions of the Roman Empire, though Christians were mostly in the larger urban areas (Gaul, Lyons, Carthage, Rome). By 325, an estimated 7 million were Christians with as many as 2 million killed for the faith.”

Among the reasons for this vast persecution: “Christian refusal to worship or honor other gods was a source of great contention.”

“Christians were accused of being atheists because of their denial of the other gods and refusal of emperor worship. Thus, they were accused of treason to the state.”

“For many provincial governors, Christians were considered social radicals, rather than being persecuted specifically for their faith only.”

And now, in 2020, the major religious objection to COVID restrictions concerns the number of worshipers allowed inside a church during services?

Is this the evolution of faith, or its destruction, at the hands of the faithful themselves?

Is conscience “outmoded”?

Is civilization now so “advanced” that suffering and even dying for one’s faith is considered absurd?

Is bargaining with the State over whether 10 or 50 members can enter a house of worship the cutting edge of rebellion?

It seems to me people should renounce their religion, if they’re unwilling to go to the wall for it.

Just admit that what true faith requires is too much.

Jesus endured pain and torture, and surrendered his human form, in order to save humanity, but now faithful followers can declare their loyalty during online virtual services. Or from their cars, in a parking lot. Without feeling a tremor of conscience.

Over the years, I’ve heard many claims that America (and other Western nations) were created on the basis of Christian values. Putting aside counter-arguments, if that is the assertion, then where is the courage to back it up?

What good are these claims, if in a great crisis, there is no mass rebellion, out in the open, against the tyrannical State, on behalf of God?

Again, mass rebellion means the refusal to wear masks, the refusal to maintain distancing, the refusal to obey lockdowns or close businesses. It means reclaiming freedom.

But perhaps some people believe God wants obedience to the State. He wants his loyal followers to submit to the lockdowns. He wants worshipers to surrender to an all-encompassing secular new world order, in which citizens will function as pawns in a Brave New World technocracy. He wants the faithful to be stripped of their humanity.

If so, let’s hear THAT argument.

Months ago, I said pastors and priests and other religious leaders should stand up in their houses of worship and confess their lack of courage and resign their positions. Confess they are unworthy to lead congregations. Ask for the most brave to step forward and take over.

That’s a correct course of action.

Why should these religious leaders make superficial distinctions about the limits of rebellion? In order to maintain their non-profit status with the State? In order to keep their flock comfortable?

Jesus: “Blessed are those who are persecuted because of righteousness, for theirs is the kingdom of heaven.”

But perhaps, in these enlightened times, people should worship a purported virus, and desert God.

Bill Gates: Deleted Documentary | Why He Switched From Microsoft to Vaccines

Bill Gates: Deleted Documentary | Why He Switched From Microsoft to Vaccines


Narrator/interviewer: Mikki Willis, producer of Plandemic — Indoctornation.

Truth Comes to Light editor’s note: This documentary appears to be linked with the Plandemic — Indoctornation project. It was created with the invitation “please share” at the close of the video.  Our original source was davidicke.com but it is found on many platforms and websites. None of the sources that we found share creator/producer information. ~ Kathleen

Available at Truth Comes to Light BitChute, Brighteon, Lbry/Odysee channels.

[Satire] UK Bans Certain Spoken Sounds That Are Believed to Spread Covid-19

[Satire] UK Bans Certain Spoken Sounds That Are Believed to Spread Covid-19

by Peter Prowse
December 12, 2020


[Truth Comes to Light editor’s note: Satire by retired PR consultant and freelance translator, Peter Prowse. Peter announces the new  UK policy wherein sounds produced by the letters P, T and C will be phased out and replaced with the sounds produced by N, F and L. The video went viral and is now found all over the internet.]


Original video available at Peter Prowse YouTube channel.


cover image credit Prawny, pixabay


Spiro Skouras w/ Dr. Pam Popper: The Lawsuit That Could End Covid-1984

The Lawsuit That Could End Covid-1984 with Dr. Pam Popper

by Spiro Skouras, Activist Post
December 27, 2020


Ever since the world became aware of Covid-19 in early 2020, we have warned of the possibility that the government response may turn out to be worse than the condition itself.

Many have described this response as a form of medical tyranny, sold to us as a temporary measure for the greater good. Two weeks to flatten the curve they said.

Four months into the lockdowns, some of us half jokingly said things like, “I hope they lift the lockdowns before the 4th of July, so we can celebrate our freedoms.”

Now we find ourselves eight months into a two-week lockdown with no end in sight, despite the fact that a federal judge in Pennsylvania ruled the shut downs were unconstitutional. The Michigan Supreme Court also ruled that the Governor’s emergency orders had violated the Constitution. So why hasn’t anything changed?

In this interview, Spiro’s guest Dr. Pamela Popper discusses two new lawsuits that she believes could end Covid-1984. The two lawsuits, one in Ohio and one in New Mexico, challenge the root of the problem: the emergency itself.

Make Americans Free Again

Wellness Forum Health

Pamela Popper’s YouTube Channel

Pamela Popper’s BitChute Channel

Spiro’s BitChute

Spiro’s Parler

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Member of German Parliament, Dr. Heinrich Fiechtner Warns: ‘It’s a Killer Vaccination’

Urgent Alert: MEP Dr. Heinrich Fiechtner Warns: ‘It’s a Killer Vaccination’

by Amy Mek, RAIR Foundation USA
December 27, 2020


Independent Member of Parliament (MEP), Dr. Heinrich Fiechtner slammed the German government and media for their endless propaganda, misinformation and fake news concerning the Chinese coronavirus. In an impassioned speech on the floor of the German Parliament, Dr. Fiechtner also warned the public of the dire consequences of the new “killer vaccination” and urged the public to resist the illegal government impositions.

Dr. Fiechtner, a licensed and trained hematologist and oncologist, explained that minutes after observing a national television report describing the coronavirus-strained capacity of hospital intensive care units (ICUs), he phoned his former hospital colleagues and learned that the hospital had not a single coronavirus patient in its ICU. Outraged by these irresponsible and politically motivated lies and exaggerations, Fiechnter lashed out at the fear mongering politicians and their media allies.

I called his hospital’s ICU and requested to speak with the chief physician on duty, with whom I spoke. I asked him, “How many COVID patients have been admitted to your Intensive Care Unit?” This ICU has 19 beds, and as of yesterday there WASN’T A SINGLE PATIENT! With such half-truths and complete lies, the wool is being pulled over our eyes. These propagandists that are invited on these shows for the sole purpose of creating panic and fear among the population.

In addition, Dr. Fiechtner admonished politicians and the media for conflating the number of infected individuals by not distinguishing positively tested individuals from positive tests. More specifically, if the same person receives three positive tests in their medical care, the reckless media has been reporting triple the infection rate with three different infections.

Further, Dr. Fiechtner raises concerns over the practice of grouping inactive and active coronavirus positive results into a single bucket to heighten fear of infection. In actuality, the positive test results should be categorized as the test results from those actively carrying a contagious form of the virus and those inactive carriers who have recovered from the virus.

Dr. Fiechtner believes that impact of the coronavirus is being exaggerated to justify many of the draconian measures restricting the citizenry and the accelerate the government efforts to vaccinate the population.

You are destroying an entire country. You are leading people into suffering, panic, ruin and death! At this point, at this point, no, you can’t even justify these measures, the masks, social distancing, quarantine, and the lockdowns.

The medically trained MEP highlights many of the risks of these new vaccines that range from infertility in women to deadly allergic reactions. The more fear instilled in the population, the more likely the people will rush to inoculate themselves with an unproven and risky vaccine.

I’ve said it before: it’s a killer vaccine It’s a pharmaceutical product for which there isn’t even a toxicology report. It’s just going to be given to people. There’s a possibility that it may cause infertility in women, severe allergic reactions, and you want to inflict this unreasonable imposition upon citizens. That’s right, and you will, because you made them afraid beforehand. You are putting the lives of citizens at risk. You putting existences at risk.

With the German government illegally exercising power, Dr. Fiechtner implored the people to exercise their rights and resist these illegal government impositions. “The civic duty for the citizens to obey the rule of law is now broken.”

Watch the following powerful speech by MEP Dr. Heinrich Fiechtner exclusively translated by RAIR Foundation USA:

Many thanks to MissPiggy for the translation.

Madame President, ladies and gentlemen: yesterday evening at 10pm, prime-time TV, on the
Anne Will talk show, there was an illustrious group discussion about the coming lockdown,
which included Professor Dr. Uwe Janssens, President of the German Interdisciplinary Association
for Intensive Care and Emergency Medicine.

He made an emotional and lengthy plea about the importance these grave and drastic measures
being implemented upon the German population. He explained how the ICU stations were being
overwhelmed and overflowing with patients, causing a situation that was barely manageable.

Around 10:13pm I called his hospital’s ICU and requested to speak with the chief physician
on duty, with whom I spoke. I asked him, “How many COVID patients have been admitted to your
Intensive Care Unit?” This ICU has 19 beds, and as of yesterday there WASN’T A SINGLE PATIENT!

With such half-truths and complete lies, the wool is being pulled over our eyes.

These propagandists that are invited on these shows for the sole purpose of creating panic
and fear among the population.

And then there’s the whole “infection” narrative and the test. This test isn’t even capable of
making the distinction between an active virus and an inactive virus.

Just as the Senate in Berlin had to admit.

Regardless, it is being registered as an infection.

So if a patient tests positive three times in one week, this increases the statistic of
infection by exactly three.

This test that is absolutely incapable of diagnosis is being used to implement drastic measures.

And now the vaccine is coming. What nonsense. I’ve said it before: it’s a killer vaccine

It’s a pharmaceutical product for which there isn’t even a toxicology report.

It’s just going to be given to people.

There’s a possibility that it may cause infertility in women, severe allergic reactions,
and you want to inflict this unreasonable imposition upon citizens. That’s right, and you will,
because you made them afraid beforehand.

You are putting the lives of citizens at risk. You putting existences at risk.

You are destroying an entire country. You are leading people into suffering, panic, ruin and death!

At this point, at this point, no, you can’t even justify these measures, the masks, social
distancing, quarantine, and the lockdowns.

Following an enquiry, the answer I received was, “A review of non-pharmacological
measures has not been documented. Accordingly, there are no administrative procedures
or files pertaining to such results in existence.” The absolute capitulation! What nerve!

You demand people endure quarantine, but can’t even give evidence why they should!

You are leading our country into ruin! At this point, it is high time… Yes, please. —[?]

Do you have a question? At this point, it is high time…

—Dr. Fiechtner, it’s high time.

At this point, it is high time, in light of the fact that it is no longer possible for citizens
to exercise their rights, the civic duty for citizens to obey the rule of law is now broken.

In Article 20 paragraph 4 [German constitution] citizens have the right of resistance
in defense against an illegally exercised state power…

Dr. Fiechtner, it is high time that you stop because your speaking time expired a long time ago.

A legislative branch which acts accordingly is needed.

[Satire] JP Sears: A Communist Christmas & Instagram’s New Terms of Service

[Satire] JP Sears: A Communist Christmas & Instagram’s New Terms of Service


A Communist Christmas

by JP Sears, AwakenWithJP
December 22, 2020


Instagram‘s New Terms of Service – Not Sketchy at All!

by JP Sears, AwakenWithJP
December 26, 2020


Spiro Skouras w/ James Perloff: Covid-1984 and the Agendas to Come

Covid-1984 and the Agendas to Come with James Perloff

by Spiro Skouras, Activist Post
December 25, 2020


As we approach the final days of 2020, Spiro is joined by author, journalist and recently retired registered nurse, James Perloff, to reflect on what is widely considered to be the wildest and worst year perhaps in our lifetimes.

The media and the governments around the world would like us to believe this is all by chance and we must blindly follow their mandates and restrictions in order to mitigate this crisis.

Spiro and Perloff delve beyond the surface of this crisis to explore potential motives behind what appears to be a pre-planned agenda attached to the current crisis in order to facilitate the most significant transition in human history.

James Perloff shares information from his new book titled COVID-19 and the Agendas to Come, Red-Pilled which reveals what the social engineers have in store for the future of humanity.

James Perloff Website


Original WHO Herd Immunity Definition

New WHO Herd Immunity Definition

Follow Spiro on BitChute bitchute.com/channel/spiro/ Follow on Parler https://parler.com/profile/Spiros/posts

As Thick as Two Short Politicians – The Government That Never Learns

As Thick as Two Short Politicians – The Government That Never Learns

by Steve Cook, UK Reloaded
December 25, 2020


So the gov’s latest wheeze in an effort to breathe more life into its dying terror campaign has been to respond to “advice” from “experts” that it should be “worried” and “concerned” the COVID9 bug has developed a mysterious  “variant” that has caused it to accelerate the rate at which it is spreading.

Having received their stimuli, Boris and Co have duly reacted in the manner of Pavlov’s dogs, turned up the dictatorship another notch and launched WEDs (Weapons of Economic Destruction) against London, ably assisted by its Mayor, Genghis Khan.

This is all being done according to the scientific methodology known as MSU (Making Sh*t Up) so favoured by oppressive regimes the length and breadth of the United Kingdom.

In line with MSU’s compulsory voluntary guidelines there’s no actual scientific evidence produced unless you count “advice” from faceless subversives, and “concern” or “worry” or Barmy Boris looking mental on TV (or Hatt Mancock looking shifty) as scientific  evidence.

The government of course feels that telling everybody repeatedly that it is “following the science” is enough science, especially as science can be inconvenient and time-consuming if you have to spend days or weeks rigging the results or faking the stats – the time after all can be better spent panicking or grinding down small businesses and other government programs.

So what we apparently have is a government “concerned” about an accelerated spread of the bug because of “advice”it has received from somebody or other whose identities must remain secret for reasons of state secrecy.

That’s evidence is it?

Apparently it is at least enough evidence to justify bypassing Parliament (yet again) attacking London and turning various screws (social, economic, Yuletide, patience etc) on the populace.

And who are these freakin’ experts on whose puppet strings Barmy Boris and the rest of his intellectually challenged crew of nation wreckers are so happy to dance?

We are going to leave aside the fact that, by the way, the statistical evidence for the spread of the disease is derived from the ruddy PCR test.

The PCR test has more things wrong with it than Boris’ haircut. One of these is the minor technical point that it does not establish and never has established the existence in anyone who tests positive (even in the minuscule percentage of cases where the positive is not false) of a live infectious virus.

Because of this (along with a host of other reasons) relying on the PCR test to “prove” the spread of the virus is about as sound as referring to the movie “Independence Day” to prove there’s a threat of alien invasion.

You can find out more on why the PCR test is a total fraud here

So who are those very wise but anonymous people with brains the size of a planet?

Well, professor Neil Ferguson for one, as the following article from the Spectator explains.

Leaving aside the fact that he is still advising the government when the government (in YET ANOTHER lie) said he would not be, why the hell does the government insist on using this bloke whose mathematical predictions (not to mention his personal ethics) were utterly, abysmally, horribly, blatantly, glaringly indisputably and undeniably wrong?

With the resources of the entire scientific community at its disposal, virologists, epidemiologists, mathematicians, statisticians and so forth, the gov is still taking advice from Ferguson? Is this indicative of the standards it will accept when the well being of the country is at stake?

Another, deeper, mystery in back of all this of course is this:

Why are we letting ourselves be governed to destruction by people so bereft of common sense, competence, sanity, honesty or even an interest in the survival of our country?

The Spectator at least has sided with the People and its article is well worth a read. Find it here.


Read More by Steve Cook at UK Reloaded

cover image credit Prawny, pixabay

Christmas Day Fireside Chat: Dave Cullen with John Waters

Christmas Day Fireside Chat: Dave Cullen with John Waters

by Dave Cullen, Computing Forever
December 25, 2020


Video available at Computing Forever BitChute and Lbry/Odysee channels.

Dave Cullen’s final conversation of 2020 with Irish author and journalist, John Waters.

A Brilliant Analysis of Vaccination, by Richard Moskowitz, MD and Homeopath

A Brilliant Analysis of Vaccination, by Richard Moskowitz, MD and Homeopath

by Jon Rappoport, No More Fake News
December 24, 2020


In the age of COVID, vaccination looms large. As in mandatory. And of course, toxic.

I’ve already covered two new vaccine technologies, one of which has already been pushed forward, to “protect” people from a virus that has never been properly proven to exist.

DNA vaccines, aka gene therapy, permanently alter recipients’ genetic makeup in unknown ways. RNA vaccines (Pfizer’s and Moderna’s, just approved for COVID) can cause auto-immune reactions—which means the body attacks itself. [1] [2]

In this piece, I want to take a look at a few fundamentals about vaccination. In particular, the claim that vaccines have done a fantastic job of reducing case numbers of diseases, and therefore all criticisms of these injections are irrelevant.

From his bio [3]: “Richard Moskowitz was born in 1938, and educated at Harvard (B.A.) and New York University (M.D.). After medical school he did 3 years of graduate study in Philosophy at the University of Colorado in Boulder on a U. S. Steel Fellowship.”

“He took his internship at St. Anthony’s Hospital, Denver, and has been practicing family medicine since 1967, as well as attending about 800 home births. With a background in Oriental medicine and other forms of natural healing, Dr. Moskowitz studied homeopathy with George Vithoulkas in Greece and Rajan Sankaran and others in India.”

In 1987, while writing my first book, AIDS INC., I had a long conversation on the phone with Richard about vaccination. It was my first trip exploring vaccines as a form of immune-system suppression.

I had already seen that AIDS was actually a lumping together of various immune-system problems, none of which needed HIV as an explanation.

I still recall that phone conversation with Richard Moskowitz. I came away from it with an idea about how vaccines could be touted and trumpeted as the reason for vastly reducing cases of diseases, when in fact the reduction of visible symptoms was occurring—a very different thing.

If vaccines were lowering immune-system response, then the acute, vigorous, and all-out inflammatory reaction to germs would be eliminated. And it IS that acute reaction which creates the visible symptoms (rashes, spots, etc.).

Vaccination equals no cases of measles, the experts say. But really, as a result of vaccination, it’s just the visible rash that is missing, while something more dangerous, out of view, is going on in the body.

I’m printing here an excerpt from Richard’s article (written years ago), The Case Against Immunizations. The article is based on a classical view of germs and the action of the human immune system. The pros and cons of germ theory itself are a different matter, about which I’ve spoken and written in other places. [4] [5]

Note: Although the RNA COVID vaccines deploy a technology different from classical vaccines, they still rely on antibody response as the key to “producing immunity.” But that response is only one of many natural reactions in the body which maintain health and ward off disease.

From Dr. Richard Moskowitz’s brilliantly articulated article, The Case Against Immunizations: [6]

“It is dangerously misleading, and indeed the exact opposite of the truth, to claim that a vaccine renders us ‘immune’ to or protects us against an acute disease, if in fact it only drives the disease deeper into the interior and causes us to harbor it chronically instead, with the result that our responses to it become progressively weaker, but show less and less of a tendency to heal or resolve themselves spontaneously. What I propose, then, is to investigate as thoroughly and objectively as I can how the vaccines actually work inside the human body, and to begin by simply paying attention to the implications of what we already know. Consider the process of falling ill with and recovering from a typical acute disease, such as the measles, in contrast with what we can observe following administration of the measles vaccine.”

“…Once inhaled by a susceptible individual, the [measles] virus undergoes a prolonged period of silent multiplication, first in the tonsils, adenoids, and accessory lymphoid aggregations of the nasopharynx; later in the regional lymph nodes of the head and neck; and eventually, several days later, it passes into the blood and enters the spleen, the liver, the thymus, and the bone marrow, the ‘visceral’ organs of the immune system. Throughout this ‘incubation’ period, which lasts from 10 to 14 days, the patient typically feels quite well, and experiences few or no symptoms of any kind.”

“By the time that the first symptoms of measles appear, circulating antibodies are already detectable in the blood, and the height of the symptomatology coincides with the peak of the antibody response. In other words, the ‘illness’ that we call the measles is simply the definitive effort of the immune system to clear this virus from the blood. Notice also that this expulsion is accomplished by sneezing and coughing, i. e., via the same route through which it entered in the first place. It is abundantly clear from the above that the process of mounting and recovering from an acute illness like the measles involves a general mobilization of the immune system as a whole, including inflammation of the previously sensitized tissues at the portal(s) of entry, activation of leukocytes, macrophages, and the serum complement system, and a host of other mechanisms, of which the production of circulating antibodies is only one, and by no means the most important.”

“Such splendid outpourings indeed represent the decisive experiences in the normal physiological maturation of the immune system in the life of a healthy child. For recovery from the measles not only protects children from being susceptible to it again, no matter how many more times they may be exposed to it, but also prepares them to respond promptly and effectively to any other infections they may encounter in the future. The ability to mount a vigorous acute response to infection must therefore be reckoned among the most fundamental requirements of health and well-being that we all share.”

“By contrast, the live but artificially attenuated measles-virus vaccine is injected directly into the blood, by-passing the normal port of entry, and sets up at most a brief inflammatory reaction at the injection site, or perhaps in the regional lymph nodes, with no local sensitization at the normal portal of entry, no ‘incubation period,’ no generalized inflammatory response, and no generalized outpouring. By ‘tricking’ the body in this fashion, we have accomplished precisely what the entire immune system seems to have evolved to prevent: we have placed the virus directly into the blood, and given it free and immediate access to the major immune organs and tissues, without any obvious mechanism or route for getting rid of it.”

“The result is the production of circulating antibodies against the virus, which can in fact be measured in the blood; but this antibody response occurs as an isolated technical feat, without any overt illness to recover from, or any noticeable improvement in the general health of the recipient. Indeed I submit that exactly the opposite is true, that the price we have to pay for these antibodies is the persistence of viral elements in the blood for long periods of time, perhaps permanently, which in turn carries with it a systematic weakening of our capacity to mount an acute response, not only to the measles, but to other infections as well.”

“Far from producing a genuine immunity, then, my suspicion and my fear is that vaccines act by interfering with and even suppressing the immune response as a whole, in much the same way that radiation, chemotherapy, corticosteroids, and other anti-inflammatory drugs do. Artificial immunization focuses on antibody production, a single aspect of the immune process, disarticulates it, and allows it to stand for the whole, in much the same way as chemical suppression of an elevated blood pressure is accepted as a valid substitute for genuine healing or cure of the patient whose blood pressure has risen. It is the frosting on the cake, without the cake. The worst part of this counterfeiting is that it becomes more difficult, if not impossible, for vaccinated children to mount a normally acute and vigorous response to infection, by substituting for it a much weaker, essentially chronic response, with little or no tendency to heal itself spontaneously.”

This is an explanation of vaccination which chops down the claim that vaccines are wonderful because they eliminate cases of disease.

With experimental RNA COVID vaccines, who knows how long the injected RNA lingers in the body, and what effects it produces over time? The relatively short clinical trials certainly don’t offer useful conclusions. [7] [8] The CDC blithely assures us that once the injected RNA offers “instructions to cells of the body,” the cells destroy the RNA. Sounds magical. The cells wait, receive instructions, THEN destroy the messenger.

And again, as I stated above, RNA technology has, in the past, caused auto-immune reactions, in which the body basically attacks itself.


[1] https://www.denverpost.com/2020/12/09/pfizer-covid-vaccine-allergic-reactions/

[2] https://blog.nomorefakenews.com/2020/01/26/vaccine-for-the-china-virus-the-planet-is-the-guinea-pig-for-a-vast-experiment/

[3] https://healthy.net/author/richard-moskowitz-md/

[4] https://blog.nomorefakenews.com/2016/08/08/what-youll-never-read-about-virus-research-fraud/

[5] https://blog.nomorefakenews.com/2018/08/01/remember-the-pandemic-that-was-going-to-wipe-out-humanity-were-still-here/

[6] https://vaccineimpact.com/2015/richard-moskowitz-m-d-the-case-against-immunizations/

[7] https://blog.nomorefakenews.com/2020/12/21/why-you-shouldnt-believe-the-covid-vaccine-is-effective/

[8] https://blog.nomorefakenews.com/2020/09/24/covid-vaccine-clinical-trials-doomed-to-fail-fatal-design-flaw/

Vicious Criminal Neil Ferguson Playing Key Role in New Lockdowns

Vicious Criminal Neil Ferguson Playing Key Role in New Lockdowns

by Jon Rappoport, No More Fake News
December 24, 2020


Let me boil this down for you. Claiming a new “mutant strain” of SARS-CoV-2 is 70% more deadly than the original, computer modelers in the UK have advised Prime Minister, Boris Johnson, to lock down the country at a much stricter level.

The computer model was concocted at the Imperial College of London. The accompanying text actually admits it’s too early to tell whether the mutant strain is a major threat.

Nevertheless, Boris Johnson has issued the new vast lockdown order. [1] [2]

Who is on television promoting the need for the lockdown? None other than Neil Ferguson, the disgraced and failed computer modeler. [3] [4]

He didn’t author the new model/study at the Imperial College, but he’s now the face of the “science.”

Ferguson’s prior model predicted 500,000 COVID deaths in the UK and 2 million in the US would occur by last summer. This absurd and criminal estimate directly influenced Boris Johnson and Donald Trump to declare states of emergency, and abandon plans to keep their national economies open.

Then Ferguson violated his own lockdown recommendations by carrying on an affair with his mistress, who lived in her separate home with her husband.

And now he’s back, on television, warning citizens about the new “mutant strain” of the virus and the need for a higher level of lockdown.

Other scientists are outraged at the latest computer model; they are demanding to see the actual evidence of the increased threat. They’re saying they don’t even understand what “70% more deadly than the original strain” means.

How much more economic devastation can the people of the UK take?

Here is my original piece on Neil Ferguson, written as his prior computer model was being trashed—but followed by political leaders in the US, UK, France, and Germany. Buckle up:

Neil Ferguson: the ghost in the machine [5]

Why do governments salute when he predicts a pandemic and tells them to lock down their countries?

Does anyone care about his past?

Why does he still have a prestigious job?

Who is he connected to?

by Jon Rappoport

Neil Ferguson, through his institute at London’s Imperial College, can call the shots on a major percentage of the global population.

He’s Mr. Genius, when it comes to projecting computer models of epidemics.

Fellow experts puff up his reputation.

According to the Business Insider (4/25) [6], “Ferguson’s team warned Boris Johnson that the quest for ‘herd immunity’ [letting people live their lives out in the open in the UK] could cost 510,000 lives, prompting an abrupt U-turn [massive national lockdown in the UK]…His simulations have been influential in other countries as well, cited by authorities in the US, Germany, and France.”

Not only cited, not only influential, but swallowed whole.

Business insider continues: “On March 23, the UK scrapped ‘herd immunity’ in favor of a suppression strategy, and the country made preparations for weeks of lockdown. Ferguson’s study was responsible.”

There’s more. A lot more.

Same BI article: “Dr Deborah Birx, coronavirus response coordinator to the Trump administration, told journalists at a March 16 press briefing that the Imperial paper [Ferguson’s computer projection] prompted the CDC’s new advice to work from home and avoid gatherings of 10 or more.”

Ferguson, instigator of LOCKDOWN. Stripping away of basic liberties. Economic devastation.

So let’s look at Ferguson’s track record, spelled out in the BI piece:

“Ferguson co-founded the MRC Centre for Global Infectious Disease Analysis, based at Imperial, in 2008. It is the leading body advising national governments on pathogen outbreaks.”

“It gets tens of millions of dollars in annual funding from the Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation, and works with the UK National Health Service, the US Centres for Disease Prevention and Control (CDC), and is tasked with supplying the World Health Organization with ‘rapid analysis of urgent infectious disease problems’.”

Getting the picture?

Gates money goes to Ferguson.

Ferguson predicts dire threat from COVID, necessitating lockdowns—thus preparing people to accept a vaccine. The vaccine Gates wants.

Ferguson supplies a frightening computer projection of COVID deaths—to the CDC and WHO. Ferguson thus communicates a rationale for the Gates vaccine plan.

National governments surrender to WHO and CDC. LOCKDOWNS.

Business Insider: “Michael Thrusfield, a professor of veterinary epidemiology at Edinburgh University, told the paper he had ‘déjà vu’ after reading the [Ferguson] Imperial paper [on COVID], saying Ferguson was responsible for excessive animal culling during the 2001 Foot and Mouth [mad cow] outbreak.”

“Ferguson warned the government that 150,000 people could die. Six million animals were slaughtered as a precaution, costing the country billions in farming revenue. In the end, 200 people died.”

“Similarly, he [Ferguson] was accused of creating panic by overestimating the potential death toll during the 2005 Bird Flu outbreak. Ferguson estimated 200 million could die. The real number was in the low hundreds.” HELLO?

“In 2009, one of Ferguson’s models predicted 65,000 people could die from the Swine Flu outbreak in the UK — the final figure was below 500.”

So you have to ask yourself, why would anyone believe what Ferguson has been predicting in this COVID hustle?

Are his fellow experts that stupid?

Are presidents and prime ministers that stupid?

And the answer is: This is a monumental covert op; some people are that stupid; some are caught up in the op and are afraid to say the emperor has no clothes; some are aware of what is going on, and they want to destroy national economies and lead us into, yes, a new world order.

Gates knows he has his man: Ferguson. As the recipient of tens of millions of dollars a year from the Gates Foundation, Ferguson isn’t about to issue a model that states: COVID is nothing to worry about, let people live their lives and we’ll be all right. The chance of that happening is on a par with researchers admitting they never properly identified a new virus as the cause of illness in 2019, in Wuhan. [7]

In order to justify injecting every man, woman, and child in the world with heavy metals, synthetic genes that alter genetic makeup, a host of germs, and who knows what else, Gates needs A STORY ABOUT A DEADLY VIRUS THAT NECESSITATES SHUTTING DOWN AND IMPRISONING THE PLANET, ACHIEVING A CAPTIVE AUDIENCE.

He’s got the story, all dressed up in a computer model, composed by a man with a past record of abject and devastating failures.

Neil Ferguson is the ghost in the machine. The machine is the World Health Organization and the CDC. The man behind the ghost is Bill Gates.


[1] https://www.thesun.co.uk/news/13524419/new-covid-strain-london-cases-double/

[2] https://www.thelastamericanvagabond.com/flawed-data-model-from-imperial-college-blame-for-latest-uk-lockdown/

[3] https://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-9074765/Professor-Lockdown-Neil-Ferguson-warns-Tier-Four-needed-Easter.html

[4] https://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-9073767/Professor-Neil-Ferguson-key-role-Boris-Johnsons-dramatic-U-turn-Christmas.html

[5] https://blog.nomorefakenews.com/2020/04/30/the-british-corona-middle-man/

[6] https://www.businessinsider.com/neil-ferguson-transformed-uk-covid-response-oxford-challenge-imperial-model-2020-4

[7] https://blog.nomorefakenews.com/2020/04/29/covid-two-vital-experiments-have-never-been-done/

W.H.O. Deletes Naturally Acquired Immunity From Its Website

WHO Deletes Naturally Acquired Immunity From Its Website

by Jeffrey A. Tucker, American Institute for Economic Resesarch
December 23, 2020


Maybe you have some sense that something fishy is going on? Same. If it’s not one thing, it’s another.

Coronavirus lived on surfaces until it didn’t. Masks didn’t work until they did, then they did not. There is asymptomatic transmission, except there isn’t. Lockdowns work to control the virus except they do not. All these people are sick without symptoms until, whoops, PCR tests are wildly inaccurate because they were never intended to be diagnostic tools. Everyone is in danger of the virus except they aren’t. It spreads in schools except it doesn’t.

On it goes. Daily. It’s no wonder that so many people have stopped believing anything that “public health authorities” say. In combination with governors and other autocrats doing their bidding, they set out to take away freedom and human rights and expected us to thank them for saving our lives. At some point this year (for me it was March 12) life began feeling like a dystopian novel of your choice.

Well, now I have another piece of evidence to add to the mile-high pile of fishy mess. The World Health Organization, for reasons unknown, has suddenly changed its definition of a core conception of immunology: herd immunity. Its discovery was one of the major achievements of 20th century science, gradually emerging in the 1920s and then becoming ever more refined throughout the 20th century.

Herd immunity is a fascinating observation that you can trace to biological reality or statistical probability theory, whichever you prefer. (It is certainly not a “strategy” so ignore any media source that describes it that way.) Herd immunity speaks directly, and with explanatory power, to the empirical observation that respiratory viruses are either widespread and mostly mild (common cold) or very severe and short-lived (Ebola).

Why is this? The reason is that when a virus kills its host, it cannot migrate. The more aggressively it does this, the less it spreads. If the virus doesn’t kill its host, it can hop to others through all the usual means. When you get a virus and fight it off, your immune system encodes that information in a way that builds immunity to it. When it happens to enough people (and each case is different so we can’t put a clear number on it) the virus loses its pandemic quality and becomes endemic, which is to say predictable and manageable. Each new generation incorporates that information through more exposure.

This is what one would call Virology/Immunology 101. It’s what you read in every textbook. It’s been taught in 9th grade cell biology for probably 80 years. Observing the operations of this evolutionary phenomenon is pretty wonderful because it increases one’s respect for the way in which human biology has adapted to the presence of pathogens without absolutely freaking out.

And the discovery of this fascinating dynamic in cell biology is a major reason why public health became so smart in the 20th century. We kept calm. We managed viruses with medical professionals: doctor/patient relationships. We avoided the Medieval tendency to run around with hair on fire but rather used rationality and intelligence. Even the New York Times recognizes that natural immunity is powerful with Covid-19, which is not in the least bit surprising.

Until one day, this strange institution called the World Health Organization – once glorious because it was mainly responsible for the eradication of smallpox – has suddenly decided to delete everything I just wrote from cell biology basics. It has literally changed the science in a Soviet-like way. It has removed with the delete key any mention of natural immunities from its website. It has taken the additional step of actually mischaracterizing the structure and functioning of vaccines.

So that you will believe me, I will try to be as precise as possible. Here is the website from June 9, 2020. You can see it here on Archive.org. You have to move down the page and click on the question about herd immunity. You see the following.

That’s pretty darn accurate overall. Even the statement that the threshold is “not yet clear” is correct. There are cross immunities to Covid from other coronaviruses and there is T cell memory that contributes to natural immunity.

Some estimates are as low as 10%, which is a far cry from the modelled 70% estimate of virus immunity that is standard within the pharmaceutical realm. Real life is vastly more complicated than models, in economics or epidemiology. The WHO’s past statement is a solid, if “pop,” description.

However, in a screenshot dated November 13, 2020, we read the following note that somehow pretends as if human beings do not have immune systems at all but rather rely entirely on big pharma to inject things into our blood.

What this note at the World Health Organization has done is deleted what amounts to the entire million-year history of humankind in its delicate dance with pathogens. You could only gather from this that all of us are nothing but blank and unimprovable slates on which the pharmaceutical industry writes its signature.

In effect, this change at WHO ignores and even wipes out 100 years of medical advances in virology, immunology, and epidemiology. It is thoroughly unscientific – shilling for the vaccine industry in exactly the way the conspiracy theorists say that WHO has been doing since the beginning of this pandemic.

What’s even more strange is the claim that a vaccine protects people from a virus rather than exposing them to it. What’s amazing about this claim is that a vaccine works precisely by firing up the immune system through exposure. Why I had to type those words is truly beyond me. This has been known for centuries. There is simply no way for medical science completely to replace the human immune system. It can only game it via what used to be called inoculation.

Take from this what you will. It is a sign of the times. For nearly a full year, the media has been telling us that “science” requires that we comply with their dictates that run contrary to every tenet of liberalism, every expectation we’ve developed in the modern world that we can live freely and with the certainty of rights. Then “science” took over and our human rights were slammed. And now the “science” is actually deleting its own history, airbrushing over what it used to know and replacing it with something misleading at best and patently false at worst.

I cannot say why, exactly, the WHO did this. Given the events of the past nine or ten months, however, it is reasonable to assume that politics are at play. Since the beginning of the pandemic, those who have been pushing lockdowns and hysteria over the coronavirus have resisted the idea of natural herd immunity, instead insisting that we must live in lockdown until a vaccine is developed.

That is why the Great Barrington Declaration, written by three of the world’s preeminent epidemiologists and which advocated embracing the phenomenon of herd immunity as a way of protecting the vulnerable and minimizing harms to society, was met with such venom. Now we see the WHO, too, succumbing to political pressure. This is the only rational explanation for changing the definition of herd immunity that has existed for the past century.

The science has not changed; only the politics have. And that is precisely why it is so dangerous and deadly to subject virus management to the forces of politics. Eventually the science too bends to the duplicitous character of the political industry.

When the existing textbooks that students use in college contradict the latest official pronouncements from the authorities during a crisis in which the ruling class is clearly attempting to seize permanent power, we’ve got a problem.

The Five Key Events in the Fake Pandemic

The Five Key Events in the Fake Pandemic

by Jon Rappoport, No More Fake News
December 22, 2020


This article is a summary. I’ve written extensively on each of the five key events.

ONE: The false claim that a new virus was discovered and isolated.

No true isolation has been performed. The so-called genetic sequencing of the virus was actually a concoction, a cobbling together of pieces of data referencing segments of RNA. These segments were PRESUMED to be parts of the new virus—but researchers didn’t have the virus, so their presumptions amounted to fraud.

TWO: The erecting of a diagnostic test (PCR) for the virus they didn’t have. Obviously, no such test has meaning. It is built on the same sorts of absurd assumptions that led to the fictional discovery of the virus. However, strategically speaking, the test has produced millions of “positive results,” which are taken to mean “infected by the virus.” On this foundation of sand, the lockdowns were declared.

THREE: The Chinese lockdown of 50 million citizens, for no medical reason. This unprecedented event provided the model for other governments, and for the CDC and the World Health Organization. Now it was “acceptable” to imprison the global population and wreak economic devastation across the planet.

FOUR: The absurd computer prediction of 500,000 deaths in the UK and two million in the US, made by historically failed modeler, Neil Ferguson. His institute at the Imperial College of London is bankrolled by Bill Gates. Ferguson’s predictions were used to convince Trump and Boris Johnson that states of emergency and lockdowns were necessary.

FIVE: The forced premature deaths of millions of elderly people across the world—which were falsely called “COVID-19 deaths.”

These people were and are suffering from multiple long-term health conditions, made far worse by decades of medical treatment with toxic drugs. Terrified by a COVID diagnosis, then isolated from family and friends, they give up and die.

There are other important events, to be sure, but these are the key five.

The underlying fact that needs to be understood: what is called COVID-19 is not one condition. It is a variety of illnesses and effects stemming from different traditional causes RE-PACKAGED under the label, “COVID.”

Where authentic new conditions and causes may be involved, independent investigators need to look closely at such clusters of people, where they live. For example, the investigators should find out whether toxic vaccine campaigns were initiated in a community or region prior to declaration of the “COVID outbreak.”

Here is a short piece of fiction I wrote early on during the “pandemic.” It paints a far different picture of COVID events. At that time, I hoped “white hats” would squash the insane lockdowns and economic devastation. That never happened. Instead, high-powered business leaders gladly caved in and took their turn at the bailout trough.

Coronavirus and Island X-24

There was a small island.

Amazingly, it had never been claimed by any country. It just sat there. It was inconsequential. Geographers were irritated that it had no name. In 1998, they named it X-24.

123 families lived there. They emigrated from 14 countries.

During the 2019 onset of the trouble in China, 19 citizens had escaped the lockdown in Wuhan and found their way to the island in a small makeshift boat, which broke into pieces near shore. The resident families welcomed them without fanfare, and offered them housing in huts on the north side of the island.

People on the island practiced agriculture on their tiny farms, and they raised chickens and ate eggs. There was no government. The families met once a month to discuss any issues that might have arisen since their last meeting. They did not vote. They used common sense. They were sensible people. They had no ideology. They had no phones, no computers, no electricity.

One of the newly arrived Chinese women explained, at a meeting, the coronavirus, the epidemic, the lockdown, the testing. She asked whether anyone was concerned that her people might have brought the virus with them. The people of the island looked around at each other and shrugged. They didn’t seem interested.

Three weeks later, an article appeared in the mainland Chinese press about X-24 and the 19 escaped Wuhan residents. It was picked up by a wire service and then republished by a number of outlets around the world. It did not become a big story.

However, a boat soon arrived at the island. A Chinese official and an American public health officer from the CDC stepped off. Several conversations ensued. The two bureaucrats were concerned that the virus might have come to X-24. The residents said they didn’t travel, and they didn’t even fish. Why not? No one had an answer. The bureaucrats took samples of rainwater from a backyard container. They took a look at all the X-24 residents and saw they were healthy. They took throat swabs from the new 19 Chinese residents. There was a bit of tension when the Chinese official told these Wuhan escapees they were living illegally on the island and should return home. The Chinese residents said they wouldn’t, but they had no intention of causing trouble. The visitors left.

A week later, at a meeting in government offices in Wuhan, CDC and Chinese scientists told a deputy mayor of the city that nine immigrants on X-24 had tested positive for the coronavirus. A call was immediately made to the public health and safety office of the national government, and the news was reported. Two hours later, a message came back: leave the people on X-24 alone for now.

The government in Beijing took up the X-24 issue in several committees. A decision was made. Drones would do high flyovers and surveil the island. No one would be permitted to leave it.

Three months later, with the world in lockdown, a small elite government committee met in Beijing. The news: all the residents of X-24 were going about their daily business. No sick people were observed, even among the elderly. No one had tried to leave the island. No one was practicing social distancing. People met and mingled as usual. A CDC/WHO message was read: It expressed concern about X-24. People who were positive for the virus couldn’t be allowed to live outside the limits of control. Something needed to be done.

Three weeks later, X-24 residents observed a group of armed boats approaching. Maneuvers were executed, and the craft made a ring around the island. They sat about 20 miles offshore. They stayed there.

This operation was noticed by the press. The X-24 story made a brief limited comeback. INFECTED PEOPLE LIVING ON AN ISLAND. QUARANTINE FORCED. A few reporters tried to get information on the condition of the X-24 residents. They couldn’t.

CDC meetings took place. The gist was: These people remain healthy. There is no sign of trouble. No disease. No illness. “What happens if THIS becomes a story?”

The issue was kicked up to the Chinese and American military. Very private meetings took place. “We could launch a drone missile attack and wipe them out.” “We could send in a kill-team.” “How about a massive fire? Drop a few incendiaries.” “Spray them with nasty chemicals. They’ll have a hell of time trying to breathe, they’ll foam at the mouth and die.”

But in the end, the military held back. A message from a carefully guarded private source came down the line: “Leave them alone. Remove the stupid ships. Observe from drones. Do not attack. They rate as experimental subjects. They constitute a control group. By CDC projections, at least a few of them should become ill. So far, that’s not the case.”

…A year later, on X-24, the Chinese woman, who had originally told the island residents about the coronavirus, wrote in the diary she had been keeping, “The mainland madness is just a faint memory. My mother here is 93. She is reasonably healthy. A few people get sick, as a matter of course, and then they get well. Nothing unusual. There were two deaths last year. A French woman and an American man. They were both in their 80s. I helped their families make them comfortable. I saw no sudden illness of the lungs. I liked all these island people from the start. I feel close to them now.”

Old habits die hard. She looked around her small cabin, as if some government authority might be present. She walked to the pile of stones arranged in the corner, where a low fire was burning. It occurred to her there was no reason to continue her diary. She bent down and placed it in the flames and watched it for a minute. The past was past.

Nothing untoward had happened on the island.

Back at the CDC, a private analysis was carried out. Nine mitigating factors were listed to explain why no one on the island had fallen ill from the virus. The conclusion was the island was not a proper representation of the real world. The analysis was sent up the line to the guarded source who had ordered the ring of ships to back off. He read the CDC analysis.

He sent back a message. “I wasn’t asking you to cover your ass or justify your role in this fiasco. Your so-called mitigating factors are a crock. Apparently, you’re unable to be honest. So let me send you my analysis. The people on X-24 didn’t get sick because they didn’t get sick. Remove promoted fear, diagnostic tests, treatment with toxic drugs, and other damage falsely labeled as COVID, and you have nothing. I see why you were disturbed about the story of X-24. But then, accounting for healthy people who stay healthy has never been your strong suit, has it? You’ve gone too far. I should set my hounds loose on you.”

A colleague of his walked into the steam room, picked up a pitcher of cold water and poured it on the rocks. Steam rose and the rocks hissed. Wrapped in white sheets, the two men sat side by side.

“Did you tear them a new one?”

“I gave them something to think about. These people are incorrigible. They really are.”

“When our friends arrive tonight, we’ll discuss the situation.”

“Yes. Recess is over. The bureaucrats interrupted business. Products must flow. Money must flow. They don’t understand we’re the engine of the world, for better or worse.”

“We’ll school these little bureaucrats. They parade around thinking they’re princes. They’re going to pay.”

The steam spread. The men were invisible.










James Corbett: The Future of Vaccines

The Future of Vaccines

by James Corbett, The Corbett Report
December 23, 2020


If the Gateses and the Faucis and the representatives of the international medical establishment get their way, life will not return to normal until the entire planet is vaccinated against SARS-CoV-2.

What many do not yet understand, however, is that the vaccines that are being developed for SARS-Cov-2 are unlike any vaccines that have ever been used on the human population before.

And, as radically different as these vaccines appear, they represent only the very beginning of a complete transformation of vaccine technology that is currently taking place in research labs across the planet.

This is a study of The Future of Vaccines.

Watch on Archive / BitChute / LBRY / Minds / YouTube or Download the mp4


Since the dawn of the corona crisis, we have been told over and over that the world has changed forever.

MARIA VAN KERKHOVE: What we’re going to have to figure out, and I think what we’re all going to have to figure out together, is what our new normal looks like. Our new normal includes physical distancing from others. Our new normal includes wearing masks where appropriate. Our new normal includes us knowing where this virus is each and every day, where we live, where we work, where we want to travel.

SOURCE: What the New Normal Looks Like After Covid-19

DUCEY: What we’ve gone through and the challenges that I’m sharing with you really is Arizona’s new normal. And it’s our new normal for the foreseeable future. I really want ask people to get their heads around that.

SOURCE: Arizona Gov. Ducey Holds Coronavirus Briefing

JUSTIN TRUDEAU: This pandemic has provided an opportunity for a reset. This is our chance to accelerate our pre-pandemic efforts to reimagine economic systems that actually address global challenges like extreme poverty, inequality and climate change.

SOURCE: Coronavirus: Trudeau tells UN conference that pandemic provided “opportunity for a reset”

This “New Normal” with which we are being threatened brings with it great uncertainty. Uncertainty over work. Uncertainty over travel. Uncertainty over what our lives will look like on the other side of this “Great Reset.”

But there is one thing that we can be certain about: If the Gateses and the Faucis and the representatives of the international medical establishment get their way, life will not return to normal until the entire planet is vaccinated against SARS-CoV-2.

GATES: It is fair to say things won’t go back to truly normal until we have a vaccine that we’ve gotten out to basically the entire world.

SOURCE: Bill Gates on his 2015 ‘virus’ warning, efforts to fight coronavirus pandemic

ZEKE EMANUEL: Realistically, COVID-19 will be here for the next 18 months or more. We will not be able to return to normalcy until we find a vaccine or effective medications.

SOURCE: Dr. Zeke Emanuel On The Return To ‘Normal’

DOUG FORD: The hard fact is, until we find a vaccine, going back to normal means putting lives at risk.

SOURCE: Ontario announces $20 million for COVID-19 vaccine research

JUSTIN TRUDEAU: This will be the new normal until a vaccine is developed.

SOURCE: PM Trudeau on modelling data and federal response to COVID-19 – April 9, 2020

GAVIN NEWSOM: As I said: normal it will not be, at least until we have herd immunity and we have a vaccine.

SOURCE: California Gov. Newsom Holds Coronavirus Briefing

ANTHONY FAUCI: So, if we get the overwhelming majority of people taking the vaccine, and you have, on the one hand, an effective vaccine, on the other hand, a high degree of uptake of the vaccine, we could start getting things back to relative normal as we get into the second and third quarter of the year, where people can start thinking about doing things that were too dangerous just months ago.

SOURCE: Fauci: We’ll Get Back to Normal Gradually After Vaccine; You Don’t Know How Effective Vaccine Is for You

NORMAN SWAN: The only thing that will really allow life as we once knew it to resume is a vaccine.

SOURCE: Life will only return to normal when there’s a coronavirus vaccine, Dr Norman Swan says

This message has been repeated so frequently and so consistently by public health officials, political “leaders” and media commentators that many have begun to believe it. And now, the public is being prepared for an unprecedented global vaccination campaign. Taking the form of a military operation . . .

GENERAL GUSTAVE PERNA: It is this effort that I can look you in the face and say to you, “E.U.A. [Emergency Use Authorization] comes, 24 hours later vaccines will be distributed out to the American people and be ready for administration.”

SOURCE: General Perna says vaccine distribution will begin 24 hours after Emergency Use Authorization

. . .the plan is to rush a new generation of experimental vaccines to market and deliver them at “warp speed” before any long term testing has even been attempted. What many do not yet understand, however, is that the vaccines that are being developed for SARS-Cov-2 are unlike any vaccines that have ever been used on the human population before.

And, as radically different as these vaccines appear, they represent only the very beginning of a complete transformation of vaccine technology that is currently taking place in research labs across the planet.

This is a study of The Future of Vaccines.

You’re tuned in to The Corbett Report.

For almost the entirety of 2020, a traumatized public has been told that nothing resembling our pre-corona lives will return until there is a COVID vaccine.

So it is no surprise that the same media sources that have been promoting this talking point would celebrate the hopeful pronouncements of the Big Pharma manufacturers regarding their COVID vaccine candidates.

BECKY QUICK: Welcome back to Squawk Box everybody. We have some breaking news from Pfizer. Meg Tirrell joins us right now. Meg, good morning.

MEG TIRELL: Good morning, Becky. This is the news that we’ve been waiting to hear.
Pfizer and BioNTech reporting the first results from their phase 3 vaccine trial saying that in this interim look the vaccine showed to be more than 90 percent effective.

SOURCE: Pfizer, BioNTech announce Covid-19 vaccine candidate is 90% effective

JAKE WHITTENBERG: Well, we begin with breaking news this morning. The push to find a coronavirus vaccine. This morning, Moderna says its vaccine is more than 94 percent effective.

SOURCE: BREAKING: Moderna coronavirus vaccine “more than 94% effective”

TIM STENOVEC: Vaccine headlines are rolling in. One of AstraZeneca’s doses stopped an average of 70 percent of patients from falling ill and that even rose to 90 percent with additional regimens now the head of the government’s operation warp speed is saying that quote hopefully vaccinations in the u.s will start in less than three weeks.

SOURCE: AstraZeneca-Oxford Vaccine Found Effective in Preventing Covid

But lost amid the hype of this media-led celebration are some sobering facts.

Firstly, these news stories were not generated on the back of publicly accessible data, but literal corporate press releases. This announcement-by-press-release style of corporate self-reporting was immediately exposed as a sham when AstraZeneca was found to have given an “unintentionally” lower dose to one group of trial participants and then touted the results of that smaller dose group without clarifying the confusion.

FRANCINE LACQUA: I’m not really sure what to make of this AstraZeneca-Oxford trial there’s confusion about whether it’s 60 efficacy whether it’s 90 what exactly happened.

ANDREW PEKOSZ: Well it is a little bit unclear, but let’s start with what we think we know. which is some of the patients that were in their phase three clinical trial ended up getting a half-dose of their of the initial inoculation and it turns out that the group that got that half dose followed by a boost had a much higher rate of protection from covid19 disease than the group that got the dosing schedule that the company wanted to give to everybody

SOURCE: AstraZeneca Vaccine Trial Likely Needs a Restart: Johns Hopkins

Secondly, the “success” of these vaccines is not being measured by their ability to prevent infection with SARS-CoV-2, as many in the general public believe, but merely to lessen the severity of the symptoms associated with COVID-19, like coughs and headaches.

ANJALEE KHEMLANI: Do you anticipate that the first sets of vaccines out the door will be more of a less effective blocker of the virus?

FAUCI: Well that’s the primary—that’s a great question, and that’s the primary endpoint of most of the virus, is to prevent clinical disease. To prevent symptomatic disease, not necessarily to prevent infection.

SOURCE: Fauci Happy if Vaccine Permits Infection w/ Fewer Symptoms

Thirdly, the studies are touted as involving tens of thousands of people, but in Pfizer’s trial, only 170 of them were reported as being “diagnosed with COVID-19” during the trial. Of those, 162 were in the placebo group and eight were in the vaccine group. From this, it is inferred that the vaccine prevented 154/162 people from developing the disease, or “95%”. But as even the British Medical Journal points out, “a relative risk reduction is being reported, not absolute risk reduction, which appears to be less than 1%.”

Fourthly, the trials are still ongoing. Although several countries have now issued “emergency use authorization” allowing these companies to begin distributing these vaccines to the public, the stage III trials of the vaccines are ongoing, with several of the planned “endpoints” for the data not being collected for 24 months after injection. As a result, as even the UK’s own “Information for UK Healthcare Professionals” pamphlet regarding Pfizer’s vaccine points out, “Animal reproductive toxicity studies have not been completed,” meaning that, “It is unknown whether COVID-19 mRNA Vaccine BNT162b2 has an impact on fertility.”

Even more chillingly, it is not healthcare professionals who are leading the charge to deliver this vaccine to the world, but the military

MURRAY BREWSTER: He commanded Canada’s NATO mission in Iraq. Now he’s in charge of making sure Canadians get the COVID vaccine.

TRUDEAU: Major General Dany Fortin will be heading up the logistics and operations within the centre.

SOURCE: Senior military commander to lead Canada’s COVID-19 vaccine distribution

SAMANTHA GALVEZ: Operation Warp Speed is a Department of Defense / CDC operation to distribute 300 million vaccines to the US.

MATTHEW YIENGST: As soon as the FDA authorizes an emergency use, if they chose to do so, we will move vaccine to all jurisdictions within 24 hours.

SOURCE: Adams County native plays vital role in military operation to distribute vaccine

RICHARD PASCOE: You know, we’re about to turn the corner here into 2021 and I think the American public should be very proud of what the army and the Department of Defense and our partners on the science side have done to bring these vaccines to the market.

SOURCE: Operation Warp Speed and US Army Role in Vaccine Distribution

BREWSTER: How much more involved the military will get is unclear. Public Health is still developing its plan. Defense Minister Harjit Sajjan acknowledges it is not beyond the realm of possibility in some parts of Canada troops could be running clinics and administering vaccine.

SOURCE: Senior military commander to lead Canada’s COVID-19 vaccine distribution

And most importantly, as incredible as this headlong rush to push an experimental vaccine on the majority of the world’s population is, it is even more incredible when it is revealed that Moderna and Pfizer’s vaccines are not, in fact, “vaccines” as anyone in the general public understands them. They are mRNA vaccines, a novel method of vaccination that has never before been approved for human use.

RHIJU DAS: So the concept of an RNA vaccine is: Let’s inject the RNA molecule that encodes for the spike protein.

ANGELA RASMUSSEN: It’s making your cell do the work of creating this viral protein that is going to be recognized by your immune system and trigger the development of these antibodies.

DAS: Our bodies won’t make a full-fledged infectious virus. They’ll just make a little piece and then learn to recognize it and then get ready to destroy the virus if it then later comes and invades us.

[. . .]

DAS: It’s a relatively new, unproven technology. And there’s still no example of an RNA vaccine that’s been deployed worldwide in the way that we need for the coronavirus.

RASMUSSEN: There is the possibility for unforeseen, adverse effects.

AKIKO IWASAKI: So this is all new territory. Whether it would elicit protective immune response against this virus is just unknown right now.

SOURCE: Can Scientists Use RNA to Create a Coronavirus Vaccine?

To be sure, the new mRNA vaccines work on an entirely different principle than any other vaccine that has ever been used on the human population. In order to understand that, it is important to understand the history of vaccine technologies.

The concept of “inoculation” has been around for centuries, with one of its earliest instances in China several centuries ago, where dried-out scabs of lightly infected smallpox sufferers were powdered and then blown up the nostrils of healthy people. The procedure aimed to infect the patient with a mild strain of smallpox, thus conferring immunity on them. This practice was brought over to Europe via Turkey and was eventually adopted around the world.

“Vaccination” developed in the late 18th century when Edward Jenner discovered that those who had been exposed to cowpox—a less virulent relative of smallpox—were themselves immune from smallpox. He “vaccinated” a boy with a cowpox vesicle from a milkmaid and then inoculated him with smallpox two months later. The boy did not develop smallpox, and the procedure was hailed as a breakthrough of medical science. The term “vaccination,” derived from the Latin word for cow, eventually came to refer to the general process of introducing immunogens or attenuated infectious agents into the body in order to stimulate the immune system to fight infections.

But this is not how mRNA vaccines function. In contrast to vaccination, which involves introducing an immunogen into the body, mRNA vaccines seek to introduce messenger RNA into the body in order to “trick” that body’s cells into producing immunogens, which then stimulate an immune response.

ELENA GUOBYTE: Two types of genetic vaccines are being investigated for COVID-19: mRNA and DNA. mRNA needs to reach the cytoplasm of host cells, while DNA needs to enter the nucleus. Then this genetic material gets taken up by the cell’s machinery, and the cell expresses the spike protein. These spike proteins are then recognized by the immune system, hopefully stimulating a protective response.

SOURCE: Coronavirus Vaccines – An Introduction

PAUL OFFIT: So the way this is going to work, the mRNA vaccine is—it’s the mRNA that codes for that coronavirus spike protein. You’re inoculated with that small little piece of genetic material. That genetic material then enters your cells and is is translated into a protein—in
this case, the coronavirus spike protein—which is then excreted from the cell. So, in essence, your body makes the spike protein and then your body makes antibodies to the spike protein, all because it’s been instructed to do that. Your cells have been instructed to do that by this little piece of messenger RNA.

SOURCE: How Do mRNA Vaccines Work?

NARRATOR: Protein factories in the cytoplasm, called ribosomes, bind to the messenger RNA. The ribosome reads the code in the messenger RNA to produce a chain made up of amino acids. There are 20 different types of amino acid. Transfer RNA molecules carry the amino acids to the ribosome. The messenger RNA is read three bases at a time. As each triplet is read, a transfer RNA delivers the corresponding amino acid. This is added to a growing chain of amino acids. Once the last amino acid has been added, the chain folds into a complex 3D shape to form the protein.

SOURCE: From DNA to protein – 3D

Any and all questions about this rushed, experimental vaccine technology are being labeled by the pharmaceutical manufacturers and the corporate press that runs on their advertising dollars as “anti-vax misinformation” and being actively censored. But despite the straw man argument that opposition to the vaccine comes solely from ignorant members of the public who are worried about being “injected with mircochips,” there are genuine concerns about the long-term safety of these vaccines coming from within the scientific community, and even from whistleblowers from within the ranks of the Big Pharma manufacturers themselves.

On December 1st, the former chair of the Parliamentary Assembly of the Council of Europe Health Committee, Dr. Wolfgang Wodarg, joined Dr. Michael Yeadon, a former Vice-President and Chief Scientific Officer at Pfizer Global R&D, to file a petition calling on the European Medicine Agency to halt the Phase III clinical trials of the Pfizer mRNA vaccine until they are restructured to address critical safety concerns associated with this experimental technology.

DEL BIGTREE: There is a petition now to try and stop the vaccine from being released in Europe and stop the trials in their tracks until some serious errors are fixed. The complaints are the potential dangers, if they are not rectified, of this vaccine. Let me very quickly just read through these before I bring on my next guest.

Here are the four major elements that are being pointed out by Dr. Wodarg and Dr. Yeadon.

  • The formation of so-called “non-neutralizing antibodies” can lead to an exaggerated immune reaction, especially when the test person is confronted with the real, “wild” virus after vaccination. This so-called antibody-dependent amplification, ADE, has long been known from experiments with corona vaccines in cats, for example. In the course of these studies all cats that initially tolerated the vaccination well died after catching the wild virus.
  • The mRNA vaccines from BioNTech/Pfizer contain polyethylene glycol (PEG). 70% of people develop antibodies against this substance – this means that many people can develop allergic, potentially fatal reactions to the vaccination.
  • The vaccinations are expected to produce antibodies against spike proteins of SARS-CoV-2. However, spike proteins also contain syncytin-homologous proteins, which are essential for the formation of the placenta in mammals such as humans. It must be absolutely ruled out that a vaccine against SARS-CoV-2 could trigger an immune reaction against syncytin-1, as otherwise infertility of indefinite duration could result in vaccinated women.
  • The much too short duration of the study does not allow a realistic estimation of the late effects. As in the narcolepsy cases after the swine flu vaccination, millions of healthy people would be exposed to an unacceptable risk if an emergency approval were to be granted and the possibility of observing the late effects of the vaccination were to follow. Nevertheless, BioNTech/Pfizer apparently submitted an application for emergency approval on December 1, 2020.

We’ve just updated you that that vaccine has been approved for the UK as we speak.

[. . .]

BIGTREE: What is it that people can do what—your fellow scientists and doctors—what do we need to do to make sure we don’t make one of the greatest scientific errors in human history?

WOLFGNG WODARG: Protect yourself and protect all your neighbors and friends so that they don’t get this vaccine. and you have to be—you have to show up, you have to tell the politicians that you will blame them for what they do with this. I think what what’s happening, it’s a great betrayal. We are betrayed. And people who betray normally are punished, and we won’t forget this if they go on doing this with us.

SOURCE: Health Expert: “Stop COVID Vax Experiments”

Before the combined weight of the pharmaceutical manufacturers, global health bodies, governments and the corporate media combined to suppress any questions about this unprecedented rush for a globally-distributed, experimental vaccine, there were widespread calls for caution from within the heart of the scientific community.

Even mainstream publications like Scientific American were compelled to note back in June of this year that there are reasons for concern over the way the COVID-19 vaccines are being rushed to market:

Telescoping testing timelines and approvals may expose all of us to unnecessary dangers related to the vaccine. While preclinical trials to evaluate the potential safety and efficacy of vaccine candidates are likely to include tens of thousands of patients, it is still unclear whether that number will be large enough and a trial will last long enough to evaluate safety for a drug that would be administered to so many. The US alone plans to vaccinate hundreds of millions of people with the first successful candidate. One serious adverse event per thousand of a vaccine given to 100 million people means harm to 100,000 otherwise healthy people.

The potential dangers of these vaccines—not just the mRNA vaccines that hijack your body’s cells to begin producing proteins to stimulate an immune response, but vaccines like AstraZeneca’s that uses a chimpanzee adenovirus to express the SARS-CoV-2 spike protein—are numerous. Not only do these vaccines present the potential for the antibody-dependent enhancement phenomenon that makes people more susceptible to the wild virus after having been vaccinated against it—which is a problem common to previous coronavirus vaccine candidates—but their potential impact on fertility has, even by the UK government’s own admission, not been tested at this point and remains “unknown.”

But even more fundamental than these particular safety concerns about these particular vaccines is the way that this fanatical, reckless and unprecedented headlong rush to push (and potentially even mandate) these vaccines on billions of people worldwide—women and children, young and old, healthy and unhealthy alike—is setting the most dangerous public health precedent in the history of humanity, a precedent that threatens to undermine our most cherished health freedoms in the name of a panic-induced “emergency.”

One of these core freedoms is the ability to refuse an experimental medical procedure, a freedom that was acknowledged in the Nuremberg Code of 1947 and enshrined in the International Covenant on Civil and Political Rights, which states that “no one shall be subjected without his free consent to medical or scientific experimentation.”

Despite the fact that the clinical trials surrounding these experimental vaccines are ongoing and that the FDA itself admits that there is “currently insufficient data to make conclusions about the safety of the vaccine in subpopulations such as children less than 16 years of age, pregnant and lactating individuals, and immunocompromised individuals” and “risk of vaccine-enhanced disease over time, potentially associated with waning immunity, remains unknown,” governments around the world are contemplating making these vaccinations mandatory, or compelling people to take them against their will by restricting their access to public life until they subject themselves to this medical experimentation.

ANCHOR: It’s a controversial idea that could end up being the law: “no jab, no job,” with some businesses considering making the COVID-19 vaccine mandatory for employees.

SOURCE: Coronavirus: Businesses considering making vaccine mandatory | 9 News Australia

CHRISTINE ELLIOTT: There may be some restrictions that may be placed on people that don’t have vaccines for travel purposes, to be able to go totheaters and other places. But that will be up to the individual person to decide.

SOURCE: COVID-19 vaccine won’t be mandatory, but those who don’t get it could face restrictions: Elliott

JO LING KENT: So here’s how it works: The app gives you a health pass to show before you go into big stadiums like this to streamline the process to make it safer and faster to get to your seat.

SOURCE: NBC Nightly News Broadcast (Full) – December 7th, 2020 | NBC Nightly News

TRACY GRIMSHAW: Alan, when there is a vaccine are you going to require all of your passengers to be vaccinated before they get on a plane?

ALAN JOYCE: Yeah we are looking at changing our terms and conditions to say for international travellers that we will ask people to have a vaccination before they can get on the aircraft.

SOURCE: Qantas boss says COVID-19 vaccination compulsory for international flights

The threat of forcing or compelling people to become unwilling guinea pigs in an ongoing medical experiment is immoral on its face. But even the prospect of enforcing such mandates would entail the erection of a surveillance and tracking system that further threatens basic rights and liberties. After all, in order to determine who has been vaccinated—and thus who is allowed to board an airplane or access a stadium or enter a store with a vaccine policy—there will need to be a system for identifying and tracking each vaccine recipient.

Whereas in days past, such tracking systems might have worked with identification papersspecial badges to identify people’s status or other outwardly identifying marks, in the modern age, such schemes will take the form of digital apps and other technologically advanced methods for tracking, categorizing and identifying billions of people and their movements in real time.

There are already apps like IBM’s Digital Health Pass and CLEAR’s Health Pass that envision a world where our biometric ID will be linked via our smartphones to our health data in order to grant or deny access from public spaces and public events

NARRATOR: Here’s how Jane opens the CLEAR app and verifies her identity with a photo and real-time health insights. CLEAR’s developed touchless technology can take her temperature and confirm Jane is Jane so she can walk in with confidence


NARRATOR: Your COVID-19 status will efficiently display as green, amber or red, dependent on your test results. This allows us to go about our daily activities in a safer way. We can all use health passport ireland in many ways, such as travel, hospitality, education, health care, construction, offices, entertainment, visits and much, much more.

SOURCE: Health Passport Ireland

Once the COVID vaccines are widely distributed, it would simply be a question of linking one’s vaccination record to the health pass app to prevent the unvaccinated from accessing any given space.

And while this future—sold through glossy corporate advertising but rejected by the vast majority of the public—may seem like a science-fiction dystopia, such systems are already being used to control the movements of people in China, where access to certain building or the ability to leave one’s own neighbourhood can be restricted to those whose phone-based apps show a “green” immunity status.

Worse, the COVID vaccine presents governments, intelligence agencies and corporations that have a direct interest in suppressing dissent, monitoring dissidents and controlling their populations with the perfect opportunity to make such systems a permanent fixture of daily life. After the immediate “threat” of the declared public health crisis subsides, the public is already being warned that these apps will be transitioned seamlessly into general monitoring of the population.

ANCHOR 1: Well during the summer spike, Palm Beach County launched something called a Combat COVID app. they spent a huge chunk of CARES Act money to do it. The app can alert you if you come into contact with a COVID positive person.

ANCHOR 2: The problem is it only works if there’s widespread use and there isn’t. So was this just a big waste of money?

[. . .]

DANIELLE WAUGH: Palm Beach County officials would not make anybody available for an interview for this story but I did get a written statement from a county spokesperson, who tells me they will still have use for this app even after the pandemic is over. He says they plan on transitioning its functions to be a more general community app.

SOURCE: Palm Beach County COVID app: Big investment, few users

As chilling as these “immunity passports” opening the door for governments to implement persistent digital tracking of their entire population is, it represents only the most visible privacy invasion that is being enacted on the back of this unprecedented vaccine rollout.

As viewers of the “Who Is Bill Gates?” documentary will know, these smartphone apps and voluntary reporting mechanisms will eventually be replaced by an even more invasive technological means of certifying vaccination. Not the “microchip” strawman that the fact checkers use to attempt to debunk these concerns, but the verifiable existence of a program to develop quantum dot tags to instantly identify who has received a given vaccine.

Late last year, Gates once again turned to Robert Langer and his MIT colleagues to investigate new ways to permanently store and record the vaccination information of each individual. The result of their research was a new vaccine delivery method. They found that by using “dissolvable microneedles that deliver patterns of near-infrared light-emitting microparticles to the skin,” they could create “particle patterns” in the skin of vaccine recipients which are “invisible to the eye but can be imaged using modified smartphones.”

Rice University describes the quantum dot tags left behind by the microneedles as “something like a bar-code tattoo.”

So who was behind this development? As lead researcher Kevin McHugh explains:

“The Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation came to us and said, ‘Hey, we have a real problem—knowing who’s vaccinated [. . .] So our idea was to put the record on the person. This way, later on, people can scan over the area to see what vaccines have been administered and give only the ones still needed.”

SOURCE: Who Is Bill Gates?

Experimental vaccine technologies. Rushed testing. Mandates and health apps. And, eventually, quantum dot tags and biometric IDs. The future that is coming into view on the back of this COVID nightmare is truly dystopian.

But as worrying as all of this, the most worrying aspect is the precedent that it sets for a new era of biosecurity. An era in which public health authorities will claim to have the right to force rushed, untested and experimental technologies on the public in the name of public “health.”

At the moment, these new technologies—like mRNA vaccines which reprogram cells to produce antigens or the DNA vaccines that seek to insert foreign genetic material directly into the cells’ nucleus and that even biotech giant Moderna admit “have a risk of permanently changing a person’s DNA”—are still understood by the public as “vaccines.” But they bare as little resemblance to the vaccines that have previously been given to the public as Edward Jenner’s cowpox vaccine bore to the old Chinese art of blowing smallpox scabs up the nose. And the medical technologies that are emerging now will once again utterly transform our understanding of “vaccines.”

One such technology is being actively developed by Profusa, Inc., a company that in 2016 received a $7.5 million grant from DARPA—the research and development agency of the US military—to “develop implantable biosensors that can continuously monitor multiple body chemistries.” Earlier this year, Profusa announced a study that will examine how the company’s technology—including a “wireless reader that adheres to the skin and collects and reports tissue oxygen levels” and a 3mm string of hydrogel, which can be inserted under the skin with a syringe and programmed to send “a fluorescent signal outside of the body when the body begins to fight an infection”—can be used to “develop an early identification system to detect not only disease outbreaks, but biological attacks and pandemics up to three weeks earlier than current methods.” The study is expected to be completed next year.

Hydrogels—networks of crosslinked polymer chains—are increasingly being turned to by proponents of these new technologies as potential delivery devices for drugs, cells, proteins, and bioactive molecules. In 2013, for instance, a team of European researchers announced a novel method for injecting a vaccine-containing hydrogel sphere to a spot beneath the skin, which could be released at a later time by swallowing a “stimulusresponsive biohybrid material.” Touted as a “remote-controlled vaccine delivery system,” the researchers proved their concept by injecting mice with a hydrogel containing human papillomavirus vaccine and later giving them a pill containing fluorescein, which dissolved the hydrogel mesh and released the vaccine. The research on this vaccine delivery method continues, with a Chinese team publishing research just this year on a self-adjuvanted hydrogel which “had both adjuvant potential and the ability to sustained release antigen.”

As viewers of the “Who Is Bill Gates?” documentary will know, the idea of implanting remote-controlled vaccines in large populations has been around since at least 2012, when, according to MIT Technology Review, Bill Gates personally asked MIT researcher Robert Langer to create an implantable birth control device that could be turned on or off remotely. The resulting device—a wireless birth control microchip that, as the National Post noted in 2014, “can be turned on and off with a remote control and that is designed to last up to 16 years”—was developed by Microchips Biotech, now part of Daré Bioscience, and has so far received $17.9 million in grant funding from the Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation.

From biolectronics to nanorobotics to synthetic biology, ever more incredible technologies are being pioneered that, whether or not they are marketed to the public under the catch-all term of “vaccine,” will operate in ways that are fundamentally unlike anything before used on the human population.

University of Ottawa researchers are working on creating “edible vaccines.”

Researchers at Harvard Medical School are developing autonomous DNA nanorobots capable of transporting molecular payloads directly into cells.

A team of scientists at Johns Hopkins University are working on shape-changing microdevices called “theragrippers” that can reside in the GI tract to aid in extended drug delivery.

Nanobots. Shape-changing bioelectronic devices. Remote-controlled vaccines. This is not the stuff of science fiction but of science fact, and the precedent that is being set during the COVID era to rush experimental and unproven medical technologies into use on the back of a declared crisis is the same precedent that could be used to foist these injectable technologies on the public in the future.

And, as Catherine Austin Fitts—former United States Assistant Secretary of Housing and Urban Development and founder of Solari, Inc.—explains, these injectables are part of an elaborate system of biological, economic, and political control that is being bankrolled into existence by powerful special interests.

CATHERINE AUSTIN FITTS: So let me go through where I think he’s going. I think where they’re going—and they’re they’re prototyping tons of technology, so I don’t think they have it yet—but where they want to go is they want to download a Microsoft Office system into your body, into your brain, and hook it up to the Jedi cloud contract and the Amazon Cloud contract at the CIA. And if they can get seven people seven billion people hooked up directly to their cloud contracts and use viruses—I mean, it’s very clever—use viruses to keep those updates coming. You know, just keep those updates coming.

So you saw my most recent article, “The Injection Fraud.” I think it’s a fraud to call these vaccines they’re not vaccines, they’re not medicine. But I think it’s the exact same model you used in the computers and the ideas. Just like Bill Gates made it possible for the intelligence agencies to get a backdoor into our—you know, our data—and our computers. They want a backdoor into our mind and it’s very hard if you haven’t if you haven’t looked into the creepy technology, the Charles Lieber kind of technology, it’s hard to fathom but we’re beginning to fathom it.

[. . .]

So what we have are people who have unimaginable liabilities for what they’ve done in the health area and what they’ve done in the financial area. And what they’re trying to do is they’re trying to do two things: one is to load an operating system into our bodies—I call it the injection fraud because they’re calling it a vaccine and under law a vaccine is medicine, this is not medicine, so to me what they’re up to is a fraud. And then the second thing they’re trying to do is implement contract tracing so they they can have—before they get the operating system in everybody they can have complete control. You know, kidnap you, put you in prison with no warrants, break into your house, take your kids.
And I keep saying to people: “Do you notice that it’s the people who flew Epstein Air who all want contract tracing? Why is that?” You know, why would you want the people who did Epstein Air to be able to come into your house and kidnap your kids?

Despite the protestations of those like Bill Gates who have a financial interest in these experimental vaccines, and the Big Pharma corporations that are selling these vaccines, and the governments that are being bribed by the international public health cartel to purchase these vaccines and pressure their public to accept them, and the corporate media who relies on these Big Pharma corporations for their advertising dollars, some facts about these novel coronavirus vaccines are indisputable:

  • They are the most rushed vaccines ever developed.
  • The manufacturers have been given total immunity from liability if their experimental vaccines cause injury.
  • The clinical trials testing the safety of these injections are not finished, meaning that every member of the public who takes one is now a human guinea pig in an ongoing medical experiment with the population of the planet.
  • The Pfizer and Moderna mRNA vaccines are themselves part of an experimental class of injection that has never before been given to the public;
  • These vaccines have not been tested for their ability to prevent infection or spread of SARS-CoV-2 and are not intended to do so.
  • And there is absolutely no long-term data about these vaccines to determine what their effects may be on fertility, the potential for pathogenic priming, or any other serious adverse reaction.

That this represents the most reckless and brazen experiment in the history of the world is undeniable on its face. Never before have billions of people been pressured to submit to a completely experimental, invasive medical procedure on the basis of a disease with a greater than 99% survival rate.

But large-scale, emergency vaccination campaigns have been tried before with sobering lessons about the danger of such a wide-scale experiment that are being deliberately ignored right now.

In the late 1950s and early 1960s, hundreds of millions of people were injected with polio vaccines that, years later, were discovered to have been contaminated with SV40, a cancer-causing virus found in the rhesus monkey kidney cells that were used to create the vaccine.

In 1976, twelve soldiers at Fort Dix were diagnosed with swine flu. This kicked off a round of public health hysteria that led the US government to mandate that every citizen in the country be vaccinated. In the end, only one soldier at Fort Dix died of the swine flu and no one outside of the base even tested positive for it, but the emergency immunization program went ahead. It was brought to an abrupt end after hundreds who had received the rushed vaccine began to display severe neurological disorders.

MIKE WALLACE: Remember the swine flu scare of 1976? That was the year the U.S. government told us all that swine flu could turn out to be a killer that could spread across the nation, and Washington decided that every man, woman and child in the nation should get a shot to prevent a nation-wide outbreak, a pandemic.

Well 46 million of us obediently took the shot, and now 4,000 Americans are claiming damages from Uncle Sam amounting to three and a half billion dollars because of what happened when they took that shot. By far the greatest number of the claims – two thirds of them are for neurological damage, or even death, allegedly triggered by the flu shot.

SOURCE: 60 Minutes Mike Wallace Exposes the 1976 Swine Flu Pandemic Vaccine Injuries

During the hysteria over swine flu in 2009, GlaxoSmithKline rushed a vaccine called Pandemrix to market in several European countries that was later associated with increased risk of narcolepsy. Years later, it was admitted that the 2009 flu season was no deadlier than any other flu season, but the British Medical Journal revealed that the body that advised the WHO on the declaration of the public health emergency that caused governments to purchase billions of dollars of vaccines was itself populated by advisors with direct financial ties to the Big Pharma vaccine manufacturers.

In each of these cases, the public was told to “follow the science,” and in each of these cases an unknown and perhaps unknowable number of people paid for that blind faith with their health. Now the revolver is once again being put to our heads and, with an assurance that that revolver probably contains a lot of empty chambers, the public is being asked to play Russian Roulette in the name of “trusting the science.”

NEIL DEGRASSE TYSON: I think we’re in the middle of a massive experiment worldwide. And that is—

STEPHEN COLBERT: —And we’re the guinea pigs?

TYSON: Maybe. The experiment is: will people listen to scientists?

SOURCE: Neil deGrasse Tyson On Coronavirus: Will People Listen To Science?

Surely those who wish to be the test subjects in this ongoing experiment should be free to make themselves into guinea pigs for the Big Pharma manufacturers. But every mandate or compulsion to force the vaccine on an unwilling recipient sets a dangerous precedent, a precedent that will one day lead to a tracked and surveilled population unable to resist the next generation of injectable bioelectronics.

This is not a game, this is not a test. Billions of people are being asked to participate in a gigantic experiment, not just an experiment in medical technology, but an experiment in compliance and blind trust.

The pressure to say yes and to go along with the crowd in this experiment is enormous. But if we lose the freedom to say “no” to this, then we may lose control over our bodily autonomy—and, ultimately, our humanity—forever.

The choice is ours . . . but for how much longer?

Just Trust ‘Em! . . . Because You Can’t Sue ‘Em

Just Trust ‘Em! . . . Because You Can’t Sue ‘Em 

by Eric Peters, Eric Peters Autos
December 23, 2020


You can’t walk into a store without wearing the Holy Rag – because someone might get sick. But if you actually get sick as a result of being forced to take the Holy Jab, you can’t sue the company that made the god-knows-what’s-in-it vaccine.

Which is pretty sick when you think about it.

The pharmaceutical mafia can force you – via its enforcer, the government – to take its products; vaccines are already required for kids in many states and if you don’t submit to it the state can take your kids . . . and then walks away from any harm it caused because the government protects them from you.

Thus one-upping the health insurance mafia – which only forces you to buy its product.

The vaccine-pushers are uniquely endowed with government-granted immunity from lawsuits. They can wreck your life – and you get the bill.

This is almost beyond belief – especially in view of the fact that they are for-profit enterprises, meaning they can literally get rich off of the suffering they impose on people who can’t say no to the Jab.

Jabs, actually – as it’s not just one – and not just this one. There will be at least two Holy Jabs and then – having established the precedent that they can make you take those jabs, why not other jabs?

All the risk – which you won’t be allowed to say no to – on you.

All the profits for them.

Where are the Public Citizens and “consumer advocates”? Where are the investigative i-Team reporters?

They’re out there. The problem is they’ve been bought – literally. And sometimes you get what you pay for. Ask your doctor about Nemenda.

Don’t tell the audience anything about what Nemenda might do to you (cue the super-fast-talking dude who gets paid to read the fine  print at warp speed).

Else we – the drug-pushers – might pull our ads.

When I worked for newspapers, it was understood that the car dealers who bought ad space would not be happy – might pull their ads – if the paper published car reviews that weren’t come-hither/come-buy hagiographies.

That same principle applies to the breathlessly favorable “coverage” of the it’s finally here! Holy Jab – and the silence about its possible not-so-great consequences.

With the difference being one could sue the manufacturer of a dishonestly advertised, shoddily built and dangerous car. And there was another difference: The government has yet to force anyone to buy a particular car.

You may remember the Ford Explorer/Firestone tire fiasco of the late ’90s.

The Explorer was one of the first really successful “SUVs” – a term unknown before someone in the marketing department conjured it as a way to sell what had been specialty/niche 4x4s sold mostly to men (and a few women) who liked to use them for rugged, off-road adventures and more importantly understood what they were for and so what their limitations were  . . .  to soccer moms and others who drove them like the cars they weren’t, often at high speeds on tires not designed for 80 MPH highway running.

With sometimes catastrophic results.

A tire would blowout – and the Explorer would do the equivalent of an alligator’s death roll.

The lawyers of the victims’ families blamed Ford for designing and selling a vehicle apparently not very safe at speed to begin with, which Ford allegedly made even less safe at speed by recommending too-low tire pressure  . . . in order to make the Explorer ride less like the modified truck it was and more like the car it wasn’t. This exacerbated the high-speed stability issues of what was more or less a truck with its bed enclosed and carpeted and seats bolted to the floor.

Plus the Firestone tires themselves were apparently pretty flimsy, even if inflated properly.

Mix it all together and you had  . . . liability.

Ford and Firestone got sued – because the victims could. And the industry was chastened, that being the point of such lawsuits, even more so than compensating the victims. The idea being to discourage future victimization by holding today’s victimizers accountable.

It is not for nothing that post-Explorer SUVs – not just Fords but the entire class of SUVs – behave more like the cars most of the people who buy them assume they are – and that tires are chosen and inflation pressure recommended to promote stability.

And it is because of the Explorer/Firestone tire debacle that all new vehicles are required to be fitted with tire pressure monitors that warn the driver about an under-inflated tire – so as to make the point that the driver was warned about the risk of under-inflated tires – and given an opportunity to avoid the consequences.

But there is no such chastening anvil hanging over the heads of the drug companies, who are free to advertise – and use the editorial power this gives them to suppress negative (i.e., factual) coverage of themselves and their wares and their motives – knowing they can get away with victimizing people.

What do you suppose this encourages?

Imagine a car company wheedling a deal for itself with Uncle that let them sell you a dangerous vehicle, with a built-in design flaw or unusually high risk of some kind of critical failure – and then gave the car company immunity from civil lawsuits.

How careful do you suppose the car company would be with design? How much testing would be done to ascertain whether its vehicles held up, didn’t have weird quirks that would get people dead?

Then imagine them securing a mandate from the government that you had to buy a vehicle from them.

You actually don’t have to imagine this – Tesla has built a business on this model.

But at least you can still sue Tesla – for now – if you get roasted to death in one of their mobile crematoriums.

Not so the Needlers, they of the Holy Jab.

You’d think it’d make people mad.

Hopefully, it will.

Over 3,000 “Health Impact Events” After COVID-19 mRNA Vaccinations

Over 3,000 “Health Impact Events” After COVID-19 mRNA Vaccinations

by Barbara Loe Fisher, The Vaccine Reaction
December 22, 2020


Between Dec. 11 and 18, 2020, the U.S. Food and Drug Administration (FDA) granted Pfizer/BioNTech and Moderna pharmaceutical companies an Emergency Use Authorization (EUA)1 to distribute COVID-19 vaccines using messenger RNA (mRNA) technology that to date has not been licensed for use in humans.2 3 4 5 Although the Advisory Committee on Immunization Practices (ACIP) of the U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) held two special Saturday meetings to create national vaccine use recommendations for the two vaccines,6 7 legally both vaccines remain experimental until they have been formally licensed by the FDA.8 As initial supplies of the vaccines roll out into the states and health care workers treating COVID-19 patients in hospitals and medical facilities are the first to be vaccinated, reports of vaccine reactions are emerging.9

On Dec. 19, 2020, at a special meeting of the ACIP,10 the CDC presented information released by the ACIP COVID-19 Vaccines Work Group “Anaphylaxis Following mRNA COVID-19 Vaccine Receipt.”11 According to the CDC, by Dec. 18 there had been six case reports of anaphylaxis following Pfizer/BioNTech vaccinations that met the Brighton Collaboration criteria for anaphylaxis, which is a potentially life threatening reaction that occurs when immune cells overreact to a substance that has entered the body and a hyper-inflammatory response is triggered involving sudden release of histamine and other chemicals that may cause:12 13

  • skin redness, hives, and itching;
  • swelling of the eyes, lips, tongue, throat, hands, feet;
  • trouble swallowing and breathing, wheezing;
  • diarrhea or vomiting;
  • abdominal or chest pain;
  • fast or irregular heartbeat;
  • dizziness, sudden drop in blood pressure;
  • headache;
  • confusion, vision and speech problems;
  • shock/loss of consciousness;
  • cardiac arrest;
  • death

Foods are the most common triggers for anaphylactic reactions, followed by drugs/biologicals, insect stings, and idiopathic anaphylaxis (anaphylaxis of unknown cause). A shot of epinephrine is the first-line immediate treatment for anaphylaxis.14

Vaccines are known to cause allergic and anaphylactic reactions within minutes to four hours of vaccination, but CDC officials have long considered vaccine-associated anaphylaxis to be rare, stating in a 2018 study that:

Vaccine-associated hypersensitivity reactions are not infrequent; however, serious acute-onset, presumably IgE–mediated or IgG and complement-mediated anaphylactic or serious delayed-onset T cell–mediated systemic reactions are considered extremely rare.

The CDC confirmed that one person, who had an anaphylactic reaction following administration of the Pfizer/BioNTech COVID-19 vaccine, had a previous history of anaphylaxis after a rabies vaccination. The CDC said the reported cases of anaphylaxis are being reviewed by federal health officials.15

CDC Reports More Than 3,000 “Health Impact Events” After COVID-19 Shots

At the Dec. 19 ACIP meeting, a chart entitled “V-safe Active Surveillance for COVID-19 Vaccines” was presented indicating that between Dec. 14 and Dec. 18, there were 272,001 doses of the Pfizer/BioNTech vaccine administered and 3,150 “Health Impact Events” recorded, including 514 events in pregnant women after receipt of the Pfizer/BioNTech vaccine. The chart gave no further details about the nature of the more than 3,000 Health Impact Events recorded by the CDC.16

The CDC’s definition of Health Impact Events is “unable to perform normal daily activities, unable to work, required care from doctor or health care professional.”

Great Britain First Reported Anaphylaxis Cases After COVID-19 Shots

Britain was the first country to vaccinate frontline health workers and the elderly with the Pfizer/BioNTech COVID-19 vaccine beginning on Dec. 8. Within 24 hours, Reuters reported that there had been two cases anaphylaxis and one possible allergic reaction in health care workers receiving the first doses of the vaccine. Reportedly, both health care workers had a history of allergic reactions and carried an epi-pen. On Dec. 9, the chief executive of Britain’s Medicines and Healthcare Products Regulatory Agency (MHRA) stated that, “any person with a history of anaphylaxis to a vaccine, medicine or food should not receive the Pfizer/BioNTech vaccine.”17

Alaska Health Care Workers Had Allergic Reactions to Covid-19 Vaccine

On Dec. 16, The New York Times reported that two health care workers in Alaska who got the Pfizer/BioNTech vaccine suffered allergic reactions. One worker had a reaction serious enough to require hospitalization.18

A middle aged woman with no history of allergies experienced shortness of breath, elevated heart rate and a rash covering her face and torso within 10 minutes of receiving the vaccine. She was immediately treated with epinephrine and her reaction subsided but then re-emerged and she was given IV epinephrine and steroids, hospitalized in the intensive care unit for one night and spent a second night in the hospital further recovering. According to CNN, the allergic reactions experienced by the two Alaska health care workers after the Pfizer/BioNTech COVID-19 vaccinations were reported to the federal Vaccine Adverse Events Reporting System (VAERS).19

History of Anaphylactic Reaction to Previous Dose of COVID-19 Vaccine Only Contraindication

The CDC states there is one contraindication to the Pfizer/BioNTech COVID-19 vaccine: “Severe allergic reaction (e.g. anaphylaxis) to any component of the Pfizer-BioNTech COVID-19 vaccine listed in the prescribing information is a contraindication to vaccination.” However, there is one precaution:20

CDC considers a history of severe allergic reaction such as anaphylaxis to any vaccine or to any injectable therapy (e.g., intramuscular, intravenous or subcutaneous) as a precaution, but not a contraindication.

Currently, the government does not consider a history of severe allergic reactions, including anaphylaxis, to foods, drugs, other vaccines or environmental substances to be a reason to not receive mRNA COVID-19 vaccines.

Dermal Fillers May Be Associated with Facial, Lip Swelling After Moderna COVID-19 Shots

On Dec. 17, there was a report published in Drug Discovery and Development, that “temporary facial swelling might be another mild side effect for [Moderna Covid-19] vaccine recipients who have had prior dermal fillers,” such as injectable hyaluronic acid (HA) used in certain plastic surgery procedures.

Reportedly, in Moderna’s Phase 3 trials, three people developed facial or lip swelling after receiving the vaccine and two of the patients had prior dermal fillers in their cheeks within six months before vaccination. The third patient had received dermal filler in the lip two days after receiving the vaccine and had reported similar swelling in the past after receiving a flu vaccine. Antihistamines and steroids were used to treat the patients.

FDA Recommends Watching for Bell’s Palsy After COVID-19 Vaccinations

On Dec. 15, CNBC reported that the FDA staff recommends monitoring people who get COVID-19 vaccines manufactured by Pfizer/BioNTech and Moderna for symptoms of Bell’s palsy, which involves inflammation and paralysis of the nerve that controls facial muscles.21 The recommendation came after clinical trial data for both vaccines was analyzed by FDA staff.

In trials of the Moderna vaccine involving about 30,000 participants, there were four reported cases of Bell’s palsy and three had received the mRNA COVID-19 vaccine, while one received a placebo. In clinical trials of the Pfizer/BioNTech vaccine involving about 42,000 participants, there were four reported cases of Bell’s palsy and all had received the experimental vaccine while no cases of Bell’s palsy occurred in the placebo arm of the trial.

FDA staff said there wasn’t enough data from the trials to determine causation, but that there should be increased monitoring for cases of Bell’s palsy as the mRNA vaccines are given to millions of people.

Bell’s palsy can cause facial paralysis (usually one side of face) and drooling, pain around jaw and ear, increased sensitivity to sound, headache, loss of taste and changes in production of tears and saliva.22 It can develop after a viral infection and has been reported following influenza vaccination.23 24

According to Mayo Clinic, “For most people, Bell’s palsy is temporary. Symptoms usually start to improve within a few weeks, with complete recovery in about six months. A small number of people continue to have some Bell’s palsy symptoms for life. Rarely, Bell’s palsy can recur.”25

Frequently Reported mRNA COVID-19 Vaccine Reactions

Both the Pfizer/BioNTech and Moderna COVID-19 vaccines require two doses given three to four weeks apart. The CDC states that most common side effects of mRNA COVID-19 vaccines are injection site redness and pain, fever, chills, fatigue (tiredness) and headache.

The CDC warns that, “these side effects may feel like the flu and may even affect your ability to do daily activities, but they should go away in a few days,” and instructs people to “get the second shot even if you have side effects after the first one, unless a vaccination provider or your doctor tells you not to get a second shot.”26

Vaccine Companies, Providers Shielded from Liability for COVID-19 Vaccine Injuries and Deaths

The vaccine manufacturers, doctors and all COVID-19 vaccine providers are completely shielded from civil liability for vaccine injuries and deaths that occur in the U.S. after COVID-19 vaccinations under the Public Readiness and Emergency Preparedness (PREP) Act passed by Congress in 2005.27 The Act gives a liability shield to the manufacturer of any vaccine or drug developed in response to a health emergency like a pandemic causes when a vaccine or drug causes the death or permanent injury of an individual who receives it during pre-licensure clinical trials or after it is released for public use.

Individuals who die or suffer serious harm directly caused by the administration of covered countermeasures, such as vaccines, may be eligible to receive compensation through the Countermeasures Injury Compensation Program operated by the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services,28 whether or not the harm was a result of willful misconduct on the part of the vaccine manufacturer or person administering the vaccine.


1 U.S. Food and Drug Administration. Emergency Use Authorization (EUA). Dec. 18, 2020.
2 FDA. FDA Takes Key Action in Fight Against COVID-19 By Issuing An Emergency Use Authorization for First COVID-19 Vaccine. FDA Press Release Dec. 11, 2020.
3 FDA. Pfizer-BioNTech COVID-19 Vaccine. Dec. 11, 2020
4 FDA. FDA Takes Additional Action in Fight Against COVID-19 by Issuing an Emergency Use Authorization for Second COVID-19 VaccineFDA Press Release Dec. 17, 2020.
5 FDA. Moderna COVID-19 Vaccine. Dec. 18, 2020.
6 Advisory Committee on Immunization Practices (ACIP). Considerations for Use of Pfizer-BioNTech COVID-19 Vaccine. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention Dec. 14, 2020.
7 Schnirring L. CDC advisors recommend Moderna COVID vaccination. Center for Infectious Disease Research and Policy Dec. 19, 2020.
8 Chandrasekhar R. Emergency Use Authorizations: What is an EUA, and Does Your Product Qualify? Carmargo Mar. 26, 2020.
9 CDC. Interim Considerations: Preparing for the Potential Management of Anaphylaxis at COVID-19 Vaccination Sites. Dec. 16, 2020.
10 Moderna, Inc. U.S. CDC Advisory Committee on Immunization Practices Recommends vaccination with Moderna’s COVID-19 Vaccine for Persons 18 Years and Older. Businesswire Dec. 19, 2020
11 Clark T. Anaphylaxis Following mRNA COVID-19 Vaccine Receipt. COVID-19 Vaccines Work Group of the Advisory Committee on Immunization Practices (ACIP). CDC Dec. 19, 2020.
12 Balentine JK. Severe Allergic Reaction (Anaphylactic Shock). EMedicine Health Aug. 20, 2020.
13 Story CM. What Is Anaphylaxis? Healthline Nov. 18, 2017
14 Lieberman PL. Recognition and first-line treatment of anaphylaxis. Am J Med 2014; 127 (Suppl 1).
15 Clark T. Anaphylaxis Following mRNA COVID-19 Vaccine Receipt. COVID-19 Vaccines Work Group of the Advisory Committee on Immunization Practices (ACIP). CDC Dec. 19, 2020.
16 Ibid.
17 Smout A. UK Issues anaphylaxis warning on Pfizer vaccine after adverse reactions. Reuters Dec. 9, 2020.
18 Welland N, LaFraniere S, et al. Alaska Health Workers Got Emergency Treatment After Receiving Pfizer’s VaccineThe New York Times Dec. 16, 2020
19 Howard J, Langmaid V, Hanna J. Pfizer Covid vaccine: 2 Alaska health care workers suffer reactions to vaccineCNN Dec. 17, 2020.
20 CDC. Interim Considerations: Preparing for the Potential Management of Anaphylaxis at COVID-19 Vaccination Sites. Dec. 16, 2020.
21 Higgins-Dunn N. FDA staff recommends watching for Bell’s palsy in Moderna and Pfizer vaccine recipientsCNBC Dec. 15, 2020.
22 Mayo Clinic. Bell’s palsy. Apr. 2, 2020.
23 Mutsch M, Zhou W et al. Use of the intranasal Influenza Vaccine and the Risk of Bell’s Palsy in Switzerland. N Engl J Med 2004; 350: 896-903.
24 Zhou W, Pool V et al. A potential signal of Bell’s palsy after parenteral inactivated influenza vaccines: reports to the Vaccine Adverse Event Reporting System (VAERS) – United States, 1991-2001. Pharmacoepidemiol Drug Saf 2004; 13(8): 505-510.
25 Mayo Clinic. Bell’s palsy. Apr. 2, 2020.
26 CDC. What to Expect after Getting a COVID-19 Vaccine. Dec. 13, 2020.
27 Fisher BL, Parpia R. 2005 PREP Act and 1986 Act Shield Vaccine Manufacturers from LiabilityThe Vaccine Reaction Aug. 10, 2020.
28 Public Health Emergency. Public Readiness and Emergency Preparedness Act. June 9, 2020.

Death by Government Edicts and Vaccination Is Planned Democide!

Death by Government Edicts and Vaccination Is Planned Democide!

by Gary D. Barnett
December 22, 2020


“The more power a government has the more it can act arbitrarily according to the whims and desires of the elite, and the more it will make war on others and murder its foreign and domestic subjects. The more constrained the power of governments, the more power is diffused, checked, and balanced, the less it will aggress on others and commit democide.” ~ Rudolph Rummel–“Death by Government”. Book by Rudolph Rummel, pp. 1-2, 1994.

Democide is a concept proposed by Rudolph Rummel since at least 1994 to describe “the intentional killing of an unarmed or disarmed person by government agents acting in their ‘authoritative’ capacity and pursuant to government policy or high command.” What better term could describe what is going on today? Governments and those controlling the political process thrive and exist only by seeking power and control. In doing so, the sacrifice of the people is a natural consequence of all government action. Today, a completely fraudulent and purposely manufactured ‘virus pandemic’ is being used as the tool to accomplish those state goals of power and control, and be damned the people in the process.

The hundreds of millions of citizens murdered by their own governments in the twentieth century alone, stands in stark contrast to the much lesser number of deaths due to inhuman government wars during that same period. This fact alone should serve as absolute confirmation of the heinous nature of the ruling class and all governing systems. It has been pounded into the heads of Americans through indoctrination techniques that this country is different, and that others committed all the past genocide while this country was noble and exempt from those monstrous and murderous policies. Nothing could be further from the truth, and if any accept what is obviously planned for our future, it would be impossible not to see the imminent carnage against Americans coming at the hands of their own government.

Already in just the past ten months, additional deaths due to despair caused by the state in the form of lockdowns, job loss, immune system destruction, and suicide are evident, and this is nothing less than first-degree murder by a different name. As I have noted on many occasions, everything done by government is preplanned and by design. Nothing happens by chance, is accidental, or natural, as all is known in advance. The state’s controllers fully understand the weakness of its citizens, as this governing and ‘education’ system has been used for many decades to train this population to become good and useful citizens of the state, instead of thinking and acting individuals. We now live in a collective society of passive fools, all due to the success of government brainwashing and propaganda policies.  Without a reversal of this plotted societal breakdown, we face terrible times indeed.

The straw that will break the camel’s back so to speak, will be the coming deadly vaccines. This nation has been put through hell this past year due to a fraud, and each and every state mandate has led to the next, each in its own way more deadly in scope if only due to this compounding of state terror. It all began with a fear campaign, but eventually most all chose to voluntarily comply with draconian measures due to peer pressure and false threats. This indicates extreme weakness of the population at large, but the combination of propaganda, scare tactics, stress, and acquiescence to orders has led to the likely assurance of a very dangerous future.

The very adverse effects of these oppressive government directives that have befallen this population greatly compound the toxic nature of this vaccination process, a process that has already begun. This was the intended outcome sought by the state. Months of lockdowns, quarantine, job loss, extreme stress, isolation, and mask wearing were all part of the plot to harm the immune systems and psyche of Americans. These ordered actions undermined the people’s natural ability to overcome health adversity, and therefore left them vulnerable to any outside invasions due to mass injection of poisons. The vaccines that are being made available will contain several viruses, deadly toxic adjuvants including mercury and aluminum, RNA and possible DNA changing additives, tracking and tracing elements, biosensor technology, nanoparticle introduction, and could even cause sterility. This is a travesty, and certainly will appease those that are intent on advancing eugenics-based procedures.

It is my opinion that the first round of vaccines will not be quite as deadly and life changing as those to follow. This stands to reason due to the fact that normal government power and control measures are usually implemented incrementally so as to gain what appears to be voluntary acceptance. The initial plot called for everyone to be vaccinated once so that a ‘return to normal’ could happen, but there was never any legitimacy to either of those false claims. Now, it is being posited by the evil ruling class that a second or third injection will be necessary, the second only a few weeks after the first. In addition, this invasive policy will also be said due to claimed future mutations, to be necessary every few months or years forever. If one considers the inherent control desires of all governing bodies, then it should be completely evident that the vaccination policies coming into view today are of extreme importance to those wishing to gain total control of the American people.

This strategy has all the makings of a slow and very targeted death plot. It will not only lead to a death of freedom, but will serve to cause a slow death of much of the population. According to the National Academy of Sciences, (NAS) the order of progression for this poisonous vaccine is completely ominous. First in line will be all the so-called high-risk workers beginning with health workers and first responders, and people of all ages that are weak and sick and have comorbid and underlying health conditions. This will include all the elderly; especially all those in nursing homes and that live in highly congested and overcrowded conditions, and all extremely unhealthy individuals. The next in line will be teachers, all with comorbidities that are moderate, the homeless, the mentally imbalanced, the disabled, prisoners, and all children. This has all the aspects of a eugenicist’s dream list.  This is a way of using mass vaccination as democide.

The vaccine scheduling will certainly cause many more deaths that can be attributed to the fake virus called Covid-19, so this vaccine strategy will serve a dual purpose. It will be used to eliminate the state’s list of undesirables and ‘unwanted,’ and in the process, the vaccine murders committed by the state will be used to continue to increase the false pandemic fear in order to advance the abhorrent agendas of the claimed ‘elite’ class and their willing accomplices in government.

Every coming edict and every vaccine will in essence cause a reign of death and destruction at the hands of those that you have voluntarily allowed to rule over you. Only by removing your consent to rule can this horror be ended.

Source links:

Hereherehereherehereherehere, and here.

The Best of Gary D. Barnett

Robert Kennedy, Jr.: “People in Authority Lie.”

Robert Kennedy, Jr.: “People in Authority Lie.”

sourced from Age of Autism
post title: Robert Kennedy Jr “Informed Consent Has Disappeared”
December 21, 2020


Robert Kennedy Jr in Berlin, Germany last summer during his trip to speak at the Rally for Freedom and Peace:

Transcript from a YouTube Channel Guido Jones. (Disappearing in 3…2…

My father told me when I was a child: people in authority lie.

If we are going to continue to live in a democracy we need to understand that people in authority lie.

People in authority will abuse every power that we relinquish to them and right now we are giving them the power to micro-manage every bit of our lives, 24 hours a day. They’re going to know where we are, they’re going to know the money that we spend, they’re going to have access to our children.

They’re going to have the right to compel unwanted medical interventions on us. You know, the NAZIs did that in the camps, in World War 2—they tested the vaccines on Gypsies and Jews.

And the world was so horrified after the war that we signed the Nuremburg Charter and we all pledged when we do that, we would never again impose unwanted medical interventions on human beings without informed consent.

And yet in two years all of that conviction has suddenly disappeared, and people are walking around in masks where the science has not been explained to them—they are doing what they’re told.

These government agencies are orchestrating obedience and it is not democratic—it’s not the product of democracy. It’s the product of a pharmaceutical-driven, bio-security agenda that will enslave the entire human race and plunge us into a dystopian nightmare where the apocalyptical forces of ignorance and greed will be running our lives and ruining our children and destroying all the dreams and dignity that we hope to give to our children.”

Robert F. Kennedy Jr.

Government, Not Coronavirus, Is Killing Small Businesses

Government, Not Coronavirus, Is Killing Small Businesses

by Ron Paul, Ron Paul Institute
December 21, 2020


A video of a confrontation between Ventura County, California health officials and restaurant owner Anton Van Happen has gone viral. The health officials were ordering Mr. Van Happen to close his business because he allegedly violated California’s ban on outdoor dining. Mr. Van Happen asked the health officials if the government will pay his employees and his rent while his business is indefinitely closed.

Mr. Van Happen is hardly the only small business owner worried about how to pay bills during the lockdowns. Many small businesses operate on a narrow profit margin, so being forced to “temporarily” shut down or limit the number of customers they can serve is a virtual death sentence.

The lockdowns have already caused as many as 200,000 small businesses to permanently close. Lockdowns, by shrinking the number of employers, lead to long-term unemployment or lower wages for many workers.

While governments have terrorized small businesses, they have typically deemed the big chain stores “essential businesses” so they can remain open. The lockdowns are thus another government policy that gives big businesses a competitive advantage over their smaller competitors.

The benefits big businesses get from the lockdowns — including fewer competitors, more customers, and a job market with more workers competing for fewer jobs — may explain why many big businesses are not fighting the lockdowns. Instead, most big retail chains are requiring their workers and customers to wear masks. Many big businesses may soon deny service to those who refuse to receive a Covid vaccine.

One would think that progressives who claim to oppose policies that benefit big corporations like WalMart, Target, and Amazon would oppose the lockdowns. Sadly, even many progressives are unquestioningly parroting the Covid propaganda and demonizing those who dissent.

By slowing down the development of herd immunity among the population, the lockdowns could put those truly at risk in greater danger. Lockdowns have also had negative effects such as increases in drug and alcohol abuse and increases in domestic violence. Meanwhile, many schoolchildren are deprived of the opportunity to interact with their teachers and their peers. Instead, these children are subjected to the fraud of “virtual learning.”

Resistance to Covid tyranny is growing as more people figure out that lockdowns and mandates are both unnecessary and harmful. This resistance was largely started by small business owners faced with a choice between obeying the government or making sure they, and their employees, can feed their families. Small business owners have been leaders in recent anti-lockdown protests across America.

Eventually the resistance will grow to the point where the politicians will be forced to either double down on authoritarianism or admit the lockdowns were a mistake. Either way, those of us who know the truth must resist the Covid tyranny until government officials no longer terrorize small businesses for the crime of serving willing consumers.

Top Catholic Cardinal Warns COVID-19 Being Used to Usher in “Evil” Great Reset

Top Catholic Cardinal Warns COVID-19 Being Used to Usher in “Evil” Great Reset
Slams U.S. reliance on China as an attack on America’s Christian foundation.

by Paul Joseph Watson, Summit News
December 18, 2020


A top ranking Catholic Cardinal has warned that the COVID-19 pandemic is being exploited by proponents of “The Great Reset” to “advance their evil agenda.”

Cardinal Raymond Burke, one of the most powerful Catholics in the United States, gave a homily in which he savaged “secular forces” who want to “make us slaves to their godless and murderous agenda.”

“Then there is the mysterious Wuhan virus about whose nature and prevention the mass media daily give us conflicting information,” said Burke. “What is clear, however, is that it has been used by certain forces, inimical to families and to the freedom of nations, to advance their evil agenda. These forces tell us that we are now the subjects of the so-called ‘Great Reset,’ the ‘new normal,’ which is dictated to us by their manipulation of citizens and nations through ignorance and fear.”

The Cardinal also slammed the United States’ fealty to China as a dangerous threat to Christian identity in America.

“To attain economic gains, we as a nation have permitted ourselves to become dependent upon the Chinese Communist Party, an ideology totally opposed to the Christian foundations upon which families and our nation remain safe and prosper,” he said.

Burke, who sits on the Church’s Supreme Tribunal of the Apostolic Signatura, the highest judicial authority in the Catholic Church, is not the first prominent figure in the Catholic Church to warn about the dark objectives behind the Great Reset.

As we highlighted back in November, Archbishop Carlo Maria Viganò wrote an open letter to President Trump claiming that the COVID-19 pandemic is part of a plot to impose a “health dictatorship.”

“We see heads of nations and religious leaders pandering to this suicide of Western culture and its Christian soul, while the fundamental rights of citizens and believers are denied in the name of a health emergency that is revealing itself more and more fully as instrumental to the establishment of an inhuman faceless tyranny,” wrote Viganò.

He added that The Great Reset sought to inflict “the imposition of liberticidal measures, hidden behind tempting promises of ensuring a universal income and cancelling individual debt.”

FDA Investigates Allergic Reactions to Pfizer COVID Vaccine After More Healthcare Workers Hospitalized

FDA Investigates Allergic Reactions to Pfizer COVID Vaccine After More Healthcare Workers Hospitalized
The FDA is investigating allergic reactions in “multiple states.” The agency acknowledged the reactions may have been caused by PEG, a compound in the Pfizer vaccine that CHD previously told the FDA could put millions of people at risk.

by Children’s Health Defense Team, The Defender
December 21, 2020


The U.S. Food and Drug Administration (FDA) told reporters late Friday the agency is  investigating “about five” allergic reactions to the Pfizer COVID-19 vaccine in “multiple states.”

The announcement followed Friday’s news that an Illinois hospital temporarily shut down its COVID vaccination program after four healthcare workers there experienced allergic reactions — one of which was severe — to the vaccine.

Also on Friday, CNN reported that a third healthcare worker in Alaska was hospitalized for six hours for an anaphylactic reaction to the Pfizer vaccine. The report came on the heels of last week’s news that two Alaskan healthcare workers had severe allergic reactions — including one woman who was hospitalized for at least two nights after going into anaphylactic shock.

Anaphylaxis is a severe, potentially life-threatening allergic reaction that can occur within seconds or minutes of exposure to something a person is allergic to. If not treated immediately, it can be fatal, the Mayo Clinic explains.

According to Reuters and other news reports, the director of the FDA’s Center for Biologics Evaluation and Research, Dr. Peter Marks, said polyethylene glycol (PEG), a compound in the Pfizer and Moderna vaccines, may have triggered the allergic reactions in the U.S.

The Pfizer and newly approved Moderna vaccines contain PEG. Both vaccines were approved by the FDA for emergency use, but are not yet licensed.

Lyn Redwood, president of Children’s Health Defense (CHD), said there shouldn’t be any mystery at this stage about whether or not PEG caused the reactions. “It’s a simple blood test,” Redwood said. “If they’ve tested the people who had these allergic reactions for anti-PEG antibodies, then they know. If they haven’t, why haven’t they?”

FDA’s Marks also said allergic reactions to PEG could be “somewhat more common than previously understood.”

But, Robert F. Kennedy, Jr., CHD chairman and chief legal counsel, said: “As we told the FDA in September, studies show that one in seven Americans may unknowingly be at risk of experiencing an allergic reaction to PEG.”

“At the very least, everyone should be screened for anti-PEG antibodies before getting the Pfizer and Moderna vaccines,” Kennedy said. “It is unconscionable that instead, the FDA and CDC are encouraging people to go ahead and risk a life-threatening anaphylactic reaction and just assume that someone will be on hand to save them.”

In September, before either vaccine had been approved, CHD asked the FDA to inform trial Moderna trial participants that the vaccine contained PEG and inform them of the “well-documented evidence of adverse PEG-related immune reactions, including life-threatening anaphylactic immune reactions.

In a letter to Marks and FDA Commissioner Stephan Hahn, Kennedy also said Moderna should ask trial participants if they’d ever had an allergic reaction to any other drug containing PEG, and the company should prescreen trial participants for PEG allergies, as many people who have anti-PEG antibodies don’t know they have them.

The FDA responded by suggesting that CHD take its concerns directly to Moderna. On Saturday, after the reports of allergic reactions in Alaska and Illinois, Hahn told the Hill:

“One of the things that the FDA does very well and uniquely is really getting to the bottom of events like allergic reactions so we can completely understand the circumstances and better inform the public and also our regulatory decisions.”

Following last week’s reports of allergic reactions, including anaphylaxis, the FDA said it is “working closely” with the Centers for Disease Control (which has officially acknowledged six allergic reactions) and “colleagues” in the UK, where the first allergic reactions to the Pfizer vaccine were reported.

An initial investigation into the allergic reactions experienced by the UK healthcare workers suggested PEG may have been the culprit, according to Reuters.

UK health officials have since advised anyone who has a history of any severe allergic reactions should not get the vaccine. The country is reportedly rolling out “resuscitation centers” equipped to respond quickly to anyone who experiences anaphylactic shock after receiving the vaccine.

In the U.S., however, the CDC says anyone who has a history of severe allergic reactions not related to vaccines or injectable medications — such as allergies to food, pet, venom, environmental or latex — may still get vaccinated but should be monitored for 30 minutes instead of the usual 15 minutes after the vaccine is administered. New CDC guidelines issued after the allergic reaction in the U.S. state:

“If you have ever had a severe allergic reaction to any ingredient in a COVID-19 vaccine, CDC recommends that you should not get that specific vaccine. If you have had a severe allergic reaction to other vaccines or injectable therapies, you should ask your doctor if you should get a COVID-19 vaccine. Your doctor will help you decide if it is safe for you to get vaccinated.”

These guidelines are inadequate, Redwood said. “Many  people who have never previously experienced any type of allergic reaction may be at risk of a severe reaction to the Pfizer and Moderna vaccines,” Redwood said. “That’s because millions of people may have developed anti-PEG antibodies as a result of having unknowingly been exposed to PEG in the past.”

According to research published in 2018, there are more than 1,000 products on the market — including pharmaceuticals, processed foods, cosmetics and disinfectants — that contain PEG. Peg is also the main ingredient in antifreeze.

“Anyone who’s had a colonoscopy, depending on what was used for preparation for the procedure, may have anti-PEG antibodies,” Redwood said, because many of those products contain PEG.

“It’s a simple blood test,” Redwood said. “Everyone considering getting the Pfizer or Moderna COVID vaccine should ask their doctor for a blood test to rule out anti-PEG antibodies before getting the vaccine.”

Some of the healthcare workers who suffered severe allergic reactions to the Pfizer vaccine, including the woman hospitalized in Alaska, had no prior history of allergic reactions to anything, including other vaccines or pharmaceuticals.

Studies estimate that approximately 72% of the U.S. population has acquired anti-PEG antibodies. The referenced study used blood samples taken from 1990-1999 and earlier, showing a steady increase over time in the percentage of those with antibodies to PEG, making it conservative to estimate, after two decades, that the incidence is closer to 80% today.

According to a 2018 physicians survey, only 22% of respondents were aware of anti-PEG antibodies, and only 35% were aware of having been prescribed medications containing PEG.

The authors of a 2012 study on PEG antibodies concluded, “patients should be pre-screened and monitored for anti-PEG prior to and throughout a course of treatment with a PEGylated compound.”

According to news reports, documents published by Pfizer and Moderna showed that people with a history of severe allergic reactions were excluded from the clinical trials, which explains why the adverse reaction to PEG didn’t show up in the trials.

Last week Kennedy called on the co-chair of the new COVID Advisory Board to consider the long-overdue review and reform of the government’s Vaccine Adverse Event Reporting System. Kennedy said his request is urgent in light of the push to vaccinate millions of people using vaccines approved for emergency use following abbreviated pre-approval clinical trials.

What If the Christ Child Had Been Born in the American Police State?

What If the Christ Child Had Been Born in the American Police State?

by John W. Whitehead, The Rutherford Institute
December 21, 2020


“When the song of the angels is stilled, when the star in the sky is gone, when the kings and princes are home, when the shepherds are back with their flocks, the work of Christmas begins: to find the lost, to heal the broken, to feed the hungry, to release the prisoner, to rebuild the nations, to bring peace among the people, to make music in the heart.” ― Howard Thurman

The Christmas story of a baby born in a manger is a familiar one.

The Roman Empire, a police state in its own right, had ordered that a census be conducted. Joseph and his pregnant wife Mary traveled to the little town of Bethlehem so that they could be counted. There being no room for the couple at any of the inns, they stayed in a stable (a barn), where Mary gave birth to a baby boy, Jesus. Warned that the government planned to kill the baby, Jesus’ family fled with him to Egypt until it was safe to return to their native land.

Yet what if Jesus had been born 2,000 years later?

What if, instead of being born into the Roman police state, Jesus had been born at this moment in time? What kind of reception would Jesus and his family be given? Would we recognize the Christ child’s humanity, let alone his divinity? Would we treat him any differently than he was treated by the Roman Empire? If his family were forced to flee violence in their native country and sought refuge and asylum within our borders, what sanctuary would we offer them?

A singular number of churches across the country have asked those very questions in recent years, and their conclusions were depicted with unnerving accuracy by nativity scenes in which Jesus and his family are separated, segregated and caged in individual chain-link pens, topped by barbed wire fencing.

Those nativity scenes were a pointed attempt to remind the modern world that the narrative about the birth of Jesus is one that speaks on multiple fronts to a world that has allowed the life, teachings and crucifixion of Jesus to be drowned out by partisan politics, secularism, materialism and war, all driven by a manipulative shadow government called the Deep State.

The modern-day church has largely shied away from applying Jesus’ teachings to modern problems such as war, poverty, immigration, etc., but thankfully there have been individuals throughout history who ask themselves and the world: what would Jesus do?

What would Jesus—the baby born in Bethlehem who grew into an itinerant preacher and revolutionary activist, who not only died challenging the police state of his day (namely, the Roman Empire) but spent his adult life speaking truth to power, challenging the status quo of his day, and pushing back against the abuses of the Roman Empire—do about the injustices of our  modern age?

Dietrich Bonhoeffer asked himself what Jesus would have done about the horrors perpetrated by Hitler and his assassins. The answer: Bonhoeffer was executed by Hitler for attempting to undermine the tyranny at the heart of Nazi Germany.

Aleksandr Solzhenitsyn asked himself what Jesus would have done about the soul-destroying gulags and labor camps of the Soviet Union. The answer: Solzhenitsyn found his voice and used it to speak out about government oppression and brutality.

Martin Luther King Jr. asked himself what Jesus would have done about America’s warmongering. The answer: declaring “my conscience leaves me no other choice,” King risked widespread condemnation when he publicly opposed the Vietnam War on moral and economic grounds.

Even now, despite the popularity of the phrase “What Would Jesus Do?” (WWJD) in Christian circles, there remains a disconnect in the modern church between the teachings of Christ and the suffering of what Jesus in Matthew 25 refers to as the “least of these.”

Yet this is not a theological gray area: Jesus was unequivocal about his views on many things, not the least of which was charity, compassion, war, tyranny and love.

After all, Jesus—the revered preacher, teacher, radical and prophet—was born into a police state not unlike the growing menace of the American police state. When he grew up, he had powerful, profound things to say, things that would change how we view people, alter government policies and change the world. “Blessed are the merciful,” “Blessed are the peacemakers,” and “Love your enemies” are just a few examples of his most profound and revolutionary teachings.

When confronted by those in authority, Jesus did not shy away from speaking truth to power. Indeed, his teachings undermined the political and religious establishment of his day. It cost him his life. He was eventually crucified as a warning to others not to challenge the powers-that-be.

Can you imagine what Jesus’ life would have been like if, instead of being born into the Roman police state, he had been born and raised in the American police state?

Consider the following if you will.

Had Jesus been born in the era of the America police state, rather than traveling to Bethlehem for a census, Jesus’ parents would have been mailed a 28-page American Community Survey, a mandatory government questionnaire documenting their habits, household inhabitants, work schedule, how many toilets are in your home, etc. The penalty for not responding to this invasive survey can go as high as $5,000.

Instead of being born in a manger, Jesus might have been born at home. Rather than wise men and shepherds bringing gifts, however, the baby’s parents might have been forced to ward off visits from state social workers intent on prosecuting them for the home birth. One couple in Washington had all three of their children removed after social services objected to the two youngest being birthed in an unassisted home delivery.

Had Jesus been born in a hospital, his blood and DNA would have been taken without his parents’ knowledge or consent and entered into a government biobank. While most states require newborn screening, a growing number are holding onto that genetic material long-term for research, analysis and purposes yet to be disclosed.

Then again, had Jesus’ parents been undocumented immigrants, they and the newborn baby might have been shuffled to a profit-driven, private prison for illegals where they first would have been separated from each other, the children detained in make-shift cages, and the parents eventually turned into cheap, forced laborers for corporations such as Starbucks, Microsoft, Walmart, and Victoria’s Secret. There’s quite a lot of money to be made from imprisoning immigrants, especially when taxpayers are footing the bill.

From the time he was old enough to attend school, Jesus would have been drilled in lessons of compliance and obedience to government authorities, while learning little about his own rights. Had he been daring enough to speak out against injustice while still in school, he might have found himself tasered or beaten by a school resource officer, or at the very least suspended under a school zero tolerance policy that punishes minor infractions as harshly as more serious offenses.

Had Jesus disappeared for a few hours let alone days as a 12-year-old, his parents would have been handcuffed, arrested and jailed for parental negligence. Parents across the country have been arrested for far less “offenses” such as allowing their children to walk to the park unaccompanied and play in their front yard alone.

Rather than disappearing from the history books from his early teenaged years to adulthood, Jesus’ movements and personal data—including his biometrics—would have been documented, tracked, monitored and filed by governmental agencies and corporations such as Google and Microsoft. Incredibly, 95 percent of school districts share their student records with outside companies that are contracted to manage data, which they then use to market products to us.

From the moment Jesus made contact with an “extremist” such as John the Baptist, he would have been flagged for surveillance because of his association with a prominent activist, peaceful or otherwise. Since 9/11, the FBI has actively carried out surveillance and intelligence-gathering operations on a broad range of activist groups, from animal rights groups to poverty relief, anti-war groups and other such “extremist” organizations.

Jesus’ anti-government views would certainly have resulted in him being labeled a domestic extremist. Law enforcement agencies are being trained to recognize signs of anti-government extremism during interactions with potential extremists who share a “belief in the approaching collapse of government and the economy.”

While traveling from community to community, Jesus might have been reported to government officials as “suspicious” under the Department of Homeland Security’s “See Something, Say Something” programs. Many states, including New York, are providing individuals with phone apps that allow them to take photos of suspicious activity and report them to their state Intelligence Center, where they are reviewed and forwarded to law-enforcement agencies.

Rather than being permitted to live as an itinerant preacher, Jesus might have found himself threatened with arrest for daring to live off the grid or sleeping outside. In fact, the number of cities that have resorted to criminalizing homelessness by enacting bans on camping, sleeping in vehicles, loitering and begging in public has doubled.

Viewed by the government as a dissident and a potential threat to its power, Jesus might have had government spies planted among his followers to monitor his activities, report on his movements, and entrap him into breaking the law. Such Judases today—called informants—often receive hefty paychecks from the government for their treachery.

Had Jesus used the internet to spread his radical message of peace and love, he might have found his blog posts infiltrated by government spies attempting to undermine his integrity, discredit him or plant incriminating information online about him. At the very least, he would have had his website hacked and his email monitored.

Had Jesus attempted to feed large crowds of people, he would have been threatened with arrest for violating various ordinances prohibiting the distribution of food without a permit. Florida officials arrested a 90-year-old man for feeding the homeless on a public beach.

Had Jesus spoken publicly about his 40 days in the desert and his conversations with the devil, he might have been labeled mentally ill and detained in a psych ward against his will for a mandatory involuntary psychiatric hold with no access to family or friends. One Virginia man was arrested, strip searched, handcuffed to a table, diagnosed as having “mental health issues,” and locked up for five days in a mental health facility against his will apparently because of his slurred speech and unsteady gait.

Without a doubt, had Jesus attempted to overturn tables in a Jewish temple and rage against the materialism of religious institutions, he would have been charged with a hate crime. Currently, 45 states and the federal government have hate crime laws on the books.

Had anyone reported Jesus to the police as being potentially dangerous, he might have found himself confronted—and killed—by police officers for whom any perceived act of non-compliance (a twitch, a question, a frown) can result in them shooting first and asking questions later.

Rather than having armed guards capture Jesus in a public place, government officials would have ordered that a SWAT team carry out a raid on Jesus and his followers, complete with flash-bang grenades and military equipment. There are upwards of 80,000 such SWAT team raids carried out every year, many on unsuspecting Americans who have no defense against such government invaders, even when such raids are done in error.

Instead of being detained by Roman guards, Jesus might have been made to “disappear” into a secret government detention center where he would have been interrogated, tortured and subjected to all manner of abuses. Chicago police have “disappeared” more than 7,000 people into a secret, off-the-books interrogation warehouse at Homan Square.

Charged with treason and labeled a domestic terrorist, Jesus might have been sentenced to a life-term in a private prison where he would have been forced to provide slave labor for corporations or put to death by way of the electric chair or a lethal mixture of drugs.

Indeed, as I show in my book Battlefield America: The War on the American People, given the nature of government then and now, it is painfully evident that whether Jesus had been born in our modern age or his own, he still would have died at the hands of a police state.

Thus, as we draw near to Christmas with its celebrations and gift-giving, we would do well to remember that what happened on that starry night in Bethlehem is only part of the story. That baby in the manger grew up to be a man who did not turn away from evil but instead spoke out against it, and we must do no less.

Doctor Who Warned Americans Not to Travel for Thanksgiving Traveled for Thanksgiving

Doctor Who Warned Americans Not to Travel for Thanksgiving Traveled for Thanksgiving
Do as we say, not as we do.

by Paul Joseph Watson, Summit News
December 21, 2020


White House coronavirus response Dr. Deborah Birx traveled to meet family during Thanksgiving after warning Americans to avoid doing the same in yet another example of rampant COVID hypocrisy.

According to an Associated Press report, Birx traveled to her vacation home on Fenwick Island in Delaware the day after Thanksgiving to gather with her daughter, son-in-law and grandchildren.

Birx claimed the family members were all part of her “immediate household,” but all of those family members do not live in the same home.

The doctor had previously urged Americans to “take it upon yourself to be restrictive” when it came to Thanksgiving travel and not meet with people from outside one household.

Birx’s own relative Kathleen Flynn told the AP that her behavior had caused tension within the family.

“She cavalierly violated her own guidance,” Flynn said.

The scandal may harm Birx’s effort to secure a public health role within the Biden administration.

“To me this disqualifies her from any future government health position,” said Dr. Angela Rasmussen, a virologist at the Georgetown Center for Global Health Science and Security. “It’s a terrible message for someone in public health to be sending to the American people.”

Birx’s behavior is par for the course given similar instances of public officials repeatedly violating coronavirus rules while insisting other Americans abide by them.

California Governor Gavin Newsom’s rampant hypocrisy was exposed when he was caught on camera unmasked eating indoors at a Michelin star restaurant with a group of 12 people while telling Californians they could only celebrate Thanksgiving outside.

Connect with Paul Joseph Watson at Summit News

The Great Reset by COVID Klaus — A Year Without Santa Claus?

The Great Reset by COVID Klaus — A Year Without Santa Claus?

by Dr. Joseph Mercola
December 21, 2020


Available at Mercola BitChute and YouTube channels.

Here’s a story about how COVID Klaus conspired to take away Santa Claus…

The Transhumanist Agenda: Loss of Identity

The Transhumanist Agenda: Loss of Identity

by Rosanne Lindsay, Naturopath, Nature of Healing
December 19, 2020


The Face You Wear Matters

By wearing a mask over your face, you conceal your identity. One of the most common forms of human communication is facial expressions. Infants learn identity using facial expressions. Children learn to self-identify by observing body language without words. The ritual of mask wearing heralds in a loss of identity for a whole generation.  Why obliterate individual identity for a fusion of identities?

A fusion of identities is part of a One World Order, a Great Reset, that includes:

No individual
No independence
No liberty
No responsibility
No property
No rights
No self concept

What the 4th Industrial Evolution will lead to is a fusion of our physical, our digital, and our biological identities. – Klaus Schwab, The Fourth Industrial Revolution – Founder & Executive Chairman of the World Economic Forum, International Organization for Public-Private Cooperation.

A One World Order by another name is…

The Transhumanist Agenda

The Transhumanist agenda is more than just Artificial Intelligence (AI), self-driving cares, robots taking over American jobs, or transgender restrooms at public facilities to accommodate uniformity among the masses.

Transhumanism is Posthumanism. It is humanism with the optimism taken out. A movement that advocates for the transformation and the “advancement of humanity through technology” that merges humans and machines. Transhumanism runs the gamut from nanotechnology to A.I. This paradigm is not limited to gadgets and medicine but also molds social, economic, cultural, institutional design, language, and the psyche.

To be clear, Transhumanism is a manufactured endpoint to human evolution by the year 2030.

Where reproductive and genetic control technologies serve as forms of social control.
Where technology promotes a Scientific Dictatorship called Scientism.
Where scientists are gods under the religion of Technocracy.
Where politicians are priests and science is politicized.
Where the more you separate yourself from your heart-self, the more you create something non-human.

A Democratic Society is a Manipulated One

Transhumanism is a reality of a perfect “controllable race.” This human race began taking shape in the 1930s under Social Engineers like Edward Bernays who believed that the conscious manipulation of the habits and opinions of the masses is the central feature of a democratic society.

Bernays’ book Propaganda revealed the method of mind control for anyone curious enough to pay attention:

The conscious and intelligent manipulation of the organized habits and opinions of the masses is an important element in democratic society.

Those who manipulate this unseen mechanism of society constitute an invisible government which is the true ruling power of our country. …We are governed, our minds are molded, our tastes formed, our ideas suggested, largely by men we have never heard of.

This is a logical result of the way in which our democratic society is organized. Vast numbers of human beings must cooperate in this manner if they are to live together as a smoothly functioning society.…

In almost every act of our daily lives, whether in the sphere of politics or business, in our social conduct or our ethical thinking, we are dominated by the relatively small number of persons…who understand the mental processes and social patterns of the masses.

It is they who pull the wires which control the public mind.

~ Edward L. Bernays, Master Propagandist

Technocracy is The New Democracy. Why else are democratic governors and legislators changing behavior and opinion through mandates for democrats to obediently fall in line to support them?

Social Engineers have manipulated people/masses through fiction (i.e., Brave New World), non-fiction, film, media, the educational system, politics, religion, sports, Hollywood celebrities, and rigged elections throughout the centuries. And each time people/masses have consented through their silent acquiescence and participation.

Brave New World

Aldous Huxley’s novel Brave New World predicted a world of bio and social engineering controlled by the intellectual elite, of which Huxley was a member. Huxley described a future that had already begun to take shape under his pen. To grasp the Huxleyesque nature of current culture we only need to look at what he predicted: Listen to his 30-minute speech here:

There will be, in the next generation or so, a pharmacological method of making people love their servitude, and producing dictatorship without tears, so to speak, producing a kind of painless concentration camp for entire societies, so that people will in fact have their liberties taken away from them, but will rather enjoy it, because they will be distracted from any desire to rebel by propaganda or brainwashing, or brainwashing enhanced by pharmacological methods. And this seems to be the final revolution ~ Aldous Huxley, 1961

In 1962, Huxley gave a follow-up speech, The Ultimate Revolution, at Berkley:

. . .we are in process of developing a whole series of techniques which will enable the controlling oligarchy who have always existed and presumably will always exist to get people to love their servitude. This is the, it seems to me, the ultimate in malevolent revolutions shall we say, and this is a problem which has interested me many years and about which I wrote thirty years ago, a fable, Brave New World, which is an account of society making use of all the devices available and some of the devices which I imagined to be possible making use of them in order to, first of all, to standardize the population, to iron out inconvenient human differences, to create, to say, mass produced models of human beings arranged in some sort of scientific caste system. Since then, I have continued to be extremely interested in this problem and I have noticed with increasing dismay a number of the predictions which were purely fantastic when I made them thirty years ago have come true or seem in process of coming true.

Transhumanism is mind control to shift perception to a hybrid society. As perception shifts, the individual is homogenized into an amorphous “public persona.” The term “Public Health” is a public relations term, created in 1913 by the Rockefeller Institute of Medical Research (RIMR), to convince individuals to give up their identity to an outside, unseen authority.

Inversion Reality

Transhumanism is Inversion Reality to create order out of chaos, where up is down, black is white, sickness is health, male is female, abnormal is normal, and uniformity is unity.

The Transhumanist Movement has been playing out before our eyes under the deception of politics and Hollywood make-up and glamour for more than a century. Transgendered actors have been ‘coming out’ to be recognized as non-gendered. Caitlyn Jenner is a role model for the right to reshape and choose a different identify. These are influencers. However, what happens when true identity is concealed and used for deception?

How many Hollywood actors, mainstream news anchors, super models, leaders and politicians are disguised behind wigs, false eyelashes, or beards to create The Great Deception? What deeper meaning rests behind celebrity worship, the golden idols actors give themselves, or the pentagrams they bow down to on the Hollywood Walk of Fame?

People have been measuring themselves against a standard of beauty and worth based in illusion. Does Hollywood entertainment and its teachings go back to the Freemasons? Back to Babylon and the Sodomites? To the Primordial Man? Have actors been mocking their audiences openly as when Stephen Colbert offered a display on national TV in 2006?

Good Evening Godless Sodomites… …It warps The Minds of Our Children and Weakens The Resolve of Our Allies… By Giving You a Golden Idol To Worship… KNEEL BEFORE YOUR GOD, BABYLON! ~ Stephen Colbert, 2006 Emmy Awards

The Transhumanist-Posthuman agenda is not about the equality of the sexes since the sexes are meant to merge into an androgynous blob. Under the Trans Agenda, an era of social and ecologic inequities are the new standard where nature is unnecessary and human relationships are replaced by sexbots that cook, clean, converse (or not), and provide for physical needs.

The deeper agenda is to weaken the male energy as “protector and defender,” subvert the female essence, and neutralize the divine through technologies such as CRISPR. CRISPR genetically modifies DNA to redesign gender at the level of the human embryo to create an androgyne that cannot reproduce. What if this technology has been seeded in vaccines that has changed the DNA of a whole generation? What if the new genetically modified mRNA COVID vaccine not only changes DNA, but acts as an infertility drug in the same jab?

The Transhumanist agenda offers a radical downgrade of humanity. It suggests we are entering a virtual reality without a discussion of morals or spiritual matters, where we can transcend our biological limitations with implants and injections. Do we extend life, prevent death, or bring the dead back to life even if life is no longer worth living? Are we suddenly convinced that vampires are sexy, and adrenochrome is the latest energy drink? Why else is the BBC writing about blood drinkers?

Do we leave the light behind because the darkness brings a different type of eternity? Do we accept that the Transgender agenda has infiltrated the classroom to indoctrinate children in Kindergarten?

In agreeing to the Trans Agenda, it is important to know the risks and the consequences of accepting a program that was set into motion many decades ago by an elite class. The program to introduce new technology in the 1990s promised to feed the world with genetically-modified foods (GMOS). In 2000, it became the technology of electro-magnetic frequencies EMFs “to download movies faster.” When GMO foods were not enough to feed the world, the message shifted to change behavior. “For every flu shot given at our Pharmacy or The Little Clinic, we’ll donate a meal to Feeding America.

The message of the Transhumanist Agenda will declare that humanity will go extinct or permanently destroy itself unless Transhumanistic technologies are accepted. Are the adverse health effects of GMOs, EMFs, and vaccine technologies the real reason humans need to find new ways to preserve themselves? Has our participation led us to this point?

Humanity appears to be repeating a process that led to extinction once before, in Atlantis. History wrote that the Golden Age, the Silver Age, the Bronze Age ended at the hand of an “angry god” who destroyed the world because “humans” went astray. Humanity is again at the end of an Age; The Iron Age. Do humans accept the “angry god” story again and follow along with the plan that is laid out?

Post-human World

While you’ll feel compelled to charge forward it’s often a gentle step back that will reveal to you where you are and what you truly seek. ~ Rasheed Ogunlaru

The survival of a Transhumanist world happens at the expense of humans.

The liabilities are unknown. Does the soul remain intact? Can a Posthuman being with increased life expectancy, intelligence, health, and memory cease to exist on a spiritual level?

There is an elite class that exists, from all walks of life, that includes doctors, bankers, lawyers, police, judges, researchers, military, congressmen, senators, groomed for their position. They travel in exclusive circles and are part of prominent, old families that may sacrifice more than their soul to worship an androgynous god. Listen to a 2017 interview with a whistleblower reveal an agenda that could lead to martial law.

Policy guidance, that is not law, is being written by a hidden hand to forge a Brave New Global World. What happens next depends on our mutual cooperation. Those who follow a Trans religion have a right to believe what they want, as long as it does not infringe upon another’s rights. And those who choose not to believe? Their rights must be preserved too. Informed-consent means transparency and accountability, which is something that no longer exists.

Reject Technocracy

We are in a critical time in history. However, no one, and no group of politicians, scientists, priests, or actors can succeed in isolating people, suppressing free speech, and subverting human identity without your consent.

Knowing who you are protects you.Living beings are governed by Natural Law. They have rights. If you are a living being, you are not bound by man-made laws without your consent. United States case law from 1796 that still stands today says:

It is not a rule binding upon mankind in their natural state. There, every man is independent of all laws, except those prescribed by nature. He is not bound by any institutions formed by his fellowmen without his consent.” CRUDEN v. NEALE, 2 N.C. 338 (1796) 2 S.E. 70.

Man-made laws, or statutes, or mandates, apply only to “persons” or “legal entities/fictions.”Are you a living being? If so, statutes have no power over you without your consent. However, do not make a claim of who you are without understanding the fundamentals  of law or you may incriminate yourself. There is a process to hold your position. For more information on the fundamentals of law, listen to Tom Barnett.

Technology must serve everyone. We must reject Scientism and be ready to say NO when basic freedoms are threatened. It is time to clean house from the ground up starting with our local governments. Are we humans or robots? Do we own our own thoughts and beliefs, or are our minds the property of a global elite?

As Americans, we must take back the language, take back our morality, and reclaim our true identities. We maintain our humanity by connecting to our true selves and connecting to each other. If not, we enter a world where separation of the self is the new normal.

For more on this topic, check out Losing Identity to the Hive Mind.


Rosanne Lindsay is a Naturopath, writer, earth keeper, health freedom advocate and author of the books The Nature of Healing, Heal the Body, Heal the Planet and  Free Your Voice, Heal Your Thyroid, Reverse Thyroid Disease Naturally.

Rosanne Lindsay is available for consultation through Turtle Island Network.  Subscribe to her blog at natureofhealing.org.


Connect with Rosanne Lindsay

cover image credit jim_ / pixabay

Christmas Is Cancelled in London

Christmas Is Cancelled

by Paul Joseph Watson, Summit News
December 20, 2020



Video available at Paul Joseph Watson YouTube and BitChute channels.

Pubs closed. Christmas cancelled. Borders – still open!

Connect with Paul Joseph Watson at Summit.news