CJ Hopkins on COVID Cult & New Normal Totalitarianism

CJ Hopkins on COVID Cult & New Normal Totalitarianism


Der Corona-Kult – CJ Hopkins im Gespräch

by Gunnar Kaiser,
April 9, 2021


Original video available at Gunnar Kaiser YouTube channel. Video originally published on March 24, 2021.

[As a service to protect truth from censorship and to share widely, mirrored copies of this video are available at Truth Comes to Light BitChute, Brighteon, and Odysee channels. All credit, along with our sincere thanks, goes to the original source of this video. Please follow links provided to support their work.]


Excerpt from CJ Hopkins April 9, 2021 newsletter:

So, I sat down with Gunnar Kaiser a few weeks back to talk about the Covidian Cult, the New Normal totalitarianism, global capitalism, etc., and Gunnar was just about to release the interview on his popular YouTube channel, but YouTube has “locked down” his channel to prevent him from posting any new material.

Fortunately, there was this embedded link going around that someone created from Gunnar’s Patreon thing, so you can watch the Interview on YouTube after all. It’s just not officially there. If you do want to watch it, maybe do that soon, before YouTube takes any further emergency measures to protect you from potentially dangerous content. (Here’s the link. The interview is in English. Gunnar’s intro is in German.)

If you are not already familiar with Gunnar Kaiser, he is a German author, who writes about literature and philosophy on his blog and runs Kaiser TV, the YouTube channel where my interview does not officially appear. He has also been a well-mannered, thoughtful, but outspoken critic of the “New Normal,” and thus has been demonized by august members of the German media and other influential personages who are desperately trying to achieve total “New Normal” Gleichschaltung (you can look that word up on the Internet, and I covered the atmosphere in Germany in this column from November 2020).

Anyway, what happened to Kaiser TV was, one of these influential persons, a former TV weatherman (I kid you not) named Jörg Kachelmann, didn’t like some things that Gunnar said in one of his recent videos, so he went apeshit, publicly accused Gunnar of being a “dangerous, far-right Covidiot,” and demanded that YouTube take extreme measures against him.

Kachelmann didn’t bother to offer any evidence of Gunnar’s “dangerousness,” or his “far-rightness” (because, of course, none exists), but he didn’t have to, because, in Germany today, anyone who challenges or questions the official “New Normal” narrative is automatically demonized as a “Covid denier,” a “conspiracy theorist,” a “far-right sympathizer” (if not an outright “neo-Nazi”) by the government, media, and, sadly, much of the German public.

This demonization of anyone citing actual scientific facts, asking perfectly rational questions, objecting to the “emergency Covid-19 measures,” or otherwise failing to mindlessly conform to the “New Normal” ideology, is not at all unique to Germany. You’ve probably noticed it happening wherever you live. It does, however, evince a particularly German character here, which, as you can imagine, is quite disturbing. Watching the majority of German society snap to attention and robotically follow orders for the last year has certainly made an impression on me.


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