Coronavirus Emergency: Four Fresh Angles

by Jefferey Jaxen
February 2, 2020


It was first reported in December, but it was no holiday gift.

A simple pneumonia-like virus was being monitored in China. Unknown origins. Deserving of close watch, but no need for alarm.

Less than two full months later, the World Health Organization (WHO) has declared the now-named coronavirus a global health emergency.

President Trump’s coronavirus task force declared a public health emergency in the U.S. on Friday, followed shortly thereafter by a similar announcement out of Italy, which declared a six-month state of emergency.

Despite the WHO, U.S. and Italian declarations, there will be little intervention within China itself. Global health officials have taken the public stance of trusting China and praising the lockdown on their population.


1 – Normalizing Chinese-Like Lockdowns

Longtime investigative journalist Jon Rappoport—whose 30-year track record of exposing hoaxes and inconsistencies surrounding these type of global health panics is unparalleled—made this observation:

China is the psychological icebreaker for the rest of the planet. The biggest potential contagion here has nothing to do with the virus. It has to do with other countries deciding to follow China’s example.

China has quarantined over 50 million people in 17 cities at the time of this writing – Wuhan alone has 11 million citizens, bigger than any city in the United States. Some other populations, so you can get an idea of scale: London has 8.79 million people. New York, 8.62 million. Los Angeles, 4 million. Wuhan is the ninth largest city in China.

Rather than looking at ‘The Chinese Response’ with a jaundiced, liberty-loving eye, many authority figures are singing the authoritarian regime’s praises.

WHO’s Director General recently said, “The level of commitment in China is incredible; I will praise China again and again, because its actions actually helped in reducing the spread of the novel coronavirus to other countries

Perhaps a more realistic analysis was given by Lawrence Gostin, director of the World Health Organization Collaborating Center on National and Global Health Law. He explained that the lockdown orders were likely put into effect too late, and could lead to food and medicine shortages that worsen the outbreak…“There’s reason to believe that this could backfire,” he said.

Unlike the previous SARS [also a coronavirus] outbreak and Ebola—where carriers were contagious only when symptoms appear—it’s been reported that 2019-nCoV carriers can be asymptomatic – contagious without symptoms – bringing into question the effectiveness of China’s response.

New York University bioethics professor Arthur Caplan said: “In addition to being ruled by an authoritarian government, Chinese people tend to be more…willing to do things for the greater good than Americans, who are more focused on their individual liberties and freedoms.

Those values have muted some of the protesting and dissent that you might get if you tried to do it elsewhere,” he continued, “China can clearly enforce.”

Against its mega-lockdown backdrop in China, drones are enacting a dystopian-level scenario.

The Daily Mail reports, “An army of drones has been deployed in China to spray disinfectant over villages and cities that have been hit by coronavirus.”

Arguably the biggest news occurred 24 hours after the WHO’s emergency declaration. Big Tech giants finally received their cover to fully censor their platforms – to protect the public of course. Following China’s lead, popular social media platforms and search engines like Facebook, Instagram, Twitter, Google and others are censoring cures for, “unsupported theories” of, and of course “misinformation” about the virus.

During an unfolding chain of multifaceted global events, the public should be free to ask questions, investigate freely and present evidence, given the data points at the time. This used to be called critical thinking. You know: investigation. Journalism. Analysis. Examination. Scrutiny of narratives. Holding officials accountable.

In today’s world, however, only a ‘single point of truth’ is allowed. This means Big Tech clamps down hard with its machine learning fairness algorithms. The march towards online censorship started with measles hysteria; it’s being finished by the coronavirus hype machine.

In true irony, at the exact time the virus was spreading unabated in China, global health leaders at a WHO conference in Geneva admitted Big Tech’s censorship of a purposely vague, catch-all term ‘misinformation’ was a failed operation.


2 – The Coming Vaccine

The BMJ examined the H1N1 Swine Flu vaccine rollout, which happened in a record four months after the WHO called the virus a global pandemic. In 2009 Dr. Fauci, now part of President Trump’s coronavirus task force, told the public, “The track record for serious adverse events is very good…” while in the UK a joint statement by their health officials claimed the new vaccine had be thoroughly tested…”Except, it hadn’t” wrote The BMJ. 

“…governments around the world had made various logistical and legal arrangements…In Europe, one element of those plans was an agreement to grant licenses to pandemic vaccines based on data from pre-pandemic “mock-up” vaccines produced using a different virus (H5N1 influenza). 

“Canada, the US, UK, France, and Germany, provide[d] vaccine manufacturers indemnity from liability for wrongdoing” wrote The BMJ.

Several of the proposed new vaccines being raced through development for the 2019-nCov are mRNA and DNA vaccines. These vaccines genetically alter the recipient. Rather than traditional vaccine delivery systems and technology, the new vaccine class is more a form of gene therapy.

From past behavior of vaccine-makers, there is little reason to believe they won’t use the hype of the 2019-nCov to ram through this new vaccine tech while being allowed to cut corners on safety testing and normal protocol. They got away with it before. Why wouldn’t they do it now?


3 – Global Economic Impact

Although many countries have already closed their borders, the WHO stated in their recent emergency declaration that “based on the current information available,” they would not be recommending any travel restrictions or measures that unnecessarily interfere with international trade.

The stock market is bracing for the potential global fallout from the coronavirus, as industries begin to wrestle with hard realities.

Many airlines reduced service to China earlier in the week. But after the State Department placed a “Do Not Travel” warning on China Thursday, airlines began to cut service entirely to the country. Delta, American, United and Air Canada have all suspended flights between the U.S. and China.

Meanwhile, Disney, Tesla, and many other global companies with significant footprints in China are suspending or limiting operations despite WHO’s recommendations.

CNBC writes that a slew of companies this week warned investors that as the impact of the virus continues to spread, and institutions respond, it threatens to disrupt sectors from travel and retail to technology that look to the Chinese market for consumer demand or cheaper manufacturing in China.

Most of the economic cost of the outbreak “is not related to the virus,” said CEO of the World Travel and Tourism Council Gloria Guevara, who was the tourism minister for Mexico during the H1N1 outbreak. “It’s related to the panic.”


4 – Unknown Virus Origin

One previously valid path investigating the genesis of the virus is now being labeled a debunked conspiracy theory. During a live press conference held by the World Health Organization (WHO) to address the coronavirus outbreak, Executive Director of WHO Health Emergencies Program Dr. Michael Ryan said Wednesday:

The source, as we’ve said before, is still unclear and investigations continue in that regard.

Later in the press conference, Dr. Ryan stated:  “We don’t know the origin of events here. We don’t know that there weren’t multiple spill over events that occurred that are driving the infection. We don’t know what the amplifiers were originally in Wuhan.”

As the story unfolds, the public narrative has quickly shifted to ‘How bad is it going to get?’ and away from investigating the origin of the virus.

Friday, popular news website had its Twitter account suspended for presenting evidence and asking questions concerning the origin of the coronavirus – after massive online protests, it was reinstated two days later.

Despite how corporate media and Big Tech censors attempt to mold reality in the moment, evidence and history are not on their side.

In the earliest Chinese case, the patient became ill on 1 December 2019 and had no reported link to the seafood market that was initially tied to the outbreak. The Lancet reported: “No epidemiological link was found between the first patient and later cases.” Their data also show that, in total, 13 of the 41 cases had no link to the seafood marketplace.

Several researchers and scientists have gone public, pointing to anomalies in the 2019-nCov’s genomic sequencing and suggesting scientific engineering rather than natural mutation.

Historically, it was thought that the 2012 outbreak of Middle East respiratory syndrome (MERS), [another coronavirus variant], came from a patient in Saudi Arabia in June 2012. But then studies published a year later traced it back to an earlier hospital outbreak of unexplained pneumonia in Jordan in April 2012.

Stay tuned to The HighWire for updates as these events unfold…