Cyprus Attorney Alexis Stylianou w/ Reiner Fuellmich on Legal Efforts Against the Anti-Corona Mandates: “This Is Child Molestation on a Grand Scale”

Cyprus Attorney Alexis Stylianou w/ Reiner Fuellmich on Legal Efforts Against the Anti-Corona Mandates: “This Is Child Molestation on a Grand Scale”

Clip from video by Oval Media and Corona Ausschuss
May 14, 2021

Available at Odysee, BitChute and Brighteon.

This video is a clip from Special Session: International Legal Offensive – Part 3.

Cyprus Attorney Alexis Stylianou shares legal efforts and upcoming cases in Cyprus. The global lockstep approach to this corona crisis agenda is discussed.

Reiner Fuellmich also gave an update on the search and seizure at the home of the Weimar, Germany judge who ruled that schools could not require students to wear mask or social distance. See articles here and here for background information.

Brief excerpts from the conversation:

Alexis Stylianou

We agree this whole thing is the biggest scam ever in the history of the planet. So we’re first going on the illegality of measures because basically the health minister is just passing on decrees and they never go through parliament. So it’s basically rule by decree.


We’ve got another another thing which I’m planning to lodge very, very soon. It’s going to be another complaint to the police. In Cyprus we have to go to the police first before we can file a private criminal proceeding. so first we have to report to the police and if they don’t do anything then we go privately as a private criminal case.

So we’re going to do it using the Oviedo Convention which states that you can’t force anyone to — or you can’t force or coerce anyone to do a medical intervention on their body without their free and informed consent. So the decrees by the minister which is telling us that in order to go to work you need to do a PCR test or a rapid test, that is coersion. That is definitely not doing it with your free will…

In Cyprus luckily enough when this convention was ratified into law they actually made they actually made it into criminal offences.

Reiner Fuellmich:

And now all of a sudden you have the government violating this law.


Alexis Stylianou

I don’t know what what vaccinations are going to — what role the vaccinations are going to play in all this because there’s going to be a lot of deaths I suspect…from the vaccinations.

Reiner Fuellmich

In my view the most important argument is — because we want to attack at the foundation of this– is that the Drosten test is a lie and that the notion of asymptomatic infections is a lie.

But as far as the so-called vaccinations are concerned, they are important because something has gotten out of hand. Something went wrong. This is not part of the plan…

…Now something went wrong. All of a sudden people are alarmed and many people do not want to get vaccinated anymore. Like we heard from the from our friend, Leslie Manookian from the United States, a little less than 30 percent of the population got vaccinated. And all of a sudden this whole thing dried up. Interest in vaccinations is completely gone. All of the vaccination centers are empty.

Alexis Stylianou

We’ve had one of the person on the team of health experts from the government say that there’s a chance that five to ten percent of people who will be vaccinated will not respond to the vaccine and might die…

…So when you think about that– imagine if they vaccinate 60 percent of the population we have. That would be around, I think, four to five hundred thousand people. What’s 10 percent of that? Sixty thousand people to die. And they’re telling this to the public.

Reiner Fuellmich:

This is called predictive programming. They’re preparing us…


Reiner Fuellmich:

We’ve listened to a number of other experts today who explained to us about the dangers of masks and the dangers, in particular, of the PCR test. This is child molestation on a grand scale — what’s happening in the schools with the PCR tests.


We must stay in touch because that’s the way to win this. We have to have this international legal community. And maybe in the end an international corona court.

The livestream of Special Session: International Legal Offensive – Part 3 appears to have started after the session had already begun. Because they were running late, not all of those scheduled to speak were available. Featured:
▫️Tony Roman (Restaurant Owner, USA)
▫️Gina Cloud (Human Rights Activist, USA)
▫️Elli Dillmann (Representative of Concerned Lawyers Network)
▫️Peter Weis (Attorney, Slovakia)
▫️Michael Verstraeten (Attorney, Belgium)
▫️Prof. Saji N Hameed (Prof. of Atmospheric Sciences, India/Japan)
▫️Alexis Stylianou (Attorney, Cyprus)


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