Dr. David Martin: The Synthetic Construction of Coronaviruses | Toxic Tarheels…Fauci’s Dr. Evil

Dr. David Martin: The Synthetic Construction of Coronaviruses | Toxic Tarheels… Fauci’s Dr. Evil

Toxic Tarheels… Fauci’s Dr. Evil

by David Martin World
September 8, 2020


[As a service to protect truth from censorship, mirrored copies of this video are available at Truth Comes to Light BitChute, LBRY & Brighteon channels. All credit goes to the original source of this video.]

Revisiting all the chimeric and gain of function research performed on coronaviruses in North Carolina.



Moderna 28 March Patent Application:

Current Opinion in Virology Article:

PNAS Paper:



Lizards Eat Butterflies: an antidote to the “Self-help” Addiction unveils how we’re living on this planet and how we could do so much more to improve our experience with a shift in perspective. In a triumph of cutting-edge science, social commentary, and deeply personal life experience, David Martin shows us that, with an alteration in perspective, that which stands in the way of our humanity is an illusion that can be eradicated.