Dr. Tom Cowan on Rational Thinking: How Virologists & Their Computers Conjure Up the Existence of Virus Variants

Dr. Tom Cowan on Rational Thinking:  How Virologists & Their Computers Conjure Up the Existence of Virus Variants


Video available at Dr. Tom Cowan BitChute and BrandNewTube channels.

Rational Thinking & How Do Virologists know there is a Variant? Webinar Friday, September 10th,2021

by Dr. Tom Cowan
September 10, 2021


In this webinar, I discussed rational thinking and how a virologist knows there is a variant.

I also did a Q&A Session, topics included:
-Shingles & Acyclovir
-Anti- Virals
-EMF Exposure
-Ivermectin & Hydroxycholoroquine


Connect with Dr. Tom Cowan