Dr. Tom Cowan on the “Spiked Protein Toxin” & “Virus Created in a Lab” Stories

Dr. Tom Cowan on the “Spiked Protein Toxin” & “Virus Created in a Lab” Stories


New Findings on the Spike Protein Toxin- Live Webinar 6/4/21

Original video available at Dr. Tom Cowan BitChute channel.

This presentation with Q&A included:

  • a basic discussion of virology theories and stories
  • spiked proteins
  • “gain of function” research
  • PCR Tests
  • what we actually know about antibodies
  • autoimmune disease
  • what might be happening with all the anecdotal stories about “shedding”
  • Stefan Lanka’s virology study
  • pathogenic priming


The video mentioned by Dr. Cowan related to Stefan Lanka’s virology study

The peer-reviewed study mentioned by Dr. Cowen on COVID-19 vaccines  that suggests why heart inflammation, blood clots, and other dangerous side effects occur

A Serious Indictment of Modern Cell Biology and Neurobiology by Harold Hillman


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