Earth Cooling Dramatically

Earth Cooling Dramatically

by Dr. Mark Sircus
February 18, 2021


Winter storms are wreaking havoc in central and southern States. The climate news has turned catastrophic. People are angry; however, the federal government is too busy with its delusional psychosis over global warming and the COVID pandemic.

People don’t realize how bad and multifaceted the situation is. We have full-scale blackouts in Mexico, millions of Americans still in the dark with no power and heat, and the biggest outage in American oil and gas history. A loss on this scale is already generating an energy crisis, meaning each and everyone one of us will be paying more for energy.

The death count is climbing, with 20 deaths now reported, and the count is not over yet, and all scientists can say is that global warming caused by humans is partly responsible for making the cold longer and more frequent; that is what the press says, and we are supposed to believe every word of it.

Obviously, global warming cannot be responsible for so much cold, but for the brain compromised, anything is possible. Of course, climate change is real; it is only man-made global warming, which is the world’s biggest scam in man’s history is not. The real story of climate change has to do with the sun and its fluctuations and the reality that we are in for a few decades of cooling temperatures on Earth.

Thousands of low-temperature records have fallen across North America during these past few days alone, with record snowfall accompanying the cold, driving the continent’s snow cover extent to unprecedented levels. Through December 2020 and January 2021, the UAH Satellite-Based Temperature of the Global Lower Atmosphere revealed that the Earth cooled dramatically and has now dropped below the 1979 through 2000 average.

The massive winter storm that buried much of the United States in snow this week, bringing record-setting cold across the plains and knocking out the power grid in Texas, is not inconsistent with climate change, according to Noah Diffenbaugh, an expert climate scientist at Stanford University. He is correct if he was talking about cold climate change.

Bill Gates, the pretend climatologist and expert on CO2 and medicine, is the man most responsible (along with Dr. Fauci) for pushing a massive delusional psychosis onto the human race, not only about COVID but about CO2, the most necessary gas for life on Earth.

You would think someone in the government would say something useful like warning the public about the signs and symptoms of hypothermia. But the press is too busy covering their backsides about global warming. In today’s world, it is impossible for anyone to admit they are wrong, so as we move into the beginning of dangerous ice-age conditions, all we will hear about is how hot it has been these last few years. Meanwhile, in Texas, after days of little or no energy food, and water shortages have developed with people burning their fences and children’s toys to stay warm.

Big Victims of the Big Lie

Texas was warned a decade ago that its power grid was unready for the cold. But since the propaganda of global warming fooled almost everyone, no one seemed to take the reality of global cooling seriously. Bottom line: The Texas grid got crushed because its operators didn’t see the need to prepare for cold weather, and everyone will pay the price. And, of course, some people will die for it, and probably many people will get sick from fighting with hypothermia.

“We have a nuclear power plant offline because of a frozen pump, we have coal plants offline because of frozen equipment or frozen coal piles, we have some wind turbines offline because of ice on the blades, we have some solar panels offline because of snow on the panels, but the most spectacular failing is really in the natural gas system where we have over 20 gigawatts of natural gas power plants that aren’t on, that we would like to be on and should be on, but they can’t get the gas they need, or their equipment is frozen,” said Professor Michael Webber, chief science officer at the University of Texas in Austin. The keywords here are frozen, not melted, as some climate fanatics who are suffering from psychosis wished it would be.

This week’s disruptive Arctic freeze isn’t just confined to North America –where this past Monday, a staggering 79% of the U.S. was below freezing. The cold is engulfing a large portion of the northern hemisphere, including central and eastern Europe, Northern and Western Asia, North Africa, and the Middle East, where snow is falling even in Lybia.

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