FCC Chair Commits to Enhancing WiFi/5G During Pandemic Despite Warnings From Experts
FCC Chair Commits to Enhancing WiFi/5G During Pandemic Despite Warnings From Experts
by B.N. Frank
April 9, 2020
The Federal Communications Commission (FCC) will use any excuse to promote, force, and speed up 5G deployment (see 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6) despite warnings from a growing list of highly respected sources regarding more than severe biological and environmental health risks (see 1, 2, 3, 4, 5).
From the Ohio Star:
Federal Communications Commissioner Ajit Pai announced Wednesday a plan to dramatically increase the United States’ wireless internet speeds to help pave the road to the kind of technology Americans can rely on to better cope with another coronavirus outbreak.
Pai proposed a plan to make 1,200 MHz of spectrum available for unlicensed use across the country as Americans become reliant on remote connectivity to slow the spread of COVID-19, which originated in China before traveling to the United States. Such a move could allow the so-called Internet of Things to pick up speed, connecting all devices to wireless internet.
“I’ve consistently said that @FCC’s decision on 6 GHz band would be driven not by politics or press releases, but by physics. My plan reflects that: it’s calibrated to protect incumbent users from harmful interference & allow #WiFi6 to thrive. Appreciate our engineers’ hard work!” Pai said in a tweet Wednesday, referring to making the spectrum available on the 6 GHz band.
I’ve consistently said that @FCC‘s decision on 6 GHz band would be driven not by politics or press releases, but by physics. My plan reflects that: it’s calibrated to protect incumbent users from harmful interference & allow #WiFi6 to thrive. Appreciate our engineers’ hard work!
— Ajit Pai (@AjitPaiFCC) April 1, 2020
Pai also explained the move in a detailed blog post Wednesday on Medium, telling readers that he expects that “6 GHz unlicensed devices will become a part of consumers’ everyday lives.”
If the FCC passes his proposal, Pai suggested, then it will play a role in the “Internet of Things, connecting appliances, machines, meters, wearables, and other consumer electronics, as well as industrial sensors for manufacturing.” The agency will vote April 23 on the proposal, which opens the 6GHz band for complete unlicensed Wi-Fi use. 6GHz has more than twice as much bandwidth as the traditional 5GHz.
It’s no surprise that “Industry analysts are championing the move.” Unfortunately, for the rest of us
- Cybersecurity experts have been warning for years about Internet of Things (IoT) technology and its 74% failure rate
- Utility “Smart” Meters have been plagued with problems from the jump (including fires and explosions)
- Health experts have advised people NOT wear wearables unless it’s absolutely necessary because of RADIATION EXPOSURE.
The Federal Communications Commission (FCC) is not a health or environmental agency – HOWEVER – they are supposed to protect Americans by regulating the telecom industry. They were labelled a “Captured Agency” before Trump was elected and their catering to the industry has greatly intensified since he was elected (see 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7). Lawsuits have been filed against them for NOT protecting Americans from unsafe levels of wireless radiation (see 1, 2) AND the insane “Race for 5G” (see 1, 2, 3).
For many years, American Academy of Pediatrics and other health experts have warned that children are more vulnerable to all sources of wireless radiation. Despite these warnings – there is still no “safe” level of exposure that has been scientifically determined for kids or pregnant women. Doctors, educators, and parents worldwide have been encouraging schools to replace WiFi with wired internet because of exposure risks (see 1, 2, 3). Regardless, commissioners recently refused to update the agency’s 24+ year-old wireless radiation exposure guidelines. One commissioner also recently encouraged schools to provide WiFi Hot Spots to families so kids can learn in virtual classrooms during the pandemic.
It’s all ridiculous and scary as hell. The telecom industry has still provided NO scientific evidence that 5G is safe. Cities, countries, and organizations have banned it, filed lawsuits and issued moratoriums against it (see 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6). Since 2018 people and animals have been getting sick where 5G has been turned on (see 1, 2, 3, 4). Few people have signed up for it where it’s been installed. Silver lining – municipal leaders who haven’t taken action against it already can pass emergency ordinances to stop installation during the quarantine.
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