Global Movement of Frontline Nurses Exposes COVID Pandemic Lies & Cover Up

Global Movement of Frontline Nurses Exposes COVID Pandemic Lies & Cover Up
Nurse Whistleblowers Destroy the Covid-19(84) Narrative Sparking a Movement That Can’t Be Stopped!!! 

by Dan Dicks, Press for Truth
February 23, 2021


“In a time of universal deceit, telling the truth is a revolutionary act” – George Orwell

Kristen Nagle, a neonatal ICU nurse from London, Ont., and Sarah Choujounian, a registered practical nurse from Toronto, traveled to BC this past weekend to speak on behalf of the Canadian Frontline Nurses who are exposing the corruption of the Covid-19(84) nightmare from the inside.

According to their website “We have risked everything because we care and you, the people, need to know what’s really going on.  We continue to battle through rampant censorship from the media, nursing colleges, employers, fellow staff and complete strangers. Our families are being threatened, all because we witnessed some serious cover-ups regarding the real truth about COVID in various Hospitals and Care Homes.”

In this video Dan Dicks of Press For Truth speaks with the nurses about what they’ve seen, how other nurses are handling this and most importantly how health care professionals can join this movement of brave frontline workers who dare to challenge the current status quo.

Video available at Press for Truth LBRY and BitChute channels.


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