Hailstones by Acme?
by Joseph P. Farrell, Giza Death Star
originally published May 15, 2024
Every now and then I receive a story – or in the very rare instance, a video – that is so bizarre and “out there” that I just have to blog about it, even if it means violating my own “no videos” rule. That’s the case with today’s blog about a video that was shared by V.T., because this is so out there that I simply have to add my two cents’ worth of extremely high octane speculation.
Indeed, today’s speculation is a sprint to the end of the twig of the speculation tree and altogether off the twig into a Wile E. Coyote nosedive into a very deep canyon. In this case, the “Anvil by Acme” is the hailstone itself.
As most of you are aware, much of this country has been having what seems like wave after wave of unstable atmospheric conditions, with accompanying wave after wave of severe storms. I can remember a time when the weather forecasts distinguished between thunder showers and thunderstorms, and even a time when not every thunderstorm was more often than not going to be a severe weather event. Not so any more: if there’s a thunderstorm headed your way, the likelihood is that – these days – it will be severe. And as for thunder showers, they just don’t seem to happen any more. In the past two weeks, for example, Shiloh and I have had to take shelter in our storm shelter five times, and each time for more than three hours. This is, decidedly, not fun. In Oklahoma and Tennessee whole towns have been wiped off the map and in other states, like today’s example from North Carolina, we’ve seen bombardments by hail…
… hail it seems that has been made and manufactured and distributed by Acme:
[source:] https://www.facebook.com/1022328449/videos/2341084309420265/
Now there’s just plain odd behavior here. Clearly, for a moment, the hail appears to melt, but, as one can see from the video, there are scorch marks on the hail, and this implies that there is a chemical composition to this hailstone that goes beyond mere water. In fact, to my eyes, it looks like the hailstone is, at least to some extent, plastic.
So I have two very high octane speculations to advance here: am I the only one, or do others genuinely have the same impression that the thundershowers that I recall from my youth and its weather predictions on the news, are all but vanished? When was the last time you remember a weather prediction for thunder showers? Did the category disappear? Or is something else going on? Are “they”, for example, out of an abundance of caution, deciding to treat every thunder shower as it if is a thunderstorm and capable of becoming a severe weather event? or is the weather, in fact, becoming more severe? I suspect the latter, but it’s a question I genuinely have. I cannot think of any rationale for changing categories and definitions of those categories out of an abundance of caution, for such an effort would seem to be self-defeating in the long run; we all know the scenario: the more the boy cried wolf, the less seriously he was taken, and then the wolf really showed up, but the help did not; no one wished to be taken in any more.
So now we have (apparently) a hailstone in North Carolina that does not appear to want to melt in an ordinary fashion, and after a little dripping under a flame, appears to take on scorching marks. As I noted above, this suggests some sort of chemical composition to me, beyond mere water, and I am bold to suggest that perhaps we are looking at the weather equivalent of the nanotechnology alleged to have been covertly placed in some of the cofib planscamdemic clot shots: a nano-plastic that can be activated and agglutinated under certain conditions of electrical stress, such as within the human body, or such as within the plasma conditions of a thunderstorm and its electrical events.
Now if that wild and woolly idea has any traction at all, then it leads us to yet another implication, one even more disturbing: is the purpose or motivation in creating such things quite literally to create mimicry of biblical plagues of hailstones? is the purpose, literally, to create a means of kinetic bombardment by making “hailstones” that will fall from the sky and damage or destroy crops, or homes, or livestock, or people? Spray enough crud into the atmosphere, and by itself it is merely a bunch of particulate crud, that, with the right recipe, might fall to earth and be absorbed into the food supply and thence into the body for whatever nefarious purpose one has cooked up. But turn on the electricity, let it congeal into big hailstones, and commencer le bombardement.
I don’t know, but what I do know is that under the doctrine of mens rea, the globaloneyists have made their murderous intentions quite clear, so bombardments of hailstones? I put nothing past them…
…See you on the flip side…
Connect with Joseph P. Farrell
Cover image credit: DerTobiSturmjagd
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