Holocaust Survivor Vera Sharav on the 75th Anniversary of The Nuremberg Code: “The Holocaust Serves as the Archetypal Symbol of Unmitigated Evil.”
speech by Vera Sharav, Alliance for Human Research Protection
video by Children’s Health Defense
I came to Nuremberg to provide historical context to the current global threat confronting our civilization. These past two years and a half have been especially stressful as painful memories were rekindled.
In 1941, I was three and a half years old. My family was forced from our home in Romania to Ukraine. We were herded into a concentration camp, essentially left to starve. Death was everywhere. Death was the cloud above us. My father died at the camp of typhus, an infectious disease that was rampant in all the concentration camps and ghettos, for lack of any sanitary conditions.
In 1944, as the “Final Solution” was being aggressively implemented, Romania dislodged from its alliance with Nazi Germany and the government allowed several hundred orphan Jewish children to return to Romania if they had a relative there. Although I was not an orphan, my mother lied to save my life.
I boarded a cattle car train, the very same train that continued to bring Jews to the death camps. Four years elapsed before I was reunited with my mother.
The Holocaust serves as the archetypal symbol of unmitigated evil. Moral norms and human values were systematically obliterated. The Nazi system destroyed social conscience. Millions of people were worked to death as slave laborers. Others were abused as experimental human guinea pigs.
The Holocaust did not begin in the gas chambers of Auschwitz and Treblinka. The Holocaust was preceded by nine years of incremental restrictions on personal freedom and the suspension of legal rights, civil rights and essentially human rights. The stage was set by fear-mongering and hate-mongering propaganda. A series of humiliating, discriminatory government edicts demonized Jews as “spreaders of disease.” We were compared to lice.
The real viral disease that infected Nazi Germany is Eugenics. Eugenics is the elitist ideology at the root of all genocides. Eugenics is cloaked in a mantle of pseudo- science. It was embraced by the academic, the medical establishment, as well as the judiciary both in Germany and the United States.
Eugenicists justify social and economic inequality. They legitimize discrimination, apartheid, sterilization, euthanasia and genocide. The Nazis called it “ethnic cleansing” — to protect the gene pool.
Medicine was perverted from its healing mission and was weaponized. First, it was to control reproduction through forced sterilization. And then it was to eliminate those deemed to be “sub-human” — Untermenschen.
The first victims of medical murder were 1,000 German infants and toddlers under the age of three. The murderous operation was expanded to an estimated 10,000 children, German children, under the age of 17.
The next victims were the mentally ill, followed by the elderly in nursing homes. All of these human beings were condemned as worthless eaters. Under Operation T-4, designated hospitals were turned into killing centers where various extermination methods were tested, including Zyklon B — the gas that was used in the gas chambers.
The objective of the “Final Solution” was the annihilation of the entire European Jewish Population of Europe, which at the time was 11 million.
The Nazis enacted discriminatory laws. They utilized modern technology, low-cost industrial methods, an efficient transportation system and a highly trained bureaucracy that coordinated the industrial genocidal process. The objective was high speed, maximum efficiency and low cost.
The human casualties of this unprecedented genocide were six million Jews and nine million other people whom the Nazis dehumanized as Untermenschen.
The purpose of Holocaust memorials is to warn and inform future generations about how an enlightened, civilized society can be transformed into a genocidal universe ruled by absolute moral depravity. If we are to avert another Holocaust, we must identify ominous current parallels before they poison the fabric of society.
Since the Nazi era, the study of history and most of the humanities — including philosophy, religion, and ethics — have been overshadowed by an emphasis on utilitarian science and technology. As a result, few people recognize foreboding similarities between current policies and those under the Nazi regime.
By declaring a state of emergency in 1933 & in 2020, constitutionally protected personal freedom, legal rights, and civil rights were swept aside. Repressive, discriminatory decrees followed.
In 1933, the primary target for discrimination were Jews. Today the target is people who refuse to be injected with experimental, genetically engineered so-called “vaccines”.
Then and now, government dictates were crafted to eliminate segments of the population. In 2020, government dictates forbade hospitals from treating the elderly in nursing homes. The result was mass murder. Government decrees today continue to forbid doctors to prescribe life-saving, fully-approved FDA medicines. They must follow government-dictated protocols, and those continue to kill.
The media is silent, as it was then. The media broadcasts a single, government-dictated narrative just as it had under the Nazis. State censorship silences opposing views.
In Nazi Germany few individuals objected. Those who did were imprisoned in concentration camps. Today, doctors and scientists who challenge the approved narrative are maligned and their reputations are trashed. They risk losing their license to practice, as well as having their homes and workplaces raided by SWAT teams.
The moral significance of the Nuremberg Code cannot be overstated. The Nuremberg Code is the most authoritative, internationally-recognized document in the history of medical ethics. This landmark document was formulated in response to the evidence of medical atrocities committed by Nazi physicians and scientists. The Code sets forth moral boundaries of research involving human beings.
The Nuremberg Code rejects the ideology of Eugenics and unquestionably asserts the primacy and dignity of the individual human being. The primacy of the individual as opposed to the greater good of the state or society.
The American jurists who formulated the Nuremberg Code incorporated the official 1931 German “Guidelines for Human Experimentation”. They were authored by Dr. Julius Moses. Now, the Guidelines remained legally in force until 1945. But, of course, the Nazis completely disregarded them. And they deported Dr. Moses to Theresienstadt where he died.
The Nuremberg Code defined foundational, universal moral and legal standards — affirming fundamental human rights. The human rights apply to every human being — every race, creed and color. It makes no difference. We are one human family.
Equally important, the Nuremberg Code holds doctors and research investigators personally responsible to ensure the human subjects’ safety and to ensure that the person freely gave his voluntary, fully-informed consent.
The standards of the Nuremberg Code are incorporated in the International Criminal Code. They are legally applicable today in peacetime and during war. The objective of the Nuremberg Code is to ensure that medicine never again deviates from its ethical, precautionary principle, “First, do no harm.”
The Nuremberg Code has served as a blueprint for subsequent national and international codes of human rights to ensure that the rights and dignity of the humans are upheld, and to ensure that medical doctors never again engage in morally abhorrent experiments.
Like the 10 Commandments, not a word of the Nuremberg Code may be changed.
The first of 10 ethical principles lays down the foremost ethical requirement, which is spelled out in great detail — and I’ll read it.
“The voluntary consent of the human subject is absolutely essential. This means that the person involved should have legal capacity to give consent; should be so situated as to be able to exercise free power of choice without the intervention of any element of force… constraint or coercion; and should have sufficient knowledge & comprehension of the elements of the subject matter involved as to enable him to make an understanding and enlightened decision. This… requires that before the acceptance… of an affirmative decision, the subject should be informed of the nature, duration, and purpose of the experiment; the method and means by which it is to be conducted; all inconveniences and hazards reasonably to be expected; and the effects upon his health or person which may possibly come from his participation in the experiment. “
Were any of you told all this when you were offered the injections, the experimental injections? I doubt it.
“The duty and responsibility for ascertaining the quality of the consent rests upon each individual who initiates, directs, engages in the experiment. It is their personal responsibility, which may not be delegated to another with impunity.”
The genocidal culture that permeated the Nazi regime did not end in 1945. It metastasized in the United States.
At the end of the war, US government agents helped 1,600 high-ranking Nazi scientists, doctors and engineers to evade justice at Nuremberg. These Nazi technocrats facilitated the murderous Nazi operations. They were Hitler’s partners in crimes against humanity. They were secretly smuggled into the United States under Operation Paperclip. And this was done in violation of an explicit order by President Harry Truman. These Nazi criminals were placed in high positions at major American scientific centers as well as medical centers, and they continued their work.
What’s more, these Nazi technocrats trained a generation of American scientists, doctors and engineers. This is how Nazi methods and the immoral disregard for human values were entrenched in America.
In 1961, in his farewell address to the nation, President Dwight D. Eisenhower warned against the increasing dominance of “the military-industrial complex” whose “total influence – economic, political, even spiritual”, he said, “is felt [everywhere]”. Eisenhower warned, “We must be alert to the danger that public policy could itself become the captive of a scientific-technological elite.”
This is who is behind the Covid pandemic.
In 1979, a report to the President of the United States by the U.S. Commission on the Holocaust, chaired by Auschwitz survivor Elie Wiesel, warned: “…the inclination to duplicate the Nazi option and once again exterminate millions of people remains a hideous threat.”
Those who declare that Holocaust analogies are “off limits” are betraying the victims of the Holocaust by denying the relevance of the Holocaust.
The Nuremberg Code has served as the foundation for ethical clinical research since its publication 75 years ago. The Covid pandemic is being exploited as an opportunity to overturn the moral and legal parameters laid down by the Nuremberg Code.
The Nuremberg Code is our defense against abusive experimentation. Humanity is currently under siege by the global heirs to the Nazis. A posse of ruthless, interconnected, global billionaires has gained control over national and international policy-setting institutions.
They have embarked on implementing a diabolical agenda which includes:
- The overthrow of democracy and Western civilization
- To depopulate the global population
- To eliminate nation-states and establish One World government
- To eliminate cash and establish one digital currency
- To inject digital IDs and artificial intelligence capabilities into every human being
If these objectives become a reality, we will be digitally surveyed 24 hours a day, 7 days a week.
In May 2022, at the World Economic Forum in Davos, Klaus Schwab, the architect of the dystopian Great Reset declared, and I quote him: “Let’s be clear, the future is not just happening; the future is built by us, a powerful community here in this room. We have the means to impose the state of the world.”
The ultimate goal of these megalomaniacs is to gain total control of the natural resources, the financial resources and to replace humans with transhuman robots. Transhumanism is a bio-tech-enhanced caste system – the New Eugenics.
Klaus Schwab’s lead advisor is Yuval Noah Harari, an Oxford University trained, Israeli. Harari is a proponent of the New Eugenics & Transhumanism. Harari refers to humans as “hackable animals”. He declared: “We have the technology to hack humans on a massive scale…”
Transhumanists despise the very concept of God. Transhumanists despise human values and deny the existence of a human soul. Harari declares that there are too many “useless people”. Remember the Nazi term was “worthless eaters”.
This is the New Eugenics. It is embraced by the most powerful global billionaire technocrats who gather at Davos: Big Tech, Big Pharma, the financial oligarchs, academics, government leaders and the military industrial complex. These megalomaniacs have paved the road to another Holocaust.
This time, the threat of genocide is Global in scale. This time instead of Zyklon B gas, the weapons of mass destruction are genetically-engineered injectable bioweapons masquerading as vaccines.
This time, there will be no armed forces to rescue survivors. Be aware of that. No rescuers.
Unless all of us resist, “Never Again” is now.
Vera Sharav, Holocaust survivor and human rights advocate, speaks first at the 75th Anniversary Event of the Nuremberg Code in Nuremberg, Germany, on August 20, 2022.
It was almost 75 years ago that the city of Nuremberg was the place of a historic declaration. When the judges of the military tribunal against leading medical officers in the Nazi administration passed their verdict, they issued what would become known as the Nuremberg Code.
On August 20, a compelling line-up of international speakers traveled to Nuremberg to commemorate the 75th Anniversary of The Nuremberg Code. Now of all times, in its jubilee year, this achievement of mankind is facing the greatest hardship since it was written.
Speakers include: CHD President Mary Holland, CHD Africa Executive Director Shabnam Palesa Mohamed, Dr. Tess Lawrie, Martin Michealis, Steffi Bresnik, Rolf Kron + more.
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