ICAN’s Attorneys on Medical Exemptions to Masks

ICAN’s Attorneys on Medical Exemptions to Masks

by Informed Consent Action Network. ICanDecide.org
November 17, 2020


Del Bigtree asked ICAN’s attorneys to explain when someone can claim a medical exemption and whether a business can ask for proof of the medical exemption.

ICAN’s attorneys, led by Aaron Siri, provided this letter.  In short, ICAN has been advised that, upon asserting a medical exemption to wearing a mask, the business cannot ask for proof of the medical exemption.

If you want to complete a self-assessment to determine if you have a medical exemption to wearing a mask, here are self-assessment forms for residents in New YorkCalifornia, and Texas.  If you would like a self-assessment form for another state, please let us know!


Connect with Informed Consent Action Network, ICanDecide.org