In the Covid-19(84) Battle for Freedom, Canadian Small Business Invaded by 18 Cops & Owner Arrested

In the Covid-19(84) Battle for Freedom, Canadian Small Business Invaded by 18 Cops & Owner Arrested

by Dan Dicks, Press for Truth
November 26, 2020


Breaking: Adam Skelly Arrested, Adamson BBQ Has 50 Cops on Site, Lay 9 Charges, Change Locks!!! 

Adam Skelly, owner of Adamson Barbecue has been arrested after defying the lockdown orders that closed his business to in house dinning, approximately 18 police officers showed up with locksmiths (who changed the locks on his doors) and they led Skelly away in handcuffs in front of a large crowing crowd of supporters.

In this video Dan Dicks of Press For Truth covers the latest breaking news on Skelly’s arrest, what the charges are and also how you can help this brave freedom fighter moving forward.

See previous, related video:

COVID-19(84) Update: Adamson BBQ Defies Orders, Police Back Down and Refuse to Issue Fine!!!

Adam Skelly has the right idea and he needs our support! Skelly is the owner of Adamson Barbecue, a restaurant in Etobicoke Ontario who recently defied the lockdown orders by opening his restaurant to patrons for dinning in. In an Instagram post Adam explained “For those of you who have eyes to see why I’m doing this, thank you guys so much,” he said. “Thank you for letting me know that we have people in our corner….This is a risky move and you guys gave me the gas to do this.”

In this video Dan Dicks of Press For Truth covers the latest Covid-19(84) news as police are keeping a close eye on the now famous BBQ who dared to defy orders while also explaining why Adam Skelly is justified in doing what he’s doing because the numbers simply don’t add up when it comes to COVID-19(84)!

Go Fund Me account to support Adam Skelly

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