IPC (Israeli People Committee) Leader, Dr. Pinkie Feinstein on the “Corona Junction” — Choosing Love or Fear

IPC (Israeli People Committee) Leader, Dr. Pinkie Feinstein on the “Corona Junction” — Choosing Love or Fear

by Dr. Pinkie Feinstein
August 3, 2021


Dr. Feinstein, leader of IPC (Israeli People Committee) speaks about the negative roles of fear and how it is being exploited to attack people and then about the role of love in changing this reality into a much more winnable state.

Original video available at DrPinkie Rumble channel.

[As a service to protect truth from censorship and to share widely, mirrored copies of this video are available at Truth Comes to Light BitChute, Brighteon, and Odysee channels. All credit, along with our sincere thanks, goes to the original source of this video. Please follow links provided to support their work.]

Brief Excerpts:

I believe we’re reaching a situation where more physicians will wake up and start talking.

What’s happening is that many people in Israel and around the world are overtaken by fear. They are allowing people to scare them.

People who were supposed to be calm, keep things in proportion, guide, lead, heal. Instead they turned into agents of fear.

We’re not dealing with the corona virus. Right now, we’re dealing with a virus of fear.

Are we afraid to die or are we actually afraid to live? Because shutting ourselves in our home, putting on masks, stop breathing, running from one shot to the other, stop thinking, this means we stop living.

Maybe we’re actually absorbing some kind of pattern that’s designed to stop us from living. Because living truly means to take risks. You don’t take risks, you don’t have freedom, you don’t have hope…

Do we know that fear and love cannot exist together?

I believe that we have arrived to what I call “the corona junction”.

The corona junction helps people to decide for themselves where they’re going —

Will you choose love or run away in fear?


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