Laser Guided Lightning Strikes
by Joseph P. Farrell, Giza Death Star
November 20, 2020
We end this week’s blogs with something a bit different than the previous days’ forays, with this article shared by W.G. concerning the use of lasers to guide lightning strikes. This is a subject that intrigues me as it does many readers here, for I and some other researchers have questioned the public narratives about the wildfires in California and Australia. For the most part, these questions have surrounded the very anomalous damage that appears to have occurred in these fires, for example, houses burned to the ground, while nearby trees and shrubbery appear more or less undamaged. I’ve proposed a number of speculative mechanisms for how these fires might have been started, and possible steered, from pulsing the power grid itself, and starting fires via the electrical cabling in homes, to “guided lightning.” This article fleshes out the latter hypothesis by indicating that it is actually a matter of investigation and study:
Note what this article is saying very carefully:
SYDNEY (AFP) — Small, portable laser pointers could be used to guide lightning strikes, with a study suggesting the technology may prevent bolts from sparking wildfires, a researcher told AFP Thursday.
A team of international scientists have shown storm clouds could be “short-circuited” by using a hollow laser — like a pipe of light — to deliver particles into the clouds and draw lightning strikes, research co-author Professor Andrey Miroshnichenko from the University of New South Wales in Canberra told AFP.
In lab tests, the team — which also included scientists from the Australian National University (ANU) — successfully used a laser tractor beam to direct the path of an electrical discharge to specific targets, Miroshnichenko said.
In the past, high-powered lasers were needed to achieve similar results, making the technique dangerous, costly and inaccurate.
But the new research suggested that small, hand-held lasers could be used in the field within the next decade, he said.
“It turns out that to deliver particles, you do not need high-intensity lasers, even low intensity like your laser pointer will be already enough,” Miroshnichenko said.
Using a tractor beam with a hollow center, micro-particles in the air could be heated up and delivered to a specific point and trigger an electrical discharge.
“We can imagine a future where this technology may induce electrical discharge from passing lightning, helping to guide it to safe targets and reduce the risk of catastrophic fires,” co-researcher Vladlen Shvedov, from the ANU Research School of Physics, said.(Emphasis added)
Now, the idea of “steering” lightning through an ionized channel caused by high powered laser light in the atmosphere is nothing new. In fact, in a certain sense, using a high powered laser to steer lightning strikes to initiate fires is a bit redundant. One doesn’t need lightning for that; a high-powered laser or maser is perfectly capable of starting a fire in dry underbrush all by itself. And certainly, it can also act as a channel for a lightning strike, a kind of double whammy, if you will. In this respect, the article gives away the game, for if lasers can be used to induce and steer “electrical discharge from passing lightning, helping to guide it to safe targets,” then it can also be used to “guide it to unsafe targets” as well.
In other words, we’re no longer in the realm of high octane speculation, but laboratory reality.
But now here’s where the high octane speculation kicks in once again. What is different about this new method appears to be centered on two things: (1) the use of a low powered laser, one that the article suggests could be “hand-held” and used “in the field”, and (2) the use of a kind of laser-tube to channel particles to inject into a precisely targeted region to draw a lightning strike, a concept that strongly suggests that said particles are either (a) metallic in nature, and thus designed to increase electrical conductivity, or (b) ionized to produce an electrical dipole attractive to lightning, or (c) both.
In this respect, the article is confirming what I am many other researchers (e.g., Elana Freeland) have suspected: the chemical spraying, with all of its presence of heavy metals, is designed to do precisely that. Given the heavy presence of such spraying in California (I cannot speak for Australia), the result was inevitable: lightning strikes, and fires.
But if the article is true – and I for one tend to think it is – then this channeling of such strikes need not be accomplished by a high powered laser. To put a bit of hyperbole to make: it might be accomplished by a typical laser pointer.
We’re being told that this is all in the laboratory stage right now, and that we might have to wait a further decade before it becomes reality. But if you like me share the suspicion that what we’re told publicly always lags a fews years or even decades behind what has already been achieved covertly in secret laboratories and research programs, then the chances are the capability is already here. All one needs for malicious purposes is a means of generating the lightning itself, i.e., of generating enough electrical power in the atmosphere in a particular region to provide the lightning for your laser-created channel.
Ionospheric heaters, anyone?
See you on the flip side…
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