Memes Inspired by Life in the Year 2020

Truth Comes to Light Editor’s Note:

These assorted memes were sent to me during 2020. Hopefully some will bring a laugh or a smile. Some will probably make you cringe.

As we say farewell to 2020, I thank you all for being here, sharing truth as we come to understand it, and holding the vision of freedom and love.

So many of our ancestors invested their courage, love, blood, sweat and tears for a better world and we gratefully stand on their shoulders.

May our combined dreams, prayers and visions for higher consciousness arise within more and more of our fellow humans.

May this new year find us awestruck by powerful awakenings and transformations in our personal lives and throughout the entire global community.

May the future inherited by our descendants be one that honors their divine nature and allows each and every one to soar.

With love,
