My – Oh My – Oh My!: “It Seems That All Hell Is About to Break Loose.”

My – Oh My – Oh My!: “It Seems That All Hell Is About to Break Loose.” 


“All of this and much, much more is going on every day. With this much distraction, something big, or multiple agendas, are being pursued, and fear through false flags, economic calamity, war, or any other number of events, are likely on the horizon. I think it prudent to watch very carefully what goes on the next few days, weeks, and months, as it seems that all hell is about to break loose.”


My – Oh My – Oh My!

by Gary D. Barnett
March 11, 2023


Please forgive the title, but my oh my! What in the world is happening, and why is it happening all at once?

We now have constant train derailments, hazardous truck crashes, extensive increases in deadly weather (manmade?) and solar geoengineering, dangerous chemical fires, food production and distribution destruction, animal slaughters, explosions, strange weather anomalies, sudden deaths, and eggs at $12 a dozen.

January 6th, the ‘greatest insurrection’ in the history of the world, all planned by government, FBI, CIA, and others, was on TV as everyone watched the set of that movie, and fake investigations have been ongoing since that time. All of a sudden, ‘hidden’ tapes and information are available on the mainstream, so now many of those who condemned it, have changed sides, and everything is being reversed. The same is true of the ‘covid vaccines,’ (bioweapons) as actors and politicians who wanted to imprison or kill all those refusing to take the injection, are now claiming that they are dangerous. Reversal.

Travel is being said (by U.S. government and media) to be too dangerous to experience in many countries. Mexico is the most recent victim of stupid American politicians and media, after two people were killed in what looks like an FBI operation, while in the past 6 days, 53 were shot, and 7 died in Chicago alone. Year to date shootings in Chicago (just over two months) is 440, with 103 of those being homicides. Maybe Chicago should go to the top of the list of places no one should go.

At the same time, Silicon Valley Bank, a huge operation, was shut down, and no one knows what the fallout will bring. Just three days ago, Silvergate Capital Bank in San Diego was closed and is liquidating all assets. That bank was involved in Crypto, so from an agenda perspective (CBDCs) this killed two birds with one stone. How many banks will fail next week, next month, and after?

War drums are continuing to be beaten aggressively against China and Russia, with one belligerent act of war after another being propagated by the U.S. This could of course, lead to any number of deadly outcomes, and could cause a snowball effect of epoch proportion that could change life as we know it forever.

And then there is Trump. How could anyone explain the idiocy, arrogance, and downright stench of this clown. He just said he is going to eliminate the “Deep State,” this after he put nearly every deep state asset in his administration when in office. He said he will “drive out the globalists.” As announced yesterday, Trump is screaming his plans to build 10 “freedom cities,” (smart cities) which is a globalist plan to lock up people in confined spaces. He wants also to make sure there are flying cars for these new prison systems. You just can’t make this stuff up!

All of this and much, much more is going on every day. With this much distraction, something big, or multiple agendas, are being pursued, and fear through false flags, economic calamity, war, or any other number of events, are likely on the horizon. I think it prudent to watch very carefully what goes on the next few days, weeks, and months, as it seems that all hell is about to break loose.

At least the ‘balloon fiasco’ seems to have subsided. What a relief!


Connect with Gary D. Barnett

Cover image based on creative commons work of: GDJ