Naples Erupts Over Another Looming Lockdown

Naples Erupts Over Another Looming Lockdown

by Age of Autism
October 24, 2020


L Italia s ‘e’ desta. Italy has awakened.

Non sai parlare italiano? Non preoccuparti. Not able to speak Italian? Don’t worry.

The tone of this video from Naples will be perfectly clear.  The very word first word you hear, is the only word you need to hear – BASTA! Enough.  We know Americans can protest and even riot – we’ve seen plenty of it all summer. But will we have the Italian coraggio, if forced to shut down again?

Thank you to Alina A for sending the video and this report:

This video is taken on the streets of Napoli , Italy.
It is a reaction to an official communication from the governor of Campania ( the region of which Naples is the capital) , De Luca. He states that the situation is unsustainable and before it is too late he wants to lock down completely the region for 30/ 40 days. In his public statements De Luca keeps on spreading fear and says that he will request the total lockdown to be extended to the whole of Italy. The demonstration is a peaceful gathering of an enormous number of Neapolitans and people from the region of Campania , coming together saying“ Basta! Enough! We know you are lying. intensive cares units in hospitals are empty! We know it s flu season. ! We are not confused any longer! “Of course the charge of the police in riot gear transforms it all and all takes an uglier turn.