National Institutes of Health Injected Puppies With Cocaine

National Institutes of Health Injected Puppies With Cocaine

by Simon Black, Sovereign Man
February 11, 2022


Through a Freedom of Information Request, a watchdog organization revealed that the National Institutes for Health spent $2.3 million of taxpayer money injecting puppies with cocaine.

The point of the experiment was to see how a certain prescription drug reacted with cocaine.

The dogs were then euthanized, or used in further experiments.

This is the second recent example of the NIH funding cruel experiments using puppies.

In October, we talked about an experiment from Anthony Fauci’s National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases (a sub agency of the NIH) which forced beagle puppies into mesh cages to allow sand flies to attack their heads, and spread parasites.

Some of the dogs’ vocal cords were removed so that Fauci’s researchers did not have to hear them cry.

At the time, FDA officials clarified that none of these experiments require testing on dogs.

These are the totally ethical health experts we are supposed to trust.

Click here to read the full story.


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