Ole Dammegard: Through Deception & Progaganda, the Few in Power Are Playing Ping Pong With Our Brains to Achieve Their Goals

Q & A with Ole Dammegard

by New Earth Project
June 22, 2020



Ole Dammegård is an author, international speaker, investigator, former journalist, artist and creator of the website Light On Conspiracies. According to Ole ‘we all deserve so much better. It’s time to stop the madness and heal the world with love’.


Excerpt from beginning of clip:

“…I’m so not interested in theory. At all. I think it’s a waste of time. Anyone can have a theory  or speculate… So what I’m looking for are conspiracy facts. And to try and find out what actually happened. Was there even a conspiracy? And, if so, who benefits. Cui bono? Who carried it out… and the reason why…

I think the difference is that I’ve been doing this for some 40 years…

It was 1980 that I started to become aware. And that is longer than many people have lived. So that gives me a certain advantage point. Also because I’ve been totally devoted — meaning obsessed almost trying to find out — for my own sake — because I just felt ‘I don’t understand. I’m very confused here. What is going on?’.

And then the more I got into this world — and the areas I specialized in are top political assassinations and so-called false flag operations, you know, where we see the few in power, through deception and propaganda, are playing ping pong with our brains to achieve their goals.”

~ Ole Dammegard


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