Our Hidden History: Jason Breshears With Jerm Warfare on The Great Pyramid at Giza

Our Hidden History: Jason Breshears With Jerm Warfare on The Great Pyramid at Giza


A Beginner’s Guide to the Egyptian Pyramids, With Jason Breshears

by Jeremy Nell, Jerm Warfare
Published June 1, 2023, updated July 18, 2023


It’s difficult to summarise, but Jason makes a convincing case for an advanced civilisation at the time of the construction of the Pyramids (over 4800 years ago), who used advanced techniques such as geopolymer construction and ultrasonic drilling.

Furthermore, he adds that the Pyramids were not even built by Egyptians.

Instead, they were built by an entirely different civilisation, before a catastrophic event wiped them out and the Pyramids ended up underwater for hundreds of years after a major rainfall that coincides with the Biblical flood.

Civilisation has been in decline ever since.

There is way too much to compress, so I recommend watching the following slideshow by Jason.


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