Covid Vaccines: A Curious Discovery on the Graphene Oxide Question

Covid Vaccines: A Curious Discovery on the Graphene Oxide Question

by Dr. Mark Bailey
September 2, 2022


The damaging effects of the COVID-19 injections are postulated to occur through several mechanisms. It is not my intention in the present commentary to provide an exhaustive list of the potential mechanisms but they can generally be split into three major themes. The first is that the expression of the mRNA-encoded spike protein causes a subsequent inflammatory response, including vasculitis and clotting. The second is that the lipid-nanoparticles (LNPs), used as the mRNA delivery vehicle, are themselves toxic and may coalesce into much larger particles inside the body. (The synthetic mRNA that resists degradation may itself also be pro inflammatory.) The third is that there are undeclared toxic constituents within the injections, with the prime suspect being graphene oxide (GO).

Pfizer Comirnaty under dark field microscopy – Source:


Pfizer Comirnaty under the light microscope – Source: Dr. Robin Wakeling

In early 2022, Dr Robin Wakeling demonstrated the behaviour of Pfizer Comirnaty LNPs coalescing under the light microscope. With regard to GO in the vaccines, he has kept an open mind and has pointed out the factor of batch variability. Many of the highly-complex patterns seen forming under microscopic examination of the vaccines have suggested the presence of this compound. However, Wakeling’s latest research has revealed that such two-dimensional (2D) complexes can also be formed under the right conditions with plain isotonic (0.9%) salt water. He has presented the findings in his paper, “COVID Vaccines: a Curious Discovery on the Graphene Oxide Question,” published today.

Wakeling stated that he has been unable to find images of these 2D saline-derived structures in the scientific literature, although there exist elaborate descriptions of how water molecules may behave under “nano-scale confinement.” As he reported, “it is curious that something as common as isotonic table salt/saline, something that a plethora of observers would presumably have examined microscopically for over a century has not given rise to published 2D images of the type that are now straightforward to produce.”

(A) & (B) 2D structures produced from isotonic (0.9%) salt solution.

Wakeling reported that the one proposed mechanism is that alterations in the ratio of sodium (Na) to chlorine (Cl), outside of the typical 1:1 NaCl arrangement may be associated with the observed 2D structures. Whatever the mechanism, the findings under the coverslip may provide some insights into how water behaves within our own cells and various interfaces in our bodies. Are we being given another window into how water is ‘structured’ in life processes? In this regard, Wakeling also mentioned the work of Dr Rupert Sheldrake, Dr Robert Lanza, and Veda Austin and the remarkable observations of water being able to store “information” and synchronise with various environmental influences.

These latest findings do not rule out the presence of GO in the injections and it does not negate the findings of other citizen scientists who have demonstrated mass spectrometry results consistent with the presence of the compound. As Wakeling stated, “the presence of 2D crystalline structures per se are probably not signatures of graphene oxide but are signatures of something else, something more profound perhaps.”

While there often seems to be a lack of positive news during the COVID-19 fraud, for many of us it has been a source of inspiration to keep exploring beyond institutionalised science. Wakeling’s investigations of the COVID-19 injections were motivated by the harm he was witnessing in his community. Unexpectedly, he has made new observations and found a new way of thinking about the nature of water and its interactions with salt. Please read this unique paper by Dr Wakeling for his latest insights into this fascinating topic…

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COVID Vaccines: a Curious Discovery on the Graphene Oxide Question
by Dr. Robin Wakeling


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Some Facts About Graphene Oxide

Some Facts About Graphene Oxide

by James Herer, Weblyf
October 21, 2021


Known as the thinnest and the strongest material found on earth, graphene oxide (GO) has now become more popular not because of its benefits but because of its dangers to the human body. graphene oxide is a nanoparticle discovered by Andrew Geim and Konstantin Novoselov in 2004. As written in

“Fascination with this material stems from its remarkable physical properties and the potential applications these properties offer for the future. Although scientists knew one atom thick, two-dimensional crystal graphene existed, no-one had worked out how to extract it from graphite. That was until it was isolated in 2004 by two researchers at The University of Manchester, Professor Andre Geim and Professor Kostya Novoselov.

One Friday, the two scientists removed some flakes from a lump of bulk graphite with sticky tape. They noticed some flakes were thinner than others. By separating the graphite fragments repeatedly, they managed to create flakes that were just one atom thick. Their experiment had led to graphene being isolated for the very first time.”

Another interesting characteristic of graphene oxide is that it could change shape and also interact with light, magnetism, and electrons. It’s also a semiconductor and like metals, it can transmit electricity. It’s like a transparent material but way stronger than steel that’s why it is being used in car coating products and as explained in

“Graphene oxide is also extremely lightweight and conductive, with its temperature thresholds ranging anywhere from 2200-3300°F, which hypothetically speaking, means that it outperforms all other known materials. As an electrical conductor, graphene performs as well as copper, and despite being almost completely transparent, remains so dense that not even helium, the smallest gas atom, can pass through it.”

In late June, the founder and director of Quinta Columna, Ricardo Delgado Martin, published a study conducted by the Spanish research team at the University of Almeria claiming that Pfizer’s COVID vaccines contain graphene oxide. Martin is “specialized in biostatistics, clinical microbiology, clinical genetics, and immunology”. Using electron microscopy and spectroscopy, he and his team have confirmed that graphene oxide is present in Pfizer’s COVID vaccines and that it’s likely that it has something to do with the reported adverse effects and deaths.

Meanwhile, another expert named Dr. Robert Young, a biochemist, microbiologist, and clinical nutritionist, along with his team, also conducted research to classify the specific ingredients in vaccines created by Moderna, J&J, AstraZeneca, and Pfizer and they’ve discovered that high levels of graphene oxide are present in all of these four vaccines. Their findings were published on the 20th of August, showing that “toxic nanometallic content which are magneticotoxic, cytotoxic and genotoxic to plants, insects, birds, animals and humans” are present on these jabs. One of these injections even contained life-threatening parasites called Trypanosoma cruzi.

Graphene oxide can impact the immune system and when accumulated in the lungs, it can be very deadly. It is “a toxin which triggers thrombi and blood coagulation”. It has never been used on humans before but “it’s been extensively researched for intended use on humans”. According to Dr. Ariyana Love, ND:

“There are over 2000 studies on Graphene Oxide Toxicity and 500 of them were published in 2017.”

Registered as big pharma’s intellectual property, graphene oxide was secretly approved therefore it was never disclosed as an ingredient for COVID vaccines. As acknowledged by national health authorities, graphene oxide is also contained in the face mask. Meanwhile, Dr. Ariyana Love also reported:

“Moderna, Pfizer/BioNTech, etc, were in a race to research and development Graphene Oxide Nanoparticles as a cancer cure. So, Graphene oxide was injected into animals and used as the vector to deliver a novel mRNA drug technology directly into cells. At first, the animals seemed fine and the cancer cells were successfully destroyed. But two months after inoculation all the animals got sick and DIED from Antibody-Dependent Enhancement (ADE)! Healthy cells were destroyed by the Graphene Oxide Nanoparticles.

Safety and toxicity were the pharma cartel’s main challenges in using this novel technology for biomedical applications such as gene therapy. After two animal trials that resulted in the death of all the animals, graphene oxide could not be approved for use in humans due to its toxicity to healthy cells and due to ADE, which is where the immune system destroys itself. Front line doctors are already seeing ADE in these unapproved Covid-19 human trials. Experts such as Europe’s leading virologist Professor Dolores Cahill, world-renown scientist Mike Adams of Natural News, world’s leading virologist Geert Vanden Bossche and Pfizer whistleblower, Dr. Michael Yeadon warned us that ADE would come!”


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cover image credit: seagul / pixabay


The Graphene Oxide Prison

The Graphene Oxide Prison

by Matt, What About the Roads?
sourced from Activist Post
August 6, 2021


When it comes to the safety and efficacy of the so-called COVID-19 vaccinations the public has been thoroughly divided and conquered. On one side of the carefully crafted argument, governments can’t get enough shots in enough arms to ward off a “pandemic” of unvaccinated people. The other side has as many excuses for avoiding these injections as it has members. So when a controversial study comes along showing that these injections may contain a toxic substance called graphene oxide the allowed spectrum of debate is quickly alight and the bigger picture is missed by all but a few.

The story of vaccines containing graphene oxide broke in late June when Ricardo Delgado Martin, Founder and Director of Quinta Columna, which calls itself a “free thinking movement,” published the the results of an analysis conducted by a Spanish research team at the University of Almeria. The analysis claims to have discovered graphene oxide in a vial of a Pfizer vaccine via electron microscopy and spectroscopy. The analysis can be read in English here.

It took a few weeks for this story to find it’s way into the English speaking world it would seem. Once it did, the mainstream media’s fact checkers were all over this story. ReutersFull Fact, and Forbes among other establishment outlets have tried to debunk the study by assuring their readers that only an anti-vax QAnon conspiracy theorist would believe such nonsense. On the other side of the aisle, the analysis has been uncritically circulated which only adds to the problem.

As usual, the truth lies somewhere in the middle. The analysis conducted by the team at the University of Almeria has it’s flaws but concerns over the presence of graphene oxide in the Pfizer vaccines, and elsewhere in our environment, should be given serious consideration.

But first, let’s address some of the issues with the analysis:

  • The analysis is an interim report needing further study.
  • The analysis was commissioned.
  • The origin of Pfizer vial used in this analysis is unknown.
  • Graphene oxide and reduced graphene oxide are, at times, used interchangeably.
  • Comparative images of graphene oxide are of different magnification levels.

For an in-depth look at these concerns and others that arise from this analysis we recommend watching world class researcher, Whitney Webb’s recent appearance over at The Last American Vagabond where they dive into this analysis.

Just because this study currently stands on scientifically shaky grounds does not mean that the theory that graphene oxide is in fact in these injections should be dismissed. The substance has also already been discovered in face masks in Canada and Spain while patents in China (12) that explore the possibility of using graphene oxide in COVID19 vaccines are pending.

It is also curious graphene oxide can be made to have magnetic properties which would explain the countless videos circulating online of magnets sticking to those who’ve been injected with these so-called vaccines. More research on this phenomenon is certainly needed but a recent “statistical and sociological” survey conducted by the European Forum for Vaccine Vigilance in Luxemburg found that 29 of the 30 “vaccinated” individuals interviewed showed attraction to the magnet at the site of injection.

Additionally, it has been shown that graphene oxide can cause blood clots and damage lungs. Does this explain why blood clots are such an often reported adverse effect from these shots? Is there a connection to this lung damage and surge in supposed surge in COVID-19 cases in areas of high injection rates?

These questions and many others surrounding graphene oxide, injections, masks, and the so-called pandemic need answering but if we just focus on these elements of the conversation we risk missing the bigger picture. Graphene oxide, its applications, and its impact on humanity are not limited to the so-called pandemic. The applications of graphene and it’s related materials are almost limitless and as they are introduced into the ecosystem, inside and out of the human body, they have the potential to reshape our relationship with the natural world by making it impossible to escape the digital realm.

On the future applications of graphene, Alan S. Brown writes:

Silicon electronics dominate the world, but engineers frequently turn to other types of semiconductors to do things that silicon cannot. These materials—ranging from silicon carbide to indium gallium arsenide—emit and interact with light, enable high-frequency microwave communications in smartphones, run at higher speeds, and handle massive amounts of power.

Yet, what if a single material could do all that—if it could interact with electrons, light, and even magnetism. What if it could transmit electricity like a metal and also behave as a semiconductor. Just for good measure, suppose it might make a good building block for quantum computers? And—most impressively—what if it could do all these things just by changing its shape?

That material is graphene.

By introducing graphene and other related nanoparticles into the human system, our bodies become cybernetic systems where light, microwaves and other frequencies, or magnets could be used to control bodily and neurological functions. If some predictions are correct then graphene oxide will one day be as prevalent in our world as plastic is now. It is already raining down on us from above, polluting our soil, being laser printed onto food, and, in turn, is likely already in all of us. If so, it seems reasonable to conclude that, based on all that we know about previous medical experimentation carried out on humans, something similar is happening today.

But why introduce a material like this into the human body? Catherine Austin Fitts ventures a guess:

So let me go through where I think he’s going. I think where they’re going—and they’re they’re prototyping tons of technology, so I don’t think they have it yet—but where they want to go is they want to download a Microsoft Office system into your body, into your brain, and hook it up to the Jedi cloud contract and the Amazon Cloud contract at the CIA. And if they can get seven people seven billion people hooked up directly to their cloud contracts and use viruses—I mean, it’s very clever—use viruses to keep those updates coming. You know, just keep those updates coming.

So you saw my most recent article, “The Injection Fraud.” I think it’s a fraud to call these vaccines they’re not vaccines, they’re not medicine. But I think it’s the exact same model you used in the computers and the ideas. Just like Bill Gates made it possible for the intelligence agencies to get a backdoor into our—you know, our data—and our computers. They want a backdoor into our mind and it’s very hard if you haven’t if you haven’t looked into the creepy technology, the Charles Lieber kind of technology, it’s hard to fathom but we’re beginning to fathom it.

Experimental injections. Magnetic nanoparticles. A human operating system. Sadly, these are not the fever dreams of a lone, crazed scientist but technologies which have already arrived. The COVID-19 panic has accelerated the introduction of these and many more frightening technologies into the public sphere as trojan horses for even more terrifying technologies yet to be revealed. The work from researchers like Whitney Webb, Alison McDowell, Catherine Austin Fitts, Rosa Koire, James Corbett, Patrick Wood, and everyone else which shines light on the this transhumanist agenda is becoming more important than ever.

For too long we’ve narrowed in on all things COVID-19 just like the powers-that-shouldn’t-be hope for. There is no pandemic, only a psychological operation afoot. That operation needs as much resistance as possible but if we fail to see beyond this then their dream of  can be reached without a fight.  Beyond saying no to experimental injections and nanoparticle-laden masks we must starting saying no to everything that is being used to create the graphene oxide prison being built around us.


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cover image credit: seagul / pixabay

An Interview w/ Richard Delgado: Impacts of Graphene Oxide Nano-Particles Contained in the Vial of the mRNA Vaccine

Graphene Oxide: A Toxic Substance in the Vial of the COVID-19 mRNA Vaccine

image sourced from


Video: Graphene Oxide: A Toxic Substance in the Vial of the COVID-19 mRNA Vaccine


We bring to the attention of Global Research readers this important interview with Ricardo Delgado Martin, Founder and Director of Quinta Columna. Ricardo is responsible for coordinating the Spanish research team’s analysis of the impacts of graphene oxide nano-particles contained in the vial of the mRNA vaccine.

The results of their analysis by electron microscopy and spectroscopy are far-reaching. Graphene oxide is a toxin which triggers thrombi and blood coagulation. It also has an impact on the immune system. Graphene oxide accumulated in the lungs can have devastating impacts.

The results of the Spanish study suggest, yet to be fully confirmed, that the recorded vaccine related deaths and “adverse events” (e.g. published in the US by the CDC and in the EU) are attributable to the presence of graphene oxide nano-particles contained in the Covid vaccine vial.

Of significance, (acknowledged by national health authorities) graphene oxide is also contained in the face mask.

Graphene has electromagnetic properties which have been detected in people who have been vaccinated. These effects have been amply documented and confirmed. See the study conducted by the European Forum for Vaccine Vigilance

Ricardo Delgado Martin is specialized in biostatistics, clinical microbiology, clinical genetics and immunology.

For further details on this project see the report by  Prof. Dr. Pablo Campra Madrid, specialized in Chemistry and Biology, Escuela Superior de Ingenería, University of Almería.

See summary of their report entitled Graphene Oxide Detection in Aqueous Suspension, Observational study in Optical and Electron Microscopy.

Full Study (English)

There is evidence that the Covid-19 “vaccine” which contains graphene oxide has resulted in a pattern of deaths and injuries Worldwide.

Speaking on behalf of the Spanish research team, Ricardo Delgado Martin recommends that the covid-19 experimental mRNA vaccine should be cancelled and discontinued immediately.

Video [with English voiceovers]:

[Link to watch video without English voiceovers.]


Confirmed by Health Canada, Graphene-Oxide particles are also contained in the Face Mask which is intended to protect you.

Face Masks Contain Graphene, A Poisonous Substance  by Prof Michel Chossudovsky, July 14, 2021

“The wearing of the face mask started in the immediate wake of the covid-19 lockdown on March 11, 2020. Worldwide, people have been instructed to wear the mask for more than a year.

And then one year later, we are told that in some cases it may contain a poisonous substance.

According to Health Canada: “There is a potential that wearers could inhale graphene particles from some masks, which may pose health risks.””

See also:

Nanotechnology-derived Graphene in Face Masks — Now There Are Safety Concerns by Andrew Maynard, July 12, 2021

Graphene Oxide has electromagnetic properties which have been detected in people who have been vaccinated.

See the study conducted by the European Forum for Vaccine Vigilance:

Study on Electromagnetism of Vaccinated Persons in Luxembourg   by Mamer and Amar Goudjil, July 08, 2021


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Referenced link – downloadable PDF of study:

Graphene Oxide Detection in Aqueous Suspension — Observational study in Optical and Electron Microscopy

[As a service to protect truth from censorship and to share widely, mirrored copies of this video are available at Truth Comes to Light BitChute, Brighteon, and Odysee channels. All credit, along with our sincere thanks, goes to the original source of this video. Please follow links provided to support their work.]

cover image credit: LeiemKrischkrisch / Wikimedia Commons