Pediatrician Sounds Alarm: Information Leaflets in Covid ‘Vaccines’ Left Deliberately Blank

Pediatrician Sounds Alarm: Information Leaflets in Covid ‘Vaccines’ Left Deliberately Blank

by Amy Mek, RAIR Foundation
December 8, 2022


“This is what passes as “informed consent” under the leadership of the COVID cartel.” – Senator Ron Johnson

U.S. Senator Ron Johnson hosted a forum on the Covid “vaccines” on Wednesday. He spoke with leading medical experts and doctors about the mRNA vaccine products, how they work, and the possible causes of Injuries. In addition, one of the experts, pediatrician Renata Moon revealed how proper informed consent is missing for covid vaccines.

The pediatrician explained that a few months ago, she pulled the package insert out of the box of mRNA product she was going to administer to a child. To her shock, it was sealed, explained Dr. Moon. She then showed the group the blank insert pharmaceutical companies are putting in the Covid “vaccine” boxes.

Senator Johnson was appalled to learn that a blank leaflet is “the data that pharmacists and physicians are facing on giving the injections outside of mainstream media recommendations.” The Senator questioned, “why the pharmaceutical companies are not just printing that on a piece of paper the size of a postage stamp? Why all the theater of folding it up into a great big piece of paper like that?”

‘Something is extremely wrong’

“How can I ask parents for informed consent based on this?” she asked. “My government requires me to say the vaccines are safe and effective; if I don’t, my license is at threat.”

“We’re seeing an uptick in myocarditis. We see an uptick in adverse reactions. I’ve trusted these regulatory agencies for my entire career up until now. Something is extremely wrong,” said the pediatrician.”

[Video available at RAIR Foundation Rumble channel.]

Regulatory Agencies

Renowned Cardiologist and former vaccine promoter Dr. Aseem Malhotra recently highlighted the corruption of medicine by the regulatory bodies, Big Pharma, politicians, academic institutions, and medical journals.

“But the real scandals,” Dr. Malhotra explains, are the regulators, like the U.S. Food and Drug Administration (FDA), failed to prevent misconduct by industry and that “doctors, academic institutions, and medical journals collude with industry for financial gain.” For example, he points out that the “FDA gets 65% of their funding from pharma, a huge conflict of interest. In the U.K., our regulator, the MHRA [Medicines and Healthcare products Regulatory Agency], gets 86% of their funding from pharma.” Furthermore, “in the FDA, between 2006 and 2019, nine of the 10 FDA commissioners went on when they left the FDA to get very lucrative jobs with the pharmaceutical industry. It’s a revolving door, says Dr. Malhotra.


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