by Melody Fowler, as read to Shasta County Board of Supervisors
August 11, 2020
80+ citizens spoke on Tuesday night, August 11th, asking the Board of supervisors to open Shasta County.
Video sourced from Sally Rapoza YouTube channel. [Mirrored on BitChute, Lbry & Brighteon]
If someone asked you if you’d be willing to trade a beautiful community, nestled in the mountains of northern California with a river running through the city, for 18 million dollars, would you do it?
If someone asked you if you’d be willing to trade the blood, sweat, toil and sacrifice of all of the small businesses in your community for 18 million dollars, would you do it?
If someone asked you if you’d be willing to trade the emotional well-being, education and social interaction of roughly seventeen thousand students in schools across this county for eighteen million dollars, would you do it?
If somebody asked you if you would be willing to trade an increase in depression, anxiety, fear and suicide in your community for 18 million, would you do it?
If someone asked you if you’d be willing to trade the ability to congregate, have fellowship and sing or worship God for 18 million, would you do it?
If someone asked you to be willing to trade the oath you took to uphold the California and US Constitution, that protects the individual liberties of your constituents, for 18 million dollars, would you do it?
The coronavirus is real, but it’s not a real threat.
The coronavirus is real, yes but, it is not a real threat — especially here in Shasta County.
The real threat is the trade-off this board has willingly bartered on our behalf.
The governor asked you if you’d be willing to trade everything I mentioned earlier for 18 million dollars and you agreed and you signed the contract.
You abused your authority and you’ve lied to us.
Our compliance is necessary for your payoff.
Shasta County, if you wear a mask and force your kids to wear mass you’re an active participant in destroying this community.
Those who want the Great Reset — google it on youtube, the “Great Reset” — because this is much bigger than just a virus.
They’ve crafted our good will — you don’t want to harm people — into a Trojan horse that will bring in the New World Order which is not a conspiracy anymore.
Resist people, while you can gather together.
And pray God is bigger than the enemy.
And I don’t believe in inciting fear in anyone.

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