President López Obrador of Mexico Says Choose Liberty, not Dictatorship, in Coronavirus Policy

President López Obrador of Mexico Says Choose Liberty, not Dictatorship, in Coronavirus Policy

by Adam DickRon Paul Institute
November 4, 2020


Across the world, politicians are continuing and even expanding coronavirus crackdown measures including the shuttering of businesses, limiting of people’s movement, and requiring of mask wearing.

It is refreshing to see some national political leaders who have followed another course, rejecting using coronavirus as a reason for imposing a multitude of harsh restrictions on people. Mexico President Andrés Manuel López Obrador went a step further on Wednesday, calling out other national leaders for “acting like dictators” in imposing coronavirus policies that suppress liberty.

The Associated Press provides these details regarding Obrador’s comments:

Mexico’s President Andrés Manuel López Obrador suggested on Wednesday that politicians who impose lockdowns or curfews to limit Covid-19 are acting like dictators.

The comments came as López Obrador once again fended off questions about why he almost never wears a face mask, saying it was a question of liberty.

The Mexican leader said pandemic measures that limit people’s movements are “fashionable among authorities … who want to show they are heavy-handed, dictatorship.

“A lot of them are letting their authoritarian instincts show,” he said, adding “the fundamental thing is to guarantee liberty.”

Hear! Hear!

Meanwhile, north of the border, Democratic Party presidential nominee Joe Biden wants to bring all of America into a new phase of crackdown by imposing a national shutdown in the name of countering coronavirus. If only Biden would set aside those “authoritarian instincts” López Obrador warned about and promote liberty instead.