Psychiatric Drugs Create Violence & Suicide: Mass Shootings & Other Conscienceless Acts
Thanks to Dr. Richard Alan Miller for sending this our way.
Source: CCHR International
CCHR International has launched its campaign to educate law enforcement, policy makers and school officials about violence- and suicide-inducing drug risks with the release of its new report, Psychiatric Drugs Create Violence & Suicide—School Shootings & Other Acts of Violence.
The 64-page report details more than 60 examples of school and mass shootings and other senseless violent acts committed by those under the influence of psychotropic drugs or experiencing serious withdrawal from them. It also provides information on more than 30 studies that link antidepressants, antipsychotics, psychostimulants, mood stabilizers and sedative hypnotics to adverse effects that include hostility, mania, aggression, self-harm, suicide and homicidal thoughts.
[For understanding more about the “false flag” aspect of mass shootings, as related to global mind control and social engineering, see the work of Ole Dammegard. — Kathleen]