Virus Fear and Demons

Virus Fear and Demons

by Jeff Baker, contributing writer at Truth Comes to Light
April 24, 2020


All because of a Pandemic Humans are in Fear. I thought a virus is a Cold/Flu – Am I correct? Hundreds of thousands of people get viruses every year. If your body is too toxic from eating/drinking toxic foods you will succumb to a virus – what I thought. I have read that pharmaceutical drugs are full of toxins – That is why some Babies/Children and Elderly people are more susceptible to sickness of any kind. Lack of sleep can cause this too.  If we start eating and thinking(stop watching media fear porn) correctly and cleanse our body and mind of toxins and you should be fine. Does staying inside away from people with masks and gloves on do any good?

It seems to me that this virus could be about about controlling the World by literally a handful of people. The Governments around the world (especially the United States and UK) are setting up Emergency centers in tents and large building’s(convention centers and stadiums) to accommodate the 100’s of millions of people that will be getting sick and die. Could the future deaths  and sickness of millions around the globe be caused by fully turning on five g through satellites and ground transmissions?

You don’t believe in Demons? From what I have read we and everything in existence is Spirit or Energy? This may be truth or not, everyone has their own opinion and rightfully so. You and I have always existed and will never cease to exist. We create these fantastic experiences to expand ourselves. We are a so very tiny piece of the whole of existence. Think of a molecule of water in comparison to all the water in and on Earth – Our experience is less than a Trillionth of that. Demons are another part of this same experience and the difference between most of us and them is they want total control of this experience. Many of us give in to their bullying tactics and are therefore Possessed by something. What do you think?

This existence of planets and the suns in our universe has been built up for Eons. There are countless other experiences and universes we are not conscious of. This Earth experience has a higher amount of controlling entities than the others. These entities have helped to obliterate the surface of this Earth and advanced societies many times over because people seem to like living under their spell. Again this is piecing information together from many sources I have read. It’s just another possibility of what could be happening.

Now is the time to break that spell by uniting with like minded people physically and mentally in-on and above this Earth. It only takes a fraction of the over 8 billion souls here to wake up to what and who they are and this will trigger over half of the other souls to wake up. Some souls are content with their Illusion and that is ok.

If at the very least you just keep your mind concentrated on a Loving Kind Earth and reject the negative dark thoughts that are constantly bombarding our minds we will create a new existence in a Flash. It is game on to see where this existence will go.



Jeff Baker

In Jeff’s own words: “Talkative, Independent, Traveler, Risk Taker, Rebel at times, Definitely Non-Conformist, Husband, Father, Grand Father, Cook, Vegetarian want-to-be (chicken-fish-eggs – I’m getting there).”

Jeff is a contributing writer at Truth Comes to Light.