Speculation on the Return of Planet X, Continuity of Government, FEMA & Current Lockdown of the Planet

The Return of Planet X – with Special Guest Shepard Ambellas of Intellihub.com

by Jason Goodman
April 15, 2020


Shepard Ambellas returns to share the stunning and true details of the long sought orbital return of the tenth planet of our solar system.

[Truth Comes to Light Editor’s note: While planet X and asteroid preparation certainly doesn’t explain the evil of the NWO rollout, including medical martial law —  and mandatory vaccines, chips, IDs, monetary collapse, 5G, 6G, AI, tracking and surveillance, transhumanism, endless lies by leadership, etc. this does add a possible overlapping agenda to the questions about what is really going on.]

Related article by Shepard Ambellas:

Doomsday plan activated: The real reason FEMA is in control and POTUS is now powerless