The Hard Facts about Cancer and Diet With Professor Thomas Seyfried of Boston College

The Hard Facts about Cancer and Diet With Professor Thomas Seyfried of Boston College

by Anthony Chaffee, MD with Professor Thomas Seyfried
July 22, 2022


Professor Thomas Seyfried has published over 150 peer reviewed studies in biology and cancer biology and has verified Nobel Prize Winner Otto Warburg’s assertation that cancer is a metabolic disease of the mitochondria, not a genetic disorder. If we misunderstand the origin of the disease, the treatment is going to be wrong as well, and this is exactly what has happened. Ever think about why the cancer rates have tripled in the past 40 years? Well, this is why.

Thomas N. Seyfried received his Ph.D. in Genetics and Biochemistry from the University of Illinois, Urbana, in 1976. He did his undergraduate work at the University of New England, where he recently received the distinguished Alumni Achievement Award. He also holds a Master’s degree in Genetics from Illinois State University. Thomas Seyfried served with distinction in the United States Army’s First Cavalry Division during the Vietnam War and received numerous medals and commendations. He was a Postdoctoral Fellow in the Department of Neurology at the Yale University School of Medicine and then served on the faculty as an Assistant Professor in Neurology.

Other awards and honors have come from such diverse organizations as the American Oil Chemists Society, the National Institutes of Health, The American Society for Neurochemistry, the Ketogenic Diet Special Interest Group of the American Epilepsy Society, the Academy of Comprehensive and Complementary Medicine, and the American College of Nutrition.

Dr. Seyfried previously served as Chair, Scientific Advisory Committee for the National Tay-Sachs and Allied Diseases Association and presently serves on several editorial boards, including those for Nutrition & Metabolism, Neurochemical Research, the Journal of Lipid Research, and ASN Neuro, where he is a Senior Editor.

Dr. Seyfried is also the author of the book, Cancer as a Metabolic Disease: On the Origin, Management, and Prevention of Cancer (Wiley, 1st ed., 2012).


Additional resources are listed below the video at Dr. Chaffee’s YouTube channel.


Connect with Dr. Anthony Chaffee

Connect with Professor Thomas Seyfried