The Reality Game and Ancient Tibetan Magicians

Source:  Outside the Reality Machine


by Jon Rappoport
November 1, 2017


Memo, November 1, 2017:

“Things as they are” presents special problems.  Although it may seem “things as they are” encompasses the entire field of operation, this is not so.

THINGS AS THEY ARE is a concept.  It is closely held by the mind.

This is a particular bias in thinking.  It presupposes that “things” function according to rules, and the rules are within the game.  But the game is subject to the action of invention and imagination.  No game can stand up to imagination.

AI is a game.  It is a combination of complex systems.  AI can rearrange any number of elements, but this is not the totality of imagination.

Imagination can introduce new never before seen elements, for example.  These elements render the game null and void.

A magician, as defined by the ancient Tibetans, would be able to overturn any system or game.  He is not operating within any set of archetypes.  He is canceling or inventing energy.  He is absent of any devotion to things as they are.  He is not devising strategies within the game.  He is not interested in ritual or ceremony.  He has no synthetic ideology.

The priest class rose up to control the population.  The magician was not interested in control.  He saw it as a primitive substitute for endless invention and imagination.

The need to control is a signal of surrender of one’s own inherent capacities.

Populations are trained into the timid use of energies, internal energies.  They only know how to use machines to employ energy.

The Tibetan magician was not interested in winning converts.  There was nothing to convert people to.

The magician was not interested in spreading ideas.  He had no church or temple.  He saw organized religion as a further metaphysical extension of things as they are.

People are addicted to gobbling up things as they are.  This is the reality game.

The magician saw the coalesced shapes of energy in the world as workable items that defined a limited field of operation.  Beyond that, the shapes were illusions.  They could be deleted.  They could be created.

The magician was an artist of reality.  He could invent new shapes, new realities.

This is an insight available to any human.  But he has to envision it and use it.  Use it again and again.  Then he begins to see how extensive the illusion of the collective is.  He sees the vaporous clouds of Need that control the masses.  Their own need is at the bottom of it.


Plug into shallow pleasure centers and develop amnesia about everything else.

The magician is operating from other centers.  His own.  He invents his own pleasure centers.  He doesn’t surrender to primitive electromagnetic signals.

The background noise and signals of Earth culture have been morphed into expressions of NEED.  CONTROL THE NEED, CONTROL THE SATISFACTION OF THE NEED.

This is the reality game.