The Shift and the Shitstorm

The Shift and the Shitstorm

by Zen Gardner
February 2013


This awakening of consciousness causing huge paradigm shifts personally and in all aspects of society has been taking place for some time now, and will continue to escalate, thankfully. We’re all learning to embrace and grow with it and let our previous notions continue to fade away. Even as the confusion mounts, our focus needs to be on this magnificent consciousness change and the new awakenings we’re experiencing.

Personal awakenings come through personal changes–changes in our understanding, circumstances, or personal perception that in turn affect our entire outlook on the world around us and hence our interaction with it. What’s happening now is precipitating awakenings on so many levels we can’t even imagine how pervasive they are!

The beauty of it is it can only lead to more truth and understanding, whatever the cost. And to much greater swaths of society than we’ve been able to reach ourselves.
That’s how Universe apparently works. And it’s wonderful!

This Forthcoming Crash and Fight Against Fear

The ultimate crash of their fake matrix, as manipulated as it is, is what will reach those whom we’re concerned about: the masses of disabled “sheeple”, “sleeple” or simply misdirected and misinformed people. If we really care for them, don’t fear what the Universe is allowing. Yes, point out the injustices, the flagrant inhumanity and the rest to help them clearly identify the enemy, but see it from the big picture.

But there’s never a reason to fear.

When you’re fully conscious there’s never a place for fear, even if it ripples through you on occasion. It exposes itself and you can choose to eschew it. Do. Consciously. Fear manifests in many ways…an inordinate sense of me vs. them hate and aggression and the like, or anything that clouds our understanding and gravitates us toward lower vibrational levels is a good clue.

All base vibes to avoid. Flaming righteous indignation?… good. Fear, personal hate and big, bad bummer defensive outlook?…bad. Steer clear.

Our mindset and conscious clarity need to be clearly in the right place. And on standby. For the sake of ourselves, our loved ones, and those we influence.


All of these seeming “crisis” experiences are essential and will in turn make us search for answers and meaning more ardently than ever. People are shedding their religious, political and belief constructs and becoming much more conscious and spiritual.

Hierarchical controls are disintegrating and losing their  powers. And thanks to the internet, empowering information is exchanged at an accelerating rate to facilitate this change.

The multi-dimensional wave of Truth is rising, as the world around us fails and crumbles. No matter how aggressive they appear, their plans cannot succeed.

They only precipitate the real change. And do it they must.

Don’t fear it–ride it! Be curious–be open–be conscious–communicate with others–and take positive action while disconnecting with the matrix.

We’re here for a reason. To be here. Fully and joyously.

And don’t take all this too seriously. It’s just a dream.

Enjoy yourself!

Love, Zen


Zen Gardner is an impactful and controversial author and speaker with a piercing philosophical viewpoint. His writings have been circulated to millions and his personal story has caused no small stir amongst the entrenched alternative pundits. His book You Are the Awakening has met rave reviews and is available on You Are the Awakening examines the dynamics of the awakening to a more conscious awareness of who we are and why we are here – dynamics which are much different from the programmed approach of this world we were born into.