Suppprt Canadian Trucker Convoy to Ottawa – Here They Come!
by Stand Up Canada
sourced from Stand Up Canada newsletter
January 26, 2022
January 22, 2022 marks this date in our Canadian history with the start of the biggest trucker convoy to descend upon Ottawa to protest vaccine mandates. Their ETA is Saturday January 29, 2022. What a glorious time to be Canadian!
Truckers Hit With Illegal Vaccine Mandates
We need to be clear. Vaccination in Canada in voluntary. To have a mandatory vaccination policy is illegal and unconstitutional.
The first sector hit with these unlawful measures was the airline industry followed by all of the first responders: Police, Firefighters, Health care workers, Paramedics etc. Simultaneous mandates rolled out to provincial and federal employees including Educators and Teachers and federally regulated telecommunication industries such as Bell Canada.
And now our Truckers. The buck stops here.
If you would like to learn more about your rights on this important subject, please visit our website Rights to Refuse Vaxx.
Trucker Convoy: Their Mission
Simply put. Unite and say NO to these illegal and unconstitutional mandates in the biggest demonstration our country has ever seen in this regard!
If you’ve eaten fresh fruits and vegetables today or put on warm socks, thank a truck driver who made that happen. Sometimes we honestly give no consideration to how these items of necessity wind up on our shelves in the grocery and retail stores.
If thousands of truck drivers are fired because they stood up and said NO to the illegal vaccine mandates, this will have a major impact on the food and supply chain coming into Canada. Not to mention a devastating personal impact to their personal lives for the loss of their jobs, but also the inability to feed and clothe their own families.
• their goal is to have 5,000 vehicles in Ottawa – this would gridlock the city
• truckers will be at interprovincial boarders; it will be a coordinated shut down in Canada and the US
• American Truckers are starting around the same time; truckers in Buffalo, Detroit, New York will be participating
• trucks are also coming from the North West Territories
• clan mothers are coming to support the event
People across the world are watching Canada! Here is a fantastic January 19, 2022 interview with Laura-Lynn Tyler Thompson and Patrick King as they talk about this subject.
Follow Convoy Schedule & Route Information by Province & ETA Countdown
To follow the convoy’s current departure and arrival addresses, dates and times are depending upon Mother Nature:
• please visit Canada Speak Freely.com for their updates.
• you can support them locally by finding out where they’ll be making their next pit stop close to your town; you can bring food and well wishes to their stops along the way to Ottawa
To follow the countdown of when they are expected to arrive in Ottawa:
• please visit Canada-Unity.com for this outstanding and historic Canadian initiative called Operation Bear Hug.
Follow Convoy on Social Media
• Facebook page: https://www.facebook.com/Freedom-Convoy-2022-100286905896085
• Telegram: https://t.me/+f3uwYuiWwohjYmI5
Adopt a Trucker Program
These courageous and brave souls will need food, housing and natural immune-boosting human connection when they arrive and while they are in Ottawa.
Volunteers are needed in any capacity to help with this historic event.
If you would like to “adopt a trucker” in any capacity and make your mark in history, please add your name to an “Adopt a Trucker Program” database that will help organize all of the volunteers and categorize efforts easier.
Please fill out this form and share to others who you think may also be interested in helping.
Support Our Truckers Along Their Routes!
Show your support to this courageous and historical movement. Find their route as they pass by your town. Gather your freedom loving friends and families on overpasses, or the side of the roads.
Encourage these courageous souls with your waves, honks and beautiful home-made signs of support as they drive by you, on their way to Ottawa to defend all of our rights to medical privacy and choice! This feeds their souls and keeps their spirits high.
Please pray and/or send good thoughts for their safe journeys and arrivals.
Financial Support for Convoy
In an overwhelming response to the Convoy’s Mission, freedom loving human beings have generously donated over 5$ million dollars to date! These donations help with trucker costs of fuel and vehicle repairs, food and shelter, and to remain in Ottawa as long as it takes for illegal, unconstitutional mandates to be lifted. What a tremendous expression of love and UNITY!
Inspiring Videos of Their Convoy Journey So Far…
Here is a small collection of videos of their history-making convoy. These should inspire you and lift up your spirits.
Start your engines, the convoy has begun!!
Inspirational Tribute to Canadian Truckers | Truck Convoy 2022
Closing Thoughts…
“Let’s ride this wave of of high vibration love and unity momentum into a new era!” ~ Doreen A. Agostino
We stand with the truckers and all of you!
To our freedoms!

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