Update: German Court Overturns Protest Ban | August 29th March Free to Go-Ahead, Following Coronavirus Guidelines

Update: German Court Overturns Protest Ban | August 29th March Free to Go-Ahead, Following Coronavirus Guidelines

by OffGuardian
August 28, 2020


The Berlin Senate’s decision to ban the coronavirus protest planned for this weekend has been overturned by the Administrative Court.

That said, the protest will still be under some restrictions – the court ruled that the organizers must follow all the laws and restrictions they are protesting against.

According to a report from Deutsche Welle:

…the judges said protest organizers and participants must provide barriers in front of the stages where speeches will be held — and must regularly remind participants to observe social distancing rules and keep their distance.

Wearing masks was not included in the judge’s guidelines for the protest.

The court’s decision can be appealed by the Senate, but given the timeframe that seems unlikely at this stage.

Many thousands were reportedly travelling to Berlin regardless, as it was thought the protest organizers intended to go ahead in spite of the ban. A similar protest on August 1st (pictured above) drew tens of thousands of people.

The Berlin protest is taking place alongside other events around the world for a global day of action. Protests are planned for London, OttawaParis and Zurich.


[TCTL Editor’s note: OffGuardian invites readers to post any information about planned events in the comment section below the original article and they will add them to the list.]